Do-it-yourself hut: it's easier than it looks! Country houses and gazebos in the form of a hut

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In this article we will talk about how to build a hut from boards on our own, relatively quickly and efficiently. But, first, let's figure out who and why may need such a design.

The need to build a hut is relevant in relation to summer cottages and garden plots. That is, we are talking about those situations where there is a need for temporary housing, which, after a certain period, can be disassembled until the next time or not dismantled at all.

Again, you need to understand that a hut made of boards is not a dilapidated structure made of straw and branches, but a solid structure that is not inferior in terms of reliability to a light barn. So, what designs of wooden huts can you build with your own hands?

Ideas for self-assembly

Of those designs that can be translated into reality without excessive effort, we note the following options:

  • structures where a frame is assembled from boards, which will be sheathed with other more affordable materials;
  • structures made entirely of lumber.

Consider concrete examples assembly of one and another category of structures.

Construction of a children's wooden wigwam

Who in childhood did not dream of owning a small house? Probably, owning your own little house is one of the many desires of your children. Let's try to make a childhood dream come true.

As building materials we need:

  • timber 50 by 50 mm 2 meters long - 4 pcs.;
  • edged board width 100 mm thickness 20 mm;
  • self-tapping screws and fastening hardware in the form of plates with through holes;
  • paints and varnishes for finishing lumber.

Of the tools you will need:

  • tape measure and pencil;
  • wood saw;
  • screwdriver with drill function.

The construction instructions are as follows:

  • we prepare 4 beams, which will serve as diagonal supports for the assembled structure;
  • in the upper part of the beams we make a half-tree groove so that the two boards form a single structure;
  • connect and get two constructions with the same angle between supports;
  • we place the assembled supports in the position in which they will subsequently be installed in the finished hut;
  • we fasten the boards with self-tapping screws, as shown in the photo;

Tip: As a template for ease of mounting the planks, you can use a board placed on edge.

  • after the strips are installed, we cut them along the end;
  • we align the ends of the planks with sandpaper so that the cut line is smooth and does not leave a splinter;
  • we cover the finished structure with several layers with a break for absorption and drying of each previous layer.

The finished structure in the warm season can be installed in the yard. With the onset of the cold season, a hut assembled from lumber can be brought into the house and installed in the children's room.

Assembly of a children's gable hut

Another type of children's houses is a gable wooden structure covered with fabric. For the manufacture of such a structure, an edged board with a section of 50 by 20 mm is required. In addition, self-tapping screws are required in order to assemble the frame.

The manufacturing instructions are as follows:

  • we cut ten beams two meters long each;
  • we collect 2 U-shaped frames, provided that between all the beams gusset is 90 degrees;
  • from the crossbar in the manufactured frames along the sidewalls we measure 0.6 meters and make marks;
  • according to the marks made, we fasten the beams, which should be parallel to the transverse beams;
  • from the installed beams, we again measure 0.6 meters along the sidewalls and make marks;
  • according to the marks made, we fasten one more transverse beam, so that all the transverse beams in the frames are parallel to each other;
  • the assembled frames are installed diagonally, applied to each other and fastened with self-tapping screws, as shown in the photo above;
  • we cover the assembled structure with a sheet or a denser material;
  • we fix the canvas in the lower part of the structure with a stapler or pushpins.

The finished hut, despite its lightness, is quite durable. The structure can be installed on the lawn in front of country house. If there is a need to dismantle the hut, it is easy to disassemble it. You can not even remove the fabric, but simply unscrew the screws and fold all the structural elements until the next time in the pantry.

Important: In order to prevent the wood from cracking during assembly and dismantling of the canopy, it is advisable to pre-drill small holes with a diameter of 2 mm and screw self-tapping screws into them.

Building a hozblok

Owners country cottages and dachas often face the problem of temporary storage of gardening tools and harvested crop. Meanwhile, it is not difficult to solve this problem, it is enough to build a hut from building materials, the price of which is low. Such materials are edged boards and dry reeds.

Reed roofs in recent times are becoming increasingly popular in the construction of full-fledged environmentally friendly country houses. Of course, such material when arranging the roof of a barn will be an excellent and inexpensive solution.

As an example, consider the features of the assembly of the hut shown in the photo. On average, it will take no more than a day to assemble such a structure, of course, provided that required amount reeds will be prepared in advance.

Important: Harvest reeds for use as roofing material better in winter when the movement of fluids along the barrel is suspended.
Harvested stems are laid out to dry in one layer in a well-ventilated place.
In the spring, with warming, you can start building.

Instruction installation work next:

  • we prepare 4 boards (length 2.5 meters, cross section 20 by 2.5 cm) for assembling rafters;
  • we collect boards in the shape of an inverted letter “V”;
  • in the upper and lower parts of the rafters we fasten the transverse beams, which should be parallel to each other;

Important: Depending on the length of the beams attached to the rafters, the length of the building will be determined.

  • from narrow planks we make a crate along the side, front and rear parts of the hut and at the same time do not forget to assemble an opening for installing a door;
  • we knit reed stems in sheaves and begin to lay them in the direction from bottom to top, so that the sheaves located above lie on the lower ones;
  • on top of the ridge line, you can fix a strip of tin bent in the shape of the rafters so that rainwater does not penetrate inside;
  • the door to the building is made as a type-setting plank shield, which is hung on hinges;
  • at the end construction works shelving can be arranged in the hut.

How to extend the life of lumber

So, we learned what and how can be built using a standard edged board. It remains to get acquainted with the popular methods of effective protection of lumber from negative impact environmental factors.

If you operate a hut made of wood in the open, due to long-term exposure to direct sunlight and precipitation, the wood may begin to rot or, on the contrary, dry out with the formation of cracks.

To prevent damage to the lumber, before building a hut with your own hands, the wood must be properly prepared. Preparatory work consist in the treatment of wooden parts with special impregnations of a strengthening, disinfecting and fire-fighting action.

If there is any doubt about the advisability of using a particular impregnation, you can use universal products that combine all the previously listed qualities. For example, deep penetration impregnations, which include antiseptics and flame retardants, are quite functional.

Wood processing is carried out on outdoors under a canopy at a temperature of at least +5°C. The impregnation is applied in one layer, after which it is necessary to wait for it to dry completely and you can start applying a protective paint and varnish coating.


Now that we know how to assemble a wooden hut, we can make a similar structure with our own hands. You can find out more by watching the video in this article.

Do you have questions that need clarification or do you have your own ideas for assembling a wooden hut? In this case, leave your comments on the article.

What kind of childhood did we have: football, fishing, chasing grasshoppers ... And what about today's children? A TV, a computer, a tablet, and without a scandal, Internet toys cannot be taken away from a child! Do not waste time - pull your child away from virtual joys, straight to the dacha. Their own cottage, and even on a tree, should be a great bait for them!


Let's start with the fact that huts are different. One similar to cardboard house, children can build themselves. And over the construction of others, even parents will have to sweat more than one day.

Such a “triangle” is rightfully considered the simplest structure, the construction of which does not require titanic efforts. All the complexity - I attached a stick at an angle to the tree, pulled a piece of tarpaulin through it, and the hut is ready. If it's crowded, you can find two supports and make a kind of tourist tent.

Or even make a real Indian wigwam.

These are all ground "tent" huts. It's easier with them. The frame here is mounted from thick branches or the average section of the bars, and as roofing material can serve as a tarpaulin, canvas or other dense fabric, and densely packed branches of conifers and deciduous trees, bundles of reeds or even sheaves of hay.

But there are designs in the arsenal of "hut builders" that are more complicated.
First, they are dugouts. Have you seen the acclaimed Lord of the Rings trilogy? If desired, a cozy "mink" Bilbo Baggins can be built in your yard.

This is a rather complicated matter, and it deserves a separate article. We will definitely address this topic sometime. In the meantime, our attention is drawn to the tree houses in the style of the famous prankster Tom Sawyer.

They might be like this.

Like these ones…

Or even like this!

No, we do not offer you to build castles in the air right away. Let's practice for more simple project. And there, you look, when you fill your hand ...


Without what it is impossible to build a hut on a tree? That's right, no tree! Ideally, it should be hardwood (oak, ash) and have a diameter of about half a meter. And yet, it would be nice to look for something not in your yard. Nails hammered into the trunk of a plant will not add longevity to it, and therefore risk the integrity of an already created landscape design- a rather dubious decision.

When the place is found, take two boards 2500x200x70 mm and screw them to the tree at a height of about two meters using screws for logs 12x140 - 12x180. Choose drills without maximalism: the deeper the metal goes into the trunk, the more likely it is that the tree will dry out.

Take two more boards of the same section as the previous ones, but with a length along the diameter of the trunk and knock down such a frame.

This will be the grillage of the future hut, on which you will put the logs. Now you need to give the base stability. This is done with the help of two slanting. Pay attention to the shape of the products, it is desirable that they are in contact with the "grillage" both in the vertical and in the horizontal plane.

Details in the picture.

As you can see in the picture, the lags are not placed symmetrically. An “extra” detail is planned on one of the sides: there will be an entrance hatch and there is a need for additional support. All this "lattice" should also be supported slanted.

They are usually made from the same board as the lags themselves or the harness. In our case, this is lumber with a section of 150 × 50 mm.

Behind the lags there is always a flooring in the queue. It is at least not comfortable to work further without a hard floor under your feet. use for work edged boards with a cross section of at least 40 mm, and do not make allowances for the fact that children weigh little. This is the case when it is better to overfill than underfill.

When you pick up the boards, do not forget to leave a small gap between them. Also leave a few inches of space between the floor and the tree trunk. The better the wood is ventilated, the longer it lasts.

Farther wooden frame. Knock it down from bars with a section of 70 × 70 mm, making all the joints in half a tree. Do not forget that there must be windows in the hut, moreover, on the walls opposite to the hatch (or someone will fall out of there), which means that they must also be laid in the construction of the wooden "skeleton".

Since the house itself is rather low, and the frame is “live”, it makes sense to further strengthen it by pinning rafter legs. Just remember: a tree trunk is not a rounded beam! The size of each rafter is selected individually. And so that the slopes do not turn out to be a “turntable”, check your work with a paint thread.

The diagonals of any plane figure must intersect. If there is a gap between the threads, more work needs to be done on the plane.

It may seem that there is still a lot of work ahead, but in fact there is not so much left. Sew up the walls of the hut with the thirtieth board, and nail the crate over the rafters. The latter, depending on the roofing material, can be made of wood or OSB sheets, but a natural product in such cases is always preferable.

As a roofing material, it is easiest to take corrugated board, although any other modern product will do. And do not seek to waterproof the roof near the trunk itself. If you just get close enough, over time, the tree will close the gap on its own.

In principle, you can put up a ladder right now and let the kids into their “house”, but it’s better to spend a little more time and give the hut some extra chic. The "highlight" will be a real rope ladder. It is easy to make it from an ordinary clothesline and thin branches, about 3-4 cm in diameter. Finished staircase you can tie it directly to the tree trunk or nail special fasteners for it. It is necessary, of course, to equip the “house” from the inside, together with the children.

As a result, even the legendary Huckleberry Finn will envy your "bungalow".

Have a good rest to you and your children!

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For children, a wigwam (teepee, hut) is a secluded place where reading books, gatherings with friends, playing games and sleeping become much more interesting. And how stylish it looks in the interior of a nursery, living room or in the yard! Today you can buy a ready-made hut in a specialized online store or from private craftsmen on Instagram. But if you have a free day and a desire to create, then it is best to make a wigwam yourself.

There are several ways to make huts - from the simplest and not very reliable to rather laborious, requiring sewing skills and a sewing machine.

  • We know how to make a do-it-yourself wigwam that looks great, can open and close, is easy to wash, fold and disassemble, but ... is done in just a couple of hours and almost without sewing!

Do-it-yourself wigwam master class

Today we offer you to make such a children's hut.

Materials and tools.

For the frame:

  • 6 wooden slats with a thickness of 2 to 4 cm and a length of 2 m. Instead of slats, you can take bamboo sticks - they are light, inflexible and look pretty.
  • Twine or other strong rope.
  • Roulette.
  • Drill and drill (optional, but desirable).
  • Durable rubber band (not needed if you have a drill).

For the "tent":

  • A piece of cotton or linen fabric 3 m long and 1.2-1.5 m wide. It is desirable that the fabric be dense.
  • 6 strips of fabric (cords, ribbons or ribbons) 30 cm long.
  • Needle and thread to match the fabric.
  • For processing edges: threads to match the fabric and a sewing machine (if any) or self-adhesive tape with an iron. If desired, the edges can not be processed at all.
  • For the door: eyelets of small diameter + lace or any other accessories (buttons, rivets, laces, etc.).
  • Pencil.
  • Pins.


Step 1. First we need to "build" the frame of the wigwam. You can do this in two ways:

  • Method 1: Gather all the poles together and tie them tightly with an elastic band, stepping back 10-25 cm from the top edge. Then space the poles wide apart at approximately equal intervals and one wider passage, as shown in the diagram below. Make sure the frame is securely installed.

  • Method 2: In each pole, use a drill to drill through through hole, retreating 10-25 cm from the top edge. Then tie the poles loosely enough to each other as shown in the following photos.

Step 2. Now let's take a look at the canopy of the hut. Lay the fabric out on the floor and fold it in half to make a 1.5 x 1.5 meter square (see step A in the diagram). Make sure the fold line is on the left side of the square. Fold the square diagonally by connecting two opposite corners to make a triangle (see step B on the diagram).

Step 3. Let's start cutting. To do this, first draw the markup: draw an arc from the base of the triangle (fold line) to one of its sides, starting about 5 centimeters from the edge of the fabric. Next, draw a second arc about 8 cm in diameter at the very tip of the triangle. Cut the fabric along the markings, and then spread it on the floor - you should get a "awning" in the shape of a rainbow.

Step 4. Wrap the frame with the canvas wrong side out and connect its ends with pins. Mark the places where the fabric touches each pole at a height of about 20 cm from the floor.

Step 5. Remove the fabric from the frame and on the wrong side, at the place of the marks, sew ribbons or pieces of the same twine 30 cm long.

Step 6. Process all fabric sections: fold the edges twice and sew (by hand / on sewing machine) or glue them with a special tape and iron. The next photo on the left shows how to quickly process the upper rounded part of the canvas.

However, this stage is not necessary if you want to make the hut artistically careless.

Step 7. Now you need to figure out how to "button" the edges of the tent. In our project, small eyelets were used, which, after installation, were simply laced up. You can also come up with your own way. For example, buttons, buttons with loops or ribbons work well.

Step 8. Cover the wigwam with an awning, fasten its top, and simply wrap the “doors” back. If desired, they can be put aside and fixed with Velcro or ribbons.

Step 9. Lay a rug or blanket inside and throw in some nice pillows. Decorate the outside of the tepee with fluffy pompoms, yarn/paper tassels, and/or LED lights. Flags can be put on sticks. Well, that's all, the wigwam is ready!

Due to the fact that the tent is quickly assembled and removed, it can be set up outdoors. For example, on suburban area to hide from the sun and mosquitoes. If the awning gets dirty, you can easily remove it, wash it and hang it on the frame again.

Tepee Decor Ideas

If you can choose almost any sticks for the frame, then you should approach the choice of fabric responsibly. After all, how the wigwam fits into the interior, and how much the child will like it, depends on its type. In the following, we present several interesting examples huts for boys and girls.

The most versatile and win-win wigwam is made of white or beige fabric. It will not overload the interior and will be combined with any decor, and there will always be pleasant lighting inside it. True, you will have to wash a white awning a little more often than a colored one.

A white tent can be decorated with fabric paints, embroidered with appliqués or pasted over with tempera stickers.

A temporary structure made from improvised means is called a hut. Such a shelter is used for several situations: for children's games, as a temporary shelter from negative weather conditions or for an overnight stay while traveling.

In order to make a hut, special skills are not required.

The article talks about how and from what materials you can make a simple hut for children.

Given step-by-step instruction on the arrangement of a hut in the forest during a trip. It tells about the options for building tourist shelters.

Do-it-yourself hut for children step by step

A hut for children's games can be built on your private plot. By appearance and for the intellectual development of children, it is advisable to build such a structure as similar as possible in appearance to.


Important! Children must be involved in the process of building a hut.

The process will arouse their interest and the acquisition of certain skills and abilities in handling tools and materials. It is necessary to give full opportunity to implement children's ideas.


It is not necessary to insert frames and door leaf, these materials can be replaced with fabric curtains. This will make it even more comfortable. It is desirable to cover the floor to prevent the penetration of dust and moisture from the ground.

Make it necessary from solid material, for protection inner space from rain. There is no need for a ceiling device. The shape of the roof in the form of a house, it will perfectly serve as a ceiling.

Attention! All materials for children's hut are taken only of natural quality, with a smooth surface.

Do not use metal sheets, in order to avoid causing injury during construction and further operation.

Nails and self-tapping screws should not protrude beyond the boundaries of materials, hats must be drowned in patai, and sharp ends cutting down.

It is better to build a hut on the ground, there is a danger on a tree because of the height. In places like this, safety is paramount!


The finished house-hut must be painted in bright colors. Water-based paints for facades are used for this.

They are the most harmless, are not washed off by precipitation, are not expensive at a price, have a wide color scheme in standard sets, you can mix tinting additives to get new options. Boundless spaces open up for children to create.


It remains to provide the hut with furniture and toys.

Children can also be pleased with the construction of a hut on. At the dacha, work is constantly being carried out to improve and clean the territory from overgrowth of trees, shrubs and grass. All this can be used in construction.

The shape will already be more like a classic forest hut. It is advisable to choose the most secluded place. You can assemble the structure from thick branches on the frame. Put thinner branches on the veins to attach the covering material. The joints of the parts are fastened by rewinding with a rope.

With the classical form of the object, the walls are and . You can cover them with cuttings of branches with foliage or grass. Laying starts from the bottom rows to the top. The material is overlapped so that precipitation flows towards the ground and does not get inside. It is better to cover the floor with dry grass and cover with fiberboard or linoleum.

Hut in the forest

During tourist trips, it becomes necessary to stop for the night to rest along the way.

To preserve health and even, in some cases, life, a hut is built from improvised materials. In the case of being in the forest, there are no problems with the choice of material.

Set of tools

Minimum tools required:

  1. Sapper shovel,
  2. large knife, like a machete,
  3. tourist ax,
  4. rope.

Most often, such a composition of the tool is purchased in a universal set.


For the material of execution are taken:

  • trunks small trees, poles, for ,
  • tree branches with foliage or spruce branches, moss. As an option, turf is cut out for a device to protect against precipitation and night cooling.

Options for huts by location and with detailed instructions

There are several ways to set up a shelter.

Ground method of arranging a hut in the form of a shield

Use several trees growing close to each other as the main support. This distance must be at least 2 meters.

Using an ax, we harvest tree trunks with a diameter of no more than 8-10 centimeters and a length of 2-2.5 meters. Quantity of at least 26 pieces.

It is necessary to fix the pole horizontally between the tree trunks with a rope at a height of 1.8 meters. Then, at an angle of 45 0 from the ground, we apply 20 pieces in turn to the installed part. poles.

The surface of such a shield is covered with branches, moss or turf. Under the base, inside, from the remaining trunks we arrange a sunbed, above ground level. Such sleeping place you can cover with spruce branches or dry moss, lay a fabric on top. For heating, a fire is made in front of the bench in the recess.

In such a shelter, rain, wind and warm sleep are not terrible. Construction time is less than 1 hour.

Such an object, the next day, can be easily dismantled and hide all traces of an overnight stay, bury the fire and return the turf to its place.

Freestanding Full Frame Shelter

With a similar version of the ground hut, a free-standing shelter with a full frame can be built. A more complex and reliable structure. The frame is also assembled from poles in the form of a cone or triangular prism, all parts are fastened with ropes.

Outside, the surface on all sides, except for the entrance, is covered with branches or moss overlapped from bottom to top.

The floor is a layer of spruce branches or grass on the ground. On the walls, you can use thinner poles and with large gaps between them, which are then tightly laid with freshly cut branches.

It will be warm in the hut even without a fire. Body heat is sufficient to warm the room. But it will take more time and effort to build it.

Rope shelter

by the most quick option ground hut is a shelter assembled from ropes stretched between trees and branches of spruce branches or grass laid on them. For heating in such a shelter, a fire is needed.

Hut at the fork of large branches

In the area with high humidity or the presence of dangerous reptiles, it is advisable to make a hut at the fork of large tree branches or between several small tree trunks.

To do this, you need to carefully choose a place. Fasten the poles horizontally to the trunks with a rope. Reliable fastening will be facilitated by the presence of branches of the trunk, in which the poles rest.

Two parts fixed in parallel at a distance of 1-1.5 meters are enough. On them, trimmings of trunks 1.5 meters long are tightly laid perpendicular to the main veins. It is not enough to fix every detail.

The overlap is made of branches laid tightly on stretched ropes. The sunbed is covered with spruce branches or grass.

The height from the ground is sufficient at 1.8 meters. The distance from the sunbed to the ceiling is 1 meter. These dimensions are designed for a simple and safe sleeping place.


There is no single form for building a hut. It should provide maximum comfort and protection from insects, animals and weather conditions when minimal cost time and effort. An important element only the place of the device and the material of execution are considered.

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Communication with nature has always been beneficial for children. AT Soviet times schoolchildren often disappeared into the forest, building huts and dugouts, which were the bases for playing "war", places to have a good time with friends. Although the era of forest tourism has already passed, giving way to computer tourism, many still prefer to get out into nature and build such familiar and interesting structures as huts.

Hut - an artificial shelter, quickly built in field conditions from improvised materials (branches, boards, poles, turf). Such buildings have long been used by hunters, mushroom pickers, huntsmen and tourists to protect from the weather, stay away from the benefits of civilization for many days. Besides, such shelters have long been a favorite place for children to play- they not only build them with great pleasure, but also spend a lot of time in them, arranging impromptu headquarters of their forest detachments, warehouses of all kinds of provisions and just secluded shelters.

To a modern child swallowed by the world computer games and social networks, such entertainment helps not only to improve your well-being, but also to acquire useful skills in the construction of such structures with your own hands, becoming closer to nature.

Hut - an artificial shelter, quickly built in field conditions from improvised materials

The main types of street huts and the stages of their manufacture

Huts according to their design are divided into:

  1. Shed- the simplest, consisting of a visor leaning on trees or dug into the ground
  2. gable- outwardly resemble a tent, consist of a skeleton lined with branches, moss and spruce branches.
  3. Circular- tall buildings erected in the form of a tent (cone), outwardly resembling Indian wigwams. They are built around a tree or a long stake driven into the ground.

Huts with a deepening below ground level are the famous dugouts, the residential part of which is located in a well-insulated and sheltered pit.

Each of these huts consists of:

  • Skeleton - a frame of a building assembled from poles;
  • Lining material - branches, spruce branches, straw, moss;
  • Fasteners - nylon threads, adhesive tape. In field conditions, in the absence of often used improvised fastening materials - freshly cut strips of bark, dug out long roots, tows of grass.

The construction of the hut consists of assembling the skeleton and carefully covering it with lining material, arranging a fire pit.

Gallery: hut at their summer cottage (25 photos)

How to make a hut (video)

How to build a simple shed hut (chalabuda) from branches in the forest

Such a hut is the simplest and built within a few hours.

  • For a hut, a high and dry place is chosen with two thick trees standing at a distance of 1.5-2 meters with strong knots in the lower part of the trunks.
  • A strong pole 2-2.5 meters long is cut down, which is laid on the knots of trees, so that its height from the ground is up to 1.5 meters.
  • To the resulting crossbar, with the help of strips of bark, stingray poles resting against the ground are tied.
  • The resulting frame is first covered with thin branches with foliage, and then with spruce branches.
  • At the ends of the hut, stakes are driven in and branches and spruce legs are tightly laid.
  • In order not to sit on the cold ground, the floor of the hut is covered with fir paws, branches or simple grass. The layer of such insulation should be at least 30 cm.
  • In order to not be cold inside such a canopy, a bonfire is made in front of the entrance, behind which a reflector is installed - a low wattle fence of stakes driven into the ground and branches intertwined between them, thanks to which heat enters the building.

A simple shed hut is the simplest and is built within a few hours

Do-it-yourself construction of a gable hut on the street

A gable hut is built in the forest with the maximum use of available material without the use of nails, self-tapping screws and other metal fasteners.

The construction of a gable hut is carried out according to a simple scheme:

  • First, on a high, not swampy and dry place, a platform is selected from which windbreaks, debris, and stones are removed. You should not build a hut near anthills, holes of wild animals. It is better to build a hut under the crowns of large trees - if it rains, they will provide additional protection from moisture.
  • For the skeleton, two straight sticks with branches in the upper part are cut down. The lower ends of the spears are sharpened and driven in along one line at a distance equal to the length of the future building
  • A long pole is laid on the horns, tying it to them with the help of threads, adhesive tape, or, in their absence, with strips of fresh bark removed from cut sticks
  • Further, on both sides of each of the horns, poles of thick branches resting at an angle into the ground are tied, fixing them at the base with pegs driven into the ground, and at the top with bark, threads, and adhesive tape. The same poles are laid parallel to the end poles in increments of 40-50 cm.
  • Parallel to the ridge of the resulting frame, longitudinal poles are laid on the surface of both slopes, tying them at the intersection with the inclined ones. If there are thick trees nearby, then with the help of a strong twine the hut is tied to them - this makes the building more stable.
  • The resulting skeleton, resembling gable roof on both sides of the ridge, as well as at the ends, while leaving a place for entry, they are lined with branches.
  • At the last stage, fir paws are laid on each of the slopes of the building, starting from the ground.
  • With dense laying of spruce branches, the roof of such a shelter will not leak even in heavy rain or snow, and inside it will be dry and comfortable.
  • Very often, a thick layer is laid on top of the branches on the slopes. polyethylene film tarpaulin.
  • If there is a field nearby with dry straw remaining after the harvest, then it can be used to cover the roof along with spruce legs - the main thing in this case is to remember that making fires in such a hut is very careful so that an accidental spark does not set dry stems on fire.
  • In order for the hut not to be flooded during heavy rains, a small ditch is made around its perimeter with a groove extending to the side

A gable hut is built in the forest with the maximum use of improvised material without the use of nails, self-tapping screws and other metal fasteners

Construction of a winter hut in the ground

In addition to ground, you can also build below ground level a hut in which you can stay not only in the warm season, but even in winter:

  • For construction, a dry place is chosen away from the trunks of large trees - it is best to build such a shelter on hills and hills with loose sandy soil.
  • A pit for a dugout in which 3-4 people will be located at the same time is made 3 × 4-5 meters in size and up to 1.5-2 meters deep. When excavating the soil, the removed sod and fertile land I discard it not far from the pit, since in the future they will be useful for backfilling the roof of the dugout. On one side of the pit, an additional trench is made for the entrance.
  • Stakes are driven in along the walls of the pit, while retreating making the distance between them and the soil layer equal to the thickness of the boards or logs used to equip the walls.
  • Boards or logs are placed between the driven stakes, thereby forming the walls of the building.
  • The floor of the dugout is first insulated with dry foliage, sawdust and covered with poles or boards.
  • To build a roof along the central axis of the dugout rectangle, 3 thick supporting pillars are dug in, two of which are located near the walls, and one in the center of the dugout.
  • In the upper part, the pillars are fastened with a longitudinal pole, on which thin logs are tightly laid on both sides with an inclination to the ground.
  • The finished roof is covered with earth and covered with sod.
  • The ends of the roof protruding above the ground are sewn up with a board.
  • The entrance to the dugout is a trench adjacent to the pit - for this, steps are dug at its beginning or a ladder is installed. The entrance is covered with a wooden shield.
  • In order for the wood of the dugout structures not to rot due to high humidity it is treated with special solutions.

How to build a treehouse (video)

How to make a circular Indian hut (wigwam) for children

The wigwam is a circular hut. You can build it both in nature and in the backyard of a private house and even in an apartment.

In order to manufacture children's wigwam necessary:

  • 4-6 round-section wooden sticks with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm are tied with coarse thread or electrical tape in such a way that a cone or pyramid is obtained. If a wigwam is made on the street, the sticks of the skeleton are hammered into the ground, after having sharpened their ends.
  • For a hut, a cover with ties is made of dense matter, with the help of which it is tied to the skeleton. The cover should cover most of the hut, leaving room for entry in its front.
  • The entrance is made by sewing two curtains to the cover.
  • To give the wigwam an attractive look, strips, circles, and other figures cut from pieces of colored material (paper, cardboard) are glued to the fabric of the cover.
  • A thick blanket is placed at the bottom of the hut.

The wigwam is a circular hut

Making a children's hut at home

Since many do not have a permanent opportunity to get out into nature, very often huts are made at home:

  • For the ridge of the core, 4 dry bars 2-2.5 cm thick and a stick of the same diameter are used.
  • To assemble the end walls, the bars are folded in the shape of a triangle and at a distance of 3-4 cm from the ends, a hole equal to the diameter of the ridge is made with a drill.
  • A round stick is passed through the hole in the crosshairs of the bars.
  • The resulting frame is sheathed on three sides with matter, cardboard.
  • To make the hut stable, the elements rear wall in the lower part they are fastened with another bar.
  • At the entrance they make a retractable curtain.

The resulting hut fits perfectly not only on open space but also inside the children's room.