What games are there to play. All types of computer games. Review

- It's fun and exciting. Moreover, now the gaming industry is approaching the cinema in huge leaps, and games are becoming more and more exciting and realistic. Some people who call themselves gamers (from the English game - game) are able to sit for hours, trying to correctly lay the bricks in Tetris, explore different fabulous spaces for days, wander through castles full of ghosts for weeks, build cities on unknown planets for months, years shoot from all types of weapons ...

There are games that are played by whole teams - in local network or on some server on the Internet. Members of a fan group may be from the same institution or bank, or may be from different countries of the world, which, however, does not prevent them from playing Quake or Counter Strike together and fully communicating in their own way.

Every computer game, like a movie, has its own genre. It is impossible to replay all the games in the world, so I will only talk about the main types. computer games.

1. Game type "hit and run" or "shoot anything that moves"- favorite games of younger students and some adults. There are many variations - from the simplest and most unpretentious, like Aladdin or Shrek, to the most sophisticated, with voluminous 3D graphics, high detail and realism. There are games with simple shooting (pistol, automatic), and there are games with fantastic shooting (blasters, plasma rifles), there are games with martial arts (fights, like Mortal Combat), etc. In all these games, reaction speed is important, you have to hit all the time not only at enemies, but also at the keyboard, which sometimes ends badly for them (keys). It is better to use a joystick or even a game console instead of a computer.

Ordinary games of this type are called arcades, and three-dimensional games are called 3D-Action. Instead of the frivolous word shooter, gamers use the incomprehensible to the uninitiated, and therefore the cooler word shooter. However, it means exactly the same thing - a shooter. Shooting games are also divided according to one more principle: who is in them main character. If you see the hero and the game world through the eyes of your character, then this is called FPS (first person shooter - first-person shooter). Before you all the time the hands of this character, squeezing the machine gun, and you contemplate the enemies and monsters through the slot of the sight. That's why their faces are so brutal! Third person games are called TPS (third person shooter). Here the main character is shown to you from the side. The most famous and beloved shooting games in the world are Doom, Half-Life, Call of Duty, etc.

2. Games - simulators (simulators): all kinds of racing, military and space games. Usually in them the player is sort of sitting in the cockpit of an airplane or car with screens, levers and buttons. Of course, driving in such cars and flying on such planes is easier than in real ones. But you can feel the taste.

Most of all, auto racing games have been made (The Need For Speed, Test Drive); there are also flight simulators (Microsoft Flight Simulator, Red Jets); there are even spaceships and robots (Mechwarrior, Wing Commander). In simulators, quick reaction is also important, since driving and flying take place at high speed, and combat is generally a matter for nimble ones. But do not confuse arcade racing and flying with simulators, since simulators are more difficult to play, and the gameplay is more realistic (the physics in such simulators is as close to reality as possible, so you gape a little - the car will skid and so on).

3. Sports simulators(NBA, FIFA, NHL) - imitation of sports competitions in football, basketball, golf, etc. True, the management of such a complex object as a person playing football is not yet very successful for programmers. Yes, and using the mouse for this is not very handy. Therefore, it is easier to play such games with a joystick.

4. In strategic games (strategies) you build cities, countries and even entire planets, managing their development, building houses and roads, conducting electricity, taxing inhabitants, entering into alliances and declaring wars. The essence of the gameplay is the extraction of some of the most important resources - energy, territories, water, money, wood, food, gold, etc. In such games, you yourself do not participate in the activities of territories or planets subordinate to you. Others work, and you are their leader and think tank - the king, the president, the general, the supreme magician. From the point of view of the rules for making moves, strategies are divided into turn based strategies (TBS), where moves are made strictly in turn, like in chess, and real time strategy (RTS), where each player makes a move when considers it necessary.

The most famous strategies are Warcraft, Starcraft, Age of Empires, Command & Conquer. However, there is also a kind of strategy in which you yourself run and shoot a little. That is, partly it's a shooter, partly a strategy. gamers call it FPS (first person strategy). For example, it can be a combat robot simulator in which you are not only the commander in chief, but also a fighter. The most famous games of this type are Urban Assault, Battlezone.

5. If in such fantasy world you are not the supreme ruler and not even a general, but an ordinary participant - a warrior, a magician, a space merchant, then this is already called role-playing game or RPG (role playing game).

And if, besides you and the computer, a thousand (or one hundred thousand) people play the same game on some Internet server, then such fun is already called multiplayer role-playing games: MUG or MMORPG. In a role-playing game, it is very important not only what kind of character you play (what abilities he has, whether he is strong or, on the contrary, smart, a warrior or a sorcerer), but also what weapons and armor you have chosen for him. Each type of weapon and armor has its own tactical and technical data, its own lethal force, degree of protection and durability. As the game progresses, your character gains points. Upon reaching a certain magical number of points, he acquires the next degree of power and skill: he becomes stronger, faster, can carry more things and accessories. Some of the most famous and popular RPGs are Diablo, Fallout, Lineage, etc.

6. Exists another kind of role-playing game where you play not just one character, but a small team that you create yourself. Here the interaction and mutual assistance of team members is of great importance. Their individual qualities must complement the qualities of others so that the team can defeat enemies in the most different situations. The main thing in such games is tactics. Among the games of this type are Final Fantasy, Disciples, Fallout Tactics, etc. In general, strategy and RPG games are quite complex. They are played by people who like to work not so much with their hands as with their heads. junior schoolchildren there are few of these, but there are plenty of students and quite adult people.

7. Adventure Games- usually these are clever beautiful games-fairy tales, horror stories, adventures, fantasy. These games have one thing in common: you often do not know the goal of the game and the means by which it should be achieved. You wander around a world full of strange or quite ordinary objects whose purpose you do not know, and trying to figure out what's what. For this they are called walkers, as well as quests (quest - search).

Here everything is done without haste, you are given time to think, walk one more time and guess everything. No one should be shot at (usually), no one should be kicked (almost never). You are told something at the beginning of the game, or they may remain silent. You click on objects with the mouse, and they begin to explain something to you about themselves; conduct dialogues with strangers and companions of your wanderings, trying to catch the hidden clue contained in their words; go through some doors, take possession of some items that you don’t know when and for what purpose they will come in handy ... Quests are loved by adults, calm people who do not like haste and fuss. They say that girls also like games of this type more. The most famous quests - Alone in the Dark, King's Quest, etc.

8. Board and logic games and puzzles preferred by those for whom the game is not the main occupation in life, occasionally interspersed with study, work, marriage and thoughtful drinking of another can of Pepsi, but just a short and easy rest in the office - a way to spend a few minutes until the boss returns and forces you to type again your idiotic letters. Games of this type: various solitaires, checkers, chess, poker and others.

I have listed all the main genres of games, but nothing prevents developers from combining elements from different types(strategy with RPG elements, etc.). It is worth noting that most of the games are of Western origin. In Russia, game development is slow and clumsy (many say they don't have enough money to make a game; in my opinion, they don't have enough brains!). The lack of desire and the high competition of Western games discourages any interest in creating games in Russia. Another thing is in Ukraine - it is there that such masterpieces as STALKER, Collapse, etc. are created. However, do not think that there are no creative and motivated people in Russia... Here are a few games (popular and really interesting) from Russian developers: Space Rangers, Truckers, Blitzkrieg, Corsairs, It's hard to be a god and others.

All games can never be overplayed, but finding the right game for you won't be difficult. Websites such as games-tv.ru or ag.ru will help you find the right game. But please don't get carried away! No matter how interesting and exciting a computer game is, real life will always give 100 points ahead. These points are much more valuable than game points! :)

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These include shooters, fighting games, arcades.

In 3D shooters, the player often acts alone. He wanders around the locations, collecting melee, firearms and energy weapons, hitting opponents that appear on his way. Usually, in order to pass the level, you need to complete a series of tasks. The character's enemies can be monsters, aliens, mutants (as in Doom, Half-Life, Duke Nukem 3D) or bandits (Max Payne).

Depending on the legend, the games in the player's arsenal can be: modern views flamethrowers, rifles, pistols, and all kinds of futuristic blasters. Knives, baseball bats, sabers, daggers, crossbows, shotguns, machine guns, Molotov cocktails can act as weapons. Often firearms have an optical sight. In 3D shooters, the player can fight the enemy in hand-to-hand combat with kicks and .

3D shooters can be from the first person (the player sees the location through the “eyes” of the character) and from the third person (the player sees the character from any side, for example, from the back, or can move the “camera” away and see the character as a whole. In a number of games you can switch to first or third person with hotkeys.Shooters are also divided into bloody (you need to destroy a large number of virtual enemies that are approaching the character in groups) and tactical (the character acts as part of a group of heroes).Examples of bloody shooters are Will Rock, Left 4 Dead , tactical examples are Counter-Strike, Arma, Battlefield.

The fighting game genre involves a series of duels between two or more opponents. Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Dead or Alive, Guilty Gear X are popular in this genre.

In games made in the arcade genre, you have to think fast and act fast. The gameplay is quite simple, but the difficulty is getting all kinds of bonuses, without which it is impossible to access some elements of the game.

Simulators (managers)

Simulation games allow the player to control a particular process, the basis of which is taken from real life. Technical simulators allow you to take control of a car or a combat aircraft, solving a variety of tasks. Examples of technical simulators are F1 2011, IL-2 Sturmovik, War Thunder, Railworks, Ship Simulator. In arcade simulators, physics is usually simplified, but still present (unlike arcades themselves). Game examples: Need for Speed, Wing Commander, X-Wing. In sports simulators, any game is simulated as fully as possible. The most popular simulators are football, bowling, billiards, golf. Sports managers are allocated into a separate category, where the player is invited to manage an athlete or a team, setting the main goal not to win this or that match, but to build a competent infrastructure management.

Economic simulations (they often contain elements of strategy) include games about entrepreneurship. The player must manage the enterprise, extracting profit from it. Popular games in this genre: "Virtonomics", "Monopoly", "Capitalism". Economic simulators include game system management of the city (SimCity), the state on the island (Tropico), the farm (SimFarm).


Strategies are games that require the development of a certain algorithm of actions to achieve a particular goal. The player controls the world, an enterprise or some division. According to the gameplay scheme, such games are divided into:

Real-time strategies where players make moves at the same time, collect resources, fortify their bases, hire soldiers: Warcraft, Starcraft, Age of Empires;
- turn-based strategies where you need to take turns making moves: Civilization, Heroes of Might and Magic, Disclipes;
- card strategies, which are computer versions of popular card games: Spectromancer, Magic the Garthering.

According to the scale of the gameplay, strategies are divided into:

Wargames where the player is invited to create an army and defeat the enemy: Panzer General, Steel Panthers, MechCommander;
- global strategies in which the player is given the opportunity to manage the economy and foreign policy states, as well as to develop scientific progress, diplomacy, explore new lands: Master of Orion, Hearts of Iron, Empire: Total War and others;
- god simulators allow the player to control the development of a small town, turn it into a city, paying attention not only to the construction of buildings, but also to maintaining the optimal state of society: Spore, Black&White, From Dust.


During the adventure game, the player interacts with other characters and decides . Such games are divided into:

Text adventure games (text quests) where the player had to give instructions through the command line: Wumpus Hunt, Zork and others;
- graphical adventure games (graphical quests), graphical interface and the ability to control the game with a computer mouse: "Larry in a weekend suit", Syberia, Space Quest;
- action-adventure in which the player's success depends on the speed of his reaction: Legend of Zelda, Resident Evil;
- visual novels involve displaying text blocks and static pictures on the screen, and the player is asked to choose one or another answer depending on the proposed situation.

Music games

In such games, the gameplay is based on musical arrangement. A subtype of music games are rhythm games, where the player has to correctly press the buttons shown on the screen that appear in time with the music.

Role-playing games

in role playing importance play the personal characteristics of the character (health, profession, magic) and equipment. Characteristics can be increased by destroying other characters or mobs. As a rule, in role-playing games it is enough scale world carefully thought out plot. Examples of such games are mass effect, Diablo, Fallout, "Technomagic".

Logic games

In logic games, the player's reaction does not affect the course of the game in any way. It is important to correctly solve this or that task in the allotted time. Quite popular are such logic games (puzzles) as Minesweeper, Sokoban, Portal.

Board games

This type is a computer adaptation of traditional board games: "Monopoly", checkers, cards, chess.

Text games

Text games require almost no computer resources. Their story began a long time ago, but such games still find fans. The player is prompted to choose one of the proposed options for action. A variety of text games are games in pseudographics, that is, a mosaic built from a set of characters.

In order to convey the basic information about the game to the interlocutor in a nutshell, the classification of games was invented. And to be more precise, the classification appeared by itself, as games appeared, trendsetters. That is why it is not systematized enough, and one game can have the qualities of several classes.

First of all, you need to specify the platform(PC, Xbox, PS, Android). Well, for a complete description of the game, it is usually enough to indicate its style and the main (since they can refer to several) genre or subgenre. But for classification Online Games- This is not enough.

Full description should look something like this:

Multipleyer (MMO) "Genre" in "style" for "platform", with a view from "litzo"

And if it's a PC game, be sure to say whether it's a browser game or a client game.

Classification of the game by type of review

How to determine what kind in the game? Everything is very simple, there are only three of them ():

1st person view- means that the image in the game is displayed as if you see it through the eyes of your hero. Many first-person online games have a 3rd-person mode as well.3rd person view- means that the image in the game is displayed as if you see it through the eyes of another person behind your hero.Isometric viewclassic look displaying objects on a plane. Isometric is a fixed view from above, side and any other angle.

As you already know, in many modern games You can switch between 1st and 3rd person.

Classification by technical design

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since it appeared. And all this time, Internet protocols have been improving, which ultimately led to a split in the gaming industry into two segments: browser and client. That is why, first of all, online games are divided into browser and client.

Browser- those that are played, as you might guess, in the Internet browser itself, while you won’t have to install any third-party programs. Usually such games are outstanding, both in graphics and in execution, since the technical capabilities are limited. working environment, in this case, an Internet browser. But here, too, progress does not stand still, and already among them you can meet real giants, almost in no way inferior to online client games (see Drakensang Online). You can get acquainted and visually see free browser games right there by choosing one from this list.

Client- classic, those in which data is exchanged with the server through the client, a special program written to run the game in operating system computer. And even in this category, to this day, games that are significantly inferior in graphics and plot to modern single players prevail, because it takes much more time to create a good online game than for the latter, and during this time the “engine” of the game (its core, around which everything is built) is significantly outdated.

But for short description online game its technical performance is not enough. You need to specify the genre and style in which it was created. More free games you will find .

Classification of online games by style

The simplest classification of an online game is according to its stylistic execution. Determining the style of the game is very simple, you just need to describe it, discarding any technical detail.

  • fantasy
  • Westerns
  • Cyberpunk
  • Space
  • post-apocalyptic
  • steampunk
  • Middle Ages
  • Nowadays

And, of course, for knowledgeable players, such a description will not be enough. All of them first of all want to know the genre of the game, since the style is usually described in simple terms.

Classification of online games by the number of players

There are even single player games online, but almost everything is not online at its core, but just single browser games.

  • Multiplexer– The number of players is limited to hundreds.
  • MMO- the number of players is not limited, thousands of players take part in the game at the same time.

Unlike online games, computer games are divided into single, offline (by correspondence) and Splitscreen (games on one screen).

Classification of online games by genre

Well, what can seem really difficult is the definition of the genre of the game. Since the classification of games by genre is the most difficult, because how many games - so many genres. At the same time, it is rather unsystematized, and one game can belong both to two genres at once, and not to one of them completely. Here I will describe only the genres of the main online games, for the rest of the computer games the list can be continued for a very long time.

  • action- games for speed of reaction.
    • Stealth - elements of covert passage.
    • Action - games like the old movie with Schwartz.
    • Fatings and others
  • RPG- classic role-playing games, transferred to the digital world. The characters differ in their roles.
    • Action/RPG are games with RPG elements that do not small role plays and the speed of reaction.
    • Hack and slash are games where you spend most of your time killing monsters, not plague or anything else.
    • MMORPG is a multiplayer version of the regular RPG.
    • MOBA - players fight with their heroes in a virtual arena, fulfilling their role.
  • Strategy- thinking games, the victory in which is achieved by building a strategy.
    • Step-by-step - players take turns taking turns in the time allotted to them.
    • Real-time - players move at the same time, the time of the move is not limited.
  • Casual- simple games designed to kill, but not other players or monsters, but free time.
  • Simulator- the main task is the realism of what is happening, no matter what it is connected with.
  • Quest, the main purpose of which is to complete the task, there may not be an action here at all.
  • Erotica and others

Here are some examples role playing:


An alphabetical list of genres can be seen on the "" page.

Elemental genres:

Games information:
Action Games:
picking up
Control games:

The Structure of the Genre Scheme

If this is the first time you've seen this genre map, its complexity may scare you. It's okay, we'll figure it out together. The scheme contains all the commonly used game genres that are known to most players, only they are located in such a way that they form a clear structure. Let's get acquainted with the logic of this structure.

The whole scheme is divided into 15 vertical stripes. 15 bands are divided into 3 large groups of games - "Games of information", "Games of action", "Games of control". At the bottom of each band, its essence is indicated - the basic (indivisible) genre, which can be called in one word. All entity names: learning, riddles, communication, hero, learning, collecting, evading, destroying, competing, driving, caring, developing, controlling, tactic, planning.

Above the name of the entities (basic game mechanics) are the genres themselves in the form of rectangles. The simplest genres are at the bottom, they occupy only one lane. The higher the genre, the more more stripes it is located. The inclusion of a genre block in several lanes at once means that it contains several basic game mechanics at once, united into a single whole. (For example: the genre "Quest" is a combination of two base classes "Riddles", "Communication").

How to use the Genre Map

The chart located on the Genre Table page is interactive. You can click on the block of any genre, after that you will see detailed description genre. After viewing the details, you can press the "Backspace" key (<-)» и вы вернётесь к просмотру схемы. (Для тех, кто ещё не может сориентироваться на схеме, снизу продублированы все названия жанров в виде простого текстового пронумерованного перечня).

Classification of genres (for researchers)

Are you interested in how the genre scheme described above was invented? Do you want to know what logic is behind it? Everything ingenious is simple. And to be a genius, you need to see patterns where ordinary people see only a coincidence of circumstances. Let's start looking for patterns...

Substantiation of the structure of the scheme of genres

Decomposition into elementary particles

From the initial data, we have only historically formed genres. We place their names on the same plane, and try to determine from the finished copies in which coordinate system they are located.

For the main criterion for dividing genres, we take the actions most often performed in games of this genre, and nothing else (camera position: view from the eyes, rear view, top view, view from the cockpit; time movement: real time or step-by-step mode; the number of players is not are criteria for genres, they only determine the way the gameplay is presented).

Let's start dissecting each genre, hoping to decompose it into smaller components. You need to have a lot of gaming experience in the respective genres in order to understand what they consist of.

Grouping, coordinate system

We place all found elementary particles of genres on the line and use them as a coordinate system.

Using the selection method, we group all the particles into three subgroups: role-playing, shooting games, strategies. All games within the group are very similar to each other, but at the same time there are games with various deviations. Sometimes the deviations are small, and sometimes very significant. These, far removed from the reference games, become completely different from their ideological ancestors, but at the same time they are still within the group. This means that the groups of games themselves are much wider than their reference representatives. Standards are on the golden mean, and games with more and more deviations are further from the center.

In each group, extreme boundaries were found. And when the boundaries are found, it is easier for the group to give the correct name, it is easier to divide into separate components. As a result, all genres successfully qualified into three initial large groups, each large group broke up into five equal elements lying in the same plane. The result was a beautiful, perfectly arranged table, consisting of fifteen elementary genres. And surprisingly, according to this table, it is easy to classify any game in general, and not just a computer one. Classified and desktop, and yard, and television, and educational games.

The three large groups of games were given the following names:

  • Communication games.
    Basic actions: obtaining information, communication, exploring the world.
  • Action games.
    Basic actions: moving in space, using weapons and equipment.
  • Control games.
    Basic actions: command, control, distribution of materiel.

Game Palette

We develop the idea further. We can present the found elementary particles of genres in a different form for greater clarity. Let's use the analogy with a circular color palette. To do this, we arrange the elementary genres not in a straight line, but in a circle.

We assign a color to each element so that we get an RGB palette. For convenience, we divide the whole circle into 6 faces: three primary colors - green, red, blue; and three secondary colors - yellow, purple, blue-green.

Each of the faces of the hexagon is divided into three genres, resulting in 18 components. But only 15 elementary game genres were found, where are the other three? These three components exist, but they are not elementary genres, on the contrary, they are exactly what all kinds of games are designed against. They are the boundaries that divide games into three broad categories. All 15 game genres have already been considered. Consider the anti-game components.

Anti-game elements


At the junction of role-playing games and strategies, there is a line of "abstraction". This is the complete opposite of the "militants", who are struggling with "boring" with the help of entertainment.

The games of this facet are characterized by sketchiness, restriction of freedom, lack of realism, and lack of entertainment.

From the side of strategies in abstractions, the fulfillment of the “goal” becomes the main thing.

From the side of role-playing games - "submission".

The result is submission to other people's goals, that is, the performance of boring work. In this case, completely new events can occur that have never happened before, but during these events you still have to obey someone else's will (this is the main difference from another element - “ordinary”). The central point of the element is slavery and unquestioning execution of orders. This has nothing to do with games.


At the intersection of strategies and action movies, there is a line of "simulation". This is the complete opposite of "role-playing games", which fight the "ordinary" with an interesting "plot".

Games of this facet are characterized by imitation of real processes, restriction of freedom, lack of novelty and complete absence of a plot.

From the side of strategies in simulations, the “process” itself becomes the main thing.

On the part of the militants - the "realism" of what is happening on the screen.

The result is a realistic imitation of the process, that is, ordinary life. At the same time, there are several events that constantly occur, and apart from them there is nothing else, nothing new appears. The central point of the element is not used, since full realism is unattainable in games, and who needs an exact, one hundred percent copy of reality if it already exists in life.


At the junction of role-playing games and action movies, there is the edge of “freedom”. This is the exact opposite of "strategies" that oppose "loneliness" to the "multitude" of subordinates at disposal. (Strategies, of course, do not fight loneliness in the usual sense, but they imitate power - the most pleasant form of communication).

Games of this facet are characterized by large open spaces, lack of simulation realism, lack of novelty, lack of control over other participants.

From the side of role-playing games in “freedom games”, the main thing is the lack of ready-made role-playing connections, the possibility of independent choice, that is, “role-playing freedom”.

On the part of the militants - "simplification" of real events and processes, in comparison with simulators.

The result is role-playing freedom in a simplified model of the real world. The freedom of one being ends where the freedom of another begins, so the extreme point of freedom is complete loneliness. The most extreme point of simplification is an empty world, freedom in space. The action that has the most freedom is the creation of something completely new. The result is the central point of the element: complete loneliness in an empty world in which you can create - the level editor. Editing capabilities are not used right during the game, but there are separate elements of the creation process in games.

From this hexagon, one can easily understand: what is most important in certain types of games, between which game developers have to find a compromise, what should never be in games, what can be mixed with each other, what cannot be mixed.

In the figure, different genres are depicted in different colors, smoothly flowing into each other. This is no coincidence. This hexagon of genres is a real palette for creating games. The same palette as the fine arts.

Rationale for the choice of colors for the faces of the scheme

The edge of abstraction.

It personifies submission and learning, obtaining new information. New means fresh. Most often, in abstract (casual) games, new types of gameplay, new ideas are tested for the first time, and only when players like it, the novelty spreads to other genres. From the side of role-playing games, obtaining information turns into learning, which implies the subordination of the player, that is, his passivity. Center of the edge - excessive abstraction of games (center of the edge) drives into melancholy, therefore it is not used in games.

Edge " role ".

The basis of this facet is interaction with other characters, an exciting plot and obtaining information. Friendly communication takes up a large part of the gameplay.

Edge of freedom.

This line includes arcade action games, characterized by increased energy of the gameplay. The center of the face is loneliness. This loneliness is not forced, but conscious, and there is nothing wrong with that. With other characters it is easier and more fun, on the one hand you can help them, you can resist. All this takes time and effort, so the most productive activity will be all alone. But since the player cannot create anything from scratch in games, the center of the edge is not used in games, but is used when creating them.

The edge of the "action movie".

The main component of all games of this facet is aggression. And aggression and the danger associated with it is always associated with red. Yes, and the blood that abounds in action movies has the same color. The closer to arcade, the brighter the emotions, the brighter and lighter the color. The closer to simulation, the more restrained aggression, the dimmer and darker the color.

Edge "simulation".

This includes vehicle simulations, everyday life simulations, and near-simulation sports and economic games. All these simulations consist of two simple actions, mixed in equal proportions - observation and control. In such games, they are very meticulous about small, insignificant details. The center of the edge is complete realism and almost indifferent observation of the process - melancholy, which is always associated with purple. Edge center (full realism) is not used in games.

The edge of "strategy".

This includes management games. The main occupation in the game is the rational disposal of controlled objects: detachments or entire armies, cities or entire countries. In such games, cold calculation, control of the situation is important. The closer to simulation, the weaker and more uncomfortable the control becomes, the more it turns into realistic control. The closer to abstraction, the simpler control, the more it turns into schematic planning.

Palette analogies

The resulting palette in the form of a regular hexagon is universal. With the help of this figure, many things can be broken down into elements: firstly, the color itself, sunlight, tastes, characters, feelings, relationships, while the analogy in color and meaning will be preserved. It seems that much of the world is created out of this threefold dualism.

Game classification

Genres successfully classified. 15 main elements of which any game consists in general are singled out. Now you can classify the computer games themselves according to their elementary composition.

For example, let's take a game that is very complex in genre composition.

Let's take " Space Rangers».

1. There is a small introductory tutorial in the game, mark "training" on the diagram.
2.3. The game has quests both in text form and in the form of simple tasks, we mark “quests” (“riddles” + “communication”).
4. Role elements are present: there are characteristics, there are character classes, we mark the “role”.
5. Exploring the world, this is what most of the game is built on, there is role-playing freedom. We celebrate the "study of the world."
6. Freedom is not in the first person, actions are not so free, so there is no “overcoming” element.
7. There are few evasions (you can only run away from the battle, you can’t dodge during the battle, but in battles in hyperspace there is an “arcade action” (“evasion” + “destruction”)).
8. In normal battles, there is the usual "destruction", we mark it.
9. There is competition: there are other rangers who perform the same tasks as the player; statistics are kept among all rangers and there is a podium. Let's celebrate competition.
10. "Technique simulation" is missing.
11. "Planning" is available: there is a global map and the player can choose which star to win now, which one later.
12. "Tactics" is also there: you can hire up to four assistants.
13. There is no "microcontrol".
14. There is "development": a good economic system, a lot of goods, there is where to spend money, you can upgrade your ship, you can build new space stations, you can order military operations.
15. There is no "care".

As a result, we see that "Space Rangers" is for the most part "Open RPG" with the addition of "Action" and small elements of "control games".

Let's take " The Godfather 2”, as a bright representative of GTA-like games. (The Grand Thief Auto game itself is a little simpler in terms of genre composition, so we will not consider it).

1. Initial "training" is.
2. There are no "riddles".
3. There is no free "communication", it is only in screensavers.
4. There are small "role" elements: subordinates with different professions, but the hero himself has nothing of the sort.
5. There is no role-playing freedom.
6. But there is freedom in space (three cities) and actions.
7. In principle, it is possible to “evade”, but there is no need.
8. "Destruction" is the basis of the game.
9. "Competition" is present: enemy families do not sit still, but act in the same way as the player.
10. "Simulation of technology" is, but very primitive.
11. There is “planning”: you can choose which buildings to capture, which ones to protect more strongly, which ones to leave to chance.
12. There is a "tactic": you can take up to three guards with you, but in general there are a maximum of seven of them.
13. There was an attempt to make “micro control”, but it failed: fighters who do not go with the hero, but separately go on missions and capture buildings.
14. There was also an attempt to make “development” (“economy”), but it also failed: each building brings money, certain bonuses; but money is not needed, it can only be spent on the characteristics of fighters and weapons, which in turn change little.
15. "Care" is missing.

As a result, we see that "The Godfather 2" is " Open Action"(Action with an open world) with a little addition" planning"And" tactics».

On the analyzed examples, we see that such a classification turns out to be more complex than the usual designation with one or two words. But, unlike the unconscious definition of the genre, based only on the personal experience of the player, this method is more scientific and accurate. Using the genre table significantly reduces the chance of an error in the genre positioning of the game. In addition, this way of defining the genre most fully conveys the essence of complex and multifaceted games.

They are the engine of progress in the field of computers. The history of PC games dates back to the 1950s, and in 1971, Nolan Bushnell, together with Ted Debney, created the first of the arcade games. It was called Computer Space. The arcade game Pong was created by Nolan Bushnell (with the help of Al Alcorn) a year later in 1972. That same year, Nolan Bushnell and Ted Debney founded the video game company Atari (a term from the Japanese game Go). In 1975, Atari re-released Pong as a home video game.

Today, a huge number of not just video games, but their types (genres).

1. Arcade - in this type of game, a gamer needs quick reaction, accuracy.

2. RPG role-playing game) - the game has an entertaining or educational purpose, the participant acts in some role and in the situation created by the game acts in accordance with this role.

3. A role-playing game is a dramatic action, the players act within the roles they have chosen, following the nature of their role and the internal logic of the action environment, and not the external scenario of behavior. That is, the players determine the further development of events in the game. The game, in fact, is the players (people) of a particular situation. The action of the role-playing game takes place in the world of the game, which can be presented in any way, but it is he who determines the course of the game. The story offered by the game master and the world he describes form the basis of the role-playing game. The world can be completely invented, it can be based on some work of art (book, film, etc.). In a role-playing game, achieving a goal is not necessary, it may not exist at all, the main thing is character development, parvile acting out, exploration of the world.

Role-playing games are distinguished by the way they play:

In role-playing verbal (dengens) and board games actions take place in the imagination of the participants, and the development of events in most cases is controlled by the so-called master (game master, GM, dungeon master, DM) according to predetermined rules, or without rules. The difference between board games and word games is whether there is a game system or not.
Live Action Role Playing Games require the physical participation of players in the events of the game. Here, too, there are rules and masters. Here the master is not responsible for the whole world, but only for its non-modeled part. Sometimes the master is somehow able to control the entire game world through the introduction of master characters or through masterful arbitrariness. The rules also describe only those actions that are replaced by the model.
In computer role-playing games the environment that surrounds the players is controlled by a computer program. Often, these games are single-player and have a predetermined storyline, to some extent determined by the player's decisions).
Role play by email - a game with a small number of players and one master, conducted via e-mail (for example, Mafia), as well as related forum role-playing games and browser-based role-playing games (for example, BiteFight).

MMORPG - massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) refers to a variety of online role-playing games that allow a large number of people to simultaneously play in a changing virtual world through. MMORPG is a type of MMOG (massive multiplayer online game).

4. Adventure or quests (quest), sometimes they are called walkers - the player goes back and forth, collecting various items, and then uses them somewhere, solves puzzles.

5. Shooters are essentially shooting games.

  • FPS (first person shooter) - first-person shooters, the player is a direct participant;
  • TPS (third person shooter) - third-person shooters, the player is an outside observer, a kind of 3D shooter;
  • Tactical shooter - a player under the guise of his character in the game acts as part of a squad.

6. Strategies

  • Real time strategy (RTS) - players simultaneously make moves;
  • Turn-based strategies (TBS) - the player makes a move and waits for the opponent's response.

7. Stealth-action - the player should be as invisible as possible, he runs away, hides, manages minimal shooting, but acts effectively.

8. Fighting (fighting) - games that simulate hand-to-hand combat.

9. Simulators - the player tries on the role of someone, for example, a motorcycle racer.

Of course, this is not a complete classification of computer games. But among the huge number of toys that are now available, anyone who wants to play, and not just a professional gamer, will be able to find a game to their liking.

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