Like gta online. Games like Grand Theft Auto (GTA)

What links cowboys, detectives, superheroes and American presidents? All of them managed to visit virtual open worlds!


When it comes to fighters open world, many immediately remember Grand Theft Auto. The gangster saga from Rockstar is rightfully considered the best in its genre, and the release of each new part is a landmark event not only for the gaming industry, but also for the entertainment industry as a whole.

Millions have tried to implement the formula of the series in their own way, and often amazing games have come out of this. And while players are waiting for the re-release of the fifth part on new consoles and PC, let's remember the most interesting open-world action games. Let's make a reservation right away: this is not a selection of "GTA clones" (there is no way to call them that), these games are completely self-sufficient. They are united only by some structural features is a school of design popularized (but by no means invented!) by Rockstar.

Red Dead Redemption

According to good tradition, only Rockstar themselves can surpass Rockstar. so good that alone it can make you fall in love with westerns. Her Wild West lives its own life, it is full of details and bright events. And, it seems, it is Red Dead Redemption that we should thank for the beautiful nature in GTA V: a couple of years earlier, Rockstar made plausible wild animals here and subsequently clearly used these developments in the next game.

You can talk about Red Dead Redemption for a long time, but this game is a must play. Unfortunately, it never came out on the PC, and from the console versions it is better to give preference to the one for the Xbox 360 - it is believed that the picture is a little better there.

MOREOVER: if you're crazy about open world cowboys, check out . Despite the graphics from the PlayStation 2 era, it's still a great game. Plus, it's on PC.

Sleeping Dogs

A spin off from the moderately successful series. This is a game about triad wars in beautiful, neon and mostly rainy Hong Kong. Criminal showdowns, shooting in the air, fist fights without rules and restrictions - everything here is set at the level of good Hong Kong action movies. True, just the open world is on the sidelines here - there is not enough scale, details and life. But the color is a lot.

Everything makes us hope that in the sequel (it has already been confirmed, but not yet shown), we will see something much more ambitious.


The series is a superhero take on open-world games, a timeless Sony exclusive. Instead of pistols, there are special abilities, instead of vehicles - parkour. There is also a special reputation system, according to which the decisions you make create the glory of a good man or a villain for the main character, open access to new quest branches and even affect the ending.

In terms of scale, InFamous plays on the same field as GTA, but it places the accents in a completely different way - that's why they love it.


The famous "sandbox" from Microsoft, which at one time strengthened the position of the Xbox 360 in the market well. only pretends to be a serious game about how beefy agents protect the city from crime. In fact, this is a fun scuffle where you can put on an exoskeleton and indulge in delightful vandalism.

Crackdown has two main features - good destructibility and the ability to use everything that comes to hand as a weapon, including pedestrians. The second part tried to become more serious and lost all enthusiasm as a result. You can still play the original now, but you should show some indulgence to it - after all, it came out seven years ago.

L.A. noire

Toy post-war America of the middle of the last century, detectives in hats and coats, a series of mysterious murders, a depressing atmosphere - Team Bondi chose a very advantageous environment for their game and brilliantly implemented it. The local Los Angeles is a miracle how good - the creators turned over a ton of photographs and documents to make it not only elaborate, but also historically accurate.

But additional tasks, which would allow to study it with interest, for some reason, terribly little: here you can only look for new cars and prevent rare crimes. It seems that the developers themselves do not want you to be distracted from the main plot for a long time - if you wish, trips around the city can be reduced to a minimum by putting a virtual partner behind the wheel. - a great game about murders, investigations and interrogations, but the amazing city in it undeservedly remains in the background.

just cause

Tired of the endless same type of gang warfare? It's time to take on more important things - for example, arrange a revolution on a sunny tropical island! Special agent Rico Rodriguez has almost no service restrictions, and they will give their hearts to play tricks. You can destroy enemy bases with a machine gun, ride any vehicle (enjoying completely unrealistic physics) and experiment with a grappling hook, achieving mind-boggling results.

The available space is huge: the archipelago of is considered one of the largest open worlds in history. A thousand square kilometers! He likes to ride, fly and misbehave and does not want to start the main task at all. Painfully the same type of story missions here.

Batman: Arkham City Arkham Origins

The "Arkham" series did not immediately come to the format of a large-scale "sandbox" - the action of the first part took place within the walls of a mental hospital and the game was more like a classic "metroidvania". In the sequel, Batman was given a separate area of ​​Gotham.

However, the gameplay has not changed much from this: for the duration of the story missions, the player is still driven into the room. But in your free time, you can soar over the city, hand out cuffs to robbers and collect upgrades for your costume. Arkham Origins has slightly expanded the available slice of Gotham, and the upcoming one promises to increase the playing space as much as five times.

The open world for the Dark Knight is not vital, but still it suits him. Be sure to join - this is not only the best superhero game, but also one of the best adventure games in general.

Saint's Row

The series is the apotheosis of a frivolous approach to the use of the open world. Almost every detail here is grotesque, pretentious and absurd. Get ready to wear ridiculous costumes to amazement, shoot lasers at combat toilets and surf the expanses of space to the song "What Is Love?".

The game is not shy about borrowing other people's ideas and making fun of everything it can, including competitors, movies, music, and even itself. If this amount of senseless and merciless doesn't turn you off, then Saint's Row is a nice place to spend a fair amount of time.

The series has gotten crazier and crazier with each release, so if you really want to know what craziness is, start at the end.

* * *

The second part of the selection will appear on the site tomorrow at the same time.

This section contains best games similar to GTA. This series began in 1998 and is known for its free world, where anyone can riot on the streets of a virtual city and make a career as a not too lucky, but talented gangster. The series already has 5 full-fledged games and has spawned a dozen similar projects, which we will now analyze.


Watch Dogs

Probably the best analogue of GTA, which for the past 2 years has been teasing fans with impressive videos, where a not quite adequate man terrorizes the neighborhood with a retractable baton. A certain gadget in the form of a smartphone was also seen in the man’s arsenal, with which he can manage the infrastructure of the city and receive information about local residents. The game developers have focused on the realism of what is happening (especially in close combat) and, of course, on . In addition, it pleases the eye with cutting-edge graphics, as well as modern bells and whistles such as slo-mo and a cover system.

Saints Row: The Third

The previous project has not yet been released, so if you want to play a game like GTA right now, then you may be interested in a project that is complete opposite watch dogs. The level of frivolity in this game is so high that even the plot of GTA 4 looks incredibly realistic against its background. Missions in Saints Row are a lot of fun, and sometimes downright ridiculous, so don't be surprised if, as you progress through the story, weapons will appear in your hands, from which creatures that look like octopuses fly out. In general, if you want to get the most out of the game, then Saints Row is your choice.

Sleeping Dogs

Another game similar to GTA 4, but already in Asian style. Initially, the project was called True Crime and told about the showdown of the Chinese on the streets of Hong Kong. Players are invited to be in the shoes of a Hong Kong man who has to work undercover. In practice, this means the usual banditry, extortion, robbery, arson and shootings. In general, the developers have prepared a standard menu for us, which has everything that games like GTA offer. The project also boasts spectacular special effects, acrobatic stunts and limited doses of cruelty, which look quite organic within the mafia setting. In general, if you are looking for an alternative to the hackneyed Liberty City and Los Santos, then you can offer it. By the way, Sleeping Dogs has a serious competitor in the form of action Yakudza, which, unfortunately, is only available on PlayStation consoles.

All Points Bulletin: Reloaded

One of the few GTA-type games that has the full right to carry the MMO prefix. The action of the game takes place in the vastness of the city of San Paro, where criminal gangs and popular guards hold power. offers to take the side of one of the parties to the conflict and participate in the global redistribution of the city's territory. Those who choose a side will have interesting opportunities to rob, beat and brawl a little, including such fun among the criminals as stealing cars, smashing shop windows and beating passers-by. The security forces, despite their belonging to the law, have similar tasks. The main feature of the project is an advanced one, in which players can create their own tattoos and drawings that can be applied to clothes and cars. This online game even has a special area with shops and boutiques where you can completely change the appearance of the character, so if you like to tinker with the appearance of your character, then you will definitely like APB: Reloaded. Unfortunately, the list of online games like GTA can end here, since there are no other worthy projects in this genre on the horizon.


The Crackdown series of games has 2 projects released in 2007 and 2010. Gamers are invited to try themselves in the role of a secret agent who will have to confront several gangs. A good incentive to download and try Crackdown is innovation system influence, on which the success of the implementation of certain tasks largely depends. Otherwise, both parts of the series offer the already standard set of all GTA-like games: an open world and complete freedom of action.


Another project that is of particular interest to those who want to download games similar to GTA 4. In Infamous, the gamer plays the role of a person endowed with various supernatural abilities, including telekinesis and pyrokinesis. It is up to you to decide which abilities to use in each specific case, since each of them has enough power to arrange a small armageddon within a radius of several square meters. The game was noted for its interesting plot, simple mechanics combat and multiple endings.

Other games:

  • Watch Dogs
  • Saints Row: The Third
  • Sleeping Dogs
  • crackdown
  • Infamous

From a small arcade game, GTA has grown into one of the most notable gaming series of the last decade. About GTA can no longer be spoken of as a representative of the action genre. In fact, RockStar created its own genre, which immediately had imitators. It is to them that we dedicate our top ten.

You might also be interested in 10 things to expect from GTA VI and 7 reasons why we're looking forward to Red Dead 3 more than GTA VI.

So, please love and favor - 10 GTA clones that tried to push the king of the genre on the throne, the 10 best attempts to surpass RockStar.

10 Driver

In 10th place we have a dropped series. Debuting back in 1998, the game has become a real event in the world of the auto racing genre.

The plot was sustained in the spirit of old police films, and the gameplay is full of action and dashing chases. But after the success of the third GTA, the developers chose the Rockstar masterpiece as a role model - and this was their mistake.

In part 3, Driver turned from an exciting arcade race into a gray and dull clone, where the hero also stole cars and fired a pistol.

Neither excellent graphics for its time, nor an excellent model of car damage, nor other numerous advantages of the game helped it win a place in the hearts of gamers from GTA.

Part 4 once again proved that the development of the series has gone the wrong way, and apparently nothing good is waiting for this game.

9. The Godfather

The Godfather was a little more fortunate. Say what you like, but the developers initially set themselves a very difficult task - to create a game based on the legendary work of The Godfather is not the same as playing some Spiderman.

Scenes and storylines thought out by the developer were present in abundance, as well as familiar characters like Michael Carlione.

A curious feature of the game was the system of intimidation of shopkeepers, grocers and other traders in order to make a profit. Each of the small businessmen required a special approach, and it was worth a little miscalculation of strength, as the distraught victim lost his temper, and we - the profit.

To the pluses of the game, one could also write down a rather large city filled with gangster romance of the 40s and cars typical of that era.

8. True Crime

One of the first swallows of GTA cloning. Unlike the original source and contrary to the title, True Crime told the story of a tough cop who fights crime with her own methods.

The player's actions greatly influenced the plot, and even determined which of the three endings the user would see in the final.

Having chosen the style of a good cop, you carefully handcuff the bandits, while in the role of a bad cop you shoot them without further ado.

The advantage of the game was the recreated streets of Los Angeles. The developers were not too lazy to transfer the streets of Beverly Zeals and Santa Monica to our screens. The total area was 620 square kilometers, which is a lot for those times.

In addition to the chases familiar from the third GTA, True Crime had decent beat-map elements with the obligatory learning of blows.

Even though there were no Rockstar clones at the time, True Crime didn't manage to find much fame. GTA surpassed Activision's game on every count.

7. Saints Row 2

This game could be a great likeness of GTA. Actually, the first part of the game became such in due time. And although the banal story about the confrontation of urban gangs was not a new word, but at least the developers were able to make a decent copy of GTA.

However, the lack of optimization, problems with physics and a number of other technical problems make the game not very suitable for passing - even despite the find with style points, which are summed up by the story respect necessary to access new missions.

It is unlikely that a good character editor can save the game, in which you can create a brother of your dreams - well, or a sister.

6. Mercenaries

As in the case of Sense Road, the first part of Mercenaris has forever remained a console story. However, there were no misunderstandings with the history of the players. In the second part, they simply replaced North Korea to Venezuela, and the plot, as it was an auxiliary part of the game, so it remained.

Almost every GTA clone has its own feature that allows you to say - "look, only I have it!" AT Mercenaries such a feature was destructibility. Why, but the craving for the destruction of buildings here can be quite satisfied.

And the rest is GTA about the war - military equipment, warring factions, boring secondary missions.

5. Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico

The 5th place was taken by the hot Mexican guy Romiro Cruz, who appeared in the most crazy GTA clone - Total Overdos or in the common people - Total Overdose.

Even if the city in the game was not as big as we would like, and the plot was banal, but Romiro could do so many things that no hero of GTA-like games could dream of.

The guy owned a decent amount of tricks with guns that allowed him to mow down crowds of drug dealers not only quickly, but also beautifully. Even during the performance of acrobatic tricks, Romiro's weapons did not stop taking one life after another.

Like the Prince of Persia, Romiro Cruz had complete power over time, being able to rewind time.

And although total overdose became a bright and memorable clone of GTA, he never managed to stay in the memory of the players for a long time.

4. ScarFase

Another clone, based on the cult film. This time such an honor fell to the film "Scarface" directed by Brian De Palma.

Developers scar phase turned out to be bolder than the developers of The Godfather and decided to finish the story of Tony Montano. By the will of the writers, the hero did not die in his house. In Scar Fase, Tony fires back safely and survives. True, at the same time, his empire collapses, and the player will have to rise again to the top of the criminal Olympus, and then severely punish all those responsible for his problems.

Drug dealing, shootouts with rivals, and bribing police officers are standard daily routines for games like GTA.

True, the player needed to constantly fill the scale of reputation. The lack of respect from the lads prevented the player from accessing the story missions. However, the dullness and monotony of the gameplay prevented the game from becoming quite a good average.

3. Just Cause

The hot tsereushnik Rick Rodrigers pacifies the army of the dictator of a fictional state opens the top three.

The local government is suspected of producing weapons of mass destruction. Therefore, we need to overthrow the terrorist regime, and then figure out whether there were weapons of mass destruction there or not. In general, everything is in the best traditions of the United States.

In addition to a well-politicized plot, just cause great different from other GTA clones also by the scene. The usual stone jungle was replaced by the usual jungle with palm trees, sand and the sea.

Rico could skydive and steal cars on the go. The number of missions also inspired respect - there were about 300 of them, but there were a little more than 20 of them, which of course is not enough for a game that tries to claim GTA laurels.

The programmers of Just Cause, who overlooked a fair amount of bugs, also deserve a fair amount of criticism. But in general, the game left a good impression, largely due to the unusual setting.

2. The Gun

Second place with a fight was taken by Colton White - a dashing cowboy from Gan - the most unusual GTA clone. Instead of streets - prairies, instead of cars - horses. And only frequent showdowns with dubious personalities from the point of view of the law were not much different from ordinary representatives of the genre.

Of course, Gan abounded large quantity additional missions. There was even an opportunity to feel like a sheriff, finding and shooting especially dangerous criminals.

As for the plot, although the story began rather banally - with the murder of Colton's father, it soon twisted rather dashingly. Many colorful characters made the story of the game bright and interesting.

1 Mafia

The most annoying thing for Mafia the fact that she is considered a GTA clone, although she herself is quite worthy of cloning.

Yes, the legendary “Mafia”, although it contains the features of GTA, only a very short-sighted player can confuse these two games. In addition, it was developed almost simultaneously with the third GTA, so formally the games are different.

The game is an interesting and well-written story about an ordinary guy Thomas - a taxi driver, who, by the will of fate, was involved in the showdown of the Italian mafia, operating on the territory of a fictional city. Drawn from New York and Chicago in the 1930s.

The plot of the Mafia had all the elements necessary for a gangster story: intrigue, betrayal, love. The weapons and cars of those years successfully complemented the gangster atmosphere of America, for which the Mafia was so loved by everyone who played it at least once.

GTA 5 was released today, so we suggest recalling the best games made in a similar style. The franchise has spawned many projects in which, in one way or another, the features of this iconic series are guessed.


GTA came out today 5. Volume 5 promises to set new standards for open-world action games, and there's no doubt that Rockstar was able to do it. We, like most console owners, have already started playing, so in the coming days, expect a big review on Grand Theft Auto 5. In the meantime, we suggest recalling the best games made in the style of the franchise. The series has spawned many projects in which the features of this iconic series are somehow guessed.

Saints Row 4 will outdo any trash movie or game. This is an example of how to make the most frivolous action, while correctly parodying the main clichés and well-known franchises. As President of the United States, you have to fight off aliens and do a lot of things that are hard to describe.

Saints Row - GTA, which completely failed the brakes. The second such frivolous game simply does not exist, the developers in this sense are ahead of the rest. Playing SR is fun, but like any parody, it's empty on the inside. If you want a more or less normal plot or adequacy, the game cannot offer anything. Volition excels at silliness and parody, but going through Saints Row is like watching American Pie. Sometimes, of course, it's funny, only this humor is second-rate, too obvious and without frills.

The cooperative, which, in theory, was supposed to double the degree of insanity, came out frankly weak. The characters almost do not interact, the cutscenes are identical for both solo and co-op. It's not good to do that, Volition.

However, as a fun game, Saints Row 4 is perfect.

Action became one of the main surprises of the last year. No one really expected anything from the continuation of the lousy True Crime series, but a high-quality action movie came out. The game was created for the Western world, so you will not see any Asian features here. In general, Sleeping Dogs is the most that neither is GTA, only with some important differences.

First, you play as a police officer, albeit undercover. Secondly, there is left-hand traffic here, and it takes some time to get used to it. Thirdly, here they wave their arms and legs a lot, but they shoot not enough. Actually, the rest is absolutely the same GTA with similar plot moves, story development and climbing the criminal ladder of Hong Kong.

The fights were really great. The developers did not fail, taking as a basis combat system Batman: Arkham Asulym - it is used in every first action with a massacre. In addition to realistic fights with a juicy crunch of bones, I remember excellent finishing moves, which are very similar to fatalities from The Punisher. The hero smashes opponents with their heads into the blades of air conditioners, throws enemies into furnaces, throws them at electrical panels high voltage - such cruelty came in handy for the action movie about wayward eastern mafiosi.

The Driver series is fickle. After the disgusting Driv3r came the decent Parallel Lines, which takes place in two time periods. The first half we drive through sunny New York in 1978, and then we are transported to a gloomy 2006. The main character was framed, and he was put behind bars for as much as 28 years. The move with different eras is interesting in itself, but the atmosphere of our days was much inferior to the Big Apple of the seventies.

As usual, in Driver a lot of attention is paid to cars and chases. Most of the tasks are related to transport in one way or another - fans of shooting races through the whole city will surely be satisfied. It is curious that after five years of silence, the series has changed the concept. In Driver: San Francisco, you can’t leave the car, but you can and should “move” from one car to another, the quality view from the cabin is pleasantly surprising. Since then, nothing has been heard about the continuation, which is a pity. San Francisco was definitely a successful reboot of the series.

Instead of bandits with huge gold Rolexes, the Czechs showed the other side of the underworld. A time when gangsters had bigger laws than cops. When it was forbidden to kill anyone without the approval of the mafia boss. When, finally, the criminals were gentlemen and walked in expensive suits, and did not wear Adidas and did not spill kilograms of cocaine on the tables.

A small Czech company has created a cult game that is much deeper and more elaborate in terms of atmosphere and characters than GTA. Of course, these are series about different eras, they focus on different things. But Mafia is a more serious and mature project. It's a paradox, but after almost nine years, the developers could not at least repeat, not to mention surpass their masterpiece. Mafia II turned out to be a pathetic craft, a weak shadow of The City of the Lost Heaven. Banal plot, transience, boring missions. Illusion Softworks, please release the first Mafia in a new engine, or at least an HD edition of the beautiful original.

All Points Bulletin, better known as APB Reloaded, offers to rob a bank and run away, shooting back at the cops, with a plump bag of money on his back. Or take the side of the keepers of order. Recall that the fifth part of GTA is dedicated to bank robberies, and one of the main guidelines for developers is the wonderful 1994 action movie Fight.

APB is a multiplayer shooter in which events are very unpredictable. On a quiet street, a firefight involving SWAT and bank robbers can unfold, which will result in an intense chase through a busy city. Surprises await at every turn. The fact is that players are assigned to units: you can organize an ambush for enemies, come to the aid of allies, and generally arrange a local war in the middle of the city. And the same is happening throughout the metropolis.

The main feature is the gameplay, which is tied to triggers (invisible "buttons"). Step on one - and a carefully thought-out plan for robbing a bank will collapse in an instant, forcing you to think through options for getting out of this difficult situation on the go. Suppose, at the most crucial moment, the alarm will beep. The security forces immediately arrive, shooting starts, you are torn between the desires of “just escape” and “rescue with stolen money”. And then the partner will not be prevented by help - to help out or run away while there is an opportunity? The security forces have their own concerns. It is much better to take the criminals alive - but the enemies do not want to surrender under any circumstances. What is more important: to shoot the robbers, or to try to arrest, while risking completely missing the violators of the law?

In MMOs, character customization is important. Many players want to create a hero that is different from the rest. In the All Points Bulletin character editor, this is quite possible. The possibilities are vast, you can spend hours picking up tattoos or adjusting the shade of your protégé's hair. Those who like to poke around in the character's appearance settings for a long time will be satisfied.

The shooter was released two years ago, but is still very popular, and has proven itself well among fans of the genre. Moreover, there are practically no multiplayer action games, even with bank robberies.

The GTA series has inspired many developers to create similar projects. And not everyone can be called clones, each game focuses on something of its own. One takes with cool chases, the other with realistic fights, the third is generally an MMO. If you are waiting for the PC version or, having a console, for some unthinkable reason have not yet bought GTA 5, we recommend that you play the games from this material

Dave Jones, a representative of the Scottish company DMA Design, in 1997 presented the world with a completely new and at the same time unusual project called Grand Theft Auto, which in as soon as possible received incredible success. The concept of a video game was madly in love with gamers of the time, however, there were those who hated it with all their hearts. But all this only strengthened the popularity of the game.

Players from all over the world were waiting for the continuation of the incredible game. However, the second part did not surprise them so much. Only the next game managed to revolutionize the gaming industry. GTA 3 received a third-person view and received many new features. Subsequent projects only consolidated the success of the company, which each time managed to do the impossible. The next popular part was San Andreas, which surprised users of personal computers with a more spacious open world and freedom.

GTA games

Grand Theft Auto is the first part of the revolutionary project, which was released in 1997. The top view managed to surprise many players. Freedom of action has become the main feature of the game. Texture detail and high-quality graphics are noticeably different from products developed by other game studios. In addition, the player had the opportunity to walk in a huge metropolis, where everything was in his hands. Throughout the passage, users had to collect experience points, thanks to which they can increase their personal level.

Grand Theft Auto 2 is a long-awaited sequel set in 2013, despite the fact that the game itself was released in 1999. The project retained the concept of 2D graphics, however, it received quite a lot of success and love from the players.

GTA 3 is an updated version of the simulator that has received modern 3D graphics. So unusual solution developers allowed them to start completely new era in the world of games. Also, PC users were surprised by the exciting plot, thanks to which the project became the best in the world at that time.

Vice City is another part of the cult series of games that has received quite a lot of changes in terms of the interface, which, thanks to the efforts of the authors, has become much more convenient and easier. The graphic components have not changed much, but there were still some minor improvements. Also, the developers decided to change the location of the story.

San Andreas is a popular and relevant part today, which is still in great demand among gamers. The graphics in this sequel received a big change in better side like the mechanics of the game. The city and the plot in which the events unfolded changed again. The map has been enlarged several times, thanks to which the player can easily travel around different places. Additional establishments have also appeared in the form of gyms, bars and clothing stores. In other words, the user could really get freedom in this version.

GTA IV is the long-awaited sequel to the video game that managed to do the impossible and once again surprise players from all over the planet. A feature of this part was the redesigned graphics, which strongly resembled a realistic world. The plot received average ratings, but the success of the game was guaranteed.

gta v- latest version project that came out in 2013. This time, the main role in the plot is played by three acting character. The player has the opportunity at any time to switch to the required hero and carry out his plans. The graphics have also received huge changes that have definitely benefited. The gaming location has become many times larger, as well as opportunities.

About GTA

What, nevertheless, unites this series of video games and games similar to GTA? The first and irrefutable fact is the freedom that absolutely every user of a personal computer receives. The player can do whatever they want and do no harm storyline. The second factor can be safely attributed to the overall graphics of the video game, which certainly surprised, and sometimes completely amazed gamers. In general, the essence of the game is to turn from an obedient citizen into the leader of a large criminal group, in order to eventually take control of strict control whole city. It's just that it's not that easy to achieve. To achieve this goal, the player has to go through many, both simple and complex missions.

However, you need to be able not only to successfully complete tasks, but also to deftly cope with the car, which will definitely be needed when meeting with employees. law enforcement. Also, do not forget about other transport, such as helicopters or boats. But despite their differences, all vehicles in the game are united by a radio that can please everyone with pleasant music.

Gameplay Grand Theft Auto

It is worth noting that despite all the success that surrounded the legendary series of games, there were those who criticized the mechanics of the project. The complex management of cars and other vehicles simply drove many players crazy. However, all this helped to create a realistic atmosphere in which, over time, the user plunged headlong. For example, the first minutes of a chase will make you feel the same as you would feel during a real race. In addition, additional sounds that appeared only in the third part of the game also contribute. In addition, the fact that while you are busy chasing with the police, the rest of the city lives its own life is encouraging.

All the madness that is present in the game is accompanied by an excellent scenario, the creation of which the authors spent a lot of time and effort. Its main essence is to become the strongest in the city and subjugate all the inhabitants to itself. But if you dig deeper, you can see that the plot has been worked out before the smallest details. It can be said with certainty that the scriptwriters filled out several hundred papers to get the desired result. In addition, each plot required its own town, which was to become the center of all events in the future. That is why the developers worked on such settlements as: London, Los Angeles, Manchester, as well as fictional ones in the form of Vice City and San Fierro.


Of course, the GTA game series is a kind of crime drama with comedic elements that create its own uniqueness and originality around it. But it is worth remembering that everything that happens is possible only in the virtual world. For this reason, it is necessary to return to real world and understand that it is impossible to commit crimes. For some players, the return is not easy, but everything must be done to avoid terrible consequences.

If you think about it, you can understand that over the years, representatives of the Rock Star company have done a lot of work to achieve incredible success. Each new part was able to surprise gamers and drag on for many months in its exciting storyline. The graphics of the games also changed for the better, and after each new part it seemed that best result just impossible. Nevertheless, the creators of this video game succeeded, therefore, the next sequel will also surprise and delight millions of players from all over the planet.