Neat garden beds. DIY garden beds: photo examples and unusual solutions. Natural bed of briquetted grass

Beds with vegetables, which are customary to grow in the country, can become a real decoration of the site. To design and implement a designer garden, you can do without the help of a specialist. One has only to arm yourself with our tips, see photos of the "French beds" and you can start creating your own.

The name "French garden" came to us from the distant past - the reign of Louis XIV. The flower beds of the royal garden had a rectangular shape, they were certainly decorated with a stone figure and a sundial. Today key feature such beds is their spectacular appearance: a French garden is decorated beautiful flowers, trees, shrubs.

The French garden is a combination of practicality and presentable appearance of the beds.

We plan the beds

The first task of the owner, who is going to build a decorative fence for the beds with his own hands, is the correct layout. There are rules according to which the following preparatory work should be performed:

  • It is advisable to choose a sunny zone, and also make sure that the land for vegetables is fertile. Vegetables will give good harvest, if these simple conditions are met during their landing.
  • It should be understood that caring for vegetables is a duty that must be performed daily. If the owner is not ready to spend a lot of time loosening the earth, cleaning leaves, watering, it is better to plan small area than to mark out a huge plot of land for beds.
  • high beds look extremely aesthetically pleasing and have a special charm. However, they cannot be planted moisture-loving plants because water evaporates faster at altitude.
  • Empirically, the optimal width of the beds was derived - 80 cm. Then the care of vegetables and flowers will be effective, appearance the beds are neat, and the harvest is predictable.
  • A good way to improve yields is to place the beds along a north-south direction. Then the plants will not shade their neighbors, which will increase the time they are in the sun.
  • If the site is located in a relief area, it is better to plan the beds in a lowland. In this case, the water will not evaporate quickly, and the moisture of the earth for a long time will remain sufficient.
  • Flowerbeds are popular among summer residents rectangular shape- their layout is simpler, but they look neat. However, landscape designers recommend trying other options that best fit into existing conditions. You can break the beds in a round, oval, triangular, semicircular shape, as in our photos.

A rectangular bed is considered the best option

Plant selection

Gardeners enjoy watching the entire period of vegetable growth: initial stage, when the sprouts are just beginning to grow stronger, then the appearance of flowers and, finally, fruiting. Landscape designers strive to use in their work the attractiveness and beauty of each stage of plant development. In addition, when choosing crops, many factors should be taken into account:

  • It is important that the plants that are in the neighborhood are compatible.
  • Cabbage, corn, cucumbers get along well with any crops.
  • Root crops - carrots, celery, parsley grow well in the company of onions, leeks and garlic.
  • Spicy herbs go well with vegetable crops. This distribution makes sense - the smell of plants repels some pests, and the bed looks prettier. In addition, the combination of herbs and vegetables can improve the taste of the latter. Experienced gardeners have noticed that the taste of cabbage will be brighter if dill is planted next to it, and tomatoes are juicier and more appetizing if basil is grown near them.
  • It is advisable to plant spicy herbs around the perimeter of the garden - this way you can decorate it, as well as protect vegetables from pests.
  • When forming the contents of plantings, the size of adult cultures should be taken into account. For example, plants that grow large, it makes sense to plant on the north side. Then they will not obscure smaller neighbors.
  • Combining the color of vegetable leaves is another way to turn your home garden into a work of art. Salads with leaves different shade can be harmoniously combined in one sector. Aerobatics - to make a set of plants so that the color of the leaves of vegetable plants changes gradually, smoothly moving from light green to dark green.

Different colors of plants - a landscape designer's tool

After working out the locations of vegetable crops and herbs the remaining space can be filled with flowers or other ornamental plants.

We decorate the beds: we plant along the contour fruit trees as well as shrubs. These plants not only play the role of decor, but also protect vegetables from the wind. To continue the design, decorations are installed next to the garden - decorative lanterns, sculptures, forged arches with climbing plants. On the path set a bench or bench where you can relax.

Rules for organizing space for the garden

Before you start preparing the land, you should think about what type of beds is preferable. They can be regular or high. The first option does not require significant efforts to organize it, the second is a little more difficult to do. In addition, a tall garden retains moisture worse, so it is better not to do it where the summer is very hot. At the same time, high beds have a lot of advantages:

  • They are better warmed by the sun, which means that the plants will feel comfortable.
  • Elevated plants are easier to care for than those at ground level.
  • Moles and rodents will not be able to get to vegetables if a piece of plaster mesh is placed under fertile soil.
  • It is possible to enhance the heat transfer of the earth in such a bed due to the composition of the earth - the lower layer is made from a quickly compostable substance, the upper one is from the one that rots more slowly.
  • High landings look much more impressive than simple ones, they are extraordinarily beautiful. Due to the material for their fencing, you can further improve the view, create a single composition with other elements of the site. Our photos show interesting options for such structures.

High beds receive more sun and much easier to take care of

We will tell you how to build high beds. We will give some recommendations on their organization and design.

Choose the height of the beds

First you need to decide on the height of the garden. This indicator should correspond to the landscape - the area on which the cottage is located, as well as the composition of the soil.

If the soil is good and fertile, it is better not to make the beds high - 15 centimeters will be enough. Landscape designers advise to raise them a little higher, then the beds will be isolated from the surrounding soil. When did you decide to build warm beds with a double layer of compost, their vertical dimension must be at least 50 cm.

What is the best way to make a fence

An important stage in the organization of a high garden is the choice of material for fencing. Wood is usually used: slats, boards, timber. This material is easy to disassemble if you want to move the garden to another place. In addition, the tree perfectly retains heat. but natural material rots quickly in damp soil. Let's offer a few other ideas:

  • Brick fencing is devoid of the disadvantages of wood construction, and natural stone can enhance any building. Curb railings for walkways also do a good job of holding the ground.
  • For those who want to decorate the site in a natural natural style, a vine is suitable, from which a dense fence is woven.
  • For those who want to get an inexpensive and durable border that will neatly emphasize perfect shape beds, like plastic. Of course, you can use a special plastic border or border tape, which is in abundance in stores for summer residents. Suitable for both flat and regular slate, as well as metal and plastic siding.

Master class for creating beds from a curb for paths

In my personal opinion, a ready-made concrete curb for paths is an interesting material for decorating a garden. It is inexpensive, laying concrete castings 0.5 m long is by no means difficult and fast, such material serves for a long time and looks pretty decent. The photo below shows the finished result.

Beds with a border and paths

The first step is to dig a groove for the curb. You can't do without pegs and twine. The marking is set along the outer contour of the trench. The depth of the groove is equal to the height of the curb and twice as wide as the latter. The external dimensions of the groove are selected as a multiple of the length of the curb stone, plus two curb thicknesses. I needed to cut several borders in half with a grinder in order to more accurately fit the size of the beds in accordance with the existing territory. I chose the width of the bed with a size of 1.2 m, which allows it to be serviced without stepping inside.

Curb groove

At the bottom of an even and clean trench, he laid out a layer of sand 5 cm high and rammed it. Now you need to rearrange the pegs and drag the twine along the outer edge of the future border and 5-7 cm above ground level. A cement mortar is prepared in the ratio - one part of cement to three parts of sand. The solution needs a thick one so that you can set the curb at the right level. The curbstone is exposed to the mortar along the twine using a rubber mallet. You can knock with an ordinary hammer through a piece of wood.

Installation of a concrete curb

If you are planning automatic watering, do not forget to lay the pipe for the latter. As you can see, I foresaw this.

It remains to prepare the land and water

No need to touch the curb for a week: let the cement harden. So, we have completely decided on the beds. Now we need to decide how to organize the space between the beds.
The prospect of crawling on the ground between the beds after the rain did not suit me. Cleaning your shoes every minute is also not a joy. These considerations led me to build inexpensive paths. The earth was cleared of grass, leveled, trampled down and covered with geotextiles. The latter is conveniently fixed to the ground with slate nails with a large hat. From above, a layer of fine gravel about 3 cm high fell asleep. The result is a simple and concise garden design.

Tomatoes are already growing in the garden

Photo of the use of bricks for fencing beds

This option is quite often used to design a French garden with your own hands. This is not surprising: the material often remains unused after construction, it is easy to deliver, it is not at all difficult to lay. In general, the technology for creating brick sides is very similar to laying a concrete curb, described above in some detail. So it remains for us to consider a photo of examples of decorating brick sides with our own hands.

V this example brick curb reinforced cement mortar. The color of the border goes well with the color of the tile tracks. The garden as a whole is organized in the form of a figure.

As you can see brick fence can be done without cement. Of course, it is easy to dislodge. Again, the color of the border goes well with the color of the path and the fence. Brick allows you to lay out a border of any shape.

Of course, the high side must be fastened with cement mortar. You can play not only with shape, but also with height, realizing the most daring decisions. We again see that the color of the material is matched to the color of the pebbles and the base of the fence.

Brick laying at an angle is a well-known solution. If everything is done carefully, this option has the right to life.

Brick can be installed on the edge. Very interesting: it looks non-trivial, the material is well buried and is held securely in the ground. Note that it will not be very easy to fold such a structure neatly and evenly using a solution.

Gardening with plastic bottles

Plastic bottles - affordable and reliable material. If you try and do the work carefully, you can build a pretty decent fence from plastic bottles with your own hands. With the installation of bottles, everything is simple:

    1. We dig a groove two-thirds of the height of the containers.
    2. We hammer pegs in the corners and pull the twine to organize even lines of the sides.
    3. We fill the bottles with sand or colored powder. You can paint bottles.
    4. We install the bottles in the groove, sprinkle with earth and trample down.

A garden of bottles with your own hands can be made according to the above sample. Not very smooth, but bright. The bottles are only a third deep and therefore "walk". A variety of large figures compensates for the uneven borders.

original solution bottle installation. Driven into the ground at the corners metal supports. The bottles are perforated. Two lines of cord are threaded through the holes in the container and tied to the stakes.

Here everything is done on five points: garden design is on top! The figures do not have even areas, and small flaws are simply not visible. Dark green and brown bottles will not lose their appearance over time. Curb shapes organize a winding path line.

Glass bottles, as you can see, are no worse. Of course, they are more difficult to collect. Obviously, any figures from the border can be laid out.

Examples of beds made of plastic panels

In some cases, plastic for the curb - the best option. Plastic does not rot or rust, however, it can be afraid of the sun and frost. The strength is not high, but it will withstand small beds.

Such beds from plastic panels easy to do by hand. These panels remained after the construction of the house. Metal supports are driven into the ground at a distance that ensures sufficient strength of the sidewall. Then install a border of PVC panels. If you put on a special profile on the upper end, and ennoble the corners corner profile, then the design will acquire a certain elegance.

This option is simply bought and mounted according to the instructions. Nice, plastic resistant to the atmosphere, do not overload.

Agree, very interesting! Ordinary plastic crates. For the winter, you can carry it away and even with plants, if necessary. Of course, boxes cost money.

Plan for making a high bed

It is not so difficult to make a high bed if you follow the sequence of operations. It is important not to skip any of the steps, otherwise you will soon have to redo part of the work:

  1. Mark out a place for beds. Try to do this carefully so that there are no oblique lines or uneven corners.
  2. Remove the top layer of soil over the entire marked area.
  3. Fencing around the entire contour. If it is a brick, it should be fastened with mortar. If wooden planks or timber - make sure that they hold well to the ground. The vertical size of the curb should be 5-10 cm more than the planned height of the structure.
  4. Lay a piece of plaster mesh at the bottom to protect the plants from moles or other rodents. Next, drain the sand and gravel.
  5. Fill up the soil. It is optimal if at the same time an automatic watering system is installed, which will be needed for all plants.
  6. There is also one trick. If the fence is not made of brick or stone, two or three mounds should be built from the soil right in the center of the garden. Such a precaution will help the flower bed to avoid deformation after winter frosts.
  7. After preparing the beds, you should consider the organization of paths in its interior. It is important that they are neatly executed and have sufficient width for one person. The paths can be laid out with tiles, wood or sow a lawn on them.
  8. Separately, we note the simple and reliable way arranging the path: cover the leveled soil with geotextiles and fill it with rubble. Then the grass will not grow on the paths, and the shoes will be clean in any weather. Chic option - marble chips. However, the rubble is gradually filled with debris, dust and soil. Grass begins to appear, and white marble loses its appearance. That is, once every five years, crushed stone must be collected and washed.

Vertical garden saves space

Non-standard methods of building beds

Despite the fact that the "French garden" is not a universal phenomenon and it looks much more spectacular than ordinary beds, sometimes you want to equip something more original on your site. We will offer several ideas for decorating a vegetable garden, which are easy to build with your own hands.

How to create a beautiful and functional garden and make beds in the country with your own hands? Undoubtedly, each of those who have a dacha strives to put their beds in order. In addition, they are often decorated using various decor items and other interesting options which we are now learning about.

Beautiful garden with your own hands

If you have the desire and a little imagination, you can achieve very great heights in the design of the beds with your own hands. In order to get started, you first have to plan everything well and think through all the little things. They look very interesting, be it a circle, a triangle and any other geometric shapes. Moreover, you can beautifully combine them into one common rolling pattern. Multi-row undulating beds will look very impressive, on which you can plant different sort salads and kale.

The beds can also be created in the form of segments or circles, something in the style of French planting. In this form, the beds will visually diverge as rays from their middle, while something else will be planted in each of the segments.

Variants of forms and design of beds

Few people think, but in fact there are a lot of options for planting any of the varieties of vegetables and fruits. The most popular, but at the same time not always well-known, include the following categories of beds.

vertical bed

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beds does not allow you to swing a lot and do something large-scale, you can use an interesting way out of the situation by making other similar plantings at your dacha. They look very unconventional, and most importantly quite intriguing.

Do-it-yourself vertical garden

In fact, many experienced gardeners practice vertical beds on their plots, which at the same time are immediately an additional design of the territory. Basically, an example of the types of plants that grow there are liana vegetable varieties (zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers and even tomatoes).

compact beds

Their main meaning is the use of pallets, which can be additionally decorated with various objects and decorations. With their help, not only grow plants, but also create compact, tall and beautiful beds. One of the main advantages of this kind of planting formats allows you to create maximum conditions for plants on a minimum area.

Design of an extraordinary garden bed with drawers

If you use the option of high beds and pallets, it is possible to make them multi-level, while the pallets for seating will be one on top of the other. Agrofibre bags are placed in the side space, which are filled with nutrient soil. In these very bags, it will be necessary to make cuts where the plants will actually be planted.

Making beds from machine tires

Another approach to decorating the garden. This option is quite colorful and attracts the attention of strangers. It will be easy to make such a bed yourself, you only need a few old tires, desired plants and a little fantasy. Tires can simply be laid out in a row or checkerboard, but there is an option and creativity. If you show a little creative skills and work with paint, the usual one will turn into a toad, a mushroom and other non-standard images or figures.

An unusual bed of tires in the country

green wall

This is also a kind of garden bed, but it will be of a vertical type. All we need is a wall or fence, as well as pots with plants or vegetables. If you approach the issue creatively, when decorating such a bed, you can use not only pots, but also plastic bottles of different colors. Create a colorful green garden with your own hands, with very little time and effort.

Making a vertical garden "green wall"

Climbing flowering arch

Another non-standard format of modern beds, which is constructed from weaving plants, such as cucumbers. More options for flowers and more.

Do-it-yourself cucumber arch

The process of working on such a bed is as follows. To begin with, seedlings of cucumbers are planted in several boxes, where we fill the soil. Then we take the pipes and make an arch out of them. Here, the main obstacle may be the lack of welding skills, but you can always get out of the situation and turn to specialists in this category.

When our arch is ready, the boxes are placed at the bottom of the structure. As cucumbers or other weaving plants grow, our “arch bed” will gain a beautiful and colorful appearance.

Figured vertical bed under the arch

Spicy garden

This type of bed plays a rather important role, because it can provide you with crops that will be used in various medicinal mixtures in the future, as seasonings for dishes, or you can simply contemplate the decorative beauty of plants.

Variant of a spicy bed with medicinal plants

Basically, the following plants are used to design beds of this kind:

  • Lavender - it can prevent aphids.
  • Thyme will help in pest control on vegetable crops, so it will be good to place it as a border around the garden.
  • And if you plant a yarrow, it will make a richer and sweeter taste.
    1. The first step in the design of the beds will win back the surface relief. Therefore, it is worth considering certain features.
    2. Remember that when calculating the shape, you need to pay attention to the fact that you should easily reach the middle of the bed without any difficulties.
  1. It is recommended to make a bed near the wall no more than 70-80 cm in length. If it is common in the middle of the plot, then the width can reach 1m, the length is from 2.5m, and the depth is about 20-50cm. In this case, the distance between the rows of beds should vary from 50 cm. up to 70cm.
  2. The process of creating beds takes place in the fall, especially if your site is located in a lowland.


In order to make it as comfortable as possible to arrange the garden bed with our own hands, we adhere to the following points:

  1. The bed can be safely located near the recreation area and gazebos. Act as a main element, and as a decor.
  2. To decorate the garden, use additional items. It can be from the most ordinary umbrella or shoes, ending with a cart, bicycle or even a sofa.
  3. To avoid the accumulation of different moisture, start creating beds on a flat surface.
    In addition to choosing a good site, remember that twice a year you must consistently dig up the cottage.

DIY Garden Garden Decor Ideas

In fact, there are a lot of ideas related to the design of the beds with your own hands.

    1. A tire pyramid is easy and simple. To begin with, the rubber is painted, then soil is poured into the lower tier, and the second tier is placed. At the same time, seeds are sown only in free corners of the earth. Often popular vegetables in this arrangement are radishes and greens.

Bed of tires "pyramid"
Tire bed design option
    1. The garden design will give an old umbrella, which will serve as a decoration in your garden. It will certainly look unconventional and attractive.

garden design with umbrella
The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcombining a garden bed and an umbrella
    1. You can make a garden decorative stone, which is easy to get, moreover, it does not require a significant investment of funds. More ideas for .

The combination of beds and decorative stone
garden design with stone
    1. Figures from garden items made by hand will look quite impressive on your land.

Decorating the beds with garden figures
    1. Craft from a chair in the garden is not only extraordinary, but also very intriguing. Surprise your neighbors and create such a bed with your own hands.

Using a chair in garden design

As a result, we can conclude that just having a bed is not enough. We need to make sure to play it in some interesting light, whether it's an unusual shape or interesting interior items. Do-it-yourself gardening can take some time, but the end results will be very impressive.

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For many owners of land plots, garden beds are no longer only a means of obtaining food, but also an object for embodying creative ideas. From our review you will learn how to make beautiful beds in the country with your own hands, photos of the most interesting ideas presented on the site.

Let's deal with the arrangement of beds in the country. With your own hands, you can create beautiful designs. are small areas that are visually separated from the rest of the area and are used for planting various crops. Since many plants do not get along well with each other, such zoning allows each crop to provide certain growing conditions. You can separate cultures based on compatibility or appearance of cultures to create original designs.

In the video below you can see the features of the design of landings. Such information will be especially useful for beginners.

Did you know that the comfort of plants depends on the size and configuration of the beds. This is, first of all, soil moisture and air exchange.

Moreover, important issue is how to properly arrange the beds on the site. Photos of layouts and landings can be used to create your own project.

There are some principles that need to be considered when planning the area for planting:

  • it makes sense to build raised beds on black soil so as not to acquire additional soil;

  • tall structures can be used for decorative purposes, in addition, they have little protection against some pests;

  • in regions with cold climatic conditions, warm ridges can be built;

  • if the area is lowland or clayey, then choose high structures;
  • it is more convenient to carry out weeding on landings, the height of which is from 40 to 60 cm;
  • the width should not exceed 120 cm, as this will cause difficulties in processing the site;

  • make passes between the beds of at least 30 cm. For complex structures, the gap can be increased to 60 cm;
  • the best location of landings from south to north. In this case, the plants will be evenly lit by the sun;
  • you can place plants near the walls of different buildings, but on the south side. This will provide shelter from the wind.

Think over the irrigation system, if it is not possible to stretch a hose to the plantings or, then install special containers or barrels.

Make a list of cultures in advance for them correct placement. Some plants require tying, while others creep along the ground.

Only after selection right place, arranging the irrigation system and choosing plants, you can proceed to the layout of the beds.

For your information! Some crops require special care, as well as a certain soil composition. It is important to choose the right soil substrate, as failure to comply with specific conditions will lead to a decrease in yield.

The principles of creating beds for summer cottages: different approaches

There are different approaches to designing beautiful beds in the country. This is a traditional and ecological method. The traditional one is more complex, in which the soil is subjected to serious human intervention.

Here are the main types traditional way agriculture:

  • digging the soil twice a year;
  • herbicide treatment;
  • a huge amount of fertilizer;
  • with such cultivation of beds in the soil, a small number of microorganisms.

These factors contribute to the rapid depletion of resources and low yields.

Now consider . It is based on the principle that the soil layer can regenerate itself. In this case, digging is performed only superficially, and weeding is carried out once every 1-2 weeks.

Ecological approach provides self recovery soil structure with the help of microorganisms, insects and plant roots. A large number of capillaries increases gas exchange processes. At the same time, the roots are saturated with nitrogen, which improves the quality of the soil layer.

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Let's find out how to make original beds. Interesting ideas in our review will help you create a variety of designs.

Features of planning beds in a summer cottage: photos and design methods

The site contains a large number of photos of beautiful beds in the country. You can make many designs with your own hands. Proper site planning will help you with this.

It is important to take into account the following features:

  • plant compatibility because some people can't stand the neighborhood. It is important to consider their compatibility;
  • installation multilevel structures to provide each plant with the optimal amount sunlight. tall plants recommended to be placed on the north side;
  • peculiarities. If the landings are on a slope, then during rain the soil can be washed away. In such cases, it is worth organizing special boxes for plants. In this case, the containers can be placed in the transverse direction along the slope;
  • matter crop yield indicators. This will correctly calculate required amount beds.

Before arranging the beds, you need to decide on their shapes and sizes. The shape can be rectangular, round, square or oval. It is not necessary to observe geometric proportions. The beds can have the most unusual shapes.

Special attention It is worth paying attention to planning if the site is small. In this case, you can try to build vertical beds in the country. Photos of some designs are presented on the site. Salvation for a small area will be that are filled with earth.

For your information! Often vertical beds are used for planting climbing crops.

How to make beds in the garden: photos of location options

You can see what the layout looks like, and options for placing plants in the photo. How to make beds in the garden depends on the characteristics of their location, design parameters and the specifics of plants.

The beds should be located taking into account the lighting in the morning and evening hours. For some crops, direct sunlight is detrimental. Put the location of the landings on paper. The sketch will allow you to correctly calculate the required amount of materials, as well as pick up seedlings and seeds.

Remember that the terrain must be even. If this cannot be achieved, then consider recesses in the lowlands, as well as the possibility of a terraced garden.

Looks good areas where triangular, rectangular and trapezoidal configurations are combined. Look spectacular multi-tiered structures. Don't plant too big.

If the territory is small, then the placement must be carried out taking into account multi-level, vertical and high landings. Such options are suitable for herbs, strawberries or strawberries.

For your information! If the site is located in an arid area, then planting should be done in the recesses. Areas located in the shade are suitable for growing greenery.

Arrangement of beds in the country with their own hands: photos of original ideas

Now consider the principles of design that will help you to decorate the beds in the country with your own hands. See photos of some designs on the website.

First of all, consider the following parameters:

  • the optimal height of the beds varies between 40-60 cm. This option helps to ensure good watering and weeding;
  • the maximum width is 1.2 meters;
  • the passage must be at least 0.3 meters.

The width of the tracks between landings is also important. Perfectly fit into the paths half a meter wide.

For your information! Paths covered with decorative stone, gravel or pebbles look well-groomed. Wicker garden fencing works well with fine gravel. Curb tapes are also used for fencing.

How to make a beautiful garden bed using lettuce crops

Even from lettuce you can make beautiful beds in the country with your own hands. Photos of these compositions fully confirm this.

For the design of the beds, varieties such as Zabava and Assol are used. These varieties can be combined with other vegetable crops. Lettuce feels good on the same bed with radishes, carrots, cucumbers and strawberries. Choose varieties according to maturity, such as early and late ripening.

For your information! Such crops are best grown in the shade.

Arrangement of beautiful beds in the garden: photo options using cabbage

With the help of cabbage, you can decorate the original beds in the garden with your own hands. The photos on the site show some of the ideas.

Wonderful decorative compositions are obtained from varieties of red cabbage. In addition, they are highly productive.

Amethyst is known for its unusual purple color. Cauliflower Cheddar is dyed orange. Cabbage is compatible with crops such as beets, dill, celery and onions.

How to make beautiful beds in the country: photos with examples of mixed crops

How areas with mixed plants look like, you can see in the photo. How beautiful it is to make beds in the garden depends on your layout, terrain features and fencing options. Common framing methods include live fences.

A variety of improvised materials are also used for fencing. Suitable, wood and stone.

How to make original designs you can see in the video:

If you decide to use mixed landings, then the following rules will come in handy:

  • crops of the same species are not planted side by side, as there will be many pests;
  • since tall plants shade undersized ones, consider the direction of planting, as well as where the sun rises and sets;
  • shade-tolerant crops include parsley, spinach, zucchini, rhubarb and sorrel;
  • light-loving plants include melon, watermelon, peas, beans and eggplant;
  • moderately photophilous are cabbage, carrots, beets, radishes and beans;
  • highly branched root system can entangle weak roots.

For your information! Many herbs - seasonings have a positive effect on planting, as they repel harmful insects.

How to arrange a bed in the garden: photo ideas using lawn grass

The most beautiful photos of cottages with beds and lawns will help you decide on the layout of the site. With the help of a lawn, you can create natural fences for your plantings.. With the help of such a grass cover, you can create a variety of configurations on the site.

This technology has some features that you should be aware of:

  • lawn coatings spread quickly, and they also need regular. It is important to carry out weeding in a timely manner;
  • the lawn is not a protection against rodents and pests that are harmful to the crop;
  • if not, then such a frame will lose its shape over time.

The beds can be different types. The most common is. This design improves the warming of the soil, which affects the intensity of growing vegetable crops. For such a bed, you may need a special frame.

Hill landings have a height of 80-90 cm, and a width of up to 200 cm. To protect this design, a small border is used. There are also beds according to the Mitlider method. In this case, the paths between plantings reach 90 cm, and narrow beds have a width of 45-50 cm. With this method, ease of care is ensured, since it is not necessary to dig up the entire territory.

The installation of the sides for the fence is made of different materials. It can be slate, or. The sides not only represent a decorative design, but also prevent its spreading. Boards are suitable for fencing beds, but before using them, treat them with antiseptic solutions. This will prevent rotting.

For a small area, a vertical landing orientation is suitable. In this case, you can use a stepped structure on which boxes with soil will be placed. Similar facilities are used for growing beans, peas or cucumbers. Alternatively, try arches and ladders.

Together with vegetables, you can plant flowers that will beautifully complement vegetable crops. The paths are made of gravel, tiles, stone or lawn grass.

For your information! Fences made of solid materials to some extent protect against pests. The easiest option is plastic elements. There are even products with imitation of stone or wood.


Growing plants in the country is not an easy task that requires knowledge and a responsible approach. To beautify the site and provide favorable conditions beds are used for the development of vegetable and other crops. Find out their types and features of the organization with your own hands.

If you plan to organize beds in the country with your own hands, familiarize yourself with the features of the process. First, understand the concept: the bed is a partially isolated small one, on which, under suitable conditions, you can grow different crops, providing the right individual care.

When organizing beds, several points are taken into account:

  1. The location depends on the specific crop being grown. Some plants require good lighting, others do better in shading. When choosing a location, you need to take into account the relief of the site. If the place is located in a lowland, moisture will accumulate in it, which is unacceptable for some cultures. When placing, ensure free access for convenient and unhindered care. To do this, do not place the beds far from water sources and do not arrange them at short distances from each other, otherwise it will be problematic to walk between them.
  2. The form is determined by the preferences of the owner of the cottage. It can be standard rectangular or square, but it is possible to organize beds with unusual shapes in the form of figures. The territory also affects the shape, because the beds should organically fit into it.
  3. What plants will be grown? They need individual care, taking into account the characteristics of a particular species, so the characteristics of the culture affect the choice of location in the country, the size of the beds. And some vegetables do not get along, so they need to be planted separately at a considerable distance.
  4. Skills. If you are planning to organize beds on the site for the first time and do not have the knowledge, choose unpretentious crops and beds that are easy to arrange. If you decide to create complex designs, you risk making mistakes and reducing or spoiling the crop.

There are several types of beds, and they should be considered in detail and separately.


A box-bed is a convenient and popular method of arranging a garden that allows you to create a separate isolated area for a particular crop, giving the area a neat, aesthetic and well-groomed appearance.

You can make a bed-box by preparing the place and fencing it with shields. To mark the boundaries and arrange the walls, sheets of polycarbonate or plastic, boards, slate (wave, flat) are used. It is advisable to choose a material that is practical and resistant to moisture, able to serve one season and maintain strength.

Do-it-yourself organization includes several stages:

  1. Border designation. Draw them or arrange the pegs, taking into account the shape and size of the beds.
  2. Wall installation. They are placed in the ground, in which furrows are preliminarily prepared. The soil must be compacted to ensure the stability and strength of the structure.
  3. Fill in the earth and organic matter, alternating layers.
  4. Plant your plants.

For your information! Preparing for the winter of beds-boxes involves their collection. In the spring, the structure is erected, the soil is loosened and planted with the selected crop.

Garden beds with drainage

Drainage beds are relevant and necessary if the garden is located in a lowland, and clay or swampy. Excess and stagnant water are detrimental and provoke decay of the root system, so it is necessary to ensure timely constant drainage and optimal gas exchange.

To organize drainage with your own hands, follow the instructions:

  1. Designate a landing site.
  2. Remove a layer of soil with a thickness of 50 to 60 cm.
  3. Sand is laid at the bottom of the formed pit, the thickness of the layer of which will be at least 20-25 cm.
  4. Lay sawdust, humus and a layer of soil suitable for growing the selected plant on top of the sand.


High beds should be made in a low-lying or heavily swampy area: raising the soil will prevent stagnation of moisture and ensure timely drainage. Suitable option for gourds, potatoes, zucchini. The height can be from 30-35 cm to 70-80.

Step-by-step device of a high bed in the garden:

  1. Prepare the box. It is possible to build it from plastic, boards, bricks, metal.
  2. A metal mesh is installed at the bottom of the structure, providing protection against rodents. A geotextile is laid on top of it, preventing the germination of weeds.
  3. Lay drainage, including expanded clay, broken brick, pebbles. The thickness of the layer is not less than ten centimeters.
  4. Prepare the soil by disinfecting it and treating it from pests. Fill the box with soil, filling most of it and leaving sides about 5 cm high.

Good to know! High beds can be organized without boxes using bulk trapezoids or ridges. A compost layer is laid on the soil, which ensures the rise of the soil. Next, the earth is poured, landing is carried out. But the beds will last only one season, because during the winter they will sag under the weight of snow and get wet when it melts. If bear insects are common in the region, it is better not to use compost: pests quickly populate it and multiply, destroying the crop. The rise is provided by an embankment of soil.


A vertical bed will save space in the garden and will become great solution if the area is small. But the option is suitable for crops with a not very developed root system: strawberries, lettuce, cucumbers, herbs, tomatoes.

For organization, it is allowed to use boxes, special racks or containers. Can arrange vertical garden from improvised materials, making containers from plastic bottles and placing them on a home-made frame assembled from boards or a metal profile.


In 2018, beautiful and aesthetic French beds are relevant. Distinctive features- concise geometric shapes, strict planted rows and paths between plantings. Guardrails can be made from finishing materials (terrace board, paving slabs), bricks. You can do it by planting leaf lettuce around the perimeter of the beds, a low-growing type of greenery. Elevate zones if the ground is waterlogged or the site is frequently flooded.


Fans of original ideas will appreciate the English beds, which allow a mixture of cultures. , a garden area with trees and a vegetable garden do not have strict boundaries and form a single landscape design. One site may include flower beds, fruit crops, vegetable planting.

Spaces are left between the beds for free movement and comfortable care. The territory should not look neglected and abandoned, so carefully look after the garden, make sure that the land is free of weeds and fence the beds around the perimeter, for example, with stones or bricks (it can be irregular).


Lazy beds are suitable for beginners or busy gardeners, as they do not require complex organization and time-consuming preparation. No need to prepare recesses and dig the soil to a great depth. It is enough to weed the ground, freeing it from weeds, slightly loosen it, then land. The spaces between the bushes are filled with mulch, which ensures the preservation of moisture and the prevention of its rapid evaporation, as well as protection from weeds. This greatly simplifies care and helps to collect good crops.

Advice! Lazy beds are ground and devoid of fences or raised and surrounded by borders.


Smart beds are not only original and beautiful, but also practical and productive. This method of organization will create optimal growing conditions and increase yields.

Do smart beds it’s not easy on the site, because you need to raise them and fill them not with ordinary earth, but with special mixtures suitable for specific crops, consisting of compost, fertilizers, clean nutrient soil, organic matter. Landings are protected by reinforced high sides. It is advisable to raise the site itself in order to protect it from stagnant water and pest attacks.


Warm beds will allow you to get early harvest and will be a good alternative to greenhouses. Planting heat will be provided by organic matter, which releases energy in the process of decomposition.

Arrangement is carried out at the end of autumn and includes several steps:

  1. Remove a layer of soil about 50 centimeters thick. You can also make a box and install it in the prepared recess. A metal mesh can be laid at the bottom of a pit or container to protect against moles.
  2. Lay on the bottom pre-scalded and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate sawdust. This layer should have a thickness of at least 15-17 cm.
  3. Lay organic matter consisting of fallen leaves, turf, bird droppings or manure. Compact this layer to a thickness of 15 centimeters.
  4. Lay organic matter that rots quickly, such as prepared compost. This layer is approximately 10 cm thick.
  5. Lay a nutrient mixture that includes six parts of peat and a part of sand and sawdust. Add here a tablespoon of ash and superphosphate, a teaspoon of potassium sulfate, urea, zinc sulfate. fertile substrate has a thickness of 20 cm.

With the first rays of the spring sun, organics will release heat, warming the soil up to 40-45 degrees, which will allow crops to be planted much earlier. So you can grow plants with a small root system: cucumbers, strawberries, herbs, radishes.

garden fences

Fencing will help to equip beautiful and neat beds and zone the summer cottage. Try to organically fit them into landscape design and do it correctly to protect plants from negative impacts and create an aesthetic appearance of the garden.

Used for fences different materials: polycarbonate, slate, metal, wood (boards or logs), stone, rods and pegs. Lovers of interesting ideas use improvised means: plastic and glass bottles, car tires, old hoses.

Below are the characteristics of the main types of materials used for the organization of fences.


Metal fences are quite durable, but they can be exposed to moisture for a long time and become covered with rust, which will not only worsen the appearance of the sides, but also negatively affect the composition of the soil. Thin metal is subject to deformation after mechanical stress. Metal also heats up in the sun.


Galvanized fences have good characteristics: they do not corrode, serve for a long time, retain their properties, are highly durable and resistant to attacks by pests and fungi. The beds will be reliably protected from wind and other natural phenomena, pests. Ready-made fences made of galvanized steel are light, easy to assemble, and have different shades.

Big downside - high price structures. They also quickly warm up and transfer heat to the surrounding soil, raising the temperature of the soil and negatively affecting the root system.


Plastic railings - modern solution. They are light in weight, are not attacked by pests and high humidity, serve for a long time and have an affordable price. Light plastic will not get very hot in the sun. But the fences are subject to mechanical stress.

Approaching responsibly to the organization of beds in the country, you will equip the garden, ennoble the territory and get an excellent harvest. Good luck to all gardeners!

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WITH There is an opinion that plants do not care which garden to grow on. This statement is fundamentally wrong, and it belongs to people who are far from agriculture. Humidity, the intensity of gas exchange and the species composition of microorganisms living in the upper centimeters of the soil depend on the shape of the beds. All these factors determine the quality of the substrate, and hence the yield. How to apply scientific approach and build beautiful, photos and descriptions of the processes - in this article.

Garden beds

The principles of the arrangement of beds

Many crops are grown in the garden, the agricultural technology of which is not only different, but diametrically opposed. To enable differentiation, the site is divided into zones, and the zones into beds. A bed is a small, relatively isolated piece of soil, where you can provide individual care, top dressing and moisture conditions for a certain kind plants.

  • slate, boards or pieces of plastic of such a size that at least 20 cm remain above the ground and at least 30 cm deep into the soil;
  • pegs made of wood or metal for securing fences;
  • non-woven material for lining the bottom.

In a bed on top of a non-woven fabric, it will be necessary to lay in layers:

  • sawdust or straw with a layer of 10 cm;
  • dry foliage harvested in autumn - 10 cm;
  • a mixture of one part of compost and two parts of earth - 10 cm or more;
  • layer of earth - at least 10 cm.

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Photo examples of bright and original flower beds from car tires, plastic bottles, logs, stones and other waste material in a special material.

The process of creating beds

The preparation of the beds takes place in the spring, when the soil has dried out to the extent that it is suitable for digging. The temperature does not matter. The stages of creating a bed-box:

  • Marking - it is made using pegs with a stretched cord. The length and width should be comfortable for processing. The narrower the bed, the faster it will dry out.

  • Preparation (cutting) of fences and fixing stakes. Stakes and sides can be twisted in advance with self-tapping screws, making a structure in the form of a shield. Such fences are reusable, easy to put up and can be removed for the winter if it is decided to move the bed.
  • Installation of fences.