Basil and tomatoes together. Compatibility of plants on a vegetable garden or mixed fit. What vegetables grow well on one bed

In this article, the "Garden of My Dream" will tell about what plants are useful for each other and why they should be planted nearby. Those who are engaged in agriculture and crop production have long been noticed that some vegetables become wonderful neighbors and improve the soil, while others, on the contrary, suffer from unwanted intimacy.

Choose the "neighbors" for landing

Planning a garden and a garden, it is important to take into account the features of sunlight and climate, the presence of insect pollinators, the characteristics of the soil and water supply, as well as the principles of combining vegetables.

A properly chosen combination is a good alternative to crop rotation, in which various cultures alternately alternate, and also uses the shift of landing sites.

With the help of thoughtful vegetable neighborhood, you can solve such tasks as the fight against pests, improving the taste of fruits, an increase in yield and disease resistance.

List of plants and their "neighbors"

  • Mint. The plant contributes to the involvement of bees, but should not be planted next to it radish or break cabbage beds, since it can be brought to a vegetable mole.
  • Crack, or Alissa. Beautiful plant to attract insect pollinators and the struggle with pest beetles, suitable material For mulching.
  • Amaranth. The healing culture will be the best "neighbor" for corn landing, will create a shadow and will contribute to the accumulation of moisture and bringing the grip.
  • Asparagus along with cilantro, nails, oregano, dill, pepper, thyme, astro, nasturtium, parsley, thyme, sage interferes with the accumulation of nematodes threatening tomatoes. In turn, tomatoes reflect from the asparagus itself of the pathogenic beetle.
  • Basil. This fragrant grass favorably affects the taste of tomatoes and contributes to their growth, like Orego, asparagus and pepper. At the same time, the basil is distinguished by flies, trips, mosquitoes.
  • Beans feed. This species Bobov saturates soil nitrogen. Not suitable as a "neighbor" for a bow-sowing, garlic and bow. At the same time, it works great next to such vegetables as carrots, beets, cucumber, eggplant, peas, radishes, potatoes, corn, as well as with strawberries.
  • Beans. Do not put it next to beets, since it mutually slows down.
  • Soya beans . The plant saturates soil with nitrogen, can be used for mulching in the prevention of growth of weeds. A favorable "neighbor" will be such a vegetable as corn, and legumes in this case will protect against the invasion of the bugs and the Japanese beetle.
  • Beet. The plant contributes to the enrichment of the soil with minerals. The green part of the beet is suitable for compost preparation. It is good neighboring with such cultures like Kohlrabi, corn, leek, mint, garlic, green salad. Mint leaves serve as mulch for beets.
  • Cucumber grass. The plant is well adjacent to almost any vegetables and berries, including tomatoes and strawberries, is suitable for compost and soil mulch. It attracts insect pollinators and repels cabbage worms, as well as tomato brahnik.
  • Plants family of cabbage. They will become good "neighbors" for dill, rosemary, daisies, sage, mint. It is impossible to plant next to peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes.
  • Grech. Culture promotes calcium deduction, absorbing nutrients inaccessible to other plants. As a result, it is possible to prepare a nutritional compost high Quality For feeding vegetables. During the flowering period, buckwheat attracts not only insect pollinators, but also pests.
  • Calendula. This flower distinguishes the pests-nematodes that live in the soil, but at the same time contributes to attracting slugs. As adjacent plants, it is recommended to plant asparagus and tomatoes.
  • Carrot . The plant will be a comfortable "neighbor" for cabbage, onions, beans, peas, green lettuce, radish, rosemary, tomatoes, beans, sage. You should not break near the beds with Pasternak, dill, potatoes.
  • Cat mint. The plant attracts insect pollinators and repels fleas, weevils, tort and ants.
  • Celery. Suitable for landing next to such vegetables, like cabbage, garlic, green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, leek.
  • Dill. Promotes the growth of cabbage, corn, bow, green lettuce, cucumbers. At the same time, it attracts wilders, destroying caterpillars and scare away custom tick and TRU. Not suitable for landing near tomatoes and carrots.
  • Eggplant. Well neighing with beans, peas, spinach, amaranth, marigolds, pepper, thyme, bad - with dill.
  • Garlic. Beneficially affects roses, protecting them from aphids, as well as on vegetables such as cabbage, salad, potatoes, tomatoes, beets, celery. Do not break near the beds with beans and peas.
  • Melon. Favorable for nasturtium, radish, sunflower, pumpkins, marigolds, corn, not suitable as a neighboring potato culture. Melon leaves are suitable for compost preparation.

Vegetables growing together


Do not plant together


Beans, beans

Celery, corn, cucumbers, radishes, strawberries and a chamber

Garlic, Luc

Beans, cabbage, broccoli, salad, onions, garlic

Cabbage, Broccoli, Brussels, Color

Beets, Celery, Dill, Salad, Spinach, Onions, Potatoes

Beans, tomatoes


Beans, Tomatoes, Cabbage


Cucumbers, melons, zucchini, peas, beans, pumpkin


Beans, corn, peas, cabbage


Beans, pepper

Corn, pumpkin, radishes, zucchini

Beets, carrots, salad, pepper

All beans and peas

Beans, carrots, corn, cucumbers, radishes, turnip

Garlic, Luc


Carrots, celery, cucumbers, onions, pepper

Corn, Potatoes, Kohlrabi

Coriander, Onions, Spinach, Tomatoes

Beans, Kohlrabi.

Sergei Vadimovich wondered: "Is the tomatoes are allowed next to bulgarian pepper

Tomatoes are quite whimsical to accommodation with other cultures. When landing with pepper, the rules should follow. Pepper is categorically against shading. There should be something low, for example, basil, melon. At the edges, you can arrange arugula.

Tomatoes prefer drafts. You can plant tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, peppers in the next order in the greenhouse, the pepper in the next order: from the north - cucumbers so that other plants are not shaded. Everything else - with southern. Tomatoes will grow in this case, but not very successful due to high humidity.

Optimal option

Tomatoes next to cucumbers and peppers - not the best choice. Tomatoes love when the greenhouse is well ventilated, the rest of the cultures are not against the heat. The optimal output is to plant tomatoes separately. Peppers, eggplants, cucumbers can be placed together in a separate greenhouse.

Other nuances

You can plant tomatoes and peppers near, but in this case, watering should be made equally! If producing timely care, the crop turns good. An excellent result is given tomatoes of the Nevsky variety. They grow up to October and phytoofluorosis at the same time not marked. You can choose as a neighbor for tomatoes asparagus. However, she gets great with all vegetables.

Tomatoes "respect" Basil. Vegetables can be combined in the salad. Plants love the same soil and watering.

Important! The smell of basilica does not tolerate caterpillars, which are the main pest for tomatoes. The crop of tomatoes growing next to the basil will be much tastier.

Support tomatoes is allowed and close to celery, distinguished by unpretentiousness. This culture is also well suited to all vegetables. Corn placed next to tomatoes is prohibited! It can be placed with cucumbers, potatoes, pumpkin, peas.

Peer tomatoes

Tomatoes are suspicious of "neighbors". They also make high demands for Earth. You can position them with dill, parsley, carrots. Cabbage and potatoes are the most undesirable neighbors.

Remember! You can experiment! Change the combination of plants annually. Just so you will learn what and what is growing with you best and achieve excellent results. Do not forget about making fertilizers.

To obtain high yields, pepper and tomatoes are recommended to divide. Tomatoes can be placed in a greenhouse with velvets. Peppers better land on warm Gino On the street with eggplants. You can land cultures inverse. So you get a yield 3 times more.

Excellent crop turn

In order for the harvest to be, the crop rotation should look like this:

  1. First year - pepper, potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes.
  2. Second - patissons, cabbage, melon, turnip, zucchini, radish.
  3. Third - spicy, green cultures: celery, beets, parsnips, carrots, garlic and onions.
  4. Fourth - legumes: Siderats, Melon, Patchsons.

Predecessors for tomatoes can be: cabbage, cucumbers, legumes, onions.

Arguing from an economic point of view, it is better to place culture in a greenhouse that are poorly growing in open soil. These are cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. Of course, you can put them on the street, but the result is hardly pleased.

Rational approach

In year-round greenhouse, it is worth posting what you need constantly. You can plant seedlings, and has already grown up to transplant to open soil.

Peppers planted from March to April. If the temperature is 18 degrees, it will take up after 14 days.

Between tomatoes, he feels good if the soil is suitable. It should be wet, loose and nutritious. With dry weather, pepper can reset the fruits. It is important to introduce organic matter on time. On the square meter 100 grams required. After 6 weeks, feeding is made universal fertilizers (50 g per square meter). Support is represented by spicks and ropes.

Using the presented tips, you will learn to combine tomatoes with other cultures correctly.

Royal grass was called basil in Russia, the ancient Romans saw in it a symbol of fertility, love and family hearth, and in India he worshiped as favorite plant God Vishnu. The gourmets of the whole world appreciate this spice for a bitter-sweet taste, a unique aroma (from fresh pepperbar to a pronounced clove) and an innumerable amount of useful properties. Do you know which basil is considered the most useful? What is grown with your own hands!

What is this plant - basil

Basil is an annual spicy plant. It forms a low (up to 60 cm height) a branched bush with large quantity Subneuing-oval brilliant leaves, which, depending on the variety, have a bright green, dark green and even green-purple color. By the end of July - the beginning of August Basil blooms. Before flowering in the leaves, the largest number of essential oils accumulates and they exude an extraordinary fragrance. Collection and billet Basilica are carried out at this time.

Small Basil Flowers, Necocuses at first glance, attract a huge amount of insect pollinators to the garden

European cuisine has preference to green basilica, and Asian and Caucasian - purple, having a sharper fragrance, varieties of this culture.

How to put basil

Without much care and creating comfortable conditions The greens of the Basilica will be sluggish and small, but if you know and take into account the preferences of this culture with respect to soil, humidity, temperature, you can get a otnaya harvest.

Preparation of soil

According to the rules of cultivation of the basil for its landing, it is necessary to select a plot with a fertile, loose, having good moisture and breathability of the soil. Easy letters and loams are preferred, which, with autumn resistance, were well filled organic fertilizers (up to 5 kg per 1 m 2). The structure of heavy clay soils must be improved. For this, the following components contribute to the future bed:

  • peat, large river sand - to increase looseness (1-2 bag of 25 kg per bed);
  • nutrients (compost at least buckets per 1 m 2, ash in the amount of 800-1000 g per bed);
  • lime to reduce acidity and increase air permeability (amount according to the instructions depending on the acidity of the soil).

Occultural clay soil Sowing and further spares of sites of siturates will help.

Plot for sowing should be sunny, protected from wind. When cultivating culture, it is important to comply with the principles of crop rotation. Basil is preferably grown after potatoes, legume crops, tomatoes, zucchini and cucumbers, i.e., after those cultures, the beds under which the organica was well refueling. As an undesirable predecessor, a bed can be called.

Mosquitoes, midges, flies do not like the smell of basilica, so it will be advisable to sow it near the arbors, shops or other places of recreation on your cottage

Basil's cultivation of several seasons in a row in one site can provoke the mass distribution of fusariosis - fungal diseasehitting the leaves of the plant.

Definition of sowing dates depending on the planting method

Dates of sowing Basilica in open soil depend on the region and seasonal temperature features. For the average climatic strip, this is the second half of May or the beginning of June, after the threat of return freezers. Optimal method Definitions of landing time is tracking the ground temperature. Its rooted layer (10-15 cm) should warm up to a temperature of +10 ° C. The air temperature by this time should also be not lower than +15 ° C.

Sowing at a temperature of the soil below +10 ° C will lead to the fact that the basil will arise for a long time and slowly develop.

These time sowing will give early yield greenery. In order for the fresh greens of Basilica to please you in August and September, seeds of this culture can be planted from weekly intervals. Recent crops can be done even in early July. it perfect time For a thermal-loving plant: the soil will be fine, the seeds will give friendly shoots and will quickly develop.

For summer crops It is impossible to dry the soil. In hot weather, young shoots may require daily irrigation.

With the cultivation of basil across seedlings, sowing time is determined as follows:

  1. The point of reference is considered to be the date of the seedlings in the open ground. For example, you can take a date on June 5th.
  2. From the appointed date take 60 days (this is the maximum age of seedlings to disemboditate in open ground). It turns out on April 7th.
  3. From this date take another 15 days. This time needs seeds to shoot. It turns out on March 23.
  4. If the seedlings are planned, then take another 5 days. This is a reserve time to adapt seedlings to new conditions. It turns out that seeds in the seedlings must be heated on March 18.

If it is planned to plant seedlings not to open soil, but in a greenhouse, you should install more early deadlines sowing. They can be shifted for 2 weeks.

Preparation of seeds for landing

Estimated homeland Basilica - Africa.Like any tropical plant, he loves heat, poorly tolerates temperature drops, requires attention and care. If the basil seeds sow in the soil without prepressingThe germination may not be very high.

Basil seeds retain the germination for four to five years

Pre-sowing processing of seeds is not just a desirable procedure. With its help, you can increase and speed up the germination, harden seeds, prepare them for weather vagaries. Basil shooters will be more friendly and early, if you warm the seeds during the week. It is best to lay them out in the sun, you can warm up on the heating batteries, but it is necessary to ensure that the temperature for seeds is comfortable - not higher than +40 ° C.

Some gardeners advise soak the basil seeds before labeling. This procedure significantly accelerates the appearance of germs.

When soaking, the basil seeds are strongly eased.

Video: Landing germinated seeds Basilica at seedlings in snail

Growing seedlings

  • humid or compost - 2 parts;
  • peat - 4 parts;
  • good washed sand - 1 part.

Earth mixture is recommended to undergo thermal processing: disappear in a water bath. This procedure will help get rid of seeds of weeds and harmful microorganisms, and therefore will prevent many problems associated with growing seedlings. Well disinfects the soil watering with chimperics (phytosporin, vitaros) or dark pink (5%) solution of manganese.

  1. For seeding, seeds are used by shallow (5-7 cm) of the containers, which are filled with the prepared wet soil, compact it.

    Seeds are evenly scattered over the surface, set plates with a variety name

  2. On top of the seeds pour up to 1 cm of a wet soil. Again the soil seal and carefully watered landing.

    When setting down seeds, soil needs to ensure that the seeds are not on the surface of the soil.

  3. Capacity are covered with transparent material and transferred to light and warm (+ 22-25 ° C) place.
  4. For shoots, seeds will need about two weeks. After their germination, the observer material is removed and placed the containers in the room with a temperature not higher than +20 ° C. At a higher temperature, shoots can be stretched.

    Water shoots need warm water, not allowing moisture and stagnation of moisture

  5. Seedlings are proceeded after the appearance of the first real leaves at the shoots.

    Research Basilica is ready for picking in phase 2-3 of real leaves

  6. The pickup is carried out in separate containers filled with the same nutrient mixture that was used for seeding. To improve nutritional properties on 5 liters of soils, it is recommended to add a tablespoon of complex fertilizer containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Capacities are filled with prepared soil. In the middle make a small deepening, in which the plant is placed, carefully placing his roots.

    Each basil seedman is divened to a separate container.

  7. Seedlings should not be very shuffled into the soil. They are planted on the same depth, which was at the shoots.

    The depth of landing seedlings should be the same as the shoots

  8. If the seedlings stretched out, then they must be filled with a complex fertilizer: 10 g of nitroammophos on 5 liters of water. The feeder spend the day after the dive, under the root. Seedlings are regularly watered with water temperature.

    The sawn seedlings of the Basilica should be watered carefully, following the way they do not fall

  9. Two weeks before disembarking, it is recommended to start the hardening procedures. To do this, seed out on fresh air, following the temperature is not lower than +5 ° C.

    Approximately 10-12 days before landing, the seedlings of the Basilica are hardened by placing on open air, indoors with a lower temperature or conducting ventilation

  10. After 50-60 days of seedlings ready to transplant permanent place. By this time, the soil of the open soil should warm up to +15 ° C, and the seedlings will have at least 5 real leaves.

    Research Basilica is easy to remove from the cassette when the roots completely mastered the earthen

  11. Planting seedlings are carried out by rows. The distance between them should be 30 cm, and between plants in a row - about 25 cm. The disembarkation is recommended to spend a cloudy day. After disembarking, young seedlings are abundantly watered with warm water.

    Basil's buse itself should be planted in such a way that its main kidney and leaves are located above the soil.

If the seedlings of the Basilica develops, it begins to stretch, and there is no possibility to plant it in open soil, then the seedman is recommended to be discharged over 6-8 sheets and feed with complex fertilizers. It stimulates the growth of side shoots and greens.

Sowing an open soil

Basil can be sown in open ground. Sowing spend on ridges with prepared, thoroughly aligned earth.

  1. The grooves cut the furrows with a depth of about 2 cm. The distance between the furrows should be at least 20 cm.
  2. The grooves are pre-moisturized and slightly condensed so that the seeds do not go deep into the ground.
  3. Seeds are placed with a solid strip or at a distance of about 5 cm from each other. The deposition of seeds should not exceed 1 cm.

Looking for a basil for mixed beds

Basil perfectly complements many vegetables not only on a plate, but also in the garden. This spice is recommended to plant on separate and mixed ridges. If you put a basil, for example, near tomatoes, it will score with his smell of harmful insects and, as experienced gardeners assure, accelerate the growth of tomatoes and improve their taste.

When landing on mixed ridges it is necessary to observe the rules of the combination of plants with each other, taking into account their height, size and time maturation

Almost the only bad neighbor for the Basilica is the root.

Video: Landing seedlings Basilica on mixed ridges

Advantages of landing basil in greenhouse

In the protected soil, the basil can be grown through seeds or seedlings. Stages of sowing and disembarkation practically do not differ from the procedures described above for open soil. However, there are advantages of the cultivation of the Basilica in the greenhouse:

  • when landing on warmed ridges and proper care In glass or polycarbonate greenhouses, the harvest of spicy greenery can be collected not only in the summer, but also in early spring and in the fall;
  • since the plant is provided comfortable temperature, it grows faster and goes well;
  • in the protected ground, basil practically does not ill;
  • basil is an excellent neighbor for any cultures, has a beneficial effect on them, does not require individual landing areas, therefore, it can be planted between the main cultures of the greenhouse.

Video: Landing Basilica in Teplice together with tomatoes

Basil Multifunctional is a favorite spice, assistant in the fight against pests on the garden and just beautiful decorative plant. For proper preparation Soils and attention rendered to culture in different vegetation periods, this tsarist grass until the autumn will delight beauty, aroma and abundant harvest.

Let's look at what is a basil. Growing from seeds, care for it will not add special difficulties to the garden. Basil like many for a special taste, aroma, beneficial features. It is a lush average bush, about 60-80 cm high, often used not only cooking, but also as decorative decoration Plot.

Aromatic spices, such as Fennel, Rosemary, Thyme, Estragon, Kinza, Basil Like many, so long ago, successfully grown on our gods.

Green and purple basil in bed

What kind of plant basil

This plant from Asia has several varieties, varieties vary in color, form of leaves. Cooking european countries For cooking, green basil uses widely.

Green Basil

With us, on the contrary, its purple fellow is more common, which is distinguished by a bright, pronounced aroma.

Purple Basil

The leaves of the Baku variety have a purple color, their smell is like a mixture of mint flavors, carnations (seasonings). Basil with a bluish color (Yerevan) smells of tea, fragrant pepper. Green basil (spoonful) - by smell a little similar to the laurel with an admixture of cloves.

In addition to culinary purposes, this aromatic culture has quite widespread use, as its leaves, stems contain many vitamins, essential components, camphor, carotene, potassium. Purple basil has bactercid, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties. Its use has a positive effect on the nervous, urinary system. Interesting the fact that mosquitoes, midges, flies do not like the smell of basilica, so it will be advisable to sow it near the arbors, shops or other rests at your country.

Dry or fresh leaf Basilica is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes, sauces, soups. It should be added very carefully, as it is able to completely change, even kill, the taste of the main ingredients.

Growing basil across seedlings

This grass prefers a light fertile soil, begins to bloom from the middle of the summer, continues to the first autumn days. Basil loves heat, illuminated places, reacts badly to temperature differences. How to grow basil from seeds at home? Gravity gardeners Recommended to pre-dock seeds (2 times) hot water - Not more than + 30 ° C, about 15 minutes. If you have a manganese, you can add a little powder into water.

Basilica shoots

Pre-prepared shallow tanks (5-7 cm) with a substrate, which is well moistened to the immediate seed seed (beginning-mid-April). Also for planting, you can use soil consisting of humus, peat, sand (proportions - 2: 4: 1).

Seeds are plunged about 1 cm, carefully water, after which the box is exhibited on the sun's illuminated place, where the temperature is not lower than + 23 ° C. After 7-10 days, the first sprouts appear, by this time the temperature should be reduced to + 17..20 ° C so that seedlings are not stretched.

At all stages of growing basil, watering should be carried out only for warm water. Also, the soil is not allowed, as well as the convergence (in order to avoid the appearance of a black leg).

How to plant a basil in a separate pot? When seedlings appear two real leaves, picking time occurs. To do this, you can use special cassettes or other small containers. On the bottom you can put a small crushed stone or pebbles that will be drainage. Picking is made carefully, fearing damage root system. Plants plant in small recesses, followed by regular watering.

Basil - landing and care in open soil

Somewhere 7-10 days before the transfer of plants to open ground, it is necessary to start hardening - to reduce the amount of water when watering, produce anteriorization, gradually reduce the temperature (not lower than + 7..10 ° C). By the end of May / Top of June, when the Earth warms up to about + 15 ° C, it is possible to extract seedlings from pots, transplanted into the ground.

Next, we plant the basil on the beds. In the open soil, this culture is practically no different from any other seedlings. Bustards are located at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other, the recess in the soil should be approximately 7-10 cm. The distance between the beds should be about 30 cm. The well should be well pouring before planting the plant. Kostik himself should be planted in such a way that its main kidney, the leaves were located above the soil. As in the case of a different seedliness, it is better to choose a cloudy day for landing, so that the sun is minimally contacting the young basil.

So that the bushes have developed well, pleased you with their pomp, the tops of the plants can be fused at the stage of the appearance of the fifth or sixth full-fledged sheet. This mannewer contributes to the breaking of the Basilica of Wishl, his delicate. Subsequently, that the plant also gave magnificent leaves, the inflorescences should be deleted in a timely manner - fuse or cut off. Earth naturally requires regular irrigation, loosenings, weeds should be destroyed.

Landing basil seeds immediately in open ground

You can also plant this fragrant spice immediately into the ground, bypassing the pre-cultivation process in drawers, pots. If you live in the south of the country, then this process follows the middle or end of April. If you are in middle lane, then sow basil better by the middle / end of May, when you will be exactly sure that the cooling is no longer foreseen.

Similarly, the seeds first soak in hot water. In the garden form shallow beds, while the species of seed seeds repeats the above-sowned seedling method. Bulk seed - no more than 1 cm, subsequent irrigation, earth enhancing, weed removal. Upon reaching 20 cm plants, the tops are accumulated. The more you remove the leaves from the bush, the more active they will increase again.

Basil is a plant whose bEST TIME For the billet for autumn, the winter is the period before flowering. To this moment, it reaches the maximum concentration of beneficial components, vitamins, essential oils. As soon as you will see not blossomed buds - immediately break the sheet on the workpiece. When the seeds cause, you can assemble them, use to be appointed with the onset of spring.

Basil is comfortable feeling in bed before the onset of the first serious cooling. Before approaching frost, you can dig a bush, put in room potThus, you will always have a fragrant spice in winter and at the same time beautiful plant at home.

It should be aware that it is not recommended to plant a basil for the same place for several years - this increases the risk of plant disease with fusariasis.

Now you know when to plant a basil to seedlings, plant it, how to care for seedlings and grown bushes. It grows well with ordinary care, but if you decide to fow it with organic fertilizers, it will not be worse. The main varieties of basil or hybrid, such as the Balconstar, Anisian, Fantasist, Limonic Aroma, can be grown in the way the most described method.

We hope that the fragrant spicy decorative bridge basil, cultivation of seeds, the subsequent care for which was described in this article, will now settle on your summer cottage.

"... wall of rotating spokes
Closed fluid face.
Someone who never sleeps
Do not need a basil ... "

Basil is a beautiful plant, a wonderful doctor and, about whose cultivation secrets I will tell you in this article.

A native of Asia, Basil conquered Europe not immediately, despite the fact that he was worshiped in Iran, India and Ceylon. By the way, the Indians believed that the leaves of the Basilica - a kind of pass to the paradise for the deceased. It was the plant and in Greece - translated from the Greek Basil means "Royal". But in Europe for a long time treated him as a damned plant. In the Middle Ages, Europeans sincerely believed that the smell of the basilica magically acts on a person and turns it into scorpion.

Several centuries passed before in Europe, the basil was appreciated: at first he began to grow in Italy, where the glory of the symbol was entrusted family well-being And fertility, then in France, where Basil has become a favorite spice.

Basilica cultivation

Basil - a valuable fragrant annual plant forming a very decorative branchy bush, depending on the variety reaching a height of 20-60 cm.

Subneuing-oval brilliant basil leaves can be bright green, dark green and even green-purple. The leaflets of various varieties of basilica not only with color, but also form: one is flat, in the second one - with an elegant carved edge, well, thirdly in general corrugated. They can be large or small, narrow or wide, but precisely because of their divine aroma, actually, and.

Basil begins to bloom at the end of July or early August. Just at this point in its leaves accumulates the maximum number essential oilwhy they exude even more pleasant aroma. You probably have already guessed that it is best to collect them at this time.

Many people think that Basil is appreciated only for its aromatic foliage, but there is another reason. Little white Basil flowers, new looks at first glance, attract whole flocks of insect pollinators into the garden. Already by the middle of September, fruit ripen - black and purple nuts in the place of the Basil Floweries.

Landing Basilica

This year I decided to plant a basil under young apple trees and pears, whose crowns are very small and do not give shadows yet. As a result, there was a certain decorative fragrant green ring: and beautifully, and useful - a strong smell of basil scares from trees.

Something I retreated a little from the topic, back to the planting process)

Basilica can only be dried in the shade, and only where there is sufficient air circulation. I do it under a canopy: I associate cut the tops of the shoots in small bundles and simply hang to the ceiling. If you have, greens can be dried in it.

Types and varieties of basil

There are over 150 basil varieties, lower - the most popular of them.

Basil scented (Ocimum Basilicum)

Basil is fragrant or camphor - the most common appearance that grown around the world. The bushes of this species reaches 50 cm in height, the greens is distinguished by a rather tart taste, a little similar to the clove.

The best varieties of the Basilica of fragrant are considered:

  • "Magical Michael." - loves very well.

Basil grade "Magical Michael". Photos from
  • "Mammoth." - is different large leaves With pretty sharp taste.

Basil grade "mammoth". Photos from
  • "Genovese Gigante." - Loves of Italians.

Basil Grade "Genovese Gigante"