Why the leaves of the money tree fall off, crumble or turn black, and how to help your beloved plant. Fat woman - diseases and their treatment

Improper care is always the cause of the development of any disease. It remains only to figure out which actions lead to this or that ailment.

reference! The most dangerous period for Crassula is winter. Since there is always a lack of lighting at this time, and temperature regime is not constant due to the weather outside the window and the operation of the heating system.

Crohn turns pale and falls off


  • regular waterlogging of the substrate;
  • lack of moisture;
  • watering with cool water;
  • excess feeding;
  • response to a stressful situation.

What to do if the plant is sick:

  1. Give up fertilizers for about 30 days.
  2. Reduce watering or make it regular and abundant.
  3. Defend water in advance to moisten the soil.

The stem only grows upward

Causes: over-watering in low light or low temperatures air.

Treatment methods:

  1. Reduce the frequency of soil moisture.
  2. Adjust the temperature to 22-25 degrees Celsius.
  3. Use artificial lighting sources.

Red pigmentation

Causes: the development of bacteria on the plant.

Treatment methods:

  1. Cut off the affected foliage from the bastard.
  2. Treat the healthy part with an antibacterial agent several times with a break of 10 days.

Delayed development


  • insufficient fertilization;
  • irregular wetting of the substrate;
  • bad light;
  • rest period.

What to do if the flower is sick:

  1. Establish a mode of watering and feeding.
  2. Provide light conditions for 12 hours a day.

Rotting shoots


  • excessive soil moisture;
  • waterlogged soil.

Treatment methods:

  1. It is necessary to let the earthen whom stand in a dried state for at least a couple of days.
  2. If drying the soil did not help, the plant can only be saved by planting young plant from a healthy scion.

How else can you help a fat woman if she is rotten from excessive watering, we suggest learning from this useful video:

Yellow crown shade

Causes: insufficient lighting.

Treatment methods: organize the care regimen so that the fat woman receives good diffused light for 12 hours a day.

Leaves become soft

Causes: chaotic watering mode.

Most often the florist first long time does not moisturize the substrate, and then tries to remedy the situation with abundant watering.

Treatment methods:

  1. Drying the soil.
  2. If this manipulation does not help, it is worth replanting the plant in a new substrate. But to do this, clean the root system of soil and examine it for decay. Treat the rhizomes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

We offer you to watch a useful video about why the fat woman soft leaves and how to deal with it:

Black pigmentation


  • sunburn;
  • fungal infection, the cause of which is insufficient ventilation of the room.

Treatment methods:

  1. Avoid direct sunlight on the plant. To do this, place it in partial shade or shade it in hot hours.
  2. Treat with Fundazole solution.
  3. Reduce the amount of watering.
  4. Ventilate the room in which the fat woman is located more often.

Small dots of white

Causes: This pigmentation is a consequence of the evaporation of excess moisture. Moreover, this moisture enters the flower not only from the soil, but also from the air.

Treatment methods:

  1. Review the watering regime.
  2. Less humidification of the air around the plant.

The plant takes on a red tint


  • hitting the sun's rays on the surface of the sheet plates;
  • poor air circulation;
  • lack of nutrients.

Treatment methods:

  1. Apply the fat woman.
  2. Adjust the feeding regime, make them permanent.
  3. Take care of the drainage layer in the flower container.

Silver bloom

Causes: the result of the stress experienced.

This situation can be a response to a sharp change in temperature and light conditions, as well as the frequency of soil moisture and fertilization.

Treatment methods: such plaque is dead cells. Their plant seemed to be thrown onto the surface of the leaves. There is no need to fight the silvery plaque - it will go away on its own as soon as the money tree recovers from stress.

Foliage wrinkled

Causes: Abundant watering of the flower after a long period of drought.

Treatment methods: such irregular watering with jumps can lead not only to diseases of the fat woman, but also to her death, and wrinkled signs are the first sign of illness. Therefore, it is important to correctly water the Crassula so as not to create stressful situations.

Dried brown spots

Causes: lack of moisture.

Treatment methods: water the plant with settled water room temperature... At the same time, new moistening should be carried out only when the substrate dries out by about 3-5 centimeters in depth.

The flower dries up


  • excess moisture in the soil;
  • root system filled all the space in the flowerpot.

Treatment methods:

  1. Dry the ground and the entire rhizome.
  2. If necessary, replace the pot with a larger one.

Crassula pests and how to deal with them

Spider mite

The pest is very small in size. However, despite its size, the mite is very noticeable on the plant. The described pest can be recognized by small grayish or reddish dots, which are constantly moving.

When a spider mite attacks, the cobweb is most pronounced, which most often envelops the leaf plates. When attacked by such an insect, often the entire green part of the fat woman acquires a yellowish or slightly brown tint.

If a grower noticed a spider mite on a money tree, he should:

  1. Treat the plant with fungicides immediately.
  2. Plus, you need to tighten the bag on the crassula - from the very top to the base of the pot. Such a vacuum will create humid environment, which will lead to the death of the spider mite.

From folk remedies you can use a soapy solution. True, this tool will have to be processed several times.


This pest is considered one of the most common insects for the fat woman. It's hard to find, since the worm is most often located on the root system and in the axils of the foliage. This insect survives thanks to the living tissues of the plant, from which it sucks out juice, which is the cause of death for money tree.

Crassula does not fade immediately, but gradually. This is facilitated by a weakened immune system. In addition, the external data of the plant deteriorate. A white bloom similar to cotton wool appears on the entire surface of the leaves.

Treatment consists of several stages.:

  1. The first is mechanical removal pests. This can easily be done with a good pressure of water.
  2. Then the whole bastard is treated with alcohol or garlic solution. From finished preparations“Aktellik” and “Fufanon” help well.


The scutellum is recognized by the light brown bumps on the foliage surface. Sometimes these build-ups can take on a yellow tint.

You can easily deal with such a pest.:

  1. You just need to collect it from the plant by hand.
  2. Then spray the Crassula with soapy water or Fitoverm. This remedy absolutely safe for people and pets, but merciless to insect pests. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions for use.

Root worm

He often lives on the root system of the money tree. Therefore, it is very difficult to find it. Usually, flower growers notice the pest when changing the container and soil.

When a root worm is found, it is necessary:

  1. Rinse all rhizomes running water, which will be heated to +50 degrees.
  2. Then treat with insecticides several times, while maintaining an interval of about a week.

You will learn more about the pests of the fat woman in this useful video:

The fat woman, like any other plant, can be subject to disease and pest attacks. But if the florist constantly monitors the state of Crassula, he will easily notice negative deviations in the state of the money tree. Therefore, regular examination of the fat woman will be the key to her health and full development.

Growing problems fat women there can be many, if you take care of it incorrectly.

It should be said that all thesequite applicable to othersand not only to them. But, we will consider their solution in relation to the money tree. Here are her main diseases.

The money tree grows slowly

It so happens that the growth of a fat woman slows down greatly, or it may stop growing altogether. What does she lack in this case?

Because, usually grows in semi-deserts (from there it came to us), then he needs to create these very conditions. Or something close enough to them. That is, there should be a lot of light, drainage must be good.

Do not forget to water the plant during the period of its active growth. It is also important that the soil was moderately dry, and the temperature was cool enough when the plant was no longer growing so actively and retiring.

If you provide all these conditions for, then it is unlikely that it will grow slowly.

So that the fat woman does not grow up somehow, but is formed in beautiful plant, you need to pinch her shoots. So you will stimulate growth points and, thereby, increase its crown.

IMPORTANT! The rapid growth of a fat woman is always associated with its optimal lighting. Finding this level of illumination is one of the most important tasks. The money tree is very fond of bright light. But, again, direct sunlight in this case is of no use to him. They shouldn't be.

Leaves are falling

The money tree reproduces well with leaves. If it starts dropping them, then this is an alarming signal. This means that it does not want to "raise" its offspring, it simply does not have the strength to do so.

The leaves of your plant can fall off for various reasons. It is possible that she does not have enough light or you water it a lot.

All this mainly applies to winter. Leaves often fall off when watered directly from the tap. In this case, the water can be quite cold. This can also happen due to excess fertilizer.

If you have established the reason why your fat woman sheds leaves, then you need to exclude this factor or bring it back to normal.

Watering need to be normalized, always based on the season. For this, use only warm water, and cut the top dressing.

IMPORTANT! In winter, the fat woman does not need a lot of water. You need to water it at this time only once or twice for the whole month. The ambient temperature determines everything here.

The lower it is, the less watering will be.

15 degrees is optimum temperature for a fat woman. Such weather is usually at this time in her homeland. So try to get closer to this temperature regime too.

The trunk of the money tree is rotting

And this sometimes happens to a fat woman. In this case, the trunk becomes very soft. As we said, the money tree came to us from the semi-desert.

In nature, growing in such conditions, it is forced to store water for future use. That is why she has such leaves. So, the fat woman doesn't like the excessive watering that we sometimes organize for her (with the best of intentions, of course).

From this, her roots rot and then the rot passes into the trunk itself.In this case, the soil must be dried quickly. If this does not help, then the fat woman is obligatory transplanted. And you need to do this as soon as possible.

Before you plant a money tree in another pot, wash its roots and see what condition they are in.

It happens that the situation is still quite fixable. If there is very little rot on the roots, then this rot along with the roots is simply cut off until you see completely healthy tissue. Be sure to powder all the sections afterwards.

Wood ash is best suited for this. After this treatment, you can plant the fat woman again. True, you will have to change the entire substrate.

If rot has already passed to the trunk, then consider that you have already lost this plant. Stem cuttings of this plant can be rooted very quickly. They will help you grow a new, healthy money tree. And now you probably won't make these mistakes when caring for him.

Leaves turn yellow

In this case, what is usually lacking in the money tree? Of course, light! Lack of light causes a similar yellowing of the leaves not only in the bastard, but also in other plants.

You should definitely increase the illumination of the whole plant. Especially if it stands in the northern windows, or in the northeast. In this case, an artificial light source would be the best solution.

If the warm season has come on the street, then the fat woman can generally be moved to the garden. A loggia is also suitable for its placement. But, in both of these cases, the direct sun should not fall on the plant.

The fat woman has soft leaves

In this case, the leaves of the plant wither, wrinkle, become completely soft and thinner. Then, they will surely fall off, and recently, after all, they were very elastic.

All this is caused, again, by improper watering of the money tree. Here, either you poured it in (the roots simply suffocate from a large amount of moisture), or, conversely, dried it out.

Adjust watering and see if there is sufficient drainage in the pot. Also, it can be caused by excessive sun exposure.

This is very often the case for recently transplanted plants. The roots, with such a transplant, are often damaged. They simply do not work as it should and the leaves become soft, that is, wither.

Diseases of the money tree. Black spots on its leaves

These spots are usually round and dry. And they appear from sunburn. In this case, the plant must be shaded, so you will save it from burns. But, here the leaves with burns will not be healthy, they will simply fall off.

It happens that the spots are not only black, but also brown. This is already a fungal infection, not a burn. If you find such spots on your fat woman, then these leaves must be removed.

The money tree itself is then treated with any drugs against such fungal infections. Reprocessing is sometimes required. This must be borne in mind.

It is clear that it is a pity to remove a lot of leaves. But you should not be afraid of this. So you will have much more new points of growth on the fat woman. And later, its crown will become even more lush and thick.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to analyze the conditions in which your money tree is. Often such problems are caused by high humidity... In this case, the room needs to be ventilated more often, and the earth in the pot to mulch.

Leaves turn red

This again can be due to the light level. In this case, the light is too bright. The fat woman does not really like the direct sun, although she is used to living in deserts. It happens that you have moved a plant from partial shade to a bright place. In this case, too, it is quite possible that the leaves will begin to turn red.

The solution here is quite simple. You need to shade the window with any kind of curtain. This will be enough for the leaves to start turning green again.It happens that when blushing, the leaves also wither. This means that by changing the location of the plant, it received sunburn.

In this case, spray the bastard with biostimulants. For this, "Epin" is quite suitable, it will help restore the health of the plant.

IMPORTANT!"Epin" should always be used in the required volume... Here, every extra drop can damage the plant. This drug is very active. Just a drop or two of "Epin" is quite enough for an adult money tree. This amount is dissolved in a whole glass of water.

Sometimes the leaves turn red not from above, but from the bottom. It is quite possible that you water the fat woman a little. If the ground is dry, then this is the main reason for this reddening.

Pests on the fat woman. What and how to fight?

Diseases of the money tree are sometimes caused by pests. Although, they are not very willing to settle on the fat woman. But, this also needs to be borne in mind.

White bloom on the leaves of the bastard

This bloom can be on the leaves in the form of spots. Or it could be small dots. Also, it sometimes does not appear on the leaves themselves, but in their axils. Something this plaque looks like lumps of cotton wool.All this says that a mealybug has visited your money tree. The fat woman must be relieved of him.

In this case, the pest can simply be washed off with water. To do this, the fat woman is watered directly from the shower and then washed with a soft brush again. In this case, you need to use laundry soap.

Then, of course, the whole plant is washed clean water... This is the first stage in the fight against such a pest. Next, an infusion is prepared from garlic or from tobacco and process the money tree with it. Also in this case, a decoction of cyclamen tubers is also used. For a month, you need to process a fat woman with such a "misfortune" 3 or 4 times.

Such a worm settles not only on one fat woman. It may well settle on other indoor plants. If you do not fight this pest, then it will suck all the juice from the young shoots of the fat woman.

At the same time, it will grow very bad, its leaves will begin to fall off and, as a result, sooty mushrooms will appear on it. Such white bloom usually rubbed with fingers. So you can figure out that it is a mealybug or fungus. If your fingers smell like mold, then it's a fungal infection.

Spider mite on the money tree. How to fight?

It is much more difficult to expel a spider mite from a fat woman. If he settled on a money tree, then there will definitely be a cobweb on it, and yellowish spots will appear on the leaves.

Spider mite always settles on plants that grow in warmth and when the air is very dry. If you spray the fat woman regularly, then this pest is unlikely to appear on it.

You can fight the mite again with garlic infusion, or tobacco. You can also process a fat woman and soap suds... But, all these methods work only at the beginning of the infection of the plant with a spider mite.

It happens that these measures do not help, especially if the neighboring plants are also already affected by this pest. Here it is already necessary to turn to insecticides. At the same time, they process not only all the plants in the neighborhood with them, but also the place where they stand and the pots themselves. Only there it will be possible to destroy the tick itself and all the clutches of its eggs.


This pest cannot be noticed immediately, only at a late stage, when the leaves of the bastard change significantly for the worse. The base of the petioles of the plant itself, as well as the leaves, with their back side, are covered with red-brown plaques in color. These spots usually appear along the veins on the leaves. This is the shield.

Now the money tree needs to be saved and faster. Remove the shield. To do this, they simply scrape it off from leaves and other places affected by this pest. The plant is wiped with all the same solutions, that is, tobacco or soap.

Then they rinse it with warm water. This is not enough and without insecticides it will not be possible to get around here either. Treat the fat woman with these drugs.

If you started the plant and the scabbard struck it enough, then it is very difficult to remove the scabbard here. In this case, the leaves of the bastard become sticky and sweet.

IMPORTANT! The soap solution must be prepared in the correct proportions. Soap you can take household, green or potash - only 10 grams. Dilute it in this case in half a liter of water. When you process the plant, cover the soil under it with a film.

If the money tree is heavy and just falls from the weight

Sometimes it happens. And this happens if your pot with a plant has always stood in only one position. At the same time, only one side of the crown developed well and the entire crown of the fat woman became largely one-sided.

Then the plant becomes unstable and just falls. So, do not forget to turn the pot towards the light often. So the crown of the plant will develop evenly.

We strengthen the trunk of the money tree. How to do it?

To strengthen the trunk of this plant, it must be transplanted. The pot in this case is taken a little larger than the previous one.

Also, the crown of the fat woman needs to be pinched, so you can reduce the load on one side. It is best to do such a transplant in the spring.

It happens that you can't wait until spring. If you have matured the need to transplant the fat woman at the moment, then you need to do it by transshipment. That is, everything together with a clod of earth. In this case, the pot should again be larger.

When you place the plant in it, along with its clod of earth, then the gaps (they will be required) between the clod of earth and the walls are simply carefully covered with a substrate.

A young fat woman can be given beautiful shape, again turning it in a circle in time. After all, any plant always reaches for the light. And, if you do not turn it, then the trunk from this can be very curved. If you do it regularly, the crown of the money tree will be very beautiful, lush and evenly developed.

Diseases of the money tree will not be scary and pests will not visit it if your care is close to perfect. The fat woman in this case will delight you with her beauty and, who knows, maybe money, which, as they say, she attracts into the house.

Proper care is a guarantee that the money tree will not hurt you.

The money tree (also called the bastard and the crassula) is unpretentious indoor plant... Its historical homeland is Africa. The harsh conditions and frequent droughts ideally prepared the fat woman for difficult conditions city ​​apartments. However, you still need to know about the money tree itself, care, flowering and possible pests... This will allow you to grow a healthy Crassula at home, which will delight the owners.

This plant is a succulent, that is, it has the ability to store moisture in its leaves and stems. Thanks to this skill, Crassula can easily endure long periods without watering, so the money tree can be started by those who often have to travel somewhere.

Temperature features, lighting, humidity

Fat women love light, but they don't like direct sunlight. It is recommended to place them on stands or shelves under the window so that they receive diffused light. The best window orientation is southeast. There is always a lot of light from this side, but when the sun is at its zenith, it already passes to the other side of the house and does not scorch the leaves.

If the windows face south or southwest, then it is recommended to shade the glass in the summer so that the houseplant does not get burned. There will be a lack of light on the north side of the Crassula house. To fill the deficit, it can be placed on the windowsill.

Important! With a lack of light, the fat woman is often sick.

Benefit air baths: the money tree is advised to be taken out on open air when it's warm outside but not hot. For example, in the spring, you can put it on a balcony or loggia.


Despite her African roots, the fat woman does not like the heat. In summer, she tolerates it more easily than in winter. For a period of heating season it is recommended to rearrange the money tree away from the batteries. The ideal temperature regime in winter is from 14 to 17 ° С, in summer - 19-25 ° С.

Air humidity

An important parameter for most plants. For Crassula too, but to a lesser extent. Due to the fact that the plant is a succulent, it easily tolerates dry air. Namely, this is how it is during the period when the batteries are turned on. The hardest thing for a fat woman is to endure frequent drops in humidity, it is difficult for her to adapt to changeable conditions.

If the air is very dry, then you can spray the plant with a spray bottle. But much more he will enjoy wiping the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge. In addition, this is a great way to remove dust, clean the surface of the plant itself from various contaminants.

Soil requirements and replanting

The money tree has a developed fibrous root system, that is, the underground part is rather weak and grows in breadth. Therefore, the pot must be selected with this feature in mind: wide and not very deep.

The soil should be loose so that water does not stagnate near the roots. Otherwise, they can rot. Drainage is desirable.

Such an earthen mixture is considered optimal: turf soil (4 parts) + 1 part each of sand, humus and deciduous soil. You can also purchase any ready-made substrate. However, you need to carefully read which plants it is suitable for.


The money tree grows rather slowly, so it will need to be replanted no more than once every 2-3 years. In some cases, the need for this procedure arises less often. Adult plants are not very fond of this procedure, so no transplant is necessary without objective reasons.

Crassula's roots are weak. At the same time, the stem and leaves are thick and heavy. In some cases, it may be necessary to strengthen the plant in a new soil mixture with spacers. They are substituted for several weeks and then removed.

Watering and feeding the fat woman

It is very important to observe the watering regime. The money tree does not like excess moisture. From this, his roots rot, which leads to the death of the plant. In spring and summer, Crassula is actively growing, it needs more frequent watering - once every 7-10 days. There is a period of calm in winter and autumn. Watering becomes less frequent - once every 3-4 weeks. The plant likes good water: soft, settled, at room temperature.

Attention! In the case of the bastard, it is safer to forget about watering than to over-wet the soil.

1 more important point- the money tree does not like frequent feeding. It is enough to do this 1-2 times a year in the spring and summer. There must be 3 main elements present: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You can buy a specially prepared preparation for succulents at a flower shop. In winter and autumn, only half the dose (or less) is applied. "Overfeeding" a fat woman will not lead to anything good.

Pruning and shaping the crown

It is necessary to form the crown of the fat woman. Otherwise, the shoots will grow uncontrollably, the crassula will take on an untidy appearance. In some cases, it is even possible to overturn the plant. The crown is formed using 2 procedures: pinching and trimming.

Pinching is carried out when 3-4 pairs of leaves have grown on the branch. The new kidney is gently pinched with tweezers or nails. Then several ovaries will appear here, and the tree will branch.

Cut off long branches of 6-7 pairs of leaves or more. Pruning is done above the growth point and sprinkled activated carbon... In this way, the crown of the fat woman is formed.

Flowering money tree

The plant blooms very beautifully. To rejoice more often, it is necessary to properly care for the money tree: to ensure optimal temperature and light conditions, timely watering, moderate feeding. Flowers are more likely to appear if the plant is transplanted in time: in March or the first half of April.

Houseplant propagation

The main breeding method is cuttings. Even an accidentally broken off branch can be quite suitable. planting material... However, breaking the stems is not recommended. The leaf or stem cutting is carefully cut with a knife. Sprinkle with crushed activated carbon for disinfection and slightly dry the cut site both on the plant and on the shoot. After a couple of days, the shoot is planted in the soil.

Another way is to use seeds. It is less effective and less common. However, you also need to know about it: the seeds of the money tree are sown in a prepared substrate, consisting of sand and leafy soil. Seedlings need to be sprayed and ventilated every day. For growing seedlings, a flat and wide cup with holes in the bottom is also used to remove excess moisture.

Most often, the fat woman is affected by any fungal infections. In this case, brown spots or more appear on the leaves. light shade... You can cure the fungus with the help of special fungicides. The drugs are sold in flower shops.

Another disease is root decay. Excessive watering becomes its cause. It is quite simple to define it: the leaves become loose, lose turgor. It ends with the fact that they turn yellow and fall off.

If you notice in a timely manner that the plant is unhealthy, then it can still be cured. For this, the money tree is taken out of the pot. First, they gently shake off a lump of earth, then wash off the remnants with water so that only one roots remain. They are carefully examined. If they find rotten ones, they cut them off. The cut site is treated with crushed activated carbon. Then the plant is planted in new pot with a new land.

Disease prevention - reducing the number of irrigations, their volume. Excess water remove from the pallet immediately.


Sometimes pests start on the fat woman, for example, spider mite hic or scabbard. You can and should fight them. It is permissible to use both insecticides and household, improvised means.

A spider mite is produced by a thin cobweb between leaves and stems and small specks yellow color... To get rid of it, you can wipe the plant with a cotton swab dipped in 96% alcohol.

The scutellum causes the appearance of brown and yellowish tubercles. From home remedies, a solution of laundry soap helps.

Due to the mealybug, a bloom resembling dirty cotton wool appears in the leaf axils. Rubbing with garlic infusion or a solution of laundry soap will save you from it.

Insecticides can be used against any pests.

In an apartment or own home the money tree is known for its amazing decorative features and unpretentious care. But it happens that the leaves of the money tree begin to fall off, they become unpresentable in appearance and color. In this case, you need to urgently take appropriate measures.

Why do the leaves of the money tree fall and what to do about it?

The main reason for this phenomenon is waterlogging of the soil. Because of this, the leaves on plants begin to wilt and quickly lose their attractive appearance... They become pale in color and soon fall off. If you do not start to treat the plant on time, then it is almost impossible to save it later. Many more important mistake The grower is considered to have poor foliage irrigation on dry days. If the earthy clod dries up, then the money tree does not have enough water, it begins to accumulate it, respectively full tree it is difficult to do, and it frees itself. And liberation means only one thing - the quick shedding of foliage.

Also, the leaves fall off due to poor lighting, so choose the correct location for the money tree. Do not forget that the plant should be watered with warm, settled water, otherwise the plant will begin to lose its foliage. It turns red due to direct sunlight on the plant.

Minimal lighting causes stretching of the shoots of the plant and the loss of its decorative effect. The foliage crumbles as a result. You can save your plant, the main thing is to start healing it in time. First of all, you should adjust the lighting and watering. So that the foliage does not fall off, but looks lush and beautiful, you need to twist the money tree around its axis from time to time, so that all parts of the plant will receive enough light and warmth.

Why do spots appear on the leaves?

Often, many gardeners do not have enough experience, and they do not understand why the leaves acquire brown tint or even black. An infection is often the cause of this phenomenon. All damaged leaves are removed, and the plant is sprayed with agents that destroy pathogenic microflora. Dry, round spots of a black tint appear on foliage due to sunburn... But do not worry too much, since the situation can be corrected, for this it is enough to close the money tree from the sun. Although after a while the leaves with these burns still fall off, but this stimulates additional points of plant growth, and it becomes much more luxuriant.

The onset of fungal infections can be prevented by frequent ventilation of the room and mulching the soil in the pot.

Why do the leaves of the money tree turn red?

The reason is clear - sunlight negatively affects the flower. All money trees are of tropical origin, but they still do not tolerate contact with direct rays of the sun. A red tint on the leaves may appear due to the fact that you transferred the flower from one place to another. In this case, you need to water the soil with Epin solution diluted in one glass of water.

The most dangerous enemies money tree: mealybug, spider mite and scale insect. Consider them Negative influence in turn:

1. Shield. Yellow or brown spots appear on the leaves. Pests are removed by hand and then the money tree is treated with soapy water. If there are many pests, then the plant is sprayed with Fitoverm or Fufanon.

2. Spider mite. The leaves are connected by a thin web, and small yellow specks appear on them. First of all, the aerial part of the plant is perfused, if necessary, the plant is sprayed chemical means.

3. Mealybug. A white cotton-like bloom appears on the leaves. Pests are collected with their own hands, after which the money tree is treated with a solution with laundry soap.

What if the money tree has grown?

Due to its great severity, the leaves of the plant often begin to fall off. There is also the problem of one-sided growth (occurs due to one-sided lighting). You can solve the problem by changing the pot of the plant, and it should be wide, made of ceramic or clay. It is important to transplant on time, often this is done in spring time of the year. The plant is moved with the ground. The soil should be neutral. In some houses, with proper and regular maintenance, the money tree grows. Signs associated with this plant claim that the more leaves on a flower, the more material resources you will have.

How to help the money tree regain its blooming appearance?

In summer, the plant is watered every day with small portions of settled water. In winter and autumn, it is enough to water the tree once a week. It is necessary to ensure that moisture does not collect in the pallet, otherwise the root system will begin to deteriorate and the leaves will begin to fall off. At proper care, the plant will delight you long years... Now you know why the leaves of the money tree fall, and how to help him.

The money tree, or fat woman, is considered very much. At home, it easily tolerates a long time without water and a lack of lighting.

That is why it is so popular among novice flower growers - caring for it does not cause much trouble, but it looks great and even, according to legend, favors financial prosperity in the family. Moreover .

But sometimes it happens that the leaves of the money tree start to fall, the plant withers and may even die. Why is this happening and how to avoid the sudden death of this wonderful indoor plant?

Reasons why the money tree can shed its leaves

Falling leaves of this plant is the most common problem.

The reasons for this may be the following:

1. Wrong watering regime. The fat woman belongs to succulents, the type of plants that can accumulate, retain moisture in their leaves and wait out a dry time for a long time. If you water it too often, the fat woman begins to shed perfectly healthy leaves, ache and wither

This problem is most often observed in overly caring and not very experienced owners, who, at the slightest drying out of the land in which the plant is located, immediately run after the watering can.

But too long breaks in watering the money tree should not be allowed either.

If the soil is too dry, this is exactly the same as with excessive moisture, will lead to the fact that the leaves of the plant begin to lose elasticity, turn yellow, dry and fall off.

That is why you need to carefully observe competent watering regime, which is especially important in winter, when this plant is resting. In the summer season, the fat woman is watered every day, with small portions of water at room temperature, and in the autumn-winter period, one watering per week will be enough.

In this case, you always need to carefully monitor so that water does not stagnate in the pan - this is fraught with decay of the roots, from which the leaves will certainly suffer. Find out more in our article.

If the roots have already begun to rot, do not panic. The plant can still be saved by simply transplanting it into new soil, freeing it from the old soil and cutting off the rotten roots.

To avoid similar problems in the future, you should take care of good drainage, at least 2 cm thick. Expanded clay is ideal for these purposes.

2. Direct sunlight falling on the money tree can cause the leaves to get too hot, start cover brown spots and fall off.

Plants located on the southern windows, as well as those that are carried by the owners to Fresh air after a long stay in a closed room.

The same danger threatens plants that are placed next to heat sources - near batteries or near heaters.

3. Excess mineral fertilizers. Over-saturation of the jellyfish with mineral salts contained in the soil or in top dressing can lead to shedding of leaves.

In this case, transplanting the plant into fresh soil will help, and protect against excess salts and soil acidification. will help charcoal added to soil.

In order to prevent this problem in the future, you need to carefully read the instructions from the fertilizer manufacturers and strictly observe the frequency and dosage of the fertilizers applied.

4. Ice water from the tap. For watering the money tree, it is recommended to use settled water, the temperature of which is not higher or lower than room temperature.

If the leaves have already begun to fall, you can pour warm water over them, making sure that it does not fall into the pot.

5. Sudden changes in temperature. Staying in a draft, heat, transferring a plant from a cold place to a warm one - all this can negatively affect the health of the money tree.

If it stood on a cold frosty windowsill and its roots are frozen - the money tree can no longer be saved. You can only cut off the cuttings and grow a new plant from them.

Abnormal, uncharacteristic conditions are also a common reason for dropping the leaves of the bastard. external environment... She sheds her healthy leaves for the sake of young shoots.

6. Illness. It can be as well as all kinds of pests.

Define true reason is often not possible, therefore experienced florists it is recommended to periodically treat the plant with phytoverm and antifungal agents.

7. Natural aging. Even with proper care, the leaves of the bastard, sooner or later, will begin to fall off. This is the first sign of her aging.

There is no way to help her here, and the only thing that can be done is to rejuvenate the plant by pruning it.

How to help the money tree

Excessive watering causes foliage to fall money tree. The main sign of the impending leaf fall is their wilting.

If you closely observe the plant, this fate can be avoided by taking certain measures.

First of all, you should stop watering the plant until until the earthen ball dries thoroughly... After that, you need to resume watering, but at first reduce the frequency of watering and the volume of water, making sure that the sump remains dry.

If the problem is dry soil- you just need to water more often, not forgetting about the above rules.

In winter, the fat woman should be placed in a cool room. The frequency of watering during this period can be reduced to 1 time in 1-2 weeks.

In the event that the money tree is located on the windowsill, under which there is a battery, you should put the pot on a thick piece of styrofoam to avoid overheating the plant with hot air currents.

The money tree is not very demanding on the composition of the soil.

For its normal life, it is best to use a mixture that contains peat, leaf and turf soil, as well as coarse sand in a ratio of 0.5: 1: 1.

The root system of this plant is of a surface type, so it should be used wide, but not very deep pots.