Kalanchoe calandiva has soft leaves. Proper care of Kalanchoe kalandiva at home. Kalanchoe Kalandiva: all about flower care at home

One of the most beautiful of the many varieties of Kalanchoe is Kalandiva. The flowering period is about 6-7 months. And its hybrid - mini - practically blooms all year round, 10-11 months. But in order for the plant to bloom, it needs to be provided with bright lighting, and daylight hours should not exceed 10 hours. It is also necessary to comply temperature regime and watch it especially carefully in the autumn winter period. The plant should not be over-watered: it tolerates drought more easily than high humidity. If all conditions are met, Kalanchoe Kalandiva will delight the owner with its beautiful flowers for a long time.


Many believe that Kalanchoe is a houseplant that does not have any particular aesthetic beauty and is kept only for medicinal purposes: the juice is dropped into the nose for a runny nose. In fact, there are more than 200 varieties of Kalanchoe. They can vary significantly in leaf size and color, but they all have one general feature- rounded fleshy stem and dense foliage.

With proper care, Kalandiva will bloom for six months. It begins closer to winter, just in time for New Year's holidays. This variety has dark green leaf blades with frequent teeth along the edges. The surface is like glossy leather. The stem is branching, aerial roots easily form on it. The flowers look like lush umbrellas and are found in yellow, red, orange, beige shades.

There are mix and mini hybrids - “descendants” of Kalandiva. They are smaller in size, and flowering can last all year round.

Most popular variety- Le chic Mix. This plant reaches a height of 25 cm, the diameter of the flowers is about 10 cm. They care for it in the same way as Kalanchoe Kalandiva.


Kalanchoe Kalandiva, like all succulents, does not require special care skills. But still, there are certain features and secrets in growing this plant.

Kalandiva, according to gardeners, is the best-selling indoor plant. But, unfortunately, it often happens that a succulent bought in a store stops blooming, and the owners, without waiting for the next flowering, simply throw it away.

Meanwhile, proper care guarantees calandiva flowering at home. The conditions of care can be briefly outlined as follows:

One of the features of growing a flower is the short but sunny daylight hours. Therefore in winter time bright lighting is added, and in summer the plant is put into the dark 2-3 hours before sunset.


In spring and summer, Kalandiwa has a standard temperature residential premises: 20-25 degrees. The plant easily tolerates extreme heat up to +35.


In order to achieve long-term flowering, Kalandiva is placed on southern windows. The plant loves light very much and is not afraid of direct sunlight - it does not leave burns on the fleshy leaves of the flower. Only in this case can flowering begin.

Those pots of Kalanchoe that grow on eastern, northern and western windows produce rare inflorescences or do not bloom at all. The stems begin to stretch and thin, the leaves thin out, exposing the stem, and the plant loses its decorative appearance.

Stretching Kalanchoe due to insufficient lighting

Watering and air humidity

Kalanchoe Kalandiva does not tolerate too moist soil. Constant dampness leads to rotting of the plant roots. Watering is carried out only when the lump of earth is completely dry. Drought will harm the plant less; it tolerates it much more easily. In spring and summer, Kalanchoe is watered once every two weeks, in winter even less often - once a month, otherwise the plant will not bloom, but will go into foliage.

Water for irrigation is taken filtered or settled, room temperature. Its softness is extremely important for the flower: it does not like excess lime. You can soften water by freezing, draining 1/4 of the liquid that does not have time to freeze last. The resulting ice is melted and the plants are watered with soft melt water. The water is also softened by adding acid - oxalic or citric.

The Kalanchoe variety Kalandiva does not require increased air humidity. It does not need to be sprayed; it is enough to occasionally wipe the leaves from dust or rinse them under a shallow cold shower.


Kalandiva does not need an abundance of fertilizers. When organic matter is added, the plant stops blooming, its green crown begins to “fat” - long stem shoots grow, the leaves enlarge and become even fleshier. You need to feed the flower with special fertilizers for succulents. This is done from April to mid-July twice a month; the rest of the time Kalandiva is not fed.

During flowering, you can add potassium and phosphorus to the substrate where the flower grows, as they are necessary for the formation of buds. All fertilizers are diluted with water; it is not recommended to apply them dry to the ground.

Substrate for growth

The most comfortable soil for Kalanchoe growth will be loose, well-permeable soil for air and water. Stores sell special soil for succulents, which is optimal for the growth of Kalandiva. At home, for planting Kalanchoe, you can prepare several options for planting substrate:

  1. 1. Peat, soil and sand in a ratio of 4:1:1.
  2. 2. Peat, humus, sand, garden soil and perlite (vermiculite) in equal proportions.
  3. 3. Peat, shredded coconut fiber, garden soil in equal parts.

A layer of expanded clay or red brick chips is poured onto the bottom of the pot as drainage. To prevent the development of diseases, the prepared soil is steamed with boiling water or fried in the oven or microwave oven.

Flowering period

Kalandiva begins to bloom in winter, when daylight hours become short. If all growing conditions are met, flowering lasts up to 6-7 months, for the mini variety - up to 10-11. After this, all flower stalks are cut off, and the plant is placed under a thick paper cap or placed in a dark room for 30 days.

During this period, water the Kalanchoe 2-3 times less often than usual so that it does not die.

Crown formation

For Kalanchoe Kalandiva this is a mandatory procedure. By pruning, the plant is rejuvenated and given the desired and beautiful shape. In addition, this will provide more inflorescences, since they form on the young tips of the stems.

The plant is pruned after flowering has ended. To do this, use garden shears or a sharpened knife. Trim wilted inflorescences to leaves.

Trimmed tops will give side shoots, and the flower next year will be even more magnificent. Don't be afraid to cut off too much: Kalanchoe grows quickly and easily tolerates this procedure.


After purchasing a plant in a store, you need to replant the flower. The substrate used to sell flowers does not contain any nutrients. If you purchased a flowering specimen, you need to wait until the end of this period. Only after the last inflorescences have withered can you begin the replanting process:

  • First of all, carefully remove the plant from the pot and wash the roots under running cool water, trying to completely wash off the store-bought soil from them.
  • Take a medium-sized pot, fill it with drainage, then add 1-2 cm of prepared fresh soil on top.
  • Place the plant exactly in the middle, straighten the roots and add soil to the sides, not reaching the edges of the pot by 1 cm. Then water the plant. If the ground has settled, it is replenished. The procedure is carried out until the pot is filled.
  • You can root the cuttings immediately in the soil, then immediately after planting the container is covered plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. After 2-3 weeks, the film is removed. As soon as the active growth of the seedling begins, we can assume that rooting was successful.

    Kalanchoe can also be propagated by leaves. This method takes more time, but is no different from propagation by cuttings. The leaf begins to root in water or in a greenhouse. After the roots appear, it is transplanted into a pot with soil or the covering layer of polyethylene is removed from the pot where the leaf was rooted.

Kalanchoe calandiva is a houseplant that belongs to the succulent family Crassula. The flower was bred by breeders, so it is not found in the wild. The plant is a variety of Kalanchoe Blossfeld. It differs from the original species in its abundant and long flowering, as well as its miniature size.

Description of varieties of calandiva

Kalanchoe calandiva is a 30 cm tall bush with fleshy stems and dense leaves. The leaves of the plant are smooth or velvety, depending on the variety. Small double flowers are connected into fluffy inflorescences. Kalandiva differ from each other mainly the color of the petals. Kalanchoe mix is ​​especially popular, as it is a hybrid with inflorescences of different colors. The plant has some medicinal properties, but it is grown mainly as decorative flower. To add color to your home greenhouse, purchase several Kalanchoes with flowers of different colors.

Rapidly blooming mini variety

Proper care Mini calandiva guarantees luxurious flowering. The first flowers appear a few months after planting and last about 4 weeks. Then the flowers dry out and fall off, and new buds develop in their place. Full flowering cycle lasts 6 months. Dense stems hold fleshy leaves. The flowers are collected in umbrellas, the petals can be yellow, pink, purple, red, white, orange.

Multi-colored hybrid mix

Kalandiva mix is ​​a hybrid variety that was bred on the basis of mini Kalandiva. The mix blooms almost all year - 8 months, excluding the time of vegetative dormancy. The miniature plant pleases the owner with colorful flowering. The inflorescences are red, yellow, lilac and white flowers. Kalanchoe leaves are smooth, dark green, oval in shape with wavy edges. Sometimes flower shop owners call calandiva mix several Mini plants planted in one flowerpot.

Caring for Kalanchoe kalandiva at home is not particularly difficult. The main thing in caring for a plant is to organize correct lighting. Whether the Kalanchoe will bloom depends mainly on the light regime. The room where you plan to place the flower should not be dark, but at the same time the plant should not be placed in direct sunlight. It should be taken into account that when cloudy weather Kalandiva needs additional, artificially created lighting.

Soil composition and watering

The main requirement for soil is neutral acidity and high breathability. There are three options for soil mixtures for Kalanchoe:

  • Nutrient mixture: sand, peat, turf soil, leaf soil, humus in equal parts.
  • Garden soil with sand in a ratio of 3:1.
  • Humus with sand in a ratio of 3:1.
  • Ready-made soil mixture for succulents.

Drainage is necessary for plant growth and development. Drainage is provided using a layer of expanded clay, coarse sand or shards.

Hard water cannot be used for irrigation, so the liquid is passed through a filter. Then the water is infused for 2 days and the plant is watered as the top layer of soil dries. Kalanchoe is a succulent, so it tolerates a lack of moisture more easily than its excess. Excess moisture is dangerous for calandiva, so it is recommended to wipe the tray after each watering. During the period of vegetative dormancy Watering is limited to once a week. The dormant period lasts from September to January.

Transplanting into a new pot

Kalandiva does not need frequent transplants. Replanting is required only after purchase. In the future, the procedure is carried out as needed, when the flower grows and the plant cannot fully develop in a cramped pot. You should prepare for the transplant as follows:

Repotting begins with the plant being moistened and carefully removed from the old pot, trying to keep the roots intact. To safely remove the flower, turn the pot over and carefully pull the container off the earthen ball and roots. Then use a stick to knock down the old soil, carefully examine root system to exclude rot or infection. The affected roots are cut off.

The calandiva is placed in a pot and the soil mixture is filled in so that the neck of the root is at the level of the top layer of soil. There should be 1 to 3 cm between the soil level and the edge of the pot. Water the transplanted flower, lightly compact the soil, and add soil if necessary. Compaction is carried out with a peg, not with your fingers.

Pruning and feeding the plant

Pruning calandiva is required in order to give the bush beautiful shape. Young plants are cut or pinched on top of each branch with 2 leaves. The pruning procedure is carried out throughout the growing season until the bush takes the required shape. During Kalanchoe flowering not subject to pruning. Withered flower stalks are cut off at the very stem.

It is recommended to carry out pruning with sharpened tools, for example, a knife or a stationery blade. Instruments should be disinfected first. Do not break off stems and leaves. During one procedure, you can trim only ¼ of the greenery. Pruning is necessary not only to maintain decorative look plants, but also to stimulate the growth of shoots and the development of flower buds.

Kalanchoe needs systematic feeding at least 2 times a month. Feeding plays an important role during bud setting and flowering of the plant. Best result brings the use of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers for succulents. Minerals are dissolved in water for irrigation. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are not suitable for calandiva, as they promote rapid growth of stems and leaves. The growth of greenery reduces the duration and splendor of flowering.

Factors affecting flowering

Sometimes unpretentious kalanchoe plant calandiva, which is easy to care for, refuses to bloom. The reasons for the lack of flowering lie in the violation simple rules care:

Tips on what to do to avoid problems with the formation of peduncles in Kalanchoe kalandiva, how to care for the plant to enjoy flowering in the winter months:

  1. It is necessary to organize a 12-hour daylight hours for the flower. The lighting should be quite bright, because without light the plant will not bloom.
  2. In autumn, it is recommended to pinch the plant several times so that flower stalks develop instead of the upper leaves.
  3. Systematically apply fertilizers to the soil.

Plant propagation methods

Kalanchoe propagates by leaf and stem cuttings, seeds and pups. In June, the cuttings are planted in pre-moistened sand and covered with a glass. The survival rate of the plant is very high, even withering and old leaves are able to form roots. Children are planted in soil mixture.

Propagation by seeds occurs from January to March. There is no need to sprinkle the seeds with soil, just press them down a little. Then the crops are covered with glass and shaded, for example, with a sheet of paper. The soil for seeds should be light and loose. Optimal temperature for crops - +18 degrees Celsius. It is important to organize ventilation. To do this, remove the glass for 5 or 10 minutes, 2 times a day.

Water the crops with soft water; its temperature should be the same as the air temperature in the room. The frequency of watering depends on how quickly the top layers of soil dry out. The top layer of soil should always remain moist. After a month, the seeds germinate and are covered with plastic wrap for 3 days. When the first leaves appear, the plants are planted in pots with a diameter of 7 to 10 cm.

Possible diseases and pests

Lack of moisture during the hot summer months provokes the appearance of dry brown spots on the leaf blades and stems. Then the leaves wither and fall off. IN summer period It is necessary to water the plant based on soil moisture.

Viral and bacterial infections appear as weeping brown spots. It is recommended to remove the affected leaves and shoots, then treat the plants with special medicinal solutions. Do not spray with preparations, just water gently.

Kalanchoe kalandiva is an easy-to-care flower that brings more joy than worries. High adaptability to environmental conditions, abundant flowering, and a variety of colors have made the succulent a favorite of gardeners.

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Caring for Kalanchoe kalandiva at home is not difficult if you follow the recommendations experienced gardeners and carry out everything in a timely manner necessary procedures. The advantages of the flower are its ease of care, quick adaptability to different conditions, long and beautiful bloom. The plant is also known as Kalanchoe kalandiva mini. It is a separate species of Blossfeld and was developed through selective breeding. This hybrid variety differs from the mother plants in its small in size, and abundant flowering. On a small bush up to 30 cm high there are a lot of small terry buds of bright colors. The flower belongs to the group of succulents.

Optimal microclimate

Kalanchoe calandiva accumulates moisture and nutrients in the leaves and stems, which are very fleshy. Many shoots are straight and bare. The inflorescences have a corymbose shape. The flowers are small - diameter no more than 15 mm. Terry petals, bright colors. A special feature of Kalanchoe kalandiva is its long flowering period - from six months to 8 months with proper care. The leaves are dark green and have a glossy finish. They are egg-shaped and fleshy. Up to 6 cm in length. They have an opposite arrangement. The edges are slightly jagged.

The name often contains the prefix “mix”. This is not a separate variety. This means a mixture of 3-5 types of plants with different tones of inflorescences. The most popular are pink and white, although peach, yellow, lilac and red also look impressive.

Kalanchoe calandiva is a completely unpretentious flower. But for it to bloom in next year, it requires a kind of rest, so the conditions for the growing season and the resting phase are different.

In autumn and winter, the following conditions are required:

  1. 1. You need to choose a place where there is light partial shade. But complete darkness should not be allowed.
  2. 2. The temperature should be between 14 and 16 degrees. This is required for flower buds to form for the next season.
  3. 3. The level of air humidity that is present in ordinary apartments, quite acceptable. It is better to remove the container with the flower away from heating appliances.

Such conditions are optimal for Kalanchoe kalandiva.

Transplantation and propagation

Usually transplantation is carried out after purchasing a flower. Kalanchoe calandiva must be replanted annually while it is still young - up to 3 years. It is better to carry out the procedure in the spring, as early as possible. As for adult, already formed plants, it will be enough to replant them once every 3 years. During periods of rest and flowering, Kalanchoe should not be disturbed.

For all subsequent transplants, it is necessary to choose a pot whose diameter will be a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one. For an adult crop, a container with a diameter of 12-18 cm will be optimal.

It is necessary to choose the right soil. You can use regular substrate, which is sold in flower shops. You should choose one that is suitable for succulents and cacti. Some people prefer to prepare the soil themselves. The requirements for it are simple. The only important things are sufficient aeration and a neutral acidity level. You can mix 1 part coarse river sand with 4 parts soil universal type. A mixture of leaf, turf soil, sand and humus is perfect - take everything in equal volumes. It is imperative to make a drainage layer at the bottom of the container.

The transplant procedure is as follows:

  1. 1. Water the flower and wait 10 minutes. Remove the Kalanchoe from the container along with the soil around the roots.
  2. 2. Place the flower in a new prepared container and sprinkle with soil. Firm it up a little.
  3. 3. Water the plant moderately, and then move it for 3 days to a place with partial shade. After this, return to its original place.

Propagation of Kalanchoe calandiva is carried out by the leaf and stem method using cuttings. You must choose a completely healthy flower.

  1. 1. Take sharp knife, disinfect it and cut off the top shoot. The length should be approximately 5 cm. Instead of a branch, you can cut only 1 leaf. Treat the cut areas with cinnamon, activated carbon or chalk.
  2. 2. Air dry the cuttings for 4 hours.
  3. 3. Sprinkle the cut area additionally with a preparation that will stimulate root growth. Kornevin will do.
  4. 4. Pour sand into the container and moisten it. Plant the cutting there, deepening it by 2 cm. Cover with a transparent bag or glass to create a greenhouse effect. The light should be diffused. Open the cuttings slightly every day for 10 minutes. Regularly moisten the substrate.
  5. 5. You can keep the cuttings not in sand, but in Epin solution or even ordinary water. In the second case, it is necessary to change the fluid every few days.

Usually roots appear in 1.5-2 weeks. Then you can transplant the plant to a permanent place.

Just because Kalanchoe kalandiva is an unpretentious plant, this does not mean that it requires no care at all. It is very important to pay attention to this flower.

Don't forget about watering. It should be moderate but regular. It is recommended to use water that has already settled. It should be at room temperature. In hot weather, water every 3-4 days. The next watering procedure should take place when it dries out. upper layer substrate a couple of centimeters deep. Do not allow the soil to become waterlogged, as this will lead to rotting of the roots. In winter, it is enough to water the plant once every 1.5-2 weeks. Be sure to monitor the condition of the foliage. If it loses its tone and becomes lethargic, it is recommended to water the flower.

One more important aspect is the application of fertilizers. Experts advise using ready-made complex fertilizers that are suitable for succulents and cacti.

But in no case should you use organic matter, since the nitrogen present in it will increase the intensity of the formation of foliage and shoots, so that flowering will never occur - the flower simply will not have the strength to do so.

The solution for fertilizing should be prepared strictly according to the instructions for the fertilizer. You need to water the flower with this solution 1-2 times a month and only during the period of vegetative growth. No feeding is required during the resting phase.

The flower grows quickly, so that in a year it can expand in diameter up to 30 cm. That is why it is very important to prune on time and correctly. Young plants must undergo a pinching procedure, that is, they are supposed to remove a couple of leaves from each upper branch. This must be done as soon as their active growth begins. In one procedure, it is allowed to remove no more than 25% of the entire green mass of the flower. During the flowering period, pruning should not be carried out.

The following are the main problems that a gardener may encounter:

  1. 1. Formation of rot. The base of the leaves begins to turn black, as do the shoots. Then they are separated from the stem. This is due to overwatering. It makes the situation even worse low temperature in the room where there is a flower. To get rid of rot, it is necessary to cut off all damaged areas to the place where the disease-free tissue is located. All cut areas must be treated with crushed activated carbon. Experts also recommend replanting the flower, changing both the soil and the container.
  2. 2. Brownish spots form on the leaves, and then the foliage falls off. These symptoms can be caused by 2 factors. The reason may be water shortage. In this case, it is necessary to water the plant more often than usual. Similar symptoms may be associated with a lack of useful substances. Then experts advise choosing complex fertilizers and regularly applying them to the soil.
  3. 3. The foliage begins to turn yellow. This is caused by a lack of lighting or water. To solve the problem, you need to place the flower near the lamp and water it regularly.
  4. 4. Black spots appear on the foliage. This is a symptom of fungal culture activity. This is also facilitated by improper irrigation of the flower and low temperatures. To get rid of the fungus, it is recommended to transplant the flower into another pot with new soil. All damaged branches and leaves must first be cut off.
  5. 5. The foliage loses its tone and becomes softer if you press on it. Wrinkles gradually appear. This means that there is not enough watering or the air in the room is too dry. To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to increase the frequency and volume of watering the plant. You need to try to increase the humidity in the room using various available methods. You can always keep wet pebbles in a tray and periodically spray the leaves of the flower.
  6. 6. Powdery mildew. This is a very common problem that usually develops due to drafts and high humidity in the room. The disease manifests itself as a whitish coating on the leaves. It is necessary to reduce the volume and frequency of watering, and remove the flower away from drafts. You can’t do without fungicidal drugs. Bordeaux mixture and Oksikhom are suitable.
  7. 7. Aphids. This is a common problem among all plants. Aphids are one of the most “universal” pests. It is also dangerous for Kalanchoe. Aphids are small insects that stick to buds and young branches. Usually aphids are brought in either along with other flowers or from the street. The affected flower must be isolated as soon as small pests are discovered. It is necessary to wash the leaves, buds and shoots with a weak soap solution (use only laundry soap). Then you need to give the flower a warm shower. In the end, all that remains is to use insecticidal drugs like Decis, Intavir or Fas.

For abundant and long flowering Kalanchoe kalandiva requires compliance with all rules. In fact, this variety is not capricious and undemanding, and if you take good care of the plant, it will delight you with beautiful and bright flowering for 8 months.

Surely, you have often noticed in stores small pots densely strewn with small rose-like flowers. They look very impressive and enjoy well-deserved authority in floriculture. After all, they are not only attractive, but also easy to care for. Being miniature in size, they do not take up much space on the windowsill. And, at the same time, they are a bright spot among other plants thanks to their numerous lush and colorful inflorescences.

This is Kalanchoe Kalandiva, which is valued primarily for its attractive appearance, and, to a lesser extent, for its medicinal properties.

Few people know that Kalanchoe Kalandiva is the closest relative. But it differs from it in its smaller size, abundance and duration of flowering.

Kalandiva does not grow in the wild. This plant was bred by breeders in artificial conditions. It is a compact bush with neat smooth (or velvety) leaves, rarely growing above 30 cm.

The flowers are varied - pink, red, white. Small, they are collected in lush and bright inflorescences. Flowering is abundant and long - up to six months. Flowering begins in January and continues until summer.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva was bred as a highly ornamental plant and is not used for medicinal purposes, although it has mild medicinal effects.

The Kalanchoe variety Kalandiva mix is ​​very popular, especially in Holland and Denmark - a mixture of plants with flowers of different colors. This composition looks very impressive.

How to care for Kalanchoe kalandiva at home?

Kalanchoe Kalandiva exclusively unpretentious flower. Even during the flowering period, which lasts quite a long time, it does not require special care. The only thing that can be recommended is to periodically clean the plant of faded flower stalks.

Light mode

This Kalanchoe variety tolerates partial shade well. Although, like other types of Kalanchoe, it prefers good, intense lighting. At the same time, placement in direct sunlight is not recommended, as are excessively shaded places.

The light regime is especially important for flowering, during the formation of buds. At this time, the lighting should be bright and long.

During the dormant period, the flower can be removed to a less lit place.

Air humidity

Kalandiva tolerates dry air well. Copious spraying is not required. You can do without it altogether so as not to cause the plant to rot.

Air temperature

The most comfortable temperature for Kalandiva is from +15 to +30 degrees Celsius. Well tolerated Fresh air in the warm season, therefore it is recommended in the summer, if possible, to place the flower on the balcony, veranda or in the garden. It is better to avoid lowering the temperature to +10°C, since this variety of Kalanchoe is sensitive to cold.

Watering mode

Water Kalandiva moderately as the earthen ball dries out in the pot. It is advisable to use soft water (rain, settled tap water).

It must be remembered that, like all succulents, Kalandiva easily tolerates a lack of moisture, but its excess can be detrimental to the plant.

Therefore, the flower is watered only when the soil in the pot dries out: when the top layer of soil dries out - in summer and when 2/3 of the earthen lump dries out - in winter.

Top dressing

Kalandiva needs feeding during the period of bud formation. As a rule, this is late summer - early autumn. Ready-made fertilizers intended for succulents are used as fertilizing. It is advisable not to use fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, because this can cause root rot.


Kalanchoe Kalandiva does not require frequent replanting. This is explained by the small size of both the bush itself and the root system. Therefore, replanting may be necessary only after purchase or as a therapeutic measure in case of plant disease.

Plant pruning

Kalandiva pruning is carried out mainly for decorative purposes, to give the bush a neat, compact shape. Pruning at the root is also practiced in order to rejuvenate the flower and prepare it for the next flowering.

Diseases and pests: treatment methods

Kalandiva is resistant to pests and is very rarely affected by them. If infection occurs, it most often happens:

  • scale insect;
  • powdery mildew;
  • gray rot.

Aphid most often it gets onto Kalanchoe from other plants (including recently purchased infected specimens). It feeds and clogs the pores of the plant with waste products. To combat aphids, special insecticides are needed, which are used to treat the soil in the pot and aboveground part plants.

The reason for the appearance gray rot (mold) There may be cold drafts on the leaves, a too humid plant habitat (excessive spraying, watering) combined with stagnant air. The leaves and stems become covered with weeping spots and a dark coating. Treatment is carried out using fungicides, which are sprayed both on the flower itself and on the soil in the pot.

No less destructive for calandiva is high air temperature in combination with high humidity. This may cause powdery mildew. In this case, the flower must be processed by special means against fungus.

In the fight against gray rot and powdery mildew, along with treating the plant with special means, it is necessary to reconsider the conditions of keeping the flower in order to avoid relapses of diseases.

Replanting after purchase

After purchasing, you need to transplant the flower from a temporary pot to a permanent one. A small pot will do as the plant does not grow large. Any ready-made soil for succulents can be used. Or prepared independently: four parts of turf soil are mixed with two parts of deciduous soil, one part of sand and the same amount of peat. Drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot. A good nutritional effect is achieved by adding pieces of birch coal to the soil.

How to propagate Kalanchoe calandiva?

Kalandiva is propagated by cuttings, rooting both cut shoots and leaves.

The cutting is placed in humid environment: wet sand or water. Since Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a fairly miniature plant, the cuttings are usually small. For small cuttings, wet sand is more suitable, in which they take root better than in water. It is recommended to cover the cuttings placed in a nutrient medium glass jar and spray periodically.

After the Kalanchoe has taken root well, you should pinch the top. This is necessary for better branching of the future bush.

Reproduction by leaves occurs in a similar way. The cut sheet is immersed in wet sand and covered with glass on top. After the first roots appear, the glass is removed. Before planting the leaf in the sand, you can keep it in the shade for a day.

The temperature favorable for rooting is +16…+20 °C. The best period for plant propagation is from mid-spring to mid-summer.

By following simple rules for caring for Kalanchoe kalandiva, you will get an amazing miniature bouquet in a pot. A chic palette of calandiva flowers - from all shades of red to yellow - will lift your spirits and decorate your windowsill.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a miniature plant that is covered with bright double flowers for several months of the year. For this reason it is also called a “flowerbed in a pot.” According to botanist D. D. Hessayon, Kalandiva is the best-selling houseplant. Unfortunately, many people buy Kalanchoe on the spur of the moment, and after flowering ends, they throw the bush away. And in vain, by adhering to simple rules of care, you can ensure that Kalandiva grown at home will delight the owner with its beauty all year round.

Description of Kalanchoe Kalandiva

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a small succulent with dark green leaves egg-shaped. The height of the plant does not exceed 35 cm, double flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences of the most different shades: pink, white, orange, scarlet, red. Kalandiva belongs to the Crassulaceae family, which means that Kalanchoe has special tissues that accumulate water reserves. The plant was bred artificially, so it is not found in the natural environment.

Like other succulents, the flower is distinguished by a thick stem and fleshy leaves.

IN tropical areas South Africa, America, South and South-East Asia you can find similar varieties of Kalanchoe. In nature, they grow on sandy, well-drained soils and prefer places open to the sun.

Kalandiva is a dwarf variety of KalanchoeBlossfeld. The plant differs only in size, double petals and large inflorescences. The species in question lends itself well to selection, so every year varieties of new colors appear on the shelves. For example, you can find these:

  • Calandiva Cher, Calandiva Dion - with pink petals;
  • Calandiva Hayworth, Calandiva Kerr, Rosalina Don Juan - with reds;
  • Calandiva Bardot, Rosalina Don Frederico, Rosalina Don Domingo - with yellow and orange flowers;
  • Rosalina Don Leon, Calandiva Monroe - with white.

A mix of several Calandives planted in one pot looks impressive.

Photo gallery: Common varieties

Calandiva Monroe - a plant variety with white flowers Kalanchoe Calandiva Dion is distinguished by its petals Pink colour Bright orange flowers - characteristic varieties Calandiva Bardot Red petals Kalanchoe Calandiva Kerr

Table: Conditions of detention (by season)

Kalanchoe Kalandiva loves bright sun and short daylight hours. Therefore, the plant should be placed on one of the southern windows and the duration of lighting should be adjusted in every possible way.

Features of transplantation (including after purchase)

During the first three years, Kalanchoe needs to be replanted every spring. The exception is newly purchased flowers; they should be moved to new soil immediately after purchase. The fact is that plants arrive at the store in a substrate consisting mostly of peat. This mixture is completely unsuitable for Kalandiva.

Adult flowers are replanted every 3–4 years.

A new pot for a young Kalanchoe should be slightly larger than the previous one. It is better to use unglazed ceramic containers. Before use, old pots should be thoroughly washed with laundry soap and dried.

It is better to choose a ready-made soil mixture for Kalandiva - soil for succulents is optimal. Experienced flower growers Make your own substrate from peat, turf soil and sand (4:2:1). For every kilogram of this composition it is necessary to add 10 g of superphosphate.

The transplant algorithm is as follows:

  1. Place drainage in the form of expanded clay, small stones or clay shards at the bottom of the pot.
  2. Pour and compact a small layer of earth, form a tubercle in the center.
  3. Free the Kalandiva roots from the old soil. To do this, turn the pot over, wrap your fingers around the stem and lightly tap the walls of the container. Use a stick to remove any remaining substrate from the root system.
  4. Place the flower in new pot, distribute the roots evenly over the earthen tubercle.
  5. Fill the free space with soil and tamp it down lightly.

The day before transplanting, it is recommended to moisten the soil in the pot with Kalanchoe.

Video: How to replant Kalanchoe?

Caring for a plant at home

Even a novice gardener can grow Kalandiva.

Watering and fertilizing

Kalanchoe should be watered with caution, as the roots begin to rot due to the abundance of moisture. In summer and spring time the procedure is carried out only after the surface of the earth is completely dry. There should be just enough water to moisten the soil; liquid should not drain into the pan. In the autumn-winter period, watering is reduced to 1 time per week.

Use water at room temperature only! Too cold or warm can cause root rot.

Kalandiva requires a minimum of fertilizers; if there is an excess of minerals, the plant refuses to bloom. Fertilizing is applied 2 times a month from late spring to July. The rest of the time the procedure cannot be performed. Use mineral fertilizers for succulents, reducing the dosage indicated on the package by half.

All fertilizers are applied only in liquid form. If you bought the powder, thoroughly dissolve it in water.

How to cause flowering and what to do after it?

The flowering time begins in February - March. This period can last from two months to six months. For it to start, you just need to observe the light regime. There is no need to reduce watering or increase the amount of fertilizer applied.

After all the inflorescences have withered, you will need to cut them off along with the flower stalks. This measure stimulates the formation of new buds. If Kalandiva refuses to bloom, despite following all the rules, reduce the application of mineral fertilizers to a minimum and check the plant for diseases.

How to organize a period of rest?

The dormant period at Kalandiva lasts from August to September. It is very important at this time to provide the plant with short daylight hours and long nights. To do this, cover the flower with a black opaque cap for 4 hours. In addition, watering should be reduced.

Trimming and pinching

After flowering and removal of old peduncles, all dried leaves, as well as weak and very elongated stems, are cut off. On the remaining shoots you need to pinch the tops, in place of which new ones will grow. After several leaves appear on them, the procedure should be repeated, this will help to form a beautiful bush.

Video: How to care for Kalanchoe?

Table: Brown spots on leaves, the appearance of insects and so on - ailments and pests

Elongated stems, pale and small leavesExcessive watering and lack of lightMove to a sunnier place, stop watering until the soil dries completely.Follow the rules of watering and daylight hours.
Dry brown spots, falling leavesLack of moistureIncrease the frequency of watering.Do not forget to water the plant immediately after the earthen clod dries.
Drying and curling leaves, on the reverse side of which small green or white insects are foundAphidTreat Kalanchoe with biological (solution laundry soap- 1 gram per liter of water) or chemical preparation
(Aktaroy, Agravertin and so on).
Remove dead leaves in a timely manner and regularly inspect the Kalanchoe.
Weeping brown spots on leavesViral or bacterial infectionRemove the affected leaves and treat the plant with a fungicide (for example, Trichodermin).Remove dead parts of Kalandiva.

Reproduction of Kalandiva

Kalanchoe can be propagated by rooting cuttings and leaves or sowing seeds.

In the first case, cut parts, old or simply fallen leaves are planted in wet sand and covered with glass. After 1.5 months, young plants are transplanted into a substrate for succulents.

For rooting, after cutting, cuttings should be sprinkled with crushed charcoal and dried for several hours.

Seeds are sown from mid-winter to early spring. They are laid out on the surface of the soil without covering them with soil. The top of the pots is covered with paper and slightly shaded. Light deciduous soil is optimal for sowing. It should always remain moist; settled water at room temperature is used for irrigation.

After germination, the glass and darkening are removed. After thirty days, the seedlings can be dropped into ditches, covered with polyethylene for the first time. When 2-3 leaves appear, small Kalanchoes are transplanted into pots with a diameter of no more than 7 cm.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is one of the most undemanding plants to care for. If you follow simple rules, it will delight you for a long time with bright green leaves and long-lasting flowering.