How to maintain peace of mind in a stressful situation. How to be calm in any situation and not get nervous

Life is full of stress. We have responsibilities, goals, relationships and more. Everyone knows that stress harms us, but it seems like we can't do anything about it.

We always don’t have enough time, we are in a hurry, take on a lot of things and end up burning out. Many people take stress for granted. No matter how busy you are, everyone experiences feelings of stress. If you are subject to chronic stress, then even if you remove some of your responsibilities and tasks, you will not become more relaxed. For a quality life, you need not to remove stress, but to change your reaction to it.

The right approach

Imagine that you need to drag some heavy object. You could do it wrong and hurt your back and hurt yourself. Or you can pump up your muscles before doing this, study your physiology and lift weights under right angle. The heavy object will be the same in both the first and second cases, but the sensations will be radically different.

It's the same with stress. You can be nervous, worry, twitch because of any situation. Or react calmly and adequately to everything that life throws at you.

Calm, just calm

Do not confuse relaxation and calmness. In order to relax, we most often do not need to learn this. Quality sleep, a walk in nature, a bubble bath, a favorite movie, or a visit to the spa are all treatments for stress. And staying calm is prevention. But in order to be calm in the middle of a hurricane, you will have to learn and make some changes in yourself.

Why is this necessary?

Why learn to be calm at all? Not all stress is bad. Controlled, short-term stress, on the contrary, benefits our body and brain function. It allows us to grow above ourselves, develop and develop the necessary skills. The problem is chronic stress. Chronic stress harms our brain, especially the parts responsible for memory, attention, behavior, emotions, decision-making and planning. When levels of the stress hormone cortisol do not fall long time, we live in survival mode. The amygdala in our brain does not switch off, and we are constantly in a state of “fight or flight.” When we are calm, cortisol levels are under control and we can adequately look at what is happening and make the right decisions.

Hormonal imbalance leads not only to the fact that we work worse and are nervous, but also causes various diseases. First of all, these are diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive problems, insomnia, weight gain, anxiety and ultimately depression.

The simpler the better

Before you start using stress management tools, you need to simplify your life as much as possible. Review your to-do list, responsibilities, agreements. Remove everything unnecessary from your life. Learn to say “no” to new things and projects until the old ones are completed. Delegate responsibilities both at work and at home.

Don't promise something that you can't deliver or that is difficult to deliver. Try not to leave things until the last minute. Have a clear plan for each day, check it regularly with your diary. Get rid of clutter not only in your business, but also on your desk, bag, drawers and cabinets.

Simplifying your life is the first step to a peaceful life.

Face stress

To learn how to manage stress, you need to know the “enemy in person.” In a calm state, sit down and write down on a sheet of paper all the people, all the activities and situations that cause you maximum stress. Research has shown that adequate awareness of a problem reduces activity in the amygdala region of the brain. Write down everything that haunts you. At work, at home, in relationships, health, etc.

After you have written down all the problems, try to look at them with a detached eye and think about what opportunities can be drawn from these situations. Of course, this may sound like mockery. What opportunities might there be in difficulties? But more often than not, if you look from the outside, in any crisis you can find a lever for growth. When we're in emotional state We are at the center of the problem, we cannot sensibly assess everything that is happening. Therefore, it is very important from time to time to sit down with a piece of paper and consciously write down and think about all stressful situations, turning off emotions and personal assessment.

Sports against stress

Exercise releases endorphins, which improve our mood. Sport itself is controlled stress. It acts as an inoculation against real problems. If you don’t feel like it, but you start the morning with exercise, then you are preparing for yourself a solid emotional foundation for the whole day. The more you have to step over yourself in healthy habits, be it a contrast shower, sports, healthy eating or anything else, the easier it is for us to endure problems and challenges throughout the day. Among other things, sport improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, brain and intestines. Our body is one system, and not a set of disparate organs, therefore, by playing sports, we do not just pump up muscles and get rid of fat, but strengthen the entire body as a whole.

Massage and self-massage are also suitable for improving blood circulation. If you feel tense and tired, massage the entire perimeter of your ears, scalp, neck and shoulders. After a difficult day, do some stretching exercises, lie on a mat with spikes and massage your feet.

The morning is wiser than the evening

In order to calmly endure stressful situations, you need to be as rested as possible. Monitor the quality of your sleep. Half an hour before bedtime, put your phone away from you, turn off your computer and TV. A relaxing bath or shower, gentle stretching and massage, soothing music, journaling and meditation will help set you up for a good night's rest. If possible, take a siesta during the day. Medical research has repeatedly proven that nap, even 15 minutes, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and normalizes hormonal levels.


Make a list of things that relax you and lift your spirits. This could be a music playlist, favorite essential oils, a short walk, chatting with a nice person, playing with a pet or something else. If you know you have a difficult day ahead, keep your SOS kit handy. These are kind of anchors of calm that will help you maintain a normal state, even if chaos reigns at work or at home.

Calming diet

Watch your diet. Our gut is responsible for producing the happy hormone serotonin, so digestion and stress management are closely linked. Your diet should have enough fiber in the form of vegetables and whole grains, plenty of fluids, high-quality vegetable oil, nuts and seeds, and protein from a variety of sources. If you only drink coffee during the day, especially instant coffee, it will be incredibly difficult to maintain a calm state. Limit caffeine intake to 2 cups per day, preferably in the morning. Never drink coffee or strong tea on an empty stomach - only after eating. Water with lemon, ginger, berries or pieces of fruit will help support digestion and normal hydration levels in the body as a whole. This is important for good brain function and the ability to focus on business.

Relaxation techniques

Use relaxation techniques, meditation and breathing exercises. Try breathing in 4 counts: inhale and count “1-2-3-4”, hold your breath for 4 counts, exhale in the same way and hold your breath again. Repeat for a minute.

You can use yogic breathing. To do this, breathe alternately through different nostrils.

Meditate 5-10 minutes a day. To do this, you don’t need to have yoga skills, just sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, focus on your breathing and listen to the sensations in your body. Imagine a place or situation in which you can allow yourself to be completely relaxed. Hold this picture before your eyes until you feel calm and peaceful.

Positive thinking

Powerful tools against stress are gratitude, kindness and dedication. When we consciously look at our lives and understand what we can be grateful for, over time it becomes easier to cope with problems. Scientists have even calculated that this requires 6 weeks of keeping a gratitude diary every night.

Pay attention to those around you, try yourself as a volunteer in a charity organization. Helping others builds self-confidence, allows you to look at your own life with gratitude, and gives you a sense of need.

In all eastern martial arts schools, such as Tai Chi Tsuan, Wing Chun, Qigong, a person’s ability to maintain “calm mind” and be relaxed was considered the most important criterion for the harmonious development of spirit and body. According to psychologists and psychotherapists from around the world, if a person does not learn to control his emotions and is irritable, then he will not be able to effectively solve the tasks assigned to him, since productivity logical thinking and the state of physical health largely depend on the ability to be calm. How to learn to be calm in our turbulent times?

The ability to remain calm will solve the problem of any type of stress and depression, while increasing mental and physical capabilities. Where you need to start to learn to relax and not be nervous, as well as what types of effective practices exist for self-control are the main issues that will be discussed in this article.

Harm from stress

The human mind and body are closely connected. During times of stress, the brain commands the nervous system to take a “fighting position”, in this mode the body begins to produce large quantity resources, which leads to rapid depletion. A person who is very nervous quickly loses strength, because of this his mental and physical capabilities weaken. The nervous system begins to gradually deplete, diseases appear, uncontrollable outbreaks of aggression, they destroy life in all directions.

Clear mind = control and calm

Purity of mind determines your calmness, control of your reactions and behavior. And by controlling yourself, you control the situation as a whole. The logical question here would be “but what clogs our mind”? And it is clogged by numerous factors that stretch all the way back to childhood and accumulate like a snowball. Starting from childhood fears (for example, many adult life afraid of the dark) and ending with complexes, limiting attitudes, negative thinking and other mental nasty things that make our lives miserable and miserable.

The beauty of the system is that it shifts the main work to the subconscious, and you only have to read the ready-made instructions. The work looks something like this: you read the instructions and go about your business, while the subconscious mind solves problems in the background. The ease of use and convenience is off the charts. And so far no psychotechnics can match the stability and quality of results.

Calmness and control come as you free yourself from metal trash. And, believe me, the average person has an amazing amount of it.

Alpha rhythm and its benefits

The body and brain are closely connected. The fact that the brain emits biowaves of different frequencies became known in 1928, when the doctor Berger placed two electrodes on his head and connected them to an electrical measuring device. One of the effective and healthy biorhythms for the development of a calm life is the “alpha” frequency.

The frequency of the alpha rhythm ranges from 8 to 14 Hz. This rhythm refers to the borderline state between wakefulness and sleep. At this frequency, the work of the left and right hemispheres is harmonized. The outside world begins to change places with the inside. Thanks to such harmony, a person begins to automatically relax, while mental and physical regeneration occurs. Scientists say that the alpha rhythm is one of the most useful and restorative states human body, which helps fight any kind of stress and stay calm in any situation.

Relaxation method by Jose Silva

A significant contribution to the development of the practice of transitioning to the alpha rhythm was made by the famous Spanish parapsychologist José Silva. The goal of his practice is to train people to consciously enter the alpha range, regardless of the situation, in order to be mentally and physically healthy. This will also lead to rapid recovery of the body and increased mental abilities.
When practicing entering the alpha frequency - learning to relax, it is divided into the following stages:

  1. The person should be dressed in comfortable clothes. Then take a comfortable sitting or lying position, preferably in a quiet environment. Before the procedure, you can take a relaxing bath.
  2. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, exhalation and inhalation should be the same in time and not sharp. If you breathe too quickly, the body will switch to a higher rhythm and the person will begin to get nervous.
  3. Mentally imagine the number 50, you can color it a certain color. Start a slow countdown in the opposite direction, with each number counted, give yourself a mental setting for deeper mental relaxation.
  4. After the countdown reaches 40, you must simultaneously count the numbers and relax your body. You need to start from the scalp and end with your toes. You need to try to relax not only the external part of the body, but also the internal, focusing on the internal organs.
  5. After the countdown has reached number 1, you need to imagine any place on the planet where a person most wants to be. From this moment on, the person falls into a state of trance, the external sounds of the world are muffled, and he stops reacting to them.
  6. Begin new countdown from 10 to 1, having previously given yourself the setting for an even deeper dive. After the countdown has ended, a phase begins when the subconscious is most receptive to commands.

You can use this state to program a feeling of calm in various life situations, or to build new settings for a specific situation in life. You can program the subconscious for various moments when a person begins to get nervous. How to learn to be calm in our turbulent times?

When a person counts in an ascending line, his body will begin to activate and wake up. Before this, you need to give yourself a mental attitude that when the counting is over, the person will feel healthy, filled with strength and energy. It is also necessary to make a snap of the fingers, which, with long practice, will replace mental arithmetic. This finger snap should be done when a person begins to get nervous in any situation.

With each practice, the ability to relax all parts of the body will be more effective, and the state of immersion will be deeper. When a person learns to enter the “alpha” state without self-hypnosis, he will become mentally strong and stop getting nervous over trifles.


This practice came from Ancient India, then practiced in the east. In the famous and popular worldwide Chinese gymnastics Tai Chi Chuan, the ability to be calm is a basic skill in the practice of rejuvenation. Calmness is achieved through a special mental state – meditation. Its task is to turn off the disorder of thoughts through internal concentration on some object or sensation and try not to react to the outside world. It is important to control your breathing. The most effective pose for meditation is considered to be the “lotus position”.

Meditation can be done in any environment. Some people use special music to help them achieve the desired state of practice. The most popular music is considered to be Indian, as well as “Schumann frequency”. The advantage of music is that it allows you not to react to the noises of the outside world.

The practice of Taoism as an effective remedy against depression

In Taoism, it is believed that each human organ has its own thinking, and if this organ is filled with negative energy, this will lead to illness and stress. Practice believes that irritation and mental breakdowns are a disease of a certain organ, so it needs to be transformed into positive energy, this should be done using the following techniques:

  • Practice the inner smile

It is considered the simplest and most effective in Taoism. During times of stress, it is necessary to feel from which organ the cold is coming. After this, begin to smile at him internally until you feel warmth and tingling. In the philosophy of this school, it is believed that the feeling of warmth means the concentration of vital energy. If negative energy organ is completely transformed into a positive one, then the person will stop being nervous.

  • Foot massage

This type of massage is used as a medicine that Chinese doctors prescribe to their sick patients. It involves stroking the center of the foot with the edge of your hand. This procedure cleanses and rejuvenates internal organs and makes a person calm.

How does running affect your calmness?

Running is good for reducing stress and nervousness. Due to the fact that when jogging, hormones “endorphins” are injected into a person’s brain, he becomes calm and stops being nervous, regardless of the level of stress. Running also has a positive effect on the activity of the central nervous system.

Psychotherapeutic techniques

In order to solve the problem of fear of the unknown, which makes a person nervous, you need to try to switch to the surrounding reality. This technique is also called “being in the moment” and is recommended by all psychology books.

Prevention of nervous conditions

To prevent stress conditions, it is necessary to:

  • run at least 30 minutes a day
  • drink at least 3 liters of water per day
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day
  • walk in the park 2-3 times a week
  • Eliminate negative people from your life
  • switch your brain to positive thoughts

In conclusion

How nervous a person is will depend on his physical and mental condition, which may affect your health in the future. Therefore, if you remain calm in any situation and react correctly to it, then the problems as such will disappear on their own.

How to keep a calm person in any situations, if excessive emotionality leads to undesirable consequences? Often it is difficult for an individual to cope with anger, hatred, aggression on his own, and he does not know what to do with these feelings. It will be easier to remain calm in stressful situations if a person understands the need for control own emotions. In the heat of the moment, you can say and do things that a person often regrets later. In addition, if an individual in a critical situation succumbs to the anxiety that overcomes him, then his ability to think logically, accept rational decisions and the ability to act correctly weakens sharply.

At the first stage of learning to gain calm, psychologists recommend learning to remain calm in minor situations when the individual is not yet completely overcome by negative emotions, and then moving on to train and learn in more serious and significant disputes or conflicts.

People often notice that it is very difficult to maintain inner peace when every trifle in life is important and therefore circumstances easily unsettle them. But if you develop several philosophical view things, you can learn to remain calm in any situation.

How to always stay calm? Psychologists advise working on yours. If a person believes in own strength, then he gains the confidence that he can cope with any situation that can happen in his life. And vice versa, if he doubts himself and sets himself up for an unfavorable outcome of any undertaking, then it is difficult for him to deal with life circumstances and at the same time not to be nervous.

It will be possible to remain calm in stressful situations if a person gets rid of the bad habit of dramatizing the events that happen to him and forbids himself to overthink himself.

An individual who wants to learn to remain calm needs to direct his wild imagination in a more productive direction, and not mentally scroll through unfavorable scenarios in his head, since such an attitude will only add anxiety and restlessness. If a person feels like he is succumbing to panic, then he should stop and think logically about the reason for this state.

Psychologists strongly advise monitoring your thoughts, because often a person becomes nervous and worried in situations that do not threaten him in any way. If an individual has such a tendency, then one should imagine the most favorable scenario for the development of events and think in a positive direction. This way, a person will be able to make sure that nothing threatens his life and safety, and he will be able to cope with other troubles, if they arise, on his own, since in a truly critical situation the internal reserves of the body are mobilized by themselves. This is a protective function of the body, so there is no need to be afraid of what has not yet happened, since it is the far-fetched internal anxiety that is an obstacle to calm.

There are many ways to stay calm, and one of them involves having a backup plan in case something goes wrong. Most likely, you won’t need it, but the knowledge that there is a way out gives you a feeling of calm and confidence. And if failure occurs, then you should immediately begin to act on the backup version of the strategic plan.

How to stay calm in conflict situation, which are not uncommon in human life. Every now and then an individual is faced with rudeness, injustice and irritation of people around him, and it is very difficult to remain calm in these cases. Often you want to repay in kind, but it would be better to refrain so as not to complicate the situation. By responding to negativity, an individual will only receive a new portion of anger and aggression, and his life will be even more filled with disappointment and anger. In the end, everyone will lose from this. Learning to control yourself in such situations is difficult, but it is necessary. To do this, no matter how difficult it may be, it is important to always be in a good mood.

- try not to be dramatic life situations, and do not give in to the impulse to exaggerate the negative;

- required to be used in your vocabulary as often as possible the words “I’m stronger than this”, “I can handle it”, “it’s okay”; such verbal formulations will help you look at the existing problem differently;

- before sharing a problem with anyone, you need to think and not tell it to everyone you know; you should digest it yourself in order to calm down; well-meaning friends may show more sympathy than necessary, which can be even more upsetting;

- you should mentally visualize your calmness (become calm and calm person in your imagination);

— you need to determine for yourself those factors that make a person lose composure and control over himself. Knowing and avoiding personal irritants will help a person remain calm throughout the day;

— it is important to learn to control your emotions; to do this, you should remember the moments when a person could remain calm in a difficult situation;

- you cannot respond to attacks in a state of irritation; it is better to remain silent until calmness sets in;

- in any situation, always look for something positive;

— having heard criticism addressed to oneself, a person should find a rational grain in it; if it’s difficult, then you need to ignore what they say;

- it is necessary to develop a positive attitude towards people;

- it should be remembered that negative emotions that grip are harmful, first of all, to the person himself, therefore, if a mistake is made, it should be admitted;

- to calm yourself down, you need to listen to audiobooks that encourage a positive perception of life;

- if there is a person who can support the individual, then you should talk to him;

- viewing quotes from books can help set a person up for positive behavior;

- troubles in life should be treated as training rather than great success in life an individual achieves, the more negative situations he overcomes;

- a person cannot be liked by everyone, no one can do this, so it would be better to let relationships with some people become a thing of the past. In this way, you can free yourself from a heavy burden and communicate more with those who influence a person positively;

— to create an atmosphere of calm, you can use calm music or silence, scented candles;

— a few deep breaths can help an individual relieve tension, anxiety and adjust to a calmer rhythm;

- following a daily routine and a balanced, fortified diet will allow a person to be healthy, and therefore maintain inner peace;

— by avoiding excessive consumption of caffeine and sugar, maintaining the necessary water balance, you can maintain a calm state of the body;

- daily physical exercise relieve tension, which will allow you to control your experiences;

- meditation and yoga can help you find peace of mind;

- in order not to think about the same thing, you need to get carried away by something interesting or creative;

— it is important to be able to rest and, if necessary, take a day off to recharge fresh ideas;

- Breathing from the diaphragm - belly will help quickly relieve tension and allow you to calm down in a matter of minutes. During belly breathing, the belly rises and falls. You need to inhale through your nose, then hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale slowly.

So, why is it important to learn to remain calm? So that impatience and anger do not exhaust your soul and heart. In order to get more done in life, communicate better, and live a more purposeful and productive life.

Life is surprisingly diverse and full, unfortunately, of not only positive but also negative events. Everyone wants to remain calm in any situation, but not everyone succeeds.

The task should be clarified from the very beginning. Do you want to remain calm in any situation? Most likely, only in negative(anxious, angry, annoying, frightening, etc.) situations? It is unlikely, for example, that a girl, upon hearing a marriage proposal, will think: “No joy! Calm, just calm!” In pleasant and positive situations, on the contrary, you want to be as restless as possible. People jump up to the ceiling with happiness and shout “Hurray!” out loud.

Perhaps the task is even narrower. Not “Stay calm in any negative situation”, but “Learn not to cry” / “Learn not to be offended” / “Learn to control anger” and so on, depending on what specific problem concerns you.

The more exactly If you manage to determine the task, the goal, the direction of work on yourself, the better.

You need to understand that to achieve a state where absolutely nothing disturbs or bothers you is tantamount to depriving yourself everyone emotions, both good and bad.

An impassive person cannot, maintaining Olympic calm in stressful situation, in a positive way, you immediately become expressive, emotional and sensitive. Becoming completely serene is a super task that only Buddhist monks strive for.

No need strive for absolute calm in any situation. The calmness that one should strive for is, in fact, a skill wisely, with understanding and acceptance look at unpleasant things happening around and negative emotions arising in the soul.

Calmness as a skill and character trait

Calmness differs from unemotionality in that the person who feels it feels an exciting emotion, is aware of it, but knows how to control it; he is not insensitive, but balanced.

The ability to remain calm in an exciting situation is related to the ability to control emotions. In many ways, these two skills overlap. Read the article about how to control your emotions. There you will also find additional practical recommendations about how to stay calm.

For some people, due to their character and temperament, it is easier to remain dead, for others it is more difficult. The ability to remain calm also depends on the most exciting situation, its scale, duration, repetition and complexity.

Calm requires experience, mental strength and wisdom, which is why the older a person is, the calmer he is. Calmness comes naturally with age, but it can be learned, and at any age.

Learning to be calm means secure yourself in advance from various future stresses and anxieties. Prevention is always better fight with the difficulty that has already arisen. But difficulties are different, so there is a 100% guarantee that having learned to calm down, you will be able to cope with any anxiety, No.

What is certain is that what more often and better will be able to remain calm in a stressful situation, the more less Such situations will worry!

Mastering any skill is education, involving repetition of actions, training and consolidation of acquired knowledge in practice. Once you develop a skill, it becomes a habit, and the habit will affect your character. In this way you can come to peace as character trait.

What kind of knowledge is this, the practical application of which will help you remain calm in any problematic situation?

Three rules of calm

In order not to be nervous and remain calm in an exciting situation, psychologists recommend remembering rules:

  1. The rule for the “Stop!” signal. It is recommended to come up with a certain signal for yourself that will become a lever for switching to the “calm” mode. It would be nice to remember in what situations it was possible to quickly regain calm. What kind of situation is this and what (what object, action) is it associated with?

For many people, the signal to bring themselves into a balanced state is phone ring.

Example. The wife screams at her husband and breaks the dishes, but suddenly her phone rings and not someone wants to talk to her, but the boss. Will the woman be able to calm down? In a split second! She will not just calm down, but will completely change, become friendly and sweet!

In moments when anxiety overcomes, a sobering bell should “ring” in your head and return you to sanity. Such a signal can be any image: a light switch, a light bulb, a knock on the door, an alarm clock, a fan turning on, falling snow - anything that is associated with the need to calm down or calmness.

  1. Rule "Don't rush"! He who understands life is in no hurry. Haste reduces the quality of the actions performed, but their quantity does not increase (it just seems!), but the most important thing is that hasty body movements overstimulate the brain, which is expressed as excitement, fuss, panic, anxiety, aggressiveness.

To avoid feeling rushed and anxious in a stressful situation, you need to move, take actions and talk in medium or slow pace. No running or screaming!

It is better to change the habit of speaking loudly and very quickly to calm and measured speech half a tone quieter. You need to speak in such a way that your own ears enjoy it.

To avoid rushing anywhere, you need everything in advance to plan and count. IN extraordinary situation you need to act quickly, but not hastily, believe that everything will be done in time, and not worry: “I won’t make it in time!” Panic never leads to a positive result.

In the end, if you happen to be late somewhere or don’t have time to do something, then it was necessary and it’s for the best; This means that in the subconscious there was an attitude “Something unpleasant is waiting there” and in fact I didn’t really want to show up on time or make it in time!

Everything will be done in time! Everything always happens on time!

  1. The Rule of Analyze, Don't Dramatize! So many people covered negative emotion, begin to aggravate the situation: “It’s always like this!”, “You’re all like that!”, “Nobody loves me!” - this is all excessive exaggeration.

You won't be able to stay calm if you don't start analysis situation, but start complaining, being indignant, objecting, crying, and so on.

Logical analysis switches the brain into “thinking” mode, from emotions to reason. Instead of immediately calling your girlfriend and complaining about your fate, it is better to think about the situation alone.

Talking through a problem is good only once, everything else is turning a fly into an elephant.

What happened happened, it doesn't matter anymore. It's important what to do now how to solve the issue. Excitement and violent emotions will definitely not solve the problem; you need to think about how to eliminate the consequences and prevent a recurrence of a similar situation.

If you have to worry not because of some certain situation, and because of the situation in general(in the family, at work, in the country) helps to calm down question“Does this excitement make my life better and more joyful? Will something change for the better because I worry?”

It is impossible and unnecessary to control everything and influence everything! Worry in a situation where nothing can be changed must be replaced by an effort of will with faith in the best and a revision of views on the problem.

Calm Techniques

Without thorough work on yourself, it is difficult to learn to remain calm in difficult situations, but there are auxiliary techniques and tools that can significantly facilitate the process of self-control and managing emotions.

Helps you calm down:

  1. Correct breathing. This is smooth, deep, diaphragmatic breathing, when when you inhale through the nose, the stomach rises, and when you exhale, it retracts.

2.Aromatherapy. Aroma candles, aroma lamps, oils - there are many ways to calm your inflamed mind with smell. A simple example: most people associate the smell of tangerines with the holidays; it will certainly help you relax.

  1. Reading. While reading, the brain works in a special, calming frequency mode, a person is distracted from the world around him and immersed in a world of fantasy.
  2. Music. Everyone has their own special compositions that can calm and lift your spirits. There are also specially created for relaxation, relaxation, sleep, quiet work melodies (they can be easily found on the Internet).
  3. Physical exercise. A great way for those who like to dwell on thoughts about a problem. When muscles work, a lot of energy is released, including negative energy. All the anxiety that accumulates in the body is released as a result of alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles. You don’t have to play sports; simple cleaning of the house is enough to get a good physical workout.
  4. Water. A shower or bath will help in the morning and evening, and drinking during the day clean water. Water improves metabolism, makes the brain work more actively, harmonizes nervous system.
  5. Hobby activity. This is a way to compensate for negative experiences with positive ones and distract yourself.
  6. Comfort. Anything can irritate you: tight shoes, hot clothes, an uncomfortable chair, someone screaming, music, unpleasant odors and so on. People sometimes don't even notice these irritants or ignore them, and in the meantime, they continue to undermine the nervous system. By improving conditions as much as possible, you can calm your nerves. Whenever possible, you should remove irritants and add calming elements to your atmosphere and environment.
  7. Walks in the open air. Oxygen improves brain function, and moving forward is associated with progress towards success. The ability to come out in the heat of anger Fresh air and walking has saved more than one friendship, love and work relationship.
  8. Dream. Overwork – common reason anxiety and nervousness, and sleep - best medicine in this case.

And finally, if it is possible not to get into an exciting situation, it is better to avoid it, at least during those periods when there is a lack of strength for self-control.

Where do you most often lose your calm?

Sometimes life presents situations in which every little thing irritates: the husband doesn’t thank you for dinner, the children don’t want to pack up their toys, and the boss reprimands you for not completing a task on time...

Is it possible to get rid of superficial irritability and become self-confident? Psychologists assure that it is not only possible, but also necessary: ​​it makes life much easier and helps maintain peace and balance.

Why does a person lose his calm?

Having exploded once again over some trivial matter, the woman begins to think about how to be calm and not get nervous. They use sedatives, heart-to-heart conversations with a close friend, auto-training, and even loudly counting to ten in a critical situation. But the exhausted body demands its way and again a breakdown follows with ridiculous decisions dictated not by common sense, but by impulse and momentary emotions.

Each time, the loss of calm is repeated simply because there is no exact and only correct recipe for how to remain calm in any situation. Therefore, before looking for ways out of the current situation, it is worth understanding its causes. Why do some women lose their calm over trivial matters, while others can boast of iron restraint?

Among the most common reasons for loss of calm are:

  • “Triggers”, that is, things, people or events that irritate us for reasons unknown to us: for example, a neighbor with a dog or rush hour on the subway.
  • Prolonged depression, combined with hopelessness and anxiety, can cause irascibility.
  • Chronic fatigue and lack of vitamins can also cause a loss of calm.
  • The presence of physical discomfort: when a person is hungry or cold, even a minor reason is enough to make him angry.
  • Presence of diseases: for example, diabetes or illness thyroid gland Increased irritability is often noted.

By identifying the cause of your irritation, you can solve it, rather than deal with the consequences of a temper that just signals, for example, fatigue or malaise.

FACT! During pregnancy, many women experience difficulties with balance and adequate reactions to familiar situations. Don't be afraid - it's just the effect of changing hormonal levels.

Calm, just calm!

Psychologists say with confidence: despite the fact that universal method There is no such thing as how to become calm and not be nervous; every person can learn to remain calm in certain life situations.

  • Change your perspective on familiar things. Look at the world through a positive lens: love yourself and those around you. Forgive yourself and others for minor mistakes and shortcomings, do not reproach or put pressure on them. Show patience and understanding, learn to stop your irritation. Before you worry, consider the appropriateness of this behavior: what will change and who will benefit from worrying.
  • Change your behavior. If a stressful situation is inevitable, then you should change your reaction to it: try to restrain your negative reaction, model the development of the situation, avoid communicating with people who are prone to drama. Look at things through the eyes of a wise grandmother life experience kind old lady.
  • Relax. In any situation, it is important to try to remain calm. To do this, psychologists advise relaxing, and everyone does it in their own way: some listen to quiet music, some use aromatic oils, some meditate. Many women find children and animals to be a calming factor, so engage in therapeutic playtime with your baby and cat.

These simple and transparent tips for everyone will help you understand how to learn to be calm and make your dreams of balance come true.

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It's never too late to change your behavior and learn to calmly perceive the world and people around you. Only after a woman begins to look at the world calmly and balancedly does she understand how much peace means in life. Your peace of mind is the key to your personal and family well-being, a friendly climate at work and strong friendships.