Do-it-yourself landscape design of a summer cottage - fresh ideas and ready-made projects (photos)

Especially during the hectic workdays of the city bustle, you want to “take refuge” somewhere away from everyone, relax and enjoy the silence and fresh air. And at such moments, even if you have a small plot of land, this is already a luxury, where even physical labor in the beds or garden seems like just an unforgettable vacation, especially when the time comes to taste the fruits of your labors! And many people, dacha owners, transform their plots with their own ideas for the plot in such an original way that it literally turns into Eden. After all, in fact, there are many landscape design ideas summer cottage with your own hands, that even a tiny plot can be turned into a real masterpiece of art!

And the most interesting thing is that for some reason many summer residents think, but are very mistaken, what to create country landscape New design is something impossible and not everyone can handle it. Moreover, they install gazebos on their property, landscape the area, including various flower beds, where you can often find even exotic plant species, install various ponds and alpine coaster. But all this is design garden plot, which is created with your own hands!

In addition, today almost every person has access to the Internet, where you can watch landscape design, photo ideas and even video instructions! And yet, you can dream up a lot, put in a little effort, add a little love and recreate a cozy “paradise” with an absolute understanding of aesthetic views, tastes and beauty!

Of course, a lot in this matter can be taken from photos of landscape design ideas for a site, and in combination with your dacha ideas, you will get the most unique design!

The main thing is to start

Surely every person just the thought of country landscape design evokes a feeling of greenery all around. Of course, there can be any grass, even weeds. But a landscaped lawn, beautiful flower beds, and maybe alpine slides will look much more aesthetically pleasing. Especially summer residents who are new to the issue of improving the design of a garden plot, begin to create a landscape by arranging a lawn, since grass is unpretentious and requires minimal care. And, besides, how pleasant it is to create a soft green cover on the ground, like laying a carpet on which you really want to walk barefoot or lie down with pleasure!

To some extent, the presence of a lawn is a feeling of calm, orderliness and comfort, hiding imperfections and shading the entire dacha landscape. Photo ideas for landscape design will tell you about many various designs registration!

Of course, a lawn is just wonderful, but there must be flowers in a summer cottage, otherwise the idea for the plot may be boring and faded. All you have to do is arrange beautiful flower beds original compositions, even the most simple shapes! And your landscape will look completely different! Flowerbeds can be of completely different shapes: round or oval, square or multifaceted, made with your own hands or using custom-made services, where, in addition, they also offer original landscape design ideas. You definitely need to look at the photos of landscape design ideas for the site!

Before landscaping flower beds, it is important to decide not only on the shape and plantings, but also on its territorial location. To do this, it is very important to study the plants that you are going to plant in the flower beds. Among other things, you can arrange flowers in hanging baskets or tall flowerpots, which will also look like a very successful and interesting landscape design idea.

Many summer residents love and prefer to install alpine slides on their plots. For such a design, plants should not be whimsical. The most interesting ideas landscape design for example, creeping thyme or alpine edelweiss, which can be planted for more than one year. On the middle tier you can plant alpine aster or coastal army.

Decorate the top of the hill with the most sun-loving plants that are drought-resistant. This could be Iberis, cinquefoil, heuchera, as well as small green shrubs.

And most importantly, the slide should look absolutely naturally designed. There is no need to plant anything on it and throw it just like a pile of stones. Do everything with soul and love.

Pond - an original idea for landscape design

Don’t despair if there is no stream or pond at your dacha, you can create it yourself, and you don’t need to invest huge sums of money. After all, there are ideas for landscape design of a summer cottage with your own hands, and this is exactly what you need!

For example, you can use the most common acrylic bath, which turned out to be of no use to anyone and was sent to the dacha. With it you can create a funny little pond. You will need to dig a hole based on the slope Wastewater, fill the bottom with sand or stones, after which strengthen such a reservoir around the perimeter. You can use others too country ideas, as long as you feel comfortable being in your possessions!

DIY landscaping ideas

You can create creativity at your own discretion. For example, install interesting furniture, gazebos, barbecues, arches, lighting, figurines and more. Products made with your own hands will look very interesting.

If you want to decorate the landscape of your own summer cottage in a beautiful and original way, but you don’t have any time to do it or something doesn’t work out, you can always turn to professionals who will help in any questions, even “from A to Z”!

Landscape design do it yourself (100 photos) Flower beds in the country: types and selection criteria

From the dachas and personal plots The beds are gradually being replaced. If they exist, they are in small quantities and somewhere in the depths. The main place is occupied by flower beds, recreation areas and other beautiful corners. All this together is called landscape design and is taught at the institute. But if you don’t intend to make money by arranging, landscaping and decorating courtyards and dachas, you can try to plan everything yourself. Landscaping with your own hands is a long and difficult task, but extremely exciting: it is very pleasant to look at the beauty created with your own hands.

Where to begin

As always, you need to start with a plan. You can draw it on graph paper to scale, or you can use design programs. The most convenient are Realtime Landscaping Architect and Sierra Land Designer 3D 7.0. In them, all the images will be three-dimensional and you will really be able to evaluate how your site will look. And let few people strictly adhere to the plan. But while you are drawing, you will develop certain skills in landscape design that will help you in bringing your plans to life.

Rectangular plot: landscape design plan

If the site is still empty, you think through all the little things: where the entrance will be, how the house and other buildings will be located on the site. After drawing all the buildings, draw the paths. Direct ones are rarely done - they are harder to beat in the landscape. Curved, with smooth lines will help organize interesting places and plantings. On the plan, do not forget about communications - sewerage, irrigation system, etc. Then gradually add landscape design elements, drawing out their details.

If you are equipping an already inhabited dacha or yard, apply everything that already exists as accurately as possible. To do this, you will have to crawl around the site with a tape measure: first sketch out a plan of the site and write down the measured distances on it. Then the plan will have to be adjusted based on the measurement results. You got the plan that you have. It will have to be worked on.

Try to immediately draw the changes you have planned, because you have something in mind. If you like the result, you can implement it. If not, first change the shape, or figure out where you can move it to make it look better. That’s why it’s more convenient to work with programs: you see what needs to be changed and how these changes affect the design of the site.

Just one moment. Not everything that looks good on screen also looks good in real life. And it happens the other way around - not in plan it looks “not very good”, but what is brought to life is simply mesmerizing. In any case, you will have to make adjustments more than once...

Landscape Design Rules

The main task of site design is to create a harmonious landscape. If so, then we have to take into account the basic laws and observe proportions. One of the main laws that is used when developing any design, including landscape design- the law of the triangle or the golden ratio.

When applied to our case, it can be interpreted as follows: in order for the plantings to look beautiful, they cannot contain the same elements. For example, division into zones. Often three different sections are distinguished, but you shouldn’t make them the same size: one is the largest and two are smaller, but also of different sizes. Also, one color should be the main color, the other two should be additional. Moreover, one of the additional ones is generally in small quantities. This also applies to the choice of plants, both their color and shape and size.

This rule is true not only for flower beds and flower beds, but also for design in general: the number and size of zones on the site, etc.

When creating landscape design with your own hands, you must adhere to the law of the circle. He defines harmonious color combinations(see photo). If you divide it in half with a vertical line, warm shades will be on the right, cool shades on the left. The main compositions are composed of one group of colors - cold or warm.

This does not mean that colors from different parts cannot be mixed. It is possible, but a color from the opposite group should be present as an accent that attracts attention. Such contrasting compositions are made if it is necessary to divert attention from something (toilet, etc.).

There is also the law of the square. On small dacha or in a courtyard it is difficult to adhere to, but it influences the rules for the location of buildings and the planting of plants. Its essence is in orientation to the cardinal direction. For example, when choosing a place for a house, remember that if you place it on the south side, almost the entire area will be in the shade. In some regions this is good, in others it is bad. You decide for yourself.

The position in relation to parts of the world is also taken into account when planning recreation areas. For example, it is better to do it on the south side: the water should warm up. But nearby there should be a shaded area, a canopy, in which you can rest from the hot sun.

In relation to planting plants and determining a place for a garden, it can be interpreted as follows: the tallest plants should be located in the north (if you do not live in the south and you do not need shade). Then the rest of the space will be well lit.

Landscaping a dacha or the yard of a private house requires knowledge of what degree of illumination a particular type of plant prefers. There are always more and less shaded places. There is always more shade from buildings on the north side. Here you need to plant shade-tolerant trees, shrubs, and flowers. Already at a distance of two to three meters, the area may have good illumination, since the shadow from the house may no longer reach there. Here you will need plants that love an abundance of light.

Create a plan for the location of zones and buildings taking into account these rules. There are many more, but even if you take these three into account, your design will be competent, and, what is important, beautiful and harmonious.

Landscape design elements

Briefly about how you can decorate your dacha, yard, personal plot. There are many elements, and even more varieties. One of the favorite types of recreation is barbecue or barbecue. And a place must be allocated for this zone. Immediately after determining the location for the house, they often decide where to put a terrace or pergola.

By the way, you don’t have to hide it at all. True, they still won’t decorate the site, but they can be placed behind the trees.

A stream - natural or artificial - looks very beautiful

Between these and other buildings and areas, places for, etc. are planned. Their shape, size, type of fencing, species composition of plants and their planting scheme are determined. It is clear that without experience it is not easy to do this and there will be a lot of rework, but it is important to start somewhere. Changes to plantings are made almost constantly, so you will be creating landscape design with your own hands for more than one year, or even three: after all, you will also use perennials, and they grow slowly.

Flower beds, flower beds, borders, rockeries, slides and garden paths - that's what else can be used for decoration

Between all zones and buildings there should be Their design, not least of all, shapes the appearance of the garden or dacha. And in general, landscape design is created largely from little things. Somewhere there is a small garden sculpture, a rocking chair, a flowerpot with flowers, a rock garden, a pond, a hanging hammock, beautiful lighting, area lighting, etc. And all this in general is design design.

Plot with a slope

On the one hand, the landscape design of a site with complex terrain is technically more complex: there are more engineering structures, and the terrain needs to be taken into account. But on the other hand, it will definitely look non-standard, since all solutions are individual.

With a fairly large slope, the principle of terrace design is used. The slope is divided into zones, on the low side of which retaining walls are installed. Thanks to them, the surface in a certain area - up to the next wall - is leveled. This occurs due to the fact that part of the soil is transferred.

The terraces themselves are unusual, but they can also be decorated beautifully. For example, make the masonry from rubble stone, and plant creeping and low-growing plants in the gaps. They will decorate the wall and also hold the soil together with roots.

Technical points

Height retaining walls usually no more than a meter, maximum 1.2 m. They are erected from monolithic reinforced concrete, topped with stone, and embankments are made. A foundation is required for each such wall. Usually - With a wall height of up to 60 cm, a compacted crushed stone cushion with a depth of 20 cm is sufficient as a support; with a wall height of 70 cm, the foundation must have a depth of at least 60 cm; with a height of 1 to 1.2 meters, the foundation depth should be at least 70 cm.

Based on the requirements for foundations, the lowest cost for installing retaining walls is with a height of up to 60 cm. If the slope is not very steep, try to divide the slope into sections with such a height difference. And keep in mind that rectangular terraces, although easier to make, from a design point of view, are the most bad option, which is almost impossible to make harmonious. See the photo gallery for examples of terracing and decoration.

Steep site - short terraces Using a slope to create a stream and waterfalls is a classic technique that does not lose its relevance Explicit division into two levels is technically difficult, but aesthetically interesting

Garden design for a small plot

If the yard near the house or cottage is small, and even of the correct shape - square or rectangular - it is most likely visible from anywhere. It feels like being in a box. You can eliminate it by covering the fence with plantings. But they should not grow in a line that follows the shape of the fence, but in smooth, curved curves or groups that extend onto the lawn. Plants can be interspersed with shrubs, rose gardens, you can put a corner gazebo or highlight some area that violates the correctness of the lines.

Covering the fence with tall trees is a good idea, but planting them better in groups and different types

The trees will grow a little and the area will seem wider

Another option to turn the fence into a decorative element: allow climbing plants to turn it into a green wall, and plant low plants with rounded crowns nearby. If the plants will climb along supporting structures, it is better to make their tops non-linear. This way everything will look even better.

Another option - Of course, it takes a long time to grow it, although you can use fast-growing plants, in particular, for a quick effect for several years - use willow. You can weave a fence from its young branches, but it almost always takes root, sprouts roots and turns green in just a few days.

Upon registration small space Straight paths are strictly prohibited. They make objects optically closer, which is of no use to us at all.

Multi-level planning greatly expands the boundaries. This is the case when a slope is preferable: 6 acres look like a larger plot if there is a difference in elevation. If the dacha or yard is small and flat, you will have to do zoning artificially. Alpine slides and raised flower beds and flower beds will help with this.

There are some restrictions when landscaping. Do not plant trees with large crowns. Not only will they shade almost your entire area over time, but it will also appear even smaller. Small trees, shrubs and flowers are what you need to choose from. If you need several tall plantings, choose one with a pyramidal crown or in the form of a candle. They are unusual for us, and look very good.

DIY landscape design: photo and video ideas

Theoretical knowledge is great, but if you lack experience, you need to rely on something. Sometimes the impetus for decorating a wonderful corner in the yard in front of the house can be the shape of a bench you like, and plants are already “attached” to it. Some interesting details that may inspire you are collected in photo galleries.

Flowers in decoration

Landscape design of a summer cottage - exciting process, which implies the presence of special knowledge in the most various areas: from, in fact, design to engineering and technical. The absence of the latter can negate an initially interesting artistic idea. When starting to design a plot of private property, the first step is to study the features land plot, weather, level groundwater and even how many people will live on this site. They conduct a soil analysis to understand which plants will take root in this area, and which ones may not be planted - they still won’t survive.

Basic principles of landscape design

Great importance is attached to the degree of illumination of the area - there should be enough sun to get proper rest. However, its excess is also harmful - in this case it is better to plant tall trees that will partially shade the garden plot.

The package of documents in which the customer is presented with a finished landscape design project is quite impressive. It should include the results of the analyzes performed, plans drainage systems, electric lighting and equipment with automatic watering systems.

Special attention should be paid to the landscaping plan. It details the location of all plants, the layout of flower beds, lawns and other green spaces.

All plants that are planned to be planted on the site must be presented in the assortment list. This statement indicates the name of the plant, its type, variety and quantitative composition.

The totals of all costs for landscaping are given in the cost estimate. It must indicate the cost of the work and all necessary materials to implement the conceived idea.

Original ideas and creative ideas

A beautiful garden plot is the dream of many caring owners, but lack of experience, and often time, leads to the fact that the plots look unkempt, and the dream remains a dream. But it’s quite simple to improve your site, the main thing is to follow a few rules.

It is necessary to remember functionality, convenience and expediency. In pursuit of beauty and fashion, one should not forget about expediency. A large swimming pool, for example, is very fashionable and stylish, but if it takes up most of your site, it will not only spoil its appearance, but also create many problems.

Indeed, in this case, the main item of your expenses will be paying for the services of pool cleaners, and if you decide to save money and clean it yourself, then this will take the lion’s share of your time allotted for relaxation.

A country house with a swimming pool is a sign of the high social status and wealth of its owner

Create a beautiful DIY landscape design from what you have. There is no need to fight the “disadvantages” of your personal plot; they can very easily be transformed into advantages.

If on your site tall trees block the sun and create permanent shadow - great! There is no need to spend money on buying sun umbrellas. The ground can be sown with shade-loving varieties of lawn and a barbecue area can be arranged there. Believe me, on a hot summer day you will appreciate this corner of your site.

Plant your plants correctly. Before planting, make a plan of what exactly you want to plant and where in your area. When you plant flowers, distribute them so that tall flowers do not create impenetrable thickets or block low, border plants.

To make your plot delight you with flowers all summer long, plant plants with different terms flowering. Keep in mind that some flowers, such as peonies, bloom in early June, while others, such as dahlias, bloom towards the end of summer.

The area requires maintenance. If you do not live permanently on your site, but only come from time to time, you should not plant your garden with plants that require increased attention.

A boxwood hedge is very beautiful, but only well-groomed plants are beautiful; overgrown bushes will give a sloppy look to your garden, negating all your work and wasted time.

In any case, you can create a beautiful and harmonious appearance for your site without the involvement of an expensive specialist. After all, no one except you yourself can put so much soul and love into your land.

How and with what to improve a summer cottage

Landscape design is a creative process of landscaping, landscaping a summer cottage to achieve harmonious combination plants planted for practical purposes, with plants planted solely for aesthetics.

Landscape planning of a territory has a number of features due to the following reasons:

Functional purpose of the site

Rarely does anyone use their summer cottage only for relaxation among flowering plants. Most often, part of this plot (and sometimes the entire plot) is also used as a vegetable garden for growing plants that have primarily edible purposes.

It takes skill to harmoniously connect the economic unit with vegetable plantings and a relaxation area with decorative flowers and gazebos.

Summer is the main time to visit the dacha, but even during this period we often come to the dacha only on weekends. And plants require frequent watering and careful care, otherwise you risk finding only withered and frail sprouts at your dacha instead of the expected wildly blooming beauties. Therefore, it is worth taking care of automatic watering in advance.

This type of irrigation in our country has become fashionable relatively recently, and it is often done without knowing the basics of hydraulic engineering, “from a flashlight.” And in the end it turns out that in one place it is watered very heavily, and in another it is not watered at all.

To prevent this from happening, invite a specialist with technical education. He will be able to correctly calculate and select the necessary equipment for hydraulic structures on your site, without disturbing the landscape design you created.

An automatic watering system is a guarantee of a high-quality lawn, as well as saving effort and time

During late autumn and winter, the dacha is most often left unattended; rarely does anyone come to their site to “admire” the view of snowdrifts and frosty roofs.

Therefore, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of purchasing expensive exotic perennials. Maybe it’s worth replacing them with inexpensive, similar analogues, so as not to tempt your neighbors and not find a bald spot in the spring on your summer cottage where valuable plant species were planted.

In your landscape design of your summer cottage, give preference to annual plants. In terms of riot of colors, many annuals surpass perennials, and there is no need to prepare them for winter (pruning, covering, etc.). There is also no need to waste your time in the spring tidying up hedges and other perennial plants.

How to arrange an area in the yard

Planning a personal garden is an art that creates perfect harmony between man and nature, optimally combining practicality and ease of use with the aesthetics of the perception of your garden.

Flower beds and lawns, gazebos and architectural forms located on the site will give your garden a unique look.

The stumbling block is often hydraulic structures on the garden plot. Artificial ponds, streams, fountains, waterfalls, with which the landscape becomes more spectacular. But the design of reservoirs is very specific and depends on many factors, of which design solution and the wishes of the customer, although fundamental, still come in second place. Especially when it comes to the technical execution of a creative idea.

The following factors are considered paramount: functional purpose(just a decorative pond or a pond with fish), and the location of the reservoir. You should also take into account climatic conditions and features of the local landscape.

There are a large number of technical methods for constructing ponds, fountains and reservoirs. They differ both in technology and in the building materials used. And in each specific case this method will be different.

  • Correctly chosen landscaping
  • artificial reservoirs are arranged functionally
  • An appropriate decorated covering has been selected.

It is necessary to create such landscape compositions, which would be both beautiful and functional, and at the same time durable, and could survive our Russian winters.

Holistic work on creating a landscape design for a garden plot begins with a detailed study of the land plot, drawing up a map of the area and an action plan for changes appearance garden In a word, quality work presupposes the presence good specialists who know their business.

This should be not only a designer, but also an agronomist, as well as a specialist with a technical education who will help determine necessary equipment to organize your own pond.

And the main thing here is not to grow the fruits of “amateur” and not to contact companies that have been engaged in landscape design for a short time and do not have sufficient experience in this area, otherwise the object they created will inevitably fall under rework.

English style

This landscape design option is distinguished by its simplicity and refined sophistication, allowing you to turn any garden into a unique living work of art.

English style Designing a garden plot has another great advantage - it does not require significant financial investment. The style itself is most suitable for decorating small garden plots.

Traditionally, the English style features a variety of fragrant flowers, an abundance of lush vegetation, and the presence of architectural forms entwined with vines under the shade of majestic trees. When decorating a garden in the English style, you should remember that this style is characterized by alternating open and semi-open spaces.

The design of a site in the English style is characterized by the following features:

  1. Lack of clearly defined lines and shapes;
  2. Topiary shrubs;

IN English garden Every object and structure emphasizes its naturalness. The paths in the garden bend in any order, the banks of reservoirs (natural and artificial) have a natural appearance, and existing stairs or descents to the water should fit organically and naturally into the overall landscape.

The starting point in the design work is the flower beds and lawns around which are located.

The British spend a lot of time keeping their lawns in order, carefully trimmed and well-groomed - they resemble living carpets of greenery.

A beautiful and well-groomed lawn is the hallmark of landscape design in the English style.

Availability of large quantities climbing plants. The ubiquitous ivy and climbing roses they cover not only hedges and fences, but also the walls of houses, covering them with their greenery.

Climbing plants are an indispensable attribute of an English-style garden. They are often used to decorate gazebos or all kinds of arches, ideally creating the look of an English landscape.

Use of plants characteristic of a particular area. The English style does not use exotic species of plants and trees for planting in its gardens.

They use exclusively local plants, which are carefully selected to provide the desired impact all year round.

An interesting design idea - a bridge over a river made of stones

The English style does not tolerate a riot of colors and pomp in design. Its calm, peaceful character will appeal to those people who value coziness and comfortable privacy.

Gradually, the popularity of country landscape design is increasing, and this is happening mainly because many people strive to obtain beautiful and extraordinary plots, as evidenced by country landscape design photo. At the same time, sometimes it doesn’t matter that you can come to the dacha only on weekends or during vacations.

Rarely does anyone turn to competent specialists on this issue; this is often due to the reluctance to part with a decent part of their budget due to the cost of such services. If you have free time and desire, it is possible to complete your dacha on your own.

Landscape design of a summer cottage photo

At independent arrangement plot, the question often arises of where it is better to start registering in order to get by minimal investment and time. To arrange the landscape at the proper level, you should be guided by all the recommendations and requirements for each territory. It is necessary to first draw up a plan of both the site itself and all its individual elements. A good solution would be to draw sketches of the garden and landscape that you want to achieve on paper. Thanks to the development of technology, today there are many programs created for planning future landscapes with already planted trees and plants, arranged flower beds, arranged decorative elements and even an artificial pond. Any person can work with such a program, the main thing for this is the presence of a computer and the Internet, and, in fact, the very desire to arrange a beautiful and correct one. In addition, any program has training articles that facilitate fairly quick learning.

When creating your own project it is necessary to be guided not only by the territorial area, but also by the shape, since it can affect a lot. To create something that is not only beautiful, but also easy to use, every necessary zone must be thought out. Due to the fact that relaxation can be passive or active, such areas should be provided; in addition, there should be a workplace, as well as a garden and vegetable garden. Do not forget that the dacha also has a residential area. However, the arrangement of all of the listed areas is not mandatory; it is enough to decide on the most necessary ones that can ensure a comfortable stay at the dacha.

Country landscape design - photo

Residential zones most often consist of service, residential, entrance and access areas. Sheds, garages, and other buildings are located in the service areas, and houses are located in the residential areas themselves. The presence of each zone is almost mandatory. The greatest attention is usually paid to the entrance and access areas, their various decorations and the creation of a special one. A small terrace should be located in the backyard, which will make it possible to separate the space, which will be quiet and cozy. If there is free territory, you can register children's area, especially if there are children in the family. Kids love to run around, which is present in many outdoor games. The children's area should be located somewhere on the outskirts of the site, as far as possible from the residential area. This is necessary not only to maintain peace in the house, but to prevent unpleasant consequences, such as broken glass in the house from the ball.

Country landscape design photo

When creating, it is necessary to develop several versions of the project. One should display the general plan of the territory, and the rest should display specific zones that will ensure a clear and accurate depiction of all details. After completing the projects, you can begin to select plants, while being guided by the desired end result that should be obtained from planting flowers, bushes and trees.

For most, dachas are a place of relaxation, where the bustle of the city cannot distract you, where solitude is possible. In this regard, when arranging the landscape at their dacha, some people build a so-called screen. Arrangement of the screen consists of planting a hedge with large trees. This method helps to separate space, creating your own corner, hidden from prying eyes.

When creating, it is necessary to be guided by weather and physical conditions. For example, it is worth paying attention to which side the sunrise occurs, or where the sun is located in the afternoon. Taking into account such factors will allow you to achieve the most comfortable environment in different zones. If the area is often exposed to strong winds, then massive trees can be planted to fence the area.

In addition to comfort, the landscape must also be safe. Therefore, when making garden paths, you should not limit yourself to a narrow width, as it will bring a lot of inconvenience when moving around the site. The best solution There will be one and a half meter paths. To ensure safety during night walks, you should ensure good lighting.

At your dacha, given the permissible territory, you can implement almost any idea that may arise in your head. Country landscape design photo will allow you to glean a lot of ideas, including organizing beautiful flower beds, artificial ponds, and fountains. But the beauty and well-groomed nature of a summer cottage is sometimes not enough, good decision there will be a certain zest created on the site. Such a highlight could be a rock garden combined with an equipped pond and a cute and comfortable swing located nearby. Personally made garden furniture is especially attractive.

If there is plenty of territory at your dacha, then you can start building a beautiful waterfall. This does not mean a large structure, characterized by the complexity of its construction and rather difficult maintenance. A small artificial waterfall would be just right. It will significantly transform the area at the dacha, making it nicer and more comfortable. And the feeling of enjoying the splash of water is simply indescribable. You can, of course, limit yourself to only an artificial reservoir, but why not immediately make two structures in one. A waterfall can be perfectly complemented by a beautiful one, which will bring additional joyful emotions. Water in combination with flowers always receives quite flattering reviews.

First of all, it is worth studying the methods of construction artificial waterfalls and stock up on everything necessary for this. Almost everyone knows how to plant trees or arrange a flower garden, but with the installation of waterfalls the situation is different. This issue requires detailed investigation. First you need to get a pump, pipes, waterproof film, beautiful decorative stones and, in fact, concrete mortar.

The device will allow you to get a landscape of special beauty, the main thing is to do all the work correctly. First you should start building several terraces. The size of the waterfall directly depends on their number and size. After this you can proceed to earthworks, consisting in the formation of the riverbed and the construction of the slide itself. After the channel is dug, it is necessary to put a film in it and pour concrete on top. For the waterfall to function, pipes must be connected to a hill. The pipes must be connected to a pump necessary to set the water flow.

Designing a landscape at a dacha is a very difficult task, the implementation of which is possible through the application of maximum effort. Due to this, it is possible not only to arrange beautiful flower beds, but also to design fountains, small waterfalls and other decorative elements, which decorate the area and give it comfort.

Assembling a waterfall structure is not difficult; decorating it is much more difficult. There are no definite schemes in this matter, so you should show all your imagination. Some are satisfied beautiful flower beds near the waterfall, while others decorate the structure with decorative lighting. But in any case, the view of the waterfall lined with stones is simply amazing. In this regard, you can do without additional decor that can add brightness appearance waterfall You can build a beautiful waterfall in just a few days, and its beauty and soothing murmur of water will bring joy for many years.

Landscape design projects for summer cottages may contain many different elements. Particularly attractive are dachas decorated with unusually trimmed shrubs and trees. This curly haircut requires certain skills and taste. And it is not at all necessary to resort to the help of a specialist. This art is called topiary, and it can easily be found in some park area or in a personal garden.

Unusually trimmed shrubs various shapes are a real miracle in landscape design. The main thing to consider when using topiary is that such art is applicable only to large areas. Therefore, if you have a small territory, it is better to abandon such an idea. In this case, a small garden plot will look ridiculous. The attractiveness of curly bushes and trees is achieved provided that they are surrounded by space. In small areas it is better to use small elements as flower beds, a stream or a fountain; you can also get by with a few coniferous trees. Crowding a small area should be avoided. Oversaturation of elements will not lead to the desired result under any circumstances. In this regard, it is necessary to decide best elements design and work on their arrangement. This is the most perfect option for decorating small areas.

You don’t have to spend a lot of effort, a lot of time and money on an interesting landscape design for your dacha. When selecting one or another component of the future landscape, you need to carefully consider how organic it will look. The same applies to the harmonious combination between all elements. It is also worth asking about the care of various elements. Often people decorate their dacha with beautiful bright components, although they do not have the opportunity and time to maintain the proper state of the ideas embodied in reality, which leads to the pointlessness of all efforts.