Summer kitchen on the plot. Summer kitchen on the cottage is a cozy place where you can deliciously eat and relax. Important design elements

Summer kitchen, be it simple gazebo With a brazier or a solid construction with a furnace and communications is the construction of the essentially on any plot. After all, the dacha life is unimaginable without barbecue, gathering outdoors, as well as without seasonal preservation of products. In this material we presented 11 tips, 70 photo ideas and several videos that will help you create your perfect summer kitchen.

What summer kitchens are?

They can be divided into three types:

  1. Open (for example, barbecue gazebo, terrace or patio) - A simple skeleton building without insulation, often not having walls (fully / partially) and even roofs. In essence, an open summer kitchen is a canopy or a gazebo with a brazier / furnace and a dining area, which can be used only in the summer. She is good because it is comfortable and cooking, and there is, and communicate with guests in the dwelling summer days. The open kitchen is easier to build, faster and more economical than the closed. In winter, the summer building with a canopy can be used as a store for storing the economy. The disadvantages of the open kitchen can be called a limited use of the structure, as well as the lack of protection of furniture, technology and inhabitants of the kitchen from insects, rain, wind and sun. For the winter, all furniture and equipment will have to be removed into a dry room.

Classical Summer Kitchen with Mangal and Furnaces in the yard country house in the Moscow region

  1. Closed (for example, grill house or veranda) - Capital indoor structure \\ busy with insulation and glazing, sometimes even heated all year round. In essence, this is a real house consisting of a kitchen and dining room. The closed summer kitchen is good because it is possible to cook and make in it even in bad weather with rains and winds. Thanks to the walls and roofs in such a house, you can equip a full kitchen with a refrigerator, microwave, gas /electric stove , dishwasher , TV I. other technician . True, in warm days to cook in a closed kitchen will be just as hot as in the main house. Also keep in mind that its construction will cost you more than an open building.

  1. Combined - This type of construction combines an open and covered room under one roof. Also, this category can be attributed to the summer kitchen combined with a bath. Such a kitchen is good and has only a couple of minuses - doubly complex design and increased budget.

Now let's consider the characteristics of the detached and attached kitchens:

  • Detached - Good to accommodate the center to remove from home to smells, smoke and noise penetrated the house. Build a detached summer kitchen makes sense if you have enough space on the site if you have, let's say beautiful garden or pond, if you want to decorate the territory with a new pretty structure.
  • Adjacent to house - The terrace or veranda can become excellent summer kitchen, because it is much easier and cheaper to build (one wall has already been erected) or to move back, and it is very convenient to move between the house and eat very comfortable. True, minus summer cuisine on the veranda / terrace is that smoke, heat, smell and Gar from the stove will fall into residential premises, and part of the kitchen will remain a passage.

11 Building Tips, Arrangement and Summer Cuisine Design

Whatever thoughtful and beautiful is your summer kitchen, its unsuccessful location on the plot may complicate both the construction and further operation. Therefore, the place is the first one worth thinking about.

  • From a practical point of view, it is more convenient when summer kitchen is located near the house. So the inhabitants of the cottages are easier to move between objects, and the holding of engineering communications costs cheaper, faster and easier. However, from aesthetic point of view, better suitable A place near the "attractions" of the site to which you can admire (for example, near a water branch or garden). Also, the bonuses are the following factors: wind protection, solitude from neighbors' eyes and proximity to trees that will be able to take the construction and create coolness in it on hot days.

Summer kitchen at the dacha at the pond

  • Inappropriate places for summer cuisine: Road, garage, toilet, cesspool / compost pits, chicken coop and other places where your holidays can prevent unpleasant odors, noises, exhaust gases, etc.

Tip 2. Grill, MANGAL, oven or furnace complex? Solve this issue before the development / selection of the summer kitchen project

  • If the stove is the heart of urban cuisine, then the grill, a brazier or stove can be called the heart of the country kitchen. Before proceeding with the design, think about what kind of focus you need: grill, brazier, stove or oven combination? Grill must be stationary or portable? On coals or gas? With chimney or without? What size and where will the source of the fire be located? From your choice depends a lot - from the type of foundation and to the roof shape. For example, for the construction of the furnace will have to take care not only about the foundation, chimney and cladding, but also to provide a place for storing firewood in the project.

To understand the features of different types of street focus will help you.

Stationary gas grill built into bricks construction

Tip 3. Want to build a summer kitchen with your own hands quickly and fastened? Build an open arbor from a tree, with light roof, without capital walls and stoves

In this case, instead of a monolithic or pile-ribbon foundation, you can do the bondage foundation. The construction itself will consist of 4 (or more) supports and a single / double-screw roof with light roof, for example, from polycarbonate. This is very simple designwhich is actually built with your own hands in just a couple of days and with a minimum budget.

In the next selection of photos, options for simple summer kitchens are presented.

Simple summer kitchen at the cottage in the suburbs

For the construction of summer cuisine with their own hands, it is easiest to use a tree. True, the pine should be preferred to larch or tick, because they are stronger and, moreover, beautifully agrees

Simple summer kitchen made of timber with a single roof

However, there is a way to make a summer kitchen with your own hands even faster and cheaper. Fold the platform from paving slabs, set one or two large garden umbrella, lay the furniture, install the washing and portable grill and start cooking!

On the one hand, the cellar on the summer kitchen is very useful, because it is so convenient to store edible supplies as in the refrigerator. On the other hand, its creation significantly increases the costs and complicates the construction. Especially if we are talking about an open building, because then the cellar will have to warm and protect against leaks. Even in the main house without cellar and basement, you can do what we can talk about the summer kitchen.

Tip 5. Summer kitchen, facade of the house and landscape must be decorated in a single key

Choosing or developing a summer kitchen project, thinking on the options for her finishes, keep in mind that it must be combined with the facade of the house and other buildings on the site. So you will create a real country complex and achieve the feeling of ordering. It is not necessary that it was a one hundred percent coincidence of color gamma, finishing, architecture and style, but objects are obliged to echo. The photo below shows an example of a modern summer kitchen on a wooden house terrace from a bar.

  • The closer the summer kitchen is located to the house, the more similar to both buildings should be.
  • If the site has an object that is knocked out of the "general picture", say, the dressed bath, then the design of summer cuisine can be planned so that it combines traits and baths and at home. So some chaotic building will be corrected.

In the open kitchen, the floor can be trimmed:

  • Wooden board covered with butter or wax for external work (the lacquer is worse, since over time it will begin to crack and requires the coating update).

Street kitchen on the cottage with a decoration of a larny deck board, covered with a matte azure based on alkyd resins

  • Terraced board (made of wood-polymer composite).

  • Stone or special outdoor tiles. True, such a floor requires a strong foundation and a big budget.

  • By the way, we recommend to refrain from too dark gender, since it is especially noticeable on it, dirt and puddle of water will be especially noticeable.
  • If the open kitchen floor will have a small bias (1-2 cm), which falls inside the rainwater will be drained independently.

Tip 7. Adhere to the rules of the "work triangle" when planning a kitchen

In the arrangement of kitchens there is a rule of the so-called. The "working triangle", which lies in the fact that three working areas (washing, stove and refrigerator) should be in a reasonable proximity to each other, forming a triangle. Ideally, he must be equilateral. Thanks to this scheme of placeing zones, the kitchen is obtained as comfortable as possible.

  • On the summer kitchen, this rule is not always applicable in its pure form, because it can be too little , narrow, elongated , incorrect in shape, instead of the slab in it most often used the stove, grill or brazier, and the refrigerator may not be at all. However, try to get closer to the ideal and do not build the working areas in one line.

For example, if on your summer kitchen, the source of fire is a brazier and it is brought out of its limits, the sink and zone of product preparation should be installed as close as possible to the output.

  • If the kitchen is small, then you can build a kitchen M-figuratively. For narrow kitchen (for example, on the veranda), a double-row layout may be suitable. IN kitchen square shape Most successfully will fit the P-shaped layout.

If only one-row layout is possible on your summer kitchen, the compact mobile island / peninsula will help to make it more conveniently.

Tip 8. The dining area should be at a distance of at least 2 m from the manga / oven

Ideally the distance between dining table And the brazier / stove / grill should be about 3 m. In this case, smoke, heat and smells will not disturb holidaymakers, and sins, ashes and sparks will not spoil the view of the calender.

Tip 9. Use furniture that will endure outdoor conditions.

Kitchen set and dining room furniture on summer kitchens must withstand increased humidity and temperature differences, so from a luxurious wooden furniture, Furniture from laminated chipboard / MDF, as well as furniture with upholstery from fabric or skin should be refused.

But the following options are suitable for summer kitchens:

  • Veneered furniture from MDF;
  • Wooden garden furniture (Foldable structures will be especially well, which at the end of the summer season can be easily transferred to the storage room);
  • Wring outdoor furniture;
  • Stainless steel furniture (if you do not want to clean the kitchen headset on winter, choose stainless steel furniture);
  • Wicker furniture made of natural vine, rattan or plastic;
  • Plastic furniture (n-p, polycarbonate).

Below in the photo shows an example of design summer cuisine terraces With the all-season headcase from stainless steel.

In this selection of photos, you can see the ideas of furnishing summer dining room.

Often summer residents forget to pay sufficient attention to lighting summer kitchen. But it is with his help you can create a real comfort and comfort.

  • Ideally artificial light in evening time Must be soft, uniform and multi-level. For this, the premises should be illuminated not to one chandelier, but by several lamps: floor / suspended lamps, wall bras, point spot, suspension, desktop lamps, lamps and / and or garlands from light bulbs.
  • With the help of light, you can split the space on the zones, for example, in the kitchen and dining room. So you will have the opportunity during evening trapes to hide the working area in the dark and illuminate only a beautiful table.

  • To make it comfortable to cook in the evenings, set the backlight directly above working area. If you are limited to the lamp installed behind it, while cooking your back will close the light.
  • Metal, plastic, wooden and wicker lamps are suitable for open summer kitchen lighting. additional protection From water. Ideally, it must be garden-park lamps.

  • Around the summer kitchen and along the track can be installed lights that work on solar panels. In the afternoon, they accumulate energy, and in the evening they are automatically turned on. True, they give the light a little, but on cloudy days they are not charged at all.
  • With the help of live hedges, pergol or shirm with curly plants, you can make a summer kitchen more secluded, close an overview for unsightly sites.
  • Decorative plantings, flowerbeds and bushes can designate the boundaries of zones, hide the foundation and just decorate the summer kitchen and general form territory.

Life away from a noisy megapolis is increasingly attracting urban residents tired of the bustle and gray working days. After purchasing a cottage or country cottage, first of all, you should think about the arrangement of summer kitchen. This is the main place for cooking, as well as a cozy corner, where a large friendly family and numerous friends are going to at one table. It is very important to ensure a comfortable stay in any weather so that guests can enjoy the meal, and the hostess was conveniently engaged in cooking and preservation. On how to build a summer kitchen, and experienced specialists will tell about the design features of the design.

Varieties of summer kitchens

Before making a summer kitchen, you should define its main purpose and functions that it will perform. This building can serve:

  • dining room and lounge zone for recreation and communicating with households and guests;
  • place for cooking. Including, the hostess can be engaged in conservation and billets for the winter outdoors;
  • the guest area with additional bedrooms to be able to leave for the night of relatives or friends who arrived at the weekend;
  • laundry.

Mostly summer cuisine performs two first functions, however, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot and family budget, You can consider more improved options. The type of construction of the kitchen is divided into open and closed, and by location relative to the main house - on autonomous and adjacent. Each construction has its own distinctive featureswhich should be paid attention to. Consider the main of them.

Open, closed and combined kitchens

A simple summer kitchen under a canopy is a regular veranda. This is the best and simple option available to the owners of small areas, where each meter of free space should be saved. For such a building, it is not necessary to sacrifice the garden, and the house is in close proximity. Open-type frame summer kitchens also include barbecue gazes, terraces, patio. There are no walls in such buildings, and sometimes there is no roof, so it is possible to prepare food in the fresh air.

In the arbors often put ovens and mangals, sometimes even remove the kitchen set. Of the minuses you can allocate insecurity, since being in such a kitchen for a long time In the fall or in winter it is almost impossible. It's rather country option For those who do not live in the house year-round. In addition, even in the summer there is a danger of attacking mosquitoes. Left at summer kitchen, food can also be destroyed by wild or stray animals. When determining the location of the structure, the direction of the wind should be taken into account so that the smoke from the mangala does not get into the dining room on guests.

A closed summer kitchen is either a separate building, or a glazed veranda. Its main difference from open design - This is the possibility of year-round stay. Inside the room can be prepared in any bad weather, leave guests for the night. There is also an opportunity to equip the guest zone: put TV, sofas, chairs. Such. winter kitchen - Great place to meet Christmas or New Year, when you can feel a real festive magic in unity with nature. However, there are its cons. Firstly, expensive construction, and secondly, in the summer there will be no opportunity to breathe fresh air indoors. Yes, and kebabs are much more pleasant to fry and eat on the street.

The most optimal option of summer kitchen is building combined type. It can be a kitchen combined with a bath or an autonomous kitchen-living room. In the latter case, the design may be the most diverse. Most often, the structure consists of three or one wall and glazing on the sides. Very stylish looks brick wall With a large stove and equipped working area and adjacent French windows. Such a kitchen in the fresh air will be decorated with any site. Like a closed-type building, such a design is difficult to build on its own, and a plan and design project are also worth a lot.

Autonomous and adjacent kitchen house

The kitchen is in the fresh air - the dream of any urban resident, since the lion's part of the time is held here. Of course, I want to make it large and multifunctional, but the area of \u200b\u200bthe site does not always allow to give a fantasy space. In this case, it will be appropriate to make an extension or to equip the veranda. This will save space for growing vegetables and root.

The adjacent kitchen is good and the fact that the elongation of communications will not need. In addition, you can make a cellar for storing products and conservation. It should be remembered that it should be 3.5 m from the foundation, otherwise the house can be tamed. When choosing a place for summer kitchens, it is necessary to take into account the location relative to the parties of the world, so that there is no dark and damp indoors. Of the disadvantages, you can also allocate the distribution of foreign smells in residential premises.

Autonomous Cuisine Outside Air - perfect option For plots with a large territory. Dimensions buildings can be the most diverse, depending on the purpose and number of free space. According to the rules fire safetyThe structure with a brazier or furnace should be at a minimum of 7 meters from the nearest buildings so as not to provoke a fire. Also, the kitchen cannot be located in the immediate vicinity of the roadway, toilet, chicken coop, compost yama. For comfortable arrangement, you will need to elongate communications: drainage, sewage, electricity, sometimes gas.

If there is a swimming pool or a small pond (lake, pond), it is recommended to build a building here. This is a great place to equip a comfortable lounge zone. The playground should be placed so that it is in the field of view of parents who are sitting in a gazebo. It is desirable that the garden track connects these structures along with the main home. The construction of a summer kitchen, autonomously standing, besides a closed type, should begin with the arrangement of the project of the future building. Otherwise, problems arise when selling or transferred to inheritance. This will require additional cash investments, but the result will exceed all the expectations.

Choosing materials

In the summer kitchen, the design should be combined with the main home or other buildings to harmoniously fit into the overall concept. For example, if the fence is brick - then the additional building let it be brick. If it is adjacent to the house, it is advisable to make it in a similar design as a corresponding continuation. Most often, the kitchen is erected from bricks, wood, polycarbonate or metal structures.

  • Wood- Environmentally friendly material that fills energy and gives strength. Summer kitchen from a bar looks very attractive and colorful, besides easy to install, therefore enjoys the greatest demand. However, the special properties of wood should be taken into account: it is prone to deformation due to moisture and unfavorable weather conditionsmay lose color due to the long exposure to direct sunlight, besides, is the favorite delicacy of pests. Even when proper care The summer kitchen from the log needs to be restored every 5-6 years, otherwise the material will be unusable. To do this, be treated with its special protective solution. Lacation will prevent water from entering and protecting from ultraviolet.
  • Brick - wear-resistant, durable, and therefore expensive material. Unlike wood, the summer kitchen from the brick does not need constant repair and has a longer service life. The material is characterized by good thermal insulation, which means that indoors will be cool in the heat and warmth in cold weather. During construction, it is necessary to lay the foundation of a tape type, one of the most durable, otherwise the design will be in the ground. It is impossible to cope with this without certain skills, so the help of specialists will be required.
  • Polycarbonate - inexpensive I. a budget option For the construction of closed-type structures. The material is very durable, resistant to mechanical damage. Due to the special substance that is in the composition, it is able to absorb ultra-violet rays and resistant to temperature drop. Summer kitchen from polycarbonate retains heat and has good noise insulation. In addition, polycarbonate itself is very light weight and convenient in the installation. For minuses include non-environmental material.
  • Metal. Metal structures are usually used as reference elements or frames. This can look like a kitchen in the fresh air of an open type with a roof of wrought-iron elements. Metal is well harmonized with wood, stone and brick. So that the gazebo does not lose an attractive appearance, the surface should be processed by anti-corrosion solution.


The inner decoration of the summer kitchen can be represented by lining, wall panels, plywood depending on the type of room selected. As for closed structures, mineral wool is usually used for additional insulation, and then we are cut on both sides. Even wallpapers and wallpapers are greatly attached to the walls of the foam block. decorative plasterSo the choice depends on the host itself. Photo of summer kitchens can be found on the site and pick up interesting option Interior decoration.


Usually, when designing a summer kitchen, a boardwalk is used, which fits well into a common village concept. However, it is necessary to remember the properties of the wood to deform and undergo an attack of insects and pests. To this end, the boards are impregnated with a special solution in the form of special oils or wax, which are intended for external work. Specialists do not recommend using varnish as a cover, as it quickly bursts and cracks, which will determine the overall interior of summer kitchen.

Relatively expensive, but practical and durable option - Polymer composite (DPK). The life of the material is several decades, while it is not distinguished from the wood to the touch, and externally too. This is a unique combination of polymers and natural tree It is one of the newest inventions of the construction industry.

As outdoor coating You can choose a pavement tile or stone, however such options require a durable foundation laying. This is enough expensive ideas For summer kitchen, but by spending money once, you can long years Forget about repair. In closed rooms it is recommended to use outdoor tiles, laminate or porcelain stoneware.


Slate and tile firmly pushed out a metal roof, which quickly heats up in the sun and also becomes ice winter. These materials are practical, externally attractive, easy to install. It is advisable to choose single roofto sediments natural way Locked not the land. To do this, it is necessary to install different beams over the height opposite each other and attach the coating. You can also use polycarbonate sheets as a canopy for summer kitchen. The material is very flexible and plastic, so the design configurations can be the most diverse.

Arrangement of summer cuisine

Furniture for summer kitchens should be selected with special care, since it must withstand the temperature differences, differ in practicality and durability. About wooden headsets and laminated MDF or DSP better forget, as well as about the upholstery of leather and fabric. It is better to stay on the Rattan furniture, a wicker vine that will emphasize the village interior. For arbors are more suitable plastic tables and chairs or wrought outdoor furniture (for open-type structures with a metal frame). Stainless steel headset will be useful to those who do not plan to remove furniture in the house for the winter. Foldable mobile designs will be appropriate that do not occupy a lot of space and are easily transferred to the room.

The kitchen in the fresh air suggests the presence of a dining and working area. The hostess should be placed in such a way as to maintain the principle of an ergonomic triangle. This visual combination of washing, plates and refrigerators will allow spending much less time on the cooking process. M-shaped headset in this case will be very appropriate. If a barbell or oven is a little bit, then a direct compact headset with a mini-fridge and a sink can be installed on the contrary.

The perfect distance from the plate (oven, grill, mangala) to the dining table should be 3 meters. If the digit is less, the heat from the fire will interfere with the guests to trape.

Particular attention should be paid to the lighting, because without additional light sources in the kitchen will be unsafe. For the convenience of cooking, the work area should be lit apart with a bright light. It can be suspended lights, lamps, tracks, sides, built into the headset lighting. If you restrict ourselves to one light bulb in the center of the room, then the shadow will hide the entire working surface. In open kitchens special attention It should be done by plates and lampshaps with additional precipitation protection. They can be made of plastic, metal, polycarbonate.

Beautifully look at the lamps of rattan or braided tree. The dining area can also be distinguished garden lamps, suspended and rotary lamps. In closed rooms you can install wall scaves, flooring. As a decor in the site, it is advisable to install lights on solar panels. Having charged the day, they automatically turn on when he darkens on the street. IN cloudy weather They do not work at all, so this option is more suitable for giving, where they spend summer vacation. But such lanterns do not consume electricity, which means that are beneficial from an economic point of view.

What can be better than spacious and multifunctional summer kitchen, which can be seen on the site? Draw inspiration from photos and tips for mastering masters - and create a room that will become a corner homemade focus and comfort.

Photo: Summer kitchen arrangement ideas

Diverse Summer Kitchens allow you to build this building in almost any house on different sites. Kitchens are closed or open. The simplest summer open-style cuisine is a terrace equipped with all the necessary kitchen equipment and equipped with kitchen furniture. Closed summer cuisines are a veranda, closed partially or entirely.

Closed summer kitchen at the cottage (photo)

What kind of design is neither an open summer kitchen, traditionally it is divided into two main zones - a place for cooking and a living-dining room. The minimum set for the "culinary zone" includes a stove, furnace or grill fireplace, cabinets and shelves for kitchen utensils and dishes, a working surface or a cutting table and washing.

Summer cuisines, equipped in separate buildings, are also open or closed along the constructive solution.

Summer kitchen in the form of a house in a photo

It can be an open summer kitchen on the cottage or kitchen in the form of a light frame house (more often not heated), although it happens that such a house is built of bricks and is even equipped with a fireplace or a stove.

Open kitchen is a building without walls when the effect of free space is visually created. Such a kitchen can have a canopy or roof on the pillars or not to have a roof at all, being at best under the branches of a spreading tree.

In this case, there is a feeling of complete unity with nature.

An open kitchen can be built in the form of a veranda or arbor. Its main elements are kitchen furniture (table, shops, chairs), washing and stove for cooking.

The main advantage of open kitchens, in addition to unity with nature, do not need to be tired and in the summer they are not hot.

Usually, during the construction of an open kitchen, the supports and the roof are made by wooden, and a natural and artificial stone is used for the foundation.

If the furnace is constructed, it is usually strained by stone too. Small cash costs make an open-style summer summer kitchen arrangement.

In addition, construction does not imply complex works and use of technology, so it is also quite enough to build such a summer kitchen in the technical plan. So we can safely say that it a good option For beginner builders.

All open summer kitchens have the same benefits:

  • minor costs of building materials during the construction;
  • much faster and simple construction;
  • lack of need for expensive earth and roofing work;
  • cooking in the summer in the fresh air is always more pleasant than in a closed room;
  • the excellent opportunity for both family holidays in nature and holidays with large quantity guests;
  • use of barbecue, mangala or grill for cooking meat dishes;
  • minimum fire hazardous designs;
  • a significantly lower total cost of the project than when building a closed kitchen.

Summer cuisines for open type have and disadvantages that can be attributed to:

  • the impossibility of using the kitchen in the cold season, as well as in windy weather and during heavy rain;
  • the vulnerability of the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen from dust, which requires additional effort during cleaning;
  • attacks of mosquitoes and other insects in the evening;
  • the inability to leave for the night of products, because animals or birds can be kidney;
  • the inability to leave for the night technique and valuable things attracting thieves;
  • impossibility even in the summer use as additional housing;
  • the need to hide furniture and other interior items during the rain, and also remove them for the winter;
  • execution of only one function - as cooking and food intake outdoors.

Summer kitchen with a closed veranda is very similar to the usual little house with walls, roof, windows and a door. This makes it possible to use them into any weather and, if heating is provided (although it is usually done), even in winter.

Closed kitchen on the veranda (photo)

Closed kitchen on the veranda at the cottage, in addition to the basic function, it can be used as a place of bed for guests, a hunting house, and in winter - as a storage room. Such a summer kitchen with an outdoor terrace is usually built of drywall, lining or plywood, and more strong structures calculated for many years are built from bricks, foam blocks or stone.

Look at the veranda kitchen in the photo, where a successful layout is illustrated:

The main advantages closed buildings are:

  • the protection of the room from dust, wind, precipitation and insects, so you will have to clean here not as often as required in open kitchens;
  • in the presence of heating, it is possible to use the construction in winter time;
  • the opportunity to quietly leave in a closed kitchen overnight stocks of products, equipment and other valuable things, especially if the room closes on the castle;
  • use as a guest house;
  • the possibility of combining with other additional premises - bath, cellar, workshop or garage.

The main disadvantages of a closed summer kitchen with open veranda Concluded in the features of operation:

  • more building materials and more complex construction, including labor-intensive work, requiring assistant and technicians;
  • the need to carefully draw up a project, as well as the calculation of the foundation, rafter system and other buildings buildings, as in the construction of the house;
  • a significant increase in the cost of construction as a whole and a longer construction period.

In addition to general informationIt is worth considering the varieties of open and closed versions of summer kitchen in more detail.

For example, summer kitchen-veranda Constructed in the form of an extension to the country house. When it is erected, it should be borne in mind that, like any extension, it should be a harmonious continuation of the house, to fit into his designer solution And at the same time maintain its main function - to be a kitchen and a dining room, and not to become an entrance hall.

The construction of a summer kitchen in the form of a veranda should be started from the foundation bookmark. Its depth must be equal to the depth of the foundation of the house so that in the winter there is no separation of an extension. Then the framework is installed for the walls, the outer skin is performed and a single-table roof is covered.

Ideally country house and the veranda must have one roofingBut if the veranda is configured later, its roof or canopy should be combined with the main roof and from aesthetic point of view, and from the position of technical execution (so that there are no leaks during the rain, etc.).

To make the kitchen-veranda brighter and filled with air, you can mount large swing windows or glazed all the front or side parts.

Open-type kitchen is a facility in the form of a terrace due to a significant extension of the porch. In this case, the beams are installed along the wall of the house, which the inclined canopy is littered from above.

If the terrace is arranged on a well-aligned site and there is no problems with the cluster of water, the floor can be a chalk directly on the ground - it can be just a coating of paving slabs. Protect the terrace from any weatherproof (rain, wind, etc.) will allow lateral partitions (both capital and decorative) or, for example, waterproof curtains. You can build pergolas and decorate their curly plants or put live hedge of shrub plants, which will decorate the terrace, and will provide a pleasant coolness in the hot summer evenings.

When building summer kitchen-arbor, do not do without a columnar or tape base. At the corners, the racks of the frame of bricks, stone or bar are installed on it, and then the whole design is fixed with the roof of the lung. roofing material, for example, Ondulin, bituminous sheets, etc. Building of this type of more than all other types of summer kitchens are suitable for installing mangal, barbecue or stoves in them.

In such a kitchen, it is also very convenient to process harvest, not afraid of wind or rain and without worrying about the purity and airing room from kitchen flavors.

The openings between the racks of such a summer kitchen can be left open or sew one of the walls for the installation of kitchen cabinets and shelves. You can arrange pergolas with curly plants, reorganize the openings with textile curtains, lattice wooden panels.

Sliding or removable partitions can be provided, as well as roll-curtains to open them at good weather.

Other summer kitchen options can be formed on the basis of existing ones, so, for example, if the gazebo glazed or make swing windows, it will be able to serve in cold periodEspecially if the kitchen will be equipped with a fireplace or a stove.

Such versions of summer kitchens at the cottage, as a house, is almost a full housing, so its construction requires more efforts in comparison with the same gazebo. Here will require a reliable foundation (preferably monolithic), walls, reliable roofing, you will need to install windows and doors. But such a house will be multifunctional.

In addition to the kitchen, it is possible to equip the cellar in it, then the construction will need to start with the digging of a pit, and the cellar walls will become a foundation for the ground part of the structure. The house can be supplemented with a terrace or veranda, which in this case will perform the function of the living room in the fresh air with a dining area with a large table, chairs, shops, chairs, and cooking will occur inside the house.

Summer kitchen with cooking equipment in the photo

In the country summer kitchen, there must be equipment for cooking. Usually for everyday cooking uses electrical or gas platesBut some daches choose a more exotic option - a wood-burning furnace, a fireplace, a brazier or barbecue, which should be folded from refractory bricks. And in this case, you should think in advance about the fire safety of the whole design and high-quality ventilation system. Such varieties of the hearth not only make the summer kitchen cozy, but also contribute to significant savings - until firewood is burning in the ovens, not only food is preparing, but also the premises are heated. Well, to talk about how tasty and useful food cooked on an open fire and fresh air, and is altogether.

When planning to equip the kitchen by a fireplace, a brazier or barbecue, it is necessary to take into account that in this case the room should be as ventilated as possible. You can make such a focus temporary or constant. For example, there are collapsible models of mangalls and a barbecue, which can be safely removed by the onset of cold weather until the next summer season.

If it is planned to build a summer kitchen in the form of a house, it can be folded in a capital oven made of refractory bricks - with various departments and additional devices.

Kitchen with bath in the photo

IN lately Completely popular complex structures, including, in addition to summer cuisine, and others country buildings, for example, bath, terrace, hunting house, etc. Depending on the desire of the owners, the combination of such structural elements may be whatever, and they all build on one general foundation. At the same time, the amount of materials necessary for the construction of structures decreases, which makes it possible to significantly save during construction. For example, the overall roof is much cheaper than the roof of several separate buildings. Disappears and the need to lay a lot of tracks connecting various buildings On the plot, because in this case all objects will be in one place.

As a result, it will be more profitable to build a holistic design for many parameters than to construct scattered premises. In addition, a set in a single style and built of combined materials complex will and externally look much more attractive than several separate structures built in different time and from a variety of materials.

In this case, energy resources are saved for heating, and generally simplifies the organization of electrification, water supply and sewage. Finally, for construction it will be necessary less landThan a few buildings, and in general it will be much more convenient to move from one room to another if they all be under one roof.

There are several options for complex buildings. For example, one of them is a summer kitchen in the form of a house with a mangal and a veranda, in which the owners will be able not only to spend time to spend time, but also to meet guests. The house can be made both one and two-room, and in this case the second room is used as a guest. On the veranda, you can place light comfortable furniture to breakfast, dine and even dinner in the summer, and during the rain or in cool weather you can move the dining room inside the house. Naturally, the roof for the entire structure should be united.

Another option is a summer kitchen with a mangal and a gazebo. In this case, you can also do everything under one roof. The gazebo can be open or glazed, and the summer kitchen is also closed or open. Choice optimal option It depends only on the imagination of the owner and its budget.

Another popular option is a summer kitchen with a stove and a bath, which can be used not only in summer, because the kitchen, and the bath can be dried with a furnace all year round. Often, all the beauty of the use of baths can be felt in winter, when the contrast of temperatures in the bath and the largest street, which causes an indescribable feeling.

Video: Summer Kitchen Options

Cooking cooking in the kitchen small size - The occupation is not pleasant. Hot air, close, constant absence of free space, make the process of cooking difficult, and sometimes unbearable. The output is only one - build a separate spacious summer kitchen in the country, where there is enough space not only to accommodate the working, but also the dining area, with a large and comfortable dining table. What kind of summer kitchen today is most in demand, and is it possible to build it yourself using typical projects and regular photofurther in our article.

What is the summer kitchen

Summer cuisine at the cottage is a house-built or a separate construction, designed for cooking and recreation. Depending on the choice of materials and the method of insulation, it can be used, as for the warm season and constantly.

The type of summer kitchen design can be open and closed. In the first case, the walls in the structure are not completely either partially. They can replace light curtains or. Closed-type has capital walls and windows, reliably cover the kitchen from the rain and wind.

For an experienced carpenter to independently build over the summer kitchen - canopy from the rain, will not be difficult

The summer kitchen having a simple project can be safely erected in just one summer. This requires basic construction skills, necessary material and tools. Well, for the Safety, it is desirable to have one or two assistants, as some types of work will be produced at altitude.

Important! Before starting the construction of the object, you should choose a suitable place for it. From how much that this will be done not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side of the question will be dependent.

We select a place for construction

Selecting the appropriate place, first of all, it should be borne in mind that the kitchen should not be too removed at home. And it's not even that it will be easier and cheaper to bring communication, but in the fact that it should be within walking distance from the main structure. You will agree, every day go to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner on the opposite side of the site is not entirely comfortable.

In addition, next to the summer kitchen, there should be no sources having nasty smell. These include, sheds and cells with animals, pits with fertilizers, compost piles, sewer wells, septicities, etc.

Have your own kitchen in the fresh air - Dream of any mistress

If there is a tree on the plot, it is advisable to plan the summer kitchen in close proximity to it. On hot days under his thick crown, you can place the table and chairs. After all, it is no secret that breakfast in the fresh air is doubly pleasant.

However, carried away by planning the future structure, do not forget about the rules of fire safety, neglect which can lead to not the best consequences.

The presence of an open flame in the summer kitchen is allowed if it is removed from the passenger-friendly buildings at least 8-10 meters.

We define with the design of the kitchen (photo)

In order for the extension for cooking food, it was practical, functional and convenient, and also had an attractive appearance - it is important to choose the right project for it, in which all nuances and design features will be painted.

In addition, it is important that the kitchen organically fit into the overall building and did not violate the surrounding landscape, so the materials for its construction are desirable to choose the same as for the house itself. So you will achieve perfect harmony between two buildings.

As you could have noticed, many projects of summer kitchens of which are posted in the article, have an original and non-standard design. This suggests that today is aesthetic component, no less important than functional.

Construction of construction on their own

When the place and the project for summer cuisine is chosen, you can safely begin to build it. Like any structure, the construction of summer kitchen is performed in four stages:

  1. Marking of the site and fill the foundation.
  2. Erecting walls (if provided for by the project) or support pillars.
  3. Roof construction.
  4. Internal and exterior finish.


Since this building is relatively not difficult, the need for fill capital Fundament - not. It is quite possible to do or, the main thing that is carried out in compliance with technology.

Important! For those who subsequently do not want to mess with the floor, it is perfect, the top base of which will be the floor.

For the construction of a summer kitchen made of glass - the foundation and may not be required.

  • Ribbon foundation. First on the site make the markup, which is noted on the plane by fixed spikes with a rope stretched between them. Next rotes the pit (depth 40-60 cm.), On the perimeter of which formwork from boards or moisture resistant plywood is installed on both sides. Then, to avoid grounding of the soil, there is a subference from the rammed seeded sand and rubble. Before pouring the concrete, the valve is lowered into the trench and bind it with a wire with a special hook. The foundation should have no less than 30 days. If you're lucky with the weather, you can start construction in 2 weeks.
  • Monolithic foundation. After having marked up the site, at a depth of 15-20 cm. Drove the pit. To enhance the soil and protect the stove from groundwater, geotextiles are settled on the bottom of which the pillow from the sand is made. Next, the sand is moving well and tightly tumped by a wheeled machine. It remains to put a formwork, link the reinforcement frame, pour a solution of concrete. After complete drying, reliable and quality base For summer kitchen - ready.

Important! If you plan to use the open type of summer kitchen, the plate from the monolithic foundation is recommended to do with a small bias of 1.5º-2º so that raindling water can be finished on it.

Wall and roof

If the walls of summer kitchens are wooden, their construction begins with the construction of a frame that is made of metal or wooden bars.

  1. In the corners, large (reference) racks are set - the size of 200 × 200 mm., And between them additional - the size of 150 × 150 mm.
  2. The topping bars are put on the supporting bars, which will also serve as the basis for setting the rafter.
  3. After the structures are installed, from 70 × 50 mm bars. A doomle and a counterclaim is done.
  4. Next, the entire design is processed by a special composition of fungus and mold, after which the installation is made.

Often, a rounded log, brick or a stone, which is ideal for the construction of this type is often used as the wall material. With this walls, the construction can be used yearly, the main thing is to produce their quality.

The indisputable advantage is that facade of summer kitchen from log, facing brick or decorative stone Does not require additional finishes. Extra cost They are reduced only to the fact that the tree is needed and, and the stone and brick.

We define with the design of the facade

Choosing a summer kitchen project from the photos that you like, you need to pay attention not only to its shapes, sizes, and functional component, but also on the structure of the structure. For the cottage it is very important that the style of the attachment corresponds to the overall layout of the entire site as a whole.

It does not mean at all that the construction should be a kind of clone of the main structure. Rather, even on the contrary, they should not replace, but complement each other, creating common stylistic strokes.

Special attention in the summer kitchen should also be given to the working and dining area, where everything should be as rationally and convenient as possible. Competently organize space to help you stock Foto Summer cuisinewhere it is clearly demonstrated how beautiful and correctly draw up various zones.

The work area is an important element in the interior. Try to be comfortable and practical

  • Furniture. Use soft furniture on the summer kitchen open type best idea. In most cases, it is made of foam rubber who absorbs moisture well. Therefore, it is better to use wooden or plastic benches and chairs with removable pillows. Also in the interior well will fit various types of wicker furniture, which is perfectly combined with any finishing materials. For example, a rattan chair or a chair from the vine will look very beautiful. If used closed type Kitchen, then the flight of fantasy should not be limited. In this case, you can use any furniture, including soft.
  • Lighting. Proper lighting Summer cuisine in the country, regardless of its size - an important stage repair work. Hung in the center of the chandelier or a single lamp, it can not always cope with the task assigned to it. To illuminate all zones, it is desirable to use more than one type of lighting. Above the working area is appropriate to place spotlights In the tandem co, and over the table hang a big chandelier.

We hope that this article will help you competently approach the choice of a suitable project for your summer kitchen. As you can see sources for inspiration and fresh ideas on the embodiment of conceived abound. Successful construction to you.

Cooking is a process that should be enjoyed. But here a lot depends on the conditions you prepare. The situation must inspire and have the creation of delicious and useful dishesfilled with your good energy. In the summer, in a stuff and tea of \u200b\u200bthe closed space of the kitchen, you can hardly be easily tune in to a pleasant cooking process. But if you have a cottage and a couple of skillful hands, you can solve this problem. Having built a summer kitchen in the country, you will not only save your main room from extra evaporations and heat stove, but also get the opportunity to prepare in the fresh air in a pleasant atmosphere, surrounded by green plantings and breeched by the breeze. In addition, the open summer kitchen can be equipped with a brazier, barbecue or fireplace and arrange cozy picnics surrounded by a lovely people.

Where to begin

Planning the construction of summer cuisine for the cottage, first of all, it is worth finding answers to a row important issuesthat will determine your further actions:

  1. Purpose. Will you use the summer kitchen only in the warm season or all year round? Do you want to cook on it often and a lot or will it become a place for periodic gatherings with friends and loved ones?
  2. Dimensions. Will the summer kitchen space workplace for the hostess for the period of closing home blanks and cooking or will it be organized in the form of a kitchen-dining room designed for a certain number of people?
  3. Accommodation. Will the kitchen be implemented as an extension to the main premises of your summer cottage or will it be a separate house? How will your structure be located in relation to the sun, the wind, green plant, the means of communication and the carriageway?
  4. Project budget. The materials that you choose for the summer kitchen and the design of the room and the costs of time for the realization of your ideas will largely depend on it.

Tip! Explore ready projects Summer cuisines for the cottages offered by construction firms, and independently pon them under your scale and queries.

By analyzing all the meaningful moments, you will need to accurately establish the following for yourself:

  • Open or closed type suits you;
  • Will you build a furnace or limit the installation of the stove, do you plan to use the brave and grill;
  • As in your project will be organized water supply, sewage, electricity;
  • What makes you plan to implement.

Open summer kitchen

Open type of summer kitchen usually has from one to three walls, canopy as a roof, and in its own way appearance more reminds gazebo.

Benefits open type Summer kitchens:

  • This design of an open type of summer kitchen can be built pretty quickly and without much effort.
  • It is economical in terms of costs for creating.
  • Preparing in the open air, you will not suffer from stuffing, evaporation and gary characteristic of the closed room.

However, attention should be paid to a number of significant flaws:

  • At open summer kitchen, you can prepare and relax only while on the street warm;
  • Leave food on it can not;
  • Kitchen furniture for the winter must be removed into the house so that it does not deteriorate from dampness;
  • The room is weakly protected from drafts, shower and insects.

Open summer kitchen on the veranda

You can organize an open type of summer kitchen on the veranda of your country house.

Tip! To open the summer kitchen looked good, try to equip it in a single style with your cottage.

First of all, you will need to lay the foundation. Its depth must coincide with the depth of the foundation of the house. Next, you form the framework of the walls, perform their skin and build a roof. Better if the roof is one for home and veranda. It looks good open summer kitchen, front or side wall which is glazed.

Open Summer Kitchen-Extension

An open summer kitchen can be organized in the form of an extension and connected to the cottage or with any economic room, for example, with a bath.

Such an extension is created by expanding the porch and is a peculiar terrace with all the necessary kitchen attributes: gas or electric stove, furniture, washing, etc. In the process of construction along the villa walls, the support structures are mounted on which the canopy is mounted. The floor can be lowered by paving slabs right on the ground, having previously racing it. This is possible if the water on this site is not going after the rain. You can protect the open summer kitchen from bad weather using sliding or removable side partitions, tarpaulin, roller. Walls can be used by plants that will delight the eyes and create coolness in the heat.

This project of open summer cuisine is cheaper and easier in implementation than the option with the foundation, but it is less reliable, because when the soil is dedicated, the kitchen can begin to roll.

Open Summer Cuisine-Arbor

Such a project of open summer cuisine is especially good when you want to install a fireplace, barbecue in the kitchen and use it for a pleasant pastime in the company of friends and loved ones. Still in such a gazebo it will be convenient to handle the harvest assembled at the cottage.

Decide what foundation for open kitchen-arbor - Ribbon or column - suitable for you more. The roof is recommended to do from bitumen or ondulin. When creating a carcass, such materials are usually used as: stone, brick, timber. Some wall can be made closed to place a kitchen headset along it and other necessary attributes. Leave the rest of the openings open to breathe fresh air to freely. If necessary, they can be drained to tissue curtains and rollers, reorganize with lattice panels, lucked plants or organize various partitions.

Closed summer kitchen

Closed summer kitchen is a full-fledged house, standing separately or attached to another building: cottage house, bath, utility room. This option is well suited for the terrain, where the climate is characterized by strong winds, rains, early frosts. You may like this design if you like to relax in the country in the winter and prefer to prepare in a separate room. It takes more capital investments for it, a serious approach to design, it is more complicated in the construction. But in the end, you can build a house with comfortable conditions, including the presence of heating, water supply, sewer and electricity. Often closed kitchens In the summer, equip the cellar, fireplace, utility rooms.

Tip! When it is impossible to carry electricity to the summer kitchen, you can buy a dacha diesel generator and feed all the kitchen appliances from it.

In this project of a closed summer kitchen: 1 - kitchen itself, 2 - dining area. Rooms 3, 4 and 5 are marked stools, a table and an angular bench in the dining room. The kitchen room is equipped with a wardrobe (6), a stove (7), washing (11), water tank (12). Also here is provided: chimney (8), ventilation channel (9), window (10).

Kitchen-house with terrace

The closed option can be organized as a separate house with a terrace. In the house you will cook, so it must be equipped accordingly, and on the terrace under a canopy you can organize dining areawhere the table and chairs will be located.

Such a project is quite labor, because it requires the laying of a monolithic foundation, the construction of walls, installation of windows and doors.

When the walls of the walls should take into account the strength of the wind in a given area so that they can adequately withstand the entire possible load. For a closed summer kitchen, a double roof is recommended, reliably protecting from rain and snow.

You can also consider the design of the kitchen-house with the cellar. Then, before starting the premises, you will need to dug the pit, and the cellar walls will serve as a foundation for the top of the building.

How to build a summer kitchen with your own hands

There are several main stages of the process of implementing any kitchen project for giving:

  1. Select the location of the building.
  2. Prepare a foundation.
  3. Build walls.
  4. Build a roof.
  5. Perform interior decoration premises.

Select location

Successfully placed kitchen should:

  1. It is convenient to be placed on the entrance to the house. On the one hand, it is not desirable that Gar from the stove fall into your main home. On the other hand, the kitchen from home will lead to the fact that in bad weather, ready to go to the house will be carried quite difficult.
  2. To be away from the places emitting unpleasant odors, such as the country toilet, pets, cesspools, etc.
  3. Being enough removed from the roadway to exhaust gases and the noise of the road did not interfere with you to cook and breathe fresh air.
  4. To be available for connecting communications: water supply, sewage, heating, electricity.
  5. For open summer kitchen, we should take into account the imparency of the wind, the heating of the solar rays, the presence of the greenery around.
  6. Carefully treat the level groundwater, as well as the terrain terrain on which the cottage will be built.

Attention ! Country house And the placement of summer kitchens should be at a distance of at least 15 meters from the cesspool, toilet and aviary for livestock.

Preparing foundation

What the foundation you will lay out depends on the chosen kitchen design for the cottage. It is possible for a construction option and without a foundation, for example, when you concrete a suitable scale of the pad and reinforce it with a metal mesh. It will be appropriate for open summer kitchen with an easy canopy. For closed brick or stone summer kitchens, usually prepare ribbon foundation. Packed supports are suitable for open kitchens or wood houses.

The foundation formation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Around perimeter created kitchen Choose a soil or dig small pits Scale 30x30 cm and a depth - 70-80 cm.
  2. Create a pillow of rubble and sand with a thickness of 20 cm and thoroughly sink it.
  3. Fill the foundation, platform or pillars. Concrete can harden from 7 days to month.
  4. If there is a need to fill the floor, follows after removing the soil layer from the platform under the kitchen, pour sand with a thickness of 15 cm, top-crushed stone and pour the cushion with a cement solution. If you plan to lay out tile floors, the surface must be pre-dissolved using grinding or cement screed option.

Attention ! For open summer kitchen, the floor should be lifted above the level of soil at a height of five to seven centimeters so that the raindic water does not flood the room.

We erect the wall

Your kitchen project may imply the presence of walls or their absence, but the reference pillars on which the roof will be kept either canopy, mount, most likely. Materials for the construction of walls can be:

  • Stone, for example, marble, limestone, granite, slate, concrete. The advantage of the stone in its reliability and durability, but prices are quite high. Wall thickness will depend on temperature mode ambientwhich is planned operation. You can have enough thickness in one brick. For use in the cold season, additional insulation may be required.
  • Wood. This material is cheaper than stone and easier to operate. The construction of it looks elegantly and is popular with dacnis. However, it should be considered: so that the tree does not deteriorate over time, it must be subjected to special processing. Outdoor sheathing Can be performed from boards or siding, for internal - use lining, plasterboard. To create fixtures used metal corners or screws.

We build a roof

You can choose such roof options:

  • Flat or single one. It is a simple in the construction and inexpensive roof.

  • Double. More reliable, durable and popular.

Attention ! A long visor will protect the walls during the rain and will prolong the service life of your kitchen.

We are engaged in interior decoration

Often, the floors of the floors are performed using linoleum, parquet, laminate, decong or ceramic tiles.

In the case of wood walls and ceilings, they can be covered with a protective layer of olifes, which will prevent the negative impact of dampness and time to this material.

The kitchen interior must please the eye, create comfort and comfort, so do the kitchen so that you are nice there to be there and, of course, consider your financial opportunities.

For the picture to be finished, do not forget about the aesthetics of the site where the kitchen room will be located. You can surround it with flowers and shrubs, put the tracks beautifully and even create a fountain.