DIY summer kitchen: a step-by-step process of building a kitchen in the country. How to build a summer kitchen (40 photos) Do-it-yourself closed kitchen in the country

No matter how convenient and thoughtful the device would be country house, rarely what kind of summer cottage building does without a do-it-yourself summer kitchen. From early spring to deep autumn cold, most of the cooking, harvesting, processing and conservation of the harvested crop takes place in the summer kitchen. Here they cook food for the whole family, relax in the summer in evening hours, so that the kitchen can rightfully be called the central place in the country.

How to find the right solution for your summer kitchen

Summer projects and options country kitchen about the same as the dachas themselves. Often, to save money, the owners choose the simplest open summer kitchen schemes in the form of a rebuilt gazebo or terrace. The summer kitchen is usually used as an auxiliary room in order to rid the house of smells and streams of hot air from the stove, and the owners and guests from the sometimes suffocating atmosphere. Most of the premises are closed from rain and sun by awnings and false walls, but all the same, open summer kitchens, very beautiful and graceful in the pictures, actually remain inhabited only three to four months a year. In a cool and rainy season, open summer cuisine turns into a summer cottage for inventory, and the owners have to move into the house, forgetting about outdoor recreation.

From a practical point of view, closed summer kitchens in the country are more convenient. Correctly selected dimensions and arrangement of space will provide comfortable conditions in the kitchen is not worse than in the open version. The kitchen area in the country is a living organism, in which everything is important, from the location of the building to the nuances of the interior, every detail must be thought out, drawn on paper and even looked at photos of the projects of a closed summer kitchen in the country, given in available sources.

Initially, before putting the main idea of ​​the project on paper, formulate for yourself options for solving the most fundamental technical problems:

  • The nature of the construction of a closed summer kitchen, its size and the location of the building in relation to the summer cottage and the site;
  • How and from what materials it is most convenient to build a summer kitchen;
  • Arrangement of drainage and water supply systems, power supply lines, ventilation;
  • How to equip a closed summer kitchen, arrange the main kitchen attributes - a stove, refrigerator, extractor hood and kitchen furniture.

Advice! Most rational decision will plan the premises of the summer kitchen at the design stage of the country house and the location of the main buildings.

In this case, two buildings can be performed on the same foundation and even with a common wall, which greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of construction estimates.

Where to build a closed kitchen

Unlike the open version of the kitchen room, which can be placed under a canopy or in a gazebo, without much regard for its location, a closed circuit assumes the presence of an insulated foundation, ceiling and walls, which means that it must be placed on the leeward side, closer to the well, further away from a septic tank or drain pit.

There are few options for the location of a closed summer kitchen:

Important! Closed kitchen, unlike the open version, will require a full-fledged foundation holding the relatively massive structure of the building.

The construction of a closed kitchen is a little more expensive, but there are no problems with leveling the foundations and roofs of the two buildings; moreover, the design of the summer catering unit can be made absolutely different from the main building of the summer cottage.

In such a room, you can put a small gas oven with a propane cylinder, which will be enough to warm up the room and prepare food for the family.

We build a closed kitchen with our own hands

Summer device kitchen room closed type are selected depending on the climate and whether the cottage is used from November to March. For middle lane and northern latitudes, it is advisable to build a closed kitchen room in the form of an extension to the cottage from a foam block, on capital foundation... Walls made of foam concrete perfectly retain heat in the room, even with a significant temperature difference, and during the summer heat they work like a thermos.

For the southern regions, a frame structure made of wood with large area glazing and, importantly, high ceilings. Such a closed kitchen device provides excellent ventilation, even if the walls are finished with plasterboard or OSB boards. In addition, in the summer heat, it is much more pleasant to be in a house made of wood than in a building made of concrete, stone or corrugated board.

Summer kitchen made of foam block

The technology of an extension of a closed summer kitchen made of foam concrete practically does not differ from the construction scheme of any other small-sized extensions made of foamed concrete. The material for the kitchen box will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, and with proper design, you will not even need independent heating, a small cast-iron stove-stove will be enough.

It will be possible to start a closed kitchen no earlier than in the fourth or fifth year of the completion of the summer cottage construction. We make the foundation for the kitchen in the same way as for the summer cottage. Most often it is a strip shallow foundation, reinforced steel reinforcement, which will need to be connected to the steel frame of the basement of the summer cottage. At the same time, you will need to lay channels under sewer pipe and plumbing.

The floor in the indoor kitchen must be insulated with expanded clay backfill under concrete screed or laying sheet EPS. If the dimensions of the box of a closed kitchen do not exceed 3x4 m, then the number of reinforcing belts from a bar can be reduced to two, one at the top and bottom of the walls.

In about six months, the box will settle, and it will be possible to deck a roof, insert windows, perform decorative trim... Closed summer kitchen of this type in the autumn winter period can be used as an additional room for flowers and seedlings. In a similar way, you can build a closed kitchen, taken out separately from the main building of the cottage. But in practice, such projects are implemented less often, since they are much more expensive than an extension.

The internal walls can be covered with sand-cement plaster, and the ceiling can be sewn up with plasterboard, painted with water emulsion, as in living quarters cottages, but not so simple. Any experienced summer resident will confirm that the interior design of a closed summer kitchen is seriously different from an ordinary kitchen room:

Important! In a stone room of a closed summer kitchen, you can easily build a fireplace or a wood-burning stove. Often, for the sake of being able to use a brick or stone wood-fired stove in the summer, a summer kitchen is built in the country.

Considering the fact that in a relatively short period of harvesting, harvesting and conservation, a huge amount of gas and electricity is spent, such a solution will help to significantly save on energy resources.

In addition, the extension to the house can be carried out on a pile or columnar basis, by joining with load-bearing wall cottages, you can provide the necessary rigidity of the box without using traditional reinforcing belts for foam concrete. If you assemble an extension from a steel profile, then the walls can be made entirely of glass, or in this case from a double-glazed unit, as in the photo.

Combined and wooden summer kitchens of a closed type

The summer kitchen box does not have to be built entirely of stone and foam concrete. Often, a full-fledged foundation and part of the walls are built from concrete and brick to the level of window openings. The rest of the walls from the middle are made using frame technology from metal profile, steel pipes or a wooden bar. Such structures allow you to build a brick oven or install a cast-iron firebox, abandon the ceiling, and make the roof with a large slope of the gable roof.

High ceilings guarantee a comfortable stay in the kitchen at any time of the year, in summer heat and winter cold.

Indoor kitchen designs are not limited to stone and combined buildings. It makes no sense to build a closed-type catering unit of stone and brick if the dacha is used only in the spring-summer period of the year. Easier and cheaper to assemble a frame or completely wooden version, it will be cheaper and more convenient.

One of the most popular solutions is to use for summer cottages finished projects and structures of closed wooden arbors. This simplifies the development of the layout of the summer kitchen and reduces the cost of designing the building. One of the most popular Finnish buildings designed by the Villa Albatross project, often used as a summer building, can be cited as an example. wooden house, a closed wooden gazebo, and, of course, a summer kitchen.

The advantages of using such a scheme are obvious:

  1. Summer construction kitchen building almost entirely made of pine planks and beams. This simplifies construction, allows you to assemble a box of a room in a matter of days;
  2. The closed kitchen has a huge glazing area. V good weather open windows allow you to get the atmosphere and conditions in a closed summer kitchen at a level comparable to open areas and awnings;
  3. The foundation is made of piles, asbestos-cement pipes. In one fell swoop, the problem of waterproofing and warming a closed building is solved by sprinkling with expanded clay and a laid sheet of extruded polystyrene.

For your information! The octagonal shape of the building was chosen very well. Besides optimal use interior space, rounded side walls give additional stability to the frame structure even in open, well-ventilated cottage areas.

The unusual shape of the walls requires the use of a special form of strapping and logs under the plank floor, such as shown in the diagram. The roof of the structure has to be assembled from separate eight slopes, but the original dome technology, as in the video:

The floor inside the enclosed area of ​​the summer kitchen can be left plank, lay laminated OSB plate or linoleum. If treated with an antiseptic and preservative is used for the summer kitchen wooden beam and a board, then there are no problems with removing excess moisture in the atmosphere of the room. Otherwise, after a few months, the wood will begin to intensively collect water and deform with the formation of cracks and cracks.

If necessary, a closed summer kitchen can be insulated along the outer surface of the walls using traditional technology shown in the diagram. Mineral felt is laid on the walls, a plaster mesh is attached and a layer of primer and decorative plaster is applied. The corners and the basement are veneered artificial stone.

In a similar way, you can make a decorative finish in the style of a Danish house, when the surface of the kitchen walls is finished with waterproof plasterboard, and the elements of the slats and beams of the frame, the ceiling are left open, as in the photo.

Interesting solutions in the construction of a closed kitchen

Often, when building a summer kitchen, you have to look for original solutions the most painful problems associated with the arrangement and layout of the premises. Perhaps, from the point of view of design, such buildings are not masterpieces of design, but in practical terms, without a doubt, these are the most convenient and thoughtful solutions.

Optimal positioning of the stove in a closed kitchen

For example, fire safety rules require the placement of barbecues, barbecues, Finnish braziers with an open flame of the furnace to a distance of at least two meters from wood and flammable materials. If in the summer kitchen you need to install a brazier with a hood, then the easiest way to do this is according to the scheme shown in the photo.

The construction of the closed kitchen is made in the form of an extension to the frame cottage. This solution allows the construction of a summer building to be very light and tough. The strength of the frame installed on the pile foundation is sufficient to make one of the side walls in the form of a glass panel for the entire height of the ceilings. the main problem- a heavy stove or chimney wall with a chimney was removed outside the summer building and faced with natural stone and painted corrugated steel sheet.

Traditionally, a wood-burning stove requires some modification of the interior of the summer kitchen, for example, walls and ceilings are usually clad with wood in the style of log cabins or beams. The area around the furnace in the project must be laid out with non-combustible materials, especially in the abutment area chimney to the floor beams and in front of the ash pan and firebox.

An excellent option can be considered the arrangement of a summer kitchen in the country. electric stove and an oven. The availability of electricity is critical for processing and storing food, but the light in the country can disappear for many hours, therefore, there is often a gas stove with a cylinder in the interior along with a microwave and a conventional electric stove. Besides, experienced summer residents know what to preserve and process into salads and preserves harvested crop it is difficult with an electric stove in the country because of the low thermal power.

Options for glazing and the interior of a closed summer kitchen

In the heat of summer, a closed kitchen in the country can turn into a real hell if the size of the windows and the operation of ventilation systems leaves much to be desired. The simplest solution involves the installation of four to five windows for a wooden frame building instead of the traditional two window openings.

The doors can be opened in ventilation mode or opened wide, depending on the weather conditions and the air temperature in the country.

In addition, the traditional stone closed kitchen has always been inferior to the open circuit in terms of illumination and quantity. sunlight penetrating into the room. Today for modern summer cottages and summer kitchens, the maximum amount of natural light is becoming an unrecognized standard in the construction of summer country houses.

Regardless of whether the closed kitchen is attached to the summer cottage or is designed as a separate building, the larger the windows, the higher the comfort inside the building. In this case, it is important not only to glaze the closed kitchen, but to correctly position the window openings in the structure of the building.

Traditionally, the summer closed kitchen in the country is divided into two main zones - the dining room and the work area. The place where family members are located for lunch or relaxing over a cup of tea should be open to the sun as much as possible. It makes no sense to equip the working area with large windows, since due to high humidity and the temperature drop, the glass will regularly fog up with condensation and fumes from everything that is cooked on the stove.

In addition, it is important to correctly install a window for a brick stove, if there is one in the summer room. Such a window is placed for air intake from outside the kitchen in cold weather in order to avoid drafts and heat loss inside the room.

For small summer kitchens, often combined with closed veranda, as an exception, the size of the windows can be increased to the maximum.

For a summer kitchen room, combined with a gazebo and a dining room, the size of the windows is increased to the maximum, the larger the room, the more difficult it is to achieve good level illumination. The window can extend to the basement part and occupy more than half of the wall surface.

The interior and interior design of the summer kitchen turns out to be very nice, for the decoration of which tinted wood and natural stone are used. Often, such solutions are resorted to if the summer kitchen is part of the summer cottage, built from a bar or rounded log.

For more traditional stone and frame buildings, interior decoration with clapboard or decorative plaster... Part of the walls adjacent to the stove or stove can be faced tiles or ceramic mosaic.

To get rid of the shortcomings inherent in closed and open circuits summer catering unit, often they build in the country combined options, in which part of the walls and window frames are removable. At the same time, the walls, floor and ceiling are insulated, and after the return of the removed glazing, such rooms can easily turn into a closed or winter version.


The most unusual and practical of all closed-type summer kitchens can be called a building in the country, assembled from a sea 20-foot container, photo. It is difficult to be in such a room in the heat, but in spring and autumn the building fully justifies expectations. If the plot for the future dacha was just purchased and does not have full-fledged buildings suitable for temporary use, like a kitchen, such a closed building can simultaneously serve as a storage place in the country for inventory and part of accessories, even a scooter or walk-behind tractor. Subsequently, it is enough to overlay the room with bricks, make a full-fledged stove and sewer, and you can perfectly cook dinners and preserve fruits and vegetables in the country for many years to come.

Look at the design of the summer kitchen in the photo showing the options interior decoration and decor:

Summer kitchen design in the photo

Summer kitchen in the photo

Most often, the design of a summer kitchen in a private house is designed in strict aesthetic and style accordance with the main residential building.

See how an example of a solution to the design of a summer kitchen in a private house in the photo, which shows the aesthetic subtleties and options for various solutions.

Finishing option inside the kitchen (photo)

Meanwhile, the design of a summer kitchen in the country can be radically different from a house and represent a completely different style in which the landscape design is sustained.

This page provides advice and presents the design of a summer kitchen in the country in the photo in a wide variety, which will allow you to choose a suitable option for finishing inside and outside the structure.

The interior decoration of the kitchen depends solely on the imagination and financial capabilities of the owners. It should be remembered that the design of the summer kitchen should be combined with other buildings on the site. It is best if they are all finished with the same materials and in the same color scheme.

First, the interior decoration of the floor, walls and ceiling is carried out, then the kitchen equipment and furniture are arranged, and, finally, the interior decoration is completed with the help of various decorative elements - curtains, vases, figurines, homemade figurines, masks, panels, lighting fixtures etc.

Finishing a summer kitchen begins with the preparation of project documentation and selection suitable materials... Closed-type summer kitchen walls with inside can be sheathed with boards, slats, wood sheets (fiberboard, chipboard, etc.), clapboard made of wood or drywall, which can later be painted in any color. More colorful materials can be used, such as decorative rock or brick, or combine different materials- for example, sheathe most of the walls with plasterboard, and lay out the place designated for installing a stove or barbecue with artificial stone, etc.

Look at the finish of the summer kitchen in the photo: a variety of works can be carried out inside and outside.

The interior decoration of the summer kitchen also affects the ceiling, which can also be sheathed with boards and covered with a layer of linseed oil or use drywall, painting it to match the walls or simply whitening.

Beams and crossbars look good as a design for ceilings. They simultaneously serve as a decorative function and serve to strengthen the structure and support the roof. In addition, beams can also serve as a place for laying various communications on the ceiling, for example, wiring. Beams and beams are made in both indoor and outdoor summer kitchens.

Ceiling beams used to be a common feature in village houses, and were also used in the decoration of state rooms in palaces, theaters and museums. In the latter case, these were decorations in the form of a convex geometric ornament made of stucco or using precious woods.

Of course, finishing a summer kitchen inside can be simple, it is not at all necessary to resort to such delights, but even simple wooden beams and beams, varnished or dark brown paint, will give the room a solid look.

Installation of beams and crossbars is not so difficult, especially if you have at least a little bit of experience with wood. Using this technique in the design of the kitchen, you should take into account the general style of the room. Such semi-antique details will look ridiculous in combination with ultra-modern kitchen furniture and equipment. Although even in this case, you can come up with a special design for the beams, corresponding to the general situation, thanks to the interesting color and shape.

For finishing the ceiling in a summer kitchen, you can use chipboard instead of solid wood, which will simplify and reduce the cost of work. Then it will be possible to stick on the finished beams natural veneer made of spruce, beech or oak, and this finish can be used in other furnishings to maintain the unity of style.

On a note!

Before installing the beams, the ceiling must be prepared by sheathing it with plasterboard and covering it with light paint. To attach the beams, you will need nails, reliable wood glue, a saw, an accurate ruler, a square and, of course, the material itself, such as wood board.

Since the beams have a complex box-like structure and must be nailed to the ceiling in a certain order, you must first think over their location, calculate and mark their position and draw a sketch indicating the dimensions of the parts. With a low ceiling in the room, beams can only be placed in the openings of windows and doors, which will create a contrast with the recesses, visually expanding the space. In a room with a high ceiling, beams can be installed on the ceiling or slightly below, fixing them to the walls and ceiling.

For the construction of beams, you will need a beam with a section of 12 X 15 cm, the length of which depends on the length of the room. V large room larger beams can be made.

In the middle of the ceiling or slightly to the side of it on the ceiling, it is required to mark the location of the central beam, and then the position of the parallel and cross beams. In the same order, the beams will be mounted to the ceiling - first the central one, then the rest.

Small planks should be nailed to the central beam on the sides at an equal distance from one another and the assembled frame should be nailed to the ceiling with nails. Then you need to attach the side panels to the small side plates, and at the end - the last bar from the bottom, covering the box-shaped beam. For fixing parts other than nails, you can use wood glue.

After that, you need to assemble and nail the parallel beams to the ceiling, and when they are ready, cut and assemble the crossbeams between the long beams (if any will be present in the project at all). All parts must be carefully fitted, securely fastened together and attached to the ceiling. The gaps must be repaired with either putty or thin profile strips, which will allow the gaps to be masked and give the structure a special expressiveness.

The finished structure can be varnished, painted, special foil, or pasted over with veneer.

Interior design of a summer kitchen inside (with photo)

Having completed the interior design of the summer kitchen, you can start installing equipment - first of all, a gas or electric stove (if there is a grill or, then the foundation for them must be prepared even at the stage of building the foundation, and the outlet pipe is mounted at the same time as the roof). Then a sink is installed, to which the water supply and drain systems must be connected in advance. Thinking over the interior of the summer kitchen, it is worth considering that there must be a work table. If a barbecue oven is being built, the work surface is provided for by its design. Also, the kitchen must have dinner table and chairs, armchairs or benches are optional.

All furnishings must match the overall style of the kitchen. If the main decoration of the summer kitchen and interior design is the stove, the decoration can be done in the ethno style. In this case, various forged items, wood carvings, earthenware, wooden tables, chairs and other items to complement the overall composition will be appropriate.

Accessories are also selected depending on the style of the kitchen. You can decorate the interior with various original textiles, pillows, carved decor, flowerpots, forged items, decorative ceramics, etc. The main thing is that all this is combined with the general style. There are several main directions in the design of the interior of the kitchen, corresponding to a certain style.

The styles used in the interior design of the outdoor kitchen are numerous and include some of the following.

Look at the interior of the summer kitchen in the photo, which shows options in a wide variety of styles.

High-tech style summer kitchen design in the photo
Such kitchen furniture functional, waterproof, resistant to mechanical damage (photo)

High tech- This is a modern, far from nature style, a little coldish, but distinguished by a certain grace. It is characterized by cold colors and shades, furniture made of stainless steel or with polymer coating... Such kitchen furniture is functional, waterproof, resistant to mechanical damage and UV rays. In such a kitchen, an appropriate interior decoration is also necessary using modern materials and unusual trendy designs and combinations.

Summer kitchen design in Provence style in the photo
The interior must have wooden furniture, wood elements (photo)

The Provence style is as close as possible to the natural natural style. The interior should contain wooden furniture, wood elements in the wall and ceiling cladding. Bright kitchen towels, housewives, photographs with rustic motifs, ceramic pots, antique tablecloths, carvings made of wood or dough, draped furniture covers are appropriate, as well as many plants - in pots, tubs, flowerpots, etc. Kitchen cabinets, the table and chairs are best chosen from classic teak wood, treated with a special protective water-repellent impregnation... You can also use wicker furniture.

African style in the summer kitchen (photo)
Summer kitchen design African style (photo)

African style- these are various exotic amulets, curtains made of beads, ethnic masks, rock paintings, animal skins, etc. Furniture should also fit such an interior - it can be low trestle beds, armchairs and even sofas, but with ornamental upholstery in African style.

The summer kitchen provides ample room for experimentation.

Ethnic style kitchen (photo)
Rustic kitchen (photo)

You can build a summer kitchen in a private house with your own hands. It is important to draw up a project, think over the design and choose the main material, for example, polycarbonate.

The summer kitchen is a wonderful space that gives positive charge energy, positive attitude and peace of mind. Here, in the bosom of nature, you can have a great time enjoying fresh dishes and aromatic tea. This house is the perfect place to meet guests, celebrate the holidays, prepare homemade preparations, and eating in the fresh air is a real delight. When equipping a building, it is important to rationally delimit the space, making it more functional and closer to the benefits of civilization.

Important qualities of summer kitchens

A summer kitchen is being built not far from a residential building, which is economically convenient. It is good if there is a drain for water nearby, and the house itself is equipped with a stove. V cold period During the year, such a building is used as a warehouse for garden tools, and in the summer, food is prepared and taken here. With little personal savings, you can make your own vacation spot. You can understand how to build a summer kitchen by studying the main points of installation.

Such a structure is attached to the house or erected separately, which significantly saves space. Its main purpose:

  • reducing the load on the main kitchen;
  • preparation of dishes during the warm season;
  • storage of objects and things;
  • organization of recreation;
  • a place to sleep.

Types of summer kitchens

Before realizing the desired dream, it is important to decide on the type of future construction. They are of the following types:

  • Opening of a kitchen area with a fireplace and several wardrobes.
  • Closed rooms with a roof.
  • Decorations from several walls, with a canopy and without ceilings.

Summer cuisine open view does not allow food and utensils to be left here, but it is the best option for cooking barbecue on a fire, fish, eating. The closure of the building is the most functional, they are installed:

  • in the garden, a gazebo option (the absence of nearby residential facilities increases construction costs);
  • an annex to a house with a canopy (the proximity of communications saves you from unnecessary expenses).
  • in the veranda or on the terrace - this is the most comfortable arrangement option, where you can have a good rest and taste fragrant kebabs.

Seat selection

A summer kitchen can be located anywhere: near a residential building, a vegetable garden, in a forest zone. When choosing a site you like, it is important to take into account some of the nuances:

  • Hilly or lowland terrain;
  • The presence of fire hazardous facilities: conifers, flammable buildings makes the construction of a recreational facility impossible;
  • Choice of a well-lit area, mainly west or east;
  • Far from the trash heap;
  • The presence of communications in the form of a water supply system, electrical networks, sewage is the most convenient option the buildings.

It is possible to answer the question “how to build a summer kitchen” by understanding the following point: the beginning of work is associated with connecting the house to the necessary benefits of civilization, after which the foundation is poured. It is advisable to install the kitchen so that you can go through it into the house.

Features of the layout of a house in the country

On the eve of the construction works a summer kitchen project should be drawn up. The design may look like open veranda, decorate with any interesting objects, curtains in the form of thin wooden hangings, pots with unusual plants... For convenience, an area with many shelves is equipped, enough space is freed up for the working area. To ensure hygiene, it is important to supply water or a primitive washbasin, as well as to provide a drain. There is such a branch in a private house, from where communications are stretched.

In the area of ​​the summer kitchen, the organization of a dining room is allowed: tables are set, a linen cord is pulled, a place for drying herbs is arranged. Having separated the entire ensemble with a hedge of living plants, the site is landscaped and decorated. cobbled areas, flooring will add hygiene and convenience to the area. Having decorated the finished structure with powerful vines, you can not only hide from summer heat but also transform the installed object. The design of a summer kitchen involves the design of buildings of one colors harmoniously combined with the palette of a residential building.

When arranging the roof, it is advisable to exclude complex shapes and unnecessarily tall structures. Kitchen layout allows pitched roofs with a slight bias. Slate, galvanized iron or ondulin are taken as the material for the coating.

The layout of the kitchen assumes its deliberate understatement when the roof level is below the planted trees. However, in this case, it is important to take care of the drain for the rainwater. If a barbecue is supposed to be installed on the territory of the house, then it is important to allocate enough space for it. The barbecue should not be located next to kitchen stove... The layout of such a building involves the placement of a fire-making zone in an open area.

Acceptable materials

For the construction of summer kitchens, wood and brick are most often used, although there are exceptions. Considering the fact that the building is located practically in a private house, the style of decoration and the raw materials used for the construction should be identical. So, for the construction of a closed type, it is allowed to use foam blocks, stone, drywall, lining, plywood.

The classic type of timber structure will be profiled beams. It has absolute naturalness and a low price, however, it is difficult to build a given design yourself, without experience in handling such material. Any wooden surfaces require varnishing of their base.

A structure made of bricks or foam blocks will cost much more, however, it will stand as long as possible. Outside, such houses are trimmed with siding, plastic eurolining, a block house, from the inside, the walls are sheathed with gypsum board sheets, tiles or artificial stone.

Important! When choosing cladding materials for summer kitchens, it is important to pay attention to the high moisture resistance of the coatings, resistance to the sun and temperature extremes.

A summer kitchen made of polycarbonate has a special airiness and lightness. The transparency of the material allows for good viewing surrounding nature, and a reliable coating protects against the adverse effects of the weather. Such raw materials will organically complement any interior without weighing it down with their appearance and without creating shadows. Almost any building can be built from it, and the lightness of the structure makes it easy to carry and clean it for the winter.

Construction of a recreation facility

Do-it-yourself summer kitchen construction begins with the construction of the foundation. For a brick structure, a tape support is needed, wooden buildings withstands a columnar foundation. After pouring it, walls are erected from a bar, parts of which are connected metal corners and fastened with self-tapping screws. Outside, the ceilings are sheathed with boards, from the inside with clapboard or drywall.

The roof in the house is made flat, single-pitched or gable, covered with metal tiles, slate or corrugated board. At the end of the work, windows are inserted into the structure, and the house is equipped with a stove.

Room decoration

The interior of the kitchen is determined by the materials used for finishing. So, linoleum, board or ceramic tiles are lined on the floor, the ceiling is revetted with wood. The interior of the room is complemented by carved details or flower arrangements... A modern and elegant high-tech style, Provence with a predominance of floral and floral ornaments, is well suited here. An oven with earthenware and various kitchen utensils will diversify the interior of the kitchen. Any decoration made by the hands of the owners will display them state of mind and will add personality traits.

For lovers oriental style the interior can be supplemented with appropriate ornaments, mosaic compositions on the walls. The presence of a large cauldron, a comfortable trestle bed, mirrors, exotic plants mentally transfer to distant countries. It is advisable to arrange the interior of the kitchen in a bright palette of colors; it is better to combine pale tones with other shades. The room is decorated with any items made from natural and artificial materials, flower arrangements. The design of the house can be very different, the main rule when decorating is the courage of decisions and a creative approach.

Summer cuisine - comfortable room which makes it possible to enjoy fresh air, prepare delicious food and spend time with good company. To make the kitchen as comfortable and convenient as possible, you need to competently approach its repair. Interior decoration, correctly selected materials and design will make the kitchen in the country not only attractive, but also cozy. What you need to pay attention to when starting a repair, and how to do it yourself - we will talk about this.

Features of internal repair

Repair of a summer kitchen in a country house or in a private house will largely depend on its type. And they build summer kitchens either closed or open. Kitchens open type easy to build and repair. The absence of walls, and sometimes a roof, limits the choice of materials for finishing the work area, because the material must withstand not only summer rains and autumn dampness, but also snow in winter.

Closed-type kitchens are capital structures that presuppose not only the presence of a roof, but also a foundation and walls. It is about such kitchens that we will talk about interior decoration. If such a kitchen has heating for the winter, then choosing a material for interior decoration, you can not be limited to anything.

However, most summer kitchens do not involve heating and are used only from spring to autumn, especially those in the country. The material for finishing such a room must meet a number of requirements:

  • be resistant to temperature extremes, moisture, grease splashes and smoke;
  • to be easy to clean, this means that the material should be easy to wash and not change its properties from repeated washing;
  • be environmentally friendly and safe, that is, microbes and microorganisms should not accumulate on it, as well as mold and fungi should develop.

For your information! You should not build a kitchen in the open air; the kitchen should have a roof that will protect the stove, barbecue, furniture and kitchen utensils from minimal rainfall. Repairing such a corner would be advisable.

Work order

When starting to repair a summer kitchen in the country with your own hands, you need to think through everything and this applies not only to the choice of materials and design of the room, but also to the procedure for carrying out the work. What is better to do in the first place, at what stage to decorate the walls - all this is very important. Most experts recommend doing DIY repair work in the following order:

  1. first, the windows and doors in the summer kitchen are changed, if necessary;
  2. communications are carried out: electricity and water;
  3. then the floor is laid;
  4. then spend rough work with a ceiling and walls, namely, prepare surfaces for painting, wallpaper or panels;
  5. trim the ceiling;
  6. decorate the walls;
  7. install equipment;
  8. arrange furniture, interior elements and decor.

Walls, floor and ceiling

Both natural and synthetic materials can be used to finish the surfaces of the summer kitchen. Of course, natural ones are much more expensive, but they also look nobler. For a summer kitchen in a private house or in the country, they fit very well.

For finishing the floor of a summer kitchen, it is best to use ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware. This material is not only resistant to moisture, but also fireproof. It can even be laid in an open summer kitchen. Laying these materials with your own hands is difficult, so help may be needed. For a closed kitchen on dacha will do linoleum, its properties and quality have been tested over the years, and it is inexpensive.

Important! If the kitchen has an oven or a barbecue, then it is better to lay the floor near them with tiles, and cover the reception area and the recreation area with linoleum.

In a closed kitchen, part of the floor can be made from planks with your own hands. Correctly processed wood, impregnated with a special compound, will serve long time... This is the most environmentally friendly material that gives comfort and warmth to the interior.

As for the ceiling, then for its decoration are suitable:

  • dye;
  • drywall;
  • plastic panels;
  • lining.

But you should not glue the ceiling with wallpaper or polystyrene tiles with your own hands. They will very quickly deteriorate from soot, grease and high humidity... This finish will have to be redone every two years, or even at the beginning of each season. The wallpaper ceiling in the food preparation area is not safe, so don't experiment when there are tons of materials on the market.

And finally, the walls. When finishing them, the material will have to be combined, since any summer kitchen in a country house or in a private house combines at least two zones: a cooking area and a food or relaxation area. It is better to use ceramic tiles in the cooking area, near the countertop and the stove. It will be unusual to use natural stone, decorative bricks. The cheapest option would be plastic paneling. They are easy to do-it-yourself and easy to clean.

The walls in the dining area and in the recreation area can be finished with:

  • vinyl wallpaper, after plastering the walls with your own hands or sheathing them with plasterboard;
  • paint;
  • wall panels made of plastic;
  • decorative plaster;
  • wooden boards or clapboard, having previously processed them.

Arrangement of space

The space in the summer kitchen in a private house should be functionally equipped, and its convenience will depend on it. There must be zones: reception and preparation of food. A gas, electric or wood-burning stove must be installed in the cooking area; it is also necessary to have a worktop, sink, hood, cabinets for storing dishes, cutlery and food, in addition, it is advisable to put a refrigerator.

For your information! In an open summer kitchen in a private house, you can put a barbecue or barbecue, and also make sure to make a small niche for firewood.

In the eating area, depending on the area of ​​the space, they put:

  • table and chairs;
  • benches;
  • sofa or armchairs.

When equipping a closed kitchen, people try to create a cozy atmosphere to the maximum. You can often find a TV in the summer kitchen, a fireplace, in a large summer kitchen they equip a recreation area and attach a terrace, they are very common. But this already depends on financial capabilities.

Room design

The design of a summer kitchen in the country depends on the chosen style. A rustic kitchen suggests the presence of wood stove, which will become the main design element. The main material for decoration is, of course, wood. The floor is made of wood, the furniture in such a kitchen is also wooden. Light curtains are hung on the windows. The interior is decorated with earthenware and wooden kitchen utensils, a linen tablecloth on the table, embroidered towels, the presence of a samovar is not excluded.

If the kitchen has a stone finish or a fireplace, then wicker rattan furniture will be perfectly combined with them. Spread pillows on rattan chairs for softness. In a summer kitchen in a modern style, soft corner sofa made of brown leather.

Note! The optimal color combination will be dark furniture and light material for wall and ceiling decoration. The room will seem more spacious and comfortable, and the furniture will not be too branded.

In a closed kitchen, be sure to take care of the lighting, because natural light may not be enough. Suitable for a summer kitchen in the country pendant lights in small lampshades located in different parts of the room.

Summing up, we note that repairing a summer kitchen in the country is not much different from repairing a kitchen in a house or other room. DIY repair steps are carried out in approximately the same order. The most important thing is to think over the design, choose the appropriate construction material, and then you and your guests will like the result.