Bulbous Dutch iris for flower arrangements. Planting and caring for Dutch bulbous irises

Dutch iris is very beautiful. However, it requires a lot of care, especially in spring when it is in full bloom. This kind bulbous irises also called mesh. Planting from a bulb of iris mesh requires certain skills. If you master the basic subtleties of caring for irises that have grown as a result of planting from a bulb, in the spring the Dutch iris will surely thank you for the correct care with wonderful flowers.

Dutch irises are cared for and planted from the bulb in much the same way as other bulbous plants, such as tulips, are cared for. However, there are some nuances. grow from a bulb wonderful flower very interesting. The main thing is to purchase high-quality bulbs and properly prepare them for planting. You can plant them together with other bulbous plants, but you can highlight these beauties and separate place. It is very interesting to watch how a plant gradually emerges from a small bulb, blooming with wonderful flowers in spring.

Iris dutch and other bulbous irises: the main benefits

If you plant correctly and choose high-quality bulbs for planting, from a small bulb, with favorable conditions, a wonderful flower will grow quite quickly. Bulbs for planting must be purchased in specialized stores or nurseries. Before planting, the bulbs must be treated with a solution of antifungal fluid to prevent decay. Here, perhaps, is all the wisdom of landing.

They enjoy big love amateur gardeners, because they have the following advantages:

  • The flowers are very beautiful, they have a bright and at the same time very delicate color;
  • They look good in a flower bed, in a front garden, in a flower garden;
  • Dutch iris can grow not only in the garden, but also at home, in a pot;
  • The border of Dutch irises looks very impressive.

What to look for when growing flowers at home

Usually amateur flower growers plant a whole group of plants. How more colors planted, the more picturesque such a group looks in late spring - early summer, when they bloom together. Most often, Dutch flowers are two-tone: red-violet or yellow-purple, large are popular also light blue, with their color reminiscent of a cloudless spring sky. When growing Dutch irises in a garden or in a room, you need to know that they are quite demanding on watering. If such flowers grow at home in pots, and an amateur grower often leaves home, it makes sense to use automatic system irrigation using a capillary mat.

However, during watering, the measure must be observed, since increased soil moisture can provoke the development of a fungal infection. The fungus rapidly infects the bulbs, causing the rapid death of the plant. Therefore, with watering you need to be very careful. For top dressing it is best to use special mineral complexes designed for bulbous plants. In no case should you feed them with undiluted liquid manure or bird droppings, because this way you can “burn” the bulb and destroy the delicate flower. Also, the use of fresh manure promotes the development of rot and fungal infections.

Iris dutch bulbous planting and care

It is necessary to take care of the plant, taking into account the main features of this bulbous plant. Once beginner florist planted an iris from a bulb, and the first shoots appeared, you need to immediately develop a plan for the main care measures. Basic care activities include:

  • Watering;
  • top dressing;
  • Loosening the soil;
  • Destruction of weeds.

These flowers love warmth and sunlight, do not like cold and dampness. In cold climates with high humidity air in plants, the bulbs rot. It is best to plant them on a hill or on a hillock, just not in the shade, but in the sun, so that the plant, in no case, does not experience a shortage of sunlight. Flowers are afraid of the cold wind. If they are grown as houseplant, in the room in which the plant pot is located, there should be no drafts. To protect delicate plants from the wind, it is not recommended to even slam the door loudly and often open the window.

Plants do not need to be watered immediately after planting. Before the appearance of the first shoots, the bulbs have enough moisture from the soil. Additional watering will not bring benefits. On the contrary, it will increase the likelihood of mold and mildew. After appearance of the first shoots little by little start to water. They need to be watered often, but very sparingly. The soil must not dry out. Moisture should be exactly only so that it is completely absorbed into the ground, but no more. When the buds begin to bloom, they should not be watered at all, because during this period they are especially susceptible to a variety of fungal diseases.

You can feed irises with special mineral complexes for bulbous plants, but, for faster and more intensive development of irises, they definitely need organic fertilizers. Flowers will grow well beside with a pile of compost or directly on a pile, because they always reach for the sun and love to grow on a hill. Can be used for additional mineral top dressing ground eggshell and other food waste.

Around September, the iris bulbs are dug up and taken away for storage. Bulbs should be stored in a dark, dry place. In no case, you can not store the bulbs where it is damp, because they can get sick with a fungus. As planting material can only be used large size bulbs without surface damage and signs of decay. Bulbs affected by fungus or rot are burned immediately after sorting in order to quickly stop the spread of infection. A fungal infection is easy to notice visually: diseased bulbs are covered with a black or dark gray coating.

Bulbous irises in landscape design

Plants are often used in landscape design. Yes, they look good in the composition Alpine slide. The higher plant irises, the better they will grow, so the top of the alpine slide is one of the best options. Also for irises, you can break a separate flower bed of any shape. They make very pretty borders.

A large space planted exclusively with flowers looks impressive. Dutch irises match well with other varieties of these colors. However, it is best to grow Dutchweeds separately from any other plants, because they are quite demanding in terms of care and soil moisture.

If the flower is grown as a houseplant, blooming in a beautifully designed pot will serve original gift relatives and friends. In summer, pots with iris can be taken to the country. If you put them in original planters, these pots will perfectly decorate the country landscape.

Some more interesting ideas

In order for the flowers to please the eye throughout the warm season, you need to plant several varieties of these bulbous plants on the plot, starting with irises-primroses that bloom along with snowdrops, and ending with traditional Dutch irises that bloom in June-July. Then the irises will bloom gradually, and the flower bed will never look empty.

As soon as one variety blooms, another blooms, and this is repeated several times during the warm season. This is very convenient, the main thing is not to forget to water those plants that have not yet bloomed in time, and timely stop watering flowering varieties. irises different varieties have approximately the same care requirements, so caring for a flower bed consisting of several varieties of irises is quite simple.

Many flower growers prefer irises that have a two-tone color, although plain flowers, especially pale blue, are also beautiful and interesting in their own way. With the right care Dutch iris flowers are large, bright, with a thin pleasant aroma. If the temperature and humidity of the air are not suitable for the plant, the flowers turn out to be small and quickly fade. A pronounced deformation of flowers is a sign of a lack of nutrients or inappropriate soil acidity.

In order to successfully grow a Dutch iris from a bulb, a novice grower must choose a quality planting material and properly prepare it for planting in open ground. If you know all the subtleties of care Behind these annual beauties, irises will delight the eye all summer with their bright, variegated or pale blue color. Irises are rather capricious flowers, but with right approach their cultivation does not take much time and effort. The main thing is not to "fill" these flowers with water and not to hide them from the sun.

Each grower can be called an artist. That's just the beauty of flower growers do not create strokes bright colors and when growing flowers in their gardens. The main thing is to decide on colorful compositions in flower beds and select the necessary assortment of plants to create your own flower palette.

A win-win option for decorating flower beds is Dutch iris. It is a bulbous plant with large beautiful flowers unusual shape. The choice of bulbs of Dutch irises of different varieties with elegant coloring of flowers for every taste in stores is now very wide.

More familiar to our gardeners are rhizomes. These are the popular flowers that in childhood we called "roosters" and "iris". However, various bulbous irises with small and large bulbs (, xifiums, etc.) are no longer exotic for us.

Selection of the Dutch iris and structural features of the bulb

The most common of the bulbous irises is the Dutch iris, or xifium(Xiphium). Despite the fact that the xifium is in the Iris family and belongs to the genus Iris, it is recognized as a separate representative of the genus, and this causes confusion in the specialized literature and among flower growers.
Hybrid forms from crossing different types xifium, were called Dutch, Spanish or English bulbous irises. At the same time, English hybrids are relatively hardy in middle lane In Russia, the Dutch are mostly low-hardy, and the Spanish are not winter-hardy hybrids.

Iris bulbous dutch - perennial herbaceous plant with an elongated bulb. By itself, the Dutch iris bulb is a modified shortened underground shoot resembling a kidney. With a vertical cut from the top to the bottom, the embryo of the flower arrow is visible in the middle part of the bulb. Around it, like wrappers, are the rudiments of leaves. Between the embryos of the leaves are axillary and central buds. outer layer bulbs - integumentary scales. The diameter of the bulbs is not very large - it ranges from 2 to 3.5 cm.

Blooming Dutch bulbous irises

Dutch bulbous irises, depending on the variety, give flower stalks of different heights (in dwarf peduncles 30 cm high). Ordinary xifium reaches a height of 80 cm.
This plant has narrowly grooved leaves, and the flower has a complex structure - 3 external and 3 internal perianth lobes. The inner lobes are arranged vertically and have a narrow and broadly lanceolate shape. The outer lobes are rounded, directed downwards. Usually on the outer perianth lobes there is a yellow or orange spot in the center. The flower can be monochromatic or bicolor.

The following colors of petals of Dutch bulbous irises are possible: white, yellow, lilac of different intensity, different shades blue and cyan, burgundy and purple, as well as combined options all listed colors.

In the photo: Dutch bulbous irises varieties "Romano", "White Excelsior", "Red Ember"

Dutch iris in the garden and in a bouquet

Dutch iris is planted in flower beds. Landscape designers are actively promoting this plant, using it in mixborders and.

Flowering of bulbous Dutch irises begins at the end of May. Depending on the variety, the difference in the time of appearance of flower stalks with buds is 2-3 weeks. If the street is humid and cool, then the flowers delight up to three to four weeks. In dry sunny weather, they fade faster.

If you pick varieties of bulbous irises with different blooms, then a chic flower bed will delight even longer. And after flowering, their juicy and beautiful foliage will remain, which can also serve as a decoration for a flower garden.

Low-growing bulbous irises can be grown in pots for and room.

From bright colors Dutch bulbous irises make up bouquets that are appropriate to give to men. This is especially true for bouquets of blue and purple irises.
It is worth noting that cut flowers of bulbous Dutch irises stand in a bouquet much longer than flowers of rhizomatous irises.
It is advisable to use rainwater to fill a vase with irises (since it does not contain chlorine) for.

Planting Dutch iris bulbs

For many flower growers who have not yet grown Dutch bulbous irises, planting and growing them seems like a difficult task. However, it is enough to have information about a few nuances of these processes in order to get a good result.

One of the nuances is the choice of suitable soil for bulbous Dutch irises. The ideal soil for this plant is loose, high air permeability, nutritious, neutral or slightly alkaline. Sod and turf are mixed into sandy and peaty garden soils, and, if necessary, the acidity of the soil is adjusted.
In addition, the soil must be permeable.

The main thing you need to know is that irises do not tolerate excess moisture, they quickly die from rotting of the bulb and roots. Therefore, before planting iris bulbs, it is important to take care of drainage for drainage. excess water from the soil.
But it is not necessary to have drainage directly under the plants. Shallow trenches filled with gravel or broken bricks, dug near the flower bed along its entire length, have proven themselves well for draining water.

When planting iris bulbs, fresh manure and excessive doses of chemical fertilizers should not be used. Perfect option- add well-ripened or humus (a bucket of compost per 1 sq.m of land). After making top dressing, thoroughly mix with the soil. In the future, irises are fed.

Planting bulbous irises is carried out as follows:
- with a round peg (about 5 cm in diameter), they pierce the soil to a depth of 15 cm, and maintain a distance of about 10 cm between adjacent pits;
- a handful of coarse river sand is poured into each hole, into which the bulb is buried by 1-2 cm;
- lightly sprinkle the bulb on top with sand, and then fill the hole with garden soil.

After buying iris bulbs, like any bulbs, it is worth treating with a fungicide solution and drying slightly. Before planting the bulbs (not later than 2 days), the flower bed or flowerpot is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and potassium humate.

Lightly sprouted bulbs of Dutch irises (with small sprouts and roots) are planted in a prepared trench 15-20 cm deep. This helps to neatly arrange the roots and not damage them. In this case, the sand is poured to the bottom (approximately 2/3 of the trench height).
The bulbs of Dutch irises laid on top of the sand are then gently squeezed with sand and covered with soil mixture. Then the plantings are watered. The surface of the soil from above can be sand, small pebbles, gravel.

Dutch bulbous irises can be planted in. This is a handy plastic container with large quantity gaps and holes for air access and water outflow. It is inexpensive, it can be found in garden stores or ordered online.

The plastic basket must be placed on the ground and outlined with a shovel. Then remove the sod along the contour and dig a landing hole about 15 cm deep. Add the necessary fertilizers to it, then put a basket on top and pour loose earth mixed with compost into it. Further in the basket is placed at the desired distance required amount bulbs, which are covered with earth from above.
At the end of the flowering of irises, the container is dug out and removed to a secluded place in the garden for the bulbs to ripen and the leaves to dry, and then the dug out bulbs are stored.

Caring for Dutch Bulb Irises

During the development of leaves and flowering, Dutch bulbous irises are not very whimsical. They need to be watered only in very dry summers. Usually xifium is enough natural humidity and morning dew.
If neighboring plants in the flower garden require watering, then planting irises is simply covered with a film so that water does not enter the holes.

Bulbous irises do not need regular top dressing. Enough to feed them wood ash or complex mineral fertilizers a week before flowering. The feeding time of bulbous irises is determined by the beginning of the formation of their buds - they look like thickenings between the closed leaves of the plant.

So, the Dutch bulbous irises faded, then the foliage of the xifiums completely dried up. What to do next? Does the Dutch iris require care after flowering?
After the leaves of the plant have completely dried, the bulb should be dug up. What is nice - where the grower planted one bulb, they will be a small nest.
Each onion next year you can plant separately, or you can leave them as a nest for 3-4 years. If the gardener divided the nest of bulbs, then next year only the most large bulbs(small children will grow up for several seasons, preparing for flowering).

Dug bulbs of Dutch irises are dried and stored in a dry room until the beginning of the Indian summer. Then they can be planted again in flower beds. But if the winters in your region are cold, then planting bulbous irois should be covered before wintering.

Thus, having understood in one season in agricultural technology, in color scheme, in the timing of flowering and the height of peduncles in grown bulbous irises, next year, based on the knowledge gained, an ideal flower garden can be formed from irises.

Dutch iris is damaged by leaf drillers. In this case, damaged leaves are cut off, and the plant is treated with insecticides.
Be sure to dig up the ground in the fall, removing last year's foliage, as well as cut stems of irises and other plants.
Of the most dangerous for them are various forms of leaf spots.

There are a lot of varieties of Dutch irises with different colors of flowers, these colorful plants have a very large and elegant flower. The Dutch bulbous iris is unpretentious in care, while the plant has a beautiful appearance and takes root well in the temperate climate zone.
Growers growing Dutch bulbous irises are unanimous that these charming plants can be a wonderful decoration for the garden and balcony.

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Dutch irises are considered one of the most romantic and beautiful plants. The iris flower resembles a tropical butterfly ready to take flight. With its beauty, he has long conquered gardeners. Virtually all household plots now you can see a flower bed with these amazing plants. Let's talk more about bulbous irises, planting and care in open field.

Dutch iris is one of the varieties of irises. This is xifium. In flower shops, you can buy flowers in the form of bulbs, which are covered with multiple layers of scales. On average, plants reach a height of 0.6 m. Some varieties, for example, Casablanca, Blue Diamond, grow within 0.5 m. They do not require support if they were planted in a place not blown by the winds.

The plant tolerates frost well, but requires shelter at very low temperatures to prevent freezing. Bulbous irises bloom in the last week of May, bloom until early June. Iris flowers can be of a wide variety of colors: white, blue, purple, orange. After flowering, the foliage begins to dry, and at the end of August it dries up completely. Dutch irises are widely used in gardening, they decorate flower beds, garden beds, they are used to create beautiful flower arrangements and bouquets. For many irises are the best flowers, harbingers of heat, because they bloom very early.

Features of planting irises

Planting bulbous irises includes several mandatory procedures. This is the preparation of bulbs, drainage and top dressing of the soil, mulching. Knowing all the secrets of growing Dutch bulbous iris, the features of planting and care, you can achieve a wonderful decorative effect.

Preparing bulbs for planting

Bulb plants are prone to fungal diseases, so Dutch iris bulbs require special preparation before planting. Planting material must be purchased at trusted flower shops and gardening stores. When buying, you should inspect the bulbs, there should not be any damage.

If the bulbs were stored at home, they also need to be carefully examined. Bulbs that have rot, painful spots, it is better to immediately set aside and discard. Good specimens should be treated with antifungal drugs. For these purposes, fungicides "Maxim", "Fundazol" are used. Many gardeners use a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Iris bulbs are placed in such a solution for 30-40 minutes. After drying, the bulbs are ready for planting.

How to choose a place and prepare the soil

Irises do not create much trouble when growing, but it is necessary to reckon with some preferences of this plant. Irises do not like shade, poor soil, waterlogged soil. When choosing a place for planting these flowers, you need to give preference to a sunny place, and in order to prevent moisture stagnation, you can place them on an artificially created slope.

To do this, make a small elevation with a slope, equip a good drainage system. When planting irises in flower beds 20 cm high, rainwater can be naturally drained. No matter how close the groundwater is to the surface, it cannot pose a danger to the roots.

Irises are very fond of light, but they do not need abundant hours of sun, it is preferable if the plant is in the shade for some part of the day. An area with partial blackout is ideal.

The soil before planting should be filled with nutrients. For this, organic fertilizers are applied. Then the earth is carefully dug up and loosened. If you start preparing the soil in advance, about a year in advance, you can apply manure. Limey soils are best suited for bulb crops. If the soil does not match, you can add eggshells, chalk or lime to it. Humus is added to sandy soil. It is useful to add superphosphate or ash at the rate of 40 g / 1 sq. meter. Clay soils are enriched with coarse sand, a small amount of compost or humus.

Hybrid varieties of irises can grow in one place for five to ten years, depending on the variety. Irises grow very quickly, it quickly depletes the soil, you have to choose new places for planting these flowers.

Dig a hole for each bulb northern regions you need to make a depth of about 14 cm, for the south - about 10 cm. A gap of 15 centimeters is left between the holes, in such conditions the plants will develop adequately.

When and how to plant irises

Many experienced flower growers recommend planting iris tubers in the fall. Planting features depend on the selected variety. If the climate is temperate, you can plant the bulbs at a shallow depth. We plant the tubers in the holes, lightly tamp the soil.

If we plant a bulb that has already sprouted, it must be placed so that the border of the green arrow is at the level of the soil. It is not necessary to deepen it strongly. Hands need to gently crush the soil around the bulb. Mulch the surface with peat to protect against weeds. This planting occurs in early spring.

After planting, irises are not watered, they should have enough moisture from the soil. During the growing season and during flowering, plants need watering, but it should not be frequent.

Experienced flower growers recommend planting iris in a greenhouse in early autumn. Already in November, you can get garden flowers suitable for cutting. The time for planting bulbs for distillation is the first decade of February. For the rapid formation of buds and the growth of stems, a constant temperature of 15 degrees is required. Plants need bright light, top dressing and moderate watering.

You can use a special bulb basket for planting Dutch irises. This is a plastic container in which there are a lot of holes for the outflow of water and air access. It is inexpensive and can be purchased at a garden store. The basket is placed on the ground and circled around the contour. Then the sod is removed along this contour to get landing pit about 16 cm deep. The necessary fertilizers are added to it, a basket is placed on top.

Soil is poured into the basket, which is mixed with compost. The bulbs are planted in a basket, covered with a layer of earth on top. As soon as the irises stop blooming, the container is dug out. It is very good to clean it so that in a secluded place in the garden the leaves dry out and the bulbs ripen. After the end of the season, the bulbs are dug up to store.

Iris Care

Iris is a modest plant that does not like excesses. Do not water it too abundantly, or overload it with fertilizers. Moderation in care is the key to success. How to properly care for irises? Proper care of irises includes:

  • watering;
  • soil loosening;
  • weed removal;
  • soil fertilizer;
  • control of diseases and pests.

It is necessary to remove weeds around the planting manually so as not to damage the plant. After the flower grows, weeding can be stopped. In autumn, young plantings must be covered with foliage to protect them from frost. Adult landings no longer need shelter. In the spring, after the snow melts, the leaves are removed.

Fertilization of the soil must be done in the spring, when the topsoil has dried up after the snow has melted. Need to make mineral fertilizers, carry out loosening. Just do it carefully so as not to damage the roots of the tubers. At the age of three spring dressing should consist of potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus (1:2:1). At the time of bud formation, the proportion is increased (1:3:3). A month after the buds fall, potassium and phosphorus 1: 1 are applied to the soil. Such a triple top dressing will make the flowers hardier.

It is necessary to protect irises from pests and ailments. From the moment when the leaves of the flower grow to 10 cm, spraying should be carried out every two weeks using Malathion and pesticides. This is done before the appearance of the peduncle. Most often, leaf borers attack irises. They damage the leaves, which must be cut immediately. The plant is treated with insecticides.

As a preventive work to protect against pests, it is imperative to remove last year's foliage. If it has been infected, burn it immediately. The earth needs to be dug up. Of the diseases for irises are dangerous various forms leaf spots.

bulb storage

When the bulbous irises have already faded, and the foliage has dried up, it is necessary to dig out the bulbs. Novice flower growers will be pleasantly surprised, because in the place where one bulb was planted, a large number of young bulbs are formed. Each of them must be planted separately next year. Preference should be given to large bulbs, small ones are also suitable, but they will grow for several seasons.

Bulbs of Dutch irises are thoroughly dried. They must be stored until the beginning of autumn in a dry place. In the midst of Indian summer, you can start planting on the site. It should be remembered that in cold regions, bulbs planted in autumn need shelter from frost.

For a summer resident, there is nothing more pleasant than the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the first spring flowers. Indeed, for many, they are harbingers of warmth, followed by summer. This is precisely one of the reasons why many gardeners grow irises on their plot.

Already in the first days of May, in many dachas you can see blooming irises, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. And this is not surprising, given the diversity of species of these ornamental plants. Thanks to this, every gardener has unique opportunity choose flowers of any color for your flower bed so that they harmoniously complement other plants, creating beautiful composition. However, in order to achieve such a wonderful decorative effect, every gardener must know the features of planting bulbous irises and caring for them.

Soil preparation: drainage and top dressing

Basically irises. do not create any problems in cultivation, however, they still have their own preferences, which a summer resident who decides to acquire these flowers on his site should not forget about. It will be difficult for you to grow irises if the following conditions are present:

  • waterlogged soil;
  • mineral-poor soil;
  • permanent shadow.

So that excessive waterlogging does not cause you problems in the process of growing irises, it is recommended to place them on an artificially created slope. If in the selected area the groundwater is quite close to the surface and poses a danger to the roots, then good decision there will be a device for a small elevation with a slope to the south and the manufacture drainage system. This can be done by raising the flower bed by 20 cm and creating conditions for the natural drainage of rainwater.

irises belong to light-loving plants However, abundant lighting throughout the day is contraindicated for them, so it is best if they are in the shade for some time. You can meet this condition if you choose a plot for the flower garden that will have partial shading. Before transplanting to the selected site of the plant, organic fertilizers must be applied to the soil, and then carefully dig and loosen the earth. If you want to fertilize the land with manure, then it must be applied much earlier, about a year before planting.

Bulbs grow best on calcareous soil. You can change its reaction to the required one if fertilizers such as lime, chalk or eggshells are applied during digging. When preparing sandy soil for planting irises, it is recommended to add humus to it, which is also useful to supplement with ash or 40 gr. superphosphate per 1 sq. m. On clay soils, coarse sand, as well as a small amount of humus or compost, will not be superfluous.

Blue irises can grow in one place for no more than 10 years. For hybrid varieties, the maximum growing period is 5 years. Considering that irises tend to grow rather quickly, the problem of a lack of nutrients in the soil becomes relevant. That is why it is necessary from time to time to choose new places for growing these flowers.

Autumn - bulb planting time

Planting agrotechnics may include certain features that may vary depending on the variety. In temperate climates, it is recommended to grow iridodictiums, Turkish and Caucasian, as well as their hybrids, which not only easily take root, but also perfectly withstand the winter cold. It is necessary to plant them in a dry, open place, where they begin to prepare holes up to 7 cm deep. After transferring the bulbs to the holes, you need to make sure that the soil does not fit tightly to them.

You can do even easier if you fill them with a mixture containing a small amount of sand. Fungal diseases can cause serious damage to irises. Therefore, after buying the bulbs, it is necessary to treat them with insecticides: for example, "Fundazol" or "Benlat". In summer, when the stems and leaves dry up, it is necessary to separate the daughter bulbs, which will be used as planting material.

Unlike other species, the Juno variety has fairly large bulbs with a fleshy structure, which renew the roots every year. Therefore, when working with them, you must be very careful. Important avoid root injury otherwise it will lead to the death of the plant. Plan to transplant blue bulb irises on permanent place recommended in the last week of September or in the first decade of October. To do this, it is necessary to transfer the bulbs as carefully as possible into the prepared pits, making sure not to damage the roots, and then they are sprinkled with a layer of soil up to 6 cm thick.

In summer, the following operations are carried out with respect to the bulbs: when the plants show clear signs of wilting, the bulbs must be dug up and transferred to a drying room, where it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 22-25 degrees Celsius. But you can do otherwise - for this, a film is laid on top of the flower bed so that it does not get wet by rain, and left in this state until the beginning of October. Subsequently, for breeding the Juno variety, daughter bulbs or seeds are used, which are sown in special boxes. Moreover, the planting material in both cases must be pre-dried. When propagating "Juno" by seeds, the first shoots appear in the second year.

When placing future plants, you can choose different intervals: however, flowers should not be planted closer than two bulbs wide. The maximum allowable distance between adjacent plants is 0.5 meters.

Using Plastic Growing Baskets

Many supermarkets today offer baskets that are a great container to grow bulbs in. The main plus is that they are simply removed from the ground, so together with the basket you can quickly and without special efforts move the planted bulbs indoors to dry.

How to take care of irises?

Planting and care in the open field involves not only right choice time for planting and soil preparation. Once the plants have established themselves, they should be cared for during flowering. In early varieties, the first flowers are formed in May, and in late ones - in June. First of all, bulbous irises in need of nourishment and pest control. No less important for flowers and watering. Naturally, during the rainy season, irises are watered less frequently. It is necessary to carry out irrigation more actively in dry years, and the plants are watered in the evenings.

Application of mineral fertilizers

For fertilizing, you need to choose the right time. In the spring, this is done after the snow has melted and the topsoil has completely dried out. For top dressing, you can use ready solutions and dry universal mixes, for example, "Reasil" or "Good Force". To do this, you need to decompose the amount of fertilizer recommended by the instruction into top layer soil, after which it needs to be loosened. However, care must be taken to ensure that the roots are not damaged during this operation.

As a possible feeding course for hybrid irises not in the first year of flowering, you can propose the following scheme consisting of three main steps:

  • nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus (2:3:1) - in the spring on dry soil;
  • a similar composition, but here they observe the ratio (3:3:1) - at the time of bud formation;
  • potassium, phosphorus (1:1) - one month after the start of flowering.

If fertilizing is carried out in a timely manner and in the right doses during care, then in the spring Dutch irises will demonstrate all their attractiveness, rapid growth and long flowering. Special attention the gardener must pay attention to the moment when the flowers form flower buds. If fertilizing is carried out at this stage of the life of irises, then next year the flowers will delight the gardener with lush, full-fledged flowering.

You have to be especially careful using nitrogen. An excess of this element often becomes the cause of "fatting" - a process in which the leaves grow intensively, as a result of which the plant does not have the strength to bloom.

Preventive pest control work

Regardless of the fact that blue bulbous irises do not grow as long as we would like, in this case it is still necessary to carry out special protective measures. Various pests will help overshadow the joy of flowering irises. Therefore, in order to avoid their occurrence, it is necessary to carry out at intervals of once every two weeks planned treatment of plants.


If the gardener wants to admire the first flowers already in the first weeks of spring, then he should pay attention to such a plant as bulbous irises. By planting them on the site, the summer resident can be one of the first to know that the long-awaited warmth will come very soon. However, he will be able to enjoy the beauty of bulbous irises only if he takes care of these flowers throughout the season. And for this, a lot of questions will have to be solved.

In addition to choosing a suitable site for planting irises, it is necessary fertilize the soil regularly, since it largely depends on them how abundant and long the flowering of these plants will be. An important measure is the protection against pests, because these delicate flowers can become easy prey for many pests, including thrips.

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Incredible delicate flowers iris will not leave indifferent any flower grower. More than two hundred different varieties of unimaginable shapes, sizes and shades, a delicate expensive fragrance that is very often used in the cosmetic industry in the production of perfumes.

All this is about irises, they are also called iris, cockerel and northern orchid, due to their wide distribution in the Northern Hemisphere. If we translate its name from Greek, then the word "rainbow" will turn out.

If you are not enough experienced florist, then you probably had questions about when to transplant irises: in spring or autumn? Today in this article we will talk about growing irises outdoors and caring for them throughout their growth.

Irises: types, planting and care in the open field

If you do not know how to grow irises, but really want to do it, then do not worry, because irises are quite unpretentious in care and incredibly hardy flowers. They bring special joy to those who bloom literally every year - their flowering is abundant and bright.

They easily tolerate winter frosts, winds and other weather surprises, and are also resistant to various diseases. And, finally, the main value of these beauties - absolute immunity to bacteria.

Moreover, by planting them on your site, you are completely heal the entire soil from bacteriosis within three or four years. But before we talk about planting and caring for irises, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular species.

Types of irises - Japanese irises

They are also called xiphoid due to their unusual shape. It sometimes reaches a height of a meter, and the diameter of the flowers can grow up to twenty-five centimeters. Unfortunately, they don't smell.

The color scheme consists of purple, purple and sky blue colors. But despite such beauty, this is one of the rare species that is very capricious in cultivation and care. This is due to the fact that they require a weak acidity of the soil, do not tolerate a single gram of lime and are quite whimsical in watering, especially when flowering.

The most difficult thing is to prepare them for wintering in dry conditions. Having covered them with oak bark and leaves, as well as with a layer of polyethylene, it is important to prevent the roots from drying out. Therefore, many flower growers simply begin grow them in containers, and in winter period brought into the room.

marsh irises

, which calmly grow both near water and in it itself, but dry soil is not an obstacle to their growth.

That is why it is very profitable to plant around a pond or pool. For eight or even nine years, they remain invariably beautiful and require virtually no maintenance. The height of such irises can reach one and a half meters. The variety of shades consists of yellow, lemon and gold colors.

Dutch irises

Or they are bulbous irises and xifiums. The most delicate plants with incredibly beautiful flowers will surely please the eye in any bouquet. Cut off in a vase for a very long time, thanks to this they are popular in flower shops.

Iris bulbous in cultivation and care quite unpretentious, but still different from the traditional colors of this species. External differences bulbous iris consist in a bottle-shaped root, narrow dark green leaves and underdeveloped shoots.

bearded irises

The most common species, which is called so because of the hairs growing on the petals. Popular due to their unpretentiousness in planting and growing.

At least ten years they will delight your eyes, while not taking up a lot of your time to care for irises. The quality of the soil and the amount of water is something you don't have to worry about when planting and growing flowers.

Irises reticulated. Very small flowers that have one flower on each shoot. They start flowering quite early and are suitable for cold regions of the north.

Having familiarized yourself with the most common species and having made your choice, you can begin to discuss planting irises.

Gallery: irises in the garden (25 photos)

One of the first questions asked by those who decide to plant and grow them at home. As such, there is no exact answer to the question of when it is better to plant these flowers: in spring or autumn - no.

Plant these flowers both spring and autumn when the warmest weather of each season occurs, it mainly depends on the variety.

The most successful time for planting or transplanting is the expiration of two weeks after flowering. It is very important to know what these flowers need repot every four years to a new piece of soil. This is done to saturate the flowers with new trace elements and improve the health of a new part of the earth.

Dutch bulbous iris: planting and care

Despite the fact that irises are light-loving flowers, they still need to spend a little time in the shade. One year before the intended landing fertilize the land with manure, and the day before - organic fertilizers.

Bulbous irises are very fond of calcareous soil. To create such conditions add chalk to the ground, lime or crushed egg shells. Boarding starts from proper preparation soil. It includes:

  • enrichment with minerals;
  • moderate soil moisture and avoid excessive water in it;
  • providing a place with sufficient sunlight.

The next step is to prepare the bulbs for planting. As soon as the irises finish blooming, and this happens around the end of June, need to dig bulbs. Do not leave them in the ground, as there is a high chance of fungal infections. After digging, process in a weak solution of manganese and dry thoroughly. In this form, the bulbs are stored until September.

With the onset of warm September days, you can take up the landing itself. To prepare the site, you need to dig pits five centimeters deep. Sprinkle with soil diluted with sand, without pressing the bulbs tightly to avoid damage and lack of oxygen. Closer to winter and frost, wrap the planted flowers.

Caring for such irises is more difficult, as they do not tolerate pests and the presence of weeds. If the flowers grow too tall, then better tie them up, because under the weight of their weight they can simply break. Be careful not to over-water the flowers and don't dry them out for too long. sunlight.

Planting root irises in open ground

Planting in the spring begins with the preparation of acquired rhizomes. It consists in treatment with growth stimulating agents, cutting off rotten roots and disinfection in a manganese solution.

Further, a little sand is poured into a shallow hole and the rhizome of the flower is placed horizontally. It is very important to straighten all the roots and sprinkle lightly on them, so that the upper part remained in the air. Otherwise, the rhizome will simply rot. Water the plant well.

Planting and caring for irises in the fall is not much different from the process that takes place in the spring. Optimal landing time - all August and warm part of September. The sooner you plant, the more you will be calm and confident in the survival of flowers.

To begin the planting process, gently dig up the bush with a pitchfork and divide it into pieces. Remove all damaged and rotten roots, two hours disinfect in manganese solution and dry in sunlight for at least five hours.

Keep your distance between planted flowers - for low flowers, fifteen centimeters are enough, for higher ones from thirty to fifty.

Iris diseases and prevention

The more delicate, rare and elegant the variety, the more susceptible it is to diseases and pests. It is not enough to simply water and remove weeds - a thorough study is required for changes in appearance and presence of pests.

As soon as fusarium (a type of rot) is detected, the diseased bush immediately subject to excavation and destruction. Healthy flowers should immediately be shed with a fundozol solution with a concentration of two percent.

The pests that most often affect irises are scoops. They eat away the base for inflorescences, which leads to yellowing and subsequent death of flowers. To get rid of cutworms and prevent their reappearance, once every two weeks spray the bushes with karbofos.

  • In order to prevent diseases and to maintain a neat appearance, be sure to cut off all dry foliage and petals. This is usually done closer to autumn and helps protect against pests that usually settle in old foliage.
  • Two or three times per season, be sure to spray either blue vitriol, or other protective agent based on copper.
  • It also happens that irises simply do not bloom. This only speaks of improper care and depleted soil.

Gladiolus thrips have their favorite habitat - buds. Settling in them, they lead to an ugly appearance, discoloration and drying. The same karbofos will help to cope with them or tincture of shag with laundry soap . For this, four hundred grams of shag and forty grams of soap are insisted on water for ten days.

Another pest that affects irises is the slug. Getting rid of them is quite simple - between the bushes lay wet rags or large leaves plants, as soon as the slugs move into your trap, destroy them.

Of the chemical methods of dealing with slugs suitable metaldehyde, which can be decomposed into sections. This is done in dry weather and with the expectation that ten square meters from thirty to forty grams of funds are spent.