Growth stimulants for indoor plants. How to stimulate flowering in different plants

Now almost all gardeners and gardeners can stimulate plant growth. For this, there are special preparations that accelerate germination, rooting, fruit formation. When using a stimulant, not only growth is accelerated, but also increased yields, the level of resistance to diseases, bad weather conditions.

What are the plant growth stimulants

Preparations for regulating plant growth are widespread now. They exist different types... Some funds affect the successful root formation, increase the level of seed germination (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers). Others act more on the thickening of the stem, are able to regulate flowering, the formation of the ovary. These funds play an important role in protecting small seedlings. Plant growth stimulants made from natural extracts of fungi, algae, bacteria, coal and peat are also distinguished. And there are pieces created in a piece, which are also very effective.

Succinic acid for plants

Contained in brown coal, animal organisms and some plants, in amber. This drug can be purchased in the form of tablets or a white powder that dissolves well in water. The substance is non-toxic, not dangerous even in case of an overdose. Succinic acid is used to treat weak plants, to stimulate root growth, to form new shoots, and to increase the number of flowers. The tool is considered a universal remedy, but not a fertilizer. Prepare a solution by dissolving 2 g of the drug in 1-2 liters of warm water. Use no later than 3 days later.

Humic fertilizers

Made from natural raw materials: sapropel, peat, brown coal. Humic fertilizers affect the general condition of the soil. Thanks to the introduction of such substances, its structure improves, moisture capacity, water permeability increase, and density decreases. A plant planted in such soil receives all the nutrients in an accessible (assimilable) form. It is better to process the plants themselves (to soak the seeds or roots of seedlings), the effectiveness of the product increases when humic acids come into contact with the plant itself. It is very important to adhere to the instructions when working with the solution.

Boric acid

Feeding plants at home leads to the acceleration of their development. Boric acid often used for this purpose in horticulture, horticulture. Its use also contributes to an increase in the amount of ovary, an improvement in the taste of the fruits obtained. The drug does not cause burns in humans when it comes into contact with the skin, but it can accumulate in the body, and is poorly excreted by the kidneys. An excess of boron for plants is dangerous, symptoms appear: burns on the lower leaves, yellowing, twisting of the upper ones.

Plant growth stimulant for flowering

Often gardeners and gardeners use such biological stimulants growth for plants, as flowering boosters containing gibberellin. Even if the conditions do not allow him to release the ovary at this time, some drugs can help this. Such means are suitable for processing indoor orchids, tomatoes, grapes, potato plantations, that is, different crops. Find out about the most popular stimulants below.


It is a preparation of natural origin, a stimulant of flowering, fruit formation. The active ingredient is gibberellic acid of sodium salts. Means "Bud" increases the number of ovaries, prevents them from falling off, the appearance of barren flowers, improves the amount of harvest, its taste qualities, guarantees the content of vitamins. This plant growth promoter is moderately hazardous and instructions must be followed.


Gibbersib (as this drug is also called) was created to increase the number of ovaries on plants, accelerate the ripening of flowers. Also used to protect against bad weather conditions, even with them, the stimulant significantly increases the yield. The working solution (1 g per 1 l of water) is used for spraying on the day of its preparation. At the same phase (budding, flowering), the drug "Immunocytofit" is often used. It is used to create immunity in plants against powdery mildew, gray rot, late blight, bacteriosis.

Root formation stimulant

The phytohormones gibberellins help seeds germinate. Auxins, on the other hand, are considered to be substances responsible for stretching cells in plant tissues. The product containing auxins is a root former, an accelerator of stem growth. For growing seedlings, it is very useful to have a preparation on hand that stimulates their growth from the very first day. There are many drugs that are used for this purpose, you will learn about them later.


Growth stimulator for plants, accelerates root formation. Available on sale in sachets of 5 g. Can be used dry: the stalk is powdered before planting. A solution (a bag for 5 liters of water) is poured over small seedlings after planting in the ground. Some experts argue that for better root formation it is necessary to process compost (you can take "Baikal", "Sodium humate"), which fertilizes the soil. This will provide increased yields, provide protection to plants during frosts, and improve the microflora of the soil.


This drug is not only a root growth stimulant. It acts as a development enhancer, a rooting agent for small seedlings, a root former for seeds. The action of "Zircon" helps young plantations to survive even in adverse weather and light conditions. The use of a stimulant reduces the risk of diseases (bacteriosis, late blight, fusarium, etc.), while it is practically harmless to people, animals, insects. The drug "Athlete" has also established itself as an excellent assistant in stimulating the growth of seedlings.


It is useful for root formation, but the work of the nutrient does not end there. Treatment with a solution helps seedlings to take root, increases the germination of bulbs and seeds, and prevents leaves and ovaries from falling off. "Heteroauxin" increases productivity, seed yield from fruits, increases their quality. For transplanted seedlings, a solution is prepared (2 tablets per 10 liters of water), in which its roots are soaked for 20 hours. After planting, watered with the rest of the liquid. "Kresacin" has a similar effect, the seeds in its solution are soaked for 5 hours before sowing.


It is used to rejuvenate tired, weakened plantings, stimulate root formation, and increase the level of protection against pests and diseases. For spraying, 5 ml of the drug is diluted in 5 liters of water. In the evening, a thorough wetting procedure is carried out for each leaf. The solution is not stored for more than 3 days. "Etamon", "Potassium humate", "Prorostok", "Ecosil" have a similar effect and are very helpful in the reproduction of plants, the acceleration of their growth, rooting, and increased productivity.

How to use plant growth biostimulants

Each drug should only be used as directed. Any deviation can lead to sad consequences: the opposite result or uncontrolled plant growth. There is a kind of ritual that is performed by many gardeners and gardeners to grow different crops. You can find out more about it below (be sure to keep the sequence). To achieve growth stimulation will help:

  • Solutions of "Heteroauxin" or "Kornevin". Soak the seeds in them for 6 hours, then plant them in the ground. This will increase the germination rate.
  • Preparations for strengthening and growth of roots (Etamon, Epin). After the sprouts appear, you need to take care of the formation of a good root system. It is advisable to spray according to the instructions.
  • Rooting means (for example, "Kornevin"). Before planting seedlings in open ground it is necessary to soak it in a stimulant solution. After that, it is recommended to process the plantings with Etamon twice a month to strengthen, adapt, and accelerate flowering.

Is it possible to prepare a plant growth regulator yourself

It is not necessary to buy means to accelerate the growth of seedlings or your indoor pets. You can find everything you need for this at home. For example, aloe vera juice is very useful for creating roots in the cuttings. The tops of any grass from the yard, ground or soaked, is also a great stimulant. It is advisable to water seedlings or flowers with a solution of germinated and grated barley (insist on water). Growth stimulants for plants can also be prepared from a decoction of dry mushrooms, honey, egg white, willow twigs, onion peel.

Video: plant stimulants and fertilizers

When resorting to the use of drugs to improve the development of plants, many summer residents are trying to choose exactly the tool that would have as few piece components as possible in its composition. Why is it so important? Can often affect the natural quality of the fruit. When buying products on the market, many are interested in the naturalness of a particular vegetable or fruit. The question is often asked about whether they are grown at home or in the fields of agricultural enterprises. Everyone wants to taste ripe, liquid, beautiful fruits, but at the same time they must be natural.

Private gardeners and summer residents do not want to hear about factory fertilizers and plant growth stimulants. Many people rarely use them or do not use them at all. First, it is necessary to spend significant funds on their purchase. Secondly, the quality of the finished products is questionable. Therefore, people use folk plant growth stimulants, which they prepare themselves. Everything you need to create natural remedy, is at hand for many summer residents. One has only to take a good look around and you can find a variety of suitable raw materials to bring long-proven recipe combinations to life.

Nettle as a growth stimulant

One of the most popular remedies for improving the growth and development of many crops is nettle. The properties of this plant have been known for a long time. It contains many useful trace elements, vitamin K (plays an important role in the process of photosynthesis), potassium and calcium, as well as a small amount (about 6%) magnesium. Together, all these components provide a significant impact on the growing season of crops (especially often used for feeding tomatoes and cucumbers).

To prepare a growth stimulant from nettle, it is necessary to collect it even before the seeds appear. It is worth choosing the stems carefully. They should be clean and free from signs of disease. The plant should not be dried under direct sunlight... Then grind. To get an effective, natural, home growth stimulant, you must:

  • Add a handful of dried chopped nettle to a small container (one liter) with water. Accordingly, 10 such parts are needed per bucket.
  • The solution is insisted for about 10 days. It is stirred about every 2-3 days. The addition of ready-made food starter culture or yeast (about 1:20) will speed up the fermentation process.
  • For elimination bad smell it is recommended to add valerian root or one 10 ml bottle. tinctures (you can buy at a regular pharmacy).

When the infusion is ready for use, it is necessary to apply it by watering at the root about once a week. Summer residents recommend to water the area with water for faster assimilation of this growth stimulant.

The combination of nettle with many plants is quite popular. The most commonly used is the common dandelion. Such a plant growth stimulator, made by hand, will provide crops comfortable conditions throughout the growing season. It is very simple to prepare:

  • Collect dandelions and nettles prior to formation seed material, lightly dry and grind.
  • Pour a mixture of dandelion and nettle into the prepared container, filling it by 1/8.
  • Next, a solution of water with humate is poured at the rate of 1 tsp / 10l. until the container is completely filled.
  • Insist for about 5 days. After that, many summer residents improve this growth stimulator by adding ash (10 g / 10 l.).

In addition to dandelions, nettle can be combined with chamomile, wormwood, coltsfoot, stepchildren of tomatoes, shepherd's purse, yarrow. As you can see, making plant growth stimulants at home is not difficult. There is no point in spending money and buying drugs in the store.

Aloe is the best plant growth stimulant

Surely many summer residents have an aloe flowerpot. This plant is medicinal. It is used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Beneficial substances are extracted from the juice of this medicinal plant, which have excellent regenerative properties. Aloe juice is also used as a plant growth stimulant.

Aloe itself belongs to the genus Liliaceae. There are up to 356 varieties of this culture. To prepare a homemade, natural biostimulant, you must cut off the succulent leaves of aloe. A plant growth stimulator, many summer residents recommend cooking according to the following scheme:

  • Rinse the leaves well with warm water and place them in a deep metal container with the inner, smoothed edges of the bottom (bowl, saucepan, small bucket).
  • Then they take a wooden crush and crush the leaves until a homogeneous mass that looks like a gruel.
  • The next step is dosage. For 1 liter. running water add about 10 tablespoons of aloe gruel.
  • The resulting mixture must be covered with a lid and insisted in a cool room without access to sunlight. This period lasts up to 7 days.
  • The concentrate, after the expiration of the period, is diluted with pre-prepared water, increasing the volume to 5 liters.
  • The water should first be boiled over, then cooled to room temperature.

All is ready. It is recommended to soak cuttings, bulbs, seeds, and apply at the root. It is an excellent root growth stimulant. At home, this biostimulant is prepared, as you can see, very simply, and its properties are not at all inferior to factory preparations.

Willow as a growth stimulant

Willow is used as an excellent folk remedy to improve the growth of the root system of many crops. As summer residents note, the infusion completely replaces the well-known drug called Kornevin. It is not at all difficult to make a willow plant growth stimulator yourself. It is enough just to cut willow branches and put them in water at room temperature. The readiness of the concentrate will be signaled by the formation of roots on the branches and saturated Brown color water. V this tool you can soak seeds (for 5-8 hours), as well as withdraw root system from cuttings. Willow infusion is used when planting plants in the ground.

The branches that remain after the preparation of the infusion can be re-poured. In this case, the infusion can acquire a jelly-like form. To dilute the concentrate, you need to add warm water to it in a 1: 1 ratio. As you can see, it is not at all difficult to prepare a plant growth stimulator with your own hands.

How to choose the right ingredients for plant growth stimulants at home?

What other substances are used to prepare plant growth stimulants at home?

Trying to choose the best plant growth stimulants, summer residents resort to using some non-plant products. We are talking about hydrogen peroxide, yeast, honey and succinic acid. All these ingredients are the basis for the preparation of natural plant growth stimulants. Folk remedies as noted experienced summer residents, it is best to feed the crops themselves. This creates a guarantee of the perfect quality of the crop.

Every summer resident can use plant growth stimulants made from scrap materials. It is enough to follow some rules and make a minimum of effort.

Growth stimulants for indoor plants... Do I need to apply? Growth stimulants are often recommended in home flower growing guidelines. They act on seeds, improving their germination, increasing germination, helping the vegetative parts to take root, and increasing resistance to diseases and adverse factors. But don't consider stimulants as a substitute. good care... When the care is insufficient, the plant is in the wrong place, then no stimulants will improve its condition.

Growth stimulant and regulator - "Athlete" For a plant to develop proportionally, it is not enough just to accelerate its growth. Often it is necessary to adjust the process so that all parts have the required dimensions. For this, the plant growth stimulator Atlet is used. It does not allow the plant to actively grow in length, but at the same time, it activates the growth of the stem in thickness and leaves. The result is a thick stem with broad leaves, which is a sign of a strong plant. The number of buds also increases. The use of this drug for garden crops significantly increases the yield. For the treatment of home flowers and seedlings, the Athlete is diluted. To do this, take one and a half milliliters of the drug, add it to a liter of water. Seedlings are watered when at least three leaves appear on it.

Growth stimulants for plants. Photo Indoor flowers with this tool can be watered at the root or sprayed aerial part... The instructions indicate the number of treatments. Their number should not be reduced, otherwise the growth regulator will start working as a stimulant. Concentration should not be changed. With a smaller amount of active substance, there will be no result, and with larger plant on the contrary, it will weaken. Home Growth Promoters Preparing plant growth promoters at home is not difficult at all. They are made on the basis of honey or the juice of a common flower - aloe. To prepare homemade plant growth stimulants from honey, you need to take half a teaspoon of regular bee honey. We put it in five hundred milliliters of warm water and stir. The resulting liquid will be a stimulant. It is used very simply. Cuttings and bulbs are soaked in it. The first will be enough from four to six hours of processing, and the second will need at least ten. To get plant growth stimulants from aloe, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from its leaves. A tablespoon of the resulting juice is poured into two hundred milliliters of water. The mixture is placed in a cool place without access to light. The container must be closed with a lid. It takes a week to withstand diluted aloe juice. Further, it is diluted further so that the total volume is five liters. After that, cuttings, seeds and bulbs can be treated with this product. Soak them in the same way as in the previous case. Rinsing after soaking is not required.

Home plant growth stimulants. Photo In another case, aloe juice is used without dilution and infusion. Five drops of juice are added to the container where the cutting takes root, which will stimulate the emergence of roots and increase the protective characteristics of the new plant. Water has stimulating properties, in which a willow or pussy willow branch stood and gave leaves. Another option for effective rooting of cuttings is using raw potatoes... All eyes are cut out of the potato so that it does not sprout. A gap is made in it, into which the cutting is inserted. It is watered daily. Potatoes release the nutrients needed for germination. Special stimulating substances Nowadays there are many preparations that stimulate plant growth. All of them are created on the basis of natural plant phytohormones, which are released during development. Synthesized and concentrated, they allow you to achieve the best effect in the most short time... You can name the best plant growth stimulants that are used most actively. Heteroauxin Heteroauxin is the main plant hormone. By its chemical nature, it is indoleacetic acid. It is released in the form of tablets. Kornevin Kornevin and similar substances are plant root growth stimulants that help to take root and develop a good root system. Active Chemical substance- indolylbutyric acid. The composition is available in powder form. Cuttings are powdered with this powder before planting. Solution can be applied. Both acids, indolylbutyric and indoleacetic, are included in the auxin group, i.e. phytohormones that increase cell elongation. Their effectiveness is about the same. Epin A drug that has a positive effect on disease resistance. It not only affects growth, but also helps to tolerate negative impacts... Under its action, roots appear faster in cuttings, sprouts from seeds, flowers are less sick. The modern drug epin plant growth stimulator is an analogue of the drug from Japan. Currently, the manufacturer has begun to use the active ingredient for more than High Quality, therefore, a new generation of the product has appeared with the name Epin-Extra. Since epin decomposes in an alkaline environment and in the light, it is used in the evening, and the water for dilution is acidified.

Zircon An effective plant growth stimulator Zircon is produced from natural raw materials. It has a positive effect on seed germination, improves plant growth, the activity of their flowering, and reduces the incidence of diseases. Possesses Zircon and high root-forming activity. Root growth stimulants should not be used with it. Since the drug is sensitive to light, it is used at dusk. Why are phytohormones needed? Initially, the use of plant growth stimulants was aimed at the needs of agriculture. Phytohormones allow you to get friendly shoots, a high percentage of rooting, a larger yield in a shorter time. Moreover, all preparations are natural and do not harm plants and humans. Do indoor plants need stimulants? The answer to this question can be absolutely anything. V indoor conditions with careful care of any plant and without additional stimulation, optimal conditions can be created. However, there are delicate, whimsical tropical plants that are difficult to take root. Their development can be stimulated with appropriate drugs.

Anyone who is engaged agriculture, I want to get a rich harvest. And if earlier you had to wait a long time, apply a large amount of fertilizer, then in recent times plant growth stimulants have been increasingly used.

Plants have hormones that are responsible for seed germination, growth, flowering, fruit ripening. These are the so-called growth substances or phytohormones. As a result of application, growth and ripening of fruits are stimulated, productivity and quality are increased.

Recently, in addition to growth preparations based on natural phytohormones, preparations with their synthetic analogs have been used.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen perfect lawn in the cinema, in the alley, and possibly on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have at least once tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about an innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Natural phytohormones are obtained by isolating them from mushrooms, coal, peat, algae, and plants. Organic plant growth stimulants contain not only phytohormones. The composition of stimulants also includes amino acids, vitamins, polysaccharides, proteins and other trace elements necessary for plant development.

Currently, in plant growing, the following groups of drugs are used containing growth-stimulating phytohormones:

  • humic,
  • brassinolides,
  • arachidonic acid,
  • abscisines,
  • microfertilizers.

Humic preparations

Phytohormones, which are part of the preparations, are isolated from peat, coal, sapropel. All valuable qualities of humic fertilizers are also inherent in humic preparations. But, unlike fertilizer, which has a complex effect on plants, phytohormones stimulate specific growth processes. As a result of the application, the effect of humic substances on plants in initial stage development. The phytohormones contained in the preparations contribute to:

  • increased root formation, due to which the seedlings receive more nutrients and grow faster;
  • changes in phosphorus metabolism, which accelerates the process of fruit ripening;
  • rooting of protein metabolism, which helps to reduce nitrates in fruits, improve their quality;
  • an increase in the amount of vital amino acids, the immunity of plants increases;
  • in high concentration slows down the growth of seedlings.

This regulator can increase yields by 40%.

If we arrange the plants in descending order according to the degree of responsiveness to these regulators, then the places will be distributed as follows:

  • nightshade;
  • cereals;
  • Compositae;
  • pumpkin;
  • legumes.

The regulator shows the greatest efficiency of application in years of extreme climatic conditions. Productivity in such years increases not only in highly susceptible, but also in legumes, pumpkin seeds.

When growing seedlings, the humic regulator contributes to the formation of a strong stem, a good root system. The preparations are used in the same way as plant protection products.

One of the representatives of these drugs is the "Athlete" plant growth stimulator. It is recommended to use it for:

  • the formation of strong seedlings;
  • improvement of decorative properties, flowers and shrubs;
  • feeding indoor plants.

Operating principle.

The athlete, acting on the plants, distributes nutrients, reducing their amount in the stem and leaves and increasing the concentration in the root system. As a result of application, the growth of the ground part in height slows down, the stem thickens, and the duration of flowering increases. ornamental plants, the root becomes more powerful.

The athlete is suitable for both leaf spraying and root watering. In any case, this regulator will be effective.

Drug Athlete, method of administration

The athlete is available in 1.5 millimeter ampoules, the contents of which are dissolved in water before use. Depending on the type of plant, the processing method and the concentration of the solution are used. The quantity, frequency also depends on the type of culture.

  • Tomatoes can be treated by spraying or by applying Athlete directly under the root. When spraying, the Athlete regulator is diluted in half a liter of water. The exception is the first spraying of seedlings, which is carried out when the third or fourth leaf appears. In this case, the Athlete is diluted in one liter of water. Processing is carried out three times, every five days. If, within a week, after the third treatment, it is not possible to plant the seedlings on permanent place, then a fourth spraying should be carried out. It is unacceptable to carry out a single spraying, since in this case the seedlings, after slowing down, will begin to actively grow. When adding the regulator Athlete to the root, prepare a solution in the ratio of one ampoule per liter of water. Processing is carried out once the third or fourth leaf appears. The amount of solution for each bush of seedlings is forty milliliters;

  • Processing of peppers, eggplants. When spraying, the Athlete is diluted in a liter of water and the seedlings are treated when the third or fourth leaf appears. Spray the plants once. With root watering, the ampoule is dissolved in one liter and the seedlings are watered with these solutions, when the third or fourth leaf appears. Re-watering is not required;
  • The processing of cabbage seedlings is carried out only by watering at the root, in three stages, every seven days. To do this, dissolve one ampoule in a liter of water. With this amount, seedlings are processed per 1 sq. M;
  • Processing of flowers is carried out in case of their overgrowth. To do this, they are sprayed with a regulator solution (one ampoule per liter) twice every seven days;
  • Spraying flowering shrubs spend during the period of bud formation. To do this, dilute one ampoule in a liter of water and spray the bushes in two stages with an interval of seven days;
  • Houseplants are watered twice. The interval between the first and second treatment is five months. The ampoule of the drug is diluted in three hundred milliliters of water, fifty milliliters of solution is poured into each pot.

The use of the Athlete allows you to increase the yield up to 30%.


Plants caught in stressful situation, immunity is weakened, which leads to illness and death. To increase stress resistance, the plant produces phytohormones - brassinolides. And although they are present in all parts of the plant, due to the deterioration of the ecology, their concentration is very low.

The representative of the plant protection product is the domestic regulator Epin-extra.

This drug contributes to:

  • fast germination of seeds;
  • better rooting of seedlings;
  • fast ripening of fruits;
  • increase in productivity;
  • increasing resilience to climate change;
  • protection against viral, bacterial diseases;
  • removal of pesticides, nitrates, radiation from plants.

The regulator is available in 0.25 gram ampoules. For ease of use, a graduation scale is applied to the ampoule, this allows you to use required amount drug. We recommend storing the remaining regulator in the refrigerator. The entire contents are diluted in five liters of water. This solution is enough to process plants on an area of ​​2 acres. The plants are sprayed in evening time, in calm dry weather.

All plants, except root crops, are sprayed after bud setting. Root crops are processed after germination.

The seedlings are treated with a solution, for the preparation of which five drops of the regulator are mixed with fifty milliliters of water. Spraying is carried out the day before the pick or immediately after planting in the ground. In the event of a plant disease, if it has suffered from frost, pests, diseases, spraying is carried out at intervals of seven days until complete recovery.

To soak the seeds, five drops of the drug are diluted in fifty milliliters of pre-boiled and cooled water to room temperature.

For soaking tuberous, bulbous, one ampoule is dissolved in two liters of water.

Seeds, tubers, bulbs are soaked for a day, after which they are sown.

Arachidonic acid

Preparations of this group contain phytohormones isolated from seaweed. Due to the content of archaidonic acid, they contribute to:

  • strengthening the immunity of seeds, tubers, bulbs;
  • faster germination;
  • increase germination.

One of the best in this group is the Prorostok regulator. It is used to obtain early vegetable products. The seeds soaked in the "Prosrostok" stimulator germinate better, the seedlings practically do not get sick.

Application of the drug "Prorostok"

Before use, the ampoule is stirred with half a liter of water. If you need a smaller volume, then the following proportion is observed: ten drops of the drug per one hundred milliliters of water.

The solution should not be stored for more than 1.5 hours.

Depending on the type of seeds, the soaking time in the "Germination" preparation is as follows:

  • cucumbers - from thirty to forty minutes;
  • cabbage, carrots, tomatoes - one hour;
  • onion seeds - forty minutes.

Tubers, bulbs are sprayed with a solution of the "Germinator" stimulator at the rate of:

  • potatoes - ten milliliters per kilogram;
  • bulbous - seven milliliters per kilogram.


Abscisic acid, like all phytohormones, influences the development of plants. It was first isolated from dry cotton bolls. Subsequently, abscisic acid was found in almost all plants, mosses, algae, with the exception of fungi and bacteria.

Currently, abscisic acid is used as a plant growth inhibitor. It provides deep dormancy for the seeds. Abscisic acid prevents seeds from germinating prematurely. Especially abscisic acid has shown its effectiveness when spraying potatoes. During storage, potatoes do not germinate much longer.

Abscisic acid stops the rapid ripening of fruits, which contributes to an increase in the mass of the fetus.

In addition, abscisic acid promotes rapid wilting, drying of the plant on the root, therefore it is used in weed control.

Abscisic acid is used as an antitranspirant. Seeds treated with it lose significantly less moisture during dormancy. Moreover, it is enough to spray them once to maintain the protective effect for a long time.

Abscisic acid increases the resistance of plants grown from seeds treated with it to adverse environmental factors.


Sometimes a plant lacks a certain type of nutrient. For example, in plants grown on calcareous soils, due to high level Soil pH is not enough:

  • copper;
  • gland;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • boron.

Plants grown on sandy, acidic soils are lacking:

  • boron;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum.

In order to make up for the deficiency, but not to allow an overabundance of other trace elements, micronutrient fertilizers are used, which have long won the trust of gardeners. They are used both for root dressing and for spraying. Microfertilizers can be in solid, ground form. In this case, they are directly applied to the soil and restore the balance. Microfertilizers are complex and one-component.

Complex micronutrient fertilizers include all the necessary this kind trace elements. At the same time, useful substances are brought into a form accessible to plants, which allows them to be easily absorbed. Microfertilizers containing one microelement make it possible to accurately dose and replenish the loss of a specific element. At the same time, there is no poisoning of the plant with chemicals. The use of microfertilizers helps to obtain good harvest, protects plants from pests and diseases, acts as a development regulator.

Micronutrient fertilizers are classified by the name of the main element.

These are microfertilizers such as:

  • copper sulfate;
  • boric superphosphate;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • molybdenum powder.

The most commonly used complex fertilizers are:

  • Oracle;
  • Sesame;
  • Master;
  • Reakom.

There are many ways to help your plants grow faster, for example, the right fertilizer or songs you play can give excellent results... The faster the plants grow, the more harvest you can collect or you can make bouquets as a gift. Once you decide what kind of plant you plan to grow and what kind of fertilizer you plan to feed it, you are on the right track to grow your plant quickly.


Plant fertilization

    Test the soil. In order to find the right fertilizer, you will need to know the composition of the soil. Many home and garden stores offer special soil testing kits. From the test results, you can figure out which additives you should use to create the best balance for your plant's growth.

    Choose an organic or inorganic fertilizer. Choose between organic and non-organic fertilizer. When choosing an inorganic fertilizer, look for one that offers the best balance of nutrients the soil needs. Organic fertilizers are more difficult to assess, since they differ in the content of nutrients. In order for the plant to receive maximum benefit, the organic fertilizer should disintegrate into inorganic substances... This means that you will need large quantity time before you can see the result.

    • Inorganic fertilizers provide nutrients to plants almost immediately and help them grow faster. It takes longer for the soil to absorb organic fertilizers, but over time, the soil becomes healthier. If your goal is to accelerate the growth of an existing plant, then use inorganic fertilizers. If you want to create a garden or flower beds that will delight your eyes for a long time, then organic fertilizers are more suitable for you.
  1. Choose granular or liquid fertilizers. Granular fertilizers are usually in the form of small balls. Like organic fertilizers, they are ideal for long term projects like growing flower beds. Rubber serves as a shell for granular fertilizers. It allows nutrients to be absorbed into the soil gradually. Liquid fertilizers work much faster. However, they require more applications. It is usually necessary to spray liquid fertilizer onto the plants every few weeks. They are also superior in price.

    • Choose a fertilizer based on the urgency of your project. If you want your future plants to grow faster, then choose granular fertilizers, since they allow the soil to be saturated with nutrients gradually. If your plant needs urgent attention, then use liquid fertilizers.
    • If you choose a liquid fertilizer, be sure to read the directions for use on the bottle before using. Using it too often can overwhelm your plant with nutrients, leading to its death.
  2. Pay attention to the nutrient content of the fertilizer. Plants need 16 nutrients to grow successfully. The three main nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. They belong to the group of macronutrients. The essential minor nutrients are sulfur, calcium and magnesium. Of the micronutrients, plants need primarily boron, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc.

    • Without three macronutrients, the plant cannot grow.
    • Some fertilizers may contain plant food. If you grow only one plant, for example some certain kind flower, then such fertilizer will help it grow. However, if you are growing several different types of plants at the same time, then it is best to pick up fertilizer without feeding.
  3. Find out the amount of nutrients in the package. Different types fertilizers have a different mix of nutrients. For example, fertilizer 6-12-6 contains 6 percent nitrogen, 12 percent phosphorus, and 10 percent potassium. Based on your soil test results, choose a compound that will maximize the quality of your soil.

    Add fertilizer to the plant. It is best to add fertilizer evenly to the soil. If you have opted for granular fertilizer, then a watering can will help you with this.

    • If you are fertilizing plants outside, be sure to clean the street or sidewalk of any fertilizer accidentally spilled on them. This will prevent fertilizer from entering the drain.
  4. Fertilize your plants frequently. Plants consume nutrients quickly. To keep the plants "full", feed the plants as often as they need it. The fertilization requirements of plants will depend on both the type of plants themselves and the type of fertilizer. Read the instructions on the packaging carefully for the necessary recommendations.

How to choose the right plant

    Decide on the type of plant you would like to grow. Various plants grow at different rates. Take a close look at the types of plant you plan to grow. For example, some types of tomatoes grow and ripen in 50 days, while others take 70-90 days on average.

    Consider growing greenery. Certain types of greens grow very quickly. Lettuce grows in 14 days. Rucola in 21 days. Lettuce in 28 days. There are many varieties of greens that grow quickly, particularly those used in salads.

    What about vegetables? If you are going to grow vegetables, choose ones that grow fast. Fast growing vegetables can be common beans, beets, broccoli, green onions, radish, pumpkin, cucumber, okra and peas.

    Choose fast growing flowers. The fast growing flowers will be useful as gifts or garden decoration. Calendula, Kosmeya and Kasatik Yellow grow fast and look great. Other great flowers are sunflowers, sweet pea and a field nigella.