Fascular peas: growing from seeds and ever. Rules of growing annual fragrant peas of seeds

Unpretentious annual "fragrant peas" is able to bring a gentle charm at least on country cottage area, even at the balcony of the city apartment. This flower is planting seeds that can be bought in any garden store or order via the Internet if you want to purchase an exclusive variety.

Seeds of fragrant peas are sitting right in the ground in early May. In order for the flower bloomed faster, the seeds first grow seedlings, and then send it into the open ground. If you have the opportunity to do something, do not be lazy and grow it. Start the preparation in the last decade of March - dry peas Soam on one day in the water. Then wrap them into a wet napkin and wait until they proceed. Good seeds will be ready for landing in early April. Seeds with small sprouts Sit into separate peat pots 200 ml. If you take smaller, then the roots will strongly go out, which will affect the as an adult plant. In each pot, put one seedly so that in the future young plants do not dive. Buy the land in the store special - "for seedlings". Before the appearance of the germination of the pot, keep in heat, and constantly moisturize the ground. After shoots, transfer them to a cooler place - suitable glazed balcony. Watering regularly, as the soil drying. As soon as the first pair of real leaves is formed on the plant, give the point of growth so that the flower starts to go. Do the same with side shoots. To disembarking in the ground, and this will be the beginning of May, you will grow a few full-fledged chosen peas bushes. Sit them to the ground as soon as completely passes the threat of night frosts. If spring is a protracted and disembarking will have to do in mid-May, letters can appear on young plants. Be sure to invest them so that the flower in the Earth does not spend the forces on their development - they will be needed to root.

Sweet pea requires sunshine and good fertilized beds. Use any organicity: peat, humus or overwhelmed manure. When disembarking young plants, watch root system remained the whole. To do this, gently cut the pot along and remove the bushing with an intact excavation room. In the well, sitting on the same height as polka dot grew in peat or plastic container. Having lowered the plant to the ground, the free space will first fall asleep the earth, then it is good to sink it and only after that. Compliance with this rule is necessary so that the roots do not blur with water. Immediately after landing, shift the bushes by any grain material, for example, Loutrasil, and protect from active Sun. 2-3 days. The root system in the flower is very gentle, so for its rooting it may be necessary days 7-10. At this time, transplanted bushes may not file signs of life - do not worry, but do not forget the polka dot to water. But in a week, the flower will begin to grow actively, and literally in a few days he will grow long shoots with flexible mustache, and the first buds will appear.

Fascinated peas - curly flower, he needs a special support. Read on the packaging, how long can the shoots of the variety you have purchased. Modern copies of Dutch selection grow even 2 meter long. Depending on this and buy or make a support. Polka dots can be planted along dacha fence From the chain grid, and then it forms a solid flowering wall. On the balcony, the peas only dwarf varieties, whose wovel length reaches only 20-30 cm. Other species may not have enough nutrient reserves from the ground in the suspended or outdoor kashpo.

Caring for fragrant peas lies in abundant watering, ground looser, timely removal of dry flowers and pinching the longest weaves. If you observe these simple rules, then the plant will bloom until September of the month. The fragrant peas is wonderful in bouquets, especially its cutting will contribute to the formation of new shoots and even more active blossoms.

At the very beginning, we said that the seeds can be planted directly into the ground. In this case, act as well as when growing seedlings, but the seeds immediately on permanent place. Shoots cover the night by banks so that they do not grab. If some leaves will darken a little, then do not rush to dig peas - it is withstanding small minus temperatures and will definitely go away.

Decorate your garden gently flowering and fragrant flower will not be difficult. Fascular peas will look great in any corner of your garden, the fattened supports of the weightless veil and filling the air with a thin aroma.

Growing from seeds - natural breeding method fragrant peas. There are two options here:

  • growing seedlings
  • landing seeds in open ground

The first way is quite time consuming. Specialists argue that it is unwanted to grow polka dot.

First, there is little light on the windowsill and young shoots will be very pulled out. Secondly, there will be difficulties with disembarking seedlings in the ground. The fact is that the fragrant peas has a powerful root system and when transplanting must be tried not to break the earthen com. Otherwise roots may be damagedAnd the plant will die.

It should also be noted that the stems of young plants are very fragile. You risk breaking it during transplantation.

In the second way there are also its nuances. Flower seeds possess a good germination. At the same time, their shell is too strong. For germination is necessary for a long timeYes, and they ride unevenly.

Many flower products resort to various tricks: soaking seeds, shell scrap, wiping with sandpaper.

Dates for landing

When to plant one-year fragrant pea depends on the climatic conditions of your region, as well as the variety of plants. Different types possess different frost resistance.

The time of the landing is not worth postponing. The growing season has a long flower - about two or three months. Therefore, the earlier put scented peas, the earlier he will please you abundant blossom and unique aroma.

In conditions soft climate subtropics You can plant a plant in the soil in November. IN moderate The climate is better to plant fragrant peas at the beginning of spring.

In conditions harsh Russian winters Dates of planting plants shift to February. Only it is necessary to plant not in open soil, but in the form of seedlings. After melting snow, the seedlings should be planted for a permanent place. In the open soil seed seed in late April-early May.

How to plant

Preparation of soil

If you decide to grow fragrant peas with the help of seedlings, you will need to prepare the ground in advance. To do this, on the autumn you need preparation of garden land.

It is better to do to the first frosts. Store the dug land on the balcony or in another cold place throughout the winter.

A week before the estimated landing, the land must be taken into a warm room, you can put next to the battery so that it warms it.

Before planting seeds, mix it with peat soil for seedlings. After that, it remains to fill the breadd boxes or cups obtained, it is plentiful to pour and put on a warm window sill. You can proceed to the preparation of seeds.

Preparation of seeds

Experienced gardeners Prefer to prepare seeds in several ways:

  • seeds carefully wipe between sandpaper layersto weaken their natural shell
  • cut Little scissors The surface of the seed to facilitate its shoots
  • soak them before landing

For soaking seeds, each grade of fragrant peas is placed in a separate container, after that pour them hot water. The water temperature should not exceed 60 degrees.

Before soaking, pay attention to the color of the seed. Light brown seeds when soaking may die! They are better to suck dry.

After a day, water is drained, the seeds are covered with a wet cloth or a cotton disk. With regular moisturizing napkin, shoots appear in 5-10 days. Now seeds can be planted.


Depending on the plant planting the plant, it is necessary to plant in the ground either seedlings or separated seeds.

The advantage of planting the peas sediate is its early bloom.

When favorable weather is established without frosts, seedlings of fragrant peas can be planted into the ground transship. In order for the Earth, the plant was not satred from the roots of the plant, the seedlings are abundantly watered and cut the walls of the cup to successfully remove the root system along with an earthen room.

At the site of the landing make recesses at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. Seedlings are placed in these recesses, falling asleep the earth and sealing surface.

For young plants, it is better to immediately put the supports, since the stems are very fragile. Perhaps the first time will need shading from the bright sun.

When falling into the ground directly seeds of fragrant peas, act as follows. After melting snow, if the earth warmed enough, seeds saws to 2-3 pieces immediately in the ground.

In the ground makes a recess 2-3 cm at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. They plant prepared germinated plant seeds.

Plant care rules after landing

For intensive growth and lush flowering after planting plants in the ground, it is necessary to ensure that it is proper care.

First of all it concerns irrigation. Fragrant peas loves water but does not tolerate the convergence and stagnation of water. Watering is recommended to carry out abundant, but not too frequent. Enough 1-2 times a week.

Usually for this flower produce three feeding.

  1. After the first segregations of complex mineral fertilizer appear.
  2. At the beginning of the bootonization, feeding is needed, for example, Agrikola.
  3. During flowering fertilizer for flowering plants.

To adapt seedlings when landing, the seedlings should be pronounced young plants for several days. Then provide access sunlight Not less than 5-6 hours a day.

When planting fragrant peas in a privided place, flowering is worth waiting later and less abundant.

Young shoots we need a garter. As a support, it is recommended to use twine or grid. When gate can be controlled by the direction of growth of the plant and direct in the desired side.

Need whether to cut

The trimming of the branches of this plant is not required, as it is curly with flexible stems that can be the direction of growth. But for lush flowering, it is necessary to delete the shut-down buds in time. This will provide longer flowering to late autumn.

At the end of flowering, under the winter plant cropped under the root And fall asleep with sawdusts for insulation.
Growing fragrant peas is not so time-consuming as it may seem at first glance. Quite a bit of care and care for abundant and fragrant flowering of this plant.

Fragrant peas, so often refer to root fragrant, grown on garden sites for vertical landscapingFor decorating summer Arbor Both terraces and just for fun. What rules should be adhered to, going to start growing a flower, says this article.

Description of flower with photos

For the first time, it was in 1696 in Italy, fragrant peas was discovered by Botany Kapani. From there, he was delivered to England, and for 300 years of selection, specialists managed to bring more than 1000 scenarfish varieties.

The special note of the peas is that its strong shoots can reach two or more meters. Deftly clinging to the assholes for the support, the stalks stretch up, creating a picturesque vertical carpet. Flowers peas are collected in inflorescences that bloom one by one, and it makes flowering constant.

The flower itself is very similar to a sailing boat with herbs. By the way, individually the part of the flower is also called: the sail, leaf, the boat.

However, the Liano-like plant has dwarf molds, the height of which is about 30 cm. This flower is not needed.

Blooms scented peas two months after the appearance of shoots and continues to delight gardeners with brightness of inflorescences. All warm season.

After fading the petals, the fruit is formed, which is a double bob. It is located up to 10 peas of beige or dark brown color. If you leave the first pods on the plant, they will have time to grow, and this will give the opportunity to get your own seeds.

In the garden culture, fragrant peas is represented by two species, it can be grown in one-year culture, and there are varieties of perennial. Both species are grown out of seeds and give strong, ribbed shoots. The ability to clade everything that comes across on the way requires a mandatory support. Therefore, the flower landing should be produced:

  • next to the walls that you want to give a decorative look.
  • along the fences that will look like a live fence.
  • open gazebo High shoots scented ranks will hide from the hot rays of the sun.

Perennial fragrant peas does not differ in the wealth of paints. More often it is pink or purple flowers collected in the brush. Many strong weaves reach two meters and require a strong mesh support so that the plant can grow and develop a plant.

The rank of annual color palette is much more interesting. Flowers of this species can be white and blue, pink red, burgundy and blue. Restores exude a more gentle aroma compared to perennials.

Flowers fragrant peas from June and before the onset of cold. Prefers outdoor sun places with fertile soil and neutral reaction to acidity.

It should not be allowed to lie the stems - this leads to their damage to diseases and winding.

Group of varieties "Spencer"

Sort "Sir Charles"

All soul types are divided, in turn, in groups. Among the tall varieties can be allocated by the Spencer group. This is a multi-touch plant with a length of shoots close to 2.5m. Flowerines are strong and consist of 3-5 flowers. The petal itself, or as it is called - the sail, has a wavy top edge.

  • The aristocrat variety has a deep sweet scent, which exuded charming white-pink flowers
  • Sir Arthur will decorate the garden of soft lilac sails
  • Sir Charles - Almy.


The varieties included in the Kazberston group are distinguished by multi-scaleness. In the brush there are up to 8 pieces. The stalks of the plant are long, which makes it in demand in garden design. In addition, he looks in the cut.

On a note. It should be remembered that bouquets of fragrant peas are better to form after dissolving all buds in the brush. This is due to the nature of the flower "not to dissolve the sail" in the cut.


The Royal Group consists of varieties early time flowering. They possess large flowersAnd the painting of the top petal can be tender (white, pink) or saturated (bright red, lavender blue).

The lowest varieties, they are dwarf, are also divided into groups.

Group "Biju"


"Bej". The plants of this group are distinguished by large flowers and brightness of the paintings. Height Kusta is about 30 cm, bloom abundant.

Group "Pink Cupid"

"Pink Cupid"

For peas from the group "Pink Cup" is characterized by a wavy edge of the top petal. Its painting can be white or gentle pastel tones, blue-lilac or pale blue, pink or red. The flower height does not exceed 30 cm.

Flowers of both groups described above can be used for flower beds, borders and cutting.


"Fantasy" is a group of varieties that have a miniature height. Growing no more than 20 cm, they serve as perfect border crossing, and is used as a soil plant.

Low flowers create bright multicolored mats on the site and fill the air with a thin fragrance of beauty.

Grow foray soul seeds in open ground or ensure.
For open soil, we apply both spring sowing and under the winter. Due to its cold-resistant, the seeds are safely winter in the ground, and with the onset of heat begin to germinate.

Sowing under the winter

Promination has a number of advantages compared to the cultivation of a flower through seedlings. First of all it lies in their resilience:

  • shoot from autumn Sowing not scary spring drops of temperatures
  • they are more adapted to stress from transplant
  • different lush blossom throughout the dacha

Autumn sowing is carried out with the onset of frosts, but the soil must be ready for no less than 2 weeks before. It is well loose, choose the roots of weeds and leveled. On the finished garden, the grooves are cut down to 5 cm deep. They decompose the seeds at a distance of 3-5 cm, fall asleep with dry earth and compactly compact. In the spring, shoots will appear with the onset of sustainable heat.

At the same time, seeds sold out in the ground in late April or early May. The principle of sowing is the same, reduce only the depth of seed seed (up to 2-3 cm).

However, spring crops require more attention: it is necessary to monitor the humidity of the soil and in no case should it dry out. It is best to cover the color of the film, it will prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface and create a greenhouse effect.

Humidity of the soil and temperature within 20 ° C are the main components of the friendly germination of seeds of fragrant peas.


To obtain early colors, the rank of fragrant many dacms are resorted to a seaside method of cultivation. The difficulty lies in the fact that the plant has a long rod root and does not really like when it is disturbing.

Therefore, it is preferable to sow in the cups, whether peat or plastic. Then the transplantation into open ground will pass with smaller injuries of the root system.

In the first case, the plant, practically no moment of transplant. And from plastic Tara The bunch of fragrant peas is in the hole along with a coma native soil.

Before sowing, seeds must pass the processing stage. First, they are calibrated and removed damaged.

To determine the filing, the seeds are immersed in the saline solution. It is prepared from 1 liter of water and 30 g of salt. The part that turned out to be removed on the surface, and the axes will be used for sowing. But before they need to be rinsed from salt and soak. Soaking is carried out by B. hot water And the day lasts. This contributes to the softening of the dense grain shell.

Further, to obtain a result of 100%, the seeds germinate, wrapped into a soft cloth. It should always be in a wet state and be in warm place. At this stage, it is important not to miss the appearance of sprouts.

The proceeding peas are distributed across the cups and covered with a film. After waiting for germs, the container is moved to a light windowsill. A sufficient amount of sunlight will eliminate seedlings from pulling. For greater bushes, the sprouts are pouring over 3-5 sheets.

All the activities described above include perennial grades ranks fragrant.

Squeeze fragrant peas: video

In the 20th of May, the graceful bushes of the ranks of the soul can be transferred to the plot. If the weather is hot, then landing should be shaped - it will save the tender leaflets of the flower from burns.

When preparing a garden, mineral fertilizers are introduced under fragrant polka dot and close up in the soil. The land must be loose and moisture-permeable, since the root flower system goes deep into a long distance. This requires abundant, but infrequent irrigation.

The location of the rank of fragrant is chosen taking into account the illumination and protection against wind.

  1. The light-loving plant does not tolerate drafts, but can grow in a light half.
  2. When choosing a plot, you should consider the possibility of installing the supports for tall varieties.
  3. As the strokes are growing, they should be directed in the desired direction to create a planned composition.

Loosening and emphasis also belong to necessary events In caring for flowers. Plugging stimulates the reflection of the apparent roots. This leads to the emergence of new shoots, therefore, and to more lush flowering.

It will help to achieve continuous dissolution of buds. Timely removal of faded flowers. Otherwise, the fruit will be tuned in the form of a pod, and the plant switches to the aging of the seeds. If there are many such fruits, the plant will stop the wedding of new buds. In this case, flowering will end within one month.

But if the gardener needs to get their seeds, then several pods should be left. During this period, it is necessary to remember that only 5-10 peas are formed in the sash. Therefore, based on your needs, it is easy to calculate required amount seed material.

The seed pod is formed by a flower connection point with a stem. It happens after fading the flower and shuffling of petals. At the initial stage, it looks almost flat and has a green color. As the peas increases inside the sash, the pod will thicken and change the color. At first she will become yellow-green, and by the time ripening - light brown.

This is the most suitable seed collection. Pods break or cut off the plants and leave for drying for several days in a dry place with sufficient number air. Next, they are carefully opened and poured the contents on the dish with sides. In this form, they must stand for another 2-3 days.

The finished seed material is packaged in paper bags and stored in a dry place. Seeds peas are able to maintain a germination for 7-8 years.

Among the diseases of the plant, mildew (false and real), black leg and brown spotty are most often found.

To destroy signs of damage to mildew, the preparation "Topaz" is used. 4 ml means is bred in 10 liters of water and consumed 8 m2 to and after flowering.

Black leg and brown spottedness are treated with the drug "Hom" (10 liters of water +40 g of the means).

Compliance with crop rotation, maintaining cleanliness on a plot with flowers, removal and destruction of plant residues play a large role in preventing and fighting diseases. Return the flower to the previous place is not earlier than in 3-4 years.

Under the damage to pests (TLL and NPM, phytoverm preparation) use. 2 ml means are added to the liter of water and spray planting fragrant peas. This amount should be enough for 10 m2.

With the onset of cold weather should be put in order landing perennial peas. The stalks are removed from the supports and cut at the ground level. The earth is mounted with layers or humus. Cold-resistant plant easily tolerate winterAnd in the spring it starts to germinate, as soon as the soil fell out.

Undoubtedly, foolish requires attention and care. But when it blooms and fills the air with a gentle aroma, all the troubles seem insignificant. And the gardener, admiring his creativity, determines the places for planting colors in the next summer season.

My task for the spring was the landing of a climbing plant, which will fully reverse the inconspicuous building. After a short fluctuations, the choice fell on fragrant polka dots. Despite all the concerns, the seeds quickly crumpled, and I managed to plant young plants on my site.

Care and the cultivation of this plant is not too easy, but also heavy I will not call it. The main condition remains attention to the flower and competent care, in accordance with all the rules.

This curly flower Quickly turns any oboru, forming a weightless carpet, whose aroma will spread to the entire territory of the site. A variety of shades of inflorescence gives a large selection to create a beautiful flower garden.

It acquired its popularity of fragrant peas because of its tender, you can even say fragile colors and beautiful weaving. In a variety of private houses, you can meet in the arbors that is this plant, it is not surprising, because Liana has a number of advantages.

This plant is so unpretentious that it can be quite grown on the balcony, and the flower will be placed even by loggia. If you observe a normal watering, then a decent plant can grow in conventional boxes from the ground. If speak about positive qualities scented peas, it is worth noting the following:

  • Excellent decorative properties, Liana can create an amazing screen on your site and make an excellent wall, a magnificent facade;
  • With the help of Liana, you can make a good shadow in the location you need;
  • If you have chosen a low-spirited scented peas, then it can be planted in a flowerbed without resorting to support;
  • This plant has a faster growth rate, in comparison with other types of fusing plants and Lian;
  • You can admire bloom for a long period;
  • Growing is possible not only in the garden, but also on the balcony;
  • After cutting the plant is kept for a long time, bouquets stand in vases long enough.

Growing conditions

This culture normally transfers almost everything climatic zones, Therefore, they grow it in all corners of our country. Plot for landing of fragrant peas choose with good lighting, not scary if it is halftime, the main thing is that the winds do not injure tender flowers.

Well fits soil wet, easily permeable and easy. Heavy clay soils The plant will not transfer, as well as close grounding of groundwater, and strong moisture accumulation. With a sharp fluctuation of temperature, the fragrant peas usually drops the whole foliage, and in some cases it dies at all.

Before planting, it is mandatory to prepare soil. Normal conditions must be saved for the root system of fragrant peas. With a people, enter into soil potash and phosphoric fertilizers, compost to a depth of 30 cm.

Remember that this culture does not tolerate fertilizers in the form of fresh manure or nitrogen. The soil for lianas should be fertile and have neutral acidity.

From the gardeners you can hear the opinion that fragrant peas is a capricious plant and its cultivation is not the lungs. In reality, it is not so difficult to deal with the planting and growing of this plant.

To grow fragrant peas did not bring you great difficulties, you need to take into account some features, namely:

  1. It is more difficult to grow a lianana, rather than just sowing her seeds into an open ground. Do not forget that the seedlings of this plant is very capricious and absolutely does not tolerate cold. The root system goes deep into the soil, so when transplanting is necessarily injured, and thin stems do not break too much. For these reasons, seedlings of fragrant peas are planted into the ground together with the containers;
  2. Seeds of fragrant peas have dense skin, so they germinate with difficulty and not at the same time. Experienced gardeners know quite a few tricks to speed up the process of germination. Typically, the seeds are pre-pulled out, cut off or wipes with sandpaper;
  3. Young plants are very quickly drawn in growth, so it is necessary to encourage them to support as soon as possible;
  4. Lian need to water regularly and abundantly, since its root system lies deep and absorbs moisture in large volumes.

In more detail about this culture of the plant in the video:

Landing fragrant peas

Seven seeds need to be held in March. Do not forget about the preparation of seeds before planting, because they ride hard. After any of the preparations, seeds can be placed in a wet gauze, sawdust or sand, where it will be germinated. In such a state, the seeds will break about 3 days at a temperature of from 20 to 24 degrees of heat.

When you noticed that the seeds began to be sorted, they immediately need to plant into the ground. It is better to use ready mix Soil rose. Despite the choice of soil, any of them needs to be disinfected by a strong manganese solution.

For seeding, a cup or a small pot is usually used. The sowing occurs only in the moistened soil. In one container you need to place several seeds to a depth of about 3 cm.

If the seeds are germinated in a common container, then between them you need to save 8 cm of free space. After planting and watering seeds, they must be covered with polyethylene or glass. Put ready pots in a warm, well-lit place.

Growing from seeds of fragrant peas is perhaps one of the easiest. His even schoolchildren recommend landing at the lessons of botany. Nevertheless, often when growing this beautiful and pleasant smelling plants, you can make mistakes, and do not wait for flowering. Let's deal with the rules of its agricultural engineering, we run on popular species and varieties, and we will focus on the use of fragrant peas in landscape design.

Charming fragrant peas: cultivation of seeds

For the first time, the peas was heard in antiquity (theophrast), but this recognition began in the 19th century. Scottish breeder Henry Ecford began to bring new varieties, and very quickly unpretentious plant gained enviable popularity. The gardener was awarded the highest royal reward.

Bright fragrant peas, or fascinous rank (Lathyrus Odomtus) is a great garden decoration. This annual plant of the legume family is used for landscaping flower and terraces. Unusual shape Flowers and varieties of paints conquer the hearts of the gardeners.

Description, types and varieties

The plant has a very developed root system, but it does not tolerate transplant. The climbing stems are well cling to the support with their mustache, and the flowers can be compared with the wings of the moth. The flowering period at the annual pretty long.

More and more often you can meet it wound plant When gardening vertical terraces. Many species of peas reach a height of about 2 meters. Today, breeders brought popular varieties Dwarf shapes that do not exceed and 30 cm.

For landscaping walls, arbors, arches and balconies use tall varieties of fragrant peas. The most suitable will be:

  • King Lavender;
  • Blue Danube;
  • Cream Gigantic;
  • Cremona;
  • Alice.

For cutting and bouquets, you can grow some varieties with durable flowers and large bright flowers. The period of flowering in such plants is rather short, which makes it difficult to reproduce the flower.

  • Royal Wedding
  • Colin Unwin.
  • Rosalind.

The most popular remain little grades fragrant peas. Such plants can be used as a border when creating flowerbeds or as a pot instance. Some of the common varieties:

  • Lady di;
  • Lucien;
  • Florida.

The collection of plants has more than 1000 varieties of various color. There are white, pink, red, purple and blue shades Flowers.

Growing from seeds

Location and soil

A place for planting an annual one needs to choose the winds protected from the winds, but solar. Peas is growing well and in mild seven. Soil for landing should be fertile and neutral by acidity. Before planting in dense soil, add compost and sand, which increases its breathability. Fresh manure is not recommended. The flower is poorly growing in areas with high groundwater sitting and on swampy soils.

When landing in the garden, you should give preference to the solar sites, but with a slight half of the peas.

Plant landing and care

The fragrant peas is rather unpretentious in care, and the cultivation of this culture is a matter of unemployed, forces even a novice gardener.

Landing a lovely flower is better to produce immediately into the garden, since the seaside method for the plant is little acceptable. Young seedlings are very gentle, and the rod root system does not tolerate transplant. The most suitable way to land is seed in the ground.

Peas seeds are very solid and need pre-soaking before sowing. To do this, it is enough to put them in a moistened napkin for 1.5 hours for swelling. Seed prepared in this way in early spring Slow into the furrows to a depth of 2-3 cm. With proper care The first bloom occurs at the end of July.

Easy polka dot grows very quickly and needs a support. For prolonged flowering, it is necessary to delete the shrouded flowers in a timely manner and provide a plant necessary care. In a dry and arid summer, it is necessary to maintain the level of soil moisture, regularly irrigating the annual. Watering and weeding are the main peas care.

The flower is well opposed to the feeder, which you need to carry out several times per season. For these purposes it is better to use organic fertilizersBut nitrogen should not be applied. This is associated with a peas feature absorb nitrogen from the air.

In a short summer, use a seedy method (without dive). Then the polka dots are grown from seeds in peathedral cups, and intended plants planted into the ground right in the cups - this significantly increases the time of flowering plants. By the way, the purchase of shoots at the moment when the plant rose by 10-15 cm will also extend the apeget period and the bush will become more magnificent, but the plant will bloom a week later.

Reproduction of annual

To preserve the variety and further cultivation Peas on its plot must collect seeds. To do this, choose the largest and healthy copies, on which the flowerons and pods leave for further education of seeds. They preserve their germination for 8 years. Keep planting material Need to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the cellar. Sometimes the plant does not cover seeds or resets the flowerons, the reason for this can be a sharp temperature difference or insufficient watering.

Diseases and pests

Fascular peas is amazed by pests and mushroom diseases. The most frequent of them are:

  • puffy dew;
  • gray mold;
  • root rot;
  • blackleg;
  • ackeochitosis;
  • mosaic viruses.

In the detection of the first signs of disease, the plant is immediately treated with biofungicides, and from muced dew Pharmium or biosode helps well. For prevention, it is necessary to conduct preliminary treatment with drugs, and select only a healthy sowing material.

Great harm The plant is applied notes and a nodule weevil. These pests are striking the leaves of the plant, which slows down the growth and development of the annual, spoils its decorativeness. You can get rid of pests, spraying the polka dot to the tobacco garlic mixture. The slugs in the rain period are also a peas, as well, and on all the plants of the legume family.

Fragrant polka dot in landscape design

Fragrant peas - a wound plant that forms a lot of assholes, longly blooms and possesses pleasant aroma. These properties allow you to widely use the annual in the garden design and plot.

Tall curly varieties are well suited for arches, veranda, fences. With the help of artificial supports and peas springs, you can disguise the unsightly sections of the garden. Great looks in the background of the flower bed.

Low varieties can be grown in balcony boxes, on the edge of flower beds or border. Peas is well combined with other annual and nice neighboring with perennial plants. In the ecology of the garden, he brings tangible benefits - enriches soil with nitrogen, gives nectar useful insect.

As you can see, if we provide this fragrant annual good drainage And timely irrigation, he will delight you for a long time. Boldly land in my field fragrant peas, growing from seeds easily succeed like in open soiland in balconies and terraces.