How to grow sweet peas from seeds: planting time, care, photos. Perennial sweet pea growing from seeds

An article about when to plant sweet peas for seedlings in 2019 and how to do it correctly to get beautiful flower bed fragrant flowers at your dacha.

Curly lashes of moth-like flowers, a huge variety of shades, a delicate aroma and inflorescences that will delight the eye from June to November - that's all.

It serves as a decoration not only for fences, arches or gazebos, but also for flower beds.

It adds color and warmth and is quite easy to grow.

The most popular varieties

Stella, Orient, White Harmeni, Jenny, Janet, Marion, William, Lily Wat Joy, Cream Giantic, Swan Lake, Burpee Best White.

When to plant sweet pea seedlings and how to do it correctly?

The method of sowing sweet pea seeds directly into the ground is less likely to produce good result than growing seedlings.

When are the best days to plant sweet pea seedlings in 2019?

Sweet pea seeds for seedlings are usually sown in the third ten days of March (from March 21 to March 30). — early April (from 1 to 10)

Agree lunar calendar favorable days in March 2019 these are: 25, 26, 27, 28

How to plant sweet peas for seedlings?

You need to start planting by preparing the seeds.

  • Preparing seeds for planting

Since the seeds of this plant have a dense structure, it is best to fill them with 50-degree water in a glass before planting and leave for a day. If the seed has risen to the surface, then you can safely throw it away.

The remaining seeds are washed well and can be prepared for planting.

Tie the scarf into a knot and leave it for the peas to sprout.

It is important to keep the sand wet and the temperature environment should vary between 20-24 degrees.

Also, in order to speed up the ripening period of seedlings, after soaking, it is necessary to select unswollen seeds and use sharp knife, sandpaper or otherwise damage their seed coat without touching the embryo. Please note that this cannot be done with cream-colored seeds.

  • Soil for sowing seeds for seedlings

To sow seedlings, you need to take complex soil with neutral acidity (pH 7.0–7.5). Before planting, the soil must be disinfected with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

  • Sowing seeds in the soil:
  1. As soon as the seedlings appear, the seeds are planted to a depth of two to three centimeters, one at a time, in separate pots.
  2. Shoots appear in 6–8 days. The growing period for seedlings is 35–40 days. From the moment of seed germination to the beginning of color it will take about 60-90 days. The sooner this happens, the faster the flower will bloom.
  3. After planting the seeds, the container should be covered with film and placed on a warm windowsill, after watering for germination.

As a place for planting, you can use various cups or buy small pots in the store.

For more details on how to do this, watch this video.

How to care for sweet pea seedlings?

Plant care:

  • The plant needs regular watering and plenty of light and heat.
  • As soon as the first three leaves appear, the main stem is pinched above the third or fourth leaf to enhance branching so that the shoots on the sides begin to grow faster.
  • Watering is reduced to once a week.
  • 10–12 days before planting, potted plants should be taken out open air so that the seedlings gradually get used to the temperature that awaits them soon.
  • The residence time of the plant should gradually increase to a day.

Transplanting seedlings into the ground

Planting in the ground is carried out in early - mid-May at a distance of 20–25 cm.

Flowers that appear at this moment should be cut off. This is necessary for the root system to grow and form.

Ready sweet pea seedlings

Features of cultivation:

  1. Peas love warm, sunny areas and moist, nutrient-rich soil.
  2. When fertilizing the soil, be sure to exclude fresh manure and nitrogen fertilizers.
  3. It is also better to observe the soil during rain: if the water is absorbed immediately, then the soil is drained and you can safely plant flowers. If the water persists for a long time, drainage should be carried out. An additional layer of compost will solve the problem.

Remember that peas do not grow well in waterlogged very light or heavy and especially acidic soils. This plant can grow in one place for no more than 2 years due to the accumulation of fungal diseases. And you can return to your old place only after 3-4 years.

Plants are planted in each hole, which are located at a distance of 20-25 centimeters.

When the seedlings take root and begin to grow, tall varieties must be tied to a support with a shoot length of 15–20 cm.

In a flowerbed for growing peas, dig up the soil deeply, add up to 5 kg of humus or compost, 200–300 g of wood ash or 300 g of organic ready-made deoxidizer, 2 tbsp. superphosphate and 1 tbsp. l potassium sulfate per 1 sq. m.

It is important not to damage root system, otherwise the seedling will not please abundant flowering. For climbing species, you must immediately install a support.

It should also be taken into account that in the fall the plant must be disposed of, and new landing cultivation of sweet peas on this land is possible only after 4-5 years.

Caring for sweet peas does not cause much trouble:

  1. It needs loosening of the earth and weeding, which is done at least five times during the growth period.
  2. Regular watering will prevent flowers and buds from falling off.
  3. And you can prolong flowering if you remove dry flowers at the right time.

Tall varieties need to be tied up, and as they grow, the stems need to be directed in the right direction.

There is no need for pruning.

  • How to feed sweet peas?

You can feed it for longer flowering:

  1. The first fertilizing can be done a couple of weeks after planting in the ground. A mixture of humus with potassium and phosphorus fertilizer.
  2. The next feeding should be before flowering from nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. If the fertilizer contains chlorine, it will greatly harm the plant.
  3. The third - during flowering: for 10 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of “Agricola for flowering plants” and organic fertilizer “Flower”. Solution consumption - 3–4 liters per 1 sq. m.

If the picture on the package with grown peas does not match, it is quite possible that the soil is not sufficiently enriched with minerals. Will require a transplant to next year.

As soon as cold weather and frosts begin, the plant should be cut off at the root, and a layer of sawdust should be poured on top. Can be fed with phosphorus or potash fertilizers soil.

Then next season the peas will be stronger.

When transplanting sweet peas into soil, there are several simple secrets, thanks to which growth will be more successful:

  1. Seedlings can also be grown in a greenhouse. So, the plant will be stronger.
  2. Planting in peat pots will save the root system from damage. The green mass will also remain completely intact.

Water peas rarely, in drought conditions once every 7 days, but abundantly - up to 30 liters per 1 square meter. m. Without watering, growth stops and flowering deteriorates. In the rows during the season, 3–4 loosening and weeding are carried out.

sweet pea

Sweet pea pests

The plant is not too susceptible to pests and diseases.

But you should still be wary:

  • gray mold;
  • spider mite;
  • powdery mildew.

In the second half of summer, due to powdery coating, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off. Karatan solution will help avoid this.

Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology and fresh soil will help avoid darkening and death of the plant due to blackleg.

A very common disease of sweet peas is the appearance of sharply defined brown spots on the stem, leaves. These are fungal spores that infect the seeds and overwinter. When such spots appear, the plant should be sprayed with fungicides.

If aphids appear, you can spray them with Actellik.

Sweet pea very popular among gardeners.

Despite the fact that it is an annual plant and will have to be replanted again next year, the plant is not capricious and caring for it will not be difficult. Anyone can grow it.

And the beauty of the inflorescences and pleasant aroma will certainly please anyone!

We hope now that we know when to plant sweet pea seedlings and how to do it correctly, they will definitely decorate your garden!

Sweet pea is beautiful flower, related to herbaceous plants, legume family. It is capable of growing up to 2 meters in height, provided there is good support. Sweet peas have been actively cultivated since the 17th century, and they still attract bright colors, pleasant aroma and duration of flowering. The first flowers appear in June, and the plant blooms almost until late autumn, depending on climatic conditions. The flower has a wide variety of shades.

Sweet peas, growing from seeds. When to plant, photo

The topic of this article is sweet peas, growing from seeds. When to plant, photos and recommendations from experts will help you decorate your territory with an unusual, vibrant plant.

How to grow sweet peas from seeds?

Sweet pea is widely used in landscape design: they decorate gazebos, fences, arches. The flower is grown as an annual and perennial. It can be planted from seeds in open ground, or seedlings. If you plant sweet peas as seedlings, flowering will occur faster. Seeds are planted in May.

Sweet Pea Seeds

Before sowing it is necessary:

  • Soak the seeds for at least two hours in a hot aqueous solution (+50 degrees) of the drug “Bud”, prepared at the rate of no more than two grams per liter of water. This promotes better germination, since the seeds have a fairly dense shell. But sweet pea seeds, which have a creamy tint, should not be soaked; they are planted dry.
  • Choose high-quality planting material. The seeds that float to the surface are removed, as they are not suitable for planting. Those that have sunk are taken out and placed on a damp cloth, which is placed on damp sand. It is necessary to ensure that the sand does not dry out.
  • Disinfect the soil. To disinfect the soil, it is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Sprouted seeds are planted in individual containers to a depth of 3 centimeters.

After two weeks, the first shoots will appear. After three true leaves have grown, the tops of the plants are pinched, which will promote active growth of side shoots. In the second half of May, when the plants grow to 10 centimeters, they are planted in open ground, leaving a distance of at least 20 centimeters between them. The depth of planting depends on the development of the root system. When transplanting seedlings, you need to remove them from the container along with a lump of earth so as not to damage the roots.

Caring for sweet peas

Plants need to be tied up when they are still very small, and support should be provided for them. You can use a net or a stretched rope as a support. In order for flowering to occur simultaneously, the plants are fed with mineral fertilizers. Also, in order for the flowers to be lush and delight them with their bloom for a long time, faded buds and pod ovaries should be removed. As they grow, you need to tie the shoots in the required direction.

IMPORTANT! As care, you should ensure regular weeding of plants, loosening as necessary and abundant watering. To make sweet peas please their owners beautiful flowers and lush flowering, one should take into account climatic features your region. So, in warm areas, the plant can be planted directly from seeds in open ground. In areas with colder climates, it is recommended to use seedling growing methods.

So, the topic is sweet peas, growing from seeds, when to plant, photo will definitely help you get a beautiful flower bed of unusual flowers.

See also video:

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Growing sweet peas from seeds: preparation

​In Latvia, sweet peas are loved and revered. For a long time, almost every farm was decorated in the summer with a colorful, strong-smelling bed of these climbing plants, and people went to visit with a bouquet of delicate flowers. With the advent of the newest varieties of large-flowered, multicolored Spencers, sweet peas quickly conquered the flower market and became one of the most common products of local flower growers.​

However, strong healthy plants and large graceful flowers can only be obtained with proper care and in suitable conditions.​

Sweet peas: planting and care

​The following summer brought a new twist in the history of sweet peas - flowers with wavy petals appeared. This news was immediately put to use in breeding, and the development of the current pleated sweet pea began. In the middle of the last century, several different groups of this pea were created, but, unfortunately, the selection of previously known groups such as

​(LATHYRUS)​ ​If you remove fading inflorescences in time, you will extend the flowering period of sweet peas almost until the end of September.​

​Name and History:​

Sweet peas - cultivation and care.

​Short varieties of sweet peas can be grown in an ampel form, that is, without support, and for tall ones you can attach a special mesh or simply pull strings. You can plant plants on the balcony as early as early May. And, of course, make sure that the soil does not dry out under any circumstances. At a tender age, it can even destroy the plants.​

Location and soil

​Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) is a climbing annual plant of the Chin genus of the Legume family. If supported, it reaches a height of 2 meters. The leaves end with tendrils, with the help of which it clings to other plants or to an artificial support. The flowers are bright with a strong fragrant aroma, which is how peas got their name.​

​Sweet peas are grown in fertile, acid-neutral soil with deep cultivation. Another requirement for soil is air permeability. Sweet peas do not grow well in waterlogged areas or in areas close to groundwater. The soil for planting this plant should be prepared in advance, not forgetting to add compost, potash and phosphorus fertilizers. Fresh manure is not applied as it can cause Fusarium wilt of the plant. Nitrogen fertilizer is also not applied - the plant fixes nitrogen from the air.​

Planting and caring for sweet peas

Sweet pea is an annual plant revered by many gardeners for its unusual and bright flowering and delicate aroma. In addition, buds on sweet peas appear almost all summer, and therefore the lawn will delight the eye during all three warm months. And the flowers of the plant have a great variety of shades, and therefore, among the varieties of the fragrant town, everyone can choose to suit their taste. In addition, the advantages of the plant include relative frost resistance (up to - 5⁰ C). Regarding how to grow sweet peas, the most the best option is considered to be planting seeds. This is exactly what we will talk about.​

​Together with my colleague Valdis Dubovskis, we have been working on this wonderful culture for almost 30 years. Our farm can be proud of the largest collection of sweet peas in the Baltic countries, and we have done a lot to popularize and distribute it in our country. Collaboration with the Royal Sweet Pea Society of Great Britain allows us to keep up-to-date information and receive newest varieties, which we evaluate and test in our climate. Every year we publish a catalog in which we offer Latvian flower growers seeds of more than 100 varieties - new and already recognized English ones, as well as almost twenty varieties of our selection.​

​Sweet peas will grow best in a warm, sunny location. The soil should be loose, rich in humus, nutritious and calcareous. In this case, the soil should be prepared to a depth of at least two shovels, since these plants form a deep root system, which allows them to form a profusely flowering two-meter bush in one season. It is better to prepare the beds in the fall - in the spring all that remains is to loosen the surface.​


​they call it king

Propagation of sweet peas

​sem. Legumes

​If everything worked out well and you liked growing sweet peas as an ornamental aromatic plant, then next year try to plant it in a new place. If it doesn't work, at least replace it upper layer soil at the planting site and do not forget about regular fertilizing.​

Sweet pea

The Latin word for sweet pea is Lathyrus odomtus. The word "latyrus" was first used by Theophrastus and comes from the ancient Greek name consisting of "la" - very and "thoures" - attractive. The plant was noticed more than 300 years ago by the Sicilian monk Francisco Cupani, who, while walking in the evening near the walls of his monastery located on the Mediterranean coast, caught the unusually strong aroma of this flower. Hence the second half of the name - fragrant ("odoratus"). The monk collected the seeds and sent them in 1699 to England, to his friend Robert Uvedal - school teacher from Middlesex County. This is the main version of the history of the origin of this flower culture.​

There are a great many varieties of sweet peas, from dwarf ones - about 20 cm high, which can even be used as ground cover plants, to tall climbing ones, reaching a height of three meters. Between them, the varieties are medium-sized with a stem length of 1-1.5 m. And there is also a group of beardless varieties. The palette of shades in which pea flowers are painted is incredibly diverse: from soft, delicate, pastel colors to extremely bright and cheerful.​

​Sweet peas can be grown either by direct sowing in open ground or through seedlings - for earlier flowering.​

How and when to sow sweet peas?

​In early spring, sweet pea seeds are sown in holes of 2 - 3 seeds, maintaining a distance of approximately 20 - 25 cm. However, such plants will bloom only by the end of July. If you want to get more early flowering, then you should grow sweet peas seedling method, seedlings are planted in mid-May.

Preparing seeds for sowing.

​You need to prepare seed material in the spring: at the end of March - at the beginning of April. Since the skin of the seeds is quite dense, they should first be placed in a glass, pour hot water temperature is approximately 50-60 degrees and leave it like that for a day. Any floating seeds must be removed immediately. After this, before planting sweet peas, the seeds must be washed with water. room temperature and place in humid environment for germination. This could be a scarf, sawdust or sand, which should always be wet.​


Do you want to tinker with the seedlings?.. Please!

​You can sow sweet peas directly into the ground, but this method does not always ensure good germination, and flowering begins much later. It is better to grow this crop as seedlings. Seeds are sown 4-6 weeks before planting. For sowing, it is better to use a special peat substrate or prepare in advance a sterile mixture of 2-3 parts of good and clean garden soil, 1 part peat and 1 part coarse sand (improves air permeability and drainage). The desired sowing depth is 1.5-2 cm. Sowing after -protects against mice, as they eat seeds, as well as young sprouts.​

Planting location, preferences and care.

​Sweet pea. Nine rules for successful cultivation

Growing on the balcony.


​Another plant for vertical gardening.​

By the way, about varieties.

Whatever option you choose, for better germination, it is advisable to prepare the seeds. Fill them with hot water, 40-50C degrees, and leave for 12 hours, maximum for a day. After this, the dark shell on the seeds can be pierced with a needle, since some of them, although they look completely healthy, sometimes do not germinate for a long time or do not germinate at all. Seeds with a light shell usually do not need this procedure. You can sow immediately after soaking, or wait until they hatch, placing them in a damp cloth, sand or sawdust. Under no circumstances should sprouted seeds be dried; they must be sown immediately.

SWEET PEA. Growing from seeds

Sweet peas do not like to be transplanted, so seedlings should be removed from the pots carefully, without destroying the soil lump. A plant grown from seedlings blooms by mid-June and blooms for 2 to 3 months.​
​When the seed germinates, it should be planted in a separate container. These can be small pots or paper cups, where good nutritious soil is first placed. The seeds need to be deepened only two to three centimeters. You can plant one or several pieces. To effectively grow sweet peas from seeds, containers with seeds should be placed in a well-lit, warm place and systematically, not forgetting to water carefully. The first shoots can be expected in 1.5 - 2 weeks. We recommend pinching the top to stimulate the growth of side shoots when the seedlings have their first three leaves.​
​Before the emergence of seedlings, the crops are kept warm (the optimal germination temperature is 18-20 * C), and later the temperature is gradually reduced to 10-12 * C, making sure that the seedlings turn out compact and healthy. Since Spencer flowers form only on shoots of the second order, in order to speed up bushing, the shoots can be pinched after the second or third pair of leaves. Before planting, young plants need to be hardened off.
​m summer flowers


​B middle lane In Russia, sweet peas are grown through seedlings, for which the seeds are soaked overnight in mid-March. hot water(60-80 °C). Then the swollen seeds are sown 2-3 pieces per peat pots, filled with an earthen mixture consisting of turf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:0.5. Shoots appear in 4-7 days. In the phase of two or three true leaves, the seedlings are pinched, removing the growth point, as a result of which a large number of lateral shoots are formed and the plant blooms more profusely.

Sweet pea, or sweet pea, belongs to the genus Lathyrus, legume family (Fabaceae). Botanical characteristics This species was first given by the famous Swedish taxonomist Carl Linnaeus in 1753. The root system of sweet peas is taprooted, highly branched, penetrating into the soil to a depth of one and a half meters.​ ​Gee, a verse has formed :)​

​Of course, the easiest way is to sow sweet peas directly on permanent place. This can be done early enough, as soon as the soil warms up a little, without fear return frosts, since the seedlings can withstand temperatures down to -5⁰C. We place the seeds in holes of 2-3 pieces, to a depth of 2 cm, leaving the distance between holes about 25 cm. Our plants will bloom closer to mid-July.​ ​Sweet peas need support. In order for the plant to bloom profusely and for a long time, regular watering in hot and dry weather, timely weeding and fertilizing with solutions of organic fertilizers is necessary, but not more than three times per season.​

​Planting of sweet pea seedlings in open ground can be done as early as May. Before planting, it is advisable to harden the seedlings by taking them to open balcony first for one hour, and then gradually increase the residence time.​

  • ​As you know, before germination, the seed must swell so that the absorbed water awakens the embryo. You can speed up the swelling of sweet pea seeds if you water them with warm water (50-60°C) and leave for 12-18 hours. Even in this case, not all seeds swell. Like most bloodworms, sweet peas have a very dense seed coat , which prevents the absorption of water and delays germination. The hardness of the seed coat of different varieties also differs, and the hardest seed coat is usually very hard. dark color. Therefore, in order to facilitate water absorption, it is recommended to damage the seed coat using a sharp knife, sandpaper or other means (naturally, avoiding damage to the embryo).​
  • ​. However
  • ​One can only wonder what changes have happened to this in three centuries. climbing plant with the little ones, dark brown and strong-smelling flowers. During this time, thousands of varieties of these delicate, romantic flowers were created, and in England

I plant it every year. Grows well.​

​To get flowering plants much earlier, you will have to use the seedling method of growing. You can start sowing at the end of March - beginning of April. But if you want to sow even earlier, then arm yourself with lighting from simple fluorescent lamps. 3 hours will be enough for additional highlighting of the polka dots.​

With timely pruning of the inflorescences on which small green beans have formed, sweet peas will bloom until the autumn frosts. If you want to preserve the variety and collect the seeds, then such a plant should be grown through seedlings and leave 5 - 10 flower stalks with pods on the “seed” plants, removing the remaining flowers. It happens that the plant does not set seeds. The reason may be a sharp temperature difference between day and night.​
​Sweet peas grow well in draft-free areas exposed to sunlight. However, it tolerates slight shading quite calmly. The soil for the plant is neutral, fertile, with good drainage properties. Plant the plants together with a ball of earth at a distance of 25 cm from each other. When the sweet peas reach 20 cm in height, they need to be tied to a support. This is necessary so that the climbing stems do not spread along the ground and do not get tangled with each other. With the help of support, the plants will begin to curl upward and subsequently form a beautiful hedge. However, for dwarf varieties sweet peas, which grow up to 30 cm, do not need this.​


​It is quite difficult to process a large number of seeds in this way, so the seeds are first soaked and then only those that have not yet swelled are processed. They are soaked again and sown only when all the seeds have swelled. Seeds not treated in this way germinate very poorly, and it happens that the emergence of seedlings even extends up to 30 days.


​from a growing point of view​
​sweet pea
​The seedlings are planted in a permanent place in mid-May at a distance of 20-25 cm. For tall varieties, it is necessary to install supports. Remember that sweet peas can be grown in one place for only a year and returned to their original place only after 4-5 years. When planting seedlings, do not add fresh organic fertilizers(manure), since plants can die from fungal diseases.​

​Because of their dense shell, it is better to soak pea seeds in hot water for a couple of hours before planting, and then germinate them in a damp cloth in a warm place. However, some varieties of sweet peas are especially light shade cream or white, they need to be planted dry in open ground, since they usually die when soaked.​

​I collected seeds from him, my beloved, but they became my peas with some kind of lack of color and so I bought the seeds again.​

Growing sweet peas - Grower's Bulletin

Growing sweet peas

​Also, to grow seedlings we will definitely need separate pots! Sweet peas do not tolerate transplantation very well, therefore, even after growing seedlings in separate containers, when transplanting you need to act very carefully so as not to damage the earthen ball and not disturb the root system. We will plant the plants in a permanent place around mid-May, and we will begin to enjoy the aroma of flowers in mid-June.​ ​Sweet peas are distinguished by very fast growth. Since the plant requires a significant amount of nutrients to grow, its highly branched taproot penetrates the soil to great depths. It is very useful to carry out hilling and backfilling fertile substrate or compost to the base of the sweet pea stem to a height of 5 - 7 cm, thus stimulating the growth of adventitious roots. Sweet peas require timely and sufficient watering, since a lack of moisture in the soil leads to the plant dropping buds and flowers, and the flowering duration is also reduced. In general, growing sweet peas cannot be called simple ​and​​In most salmon and orange varieties, the seeds are light brown with a soft, fragile skin, which, when swollen, can crack, opening the way for infection. If harmful microorganisms are present in the substrate, then such seeds may die even before germination or then young seedlings will gradually die. These varieties are recommended to be sown without prior soaking in a particularly sterile substrate.​ ​,​ ​this plant​ ​for​​VIDIO​​Choose the sunniest places to plant peas. Planted in the shade, sweet peas will bloom, but much later and the flowering will not be as abundant as in the open sun.​ ​Here are my seeds in the picture on the right.​ Choose a place for planting sweet peas that is sunny and, if possible, protected from strong winds. Groundwater should not be located too close, although it is a lover of moisture, it cannot tolerate stagnant water.​ ​Sweet peas are propagated by sowing seeds: directly into open ground, or through seedlings. Outdoor sowing of plant seeds is carried out in May. When cultivating sweet peas in seedlings, it is necessary to sow the seeds, pre-soaked for 24 hours in warm water, 3 peas in each pot. Shoots appear after about a week. Sweet pea seedlings are planted at the end of May, and the seedlings are able to tolerate light frosts down to minus 5 degrees.​ ​process. The plant requires careful care and attention. It is important to water the flower systematically and in sufficient quantities - every 1.5-2 weeks. Otherwise, if there is a lack of moisture, the buds become smaller or are dropped altogether, and flowering stops. Sweet peas need to be fertilized with liquid fertilizers twice - in mid-June and mid-July.​ ​oner​

​Sweet peas are a very profitable crop for growing in greenhouses for cutting, - comparatively early harvest can be obtained from minimal costs for heating and these flowers do not have serious competition among imported flowers. Greenhouses should be high, with good ventilation and the ability to shade on hot, sunny days, since good quality flowers and constant harvest can only be achieved with a uniform and moderate microclimate.​

​Galaxy​ ​very democratic ​pomp​ ​Ganichkina advises:)​ ​The land for planting needs to be fertile, moderately moist, non-acidic (pH up to 7.5).​ ​They probably smell really good. Unfortunately, after my illness, I have trouble with my sense of smell. I take the word of guests, friends and children that it smells wonderful.​ ​The soil should be deeply cultivated, sufficiently loose and breathable, with a reaction closer to neutral. Acidic soils needs to be limed. When planting, it is advisable to add well-rotted manure (in no case fresh) or compost, plus phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.​ ​You should know that sweet peas are returned to their original place of planting only after 4 - 5 years.​ ​For long and abundant flowering of sweet peas experienced gardeners use some tricks. Firstly, you need to carry out pinching, and secondly, cut off the faded branches, leaving a few pods with seeds. If these conditions are met, sweet peas will bloom until frost.

​Efforts to increase the flower yield by thickening the plantings may be wrong. In cramped conditions, sweet peas grow poorly, bushes develop poorly and diseases often appear, as a result of which plant productivity and flower quality are significantly reduced. Both in the garden and in Spencer's greenhouses, the distance between plants should be at least 20 cm.​

Growing in open ground

​, did not continue, and in our time their individual varieties have degraded or almost disappeared. Only in the Spencer group selection has continued continuously for more than a hundred years. Thanks to the enthusiasm of breeders and hobbyists in Great Britain, sweet peas have undergone great changes. And not only in terms of the size of the inflorescences, but also the curly style of the petals, their spectacular arrangement and richness of shades.​



​Start gartering as early as possible, this will speed up the growth rate. Don't forget to ask the peas right direction To ensure that your wattle fence, fence or trellis is braided evenly, use twine or mesh if necessary.​

​Well, now the theory.​

Growing in greenhouses

Caring for sweet peas involves weeding, fertilizing and, most importantly, timely watering. Drought causes the plant to lose color, so the soil should always remain moderately moist. Peas respond very well to adding to the roots and hilling with humus or compost, and complex feeding mineral fertilizer with low nitrogen content.​

Decorate your garden with gently blooming and fragrant flower will not be difficult. Sweet peas will look great in any corner of your garden, entwining supports with a weightless veil and filling the air with a subtle aroma.

Growing from seeds - natural way of reproduction sweet pea. There are two options here:

  • growing seedlings
  • planting seeds in open ground

The first method is quite labor-intensive. Experts say that it is undesirable to grow peas as seedlings.

Firstly, there is little light on the windowsill and young shoots will be strongly stretched. Secondly, there will be difficulties with planting seedlings in the ground. The fact is that sweet peas have a powerful root system and when transplanting you need to try not to break the earthen lump. Otherwise roots may be damaged, and the plant will die.

It should also be noted that the stems of young plants are very fragile. You risk breaking it during transplantation.

The second method also has its own nuances. flower seeds have good germination. At the same time, their shell is too strong. For germination it is necessary long time, and they sprout unevenly.

Many gardeners resort to various tricks: soaking the seeds, cutting the shell, wiping with sandpaper.

Deadlines for planting

When to plant annual sweet peas depends on the climate conditions in your region, as well as the plant variety. Different types have different frost resistance.

The moment of disembarkation itself should not be postponed. The growing season of this flower is long - about two to three months. Therefore, the sooner you plant sweet peas, the sooner they will delight you with abundant flowering and a unique aroma.

In conditions mild subtropical climate You can plant the plant in the ground in November. IN moderate climate, it is better to plant sweet peas in early spring.

In conditions harsh Russian winters The planting dates are moving towards February. Only you need to plant it not in open ground, but in the form of seedlings. After the snow melts, the seedlings should be planted in a permanent place. Seeds are sown in open ground in late April-early May.

How to plant correctly

Soil preparation

If you decide to grow sweet peas using seedlings, you will need to prepare the soil for planting in advance. To do this, it’s still necessary in the fall prepare garden soil.

It is better to do this before the first frost. Store the excavated soil on the balcony or in another cold place throughout the winter.

A week before the intended planting, the soil needs to be brought into a warm room, you can put it next to the radiator so that it warms up.

Before planting seeds, mix it with peat soil for seedlings. After this, all that remains is to fill the boxes or cups with the resulting soil, water them generously and place them on a warm windowsill. You can start preparing the seeds.

Seed preparation

Experienced gardeners prefer to prepare seeds in several ways:

  • seeds carefully wipe between layers of sandpaper to weaken their natural shell
  • cut with small scissors the surface of the seed to facilitate its germination
  • soak them before boarding

To soak the seeds, each variety of sweet pea is placed in a separate container, then filled with hot water. The water temperature should not exceed 60 degrees.

Before soaking, pay attention to the color of the seeds. Light brown seeds may die if soaked! It is better to plant them dry.

After a day, the water is drained and the seeds are covered with a damp cloth or cotton pad. With regular moistening of the napkin, seedlings appear in 5-10 days. Now the seeds can be planted.


Depending on the method of planting the plant, you need to plant either seedlings or germinated seeds in the ground.

The advantage of planting pea seedlings is their early flowering.

When favorable weather without frost sets in, sweet pea seedlings can be transplanted into the ground. To prevent the soil from falling off the roots of the plant, the seedlings are watered abundantly and the walls of the cup are cut to successfully remove the root system along with the earthen lump.

At the planting site, make depressions at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. The seedlings are placed in these depressions, covered with earth and compacting the surface.

For young plants, it is better to immediately place supports, since the stems are very fragile. You may need some shade from the bright sun at first.

When planting sweet pea seeds directly into the ground, proceed as follows. After the snow melts, if the ground has warmed up enough, the seeds sow 2-3 pieces at once into the ground.

Make 2-3 cm depressions in the ground at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. Prepared germinated plant seeds are planted in them.

Rules for caring for the plant after planting

For intensive growth and lush flowering After planting the plant in the ground, it is necessary to provide it with proper care.

First of all, this concerns watering. Sweet peas love water, but does not tolerate waterlogging and stagnation of water. It is recommended to water abundantly, but not too often. 1-2 times a week is enough.

Typically, three feedings are made for this flower.

  1. After the first shoots appear, use complex mineral fertilizer.
  2. When budding begins, fertilizing is necessary, for example, with Agricola.
  3. During flowering, fertilizer for flowering plants.

To adapt seedlings when planting seedlings, young plants should be shaded for several days. Then provide access sunlight at least 5-6 hours a day.

When planting sweet peas in a shaded area, flowering should be expected later and less abundant.

Young shoots need a garter. It is recommended to use twine or mesh as support. When tying, you can control the direction of plant growth and direct it in the desired direction.

Does it need to be trimmed?

This plant does not require pruning of branches, as it is a climbing plant with flexible stems that can be directed in the direction of growth. But for lush flowering, it is necessary to remove faded buds in time. This will ensure longer flowering until late autumn.

At the end of flowering, before winter the plant cut at the root and covered with sawdust for insulation.
Growing sweet peas is not as labor-intensive as it might seem at first glance. A little care and maintenance is enough for this plant to bloom abundantly and fragrantly.

Sweet peas are an unpredictable flower for many gardeners, although following the rules of agricultural technology we can say that this is not the case. Such a beautiful decorative and very aromatic plant often grown for vertical gardening. It can be compared to a vine, the height of which reaches 2 meters, for dwarf varieties - 30 cm.

Sweet peas grow very quickly, unlike different types other climbing plants, which attracts attention.

This plant has a rich palette of colors. Flowering lasts for a long time, about 3 months, begins in June and ends in the fall, closer to October, until the temperature drops below -5°C.

Sweet peas can be grown through seedlings and by sowing seeds.

Growing sweet peas from seedlings

In the third decade of March, the seeds are sown in peat-humus pots or plastic cups, 2-3 pieces each.

  • Before sowing, carry out preliminary preparation by soaking in hot water (40-60°C) for 12 hours, or carry out scarification by rubbing with sandpaper or
  • scratched with a knife.
  • Fill the pots with a soil mixture of two parts turf soil, peat, humus and one part sand. Make holes 1.5-2 cm deep, place the seeds, cover with soil and water well.
  • Until the sprouts appear, keep the temperature at an average of 20°C, then reduce it to 15°C for 2 weeks for the development of the root system.
  • Set additional lighting to cloudy weather and darkness.

When 2-3 true leaves appear, pinch the top for greater bushiness and feed with Kemira solution at the rate of 2 g of the drug per bucket of water. Sweet pea seedlings are planted in open ground in mid-May, at the age of 40 days, without fear of return spring frosts. Plant with a clod of earth, very carefully, injury to the root system of sweet peas will have an extremely adverse effect on the further development of the plant. After planting sweet pea seedlings, crimp from the sides, install support for tall varieties, regularly set the direction of the shoots, care for the plants and expect flowering in the second half of June.

If sweet peas are grown by sowing seeds in open ground, expect flowering no earlier than July. In the spring, after the snow melts, make holes at a distance of 20-25 cm and place 2-3 seeds in each. Due to their dense shell, it is better to pre-soak the seeds in hot water for 2-3 hours and germinate. Seeds of sweet pea varieties are white or light cream in color, sow dry in open ground.

Place and soil

To grow sweet peas, choose a location that is sheltered from the wind and very sunny. The soil must be fertile, loose for good air exchange, with a neutral pH and acidity (carry out if necessary). Soil with closely lying groundwater Not suitable for sweet pea growth.

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizer and compost are applied during deep digging. Fresh manure provokes fusarium wilt, and excess nitrogen stimulates the growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering.

Caring for sweet peas

Regular and abundant watering, but do not overwater. Apply a complete liquid fertilizer monthly. Remove faded inflorescences to allow new buds to appear. Hill up plants to a height of 5-7 cm to stimulate the growth of adventitious roots. Side shoots pinch and remove some of the tendrils so that the plant develops inflorescences and not greens.

Don't plant sweet peas in the same place two years in a row. If this does not work, then when planting, remove the old top layer of soil and replace it with a new one.

Collecting sweet pea seeds

In order to preserve the sweet pea variety you like, all you need to do is collect the seeds. To do this, leave a few plants and do not remove its 10 flower stalks with pods. When the beans dry out, they will take on a yellowish color and are ready to be harvested. If you overdo it and the beans turn brown, they may crack at the slightest touch and the seeds may scatter. The collected beans are placed in gauze bags half full and hung to dry under a canopy. Can be placed on shelves in the greenhouse. Seed germination lasts 5-6 years.

In rainy weather, the ovaries fall off and the seeds cannot be collected.