Fragrant flowers for the garden - choice, advice, recommendations, photos. Do you know why flowers smell

April 25th, 2013

Rich and varied vegetable world our planet. Flowers are amazing creatures. They are beautiful, gentle, perfect. And their amazing scent captivates women and inspires perfumers all over the world. Introducing the favorites of the perfume industry.

Rose is the queen of perfumery. This flower with a warm, slightly spicy, sweetish scent was one of the first to be used by humans for the production of essential oil. The scent of a rose combines tenderness and regal splendor, beauty and inaccessibility. In perfumery, they use Rosa Centifolia, which grows in Morocco and Grasse, and Rosa Damascene, which is grown in Turkey and Bulgaria.

It is impossible to imagine modern perfumery production without lavender. Lavender exudes a seductive, pleasant scent that promotes soothing - the scent of serenity. Infused with a scent of misty freshness, lavender enjoys great love perfumers in all countries.

The elegant, sophisticated scent of jasmine makes it the king of flowers in perfumery. Its aroma is floral, fresh, light, with a sweet fruity nuance.

The homeland of the flower is the Philippine and Comoros. Ylang-ylang, which the Filipinos call the "flower of flowers," is considered the flower of seduction and delight. The unique scent of ylang-ylang is the top note of the well-known Chanel No. 5 perfume.

5. Flower orange tree or orange blossom

The sophisticated scent of orange blossom is somewhat similar to the scent of jasmine, but shimmers with more honey and tart shades. Fresh, delicate and pure aroma - the scent of happiness and love. It is not for nothing that the orange tree flower is called the "Flower of Happiness", "the flower of brides", "the flower of innocence."

With its heady, intoxicating and captivating aroma, tuberose is a symbol of forbidden pleasures and passion. The scent is very intense, like sweet honey, with hints of jasmine and orange, heavy and sensual. The essential oil of this magnificent flower is considered one of the most precious flower oils in modern perfumery.

Gardenia flowers emit a sweet, silky scent reminiscent of jasmine. Gardenia symbolizes love, harmony and grace. Its warm, voluminous, yet light and airy scent is often used as the "heart" of floral perfumery compositions.

Delicate, very fresh, tart, cool aroma of lily of the valley awakens sensuality, creates an atmosphere of love. This is the most springy smell; an uplifting scent that gives you confidence.

9. Lily, be it Asian or oriental

Lily flowers have a pleasant, mysterious, exciting scent. The Greeks attribute the lily to a divine origin, the Spaniards and Italians, as well as in other Catholic lands, the lily is considered a flower Blessed virgin, for the French in the era of the Capetian and Bourbon, lily is a symbol of royal power. Thick, slightly balsamic, with a sweet floral note, the scent of lily is intended for real kings and queens.

Hyacinth is a flower of love, happiness, fidelity. Its aroma is honey-sweet, floral, bright, with a touch of lily and jasmine, it makes you dizzy, exciting. Hyacinth scent is often used by perfumers as top or middle notes.

11. Plumeria or frangipani

Plumeria is a tropical plant with amazingly beautiful flowers of the correct shape. A warm, sweet, deep floral scent with soft fruity notes exudes plumeria, attracting perfumers all over the world.

12. Tiare or Tahitian gardenia

It is the national flower of French Polynesia and the Cook Islands. Graceful creamy white tiare flowers are endowed with a strong pleasant, mesmerizing scent. The sweet, exotic scent of this flower conjures up the calm sea, the island of spices, and the lush vegetation of a tropical paradise.

Mimosa flowers have an extraordinary aroma, you can't confuse it with anything. Sweet, floral, woody, green, with a bitter honey note - this is the smell of spring, a holiday.

Peony in China is one of the most revered plants, they say about it: "one hundred roses in one flower." Its delicate, sweet, floral scent is reminiscent of ancient roses. The romantic scent of love of this flower has taken its rightful place in perfumery.

Narcissus flowers have a strong, sweetish with a little bitterness, intoxicating smell. Early spring is permeated with this exciting scent. Narcissus absolute is very rare and expensive, it is used only in the highest class perfumes.

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Flowers smell thanks to phytoncides contained in essential oils. Phytoncides- special substances that plants themselves produce to protect against diseases and insect pests. The term is derived from Greek words fiton is a plant and cedere is to kill. These protective substances inhibit bacterial growth and kill germs. Have different types plant phytoncides have a different chemical composition.

These can be organic acids, essential oils(like marigolds). Most phytoncides are volatile and are released only by living plants. It is necessary to harvest herbs at a certain period in order to preserve phytoncides. After cutting, only the wild-growing peony retains the ability to produce phytoncides from flowers.

Essential oils act as regulators of transpiration - the evaporation of water by plants. Evaporating, essential oils surround the plant with an invisible cloud and protect it from overheating during the day and from hypothermia at night. Air mixed with essential oil vapor is less permeable to heat rays. Many have a scent, but it is not always pink, there are roses with an atypical scent for her, for example, gicint, musky or violet.

Smells of some plants scare away insects, even livestock bypasses strong-smelling grasses. Due to their aroma, such plants are better preserved and win in the struggle for existence.

The strong pungent smell of wormwood, mint, lavender scares away mosquitoes, midges and moths, and marigolds, due to their smell, free the earth around them from pests.

Small doses of camphor or musk, present in plant aromas, stimulate the activity of the brain; the bitter smell of wormwood increases the force of contraction of the heart muscle. It is known that the scent of roses drives away sad thoughts and cheers up, while jasmine enhances performance, enhances perception and gives calmness. As for the scent of violets, it inspires optimism and gives strength to self-recovery. The scent of iris improves the sense of smell and gives new life impulses. Bergamot fruit aroma ( evergreen tree genus citrus) has harmonizing properties and is considered a valuable remedy for depression, as well as severe states of mind... Citrus scent enhances the body's energy and revives the joy of movement. The scent helps to find inner balance and keep calm, and the scent of honeysuckle helps to perceive problems calmly and sensibly.

Aromatic clove oil has been used in perfumery and medicine for a long time. As early as the 3rd century BC, cloves were used as a deodorant. In China, before meeting with the emperor, it was necessary to chew a clove so that the smell from the mouth during conversation was pleasant. Flowers are added to tea to enhance its flavor. Frankincense essential oils isolated from various types of frankincense are indispensable in aromatherapy. Since ancient times, incense has been famous as the oldest incense.

I am sure that most summer residents strive to create at least small plot where fragrant flowers for the garden will not only delight the eyes, but also captivate with their fragrance. Close your eyes and imagine a paradise where everything blooms and smells of various aromas, birds sing and butterflies flutter.

Each flower is unique and remarkable in its own way, some of us prefer the aesthetic component, and then the selection of plants is carried out with an eye on their external qualities... And there are such flower growers among us for whom the scent of a flower is the most important criterion. Such a summer resident, for example, can sow all garden paths on both sides with a nondescript and modest-looking mattiola, and then enjoy its enchanting aroma with the onset of evening and feel happy. Each, as they say - his own, but in this article I would like to consider flowers and plants that smell as great as they look outwardly.

Fragrant flowers for the garden

Plants and flowers with a pronounced pleasant smell not only delight our sense of smell, but are also able to repel insect pests. When choosing garden dwellers, two nuances should be taken into account: the more representatives of the same variety are planted in one place, the more clearly you will feel their aroma. It is also worth knowing that flowers with the same name may look very similar but not have the expected scent. For example, tulips - there are hundreds of varieties of their varieties, but not all of them have a strong aroma.

The same can be said about certain varieties of roses, peonies, sweet peas (perennial does not smell). It should also be borne in mind that some fragrant flowers reveal their full potential with the onset of the evening. As soon as dusk falls on the garden, they begin to smell especially brightly. Night violet (mattiola), evening primrose, which is also called "Night candle", mirabilis (night beauty), brugmansia (it is poisonous), lunar morning glory.

So, let's take a closer look at scented flowers for the garden:

Alyssum and phlox


These lush-flowering perennials are unpretentious and require minimal maintenance. Phlox bushes are of medium size, inflorescences can be white, pink, lilac, red, bluish. Depending on the variety, they bloom from May to late autumn. The aroma of phlox is sweet, reminiscent of the smell of honey; on the sunniest days, these flowers exude an especially strong aroma. The plant loves lighted areas, less often partial shade.

Night violet Mattiola

These annual fragrant garden flowers do not attract attention as they do not possess the vibrant beauty of other garden dwellers. If you take a closer look at Mattiola, it becomes clear that the modest little lilac flowers are also charming in their own way. The amazing, unlike anything else scent of this flower is fully revealed with the onset of the evening and continues to delight our sense of smell all night long. Night violet grows well in sunlit areas, and it is also not afraid of partial shade. It is not recommended to grow it in the shade, otherwise the stems will stretch upward, and there will be very few flowers. Mattiola blooms in the middle of summer and continues to delight us until September.


It is impossible not to mention the recognized queen of the garden - the rose. The variety of varieties, colors, shades of aromas of this luxurious flower just boggles the imagination. Certain varieties of roses can have a pronounced musky aroma, honey, fruit, citrus, fresh herbaceous. It is difficult to imagine a garden of fragrances without roses, which, with their long flowering, can transform even the most modest suburban area.

The most fragrant varieties are: "Shutters Gold" ("Sutter's Gold", golden-yellow buds), "Tiffany" ("Tiffany", pinkish-cream flowers), "Alexander Pushkin" (another name is "Prince Jardiniere", white rose with a pale pink center), "Mr. Lincoln" ("Mr. Lincoln", a deep red flower, with a strong aroma), "Chrysler Imperial" ("Chrysler Imperial", crimson buds), "Blue perfume" ("Blue Perfum ", soft lilac rose)," Westerland "," Duftrausch "," Papa Meilland ".

This list can be continued for a very long time, but based on many years of observations of gardeners, the following versions were announced:

  • roses of dark shades are often more fragrant than light buds;
  • roses of golden, yellow and orange flowers more often have a fruity aroma;
  • buds with big amount petals emit a richer scent than low-petaled roses.

Fragrant flowers for the garden - English roses (most of their varieties), especially Claire Austin (creamy white multi-petal buds), Lady Emma Hamilton, rich orange flowers with a fruity scent ), “The Generous Gardener” (white and pink buds), “Jubilee Celebration”, deep pink flowers with a rich aroma).

The garden can be just as attractive in the evening as it is during the day. The attractiveness of the garden space in the evening and at night is provided by the variety of aromas emanating from fragrant plants. Flowers and shrubs, capable of exuding noble odors, are specially planted in those parts of the site where people like to relax and communicate. Also fragrant flowers are placed along the paths leading to the house, gazebo, Summer shower and other garden buildings. Familiar aromas are permanently imprinted in the memory, reminding a person of their native places. Surrounding yourself with your favorite flowers in a new place of residence, you can overcome nostalgia and drown out the longing for the garden, which had to be sold or left for a long time. Over time, new scents are added to the known aromas, the carriers of which the gardener learns from friends or in special literature.

The beauty of annual flowers is that you can enjoy their smells in the year they are planted. With the onset of the new season, you can change the exposure, experimenting with fragrances until you find the desired bouquet. What fragrant annual flowers are most often cultivated in gardens and backyard plots?

Mattiola two-horned or night violet

The inconspicuous appearance of the small flowers of Matthiola bicorn can alienate the novice gardener. Indeed, this cruciferous plant does not shine with beauty. Its strength lies in a spicy sweetish scent that spreads in the evening hours around the blossoming tiny flowers. The enchanting scent of matthiola bicorn remains throughout the night. No wonder this annual has another common name - night violet.

The flowering of Mattiola bicorno lasts throughout the summer. Even the first frosts are not afraid of this unpretentious plant... The flowering period of an individual 4-petal flower lasts no more than five days, after which a fruit is formed that has the shape of a pod with two peculiar horns located at its top.

The inconspicuous flowers of the night violet against the background of a bright flower garden begin to savor with the onset of dusk, filling the air with an unforgettable aroma

The night violet is sown in early spring directly into the ground. You can divide the planting process into several stages, maintaining certain time intervals between them (12-15 days). Despite the fact that Matthiola Bicornus prefers sunny places, it can also be grown in shaded areas of the garden.

Mattiola gray-haired: blooms beautifully and smells good

Gray-haired mattiola, which is also called levkoy, is fundamentally different from its two-horned namesake. This plant is valued not only for its honey aroma, but also for its large double flowers that bloom in the form of a cap at the top of woody or slightly branched stems. The plant can reach a height of 80 cm.For those who do not like giants, bred dwarf varieties, the height of which does not exceed 20 cm. The flowers of gray-haired mattiola can be simple (4-petal) and double (70-petal), the latter being able to bloom for three weeks.

Levkoy or gray-haired mattiola is unusually beautiful and surprisingly fragrant. The pleasant smell intensifies in the evening and lasts until the morning.

Lush double flowers do not produce seeds. Seed material is obtained only from simple flowers. From half of the collected seeds, plants grow with simple flowers, and from the other half - with terry. Levkoe varieties have been developed, in which this ratio is increased in favor of plants with double flowers. In order for the gray-haired mattiola to bloom in the year of sowing, it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings in March.

Fragrant tobacco - delicate aroma in a flower bed and in a pot

Another striking representative of odorous annuals grown by amateur gardeners. Early varieties of fragrant tobacco were distinguished by long stems and white gramophone flowers that opened in the late afternoon. Later, more compact varieties were bred, differing from each other not only in the height of the plant, but also in the color of the flowers.

Now you can buy scented tobacco, the flowers of which will have a raspberry, red, pinkish or lemon-yellow tint. Moreover, in the daytime, the flowers do not close. However, plants with white flowers have the most pronounced aroma. Fragrant tobacco is best grown through seedlings to provide early flowering plants. Seedlings are afraid spring frosts, therefore, tobacco seedlings are planted on permanent place with the onset of real warmth. The plant feels equally well in areas illuminated by sunlight or in partial shade.

Some gardeners keep the scented tobacco until the next season, replanting the plant before the onset of frost in flower pot... The transplanted plant is brought into the house, where, after a short rest, it begins to bloom again and fill the home with the most delicate aroma. With the arrival of spring, the dug out plant is returned to its original place.

Fragrant tobacco is able to conquer the amateur gardener not only with its honey aroma, but also with large flowers, similar in structure to gramophones

To prolong the flowering of scented tobacco, it is necessary to promptly rid the plant of dried flowers. This measure will serve the intensive formation of new buds.

Sweet peas - fragrant two-meter vines

Among the curly garden plants pleasant aroma sweet peas are famous. At the moment, there are about a hundred species of this plant, and the number of varieties reaches a thousand. In this varietal abundance, you can find plants with small and large (6 cm in diameter) flowers that have a variety of shades of the color palette. The smell of sweet peas is most pronounced in the early varieties. Later hybrids exude weaker aromas, but have high decorative properties.

Two-meter lianas, clinging to the supports with antennae, do an excellent job vertical gardening gazebos, verandas, pergolas, hedges, etc. In small gardens, this plant is used to screen the areas given for growing vegetables. Low-growing (dwarf) varieties, reaching a height of no more than 30 cm, are planted in containers or hanging baskets.

Delicate sprouts of sweet peas do not tolerate transplanting well, therefore it is recommended to sow the seeds directly into the heated soil. Three peas are thrown into the hole, which are pre-soaked in warm water for a day.

An airy wall of sweet peas looks elegant and sophisticated. Under cover of darkness, each flower emits a delicate aroma that attracts all living things

Fragrant mignonette: a centuries-old aroma

Fragrant mignonette has been cultivated in gardens for a long time. The love scenes of many novels written in the 19th century unfold against the backdrop of the sweet and heady scent of mignonette. Modern flower growers find a place in the garden to plant this amazing plant... At the same time, gardeners are attracted not by the simple beauty of ordinary-looking greenish mignonette flowers, but by their delicate fragrance in the evening and at night. Although breeders managed to get decorative varieties of this fragrant plant with a more attractive color of inflorescences:

  • red-green (Red Monarch);
  • yellowish red ("Waving");
  • pinkish copper ("Ruby");
  • light green ("Giant");
  • dark brown ("Victoria");
  • intense red ("Goliath").

V open ground the seeds of fragrant mignonette are sown in the last decade of April or in the first week of May. Seed germination is influenced by weather and soil moisture. Under optimal conditions, mignonette shoots can be seen in one to two weeks. The plant loves freedom, therefore, frequent shoots are necessarily thinned out, maintaining a distance of 15-20 cm between adjacent shoots.

Fragrant mignonette is a time-tested aromatic plant. Prized for the sweet specific smell of small flowers

Reseda loves open spaces well lit by the sun. In dry summers, caring for mignonette consists of abundant watering. Top dressing mineral fertilizers promotes intensive flowering of the plant, and regular collection of faded flowers - the appearance of new inflorescences.

Iberis: just a month for pleasure

How many representatives fragrant plants Iberis has a modest appearance. But the aroma that comes from this plant during the short flowering period gives an unforgettable pleasure. This annual blooms for only a month, while 40, or even 50 days pass from the moment of sowing the seeds until the first flowers appear. In gardens, two types of this annual plant are most often cultivated:

  • Iberis bitter with white inflorescences;
  • Iberis umbellate with flat, cap-shaped inflorescences, the shade of which varies from white to lilac-pink.

Iberis is suitable for growing on the balcony, which differs from its counterpart in its compact size and neat shape.

Alyssum marine - floral carpet with the smell of honey

A low-growing annual blooming from the first days of summer until late autumn. The plant does not grow in height (ceiling - 20 cm), but in width, growing up to 30 centimeters or more. Alyssum grows wherever it is planted: on flower beds, borders, in rockeries and on, in balcony boxes and flowerpots. This annual can even grow between stone tiles. garden paths filling the pedestrian zone of the garden with a honey scent.

Alyssum is an annual low-growing plant with a pronounced aroma. Compact bushes grow to form a carpet. Suitable for framing flower beds and borders, and for filling rocky gardens

The flowers of alyssum marine are white or purple in color, which is used when joint landing plants. After a cosmetic haircut and abundant watering, the alissum is ready for a new wave of flowering. Having planted this fragrant annual once, you do not have to worry about over-sowing seeds for two to three years. Alyssum reproduces well by self-seeding.

More information about the features of growing alyssum in the garden:

Fragrant representatives of perennial flowers

The pleasant-smelling perennials, of course, include roses. The wonderful aroma of these is perfectly complemented and set off by such spicy plants as sage, oregano, catnip, wormwood, geranium, and cuff. The listed species have long been included in the suite of a flower of noble origin. When composing the composition, preference is given to multi-flowered varieties of polyanthus roses.

Only peonies can compete in the power of beauty and aroma with roses. The most fragrant of them are varieties of peony lactocyanin, the aroma of which can be felt at a sufficient distance from the plant. The power of scent blooming peony depends on the age of the perennial. The air temperature and humidity level affects the intensity of the smell. V evening time peony flowers are not devoid of aroma, however, the scent picks up peak values ​​closer to noon.

The peony bush during the flowering period is a decoration of any garden. The wonderful aroma of terry flowers spreads throughout the site, as if inviting to look at the hero of the occasion

Dozens of varieties of peonies have been bred with various aromas:

  • sweetish;
  • apple;
  • lemon;
  • floral;
  • spicy;
  • tart;
  • musky;
  • mint;
  • honey, etc.

In addition to roses and peonies, a number of phloxes, lilies, daffodils, hyacinths, carnations and other plants can be attributed to fragrant perennials. Floral perennials are perfectly complemented by fragrant shrubs, among which are lilac, honeysuckle, white acacia, viburnum and many others.

Incredible facts

We have a lot of good memories of scent, and garden flowers are one of the sources of such memories.

You can remember the sweet scent of grandma's roses that grew on the facade. Or the beautiful white magnolias in the summer heat.

How about the heady scent of tropical flowers that surround us on our exotic travels?

Flowers delight with their beauty, exquisite shapes and an endless range of different hues, but there are those that are most loved for their unique scent.

There are lovers who even plan entire gardens to constantly admire these flowers at home.

1.Plumeria flower scent

Homeland of plumeria in the warm tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean, as well as in South America and Mexico.

These beautiful flowers in shades of pink, red, yellow and white, and in the center they look like a kiss of golden color. Plumeria has a distinct tropical the aroma that is most felt in the evening, and the flowering of this plant has a charming complement.

Plumeria grows in large shrubs and even before small trees , with long, thick leaves at the tips of the branches. Plumeria flowers contain poison which can cause skin irritation in a person. Plumeria trunks are used to make musical instruments, dishes and furniture.

Interesting Facts:

  • Plumeria is the national symbol of Nicaragua and is featured on some banknotes.
  • Plumeria flower will not burn at temperatures less than 500 C.
  • In modern Polynesian culture, plumeria is worn by women , which want to point out their marital status - above the right ear, if looking for a soul mate, and above the left, if already busy or married.
  • In India, plumeria is a symbol of immortality, due to its ability to produce leaves and flowers, even after being taken from the soil. She is often planted near temples and cemeteries, where fresh flowers fall daily on the graves.

2. The scent of the flower is sweet Alyssum

The sweet alyssum flower is also called beetroot or stonemason. He is a simple annual, the seeds of which grow in spring after snow melts. Sweet allisum blooms from early spring to autumn. The flower itself will produce seeds and grow into next year at the same place.

Sweet alyssum is a dense bouquet of small flowers. Little effort and minimum costs will give your garden or apartment a unique aroma.

Interesting fact! After the flower is pollinated by insects, the perianth falls off the plants, and the flower becomes unattractive. Most plants but not sweet alissum. The petals of flowers with already set fruits do not fall off, but, on the contrary, increase in size, attracting insects to the remaining blossoming flowers.

3. The aroma of the flower chocolate cosmos

Chocolate cosmos is also called black cosmos or blood red cosmos.

Chocolate lovers will love this flower. Chocolate Cosmos has unique reddish brown petals that emit a light vanilla aroma, resembling chocolates. However, you should know that the alluring smell of this flower is deceiving, because in fact it is poisonous.

A native of Mexico, the chocolate cosmos is a herbaceous perennial in warm climates, and an annual in cold climates. This flower loves sunlight and grows up to 91 cm in height.

Gardeners advise planting six to eight bushes at once in order to fully enjoy the spectacular aroma. Wherein, the higher the air temperature, the stronger the aroma chocolate space.

Interesting fact! It is believed that chocolate kosmeya grew in ancient times in Mexico. Its chocolate aroma attracted people, the flowers were plucked and the plant died. In nature, chocolate kosmeya is difficult to germinate, therefore, she did not have time to recreate herself. After all, early twentieth century Mexico only one bush of this plant remained.

Fortunately, scientists came to the conclusion in time that if not to accept Urgent measures then people already will never again be able to admire these beautiful flowers. In 1902 from a single bush botanists received seeds and began to artificially plant cosmea in the Mexican fields.

It so happened that all chocolate cosmes in the world have one common ancestor. Botanists are very proud of their achievement, which is why this flower is often featured in scientific examples dedicated to the conservation of botanical genetic diversity.

4. Scent of wisteria flower

In the southern latitudes of the Earth, the faithful a sign of spring if the sweet smell of wisteria blows in the air. Huge, abundantly blooming in clusters, wisteria resembles grapes. Some varieties such clusters can grow up to 92 cm in length.

Wisteria has purple or white petals, and the petals themselves fall off after full bloom for only a few days. Before the petals fall, it is better to leave all your business and enjoy this beauty to the fullest.

True connoisseurs of wisteria are very fond of the aroma of its flowers, but no less appreciate the beauty of the vine of this tree outside of flowering. Wisteria twists its branches horizontally, or around various structures: trellises, poles, houses. it wood is widely used in landscape design, decorating the facades of houses.

Interesting fact! The world's largest wisteria grows in Sierra Madre, California. It covers 4000 sq. m and weighs 250 tons. The length of the branches is 152 m. In one year, 1.5 million flowers bloom on this wisteria.

5. The scent of a sweet pea flower

Known for its intensely scented flowers, sweet peas are already grown over 300 years. Its flowers are the most different shades from red, pink and white to their combinations.

Sweet pea grows up to 1.8 m in height. It is planted in autumn if winters in this climatic zone are mild, otherwise sweet peas are planted in early spring.

The scent of this flower can be enjoyed all spring, although sweet peas endure the summer heat too. However, there are varieties that give no flavor at all.

Interesting Facts:

  • Sweet pea grows in a very wide range of colors, but not in yellow.
  • Sweet peas are not edible and are slightly poisonous.
  • Studies have shown that a fresh bouquet of these flowers in the house improves well-being, increases libido, both in men and women, reduces the effects of a hangover.

6. The scent of a lily of the valley

Lilies of the valley are tiny white or pink bell-shaped flowers with a beautiful scent bouquet.

Tough but fragile in appearance, lilies of the valley are easy to care for. They can even be planted at home. and enjoy the fragrant scent for several years. it perennial and multiplies quickly, so fences are placed on it to limit overgrowth.

The small flowers of the lily of the valley grow on the top of the slender stem, surrounded by broad glossy green leaves.

Interesting Facts:

  • Many peoples have lily of the valley personifies purity, tenderness, loyalty and love.
  • It is the national symbol of Finland.
  • Lily of the valley is included in the symbolism of the state of Massachusetts (USA). The ancient Indians living in this area worshiped the flower as a gift from the gods.
  • Lily of the valley adorns the coat of arms of one of the Moscow districts Kurkino, nicknamed for the unique climate and rare plants local Switzerland.
  • France hosts an annual folk holiday in honor of the lily of the valley. If a girl and a boy exchange bouquets of these fragrant flowers, this means declaration of love to each other.

7. Scent of the Gardenia flower

A classic evergreen gardenia shrub with thick, white and waxy flowers that give off a heady scent. Gardenia was named after the physician and botanist Alexander Garden.

This flower with an uneasy scent serving as an inspiration for spirits, such as Chanel's Gardenia and Marc Jacobs Eau de Perfume.

Gardenia grows up to 2.4 m in height. She loves mineral-rich soil, a lot of light and moisture. Gardenia is susceptible to aphids, mealybugs, ticks and whitefly. This is a somewhat capricious flower in terms of care, but its rich, sweet aroma is undoubtedly worth the effort.

Interesting Facts:

  • There is in the world 140 types of gardenia.
  • This flower symbolizes secret love, purity, joy and beauty.
  • Gardenias are worn by men as boutonnieres (flowers in the buttonhole of a suit) in France.

8. Scent of a flower night beauty

The English name for this flower is four o'clock (Four o "clocks).

The name of the flower, the night beauty, speaks of its specificity: the funnel-shaped flower of this perennial shrub opens in the afternoon, when the temperature begins to drop and stays open all night.

It is best to plant these flowers in your yard where you can fully enjoy the strong scent in the evening. Night beauty of purple, yellow or white will give a special charm to your garden.

It begins to bloom in the middle of summer, continuing to amaze with its beauty until frost. The night beauty is beautiful feels both in the sun and in the shade, growing up to 1.2 m in height.

Interesting Facts:

  • Night beauty (lat. Mirabilis Yalapa), where "mirabilis" from Latin means amazing.

9. Jasmine flower scent

Rich and sweet aroma of white or yellow jasmine made it a very popular flower all over the world. The birthplace of jasmine is tropical and warm countries. Its essential oils are used in perfumery and aromatherapy.

These flowers are closely related to the olive family. There are over 200 different types of jasmine. These woody plants can grow up to 4.6 m in height.

Jasmine is prized for its shiny green leaves and soft, delicate, beautifully scented flowers. His flowers are the source rose oil, which is used in many perfumes. From dried flowers Arabian jasmine tea is made.

Interesting Facts:

  • Jasmine blooms in spring or summer.
  • Already six months old, jasmine releases its fragrance at night after sunset.
  • Jasmine buds are more aromatic than flowers.
  • Two types of this flower are used for oil production.
  • The dried roots of some types of jasmine are used in medicines though they are poisonous.

10. The scent of a rose flower

Probably, the scent of many modern varieties of roses grown by florists is no longer the same compared to the old-fashioned garden roses.

Roses are decorated with strict petals of various colors. Garden roses of incredible beauty with various aromas, usually with white or pastel colors.

Modern flowers are prized for their rich colors and luxurious shapes, with a subtle scent that varies with species. Successful cultivation roses requires a lot sunlight, they often need to be pruned and fertilized, but the effort is well worth the beauty and heady scent.

Interesting Facts:

  • Excavations in Colorado (USA), discovered a rose, which about 35 million years.
  • Roses can be used to show feelings and emotions. Red roses given in order to show romantic mood, love or passion. Yellow roses donated to express sympathy, happiness, or love. Pink flowers are given to show a benevolent attitude towards another person.
  • Sometimes you can hear the term "black rose", but in fact black roses don't exist. These are actually called dark reds, which look dark and gloomy.
More 80% of the land in Zambia ( South Africa), busy with the cultivation of these flowers.