Raspberries: planting and growing. Growing remontant raspberries in the Krasnodar Territory - planting and care

Raspberry seedlings planted in autumn give better growth and higher yields than those planted in spring. However, there are many factors to consider when landing. We will tell you which ones.

Most often, gardeners plant raspberries in spring, but autumn planting has a significant advantage over spring planting - with others equal conditions planting seedlings in September-October will provide the berry grower with better survival rate and higher yields.

Planting dates for raspberries in autumn

There is no definite answer to the question of when to plant raspberries. Specific terms depend on several factors at once: climatic zone, weather conditions, raspberry varieties.

It is necessary to plant seedlings 15-20 days before the onset of frost. In the middle lane, the planting period of this shrub usually falls at the end of September - mid-October; in warmer regions, it can be planted until the end of October.

The main criterion by which the readiness of the seedlings is determined is the appearance of replacement buds on the root collar. Have early varieties they can appear as early as mid-September, in late September by the end of the month.

If you miss the moment and plant the raspberries too late, they will not have time to root well and the seedling may die in the harsh snowless winter.

Site preparation for autumn planting of raspberries

This berry bush will feel good in a sunny corner of the garden, well protected from drafts.

Ideally, the raspberry planting site is prepared in advance, 2 years in advance. If there is such an opportunity, siderates are sown before planting seedlings in the selected area.

If the decision to plant raspberries was made spontaneously, and you do not want to wait for two years, choose areas for this crop where perennial grasses have grown before.

Immediately after strawberries and nightshades, raspberries should not be planted!

Raspberry prefers loamy and sandy loam soils. If your site is acidic, increased acidity needs to be corrected by liming. To do this, fluff, ground limestone, marl, burnt lime, dolomite are introduced into the ground. Lime promotes the accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil, improves the structure of the soil.

How to choose raspberry seedlings?

Only healthy seedlings can guarantee an excellent harvest. A weak, diseased seedling will not grow a strong plant that will bear good harvest... Therefore, the choice of planting material must be approached responsibly.

A high-quality raspberry seedling should be a 20 cm shoot with a diameter of at least 5 mm with a well-developed root system.

Purchased bushes should be placed in water for two days, and before planting, dried stems must be cut off. Immediately before burying the seedling, its roots are dipped in a mullein solution (1:10).

Bush method of planting raspberry seedlings

Bush planting of raspberries (in a separate hole) is one of the most common methods. It is great if your garden does not have room for a raspberry "plantation" and you plan to plant several bushes in different places.

First of all, it is necessary to make a marking with a twine, leaving an interval of 0.7-0.9 m between plants, between rows - 1.5-2 m.

After that, you should dig holes 30 × 30 × 30 cm in size.In each of them add 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bof compost or humus, 30-35 g of superphosphate and 20-25 g of potassium salt.
Fertilizers in the pit are mixed with the top fertile soil layer. Then recesses are formed in the ground. The roots of the seedling are slightly shaken off, straightened. The seedling is placed in the center of the hole so that root system took up all the space. Raspberries are buried so that the replacement kidney is 2-3 cm below ground level.

After planting, the soil around the seedling is slightly trampled down, 5 liters of water are poured under the bush.

Tape method of planting raspberry seedlings

Gardeners find tape planting of raspberries (in trenches) a convenient and effective way.

To mark the rows, the ropes are pulled in the direction from south to north with row spacing of 2.0-2.5 m.Then, a trench is dug 40 cm wide and deep.

On 1 running meter trenches consume the same amount of fertilizer as in one pit for bush planting (3-5 kg \u200b\u200bof manure, 30-35 g of superphosphate, 20-25 g of potassium salt). Then fertilizers are mixed with the top fertile soil layer.

Prepared raspberry seedlings are placed in a trench at a distance of 30-75 cm from each other.

Tight fit speeds up trench filling. But belts with a width of 0.4-0.8 m are considered the most convenient for maintenance.

Before planting, the soil must be loosened for a more rational distribution of moisture in it. With the tape method, raspberry seedlings are planted several centimeters deeper than they grew before. Then the soil is well trampled so that there are no voids left between the roots. The planted plants are watered and calculating 0.5 liters of water per bush.

To preserve moisture in the soil, prevent the growth of weeds and protect the seedlings from freezing, after planting, the soil around them is mulched. Humus, hay, sawdust, crushed stalks of sunflower, corn are used as mulch. A protective layer is poured no more than 5 cm thick.

To protect the seedlings from freezing, after the first frost, they must be covered with a 15-20-centimeter layer of peat. In the spring, when the soil thaws a little, the peat must be removed. Further care behind the bushes the usual: watering, feeding, pruning and preventive treatments against diseases and pests.

Raspberries are an appetizing berry that ripens in early summer. Few can pass by this fragrant fruit. It is not only tasty, but also very useful for the treatment of colds. If you decide to breed a red-pink beauty on your site, you need to know the timing and rules for planting raspberries in the fall.

When is it better to plant raspberries - in autumn or spring, in what month

It is believed that autumn is the most favorable time for planting raspberries. At this time, it will take root well, straighten the roots and grow new ones. Until the onset of the first frost, it is fed from the soil of mineral fertilizers and overwinters well. And in the spring, such seedlings will grow faster, waking up on a par with centenarians, and may even begin to bear fruit (if it is a remontant variety).

If you plant raspberries in the spring, and not in the fall, then the plant takes root for a long period. Naturally, there is no question of any harvest in the same year. Therefore, it is autumn that is best period for rooting young seedlings.

Another one important question, requiring an answer: when is it better to plant raspberries in the fall, and in what month? Be accepted you can plant raspberries in the fall in September, this is the most suitable time for the procedure.

In different regions, the timing of planting raspberries in the fall of course can vary. So, in the south of Russia, shrubs can be planted until the end of October, but in Middle lane (Moscow region) it is desirable to be in time before the end of September. But the main condition is that there should be another 20-30 days before the first frost.

If you plant raspberries later than this time, then the sprouts may not have time to gain a foothold inside the soil. The result will be either complete freezing of the seedling, or difficult wintering, and then a long fight against diseases and weakness of the seedling. Therefore, it is recommended to have time to meet the recommended deadlines and plant raspberries in the autumn in a new place, while the outside temperature is kept around + 10 ... + 15 degrees.

The main reference point to start planting works - complete maturation of the seedling,when replacement buds appear on it, located on the root collar of the seedling. If the variety is early, then such eyes will appear in early September. When late grade buds will appear at the end of September.

Video: planting raspberry seedlings in the fall

Planting dates in different regions

Optimal the timing of planting raspberries in the fall in the Central lane (in the suburbs)and in the area of \u200b\u200brisky farming (Volga region) - with September to October... It is possible to plant raspberries in these regions in spring, but autumn deepening makes the plant much stronger and more enduring.

Planting raspberries in autumn in Siberia and the Urals you need to complete it before the first days of September, but you should be guided by the weather. If the end of summer turned out to be cold, rainy, windy, then it is advisable not to plant a raspberry seedling in the Urals and Siberia at all, leaving this event to spring... The result of rooting in the fall will be death due to freezing or the appearance of a fungal disease due to high humidity air.

Plant raspberries in autumn northern regions it is recommended that the rows of beds run from north to south. With the help of such a placement, the plantings will receive the maximum number of sunlight... This has a positive effect on the ripening of the crop and taste berries.

Advantages and disadvantages of planting in the fall

The technique of planting a young raspberry seedling is the same in spring and autumn.

The following advantages of planting raspberries in the fall are distinguished:

  • The weather in autumn is already not hot, the air humidity is increased, small drops in temperature occur at night. All these conditions have a fruitful effect on the rate of release of young roots by transplanted plants. In spring, on the contrary, air degrees can change dramatically from moderately warm to hot days. Such changes have a negative effect on the young seedling.
  • Internal plant juices in autumn period concentrated inside the cutting... Raspberries accumulate all nutrients from the transplanted soil inside the stem. In the spring, everything happens the other way around. The shrub spends all its internal forces on the growth of shoots, therefore, after planting, it is very difficult for it to maintain both the root system and reproduce fresh leaves.
  • Planting material is sold by affordable price a lotso you can choose the variety you want. In addition, the plants are often sold with leaves and sometimes berries that can be seen, touched and even tasted. Based on the sample, it is possible to determine the quality and external data of the seedlings.
  • Easy care for young raspberries after planting in the fall... Weather creates ideal conditions for excellent survival rate of seedlings. Almost 100% rooting after planting in the fall.


The only drawback of planting raspberries in the fall in September-October is the need to monitor the weather, namely, to track the moments of temperature decrease... The main thing is to correctly guess the timing of the most ideal time for planting a young raspberry seedling.

Thus, the need for planting young seedlings in the autumn is obvious. At this moment, after planting, the raspberry seedlings will root well, be nourished and winter well. Next spring, the first fruits with a fragrant smell can already be expected.

How to plant raspberries in the fall - features and step-by-step instructions

Surely any novice gardener who decided to take up this business is interested in how to properly plant raspberries in the fall. This is not difficult to do, especially if you follow these step-by-step instructions.

What should be a seedling

The choice of a raspberry seedling for planting in the fall is not carried out according to appearance stem, but according to the internal state of the root system. It should be well developed, without visible damage or putrid odor.

Only after you are sure of the quality of the root system, which has a large number of dormant basal buds, can you pay attention to ground part... The stems should be woody, about 0.5-1 cm in diameter.

If the seedling is tall, then before planting it is cut to a level of 20-25 cm from the base. This is necessary so that it pulls less nutrients on itself, giving the root system the strength for rooting.

Note! If you want to plant or transplant a raspberry bush to a new location (and not buy and plant from scratch), then help you.

Landing place

It is recommended to choose a sunny place for growing raspberries, because a lot of sunlight is required to ripen the berries, but it is better that the shrub is not under the scorching rays all the time. Of course, a plant can grow in partial shade, but then you won't even have to dream of large yields, despite all the care and abundance of fertilizing.

Attention!Raspberry is a rather unpretentious creature; it can grow in any territory. But if you want a larger harvest and a rich taste of sweet berries, then before planting raspberries, you should pay attention to choosing a planting site and preparing the soil.

In addition, the site must be protected from drafts and strong winds. Sometimes in the spring, strong hurricanes can occur, which knock off delicate foliage and spoil the ovary of berries. Therefore, the moment of windy weather should also be taken into account.

What soil is needed

The soil for planting raspberries must be fertile. When the soil is low in nutrients, the leaves of the plant lose their saturated shade, covered with yellowness with pronounced veins.

The ideal soil for planting raspberries is loamy and sandy loam soil.

Note! It is important that the soil is well drained, and also allows moisture to pass to the roots, without stagnating near the base.

After the landing site is selected, the territory is prepared. To prepare the soil for planting raspberries, you need to do the following:

  1. Dig up.
  2. Remove all kinds of weeds and numerous stones from it.
  3. At the end of the procedure, all dug up pieces of earth must be broken.
  4. Remove remnants of the roots of previous plants.
  5. Level the ground completely.

After preparing the soil, you can proceed directly to the planting procedure.

Planting methods

Planting young annual raspberry seedlings is carried out in several ways:

  1. bush;
  2. trench.

Bush method

Guided by the method of rooting seedlings using the bush method, you should not resort to preparing (fertilizing) the soil in advance. When planting, correctly place the raspberry seedling in the ground according to the following scheme:

  1. A pit is prepared 2 weeks before starting work in the garden. The depth of the pit for planting raspberries should not exceed 30-40 cm, and the diameter - 30-40 cm.
  2. Further, compost or humus up to 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bis laid in the planting hole. Additionally, upon landing, mineral fertilizersconsisting of potassium sulfate (10 gr.) or wood ash (2 cups), superphosphate (15-20 grams).
  3. Half of the excavated soil is mixed with fertilizers and poured into the hole, filling it about half.
  4. After the seedling is placed in the pit. Its roots should be straightened by spreading them in different sides from the center of the recess.
  5. Raspberries should be planted to such a depth that the root neck is no more than 2-3 cm below ground level.
  6. As the soil falls asleep, the shrub is slightly shaken so that the soil penetrates into all hollow gaps and fills everything with itself.

Scheme bush planting raspberries:

Trench method

The second method of planting raspberries is the trench (tape) method. Not many people know him due to the fact that in most cases they use a bush planting method. If you compare both procedures, then planting in a trench is a more laborious and time-consuming method.

When using the trenching method, a significant plus is the confidence that the entire raspberry plant receives an equal amount of nutrients. This procedure will increase the growth of green shoots and the yield of the bushes.

Raspberry trench dimensions: width - 40 cm, depth - 40 cm, distance between seedlings 40-70 cm.

If it is required that raspberries do not let root seedlings enter the entire territory of the site, then a dug hole in the ground is laid out with slate on all sides. It prevents the roots from growing in different directions, blocking their movement.

At the bottom of the trench, a layer of wood pours out, which has already begun to rot, turning into dust. A layer of humus (6-8 kg per 1 square meter), fallen leaves or cow dung (this can be laid out in layers one by one or by mixing everything in one batch).

In addition, to fertilize raspberries when planting, you must add:

  1. Potassium sulfate - 40 grams per 1 sq. meter or
  2. Wood ash - 1 can or 0.5 kg.
  3. Superphosphate (granular) - 40 grams per 1 sq. meter.

Cover everything from above with black earth or garden soil... Such a layer of fertilizers when planting raspberries ensures that the bushes receive nutrients for a sufficiently long period.

Video: correct fit raspberries in autumn

Care after planting in autumn

After the seedling is buried in the ground, it is recommended to lightly tamp the soil... This is necessary so that no hollow depressions remain inside the soil. Moisture can stagnate in them, which negatively affects the root system of the plant.

With a large amount of water constantly at the roots, they can be joined by fungal disease or they will start to rot. Any outcome adversely affects the planted seedling.

Further care for young raspberries after planting in the fall should be constant. It is periodically watered, focusing on the need for moisture, when the soil dries out.

Also, as a care, a raspberry seedling is prepared for wintering after planting in the fall. At the first sign of decline temperature regime, it is recommended to mulch or cover the root area with humus or sawdust.

Caution! Fallen leaves are not the most the best option for mulching, as it may contain various peststhat have the peculiarity of eating juice fruit plants... In addition, fungal diseases develop well in it.

Young plant often suffers from severe frosts, therefore experienced gardeners make a frame near the raspberry and stretch a film over it. This method is especially suitable for the bunch method. In this case, each plant will be neatly wrapped in plastic wrap.

The erected frame forms the necessary space in which there is enough oxygen for the plant to overwinter normally. In spring, the insulation is removed at the first rays of the sun, so as not to provoke the accumulation of condensation.

Possible mistakes when planting raspberries in the fall

Any gardener dreams of getting big harvests with mouth-watering large fruits from his raspberry tree. But in most cases, typical mistakesthat do not allow achieving the desired result:

  1. Landing too early... Early rooting allows the plant to grow green shoots. Such activation of activity during the first frosts can provoke a decrease in plant immunity.
  2. Bushes are planted in the shade... There is not enough sunlight for the shrub, not for ripening the berries, but for their formation. Therefore, the plant begins to reach for the sun, its shoots become thin, brittle and do not have time to ripen by the due date of retirement. This situation leads to freezing of some of the fruit buds at the ends of the shoots.
  3. Placing seedlings on clay soil, which is characterized by stagnant moisture.
  4. During planting, the seedling was trimmed slightly... Ground sprouts will begin to pull on nutrients. This prevents the plant's root system from firmly rooting in the ground.
  5. Substandard planting material: too old, with overdried roots, etc., etc.... You should choose young one-year-old seedlings. Their root system should be at least 10-15 cm, and the stem is quite strong. If you buy seedlings in spontaneous markets, then the roots should be pulled over with damp cloth so that they do not dry out. Otherwise, it will be difficult to return them to their normal state.

Video: planting raspberries without mistakes

Thus, raspberries are not such a demanding shrub, although you cannot call it completely unpretentious either. But to get berries with rich taste data and large size, it is recommended to try a little. Planting raspberries in the fall is easy. The main thing is to follow the rules: make correct preparation beds for raspberries and choose a quality seedling. Knowing all the features and secrets of planting raspberries, you can get an amazing harvest in the future.

Video: how to plant raspberries in the fall

In contact with

Raspberry belongs to the Pink family. It is an upright, thorny shrub. The color of the fruit can be very different: from light pink to almost black. There is also a yellow raspberry. As for the variety, today, more and more often in personal plots, the newly bred remontant raspberrythat does not need to be treated with chemicals and is not susceptible to pests and diseases when proper care... In addition, if the planting of raspberries in the fall is done according to all the rules, the total harvest remontant grade it always turns out 2-3 times more than the usual one.

Planting raspberries: timing

Repotting raspberries is best in the fall. The exact dates for planting raspberries are from late September to mid-October. The bushes planted during this period go into a dormant stage. This gives them the opportunity to completely rest and, with the arrival of spring, start growing with renewed vigor.

Another advantage of replanting shrubs at this time of the year is the prevalence of rainy, cool weather, which is the best suited for rooting. Therefore, such dates for planting raspberries in the fall must be observed.

Preparation of seedlings

For planting, young offspring are selected, coming from the root of the bush. In this case, planting raspberries in the fall should be carried out using exceptionally strong seedlings with well-formed shoots. You can also dig up the whole bush, then divide it into several parts so that at least one shoot remains in each of them. Young strong seedlings can be taken from an already adult garden bed. To do this, they are carefully separated from the main bush.

Before planting, the seedling must be shortened by cutting off the top of the shoot for this, and then clear it of the leaves. The height of the seedling should not be more than 40 cm. This will allow the bush to take root better and, as a result, give a larger yield. If you neglect this rule, raspberries will not be able to form new shoots, since they will spend all their strength on the survival of the bush. And as a result, the harvest can be expected a year later.

Planting remontant raspberries: choosing a place

Planting raspberry bushes begins with choosing a suitable place, which should be in an area well-lit by sunlight. Lack of light increases the ripening time of berries, worsens the maturation of stem tissues, reducing its winter hardiness. Under shading conditions, the plant is more often affected by diseases and damaged by pests. In addition, planting raspberries in the fall should be done in places protected from strong gusts of wind, this is important condition when growing a remontant variety.

Raspberries, when compared to others berry crops, absolutely not afraid of waterlogging. Moreover, moisture is the basis of her harvest. She experiences the maximum need for water during the period of fruit ripening and shoot growth. This culture grows equally well both on a flat surface and in low-lying areas.

The soil for raspberries should be not only moist, but also fertile. It depends on its composition and applied fertilizers what end results will bring autumn planting raspberries.

Planting methods

There are two ways to grow raspberries:

  • bush;
  • tape.

In the first case, several bushes are planted in one hole at once, and in the second, the germinated cuttings are planted in a row one by one. Most often, gardeners use ribbon planting, planting bushes along the fence around its entire perimeter, creating a living green barrier. The main advantage of this method is to save the usable area of \u200b\u200bthe site.

Planting raspberries

Raspberries must be planted in rows, the distance between which, if used different varieties at the same time there should be at least 4 m, and the distance between adjacent bushes - 60 cm. This will allow avoiding misgrading in the future. If there is not so much free space on the site, the distance between the rows can be reduced to 1.5 m.

Having decided on the place for planting, you need to dig trenches or holes 25-30 cm deep. A layer of loose humus must be laid at the bottom of the resulting hole.

Raspberry seedlings should not be deepened much. The roots are best positioned horizontally, carefully covering them with earth without tamping. When planting seedlings, you need to make sure that the tips of the roots are not directed upwards in any case.

Mulching raspberries in autumn

Raspberries are very fond of mulching, during which free areas of soil near the bushes are covered with a layer organic material... These can be weeds removed after weeding, grass, sawdust, shavings. They rot under the influence of microorganisms and worms during the winter, forming humus, as a result of which raspberries, planting and caring for which are simple, will grow faster.

The mulch is distributed around the raspberry bushes in a five-centimeter layer, without reaching the plant stems. Otherwise, they will start to rot. Shrubs need to be mulched within a radius of 40-50 cm. The timing of mulching, like the time of planting raspberries, requires strict adherence - this should be done once every 2 years in the fall.

Wintering raspberries

Experienced gardeners know that raspberries need to be weighed down for the winter. This must be done before the onset of sub-zero temperatures. During bending, the shoots are stacked on top of each other, after which they are tied with twine or attached to the ground using homemade hooks. You need to carry out such work in the afternoon. It is at this time that the shoots are more flexible and do not break. In the spring, the twine is untied and the bushes rise.

It is wrong to bend raspberries half a meter from the ground, while leaving a high arc. In this case, planting raspberries in the fall will not bring the desired results, since the buds located in the central part of the shoot remain unprotected, as a result of which they simply freeze.

The quality of wintering is no less influenced by the state of the plant. Therefore, simply bending down the raspberry bushes and forgetting about them is not enough. This plant and in winter time demands to itself special attention... The first step is to constantly monitor how the bushes are covered with snow. If the winter is with little snow, then it will be useful to add snow where there is not enough snow. In addition, raspberries need constant access to air. And when an ice crust appears, it will need to be pierced. For a successful wintering, the bushes must be covered with a thick layer of soft snow.

Raspberry care: feeding

Caring for raspberries planted in the fall should be started as soon as early spring arrives. To do this, you need to clear the snow from the raspberry and untie the bushes, and then conduct a thorough examination of the shoots. If frozen shoots are detected, they are removed. This will help prevent the development of diseases.

Before the bushes begin to bloom, they must be treated with mineral and organic fertilizers. For spring feeding urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are ideal. Mullein can be added to urea. To do this, a mullein shovel is bred in a bucket of water and matchbox urea. This fertilizer is enough for the entire growing season. It must be laid next to the growing stems, while avoiding falling asleep tops of the newly formed shoots.

How to tie raspberries

Despite the fact that raspberries can grow quietly even in an abandoned place, if not looked after, they will run wild. To prevent this from happening, after the winter they must tie it up. This technique increases yields, greatly facilitates caring for them and harvesting fruits.

To tie up raspberries, it is enough to bury the posts or pipes along the edges of the row, then pull a wire between them, to which you can later tie up the shoots. In a very long row, so that the wire does not sag, additional stakes are hammered.

Features of watering raspberries

Most of the roots of raspberries are located within a radius of 30-50 cm from the trunk. At the same time, the depth of their occurrence is 10-20 cm. It is for this reason that the lack of moisture in the soil negatively affects raspberries. You need to water it at least 5 times per season. To determine exact amount watering, you need to focus on weather in a particular region. If the summer is dry, you need to water more often, rainy - less often.

Watering must be done before flowering, during the period of ovary formation, during fruit ripening and after harvesting. When watering, moisture must penetrate to a depth of at least 30 cm.

To obtain a rich harvest, it is very important to regularly remove ripe berries from the bushes. This should be done every other day, that is, at least three times a week. If this is not done, the berry will become unusable and crumble, as a result of which the amount harvested will decrease significantly.

You need to pick the berries carefully, carefully removing them from the bush along with the stalk, since raspberries, planting and caring for which were performed correctly, turn out to be very tender. It is advisable to do this in dry weather in the morning, immediately after the dew melts. Berries harvested in rainy weather spoil quickly. It is recommended to use wicker baskets as a container.

After picking, raspberries should not be left in direct sunlight. Better to take them to a shaded area right away. Without consumption and processing, they are stored no more than a day. From own-grown raspberries personal plot, you can cook delicious jam, which will help in the fight against colds in winter, or a fragrant compote rich in vitamins. It can also be frozen in freezer refrigerator to use in winter for making healthy fruit drinks or delicious desserts.

Features of post-harvest work

After the harvest is harvested, it is necessary to carefully cut out all the fruit bearing shoots. This will allow, together with them, to remove pests and pathogens from the raspberry plant. various diseases... Shoot removal must be carried out at soil level. There is no need to leave hemp.

Once the shoots have been cut, the soil in the rows should be loosened. But before that, bring into the ground charcoal at the rate of 2 glasses per 1 sq. m. As you know, the roots of raspberries lie close enough to the surface, so you cannot dig up the soil between the bushes.

Properly executed planting and caring for raspberries will very soon bring the desired result.

Any self-respecting owner of a backyard or suburban area dreams of treating herself and her family with sweet and fragrant raspberries, showing off a large harvest and large berries to her neighbors.

But how can this result be achieved? Where to start if you only have a great desire, but not enough experience and knowledge?

I will not delve into the intricacies and overload the common man's brain with complex terms and descriptions of labor-intensive agrotechnical techniques, I will try to be concise and accurate, give advice that has been tested from personal experience.

A little clarification: we will talk about the cultivation of raspberries in the south of Russia and Ukraine. The main difference from other regions is the early hot spring.

The first thing to learn is to plant raspberry bushes in the fall and best of all in early November. This is primarily due to changes in climatic conditions. Practice shows that even the most resistant varieties of berries do not have time to take root after spring planting. As a rule, they do not survive until summer and no watering and fertilization will help you with this.

After the end of winter, the sum of average daily positive temperatures grows rapidly, by the end of April we have up to +25 + 30C. Moreover, the intensity ultraviolet radiation is such that the frequency of watering is in no way able to prevent the plant from drying out.

Further, it should be remembered that raspberries grow best in a place where it is always humid and there is no excess of sunlight. Hence the conclusion follows - raspberries feel good in shaded places (in the shade of a house, between outbuildings, in the backyard in the shade of trees).

Raspberries reproduce perfectly by root processes, they have dormant buds that grow well in favorable conditions... If you have got the stems together with the root part, then after planting the stem must be cut to ground level. You need to close it up to a depth of 5-10 cm. It makes no sense to leave long branches: it is still impossible to get a harvest from them, as well as an increase for the next year.

The planted bushes must be sprinkled with organic matter. Water abundantly at least once a week as you grow. You will get the harvest in the second year.

During the period of growth of fruiting stems, raspberries form a mass of young shoots. At the end of May, they must be completely cut off. After a month, repeat the procedure, but some of the most powerful shoots must be left. Their number should correspond to the number of fruiting stems. In the fall, after harvesting, you completely cut off the fruiting stems, and the young shoots will give you a crop next year.

That's all the simple wisdom. Do everything on time, do not give up, believe in the power of nature - get excellent result and a lot of fun.

How to plant raspberries correctly?


- Raspberries are planted in holes or grooves 25-30 cm deep without tilting. The rhizomes are covered in such a way that the buds of the rhizomes are at the level of the soil or are covered with soil 3-5 cm. If you plant it smaller, the plant will suffer during drought and frost.

Do not get carried away with planting too deep - the survival rate and development of the seedling will decrease.

On arid soils, like in our Kuban, raspberries are placed in deep grooves that are not completely covered with earth. Snow accumulates in them in winter, moisture remains in spring.

- How to plant raspberries correctly?

AND. Zavyalova.

Raspberries are a great example of a berry that is easier and cheaper to grow in your own garden than to buy. For a long time, it has been valued for its amazing taste, delicate aroma and medicinal qualities. If you do not have this in the garden yet amazing plant, then it must be planted, because the berry picked with your own hands has a special taste and smell.

Raspberries require a minimum of maintenance compared to the value of the crop they provide. How to plant raspberries? In autumn or spring? This article will answer these questions.

Basic steps

How to plant raspberries in the fall? In principle, this is a simple matter. One has only to follow certain rules.

This culture thrives best in cool climates. The landing site must be sunny. In the southern regions, you should choose partial shade. Culture doesn't like hard clay soil, preferably drained, light. It's a good idea to add humus. It is recommended to apply fertilizers to the ground in autumn.

How to choose a landing method?

For raspberries there are different variants planting: tape, bush, sparse. In the first case, the seedlings are placed at regular intervals in one line. For low-growing varieties, this distance is 30-35 cm, for high varieties - 50-70 cm. Cuttings are planted in a common trench or separate holes. The sparse method involves planting two seedlings per hole at a distance of 70-80 cm.

With the bush method, separate bushes are formed from seedlings, placing young shoots in holes in several pieces. The distance between such groups is 100-180 cm. The last method is convenient when arranging a raspberry tree in several places on the site, the rest are suitable when forming a hedge, planting along a fence.

Process technology

In the selected areas, shallow holes or trenches should be dug, compost should be added - a bucket for each plant, as well as ash or lime. Saplings must be kept in water for a couple of hours, you can add Kornevin to the water. Before planting, the seedlings are cut to 25 cm. Then the leaves will not take moisture from the plant stem.

Then the shoots are carefully lowered into the recess, the roots are straightened, and sprinkled with dry earth. Then they fill up the trench fertile soil... The soil around the stem is slightly compressed, not compacted strongly. It is important to maintain the correct planting depth.

Some gardeners practice planting several varieties together, getting raspberries with different ripening times.

Landing dates

There is no consensus on when to plant raspberries. Some say that better in springothers - in the fall. In principle, everyone is right. Raspberries can be planted at any time, unless in winter.

The main thing is not to forget existing rules agricultural technology. Autumn time has its merits. The timing depends on the capricious spring weather, it takes root worse, it is still weak, it is not provided enough moisture. Therefore, we will consider in detail how to plant raspberries in the fall. As soon as the replacement buds ripen on the root collar, indicating the end of the growing season of the shoots, the planting time begins. To do this, select one-year root suckers that have grown from adventitious buds on the roots of mother plants.

Planting material is prepared and used in October-November, since planting raspberries in the fall is still better. The main thing is to do everything no later than 2 weeks before the cold weather and freezing of the soil. The planted shoots should be well watered. To avoid damage in winter, the lower ones are spud.

The soil is peat or straw. These actions will improve it, prevent weeds from germinating, and retain moisture. If you plant raspberries in the spring, there is a high probability of excessive drying of the root system, therefore, poor plant survival. Therefore, the autumn planting is the most optimal. The root buds of seedlings must be sprinkled with earth, and then mulched. We control the correctness of planting: carefully pull the shoot up. If it sits fragilely in the ground, the planting is bad, incorrect, the seedling needs to be transplanted.

How to plant raspberries - whether in autumn or spring, it is up to the gardener to decide. The recommendations provided in the article, and personal experience help you make the right decision. Grow useful and delicious berry quite real with a little effort.