What is a remontant strawberry: care, planting and breeding features, tips for getting a good harvest. What is a remontant variety? Photo gallery: ways to place strawberries in the garden

Once I had a chance to communicate with a real scientist. In his area, he showed various plants. Particular attention was drawn to remontant raspberries with an elongated fruit shape. The breeder spoke about the ability of bushes to bear fruit until winter and high yields berry culture.

The weight of one berry is 7 grams. In September from 30 square meters the scientist collects 4.5 kilograms. The best varieties for growing in the Moscow region: Bryansk Divo, Orange Miracle, Firebird, Nizhegorodets. The breeder recommended only the best seed, but did not talk about the specifics of cultivation.

I got excited about the idea of ​​growing a remontant culture, and began to bring the idea to life. One of my mistakes was planting bushes in the garden behind the greenhouse, where there is shade in the evening. There were other shortcomings as well. New experience formed the basis of the article.

Many summer residents do not understand what it means remontant raspberries. The word "repair" of French origin, means to repair or renovate. The second autumn picking of berries can be considered a renewal of the plant. In total, these bushes are harvested twice during the season.

Since my acquaintance with remontant raspberries 3 years have passed. New varieties of berry crops have appeared. Breeders have brought out the top five best varieties for cultivation in central Russia, including the Moscow region.

  1. apricot raspberry yellow color. Small berries. The plant is resistant to various diseases. From harvested crop you can make amber jam or jam.
  2. Indian Summer is one of the first remontant varieties of domestic selection. Valued for the unusual conical shape of the fruit. Inferior to some varieties in immune protection, therefore, it can become infected with a spider mite, pick up the powdery mildew virus and purple spotting.
  3. Bryansk anniversary is preferred by gardeners for early fruiting and elongated fruit shape. The plant is demanding on top dressing and water content in the soil. Resistance to various diseases is average.
  4. Hercules leads among other varieties of remontant raspberries due to the traditional raspberry color of the berries and big size. In winter, bushes require shelter, but are resistant to rot.
  5. Eurasia is a variety of medium fruiting, but it will delight gardeners with flowers and the shape of the fruit. It is undemanding neither to the soil nor to the climate, it will withstand the attacks of pests.

Growing remontant raspberries

Location selection

For growing fragrant berry bushes, I choose a lighted place. A little shading in the evening or in the morning can affect crop yields.

The bed should be on some hill. Our household plot located in a former swamp. I choose a place where there is no spring flooding. In addition, I make a high bed.

I'm digging the land ahead of time. I bring in rotted compost in the form of humus or well-decomposed manure.

Important! When applying complex mineral fertilizers, make sure that the granules dissolve. The root system is sensitive to chemical compounds and may get burned.

Landing time

Usually planting in the fall causes some problems for gardeners. It is necessary to have time to plant seedlings in the ground a week before the onset of frost. The plant continues to move juices even at sub-zero temperatures, but adaptation to the place is difficult.

It is better to choose the end of April or the beginning of May for landing in the central strip of Russia. Plants take root better and get sick less.

Compared with the autumn planting, the spring "housewarming" has negative side. Over the summer, the plants do not develop enough to produce a crop. Therefore, you will have to be patient and wait for full fruiting on next year after landing.


For planting, I dig holes 50 centimeters deep. It is important that there is a fertile layer under the hole - root system will develop in breadth and take root down. Nutrients should be everywhere, as remontant bushes are more demanding than ordinary raspberries for nutrition.

Landing pattern

Plants are planted in two rows. I leave a distance of 70-80 centimeters between the bushes. The culture should have enough room to develop:

  • root system in the soil;
  • green mass above the ground.

If planting and care is carried out correctly: reproduction and cultivation is not difficult even for beginner gardeners. The average life expectancy of a remontant berry crop is up to 14–15 years.

Landing in the ground

  1. I pour a liter of slurry into the holes and put a handful wood ash.
  2. Gently lower the bush, straightening the roots with my hands.
  3. I fall asleep with earth and lightly tamp the earth with my palms.
  4. Near the stem, at a distance of 15 centimeters, I form a groove three centimeters deep, where I pour warm and settled water.

A good guide would be a video on planting and caring for remontant raspberries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8n0AFZgqQk

Bush care

Raspberry pruning

I prune raspberry bushes in the fall. I remove dry branches, form a crown so that there is free space between the bushes.


When planting in the spring, I carefully fertilize the ground. The soil must be enough nitrogen and potassium. To do this, I feed the bushes with a solution of slurry, after three weeks with an extract of green fertilizer. You can add wood ash to the garden at any time.

At the beginning of summer, I scatter granules of azophoska or nitrophoska on the ground. Helps retain moisture in the ground and prevent weed growth by mulching the soil. I use sawdust, mowed hay, a needle case for this.

Pest and disease control

The most common raspberry pest is the weevil. It is also popularly called the flower beetle. The dark brown beetle feeds on leaves. Hibernates under fallen leaves. You can identify the pest by the flower buds that fall off.

Beaver fruit is another harmful weevil. In the spring, the beetle gnaws the buds, and then eats the buds.

Beetles Byturus tomentosus F met every gardener in raspberries in the form of worms. In addition to crop loss due to insect larvae, leaves and ovaries are damaged by the beetle itself.

Control measures

In the spring, I treat the bushes with insecticides: Fufanon, Kemifos, Kinmiks, Aktellik, Intavir. When using, I take into account the recommendations specified in the instructions.

If the attack happened during the flowering period of the bushes, then I use environmentally friendly products or a solution of garlic infusion.

Prevention of pest infestation in raspberries

To prevent the appearance of any misfortune, I follow the rules of care:

  • in the fall I thin out the raspberries so that the bushes have free space and are well ventilated;
  • I burn all the scraps, but good branches I dry them and make tea from them;
  • in autumn I dig row-spacings;
  • throughout the season, I loosen the ground under the bushes for better breathability.

​Related Articles​

What is the difference between remontant strawberries and ordinary ones?

Planted and transplanted plants require the same preparation for winter as the rest.

Carpeted: strawberries are planted in a continuous carpet with a distance between plants of 20-25 cm;

Shelter is created when the temperature is consistently below zero, otherwise the plants may begin to rot.

What are the varieties of remontant strawberries

  • It is also necessary to check that the roots do not remain bare. The earth needs to be loosened, and then the landings should be mulched with leafy humus. Bushes cover with grass only with the onset of frost. Pest control and disease prevention is carried out both in spring and autumn. Just like garden strawberries, remontant varieties also require care. Even more intense. But the harvest is richer.
  • Features of some popular varieties listed in this list:
  • Remontant strawberries need more watering than ordinary strawberries. Therefore, care in this regard should be done more carefully.
  • You can also pour a little special powder around the roots, which contributes to better rooting of plants. Then it remains to fill them with soil, slightly compacting it. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the root neck of the seedling is located at the same level with the soil surface or slightly above it, as in the photo.
  • radish;
  • If an aphid is found on strawberries, they fight it with a special solution, the ingredients of which are a few cloves of garlic and 3 liters of water. Such a solution must be infused for a week, after which the bushes are processed through a spray bottle.
  • It also happens that some bushes of this strawberry die after the first batch of harvest. At best conditions a remontant strawberry bush can last 3 years.


Remontant strawberries: features of cultivation and care

Features of the remontant variety

Everyone knows that strawberries and strawberries are very similar. That is why the agricultural technology of growing these berries is very similar. However, there are some features that should be taken into account remontant strawberry, when growing and caring for it.

Observing all the rules of agricultural technology and caring for strawberries in the fall, you can get a high-quality and rich harvest of this berry already at the beginning of summer.

Private involves planting bushes in rows at a distance of 20-25 cm, and a distance of up to 70 cm should be left between rows.

How to plant remontant strawberries

Usually remontant strawberries are planted in the spring, while renewing the plantings during the summer. But the practice of many gardeners proves that remontant strawberries can be successfully planted in the fall, getting a good harvest already at the beginning of summer.

Repair strawberries differ from regular strawberries in that they produce several harvests per season.

Alexandria - a variety of strawberries with small fruits, propagating seed way. It has great frost resistance and good "immunity."

Watering is especially necessary for the crop at the stage of fruit ripening on the bushes, and when the temperature outside exceeds +30 degrees. The soil should be constantly moist to a depth of 2-3 cm from the surface. Mulch will retain moisture very well - the earth will always be wet and easily permeable.

The hole before planting, as well as the already planted bush, should not be watered big amount water. You can also watch a video clip about the correct planting of strawberries.​


To get rid of unnecessary attention to your wasp berries, cups with sweet compote are placed around.

Caring for blooming strawberries

In order for the second harvest to be as rich as possible, it is necessary to be able to correctly limit the initial one. For this purpose, flower stalks are trimmed.

Everyone knows that strawberries and strawberries are very similar. That is why the agricultural technology of growing these berries is very similar. But, nevertheless, one should take into account some features that remontant strawberries have when growing and caring for it. Divided garden strawberry(strawberries) to the one that bears fruit only once a year, and the remontant - bearing fruit several times a season. In ordinary strawberries, buds form in late summer - early autumn. Consequently, fruit buds can be laid in this plant only during a short daylight period, which will produce a crop next year. But in remontant varieties, fruit buds are formed during a neutral daylight period or during a long daylight period. Lovers to grow on their own garden plot This berry is often encountered with the terms NSD and DSD applied to strawberry varieties. These are the abbreviations for neutral daylight hours and long daylight hours. The remontant strawberry variety DSD brings two harvests per season. The first collection can be done in July, and the second in late August - early September. It is the second harvest that is considered stronger - depending on the age of the plants, it brings 60-90% of all berries grown during the season.

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Prepare the garden. To do this, it should be dug up, cleaned of weeds and added organic fertilizers(10 l of rotted manure per 1m2);​

Under a thick layer of snow 10-15 cm, strawberries endure frosts down to minus 30 degrees. Without snow, it can suffer even at minus 14 degrees.​

The harvest of remontant strawberries largely depends on what care was taken for it in the fall, since its condition in spring and the ability to bear fruit depend on the preparation of strawberries for winter.

The Ali Baba variety is in many ways similar to Alexandria in its characteristics. Gives a good harvest. Strawberries of this variety are very tasty.


Secrets of planting and caring for remontant strawberries

Simultaneously with watering, you can fertilize strawberries. In this case, you can use a herbal infusion made with your own hands, which is prepared from crushed wormwood or nettle, filled with water and infused in this form in the sun for 7 days. Such infusions nourish the culture well, because they contain all the trace elements necessary for strawberries. During the periods of formation and ripening of berries, such infusions can also be used. Additionally, it is necessary to use an infusion of bird droppings (ratio 1:15) or cows (1:10). Reproduction of strawberries is possible not only by mustache and division of bushes, but also by seeds. To do this, first grow seedlings at home. To do this, planting seeds should be carried out in mini-greenhouses in January-February, so that the seedlings are stronger and prepared for spring planting in open ground. Such a process is quite troublesome and requires special training.​

general information


People who are attracted to growing remontant strawberries should be aware that planting and care is done in a certain way.

Repair strawberries are often called large-fruited. And this is not accidental, since the mass of its berries is 20-75 grams (one piece). There were also specimens weighing 100 grams. Alas, because of such a load, the bushes often die, giving up their crop.

Preparing for landing

Hello dear readers and those who write their reviews on the recipe pro website. It so happened in my life that I myself come from the countryside, but very long time lived in the city. Sometimes we don’t know what will happen to us in the future, but I returned back, as they say, to my native “alma mother” - again to myself. There was one reason - I lost my job and decided to start growing products. In particular - strawberries. Along with ordinary strawberries, I also began to grow remontant strawberries, which I want to talk about. You will probably ask, dear readers, what kind of miracle is this?

Fertilize the soil before planting with potassium salt, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate;

  • Therefore, for a successful autumn planting and further cultivation of strawberries, it is better to choose places where snow can linger for a long time. Also follow the rules autumn care for strawberries, which will ensure the safety of planted plants until spring.​
  • The following steps are required:
  • Snow White is also a small-fruited strawberry, which is propagated by seeds. Yields are quite plentiful. The berries themselves taste like pineapple and have white flesh, for which they got their name.
  • Pest control and disease protection is also provided by the care of strawberries. There are several diseases, the most common of which are: gray rot (fungal infections that spread in cool weather), powdery mildew(foliage disease) and brown spot (leaf disease). In the fight against these diseases, special preparations and manipulations to remove infected parts will help. Among the pests, the main harm to strawberries can be caused by a strawberry mite, against which a solution of karbofos can be used in the form of sprays, which are carried out, as a rule, after the harvest.

The simplest is the propagation of strawberries with antennae. This method is carried out using minimal experience and knowledge, if the remontant strawberry has a large number of mustaches. When there are not so many antennae, and there is no planting material in the form of seeds, then strawberries can be propagated by dividing adult bushes.

For future planting, the site should begin to be prepared in the fall to make it easier spring care And further cultivation plants. The land in the planned location should be dug up and free from weeds. Next, it is worth feeding the soil with phosphate fertilizers and adding humus. In this form, the site remains to winter. You can continue preparing the soil with the arrival of spring - 2.5-3 weeks before the planned planting date, add last year's manure per 1 sq. m - 10 liters. Planting processes can begin as early as mid-May.​

Landing methods

When planting in the fall, tearing off the first-order antennae from the bushes is highly discouraged. Instead, they should be rooted in disposable plastic cups filled with soil. Cups are collected at the end of the season, then they are separated from the mother plant and planted in the garden. The distance between the bushes should be about 20 cm. They need to be watered quite a bit. Remontant strawberries should survive the first frosts, after which all the leaves from the bushes are cut off, and the bushes themselves are covered with something non-woven.

As usual, the first step is to select the desired variety. This can only be done by sampling the berries, so you should grow several at once, and then make the final choice. Among the varieties of remontant strawberries and remontant strawberries, there are those that form a mustache, as well as beardless ones. Beardless varieties significantly save the area for planting and the gardener's time (there is no need to constantly trim the mustache). But there is also a drawback - reduced heat resistance and drought resistance.

So, the remontant strawberry differs from the usual one in that, after the first fruiting, it again lays new shoots and as a result of this naturally new berries are tied, giving quite a good result. The appearance of fruits, of course, occurs later than that of ordinary, traditional strawberries, but here are the requirements to the frequency of irrigation and fertility, of course, higher. Strawberries of these varieties give their crops from mid-spring to late autumn. Make holes 10-15 cm deep;

For regions with different climates, planting periods are significantly different:

How to plant planting material

Removal of diseased leaves and mustaches;

The American variety of strawberry Diamant is chosen by connoisseurs for its resistance to diseases and frost, as well as for large berries. They have an elongated shape, orange-scarlet color, characteristic luster and amazing taste. The yield of this variety is also high.

Removing the tendrils of bushes is one of the points that make up care that should be done regularly, because a plantation overgrown with a large number of young shoots usually produces a small crop.

In general, the gardener quite independently chooses the method by which he will further grow strawberries, based on how he will be most comfortable.

planting material

When planting in the fall, it is also worth preparing the soil in advance. The landing itself should be carried out from mid-August to early September. This period is considered optimal, because the plant will have time to take root before the arrival of the first frost.

​Repair strawberry Lately has become quite a popular crop to grow. And it is not surprising, because compared to ordinary strawberries, which bear fruit for only a couple of weeks, remontant varieties can produce crops up to several times a year. However, not everyone knows and takes into account that the cultivation of such strawberries is different from the usual one.

For planting remontant strawberries, the most suitable is the soil used for growing vegetable crops. To prepare such a soil, it is necessary to add 750 ml of water to 1 kg of the land mixture, and then mix thoroughly (there should be no lumps), then its moisture content will be 70-80%.

How to take care of the culture

Albion. This variety can be called unique due to high stability to temperature fluctuations, continuous fruiting (four fruiting peaks are noted - the end of May, July, the end of August and closer to mid-September), large berries, weighing 40-60g. "Albion" is very resistant to drought and is practically not susceptible to various diseases. It gives dark red berries of an oblong-rounded shape.

  • Which variety to choose from everything that we are offered. I won’t reveal a secret if I say that each variety has its own pros and cons, of course. The taste of strawberries should come to the fore, and of course their disease resistance and transportability. There are many varieties among and foreign, but they have already managed to adapt to our climate and give quite a decent harvest. I advise beginners to grow such a variety of remontant strawberries as F1 Roman.
  • Lightly tamp, spill with water, make an earthen mound;
  • ​Early: starts at the end of August and continues until the beginning of September;
  • Feeding the bushes for a better recovery process in the spring;
  • A variety originally from the Netherlands Wima Rina is also distinguished by large fruits, drought resistance and disease resistance. It can be recognized by dark, slightly curled leaves. Berries Wim Rina - pointed, red, with a sour taste. The density of these berries allows them to be successfully transported.

At the same time, adult strawberries are noticeably depleted. Therefore, the antennae must be removed as they grow, except for a few, which will later become planting material. You can see more about trimming and removing mustaches in the video.​

Caring for a miracle culture involves growing it in compliance with all the rules and characteristics of the variety. In general, it consists of:​

Both in the spring and autumn seasons, miracle strawberries can be planted. Preferred Option planting is a nesting method (for strawberry varieties, which are propagated by tendrils). With this method, it is much easier to root mustaches that are ready to bear fruit immediately. There are also other planting methods, the choice of which is due to the convenience of harvesting:

In particular, planting and caring for such a delicate crop requires special attention and knowledge about some agrotechnical features of the plant.

The next step is to fill a dense container (10-15 cm in diameter) with pre-prepared soil, about 3 cm of space must be left on top.

Love. This variety has small bushes, on which the crop ripens everywhere. The berries of "Lyubava" are small, dark red in color, weighing about 35 grams, oval-rhombic in shape. The fruits taste like wild strawberries, and they give a similar aroma. "Lyubava" is characterized by high frost resistance, good tolerance of diseases and pests. The variety gives big harvest ripening berries together.

Firstly, this variety has one hundred percent seed germination and fairly strong seedlings. In my experience, the seeds give incredible productivity and decorativeness of this hybrid, as well as large berries with pleasant aroma and unique taste. I hope whoever wants to do this will confirm my words. Now I want to move on to the section - so what are the best varieties.

Plant plants by spreading the roots along the slopes of the mound. You can also plant antennae of the first order;

Preparing the crop for wintering

​Medium: from late September to mid-October;​

Removing flower stalks to the very frosts, since the berries usually do not have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather, and the plants will waste their strength in vain, so the late harvest will have to be partially sacrificed;

Queen Elizabeth is a Russian variety that differs large berries, it is well suited for neutral daylight hours. It has tall bushes, few mustaches, berries are cone-shaped and have a sweet and sour taste. Their flesh is dense, which makes them easy to transport. The yield of this variety is high - up to 3 kg of berries from each bush can be obtained per season.

Should be done in the fall proper care for a culture of remontant strawberries to prepare them for the cold season. Obsolete for summer period plants need to be fed so that the recovery process in the spring goes faster.


Repair strawberry: planting and caring for it

Regular loosening of the soil, or mulching;

Features and care for strawberries, its varieties


Remontant strawberries, being a relative of strawberries, have a certain similarity with it. Only the yield of such berries depends on natural features laying fruit buds. That is, remontant strawberries can lay buds for the next harvest both during long and during neutral daylight hours, depending on the variety.

Strawberry seeds are scattered on top, then they should be sprinkled with dry earth and sprinkled with water from a spray bottle. In order for as many sprouts as possible to appear, sunlight must fall on the seeds.

Planting, growing and caring for remontant strawberries

With this method, strawberries are planted according to the scheme 20x20 cm. That is, there should be a distance of 20 cm between the bushes and between the rows. The bush, growing over the years, will fill the space remaining during planting.

A miracle strawberry can bear fruit from the arrival of May until October itself, delighting the gardener even in the berry-free season. And the combined planting in the garden of several varieties at once will provide high yields.

Capacities from above must be covered transparent film polyethylene and place in a warm place. At the end of 3 weeks, the first shoots will show themselves, they require periodic watering.

Selva. The main advantage of this variety is its high productivity potential. Selva has abundant flowering and high mustache yield. The features of this variety include good winter hardiness, high yield, low susceptibility to diseases. The downside is the exactingness of frequent watering (otherwise the berries are significantly smaller).

So the first grade. It's called Albion. True beautiful name and somehow reminds us of such a popular name for Britain, which is often called the Foggy Albion.​

We recommend watching a video about growing remontant strawberry varieties:


How to care for remontant strawberries in the fall

Water the beds.

Pay attention

What does care for remontant strawberries include in the fall

Checking the security of the roots: not a single bare root should remain in the garden. If they are, they should be sprinkled with earth;

  • Strawberry Inexhaustible - German variety. Its bushes can be recognized by large dark leaves. The fruits are very tasty, large. The second picking of berries from these bushes is carried out relatively late, so it is convenient to freeze these berries for the winter.
  • Wells are ventilated before the onset of cold weather. After loosening the soil (without exposing the roots of the bushes), a new layer of mulch is poured using rotted foliage. When the sub-zero temperature becomes stable, you can start covering the strawberry bushes cut from the leaves. You can use both fallen leaves and spruce branches, as well as previously mowed grass.
  • top dressing;
  • Private.
  • Planting and caring for remontant strawberries are quite specific, because the return of berry fruits, carried out several times in one season, greatly weakens the bushes of the culture.
  • It is customary to plant seedlings of remontant strawberries on beds cleared of weeds in advance, loosened and fertilized in early May. This is done as follows: a hole is dug in the garden, it is watered with water, the roots are sprinkled with a special preparation and planted in the hole. The soil near the seedlings should be well compacted.
  • Mahern. Also a remontant strawberry variety, characterized by loose and medium-sized bushes. Outside, the berries are red, and inside - whitish-pink. The fruits are medium in size, and sweet and sour in taste. The peculiarity of the variety is its excellent adaptability to life in partial shade. "Mehern" gives a high yield, however, as it ripens, the berries become smaller.
  • ​U of this variety the bush is very strong and has a peduncle. Its main feature is that it never bends. A straight-resistant tin soldier, in a word. The fruits are dark red and with an inherent smooth sheen. The shape of the berries is oval-elongated. Of course, the harvest is high and it is stable to temperature changes. Fruits from May to September, as well as all varieties.

Transplantation can be carried out in early September. For this you need:

For warm regions, even late planting is suitable, for middle lane and northern regions only early or middle.

How to plant remontant strawberries in the fall

Pruning all foliage after the onset of the first frost. Garden shears or a scythe are suitable for this;

Strawberry plantation should be constantly updated. This is usually done in late July or early August. Before the onset of autumn, the bushes have time to take root and prepare for wintering. So, you need to choose antennae with well-developed rosettes and plant them. Peduncles that appear on them should be removed so that the next season the bushes give early harvest. At the end of the summer, replanting should be repeated. This method of growing strawberries is best practiced with NSD varieties.

On good care remontant strawberry responds very well. And, if you fulfill all the requirements of agricultural technology, which include proper fit and maintaining proper growing conditions, the culture will reward the owner with large yields of fragrant strawberries throughout the season.​

Landing dates

protection from possible diseases and pests;

  • Unlike the previous one, this method provides for a planting distance between bushes from 20 to 25 m, and between rows - 70 m. This method is designed for the fact that the remontant strawberry bush will grow, increasing in diameter, which is characteristic of these varieties.
  • There are even cases of plant death in the year of planting. This feature of the culture quite often scares off gardeners, and they return to growing ordinary strawberries, depriving themselves of the opportunity to enjoy ripe fragrant berries for a long period.
  • Growing remontant strawberries involves performing some simple steps. For example, a gardener needs to know when to prune and how to care for remontant strawberries. But in order to provide the roots with much-needed air exchange, you should constantly loosen the soil near the bushes. Periodically, you need to add earth so that the roots do not become bare. This strawberry variety needs to be watered not only with a watering can, but also with a ladle.

Wim Rina. The variety of this strawberry has semi-spreading bushes with a small amount of whiskers. The leaves of the bushes are light green and have the same height as the peduncles. The berries of "Wim Rina" are transportable and quite large (up to 45 gr.), They have a cone-shaped shape. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour. The variety is resistant to diseases, pests and drought.​

The next variety is called Brighton, there is such a city in America and naturally it was grown by American breeders. The most important difference of this variety is that the duration of our daylight hours does not affect the yield and flowering. Strawberries of this variety are adapted to bear fruit for ten months. Almost all year round. The bush itself is dense, powerful and large. The berries are also red, large, but the taste is slightly different. The berries have a sweet and sour taste. This variety is winter-hardy and tolerates diseases well. much later.

Carefully dig up the plants;

Most gardeners say that strawberries planted in early or medium terms bring the greatest amount of harvest for the next year. Since strawberries planted later are partially damaged by frost and bear fruit much worse.

Landing methods

  • ​Creating a layer of mulch;​
  • Strawberries need light soil with a neutral pH. The plant is usually planted in the spring, but it can also be done at the end of August. Planting method - nesting. Remontant strawberries, planting and caring for which are somewhat more difficult than caring for garden strawberries, needs more space. It is necessary so that new shoots can take root. The site before planting strawberries is dug up and fertilized. Caring for strawberries in the spring (in April) consists in preparing the soil - manure is introduced into it. Sand is also added to heavy soil. In mid-May, the plants are planted. Leave at least 65-75 cm between the holes. Young bushes require daily watering. BUT autumn landing actually held at the very end of summer.​
  • The popularity of remontant strawberries, the care of which everyone can master, is explained by the fact that it gives two or even three harvests per season. This allows you to enjoy the taste and aroma of berries from the first hot days until the onset of cold weather. Such varieties differ from garden varieties in that their bushes are smaller. However, this does not affect the taste of strawberries and its usefulness. Plants quickly form new buds after the previous crop has been harvested, requiring a lot of energy from the plant. For this reason, the care of strawberries of these varieties is special.

Stages of autumn planting strawberries

  • Removing reddening foliage and tendrils.
  • Varieties of remontant strawberries are recommended to be grown on fertile soils, with good drainage and with a neutral composition. Indeed, in order to regularly bear fruit, strawberries must receive nutrients from the earth. Therefore, planting will give excellent results if strawberries are grown on loamy soil. For a site with a heavy soil composition, you can use sand as a "dilution".
  • When the bushes bloom, they must be fertilized with minerals intended for strawberries and an infusion of bird droppings.
  • Summing up, it should be noted that it is remontant strawberries that are becoming the most popular among summer residents and gardeners today. Fruiting in remontant strawberries is continuous. And its varieties are quite unpretentious in care, although they require compliance with minor nuances.
  • But the next variety is already more of our own. Yes, and the name itself speaks for itself. That's how it sounds - Lyubava. Is it really beautiful?
  • Plant in holes prepared in the same way as for planting;

The best time for planting is the period from mid-August to the end of September. Plants planted during this period have time to get stronger enough and prepare for frost.

Before talking about remontant strawberries, let's talk about the word remontant itself, or, more correctly, about its meaning. Repairability means the ability or possibility of repeated flowering or fruiting This term applies not only to plants, but also to pets.

The ability to give several crops per season is found in both wild strawberries and garden strawberries. Varieties with an average size of berries, and varieties with large fruits can be remontant.

Remontant varieties of garden strawberries form berries constantly, from mid-May until the first frost. They give the largest harvest in the first two years of cultivation.. In subsequent years, the number of berries is sharply reduced, and the replacement of the entire plantation is required.

Also, most gardeners believe that remontant strawberries are slightly inferior in their palatability conventional disposable varieties. These two factors influence the fact that remontant strawberries are grown much less frequently than ordinary strawberries.

It is worth noting that remontant strawberries have quite a few advantages, and they outweigh the disadvantages. Some varieties of this species reproduce only by seeds, others by both mustache and seeds, which makes it possible to completely transfer parental properties to young plants.

In our country, quite often you can find very old varieties obtained by crossing forest and alpine strawberries. These are varieties such as Rügen and Baron Solimakher. There are also species with yellow and red berries of medium size.

Famous varieties of remontant strawberries (Monthly Gridneva, Monthly white and others) reproduce only with a mustache, and varieties with large berries reproduce both by dividing the bush and by the mustache. Among these varieties are Superfection, Mount Everest, Ostara, Hummi Gento.

In the regions of Central Russia, the time of continuous fruiting of remontant strawberries is about three months, and in the region of the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories - more than four months.

The reason for such a significant difference is that garden and remontant strawberries belong to different types the same plant. The remontant can form and form inflorescences with a long sixteen to seventeen hour daylight hours and high temperature, and the usual one - with a short day of ten to twelve hours and low temperature.

Remontant varieties form more leaves and horns. Also on each horn is laid a lot more colors than conventional varieties. And since they develop in a long day, it happens much faster, that is, in just 15 to 20 days.

The first harvest of fruits from remontant strawberries is from fifteen to thirty percent of the total crop. The second collection collects about seventy percent.
It is worth remembering that large-fruited remontant strawberries form berries not only on the uterine whiskers, but also on whisker rosettes, which greatly increases the yield.
Good planting material and proper care will make it possible to enjoy this berry for several months.

Remontant strawberry is in demand among many gardeners, because every fan of eating sweet-sour berries is eager to harvest several times a season. For people who don't know remontant strawberry what does it mean?

Remontant is literally translated from French as "re-blooming". The essence of this phenomenon lies in the fact that a strawberry bush can produce several crops in one season. Some varieties of raspberries, citrus fruits and strawberries have the same properties.

Distinctive properties of remontant strawberries

Strawberries of this type differ from other options in that as soon as the first fruits are harvested, the next generation of berries immediately begin to set. Given the quality that strawberries give a double crop, they require more and more watering, and additional fertilizer application to the soil is also necessary.

This type of berry has a drawback. In general, for the entire season, the bush gives less yield than if you get it from a regular garden strawberry bush. But that doesn't stop lovers strawberry berries plant such bushes, because even though there will be less harvest, you can get berries not only in the season, but also in the following months (from mid-spring to the last autumn months). Growing remontant strawberries allows you to prolong this pleasure.

It is also worth considering that the first harvest will be only 30% of the total harvest for the entire period of fruiting. Experts recommend cutting off the first inflorescences so that the second crop is larger and tastier, then it will not be inferior in taste to the most the best varieties. And if the bush lives out its last year, and antennae are required, then, on the contrary, you need to cut the flowers of the second generation.

One more hallmark there will be fragility of the bush. It can only grow 3 years. This is due to the fact that the bush is constantly working for wear. No matter how good and profitable remontant strawberries, cultivation and care it requires a lot of work and attention.

Varieties of remontant strawberries

In demand remontant strawberry, varieties which can be both foreign and domestic sample. The most common variety is Mitse Nova. The berries are firm and fragrant. If suspended structures are used, then it is better to choose suspended varieties. Scientists have developed a variety of remontant strawberries, the berries of which are light red in color, and taste more like pineapple. This variety is called White Dream. Berries from the Arapaho variety have a sour taste. For those who forget about watering, the Irma variety can tolerate the heat and still have large and strong bushes. Variety Lyubava copes well with frost.

Repair strawberry. Video:

strawberry care

A genetically pure variety can only exist if remontant strawberry seedlings grown from seed. Humidity in the soil should be at least 70% at planting. Seeds should be planted in a small container (diameter is 15-20 cm). Seeds need to be scattered on the ground and not covered. Only in this way will sprouts appear (as in wild environment). The pot is covered with foil for 3 weeks.

Sprouts are transplanted in May in open ground. Holes are made where plants are transplanted. After the soil is watered, you need to carefully compact the soil around the bush. In order for the roots to get enough air, it is often necessary to loosen the earth. Too much oxygen can also interfere. The roots should always be closed, so it is occasionally sprinkled new earth. At the flowering stage, it is necessary to fertilize if the berries fall to the ground, then they need to be tied up.

To prevent pests from interfering, it is necessary to pour a couple of heads of garlic, pour 3 liters of water. After a week, they need to spray the leaves.

There are other pests in remondant strawberries: as well as

The bushes must withstand the first frosts, and then all the leaves are cut off.

If you fulfill all the conditions, then you can easily get a good harvest of strawberries all summer and autumn.

How to plant strawberries video:

My children and I wait all winter for the strawberry season, and when these berries finally start to turn red, we eat them in bowls. But then the strawberry leaves ... Of course, other berries come to replace it, but still sometimes you want to eat juicy and sweet strawberries, or cook something with these berries. No problem! The main thing is to plant a remontant variety, it will delight you all summer. With us, he will give birth not so thickly, but regularly and continuously. I will tell you how I take care of the bushes, but first I will explain ...

This word means that the plant can bear fruit several times in a row or the whole season.. Repair can be not only strawberries, but also raspberries, as well as citrus fruits.

Most varieties of rem strawberries bear fruit twice: the first time in July, and the second from August to September (and even more berries grow the second time). Because of this, there is such a load on the bushes that many simply die at the end of the season.

By the way! I call this berry a strawberry (it's more familiar), but in fact it's correct to say - garden strawberries. So if you see the name “remontant strawberries” somewhere, you should know that this is the same as remontant strawberries.

Growing seedlings of this crop

Yes! You can not only buy ready-made seedlings - bushes, but also grow them from purchased seeds.

It is done like this:

  1. Moisten the soil for seeds well (pour up to 0.8 liters of water for each kilogram of soil). The soil can be bought universal, or you can take a light humus soil on the site.
  2. Mix the soil well, breaking up any lumps.
  3. Collect soil in pots from 10 to 15 cm in diameter. Fill them almost completely.
  4. Spread the seeds on top, sprinkle with a thin (this is important) layer of unwetted soil. If you have already soaked it all by mistake, even sand will do.
  5. Spray the top of the pot with a spray bottle (only the smallest).
  6. Create a "greenhouse" by covering the pot with a jar, glass, or at least a film.
  7. Keep the pot on a warm, light windowsill.

When to do this in order to be in time with planting before the spring season? If you live near Moscow, Kyiv or Minsk, plant strawberries in last week February - first March. If you live in the southern region, you can start earlier - even in early February.

The potty room should be at least 18 degrees. As soon as the seedlings hatch, air them more often, and transfer the pot to the most lit room (or to the flowers under the fitolamp).

When the kids grow 2-3 leaves (not cotyledons), transplant them into a larger box or separate "houses". Just don't deepen it!

10-15 days before moving to the garden, harden the sprouts, bringing them to the balcony or veranda for 15-20 minutes a day.

planting strawberries

This culture love sunny beds without puddles. The soil may be sandy or loamy, but not peaty or soddy. Fertilize it well with manure and ash. Also suitable is "Kaliyfos" (a tablespoon per "square" of the garden, brought in a month before planting the sprouts).

Successful predecessors: mustard, beets, garlic, radishes (different types), carrots, parsley or legumes. And after potatoes, nightshade, cucumbers and cabbage, do not plant this crop.

Plant "young" in the middle or end of May when you make sure that the night frosts are gone and they will not return. Bushes can be planted before winter (from August to October).

It can be planted with a carpet (leaving 20 cm between the bushes on all sides) or in rows (leave 20 cm on one side, and 70 row spacing on the other). Choose a day that is not sunny. Transfer seedlings to moistened pits by transshipment. Make the holes deep so that the roots do not wrap, and at the end press the soil a little.

First, water the bushes every day, then take 3-day breaks.

Caring for this difficult strawberry

  • Watering. Bring water only warmed up in the sun, in the evening and early in the morning. Make sure that the soil is wetted by 3 cm (deeper is not needed, the roots of the culture are superficial).

  • Mulching. This procedure helps you save energy on carrying watering cans with water. And besides, if you cover the area with straw or black agrofibre (pictured), it’s beautiful, plus it will help you collect clean, “marketable” berries.
  • top dressing. Without nitrogen and potassium, this berry does not! A good option- mulch from manure (5 kg per "square") or humus (2.5 kg). At the end of May, give strawberries a solution of urea (2%), and at the end of June - a solution of manure or curd. Suitable also "Kristallin", "Mortar". During the season, this crop can be fertilized up to 15 times, and not until the end of fruiting, but until late autumn.
  • Transfer. If ordinary strawberries need this “procedure”, then repairing strawberries do not, this is a short-lived culture. However, if you got a "whiskered" variety, it can reproduce itself - your task is only to plant the resulting sockets in the right places. Well, if you really need to transplant a couple of old bushes, remember: it should be done in the fall (but not too late) - if you transplant them in the spring, they will not have time to produce a crop.

  • pruning. It is done at the end of the season so that the plant does not become infected with an infection or bugs. But remember: take care of the rosettes of the upper leaves, fruit buds will look out from here in the spring. Well, the tendrils can be cut off at any time (if you do not need new strawberry bushes).
  • Enemies of this culture. They are the same as those garden varieties: fusarium, powdery mildew, gray rot, brown / white spots. Of the insects, the enemies of culture are: strawberry mites, aphids, wasps, nematodes, weevils, and of course, ants. Don't forget about slugs and starlings too.
  • Wintering. After the arrival of frost and pruning strawberries are recommended to cover nonwoven fabric. Although if your winters are warm, just throw straw, leaves or sawdust on the bed.

Do you live in one of the northern regions and are afraid that you won’t be able to get a good harvest of such strawberries? I offer this video in which an experienced gardener shares her positive experience of growing remontant strawberries in a greenhouse following the example of Holland:

Reproduction of such strawberries

In addition to the method with seeds, which was discussed above, remontant varieties can be propagated:

  • tendrils. Direct the tendrils of the strongest bushes to the free space in the garden (use the best ones, cut off the rest). They will begin to sprout - leave the first outlet, remove the rest. When the outlet becomes a strong bush, separate it from the "mother", that is, a large bush, and transplant it to a more spacious place.
  • By dividing the bush. This is the less popular way. You need to find a strong bush of 2-4 years of age. Dig it up in the fall or in early spring, divide (the bush should have many shoots with roots). Plant in different places.

The most popular varieties

Experienced gardeners divide them into 2 categories: varieties of neutral (give berries all the time) and long daylight hours (give several crops per season). Among remontant strawberries there are varieties with small / large berries, beardless / "whiskered". And most importantly: some of them are recommended for gardens in the middle lane, and some can be grown even in the north.

Heat-loving varieties (Ukraine, Belarus, Moscow region)

  • "Aromas". Variety with tasty large berries. Not afraid of many diseases ( strawberry mite, powdery mildew).

  • "Vima Rina". The variety was bred by the Dutch. He is NSD (neutral daylight), almost beardless. Gives berries from the end of June until frost. Some say they have a cherry flavor.

  • "Garland". My favorite variety, although with small berries (but sweet). It can be grown in the garden or in hanging planters. It blooms and bears fruit at the same time.

  • "Diamond" ("Diamond"). A variety from America, one of the most delicious. The only thing: the berries are light, so the jam from them is not the most beautiful. The plant is "whiskered", so it is very easy to propagate.

Not afraid of cool air (Siberia)

These varieties are suitable for the Moscow region. IN northern conditions they often have to be covered with foil, but it's worth it!

  • "Ada". German variety, generous with berries and tendrils. The berries are small, have whitish flesh and a red "heart", with sourness. Bushes are afraid of diseases and pests.

  • "Mount Everest". This variety is good because it can grow on any soil. It looks a little funny because it has large leaves, wide bushes and small berries. But he is not afraid of most insects and diseases. In the first year after disembarkation, he grows antennae, but then stops.

  • "Queen Elizabeth 2". Popular winter-hardy variety, early. The berries are very large (up to 110 g, while the weight of most berries of other varieties is from 50 to 70 g). By the way, bushes are often sold in the markets, promising "Elizabeth" and at the same time selflessly deceiving, so be careful.

  • "Inexhaustible". Large light pink berries, which grow a lot on the bushes, with a very pleasant taste. It can breed with antennae (although it grows a little). The only pity is that this variety is painful (for example, it is afraid of powdery mildew).

  • "Russian size" (hybrid). The size of the berries is really impressive. But they are also delicious, and very juicy. The variety is not afraid of diseases and frosts.