Fuji apple tree seedlings. Historical data on the creation of a variety. Cooking applications

Fuji - winter apple variety, was created specifically for late harvesting and storage in the cold.

The fruits of the variety can be stored at least until the end of spring, or even the next harvest. To preserve the look and taste of apples, they should be placed in a refrigerator or cool cellar.

It is easy to store apples, they are suitable for long-distance transportation even in winter time of the year. But to get good harvest, you need to know which varieties are suitable for Fuji pollination.

Pollination of apple trees

The tree is not self-pollinating; other varieties are needed for it. Such as Gala, Grani Smith, Ligol, Golden, Everest, Red Delicious are perfect.

But Fuji himself is diploid, which means he can pollinate other apple trees.

The popularity of the variety was not created from scratch. And why did he, created in a country completely far from Russia, receive recognition from us? And not only recognition, but also such epithets as "unusual" and "exquisite".

Fuji variety description

The photo shows the Fuji apple tree, and below is given Full description wood.

Fuji looks like a tall, sturdy tree with a good crown and strong branches.

By the end of autumn, they are strewn with dull, large apples without dark spots or uneven color.

  1. The seedling becomes a strong tree with abundant fruiting in a periodic rhythm... To prevent this, part of the ovary can be trimmed.
  2. The apple tree has a very strong growth potential. 4-6 meters reach easily under good conditions.
  3. The crown forms quickly, easily, rather large, but somewhat erratic, as the branches grow in different sides... This can be corrected by the formation of the skeleton of the crown - then it turns out to be spherical or rounded-oval, quite neat. By the end of autumn, Fuji is bare branches with bright large fruits on them.
  4. The bark is light brown, with a little gray tint not very wrinkled. Young shoots are brighter, smoother, and have a small number of lenticels.
  5. Leaves are lanceolate-oval or simply oval, with a pointed end... The pubescence can be seen only when the plate grows. Flowering in medium terms, petioles are at an acute angle to the shoot.

The fruits are considered very attractive to the market.... Let's figure out why.

  1. Correct shape, smooth matte surface.
  2. A bright pink or red color that attracts attention.
  3. The pulp is white, creamy. Juicy, sweet or sour-sweet, crispy, with a pronounced aroma.
  4. The core is medium, the chambers of the seeds are thin, light.
  5. Large weight (200-250 g).

It was not easy to breed such a bright variety, which favorably differs both in appearance and taste characteristics. But until now, breeders base on it other, already future, new apple trees.


Breeding history

The variety was received in Japan, in 1920... Gardeners crossed the Red Delicious and Rolls Janet varieties. It was important for them to create an apple tree that can easily survive both frosty winters and dry summer months.

The result is a sweet, fresh product that still attracts new fans from both professionals and consumers alike. It was brought to the USA only in the 80s. where it gained popularity. He began to consider it exotic, unusual in his taste.

Breeders develop other varieties that are similar to each other. At the same time, gardeners strive to preserve the properties of the tree and the sweetness of the fruit.

The variety from Japan began to grow in all countries, having its own characteristics in different regions. Breeders have also created clones that are popular both in Russia and in other countries.

Region of natural growth

Originally grown in Japan, the variety is now grown all over the world, even in fairly cold regions.

The variety is winter-hardy, suitable for central Russia, it can keep fruits on the branches until cold weather.

Even if there are no leaves left on the tree, the crop is quite suitable for harvesting during such a period... It is important to choose the right clone for growing - the ripening period, wood resistance, fruits to external factors Wednesday.

There are now several clones of the apple tree... We (in Krasnodar Territory) grow the red variety Fujik, in Italy - Kiku.

Although any plant is influenced by the region where it grows, general indicator yields can be derived. Moreover, the breeders tried to make Fuji as fruitful as possible.


The Fuji variety will delight gardeners with a high yield. Usually, the collection can begin in late October - early November, when it gets noticeably colder. The tree bears fruit every second year in mild form so that the harvest is taken virtually every late autumn.

In the first harvest, Fuji can even disappoint: medium-sized fruits, mediocre, dull taste. But it is worth waiting another year, and the apples will become large, rich, sweet, with a bright color.

In order for the harvest to be large, with exactly the properties that were originally included in the variety, you should remember about caring for the tree.

Planting and leaving

Grooming is not very different from caring for other varieties of apple trees, there are only a few features associated with a particular selection.

  1. It is better to plant Fuji on the south side, where the sun will be enough for the tree all the time. At the same time, it is required Free access air.
  2. The soil should be enriched with nutrients and top dressing, create a moderately moist environment.
  3. To get a good harvest, it is recommended to cut off some of the ovaries that take too much strength from the apple tree. Then the tree will not be overloaded with fruits, the quality of the harvest will increase, which means both taste and size.
  4. But care is not only about feeding and trimming the ovary. Fuji, although a resistant variety, is susceptible to its own diseases.

Diseases and pests

Fuji, although resistant to cold, can be killed by bacteria and aphids. The first is dangerous because the tree can rarely be saved, only prevention helps.

  1. Powdery mildew and bacterial infections can harm the variety, so protection against such pests is especially important. The sun's rays, which the tree loves very much, will just save from a bacterial burn. Of the preparations, those that contain copper are suitable.
  2. If the tree is already infected with bacteria, it is safer to uproot it because the infection will spread to other apple trees.
  3. The scab will do less damage to the apple tree if the disease is not triggered. Young trees are especially susceptible to it. Prevention - spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid. If Fuji is already infected, fungicides are used.
  4. During hot years Fuji can infest aphids, causing serious harm. The fight against them begins in the spring, using peritroids, in the summer - organophosphates.
  5. To keep the plant safe before planting, dip the root system in a 1% solution. copper sulfate for 3-4 minutes, then rinse with water.

Trees need regular sanitary pruning, watering and feeding.

In general, protection and spraying will save Fuji from fruit loss if done well in advance with special means... You can buy them at any garden store.

Fuji is a great variety for climates where it is not always possible to be hot. summer days... Apples have proven to be excellent in different countries thanks to its rich taste and aroma.

They are harvested at the end of autumn, and you can keep them cool almost until the next harvest.... The firmness of the fruit makes it easy to transport, so apple connoisseurs from different countries have already met Fuji.

The Fuji apple tree is a favorite of Russian gardeners. This exotic variety of apples is very popular in our country, and not only due to its high frost resistance, large fruit size, excellent presentation and taste, good yield, versatility of fruit use, and long shelf life.

The trees themselves are very tall and beautiful, and can be a worthy decoration for any garden plot. Detailed description varieties will help novice gardeners decide on the choice of apple varieties in favor of this amazing kind apple culture.

Fuji can be safely called the No. 1 variety for growing not only in private garden yards, but also for cultivation on an industrial scale. Its characteristics speak volumes, especially noteworthy. appearance and taste qualities fruits.

Where and by whom was it bred?

This type of apple tree was bred in 1920 by Japanese breeders by crossing two famous American varieties Rolls Janet and Red Delicious. This was done in order to obtain the appearance of an apple tree, ideally withstanding both severe frosts and severe droughts.

Fuji gained widespread attention in North America in the late 80s (in 2016, the variety ranked third in popularity in the United States). Later he was brought to China and Europe, where he was also very fond of for its unique taste. Russia is no exception. Apples of this variety have become very popular with us, which continues to grow from year to year.

Description of the tree

Fuji trees are very vigorous. If they are not cut off in time, the height of the apple trees can reach 6 meters, and the crown itself will become shapeless. To achieve the perfect rounded shape, gardeners strive to form trees in the early years of their life.

Apple trees are covered with dark green, pointed, slightly edged, oval leaves. The bark is light brown, somewhat wrinkled. Strong branches grow in different directions, which reduces yield, therefore, trees need pruning. Bloom later (April-May). This avoids freezing of the ovaries. Fruit ripening occurs in September-November, which depends on the growing climate.

Trees are distinguished by high frost resistance and drought resistance, but they are highly susceptible to morbidity and pest attacks, therefore, in the spring, for preventive purposes, they should be treated with appropriate preparations.

Fruiting is periodic. It should be borne in mind that in the first two years the taste of apples does not correspond to the declared ones, but in subsequent years the fruits are distinguished by an unsurpassed taste and aroma.

Description of fruits

Fuji apples are large, weighing more than 200 g, size, round, regular shape, amazing, bright red color with yellowish dots and a unique honey shade, juicy, creamy, dense crunchy pulp, the taste of which improves with the storage of the fruit. Freshly picked apples are somewhat different in taste (sourness) from those that have already been stored for some time. During storage, the sour taste of apples disappears.

The fruits are high in sugar. 100 g of pulp contains 9-11% sugars. The calorie content of the fruit is also high - 71 Kcal per 100 g of apples.

In addition to sugar, fruits contain:

  • proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber;
  • vitamins - A, C, PP, B5, B6, B9;
  • trace elements - sodium, calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, iodine, iron, manganese.

Fuji apples have medicinal properties:

  • increase immunity;
  • stabilize blood cholesterol levels;
  • improve metabolic processes.

They are widely used in dietary nutrition to normalize weight.

Also, Fuji fruits are useful for:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gout;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • anemia;
  • hypertension;
  • sleep disorders.

They are used to treat dysentery and headache.


Fruiting of apple trees begins as early as 4-5 years after planting. The first harvests are not distinguished by large fruits and good taste. The apple tree gives fruit at intervals in a year. The yield is high - up to 120 kg of apples are easily harvested from one tree per season. There have been cases when one tree, with good care, gave 200 kg of apples.


Fuji is not a self-pollinated variety. To achieve its best pollination, it is necessary to plant nearby such species that will bloom simultaneously with this variety of apple trees. These include:

  • Red Delicious;
  • Golden Delicious;
  • Idared;
  • Ligol;
  • Grenie Smith;
  • Gala;
  • Everest.

It is noteworthy that Fuji can be a pollinator for any of these species.

Suitable climate and growing regions

The variety was bred for cultivation in Japan, but has successfully spread throughout the world. Now it is cultivated in Italy, USA, China and many others. European countries... In Russia, due to its high frost resistance, Fuji is grown not only in the southern regions (Crimea, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories), but also in middle lane country. It is also found in more northern regions.

Gardeners reviews

Those who grow the Fuji variety on their plots speak well of this type of apple crop.

Judging by the reviews, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. The advantages of the variety include high yield, excellent taste, presentable appearance and marketable qualities (transportability, shelf life, universal use of fruits), medicinal properties and valuable chemical composition, excellent frost resistance and drought resistance.
  2. Of the shortcomings, only vulnerability to diseases and pest attacks is noted.

Fruit use and storage

The use of Fuji apples is universal. They make jam, make jams and marmalades, squeeze out juices, and also dry and prepare compotes. They are delicious in fresh.

Apples of this variety can be stored for a very long time - 5-6 months at normal temperature. If they are placed in a cool room (basement, cellar, refrigerator), then you can save the harvest until autumn. During long-term storage, marketable and taste qualities are not lost.

Fuji fruits perfectly tolerate transportation, retaining their appearance, which allows them to be grown on an industrial scale.

Diseases and pests

Trees of this species are quite susceptible to diseases and pests:

  • bacterial infections;
  • fire blight:
  • powdery mildew;
  • scab;
  • raids of aphids.

Plants can be saved only by preventive treatment, which is carried out every spring. From diseases powdery mildew and bacterial infections, trees are treated with copper sulfate (100 g of the drug per 10 liters of water). A 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid will help protect against apple scab, and in order to avoid aphid raids, plants are sprayed with Nitrofen insecticide (200 g of the drug per 10 l of water).


Scheme (photo):

Plants can be planted both in spring and autumn, before the appearance of stable frosts. This is usually done in April or October. The most important thing is that the seedlings have time to take root properly before the onset of winter.

Choose a sunny place for landing. Better if it is on the south side. The soil should be fertile, rich in humus. The hole is prepared ahead of time. The size of the pit should be 0.6 x 0.6 m. Before planting, a mixture of peat with manure 1: 1 (2-4 buckets) is placed in the hole, you can add humus.

The seedling, before planting, is placed with the roots in a 1% solution of copper sulfate for several minutes. This is done in order to prevent morbidity. If the planting is carried out in the fall, then young plant immediately prepare for wintering - they wrap the trunk with covering material and spud the trunk with earth to a height of 30 cm from the surface. The distance around the roots is covered with spruce branches.

Growing and care

In order for Fuji apple trees to grow quickly and bear fruit well, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Water the plants regularly. If this is not done, then the fruits will be small and sour.
  2. In order for the soil to have enough oxygen, it is periodically loosened.
  3. To obtain the best yield, it is necessary to normalize the number of ovaries. They do it manually.
  4. In order for the yields to be high, the crown of the apple tree is formed by pruning.
  5. To avoid filling the soil with weeds, the distances around the trees are mulched with humus, sawdust or straw.
  6. In spring and autumn, preventive treatment of trees against diseases and pests is carried out.
  7. Mineral and organic fertilizers are periodically applied.

As autumn dressings use rotted manure (5-7 kg), 30 g potash fertilizer and 100 g of phosphorus-containing substances. For spring feeding a nitrogen-containing mixture is suitable at the rate of 20 g per 1 sq. meter.

Fuji clones


Fuji has several varieties. These include:

  • Kiku;
  • Beni Shogun;
  • Aztec;
  • Toshiro;
  • Yataka and others.

The most popular varieties in our country are Kiku and Aztec.

Kiku is considered the best clone of Fuji. Apples of this type are very large (up to 250 g in weight), bright red, juicy and aromatic, with a slight sourness. Fruits ripen three weeks earlier than the parent variety. Kiku is grown both on small garden plots and on an industrial scale, as this allows good transportability of fruits and their excellent keeping quality.

The Aztec variety was bred by New Zealand breeders in 1996. The fruits of this species grow up to 200 g in weight. The color is bright red, the pulp is juicy, very dense, has a rich sweet and sour taste. The tree is tall, powerful, with strong branches. Fruit ripening occurs in mid-September. Aztec apples are stored for up to 7 months.

The Fuji variety is one of the most beloved among Russian gardeners. It is happily grown both in private backyards and in mass-production enterprises.

Delicious and fragrant fruits of this type can be enjoyed all winter, until the new harvest of fruits. If you take proper care of your culture, you can provide yourself and all your loved ones with excellent quality apples, which will be an excellent addition to any, even the most exquisite menu.

A detailed description of the Fuji variety will help you appreciate this magnificent type of apple crop and choose it for your garden plot.

Apple varieties 19 Feb 2017

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The late-ripening Fuji apple variety has received worldwide recognition and is considered one of the most popular among gardeners around the world. Japanese breeders used the parental forms of Rolls Janet and Red Delicious for crossing. The resulting hybrid dates back to 1920. Later, it was introduced to the USA, Western Europe and China and took root everywhere, taking a leading position in industrial gardens.

Due to its good winter hardiness, it is suitable for growing in Central Russia. Scientists continue to use this exotic variety in further breeding work.


Fruits of exceptional marketability. They are large, weighing about 200 grams, and have a regular round shape. The surface is smooth, the skin is dense. The main color of apples is yellow-green, but it is almost invisible under the bright red-raspberry blush that is spread throughout the fruit.

The pulp is creamy, dense and crispy. The taste is very sweet, sweet and refreshing at the same time. There is a distinct varietal aroma. Reviews of the commercial qualities of the fruits are always excellent. The yield is high, the transportability is very good. When picked, which usually occurs at the end of October, apples are sweet and sour. Consumer ripeness begins after a month of storage, during this time the acid practically disappears, and the taste “infuses”, becomes richer and more saturated.

Excellent keeping quality - one more strong point of this variety. Even under normal conditions, the crop is stored for four months. And when laying in modern equipped storage facilities, with a constant low temperature, optimal humidity and controlled atmosphere Fuji retains its qualities until the next harvest. In addition to fresh consumption, these fruits are often used for cooking, both with and without heat treatment.

Trees of medium or even high vigor. The bark is light brown, slightly wrinkled. Leaves are oval, pointed at the end. Frost and drought resistance are high, scab resistance is average. The risk of pests and diseases such as powdery mildew and fire blight is even greater.

a brief description of

Pollinators and care

When planting this variety, a pollinator should be provided nearby. Suitable for this role: Gala, Grani Smith, Golden, Ligol, Red Delicious and Everest. The first few harvests of the plant seem to "train", giving out the fruits of reduced marketability, and then the apples become fully consistent with the description.

When caring for the garden, it should be remembered that the variety is prone to fruiting frequency. If you "give free rein" to the trees and leave all the ovaries, then on next year you won't have to count on a good harvest. Therefore, rationing becomes a mandatory agricultural practice. It is often carried out with competent pruning every spring.

Fuji requires regular spraying. Copper preparations, such as Bordeaux and Burgundy liquids, help to fight the causative agents of fungal infections. They can be applied both before the beginning of the growing season and on the leaf, but in a lower concentration.

Harmful insects also do not bypass the apple tree, therefore, before and after flowering, the garden has to be sprayed with insecticides. Good drought tolerance allows Fuji to be grown in hot southern regions, where aphids can cause significant damage to plantings. The fight against this pest begins from the beginning of the growing season, at the same time limiting the population of ants in the garden, for example, by installing trapping belts on boles.

Planting seedlings

When planting a variety, be sure to choose the most illuminated place where the tree will get the maximum amount of sunlight. High soil fertility and moisture capacity and low standing are also important. groundwater... Otherwise, the recommendations for laying a garden from seedlings of other fruit trees are suitable.

Fuji Kiku 8 and Fujik

V recent times the interest of gardeners was attracted by a novelty based on the original variety - a clone called Fuji Kiku 8. It was selected by Italian breeders in South Tyrol. It differs from the main form in earlier, September, ripening. Domestic breeders from Krasnodar did not stand aside either. The brightly colored clone Fujik is especially famous in the Russian market.

The Fuji apple variety has long held a leading position in private and industrial horticulture. This is one of the most successful developments of Japanese breeders, which has not left the top ten world varieties for many decades. Despite its exotic origin, Fuji is perfectly adapted to low temperatures, therefore it can be grown in central Russia. And the highest varietal characteristics made it possible to use it for further breeding work, as a result of which new hybrids were born - the Fuji Kiku apple tree, Fujik, Fuji Aztec and others.

The Fuji late apple variety was bred at the beginning of the last century, so the description of the variety should start with history. And so, Fuji is a hybrid of two very noble varieties: Red Delicious and Rolls Janet, which Japanese breeders found most suitable for creating new fruits of extraordinary beauty and taste. The hybrid was obtained in 1920 in the Japanese province of Fujisaki, from which it got its name. The variety turned out to be so successful that it soon spread in the gardens. Western Europe, USA, and then around the world.

The Fuji apple tree is medium or tall. If the tree is not restricted in growth, it reaches a height of 6 m, but with proper formative pruning, it usually has a small (3-4 m) height and a regular rounded crown. The trunk and main branches are light brown with a gray tint, young shoots are lighter, the bark is slightly wrinkled. Leaves are even lanceolate-oval, young leaves are noticeably pubescent. Apple trees bloom late - at the end of May, so they rarely suffer from spring frosts.

The fruits have an exceptional presentation. They are very large (200–250 g), regular round shape, slightly widened at the stalk. The surface of the peel is even, smooth, completely covered with a bright raspberry blush. The pulp is creamy, juicy, very aromatic. But the special value of the variety is its delicious dessert taste, which, as it ripens, changes from sweet and sour to honey, without the slightest sour aftertaste.

Main characteristics

The apple tree belonging to the Fuji variety is winter. Fruits reach removable maturity by the end of October, and consumer ripeness - a month later. Distinctive feature grade is high yield... Trees enter fruiting early - 2-3 years after planting. The first two harvests may not meet expectations for the number and taste of fruits, but then the apple tree reaches its bloom, and pleases with very sweet apples High Quality... There is some periodicity in fruiting - every second year is more productive than the previous one.

The trees have good resistance to frost and drought. This characteristic allows Fuji apples to be grown in both southern and temperate climates with long frosty winters. It is also worth noting good (medium) resistance to scab, but very low immunity to fire blight and powdery mildew.

Growing and care

Fuji apple trees are capable of self-pollination, but planting nearby varieties such as Ligol, Golden, Grani Smith, Gala will help increase the yield and quality of the fruits. Apple tree seedlings should be planted in a sunny area with good fertile soil- in this case, the apples will be brighter and sweeter. It is very important for the health of the tree to avoid waterlogging of the soil and air.

Basic apple care includes the following activities:

  • crop normalization (removal of excess ovary);
  • loosening and mulching of near-trunk circles;
  • watering in hot weather;
  • seasonal top dressing: in spring - nitrogen mixture (20 g / m²), in autumn - phosphorus 110 g, potassium 30 g, manure 4–6 kg (applied to the trunk circle);
  • crown formation.

Young trees up to 2 years old for the winter need to spud the bole to prevent the roots from freezing.

Harvesting and storage

Fruits are harvested not earlier than mid-October, or even later. Since apples need to lie down for about a month to fully ripen, they can be left on the tree until the first frosts - after the leaves fall, the apple tree, hung with bright large fruits, looks especially decorative. Fuji variety is intended for long-term storage... Even under normal storage conditions, the fruits are perfectly stored for 4–5 months, and when kept in the cold, their marketable and taste qualities are preserved until the next harvest, which allows apples to be grown commercially.

Diseases and pests

At proper care, including preventive treatments, almost always, it is possible to preserve and harvest the crop. In the spring, during the budding of the apple tree, it should be sprayed with 3% Bordeaux liquid - this measure will avoid damage by scab and fungal diseases (powdery mildew). To improve immunity, it is recommended to treat trees with a urea solution (50 g / 10 l of water) immediately after flowering.

Apple trees grown in hot regions are often damaged by aphids. These insects do not directly harm the fruits, since they feed on the sap of the leaves, however, their activity significantly weakens the tree, which affects the yield. To combat aphids, a solution of nitrophene (300 g / 10 l of water) is effective, as well as any universal insecticides. Spraying is carried out at the beginning of the growing season, and then before flowering.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of the disadvantages of the variety, only the susceptibility of trees to infectious and fungal diseases, as well as irregular fruiting, can be noted. But the variety has much more advantages:

  • excellent resistance to drought and frost, allowing apples to be grown in a temperate climate with all its features;
  • excellent presentation of apples, preservation and transportability;
  • high taste and balanced composition of fruits.

These qualities make Fuji one of the best on the list of leaders for commercial cultivation, as evidenced by numerous praise from consumers and gardeners around the world.

Video "Review of winter varieties of apple trees"

In this video, you will learn about the varieties of autumn winter varieties apple trees.