Beautiful flower eschinanthus: home care, reproduction, species with a photo. Eschinanthus is an amazing guest on your windowsill

Eschinanthus - although beautiful, but far from the most popular home flower... In conditions room care the plant is quite capricious, therefore it is in little demand among flower growers. Experts share the secrets of how to properly organize the cultivation and reproduction of a flower. Photo tips can help beginners.

Plant features

Homeland of the evergreen decorative flower are tropical rainforests South-East Asia and Oceania. In nature, a species of Aeschinanthus called Beautiful is an epiphyte dwarf shrub. In the process of growth, it is fixed on trees.

Care is also based on these conditions. room option flower. It is usually grown in ampel format, placed on shelves and hung in pots. If you do not adhere to the exact cultivation technology, the culture will certainly not bloom.

The flowering of the beautiful wild escinanthus is not tied to a specific time of the year and does not have a strict duration. The indoor usually opens in the spring. The plant forms beautiful red curved tubular buds. They are collected in a bunch.

Attention! Even if the flowering turned out to be short-lived and abundant, the bush in the pot still looks beautiful thanks to its sharp-pointed leathery and fleshy foliage of a rich green color.

Key nuances of care

The plant reacts most sensitively to such features:

  • lighting;
  • temperature and its drops;
  • watering.

Aeschinanthus belongs to light-loving cultures. Give it more light without the direct rays of the midday sun so that it can develop and bloom normally. If possible, place the flower by the west or east window. Be aware of this feature if you are growing eschinanthus in a hanging planter. Indeed, closer to the ceiling, street light falls on it less.

Warm - almost key requirement plants. A comfortable level for him begins after +20 ° C, which is not suitable for all the neighbors of the eschinanthus in the window-sill flower garden. True, it is better not to warm the culture above +25 ° C. At rest, in winter, reduce the heat in the room to +17 ° C. This technique is very important for setting buds quickly. in early spring.

Attention! During the cultivation process, sharp temperature fluctuations should not be allowed, even within the permissible values. Also, make sure that no drafts blow over the plant.

Water is also very important for the life of a culture. It must be not hard - calcium damages the flower a lot. It does not need to be watered heavily. On the contrary, even from a slight stagnation of moisture, the leaves can become covered with yellow spots or even die off. Roughly the same thing happens when there is a shortage of water. The optimal irrigation measure is to maintain a slightly moist state of the upper soil layer.

Other aspects of care

Less influential features for caring for aeschinanthus beautiful flower growers include:

  • do not allow the air to dry out;
  • shield infected plants;
  • use sticky tape traps;
  • constantly inspect the undersides of the sheet plates.

Reproduction at home

Eschinanthus cannot be attributed to the decorative centenarians of the window sill. By the age of 5-6 years of life, it loses its attractiveness: the lower part is exposed, and the shoots become too long. You cannot fix this by cropping. If you don't want to lose beautiful decoration, prepare a replacement by this date. Vegetative reproduction will help in this matter.

Aeschinanthus bloom

There are two options. The first is with apical cuttings. In early spring, before flowering, pluck several pieces of shoots from an adult bush that will meet the following requirements:

  • length - 8-10 cm;
  • internodes - 5-6 pieces.

Such cuttings are rooted in water or a moist substrate of equal proportions of sand and peat. In the second case, a layer of moss is laid out on the bottom, and the container itself is covered with a film. The rooting temperature should be around + 25 ° C. Therefore, the pot is usually placed near a radiator or other heat source.

After half a month, the segment should form viable roots. Now the seedling can be transplanted to permanent place and care like an adult plant.

Advice. The stalk responds well to the stimulation of root formation.

Sometimes Aeschinanthus is propagated by a leaf. Tear off a few and dig into the wet sand. They will need greenhouse conditions and + 25 ° C under the film. In the soil, support the leaf with foam rubber. It takes about a month to take root. But then such a plant develops faster than that obtained from the cuttings.

Reproduction in aeschinanthus beautiful is simple, but it is more difficult to achieve its flowering. But the effort to create optimal conditions is worth the beauty on your windowsill.

Eschinanthus at home: video

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Aeschynanthus is a pretty rare plant, which are rarely found in specialized stores or in indoor floriculture. Eschinanthus is a winding ampelous, flowering plant, which curls downward and at the ends of the shoots has red inflorescences and therefore it is often located in hanging pots or a planter in a well-lit place without direct sunlight.

The shade of eschinanthus inflorescences ranges from orange to burgundy, and some species can have a lilac, pink, and sometimes purple hue. This article will discuss the types of escinanthus, the peculiarities of its cultivation, care and reproduction, and why this flower is considered capricious.

In its natural environment, aeschinanthus wraps around tree crowns like a liana-like plant and can be found in the rainforests of Singapore and Malaysia. How to care for a flower at home so that it does not stop blooming?

Varieties and types of eschinanthus

The most famous species of this flower variety is the beautiful escinanthus. The plant has shoots about fifty centimeters, which are directed downward. Aeschinanthus the beautiful It has distinctive feature- as the plant matures, its shoots grow stiff from the center of its trunk. The foliage on the shoots is in the shape of an elongated oval, up to ten centimeters long and the shade of an olive. The inflorescences of this species of eschinanthus are similar to a tapered tube of a warm yellow hue.

has an olive leaf tint on the obverse and brown tint on the back of the sheet. The leaves have transverse streaks of more light shade... Aeschinanthus marble flowers are not charging, tubular, greenish.

Eschinanthus Lobba has long shoots, which are densely packed with small foliage. Red blooms are located at the end of the foliage.

Eschinanthus Mona Lisa is the most popular among home cultivation. This type of plant is less demanding in terms of care and environmental conditions, unlike other species of escinanthus. Shoots of this species have whole leaves. olive color with bright red inflorescences.

Eschinanthus Twister unlike other species, it has glossy curled leaves of a dark green color. The inflorescences of this species have a beautiful transition from orange to red.

Aeschinanthus Carolina rather compact type of plant with elongated curly leaves. The leaves of Aeschinanthus Carolina reach eight centimeters in length. Inflorescences are deep burgundy.

Aeschinanthus Rasta has twisted elongated foliage, which is painted in dark green color and scarlet inflorescences. The shoots of this type of plant are lowered down and tend to curl.

Eschinanthus Bella Donna has glossy rounded foliage, it will bloom with red inflorescences.

has medium-sized leaves and an extended base of the cup of a flower colored bright red with orange stripes.

Aeschinanthus rocky a rather unique species of this plant, as it tends to grow without soil in the gorges of a warehouse or stones covered with moss.

Aeschinanthus the Firebird popular for its color. New varieties can be red, purple, pink and multi-colored.

Home care for eschinanthus

Indoor escinanthus is a beautiful and original flower, but at the same time very capricious and not every florist can grow it. In addition to the fact that the plant requires special care and a lot of light without direct sunlight, it also demanding on air temperature... Optimal thermal conditions in spring, during active development, for him is to maintain a temperature of about 24-25 degrees, and during the dormant period, which begins in winter, - 17-18 degrees. If the plant feels comfortable in the conditions it needs, then it is able to develop and buds are formed on it.

During the development period, Aeschinanthus needs moderate but regular watering, and during the dormant period, watering is reduced to once a week. Water for irrigation must be at room temperature and settled in advance. Room aeschinanthus needed spray from a spray during development, but it is better not to do this in winter.

The soil for the plant needs to be selected quite loose and full of nutrients... Such soil can be purchased ready-made or made on your own. When preparing the land on your own, it must be borne in mind that the composition of the soil for the escinanthus in equal quantities should include:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sand;
  • leafy ground.

In spring and summer, the plant requires feeding with organic and mineral fertilizers... In winter, there is no need to feed the escinanthus.

At home, the flower requires an annual transfer to spring time of the year immediately after flowering. Every year, you need to gradually increase the capacity, and the transplant itself should take place by removing a clod of earth from the old pot and adding the required amount of new soil. The transplant should be carried out slowly and very carefully so as not to damage the equine system of the plant.

The breeding procedure for the Aeschinanthus indoor flower can be carried out in two ways:

  • cuttings;
  • sheet.

When propagated by cuttings, you need to cut off the stalk from the stem, so that the buds and a small amount of leaves remain on it. Further, the cuttings are immersed in a growth stimulator and planted in a previously prepared soil. When transplanting the cuttings into the ground, a temperature regime of at least 25 degrees must be maintained. When the plant takes root, you need to give it time to settle in the ground, and then you can transplant it into a permanent pot and take care of it like an adult plant of this variety.

Propagating an indoor flower eschinanthus with a leaf it is necessary to cut off a few leaves from the cutting and plant in a small container in a layer of wet sand on light soil. Next, you should cover the sheet with foil and control the temperature regime, which should be 25 degrees. Aeschinanthus rooting with the help of a leaf occurs thirty days after planting. In order for the sheet not to fall on the ground, which can adversely affect rooting, it is necessary to prop it up with a small piece of foam rubber or cotton wool.

In order for the eschinanthus to be beautiful, it must be regularly pruned after the flowering period, and dry leaves must also be removed and pinched regularly.

Pests and diseases

Aphids and mealy worms... These pests are a threat to the life of the plant, and they can appear from new soil, so it is necessary to regularly inspect the plant for their presence, and if detected, treat it with insecticides.

Gray rot affects the plant with abundant watering and can destroy root system eschinanthus.

Brown spots on the plant... Thus, the escinanthus can signal the wrong watering of the plant. In this case, it is necessary to moisturize the plant with settled water at a temperature of about 23 degrees.

It is worth remembering that when watering, do not allow water to get on the leaves and inflorescences, as the plant may begin to shatter.

The content of the article:

Eschinanthus belongs to the genus Gesneriaceae. Botanically, the plant is known by the Latin term Aeschynanthus. According to some conflicting data, the genus has 80-170 separate species that grow in the Asian region on the lands of China, India and Indochina. The plant got its name due to the combination of 2 Greek words aischyneia (distortion) and anthos (flower), which describe the unique shape of flowers. Among the people, Eschinanthus was dubbed "the flower-lipstick" for the very rich bright shade of its bracts.

Description of eschinanthus

This plant looks very impressive and belongs to the class of perennial evergreen representatives of the flora, belonging to the ornamental-deciduous group and having an elongated gracefully curving stem.

Aeschinanthus exhibits oppositely arranged fleshy and leathery leaves with short petioles. The flowers have an irregular tubular shape and appear in the axils of the leaves or crown the ends of the shoots. The shade of flowers is bright scarlet or rich orange with a corolla of brown or yellowish-green hue. If the buds grow at the ends of the shoots, they are usually collected in inflorescences of 6-12 pcs.

Aeschinanthus in a home environment

It belongs to rather capricious plants and may well afford not to bloom, if, for example, in winter they did not provide enough for its maintenance. low temperature... But looking after him is easy and even pleasant, especially when the escinanthus rewards all the work with an abundance of bright red flowers, which usually appear at the end of spring or early summer.

For indoor cultivation, the species Aeschynanthus speciosus or Aeschynanthus pulcher is usually chosen. In Russian, it is known as a beautiful or beautiful escinanthus. The plant is planted in hanging baskets or pots, from which its curved stems with bright flowers hang beautifully.

Typically, in a domestic environment, the plant lives for 1-3 years. They do not contain it for a longer time, since over time, the escinanthus loses its beautiful aesthetic appearance and requires rooting of cuttings for its renewal.

Aeschinanthus varieties

  1. Consider first Aeschynanthus marmoratus... Translated into Russian, it sounds like a marble escinanthus. The plant got its name from the texture of the long waxy leaves, which grow up to 10–12 cm and show a dense yellowish mesh against a dark green background. The flowers have a green tint with spots of a chocolate tone, but this species is prized primarily for its beautiful leaves.
  2. A very interesting variety is Aeschynanthus lobbianus... This Aeschinanthus Lobba was first discovered and classified on the island of Java, where it grows on trees, hanging beautifully from them on long stems with thick leaves of a rich dark green hue. The flowers of this species of eschinanthus are of a delicate cream shade, pubescent and decorated with a red corolla.
  3. Next comes Aeschynanthus speciosus... We know it as a beautiful escinanthus (not to be confused with beautiful / magnificent). This is an evergreen herbaceous shrub, the shoots of which grow up to 60 cm in length, and are decorated with fleshy oblong leaves 10–12 cm in length and up to 5 cm in width. Flowers in a group of 10-12 pieces are collected at the tips of long shoots, delighting with a beautiful orange shade.
  4. Most widespread as ornamental plant for home cultivation received a wonderful eschinanthus, which is less often called magnificent. In Latin, this variety is called Aeschynanthus pulcher... The plant is similar to the previous species, but differs in a scarlet shade of smaller flowers, as well as red stems and leaf edges.

Home care for eschinanthus

  • Temperature. Eschinanthus does not like a sharp change in temperature and is afraid of a draft, which can easily ruin the plant. Therefore, the optimal temperature of this thermophilic tropical plant is 23-25 ​​degrees in summer period and 15-18 in winter. It is extremely important to ensure the specified climatic regime in the cold season, since it directly depends on whether the eschinanthus will bloom. If the temperature is properly maintained, the first buds can form as early as late February or early March. If you overdo it and withstand a too low air temperature, then the escinanthus can shed its leaves under the influence of this factor.
  • Lighting. The plant, in addition to heat, also loves light very much, therefore, to keep it, you need to choose the most illuminated places or provide it with an additional source of light. At the same time, Aeschinanthus is afraid harmful effects ultraviolet radiation, so the flower should be protected from direct sunlight. Lack of adequate lighting can reduce the likelihood of flowering, so it is extremely important to control this moment when caring for aeschinanthus. At home, the plant is usually exposed to the east or west side. It is better not to grow it on the north side, since the eschinanthus may not have enough light here, and the south side is suitable only with a sufficient level of shading to exclude the possibility negative impact sun rays.
  • Watering. Aeschinanthus loves abundant watering, which should be carried out regularly, focusing on the condition of the upper part of the soil substrate and not allowing it to completely dry out. In winter, the regularity of watering is reduced, allowing the substrate to dry out and remain in this state for 1–2 days. The lower part of the earthen coma must be moistened, it cannot be overdried, as this greatly slows down the development of the plant and jeopardizes the possibility of the appearance of flowers. Water used for irrigation should be warm, soft and settled. You can use regular tap water, provided that it is not too hard and does not contain a lot of calcium salts in its composition.
  • Air humidity. When the first flowers appear on the eschinanthus, you need to ensure high humidity... At home, you can simply spray the leaves and flowers of the plant with water, while ensuring high level ventilation. In winter, it is not necessary to spray the plant, since it is not demanding on the level of humidity.
  • Top dressing. For feeding aeschinanthus use potash fertilizer, which is applied immediately before the next second watering during the flowering period of the plant.
  • Transplanting. Aeschinanthus is usually transplanted in early spring. The plant is pre-pruned and planted in fresh prepared substrate. For transplanting, the pot is taken more than the previous one, but not much. It is enough for the new container to be 1–2 cm wider. The substrate should be light, nutritious and loose. For example, you can prepare such a simple composition: leaf and peat soil in 2 parts, sand and sphagnum (moss) in 1 part. Whichever substrate is used, it is important to ensure adequate drainage.
  • Pruning. For Aeschinanthus to have an attractive decorative view, it must be pruned regularly throughout the flowering period. In the autumn-winter period, you can also periodically prune it, which will save more strength for development. Decorative beautiful view plants, unfortunately, cannot be preserved for a long time. As a rule, the 5-year age acts as the final maximum, since during this time any species of escinanthus loses its beauty, beginning to show the bare lower part and significant elongation of the shoots.

Aeschinantus breeding methods

The method of propagation by seeds is the same for all Gesneriaceae and Aeschinanthus is no exception. To begin with, the seeds, small, like dust, extract their ripened capsules on a paper sheet. Then they are sown in an even layer on a leveled and watered substrate, after which they are covered with glass on top.

As soon as the first shoots appear, the glass is displaced, giving the young growth more fresh air. After the seedlings get stronger and grow a little, the seedlings can be planted in 3-5 pieces in pots with a substrate.

For reproduction in this way, in the spring-summer period, still unlignified cuttings should be collected from the escinanthus. Usually the longest of the shoots is chosen and divided. Each stalk consists of approximately 4–5 nodes. To increase the likelihood of rooting, the branches can be dipped in a phytohormonal powder solution before planting. Then the cuttings of aeschinanthus are planted in a substrate consisting of 1 part of sand and 1 part of peat. Perlite expanded clay is sometimes used instead of sand.

During planting, the cuttings are lowered into the ground by no more than 2 cm. It is enough that only 1 lower knot is under the surface of the soil. Then they are covered glass jars or plastic wrap to ensure high humidity. If possible, it is best to breed aeschinanthus in a small greenhouse, where a constant high air temperature of up to 28 degrees can be ensured.

Aeschinanthus diseases

  • Falling leaves. Quite often, the plant has leaf fall, which is explained by the wrong temperature regime. If this effect is observed in the warm season, then the reason is insufficient soil moisture. In this case, it is required to pay attention to the regularity of watering and control over the state of the earthen coma. In cases where Aeschinanthus sheds its leaves in winter, you need to make sure that the room temperature is not too low. The optimal mode for the winter period is 16-18 degrees.
  • Falling flowers and the appearance of brown spots on them usually provokes plentiful spraying, when large drops of water stagnate inside the sepal.
  • Brownish spots on the leaves are a consequence of the low temperature of the water for irrigation. Optimal level its warming up should be at least 20 degrees.
  • Yellowing and drying of the tips sheet plates indicate a high room temperature or low humidity.
  • Formation of gray mold indicates excessively intensive watering, which must be stopped immediately and the plant must be transplanted.

Dangerous pests of aeschinanthus

Among the most dangerous pests Aeschinanthus includes aphids, spider mites, mealybugs and thrips. As a rule, if you provide proper care behind the plant, it will become the best prophylactic against pests.

Aphids immediately settle in large colonies, quickly filling shoots, leaves, stem and flowers. Feeding on plant juices, the pest contributes to the curvature of the shoots, a change in the color of the leaves, and the flower buds may not open at all.

The fight against aphids occurs by wiping the leaves and stems of the plant with the following compounds. If the aphid was noticed at the time of appearance, then it is usually enough to wipe the plant with an alcohol composition. In cases where the pest has spread quickly, insecticides will have to be used, for example, actellic, which is diluted in a proportion of 20 drops per liter of water.

From folk methods spraying with a mixture based on hot pepper is suitable. To prepare such a solution, take about 600 g of fresh pepper or 150-200 g dry. It is poured with a small amount of water and boiled for 60 minutes, after which it is infused for another 24 hours. After straining the composition, you can immediately use it, and save the leftovers in a glass container, placing it in a cool, dark place.

The resulting pepper solution in an amount of 10-15 g is mixed with 5-10 g of soap and 1 liter of water. Then Aeschinanthus is periodically sprayed until the aphids disappear completely, and a week later, for prevention purposes, the procedure can be repeated.

If the air humidity is insufficient, then this will create favorable conditions for the settlement. spider mite... The first signs of this pest will be the appearance of small dark dots on the leaves of the eschinanthus. If you do not take protective measures at this moment, then soon the leaves will lose their beautiful green tint, turn yellow and begin to fall off. An insecticide solution decis or actellik effectively fights against all types of mites. In addition, regular spraying of the plant will create unfavorable conditions for the life of ticks.

Mealybugs are seen mainly on older plants. Favorable conditions for the reproduction of this pest, constant dry and well-warmed air becomes. Therefore, maintaining sufficient level humidity becomes a good preventive method of pest control. At first, wiping the plant with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol helps to eliminate the worm, but if the colony has already greatly expanded, then it is better to use "heavier" preparations. For example, the emulsion of karbofos, which is diluted in proportions of 20-30 drops per liter of water, helps to quickly eliminate the pest from the eschinanthus.

An onion and garlic formulation can also be effectively used to combat any type of sucking insect that infects escinanthus. To prepare such a remedy, you need to take half a teaspoon of chopped garlic and mix it with 1 teaspoon of grated onion, after which you should soak the mixture in a glass of water for 24 hours. The resulting infusion is used to wash the plants, repeating the procedure every 8-10 days until the pests disappear completely.

For more information on growing Aeschinanthus, see this video:

Aeschinanthus is a flowering shrub with oval glossy leaves and climbing or creeping shoots. In adulthood, it can reach sizes from 30 to 90 cm in height.

The escinanthus flower is native to southern China, Indonesia, Malaysia and New Guinea. In nature, it is an epiphyte. Aeschinanthus blooms almost all year round. Flowers are apical or axillary, single or collected in a scutellum. Their color can be red-pink, orange, yellow.

The most common plant species and photographs of these species

Among the most common types of aeschinanthus and indoor plant varieties, the following options can be distinguished:

In addition, amateurs exotic plants Eschinanthus Rooting is very popular (in particular, one of its varieties with smallish leaves - Lobba) and especially the Rocky Eschinanthus. The latter has leaves similar in shape to those of oak. During flowering, beautiful pinkish-lilac flowers are formed.

Aeschinanthus Bella Donna has a decorative appeal. It has rounded glossy leaves and reddish flowers. Grown at home and E. Yafrolepis. It has smaller leaves than most other Aeschinanthus.

Caring for the indoor flower eschinanthus at home

If your eschinanthus is sick, the most effective treatment will be if you transplant it

In general, the flower belongs to capricious plants. However, with proper care for the eschinanthus at home, you can not only grow it, but also achieve flowering.

Often, a houseplant is purchased in the so-called transport soil and in a small pot. In this case, eschinanthus involves transplanting into nutrient soil and into a pot bigger size... It is better to transplant by the transshipment method, without significantly destroying the lump of earth, but only by adding soil. In the event that the plant was purchased in a trustworthy place and looks healthy, the transplant can be postponed. It is better to leave this process until spring. It is better to transplant a diseased plant immediately.

Aeschinanthus needs high air humidity... Like many plants in the humid tropics, it enjoys spraying with room temperature water. In the spring and summer, it is recommended to do this constantly. In winter, it is better to refuse spraying, because in the cold season, nothing is good high humidity the plant will not.

In winter, it is recommended to water eschinanthus less frequently than in the spring and summer. However, it is important to keep in mind that both waterlogging and drying out are equally destructive for a plant. Therefore, it should be watered regularly, but extremely carefully.

Although Aeschinanthus loves light, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight; a place with diffused light is best.

However, place it where there is diffused light. Direct sunlight is contraindicated for the plant. In the summertime, Aeschinanthus feels great on the east or west window. In the autumn-winter period, with a lack of light, the plant can be placed on the south side. Additionally, you can use a phytolamp, otherwise the lack of light can lead to yellowing of the leaves.

Optimum temperature for growing aeschinanthus varies between 22-25 degrees. The flower does not like sudden changes in temperature, especially drafts. Even a slight hypothermia can lead to the discharge of flowers and leaves by the plant. In winter, the temperature in the room with it should not be lower than 16-18 degrees.

The most suitable soil composition for aeschinanthus, it is a mixture of leafy earth (2 parts), high moor peat (2 parts), sphagnum moss (1 part) and river sand (1 part). As a vapmant, you can purchase any high-quality store-bought soil. In order to avoid the development of rot, pieces of charcoal, coconut substrate or sphagnum are added to it. Eschinanthus needs feeding only in the spring-summer period. To do this, you need to use small doses of complex fertilizers.

Aeschinanthus breeds apical cuttings. For this, cuttings with 5 internodes are suitable, which must be plucked before the plant blooms in early spring. The lower leaves are removed and the cuttings are placed in water or a wet mixture of peat and sand. You can cover them plastic bag... The optimum temperature for rooting should be between 22-25 degrees. As a rule, after 2-3 weeks, young plants take root and become ready for potting.

Plant pests and diseases

Aeschinanthus, like any houseplant, is susceptible to pest infestation.

Aeschinanthus can be affected by the following pests and diseases:

Aeschinanthus gradually loses its decorative appeal. That's why after about 5 years, it is advisable to replace the flower with a younger one, grown in advance from his own cuttings.

With insufficient air humidity, the eschinanthus begin to turn yellow and fall off the leaves. This is most often seen during the winter when the batteries are on. central heating, strongly drying the air. Insufficient lighting or, on the contrary, exposure to the sun can lead to yellowing of the leaves of the flower.

Aeschinanthus can start shedding leaves en masse in winter. The reason for this may lie in the low temperature or drafts arising during the ventilation of the room. In the summer, insufficient watering can lead to loss of leaves.

The name of the genus comes from ancient Greek words aischyneia- distorted, and anthos- flower. The corolla of the flower has a characteristic, often helmet-like curved, two-lipped limb. The whole flower is shaped like a lipstick, one of its English-language everyday names is Lipstick plant.

Aeschinanthus often lead an epiphytic lifestyle, they are climbing plants, some species grow in small shrubs. Plants have leathery and fleshy leaves, which are located opposite or whorled on the shoots. The leaf petioles are short. Tubular flowers appear in the leaf axils at the ends of the shoots, singly or in the apical scutes, often bright, yellow, orange or red. The flower cups are usually contrastingly colored. Hummingbirds are the main pollinator of flowers in nature. Fruits - in the form of long capsules, in which many seeds are formed with long hairs that help spread by the wind, ripen within 2-3 months.

As indoor plants about 15-20 species of escinanthus and their numerous hybrids are cultivated. The main decoration of these plants is undoubtedly beautiful flowers, but some species also differ in decorative leaves.

Eschinantus cumulus (Aeschynanthus humilis)- a small plant, unlike many other species, it grows in the form of a shrub with vertically rising branches. Its velvety - green leaves are not as fleshy as most other species. At the ends of the shoots, bundles of scarlet tubular flowers are formed. This species was previously often found under the name A. hildebrandii, but differs from it in the structure of flowers.

Aeschinanthus cumulus requires special attention in watering (the soil is moist, but not damp), prefers a warm content, grows quite successfully under fluorescent light.

  • Topaz (Topaz)- the variety, which can often be found in collections, differs from the original species (A. humilis) by its unusual yellow flowers.
  • Hot Flash- variety obtained by hybridization A. humilis(formerly under the name A.hildebrandii) and A. evrardii is a compact, profusely flowering plant with vertical shoots, at the ends of which large shields of orange-red flowers bloom. Often grown in hanging baskets. Prefers bright diffused light, warm and fertile, well-drained substrate, does not tolerate waterlogging. With a lack of light, flowering may be absent.

Rigle (Rigel) - a variety obtained by crossing A. humilis(formerly under the name A.hildebrandii) and A. speciosus... It is a sturdy plant with relatively vertical growth, appearance occupies an intermediate position between the original species.

Big Apple (BigApple) - a variety obtained by crossing E. small-flowered (A.micranthus) and E. cumulus ( A. humilis, previously A.hildebrandii). Possesses a compact vertical growth, leaves are dark green, conical. Abundant dark red tubular flowers appear practically all year round.

Aeschinanthus rooting (Aeschynanthusradicans) native to the humid forests of Malaysia, grows in the forks of trees, where fallen leaves accumulate. It is a large, liana-like plant whose weak stems hang down. Dark green paired leaves can take on a reddish-burgundy or purple hue on hot sunny days. Dark red or almost black forms at the ends of the shoots flower buds, from which tubular bright red pubescent flowers bloom with a five-lobed corolla, the two upper petals of which are curved in a helmet-like manner. Flowering can be observed almost all year round, but it peaks in mid-spring - mid-summer.

V recent times a number of species were combined into one species A. radicans, including Aeschynanthus lobbianus and Aeschynanthus javanicus... The Radikans group is very extensive, has very significant regional differences, and it is quite possible that further study of the genus will lead to the separation of some populations into separate species. Now titles A. radicans and A. lobbianus tend to be viewed as synonyms related to the same species.

Eschinanthus Lobba (Aeschynanthuslobbianus) - under this name, one of the forms of the species E. rooting (A. radicans). The variegated form of this eschinanthus is very beautiful - Variegata, the young leaves of which, in sufficient light, are densely colored white, creating a strong contrast with old green leaves and red flowers.

Aeschinantus the beautiful, or beautiful (Aeschynanthuspulcher) found in nature on about. Java also grows like a climbing (climbing up) epiphytic liana. This species is distinguished by greenish - yellow cups, from which tubular red corollas come out with pinkish - yellowish blotches in the pharynx. Leaves are light green, dense.

  • Pullobia(Pullobia) - a variety obtained from crossing E. beautiful and E. Lobb (A. pulcherx A. lobbianus) , is widespread.

(Aeschynanthus speciosus) - has semi-drooping shoots about 60-70 cm long, covered with large fleshy leaves up to 10 cm long and up to 4 cm wide, which are arranged in pairs or 3. Tubular flowers can reach 10 cm and are collected in lush terminal inflorescences, up to 20 pieces. Most of the time they are painted in different colors, from orange-yellow at the bottom to orange-red at the tips, with red and yellow veins on the inside. Well known variety Firebird(Firebird). This species gave rise to such wonderful hybrids as Wrigle and Black Pagoda.

Aeschinanthus long-stemmed(Aeschynanthus longicaulis) are grown mainly for beautiful foliage. The dark green leaves, covered with a yellow mesh of veins, resemble snake skin in pattern. On the underside, the leaf has a reddish-chocolate tint. The flowers are not very expressive, their green tubes about 3 cm are covered with brown spots. Often this species is found under a different name, Eschinatus marble (Aeschynanthus marmoratus). This small shrub is widespread in Burma, Vietnam, Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia, growing there as an epiphyte on trees or on the ground in rough, organic-rich soil.

When hybridizing E. long-stemmed ( A. longicaulis) and E. splendid (A. speciosus) received wonderful and very popular variety Black Pagoda (Black Pagoda), which has absorbed the best features of both species, from E. long-stemmed - beautiful marble foliage, and from E. magnificent - shields of yellow-orange flowers. Good lighting is required for this hybrid to grow normally.

Aeschinanthus tricolor (Aeschynanthus tricolor)- a plant with medium-sized green leaves and a characteristic flower shape. The wide calyx can be pink or red. The red corolla has almost black and yellow-orange stripes. E. tricolor is similar to E. cordial (Aeschynanthus cordifolius), these names may be synonymous. E. tricolor has been described as a shrub-growing plant, and E. cordifolia has been described as a liana.

Aeschinanthus reverse conical (Aeschynanthus obconicus) has a wide, bell-shaped, red calyx and medium-sized red corollas with yellow and black stripes.

Aeschinanthus graceful (Aeschynanthus gracillis)- a species with thin shoots and small fleshy leaves, the cultivar is more common in culture Red Elf (RedElf) is a cute little plant with red flowers covered with cream stripes. Aeschinanthus in miniature.

  • Coral Flame- a hybrid variety obtained from it, which is distinguished by numerous shiny coral-pink flowers and shiny medium-sized green leaves.

A few more varieties that come to us through Dutch auctions (Bert Schouten Nursery):

  • Twister (Twister) - the sheet is twisted in length and width. The flower is red.
  • Twister XL (TwisterXL) - similar to the previous variety, but the leaves are more coarsely curly. The flower is red.
  • Tornado (Tornado) is a large plant with large coarse curly leaves and red flowers.
  • Rasta (Rasta) - the leaves are twisted in length, the flowers are red.
  • Mona Lisa (MonaLisa) - leaves are large, green, shiny, flowers are red, winter flowering.
  • Ruby (Robijn) - the variety is similar to the previous one, but with an earlier flowering.
  • Bella Donna (BellaDonna) - leafy, rounded, red flowers.
  • Tamara (Tamara) - leaves with silvery hairs giving them gray tint, flower buds are almost black in color.
  • Yafrolepis(Japhrolepis)- light green leaves are located on long shoots. Usually goes on sale not blooming, shade-tolerant.
  • Caroline (Caroline) -with small dark green leaves and red flowers.

It is worth mentioning another plant, which often goes under the name Aeschinanthus rocky (Aeschynanthus rupestris) and is described as a rare Aeschinanthus with jagged leaves and blue flowers with a yellow throat and purple stripes, unusual in shape. In fact, this is Lyzionotus small-flowered (Lysionotus pauciflorus), a plant of the Gesneriaceae family, but belonging to a different genus.