Begonia care at home. Care and growing conditions for home begonia

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Good day, dear blog visitors! Begonia is very popular among flower growers. This gorgeous plant has tropical roots.

Despite the fact that the flower is quite picky, it is incredibly beautiful. He needs to be cared for with love and responsibility.

There are more than nine hundred varieties of this flower, from which you can choose the most unpretentious. In this article I will tell you about the begonia flower, which is important to take care of at home correctly.

Indeed, there is a huge variety of varieties of this plant. They fall into two categories:

  • blooming;
  • leafy varieties.

Tuberous begonias are in great demand due to their very chic and large flowers. Such a plant can decorate any style of interior. Deciduous begonia casts a variety of shapes and shades. Some of them are capable of flowering, but their flowers are not so gorgeous.

Indoor begonia flowers - home care

Like any houseplant, begonias require proper care and attention. The temperature required for full growth should be within twenty degrees of heat. In summer, indicators can be increased to twenty-five degrees. This is the standard room temperature, which is not at all difficult to maintain.

Remember that your pet needs a lot of sun. It is better to put it in the south side. However, moderation is important in everything. In summer, it is especially important to ensure that the flower is not damaged by light. To do this, you can shade the window.

Be sure to pay attention to the features of watering this instance. This procedure is influenced by room temperature and season. It is not necessary to water the begonia with enviable regularity in winter, but in the warm seasons, on the contrary, this must be done systematically.

Many believe that this representative of exotic countries is not very whimsical, but it is important for him not to allow too wet or dry soil. Water the plant as needed. The time of the procedure, when the earth dried out a couple of centimeters.

Professionals recommend using soft water for irrigation. Therefore, always have the required amount of liquid. It is better to use settled water. In the process of watering, do not spray the pet. Otherwise, spots form on the leaves. Keep in mind one more nuance. Create optimal humidity air.

When a beauty blooms, you can not be inactive. Pictures of the plant during this period are gorgeous, and with the use of modern cameras, masterpieces will come out. But the flowering period cannot last forever. After a while, the flowers fall off. Your pet is at peace. At this time, you need to water it less. The specimen needs cold air for about a month. Be sure to place it in such a place, after cutting off the dry leaves.

We grow begonia

The pet feels great in conditions where there is a lot of heat and light. If you notice shoots on it, then it definitely needs light. When burns appear on the leaves, this indicates that your pet needs to be placed in a less sunny place.

Deciduous types require less light than flower types.

The soil should be incredibly soft, well loosened and fertile. You can make the necessary soil at home, but in this case you need to work hard. I recommend purchasing ready-made soil specifically for this plant in the store.

The indoor flower loves to be well fed, but you should not do this too often. One procedure in 14 days will be enough. With the onset of the autumn season, the deciduous pet is no longer supplied with fertilizers. And flowering representatives are fertilized until they stop blooming. It is necessary to do a transplant once every two years.

We transplant the plant

A tropical specimen is transplanted in the spring. If you do not do this, then the foliage will lose its shade and beauty. Choose a pot for this purpose.

For a plastic product, it is worth laying expanded clay at the bottom so that excess moisture is absorbed. Pour a layer of shells on top so that the flowerpot is resistant.

You can take a pot made of ceramics, which does not allow excessive moisture and perfectly passes air. Keep in mind that after some time, the roots will occupy the entire area in the pot and will germinate to its surfaces. In the process of transplanting from such a container, the roots will deteriorate very much.

Do not allow dampness of the soil, as well as excessive dryness. Carefully take out the plant, get rid of the soil and place it for a while in potassium permanganate. Take a close look root system, cut off the small roots and cover with charcoal.

It is important that the earth is slightly acidic. Suitable needles, sand with peat, leaves, soddy soil. After the transplant procedure, the pet is pruned so that it will soon resume and grow rapidly. Spray and water every day. I advise you to hold the transplanted flower for several days in the shade.

Watering the begonia

The procedure is carried out very carefully. Watering is perhaps the most time-consuming process in caring for this flower, because it prefers moist soil. However, when the ground is too saturated with moisture, the begonia may fail. Water it should be plentiful, let the water drain, you need to get rid of excess fluid. The following procedure is performed only when the upper part of the earth is well dried.

Due to the fact that this representative came to us from the tropics, it requires high humidity. This is a housing issue. central heating. Be sure to spray the begonia with water, but make sure that the liquid does not get on the leaves. Great solution there will be a container of water placed next to the pot.

We cut the plant

Do not prune the royal look of the plant. Just get rid of dry and diseased leaves. In ampelous varieties, only the upper part is cut off, this leads to the formation of new shoots. Bush types are cut off completely. They grow incredibly fast.

After the pruning procedure, reduce watering until new shoots grow.

In order to prevent new diseases, regularly cut dry leaves.

Reproduction of begonia

Reproduction of beauty is carried out by several methods. This can be done with cuttings, bush and leaves. If you decide to proceed according to the third option, then prepare a substance from sand and peat and place a leaf there. Add water and cover with foil. Leave it for two months. See the video below for all the details.

Take a large cutting and wait until the cut area is dry before planting. Spring is the perfect time to breed.

Difficulties in care and cultivation

When a flowering begonia sheds leaves and buds, this indicates that there are certain errors in care. For example, it does not have enough moisture or it is too insignificant. Therefore, organize thorough watering and make sure that the plant has enough moisture.

If the leaves are pale in color, it's probably not getting enough sun. If indoors high humidity and cool enough, then the pet can damage the rot. When the leaves are affected by mold, they must certainly be cut and treated with begonia. special tool.

The appearance of white spots on the plant indicates damage by powdery mildew. The disease can make itself felt due to excessive dryness of the air, large temperature fluctuations, drafts. Sick begonias need to be sprayed with a special substance that you can purchase at any store.

Relatively harmful insects, the flower is most often affected by aphids or mites. The latter loves dry air. In the event of this problem, the pet must be sprayed.

  1. The flower loves the light in large quantities.
  2. Beauty likes moisture, as far as soil and air are concerned.
  3. Do not allow the liquid to stagnate in the pot, but keep in mind that watering the pet should be very plentiful.
  4. Despite the fact that representatives of the tropics love heat, they do not tolerate high temperatures, just like they do not.

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Everyone wants to breed beautiful plants. To grow in your flower garden rare plant it is important to know the secrets of care. Every living being requires careful care. The subtleties of growing most classes of plants are different. In this article, we intended to collect a few conditions in order to avoid disappointment when growing a particular flower. It should be determined for follow-up measures to which class the acquired plant is assigned.

How to properly care for begonias?

You can also use an elementary tray filled with water, on which to put a pot of begonia. At the same time, water from the pan should not be allowed to enter directly into the pot, even through the drainage holes. Therefore, expanded clay or coarse gravel should be poured into the pallet. In winter, when the heating is on, it is better to cover the radiators with a damp cloth.

Watering begonias

Water the begonia summer period need plentifully, before the exit of water from the drainage holes in the pot. The next watering should be done not earlier than the top layer of soil in the pot dries out by 2-3 cm. In winter, watering should be limited, but regular.

Begonia transplant

Young plants need to be transplanted every year in the spring. Transplantation of adult begonias is recommended to be done as needed, when the roots of the plant are clearly crowded in a pot. For planting and transplanting begonias, you need to prepare a soil mixture.

The most suitable option would be: 1 part of coarse sand, 2 parts of peat and leafy soil. When transplanting, be sure to inspect the root system.

How to care for room begonia at home

Begonia is the most extensive genus of indoor plants, which combines decorative leafy, ampelous and lush flowering plants, sometimes not at all similar to each other. Begonias belong to one of the most popular crops, which captivate not only with their extraordinary decorative effect, but also with their variability, ease of cultivation and breadth of use in interior design. These unique plants are conquering new horizons thanks to new varieties and hybrids appearing almost daily.

Decorative flowering begonias are valued for their extraordinary abundance and decorativeness of flowers that look like small roses. Among this group of species, which include tuberous begonia, bluish-leaved, bright red, ever-flowering, coral and numerous groups of hybrids, one can find evergreen species that do not lose their decorative effect all year round, and plants that are simply thrown away after flowering.

Blooming begonias strewn luxurious flowers all summer and autumn, but leaves fall in deciduous species for the winter. In order for such begonias to bloom again, they need to arrange a dormant period, like any bulbous and bulbous plants.

Decorative leafy begonias in color variability from the darkest variations of red to bright silver leaves can compete with garden geyhers, conquering large carved or whole leaves with sharp teeth and a noble velvety texture. They are less capricious in cultivation than flowering or ampelous species.

All types of begonias can be grown not only in flower pots, but also in balcony boxes, large containers and even in open field as an annual.

Growing conditions

All begonias love bright light and shade from direct sunlight, with the exception of the everblooming begonia, which loves the brightest sun and responds well to southern exposure. For winter flowering, it is necessary to provide a day length of at least 14 hours throughout the autumn. If there is not enough light, then to continue the daylight hours, it is enough to use a lamp with a power of about 60 watts.

The temperature difference in the room where begonia is grown can only fluctuate within 13-22 degrees Celsius. Too sharp, and even more frequent drops can cause leaf drop. When buds form on the plant, it is important that it stands in a room with a temperature of about 20 degrees, which can be reduced when blooming.

The temperature for begonias is not as critical as the stability of air humidity (in winter, measures must be taken to additional hydration without spraying). Blooming begonias do not turn to follow the sun.

Access is important for begonias fresh air, timely removal of fading shoots and pinching young ones for greater crown density.

How to care for begonia

Caring for begonias is simple, but must be careful. These plants react poorly to both drought and waterlogging. They are watered abundantly, because these are moisture-loving crops, but so that the water does not stagnate in the pot. At the same time, moisture should in no case fall during watering on flowers and leaves. Only warm water can be used. In winter, the need for watering is determined by the condition of the soil: water can be poured if its surface is completely dry.

Fertilizers are applied from the end of April, adding liquid fertilizers in not too large doses to the water for irrigation and increasing the concentration when laying buds. Further top dressing is made every two weeks until September.

In October, the begonia bulbs that you plan to grow as a perennial crop must be dug up, all shoots are cut off. Root tubers are first laid out on paper so that they dry. They are stored all winter, slightly buried in light peat, at a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. At the same time, during the entire wintering, the corms are inspected every week, slightly moistening the peat, if wrinkling or drying of the tissues is noticeable.

Planting and reproduction

When growing begonias Special attention should be given to the selection of soil. For these beauties, the soil should consist of only three components - soddy soil, leaf litter and coarse sand, although large begonias grow better in a soil mixture with a high content of soddy soil, and evergreens need the addition of peat. When planting, it is extremely important to lay high-quality drainage, which will act as a preventive measure for root rot.

Begonias are planted in March, in a fresh and light substrate, without deepening the root tubers too far into the soil. The first feeding in reduced doses can be introduced only a month after planting.

Begonia is propagated by sowing seeds, dividing adult and large tubers and cuttings.

Begonia is absolutely charming, and it's hard not to agree with that. For more than a decade this beautiful flower dearly loved in our country, and its popularity is constantly growing. The birthplace of begonia is the subtropics and tropics of Africa and South America. An interesting fact, but the flower owes its name to the governor of Saint-Domingue (Haiti) - Michel Begon.

There are almost a thousand species of begonias in the world, distinguished not only by color and shape, but also by size. So, giant begonias are known, whose height is measured in meters. Familiar to our eyes, indoor begonias belong to the decorative subspecies.

Ideal conditions for begonias

Care at home for begonia does not require much effort, but you still need to follow a number of simple rules.

Light and airy primer

When preparing the soil for begonias, remember that this plant feels most comfortable in light, slightly acidic, well-drained soil rich in nutrients. For delicate begonia roots, a mixture of leafy soil, humus, peat and river sand will be optimal. Also, do not forget to pour drainage into the bottom of the pot.

Begonia and water: friendly or not?

As for watering, in the warm season, the flower must be watered more often than in winter. It is very important to strike a balance: make sure that the soil is not excessively wet. Watering is best done at the moment when the top layer of the earth (2-3 cm) becomes dry. Constant moisture can damage the trunk of a begonia and cause rotting. Water for irrigation should be settled, warm and without excess salts.

One more required condition begonia content - high humidity air. However, in no case do not spray the flower, otherwise you will cause irreparable damage to the leaves - brown spots will appear. You can increase the humidity in the air in another way: just put a glass of water next to the pot or vase.

Heat and light - we protect the flower

Begonia loves heat very much. Therefore, the plant is best suited temperature regime spring-summer period - + 20˚- + 22˚С. In the cold season, the temperature in the room where the begonia is kept should not fall below + 17 ° C. Protect the flower from cold and drafts, otherwise fungal infections are possible. Regarding lighting, the main rule is to avoid direct sunlight, as the leaves of the plant get burned easily. A place with light partial shade is most suitable. If you want begonia to please you with flowers in winter, do not be stingy and get a phyto-lamp. You can get detailed information by looking at the care of begonias at home photos.

Fertilize, transplant and propagate correctly

Begonia especially needs fertilizing with fertilizers during the period of formation of new inflorescences and intensive flowering (as a rule, in spring and summer). The procedure is recommended to be carried out no more than twice a month. Liquid mineral fertilizers are perfect.

When transplanting, be as careful as possible - begonia reacts very painfully to such manipulations. At the initial transplant (once you have purchased the plant), carefully inspect the roots for harmful insects and rot. Subsequently, transplant the flower about once every two to three years, as it grows.

The process of propagation of begonias occurs with the help of cuttings. The best time for this - spring-early summer. The begonia stalk is placed in the soil, covered from above glass jar and put in a warm place. After about 1-1.5 months, it must be transplanted into a separate pot. If you have questions, then it may be useful for you to turn your attention to caring for begonias at home video.

We fight pests

The main enemies of begonias include primarily aphids and spider mites. These insects draw moisture from the plant, and thereby dry out its leaves and flowers. Simple and effective remedy from spider mites - treatment of leaves with soapy water. Against aphids, there are special insecticides.

Begonia home care: Video

The begonia flower has over 900 varieties and is widely distributed as a houseplant. There are three-meter giants among them, and there are very small centimeter crumbs. This magnificent beauty is named after the governor of Haiti, Begon, because the plant comes from the tropics.

Types of begonias - diversity created by nature and people

Before deciding how to care for begonia at home, you need to decide what kind of plant you like.
The main types of begonias are divided into two huge groups - flowering and deciduous, further the classification is as follows:
Flowering varieties:

    • tuberous begonia in the photo may be without leaves - they fall from this plant, and a new generation grows from tubers. Luxurious and abundant flowering, flowers 5-15 cm, most different shades, terry or simple, two-color, with a border;

    • bushy, in need of a period of sleep. The most common species is the ever-flowering garden begonia (see photo), planting and caring for which is not difficult. The ever-flowering begonia pleases with its delicate flowers almost all year round, but it must be renewed by cuttings every 3 years, as the stems stretch and become unattractive;

  • evergreen begonia.

Decorative deciduous varieties, characterized by beautiful leaves with interesting colors:

    • when you see the royal begonia in the photo, you will understand why it is in the lead in the group of decorative and deciduous. These are heart-shaped leaves with heterogeneous colors of green, brown and red tones;

    • spotted;

    • brindle;

    • Cleopatra;

  • Mason's begonia.

The ampelous begonia will attract attention even from the photo, the planting and care of which is the same as for the rest of the species of this plant. Ampel begonia belongs to the tuberous and is used in vertical gardening, as it forms an attractive flower garland up to half a meter in length. When the plant is not blooming, it pleases with attractive leaves.

Advice! Caring for the ampelous variety is simple - you should plant the plant in a pot with soil made of sand, humus and turf, and place it near a well-lit window.

The basic requirements of begonias are light, watering and humidity, temperature

In order for your plant to be as wonderful as the begonia in the photo, home care should be provided according to the following recommendations:

  1. Lighting. It is better to place pots with begonias on the southeast or southwest windows. The place should be bright, but without direct sun, because under the sun's rays, burns will appear on tender leaves.
  2. Temperature. In order for you to enjoy a photo of begonia flowers grown by yourself, you need to know that the plant is thermophilic. In summer, the optimal temperature regime for it is 18-20 ° C, and in winter the thermometer should not fall below 18 ° C.
  3. Watering. Abundant regular watering is needed only in summer, when it is hot. In autumn and winter, watering is reduced to moderate. Begonias do not like waterlogging, therefore they are watered only when the top layer of the substrate dries out by 1.5 cm. And it is better to use soft, pre-settled water.
  4. Humidity. It is impossible to spray begonias, because on the leaves there are brown spots. However, high humidity is very important for the plant, and therefore the containers are placed on a tray with wet moss.

Advice! You can also put vessels with water or wet expanded clay next to the plants.

Rules for transplanting begonias. Selection of soil and fertilizers

Care and cultivation of begonias require proper fit and regular replanting. In order for the plant to feel good, it will take good drainage, and the soil should be loose and light, but at the same time nutritious. The most commonly used mixture with the following composition:

  • leaf ground - 2 hours;
  • turf - 1 hour;
  • peat - 1 hour;
  • humus - 1 hour;
  • sand - 1/3 tsp

If we are talking about planting young plants, you can use a soil mixture of leaf and peat soil in a ratio of 1: 1 for them.

Advice! Ready-made soil, bought in a store, can be independently supplemented with chopped sphagnum moss.

Young plants should be placed on sunny side, and leaves will quickly begin to appear on them. And after 1.5 months the first buds will appear and open beautiful flowers begonias as in the photo.

Transplant mature plant stands no more often than every two years, and young - annually, in the spring. The pot should become cramped, and only then is the transplant carried out. An exception is if you bought a begonia in a store - then a transplant is desirable immediately, since during this operation you can assess the condition of the plant's root system.

Important! The soil is not poured under the very top of the container, since the begonia forms additional roots, and they should be covered with new earth.
From the moment the buds appear, the plant is fertilized. This requires a universal complex fertilizer suitable for flowering indoor plants. The frequency of top dressing is twice a month.

Begonia propagation methods

Begonias can be propagated by cuttings of stems and leaves, as well as dividing the bush, and tubers or seeds collected after flowering are used to propagate tuberous varieties. Most often propagated by cuttings in the spring:

  • you need to choose a strong and healthy leaf or stalk;
  • place it in a moistened mixture of sand and peat (proportion 3: 1). Planted immediately to prevent drying of the cut;
  • container is taken to dark place for 1.5 months until a new begonia is born.

Important! The leaf stalk for breeding begonias must be at least 5 cm, and the stem - not shorter than 7 cm.

But for begonias, tuberous planting and care are somewhat different. To propagate the plant by tubers, it is necessary to provide proper storage tubers: they are placed in sand or peat in the fall and kept at a temperature of + 8 ... 10 ° C all winter, and in the spring they are planted in containers with a suitable substrate and drainage. Tubers in the substrate deepen only half. Further, the plant is provided with moderate watering. For several weeks, the tuber will germinate, fix roots in the ground, and only then will it release shoots. As soon as the shoots appear, the desired layer of earth is poured on top of the tubers and the containers are transferred to the light. Already in the middle of summer, the plants will be covered with flowers, and by winter they will form new baby tubers.

Possible difficulties in caring for begonia

Various consequences of improper home care for evergreen begonia can be seen in the photo.

The most common troubles are:

  • the plant sheds buds and leaves - it lacks moisture;
  • if the leaves are too pale, then the plant does not have enough light;
  • when it is too wet and cold, gray rot can appear on begonias - mold. Then all the affected parts are removed, and the plant is treated with a fungicide;
  • can settle spider mite or aphids, which will draw juices from the plant. Such a begonia must be washed with a soapy solution of tobacco or chamomile, and also treated with an insecticide or preparations with pyrethrum.

Begonia (Begonia) is a unique herbaceous plant in the number of species and varieties that differ in shape, color of flowering, size and habitats. In the Begoniev family there are perennials and annuals, which are represented herbaceous plants, undersized shrubs and full-fledged subshrubs.

Begonia can be found in countries with a tropical and subtropical climate - in Africa, America and in South-East Asia and even on the island of Madagascar. Types of begonias amaze with a range of sizes and shapes. Most small plant it can be only a few centimeters in height, and the largest reaches a three-meter mark. Begonia has adapted to different conditions growth. It can grow in moist wooded soils, and on the roots of old trees, and in crevices of cold rocks.

Begonias are native to the Antilles. The plant was discovered there back in 1687 by members of one of the scientific expeditions organized by Michel Begon. Subsequently, plants unknown at that time, found and described by the French botanist Charles Plumier, who also participated in this trip, were named after him.

In horticulture, there are 125 species of this flower and a large number of hybrid forms, as breeders have done a huge and active work over the past decades. The total number of begonias is approaching a thousand copies. Among this large family can be found decorative begonias both flowering and deciduous. Tuberous large-flowering begonias obtained by hybridization are very popular.

In the second half of the nineteenth century in different countries new species of begonias were found. For example, in India - royal begonia, in Peru - Veitch's begonia, in Bolivia - Pierce and Bolivian begonia, in the highlands of South America -. But flower growers and gardeners give the greatest preference to begonias of Belgian varieties.

Types of begonia

For growing in room conditions hybrid forms of begonias are most suitable. decorative qualities have both flowering and deciduous plant species. Among flowering species, two categories of plants are found. Some are evergreen, while others are shedding leaves. Evergreens do not bloom as spectacularly as the other species, but all year round delight with juicy green foliage. Those specimens in which the foliage dies off have a beautiful and lush bloom, but tuberous propagation will be required to grow the next generation of flowers.

Location and lighting

Lighting for deciduous begonia species should not be very bright, penumbral, especially in hot and sunny summers, as the sun's rays leave burns when they hit begonia leaves. flowering species begonias prefer brighter lighting at any time of the year, but it should be protected from direct sun with a white cloth or thin paper, and blinds should also be used.


The temperature regime of begonia content changes with the seasons. In the warm spring and summer months, the plant needs a temperature in the range of 20-25 degrees, and in the remaining months - from 18 to 20 degrees of heat.

Air humidity

Air humidity is of great importance for the development of begonias. Its level should be constantly close to 60%. You can maintain such humidity with the help of additional water containers that will stand next to a houseplant or a special electrical appliance which will humidify the air. The liquid will constantly evaporate and maintain the required level of humidity.

Another way to moisten can be a container with wet moss or peat, in which you need to place a pot of begonia. But you will have to refuse the usual spraying for other colors, since begonia from such water procedures may die. Drops of water that fall on the leaves of a plant will leave stains behind. Brown and cause leaves to fall.


Watering begonias requires plentiful or moderate - depending on the season. In hot summer days the plant needs a lot of moisture, and in cold autumn and winter time the number of irrigations and their volumes are reduced. Excess and lack of moisture in the soil can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, the next watering is recommended only when the soil dries out by two centimeters. Water should not stagnate in the soil, so you need to regulate its volume during irrigation. Water for irrigation should be only purified or thawed and approximately equal to the air temperature in the room.

The soil

The optimal composition of the soil for growing begonias: 2-3 parts of leafy soil, 1 part of sand, black soil and peat.

Top dressings and fertilizers

Complex dressings must be applied twice a month, starting from the period of begonia budding and throughout the entire flowering period. This applies to decorative flowering types of begonias. But for decorative and deciduous representatives, nitrogen-free fertilizers are needed, because this nutrient contributes to the active development of the leaf mass and inhibits the flowering process.


Tuberous varieties of begonias are planted in the soil in early spring. Transplantation of rhizomatous flower species is done as it grows houseplant. Do not transplant begonias with dry soil in a pot or immediately after moistening it. A favorable time for transplanting is the next day after watering.

It is worth taking care in advance of the volume and composition of the soil mixture for a new flower container. The composition of the soil should include: sand, peat and black soil in equal proportions, as well as two parts of leafy or garden soil. On the day of transplanting, the soil in the flower container should be only slightly moist.

The begonia must be removed from the pot along with an earthy clod and carefully (you can use a small thin stick) to free the root part from the ground. The plant should stand for some time in a weak manganese solution (only its root part), and then it is necessary to get rid of damaged or rotted parts of the root with sharp knife. All small roots entangled in a lump, as well as diseased parts of large roots, are subject to pruning. It is recommended to sprinkle the places of cuts with crushed activated or charcoal.

The begonia is placed in new pot with a soil mixture and sprinkled with earth almost to the very top, immediately watered abundantly. Over the next week, the earth will gradually settle, the top layer will dry out a little, after which you can add the missing amount of soil. In these 6-7 days, watering is not carried out, they are replaced by daily spraying.

Immediately after transplantation, it is recommended to prune the plant. This will contribute to the formation of a shrubby form and less evaporation of moisture. Begonia should spend the first week in a new container indoors without drafts and in shady conditions.

Begonia care during dormancy

Begonia tuberous species after the end of flowering should gradually go into a dormant period. To do this, it is necessary to gradually reduce the number and volume of irrigation until the aerial part dries completely. indoor flower. All dried parts of the plant are completely removed, and the flower is placed in cool conditions with a temperature of 10 to 12 degrees Celsius for 2.5-3 months. At the same time, watering should be continued, but in minimal quantities and very rarely.

The beginning of spring is the most favorable time for breeding begonias.

Reproduction by seeds

Sowing seeds is recommended to be carried out in the last week of winter or at the very beginning of spring. Small seeds are scattered on the surface of the earth in a box, without crushing them with soil, covered with glass and placed in a warm (about 25 degrees Celsius) room in a well-lit place. Soil irrigation is carried out using a sprayer. For sowing, it is desirable to use freshly harvested seeds, although they retain their germination capacity for three years after harvest.

The picking of young seedlings is carried out twice. The first time - after the formation of the third full-fledged leaf, and the second time - 1.5-2 months after the appearance of the seedlings. Young plants are transplanted into small individual pots.

From the moment the seedlings appear until the beginning of April, it is necessary to illuminate the plants with fluorescent lamps due to the short daylight hours and the lack of natural light. It's about 4-5 hours a day.

Early sowing of seeds (approximately in the first week of January) contributes to the formation of large tubers and active flowering already in the first summer season. Tubers form when planted late small size(about 1 centimeter in diameter), and flowering does not occur in the same year.

Reproduction by tuber division

The tubers of a mature plant should be cut into several pieces, sprinkled with crushed charcoal, left to dry, and then germinated in seedling boxes or flower pots.

Reproduction by cuttings

On the cut cuttings of begonias, at least three leaves should remain. Places of cuts must be sprinkled activated carbon(powdered). Rooting of the plant occurs within a month at a temperature of at least 20 degrees and good soil and air moisture. The location of the flower needs to be shaded.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Bush varieties of begonias are suitable for this method. The bush is divided along with the root part and planted in separate pots. At the time of rooting, begonia should be in a bright and warm room.

Reproduction by division of the rhizome

This method of reproduction can be used during the spring transplant of the plant. After separation, each part of the plant should have a shoot with or without a bud and a root. Charcoal needed for sprinkling cuts on the roots to prevent the appearance of rotting of the root part. All parts of the begonia are planted in separate containers and follow all the rules for caring for an indoor flower.

Great harm to begonias is caused by: spider mites, nematodes and aphids. Gray rot can form due to the appearance of a fungus. Pest control measures - pruning of the affected parts, treatment with fungicides.

The plant is sick due to a violation of the rules for caring for it. The most common diseases:

  • Withering and dropping of buds and leaves - due to lack of humidity in the air and soil.
  • Drying of the tips of the leaves - improper watering.
  • The pallor of the leaf mass is a lack of light.
  • Curling and drying of the leaves, the appearance white plaque(signs fungal diseasepowdery mildew) - due to an excess of humidity in the room and water condensation on the leaves.

Control measures - regular airing of the room, moderate lighting, timely fertilization.

Growing flowering indoor begonia (video)