DIY flower pots - the best ideas, a master class, a photo. A useful decoration for a summer house and a house - flower pots Hanging flower pots with your own hands

Sooner or later, but in the life of many flower growers the question arises: “Where to put ?! The place is over!" Indeed, green pets have filled all available places and planes, and they threaten to evict the owners from their legally occupied beds. Households shout indignantly that the plants could be smaller, but who will listen to them? How can you refuse cacti, violets, ficuses and other beauties cherished with such labor and love? And you don’t have to refuse, because relatives are making noise, most likely just for show, while they themselves secretly admire the green kingdom and proudly tell their friends: “We have such a monstera! Half a room!” and casually examine the less well-groomed specimens of these acquaintances.

However, the reaction of others still does not solve the problem of the place, and here you have to call on your imagination and skillful hands to help. It's good if the hands are from the place where you need them, and with fantasy order. And if not, we will try to help with imagination in this article, and skillful hands, I'm sure, will be found by someone from the male half of your large family.

On the Internet you can find a lot of ideas for creating all sorts of walls, shelves and stands, but in this article we will consider exactly those that are located directly on the window. This will solve the problem with lighting without additional lighting, and it will not require extra space in an already crowded house.

Ampel plants on the window

For this option, we need several anchors with a hook, select the diameter depending on the estimated weight. I think 6 mm will be enough (anchors for an 8mm drill are used in the photo). We drill holes with a drill or puncher in the upper slope of the window, insert the anchor. Anchor - from the word anchor, is a metal hook, with a spacer at the opposite end. It is inserted into drilled hole and twist the hook clockwise. In this case, the spacer mechanism expands and tightly, like an anchor, is held in the hole. On such a hook, unlike a self-tapping screw on a dowel, you can even hang a swing.

So, it's done! It remains to hang pots with plants. This accommodation option is suitable if you have both wooden and plastic windows. Designed primarily for ampelous plants, but in conditions of acute shortage of space, any small plants can be planted in hanging pots. For example, I have a cryptanthus growing in such a pot, although it is not an ampelous plant at all, a herbivore cat cannot reach it in a hanging pot.

Thus, plants can be hung on anchors above the window and in the immediate vicinity of the window, if drilled in the ceiling (ceiling ceilings are always concrete, so only drill with a hammer drill). If you do not have anchors, you can use self-tapping screws with dowels or hooks with dowels, you can hang a string or a planter chain on them, but the hook is more reliable - the rope will not fly off it just like that.

Shelf for flowers on ribbons

We call it a student. The idea arose while living in a student dormitory, where this model was quite easily created by fragile girls to accommodate the state stock of cosmetics. After it was modernized and implemented already for plants.

We will need a board that is slightly less than the width of your window, but it is better to use 10mm thick plywood. You will also need several meters of a fabric belt (also called a harness, used to make reins and other household needs) and 4-8 self-tapping screws. This option is only suitable for windows with wooden frames.

Calculating the length of harness you need is very simple. Either empirically, or according to the formula 2SHD + 4VP + 10 cm, where SD is the width of the board, VP is the height from the attachment point to the shelf. We divide our tape in half and cut it. We fold it in half and fasten the ends of the harness to the frame with 2-4 screws. After that, we lay the board on the obtained loops, observing its horizontal position. Everything, you can put flowers. Of course, the appearance of such a shelf, to put it mildly, is not very aesthetic for an apartment, but it is quite suitable for placing flowers on a balcony, on a veranda, in a country house.

We will improve this placement option: instead of a board or plywood, we use a plastic tray. It is more efficient - the sides will not allow the pots to move and fall, and if you place a lot of small pots on it, for example, with cacti and other succulents, then it is easy to remove all the pots at once along with the tray. As a fastener, we use tapes that are sold at any sewing supply store: a keeper tape, a hem tape (for trousers) or a belt tape (belts and bag handles are sewn from it).

Glass shelf for flowers on metal corners

Suitable only for those who wooden windows. Need metal corners with a stiffener, which are sold at any hardware store and wooden lath 3.5-4 cm wide and 1.5-2 cm thick.

Corners can be taken with a length of 10 cm and 25 cm. The rail is cut into strips along the width of the future shelf, and attached to the corners with screws. Glass was ordered in a hardware store according to the given dimensions. The width of the glass was 25 cm, length 110 cm (this length on three corners). The edges of the glass shelves need to be sanded so as not to cut themselves. Glass is very easy to grind, for this I took first a large sandpaper, then a medium one, for all 15 minutes of work. But it seemed to me that this was not enough, so that the veil on the window would not touch and tear at the corners of the glass shelves (and they are very wide), I cut off the corners of the shelves on one side - from the one that is from the window.

These shelves are convenient because the glass is not attached to anything, it can be removed at any time, windows washed, etc. And so, in general, a very stable design. I have one glass lying on the rail and on double sided tape- for reliability.

Side shelves for flowers on the window

Written by Marta. This accommodation option is similar to the previous one. Materials: two slats, 2 cm thick, 3-4 cm wide, the length of the slats is equal to the height of the window opening. The slats are mounted on self-tapping screws with dowels at two points (top and bottom) of the side slope of the window. Metal corners with stiffeners, about 10-15 cm long, are attached to these rails. At a distance of about 40-50cm from each other. Shelves made of thick plywood, 10mm thick, are installed on the corners. Approximate sizes of shelves: 20-25cm by 30-35cm. These are the dimensions for the window opening panel house. AT brick house the walls are thicker and the length of the shelves can be up to 50cm. Plywood sheets prepared for shelves must be sanded so as not to get a splinter and varnished or painted with enamel.

An alternative to such shelves can be wall planters or decorative hooks for hanging pots. By the way, it must be noted that the shelves placed on the side slope of the window have one drawback: the flowers standing closer to the window are better illuminated, and those that are "second" are worse. Therefore, you need to either install fluorescent lamps from the side of the room, or periodically turn the flowers on the other side to the light, or swap them. The same flowers that are placed in the photo in the uppermost tier receive the least light, the most shade-tolerant plants should be placed there, or additional lighting should be installed from above.

Placement of plants on the grid

“I have quite a lot of large pots in which there are single stem plants, I tried to plant some babies in them, but something didn’t really suit me and they didn’t like it, and it’s hard to find the perfect community. So I found a way out like this: we take a grate of a suitable size (I make it myself either from slats or from cut wooden rulers, I assemble it in any convenient shape, or twist it with a thin wire or on PVA), and install it on a pot, and you can put anything on the grate, and a lot of space saves and decorativeness is not only preserved, but also acquired!" Photo by Natalia Matyushevskaya:

We make a remark: this method is convenient when under big plant there is space in a wide pot, and you can place several small pots with medium-sized flowers (for example, mini violets, fittonia, rooting cuttings of other plants). Even in this case, other pots should not be placed too tightly on the grate, otherwise the earth in the pot under the crate will not dry out and breathe well, which will adversely affect the "mother" plant.

Hanging shelf on the window

We will need: 4 anchors with a hook (these were mentioned above), two 10mm plywood cuts, from which we will make shelves, a thin metal cable or a strong rope. We fix the anchors in the upper slope, measure the required length of the cable, fix it on hooks and at the corners of the first board using fasteners (you can screw in the same hooks as on top, but smaller). With reverse side boards we also cling to fasteners, we also fasten them on the second board on one side. We connect the boards with cables so that the bottom one lies on the windowsill, and the whole structure is rather tightly stretched. When placed on the bottom shelf of plant pots, loaded top shelf will practically not swing.

This system can be used for only one shelf, which will have a length for the entire width of the window, with the only difference being that it will have to be fixed on six or more hooks in the upper slope.

Shelves for flowers wide window sill

The easiest shelf option is a prefabricated shelf from a hardware store. There is no need to describe - everything is clear from the photo. Shelf corner, can have 3-5 tiers. It has a drawback - the sides steal the light (block the lower plants). Therefore, additional lighting may be needed. There is a lot of sun on the western window shown in the photo, so there is no need for additional lighting. It is desirable that the shelf was only made of light plastic, White color reflects light and the window will be brighter.

A more complex and expensive option is a glass shelf on metal legs-holders. The shelf shown in the photograph was made according to a sketch by a custom-made furniture company. But if you have the opportunity to visit the store furniture fittings, and there is a handmade man in the house, you can make such a shelf yourself. The shelf can be corner made of rounded glass or rectangular.

Another type of shelf is a metal flower stand, originally its length was about 2 m (see photo). last picture). The shelf was sawn to the height of the window opening and inserted into the spacer. Because the window is plastic, so as not to scratch the slopes, pieces of foam are placed under the ends of the rack. Styrofoam can be replaced with a cut of isolon, folded in several layers. Below are a few more photos of members of the forum who have adapted whatnots and flower stands on the windowsills.

Sincerely, Oksana Dyachenko ()
Natalya Rusinova ()

Often, home plants are placed on the windowsill - closer to natural light. If the window sill is very narrow and there is not enough space to accommodate house plants in flower pots, you can grow flowers together on hanging fixtures. In this case, the way out can be hanging basket or pots . A cache-pot is a hanging container in which a single flower pot is placed or green plant. More interesting option- This is a hanging basket in which several plants are planted at the same time, forming flower arrangement.

There are a number of difficulties that can complicate the process of this method of growing plants. But thanks to our advice, you can choose the right place, arrange the composition correctly and properly care for flowers in hanging containers:

  • Tip 1: It must be remembered that warm and dry air rises up, so plants in suspended structure more frequent watering will be required.
  • Tip 2: If you overfill the water, it may drip right onto the floor. It threatens to bloat wooden floor, therefore, the best place for hanging baskets is the kitchen or balcony, where the floors are usually laid with tiles.
  • Tip 3: For baskets located indoors, polyethylene is sometimes placed inside the container so that water does not drip, but this creates a threat to flood the plants. The best decision is to place several plant pots in a waterproof container. The container itself can be hung on a wire, rope or twine from the ceiling. The principle of such placement is similar to the flower girl, which is described in the article about the home mini-garden.
  • Tip 4: The gaps between the pots and the walls of the container are filled with wet peat. Peat is lighter than, for example, a mixture of peat and earth, and when hanging from the ceiling, unnecessary loads should be avoided.





  • Tip 5: If you have chosen the option of planting plants in a common container, then the rules here remain unchanged: the plants must have the same watering regime, temperature regime and be equally sensitive to lighting. As for the soil, it is poured into a container on top of the drainage layer, which is also general rule for this method of growing plants.
  • Tip 6: It is better to hang the basket in such a way that it can be reached by hand, that is, at the level of your height. If for some reason this option is not possible, then use not a simple hook, but a carabiner, this design will allow you to raise and lower the container.
  • Tip 7: One last tip: check if your green "pets" are getting enough light and air at the chosen height. Flowering and variegated plants should be placed closer to the light - near the window.

Examples of flower arrangements in a flower pot:



The charm of the most beautiful and well-groomed plants will not be complete if they are planted in assorted pots that differ in shape, size, material from which they are made. Perfect solution problems - flower pots. Purchased in a store or made by yourself, they will complete the look of the collection on and help decorate a suburban area.

Selection of ready-made planters for indoor and garden plants

The range of ready-made planters in stores is incredibly large. In order not to get confused when choosing, experts advise paying attention to several aspects. Among them:

  • the price of the sample you like;
  • destination pots;
  • the size of the pot to be decorated;
  • match the style of the interior or landscape design;
  • product practicality.

Most often, flower growers prefer flower pots from polymer materials, fired ceramics or clay, glass.

Plastic flower pot

The most affordable samples are made of plastic. They are easy to clean and can be used indoors and out. Due to the presence of drainage holes and the ability to easily make new ones, the plants in the pots are protected from rotting of the root system. One more useful quality- lightness, which is important if the grower needs a hanging planter for ampelous plants or a spectacular garland of them flower pots. Despite the thin walls, the container located in the sun does not heat up to critical temperatures, does not cause overheating of the soil and the root system.

If desired, plastic planters can be easily decorated with wood fragments, textiles, beads, or simply painted using safe and bright colors. acrylic paints.

Shop-bought plastic planters are easy to transform with a skein of rope and glue. Processed by him side surface tightly wrapped with twine or cord.

However, with a lot of advantages, plastic planters have a couple of disadvantages. They are not too resistant when used outside the home, and the products are by no means original.

Ceramic planters

Ceramics different types has long been used to make flower pots and planters. Clay is incredibly malleable. She can take the most different forms, natural material keeps the warmth of the hands of the master, transferring it to the interior or summer cottage.

When choosing a ceramic planter, you should pay attention to the presence of a drainage hole, as well as to the outer coating.

Unglazed clay retains porosity, which improves the microclimate inside the pot, but reduces the durability of flower pots. When watering tap water sloppy stains may appear on the walls. Outside the house, the tank threatens with destruction:

  • increased air humidity;
  • sudden changes in temperature, especially freezing and thawing.

Painted or glazed ceramics look very impressive and much stronger, but they warm up slowly and poorly remove excess moisture.

Because of heavy weight for ceramic products, especially in the manufacture of hanging flower pots with your own hands, you need a secure fastening. It is easy to make with strong twine and macrame techniques.

Glass pot for flowers

Transparent or colored glass is a fragile, but spectacular material that will help decorate the interior, make the house unique.

At the same time, having shown imagination, making such a planter with your own hands for indoor flowers is not difficult at all.

As a basis, you can take glass jars right size, glasses, vases or even a small round aquarium. By connecting the vessels with a rope, fixing them on a wooden stand, you can build a garland for flowers, make a planter for several pots at once.

How and from what to make a flower pot with your own hands

The decoration of the window sill and the garden will be flower pots, not found in the store, but made by the florist with his own hands. These samples are usually:

  • many times cheaper than analogues from the store;
  • created taking into account the tastes and preferences of the master;
  • are unique.

But, relying on his imagination, the grower needs to remember about the reliability of the future planters, safety and practicality. It is especially important to take into account the variability of the weather and the influence external factors if you have to assemble a flower pot for the garden with your own hands.

The most popular materials suitable for such work:

  • wood, including planks, bamboo, dry branches collected in the garden;
  • cement mixtures that, after solidification, turn into durable, moisture-resistant structures;
  • durable types of twine and rope, from which wicker planters are made;
  • textiles treated with wear-resistant paint.

It is not necessary to go to the store for the original planter or materials for its manufacture.

One has only to look around to notice things that have gone out of use, but can turn into a unique interior or landscape object.

Do-it-yourself hanging planter for flowers

Man-made planters for the home are a great opportunity to show your imagination and demonstrate the ability to create practical and absolutely unique things.

The simplest option is a hanging macrame planter. Woven to the size of the pot, it:

  • fits perfectly into the interior;
  • decorates any container in which an indoor flower grows;
  • can be used for ordinary and ampelous plants;
  • in combination with others, it forms a multi-tiered garland that saves space on the windowsill and gives the window a unique look.

In addition, the planter allows you to significantly improve the lighting of plants and simplifies care with a large number of flowers in the house.

When choosing a rope for weaving, it is better to give preference to samples made of wear-resistant fiber that does not stretch under load, does not fade in the sun and is not afraid of moisture. The same requirements apply to wicker planters for the street.

Floor and table flower pots

Large plants such as indoor lemon, monstera, ficus or lush fern - a great home decoration. To make them look even more spectacular, the pot can be placed in the original planter.

Pick an option suitable design and size is not always possible, but to make a high floor planter for flowers independently within the power of everyone.

One option is cement pots. As a basis, a quickly solidifying mixture is taken, which is poured into the prepared form and after some time a strong casting-pot is obtained. Another way to use the material is to drink a textile flap with it and give it suitable look, wait for the composition to dry. This pot can be used in the house and on garden plot. For more decorative effect the casting is painted and even covered with mosaics.

A box of a suitable shape will serve as an excellent planter for a large flower. It is pre-sanded, treated with a moisture-proof varnish or painted. To protect the floor and other surfaces, for example, a table under a wooden flower pot, a tray is placed on the bottom to collect excess moisture. The free space between the pot and the planter can be filled with coconut fiber.

Simplify the care of a green pet large sizes, a planter with a built-in watering system will help protect the plant from moisture deficiency and drying out. You can buy it or make it yourself from auxiliary materials.

In addition to the container for the pot, there is a cavity for water and a tube for filling it, as well as a system of holes that supply moisture to the roots and remove its excess. A similar design for flowers of any size can be assembled at home. It will be useful both on the windowsill and in the garden, especially when the plants are deprived of the grower's daily attention.

The simplest pots with automatic watering can be made from ordinary plastic pot. The main thing is that it should be the right size, and its bottom should have many large drainage holes. The shipping container in which the flowers arrive at the store is perfect. Under drainage, laid on the bottom mosquito net from plastic. It will not let the soil wash out. Several nylon cords are threaded through the holes so that their ends remain free to hang.

By placing such pots with home or garden flowers on gravel in a tray filled with water, you can be sure that the plant will not suffer from drying out. The liquid will rise to the ground along the rope, but will not cause root rot.

We make a hanging planter with our own hands - video

House plants occupy the entire window sill and block each other? Or only grass for cats takes root at home, because animals do not treat the rest of the flowers very humanely? We offer a solution to this problem: hanging plants from the ceiling or walls. Our selection of master classes will help you make a hanger or a shelf on your own, which will look very modern and stylish!

floating shelf

What you need:
  • wooden plate;
  • scissors;
  • yarn.

How to do:
Cut 50 strips of yarn about 3 meters (a little more is better than less). Gather them together and tie a knot exactly in the middle - this will be the center of the suspension. Divide the ends of the threads into 4 equal parts. Then divide each of the parts into two more and twist these parts together; can be divided into three and braid a pigtail.
You just have to throw the 4 resulting bundles (or pigtails) over the object on which you hang the composition and tie a knot. Place a plate in the middle: it will hold firmly, and small flowers can be placed on it. For decoration, a yarn tassel can be tied to the bottom knot.


What you need:

  • yarn, ropes or even cut into strips old t-shirt(unless, of course, you decide to weave a rug out of it);
  • scissors.

How to do:
The macrame technique is great for creating graceful hangings for plants in pots. master this simple technology step-by-step master classes in the pictures below will help you.

Tiered shelves with holes

What you need:

  • wooden plank;
  • several cache-pots in the form of a cylinder or with an extension on top;
  • metal ring;
  • drill and drill bit 10mm;
  • saw;
  • sandpaper and paint and / or stain (optional).

How to do:
Turn the planter over and place it on the board, circle, then measure 2.5-3 cm on the sides and draw squares around the circles. It is on them that you need to cut the board with a saw, so it is more convenient to start closer to the edge / corner. Already on the sawn boards, draw a smaller circle inside the circles already existing there. It will be optimal to step back 6-7mm from the edge or play it safe and measure the diameter of the planter in the part that should be above the shelf.
With a drill, make holes inside the small circle until the hole is large enough for the saw to fit through. Cut out the entire circle with a saw. Then drill a hole in each corner for the ropes. Pass the ropes, tying a knot under each shelf, and tie everything from above to a metal ring. The hanger is ready! You can additionally decorate it before threading the ropes: sand the boards and saturate them with stain, paint the pots.
Important: if your planters have a hole at the bottom, it is better to make the bottom shelf without a hole by placing a planter on a saucer there (glue the saucer for reliability): the fact is that water from the upper planters will flow down.

It is difficult to imagine your favorite garden without flowers, as they are a stylish addition and an integral part of landscape design. Compositions planted in unusual, original pots for plants made by oneself look especially impressive. Creating beautiful flower pots for flowers with your own hands from improvised material is not only useful, but also very fascinating process. Step by step master class making original planters with detailed description and visual photo, later in our article.

What can you make a pot with your own hands

Today, specialized stores offer a wide range of various decor and decorations for the garden for every taste, including original flower pots. However, even with such an abundance of goods, it is not always possible to find what you need exactly. There is only one way out of this situation - to try to make a pots yourself.

Strange as it may seem, but the most unusual decorative flowerpots made from common materials. You just need to be smart and give free rein to your most bold ideas and fantasies. Planters from household items will look most harmonious in the garden. It is they who give a real zest to your yard, creating the effect of grace and refined nobility.

The second life of old shoes

Surely in the country you have old shoes that you haven’t worn for a long time, but you didn’t dare to throw them away either. The perfect way breathe into it new life- make an original flower garden out of it.

To do this, you need an unnecessary pair of old shoes, the help of skilled hands and a little free time.


  1. Pour fertile soil (preferably black soil) into the bottom of the boot, then plant seeds or seedlings of your favorite plants in it;
  2. Pour the resulting decorative flower garden with warm water and place it somewhere in the visible side of the house;
  3. To prevent excess moisture from accumulating inside, several small holes can be made in the sole;
  4. To give the composition more interesting view, boots can be painted in any color you like.

Decorate the shoe with your favorite flowers and plants - great idea for a creative gardener

Absolutely any footwear can be used as a mosnov: rubber boots, sneakers, sneakers, sandals, galoshes, low shoes, sandals, cloaks. As for flowers, it is better to give preference to bright, unpretentious, undersized plants.

Important! Planters from old shoes should have holes for draining excess water. Otherwise, the roots may rot, which will lead to the death of the plants planted in them.

Flower pot made of cement, rags and burlap (photo)

A flower vase made of cement and rags looks very original and impressive. The method of manufacturing the product is quite simple and does not require special skills and tools. Enough to have on hand cement mortar and waste from textile production.

Important! Before drying, a rag soaked in a liquid cement mortar can take any shape, so such compositions can be made in any form.

So, for work we need:

  • Cloths of rags of the required size. You can use ripped burlap from cereals or sugar;
  • Components for the preparation of concrete (water, cement, seeded sand or fine gravel);
  • Patterns made to your taste. You can use ready-made ones, such as a bucket, a saucepan, an old vase, etc.

Step-by-step master class for making planters

  1. Cook according to the required proportions. To make it easier to work with the material, the solution should have the consistency of liquid sour cream;
  2. Wrap the template around with a dry cloth. If the size is right, dip it in the solution and hold it there for about a minute;
  3. Throw a dampened rag over your workpiece and let it dry for 12 hours;
  4. After complete drying, remove the pattern. A cache-pot of cement and rags is ready.

Good to know! The setting and hardening time of cement in the sun is reduced to 2-3 hours.

If you don't like cold and grey colour concrete, or you are simply tired of it, dilute it with bright contrasting colors, so the planter will look more elegant and more fun.

Miniature garden from tin cans (photo)

One of the most popular materials for making flower pots are tin cans.

  • Why are they so popular among art lovers? Everything is very simple. Metal cans have many colors, shapes and sizes, so you can create a magnificent flower arrangement from them that attracts admiring glances.

The indisputable advantage of making such floral decorations is the minimum return of effort and time while obtaining the most creative result.

To make a pot from cans, usually the following materials are required for work:

  • Cans;
  • Nails and hammer;
  • Colored acrylic paints, fly brush;
  • Wooden base for fixing jars

Manufacturing guide

  1. To give the composition certain outlines, all cans are painted in bright colors;
  2. After complete drying, a hole is made in the bottom of the jar to drain excess moisture;
  3. It remains to fix the jars to the selected base, pour soil into them and plant flowers.

To add more expressiveness to the product, patterns can be applied to a slightly dried surface or decorated with a variety of buttons, ribbons, beads or beads.

An unnecessary teapot as a flower garden

Found an old kettle in the garage? Don't rush to throw it away. It can be made from beautiful decoration, which will look original in your garden. In addition, the creation of crafts with your own hands will help not only realize your creative potential, but also save money.

Return the product to its original appearance a can of acrylic or spray paint will help. Using a stencil, various patterns can also be applied to the surface of the teapot.

Important! So that the paint does not swell over time, the surface must be well prepared before application.

The planter from the teapot is mobile, and if necessary, it can be moved to another place

  • For those who do not want to bother with painting kettle, you can leave everything as it is. The shabby and tarnished shade of metal with a slight touch of time has its own special charm. The cold shine of polished metal looks no less advantageous.

Using an old teapot as a flowerpot is quite a bold and creative decision.

Vase from improvised means: a step-by-step master class

Today, craftsmen and craftsmen hand made with their own hands they make an original planter from almost any material that comes to hand. Ideas for creativity and inspiration can be drawn from anywhere, including the Internet.

The photo of beautiful planters placed in our article proves once again that there is no limit to a person’s imagination. Innovative solutions and unusual super ideas allow you to create real works of art.

  • If a wooden sticks glue together into a hollow cube, so that each new row forms a free space, and each subsequent one overlaps it, we get an unusual planter that is perfect for small plants. It can be placed anywhere, for example, on a windowsill or hung on a rope, after planting indoor flowers in it.

  • Plastic bottles. Probably none garden craft or decoration is not complete without their participation. Working with this material is very convenient and simple, the main thing is to observe safety precautions. The simplest thing you can make out of is a hanging flower pot.

However, use plastic bottles, can be not only for decorative purposes. Seedlings can be planted in them vegetable crops, so this material is also a favorite among amateurs.

  • You can weave a flowerpot with your own hands from an ordinary rope. In this case, the shape of the product can be different: cylindrical, round or cone-shaped, the main thing is that the planted plant fits freely into it. As a material for weaving, some craftsmen use thin vine branches or artificial rattan threads.

  • If you approach the creation of a decorative flower pot more thoroughly, you can make a more interesting and large-scale composition. Suspended old waste boiler over an impromptu fire of flowers and logs, you can get a very interesting result that will not go unnoticed by your guests.

Important! To highlight and emphasize the beauty of the composition you created, you can protect it with a border of ordinary stones, slightly drowning them in the ground.

Boxes for flowers and seedlings

  • Summer residents are resourceful and thrifty people, so they never throw anything away, including cuttings from boards and other lumber. After all, they make excellent wooden boxes which can be used as flower pots.

In order to make planters from boards, you can get by with minimal carpenter skills, and only a hacksaw, nails and a hammer are needed as tools.

  • Good to know! Wooden boxes can also be used for planting seedlings of various crops. Only for this, in the upper boards, it is advisable to make special holes for the hands so that they can be conveniently and safely carried.

Beautiful flower beds from old things

Oddly enough, but old bicycle, which has not been ridden for a long time, may still be useful to you as a decorative ornament. It is not necessary to violate the integrity of the structure. Just use it as a living flower bed. Additional contrasting elements in the form of flowers and plants will turn an old bicycle into a real masterpiece of art.

Planter from a bicycle - everything ingenious is simple

  • Showing imagination, a unique hanging decoration with flowers can be obtained from the usual bird cages. Just place a pot or container with low plants in it and decorate with some decor.

Important! A planter from a cage will look more elegant and noble if you use a decorative vintage cage in the Provence style for it.

  • For craftsmen with golden hands, make decorative planter for a summer residence with your own hands in the form of a cart, it will not be difficult. For this you will need special tool and certain skills in handling wood and metal.
  • To improve your mood and deliver yourself a mass positive emotions, quickly and efficiently you can make flower pots from ordinary trash cans made of shiny metal. For ease of movement to the bins, you can screw rotating in different sides furniture wheels.

As you can see, having at hand suitable material, making a planter with your own hands for the garden is very simple. For the manufacture of simple products, no skills are needed. Even a child can cope with this task. As for products more complicated, then you can’t do without the help of adults.

The creative process of creating a planter is not only creative, but also educational. Therefore, even the smallest children can be involved in this exciting activity.