How to make a large hole in concrete. How to drill a hole in a concrete wall

During repair and finishing work There is a need to drill the walls that are most often concrete. Say, you need to hang the locker, nourish the shelf, install the lamp or air conditioning, attach metallic profile or plumbing device. Since concrete is a very solid material, it is seriously handling. In addition, when drilling drills can be stumbled upon the crushed stone present. Therefore, to do a hole in the concrete is not easy, you will have to work pretty.

Before drilling a concrete wall it is worth checking the surface on the subject that there are no water pipes and vapor heating communications. For this use metal detector. With this device it turns out to be detected electrical cablespassing near the place of work. To trigge the holes in concrete, it is customary to use a drill with a shock function or a perforator, and also practiced diamond drilling. If you need to do only a few holes, you can do simple tool. And here normal drill It is not suitable, it is recommended to prepare a drill on which the plane is attacked, made from the winning alloy. When the winning drill will be divered into the wall, and the drill will start knocking out, the material should be started. For this take a piercer - a metal pin, the diameter of which coincides with the size of the opening. Insert it into the hole, then you need to beat the hammer on it. So you should act until you crush the compacted areas. Trying a slightly pin, you can use the drill again, constantly scrolling the drill around your axis. It should not be heated, so it is recommended to make the drill with water. Repeat such actions until the required depth of the opening is achieved. Alternatively, universal with diamond spraying, which are installed on a regular drill can be used as an alternative to winning drills.

To make a large amount of work and drill holes in carrier wallsYou will need a perforator. Suitable tool with a shock function if you deal with light concrete. In addition, you should consider the following: the drill can be done by a hole with a diameter of no more than 12 millimeters, the perforator will make large holes. Most positive moment - No need to use additional tool, And you need to simply switch modes. To drill concrete, use the "Strike" function. And the perforator works faster. Remember that the SDS-Plus is needed to work with concrete.

By means of diamond drilling with a special drill unit, it turns out to do the hole, which has a diameter of up to 40 centimeters. At the same time, dust is almost not formed, and there will be no extra noise. Dust is washed away simultaneously with the cooling of the diamond crown - when automatic feed water. The holes are carried out neat, even, immediately with a ground surface from the inside. They can be done at any angle to the wall without the risk of cracking and chipping. In addition, this method is considered ideal if communications should be laid.

In most cases, concrete walls are derived by metal rods. In addition to the rods, there is a large aggregate in the concrete - rubble rock rocks of high density. In this case, you will have to drill a reinforced concrete, which is even greater strength than his relative. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor where the fittings wall is located. It is better that at hand there is always a metal detector. Having found a rod, try to do the hole away from them. But it can happen that you get straight in them - at the same time hear a kind of grinding. Winned drill on will not go. If in concrete Wall Armature came across - drill it using a metal drill. If you get into the wire, the power tool may be unusable, and worse than the risk of electrical damage, so when working should be extremely insensitive. Often there is a need to drill a concrete wall in a ready-made repair. It is recommended to make a special device for collecting particles of material and dust - an envelope from cardboard. In addition, to prevent clogging room you need to use a vacuum cleaner. Its slit nozzle should be kept off opening during operation. It is necessary to withstand an angle of 45 degrees and turn on the vacuum cleaner to the maximum power. And even better to attract the assistant to keep the device.

So, if you correctly choose a tool to work with concrete wall, you can do a hole without much difficulty, regardless of what the rubble or metal fittings can come across on your way. Be sure to use the protective glasses while working in the eye of the crumbs of concrete!

For each owner of the apartment, from time to time, there is a need to hang a picture on the wall, a shelf or strengthen the new lamp on the ceiling. In each case, it may be necessary hole drilling in concrete.

Concrete is beautiful building material. It durable and durable. But if you need to drill in it, the openings of its properties cause difficulties.

To cope with this case, you need to take into account some features of working with concrete.

Selection of tools

Before you start drilling the wall, you need determine the sizes of holes and their number.

The walls in the wall can be small or medium diameter, which usually happens, if it is necessary to hang in the apartment of home accessories. Their quantity may be different.

In cases of the same arrangement of new buildings or overhaul Apartments when it may be necessary to use the through holes of a large diameter for the ventilation device or the deaf hole to install the electric machine, the number of holes can be quite large.

Depending on the front edge, drilling tools are selected. In the first case, it may be shock drill or perforator, and in the second case - a device for diamond drilling.

Choosing a drill or perforator

If you need to drill holes in the wall, the question arises that it is better to purchase a drill or a perforator. When choosing, it must be borne in mind that drill is universal tool and it is suitable for drilling concrete walls and for other operations.

Perforator - a tool specifically adapted to work on concrete. Its cost is significantly higher than the cost of the drill.

Therefore, when choosing one of these tools, it is necessary to take into account the amount of work and prospects for using the tool.

If you need to do just a few holes, it is better to get a shock drill. If there are a lot of holes and such work is planned in the future, it is better to purchase a perforator.

When choosing a drill, you must pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • power (no less than 500-600 W);
  • maximum speed (at least 2500 rpm);
  • the ability to regulate speed;
  • the possibility of reversing stroke;
  • the presence of the impact mode.

The drill impact mode is entered to facilitate the drilling of concrete. In this mode concrete cleavage occursthat facilitates further drilling.

In addition, it is desirable that the drill can be a quick-over cartridge in which the drills can be installed with a diameter of up to 12 mm.

Special carbide drills are used for drilling a shock drill. From conventional drills, they are distinguished by the presence of inserts from carbide material on their edge.

When choosing a perforator, it is necessary to pay attention to its main characteristics:

  • power;
  • strong energy;
  • impact frequency;
  • rotation frequency.
Perfools for home use have the power of about 750 W and the energy of the blow of approximately two and a half joul.

The rotational speed of the perforators is usually below the frequency of rotation of the drill and do not exceed 1500 rpm. The speed of operation of the perforator on the drilling of the holes depends on the freewer frees.

For the work of the perforator on concrete, borants are used. The diameter of the booster, and, therefore, the diameter of the punched hole is determined by the type of cartridge in the perforator.

For example, the SDS + type cartridge is used in compact perforators, the maximum drum diameter for which is 30 mm.

Using diamond installations

In order to make a large diameter hole in the concrete, often used diamond drilling devices. These installations are attached to the wall using special devices. For cleansing from dust and cooling cutting tool Water is supplied to the installation.

For diamond drilling The hole is clear and accurate in shape and size. Such an installation can only afford big company. But if necessary, you can always order this drilling of walls.

In this video, you can see the process of drilling holes for the mounting box using a diamond crown:

Features of drilling holes

When drilling concrete, it is necessary to take into account that the concrete is a heterogeneous mass in which the crushed stone is mixed in addition to cement and sand, and metal bars are installed in reinforced concrete.

Therefore, in the process of drilling concrete, it is often a carbide drill drill comes on pebble or metal.

In the case of hitting a stone, the drill is pulled out from the hole and crush the stone with a bandwicker and a hammer. Then the drilling continues.

In the case when the drill has a hit mode, for crushing stone uses percussion mode. When drill a drill on metal in a drill is made replacing the carbide drill to the usual drill. After drilling the metal, the drilling of concrete carbide drill continues.

When the hole in the concrete is drilled by a perforator, then the following rules must be followed:

  1. Switch the perforator to drilling drilling mode.
  2. Direct the drill to the drilling point and turn on the perforator.
  3. When working, make a slight pressure on the perforator.
  4. Every 1.5 cm drilling raise the roar and give it the opportunity to cleanse the concrete dust. It will also be preventing a strong contact of the borah with reinforcement.

It is impossible to provide all the holes and niches in the walls in the construction of the premises. Therefore, after the construction of monolith, it has to drill it.

The most common design material is concrete. The techniques of the holes in this material differs from wood processing, brick and metal.

Concrete drilling - pitfalls

  • Concrete during processing forms a lot of dust. It is harmful to respiratory organs.In addition, abrasive particles are clogged in ventilation holes tool. Cooling is hampered, and the dust fell inside - contributes to accelerated wear. It is necessary to use adaptations to capture the suspension. There are special nozzles for a vacuum cleaner, sometimes enough just to substitute the container.
  • The structure of concrete does not form a chips, so the removal of material from deep hole difficult. In order not to overload the drill, it is necessary periodically (every 3-5 cm pass) to clean the shurt with a vacuum cleaner. When working in a clogged sludge of the hole, you can break the drill.
  • Abrasive components of concrete contribute to severe heat from friction. The metal drill "is released", loses hardness and quickly steps. Therefore, it is desirable to ensure cooling with liquid, or at least take breaks with prolonged drilling.
  • Power tools for drilling concrete (drills, perforators) has a considerable weight. Control horizontal level is difficult. Therefore, with such works, it is recommended to equip the tool body with a small bubble level.
  • Concrete is an inhomogeneous material. In the thickness of the walls, hard stones come across steel fittings. If you get to such an obstacle, the drill seeks to leave the trajectory. If you came across the reinforcement - You should choose a different place for the opening or pass the area using a metal drill. Then continue to work with the former nozzle again.
  • Walls usually have a greater thickness. The length of the drill may not be enough. If you are doing through hole, You can get it on both sides. If possible, perform accurate marking, or determine the drilling point on the other hand using a magnet and compass.

Concrete, as you know, is a solid and durable material, thanks to which it is of great popularity in construction. However, due to these properties, its mechanical processing causes certain difficulties. In particular, in front of domestic masters, it often occurs a task -How to break the hole in the concrete?

Methods of drilling concrete

The choice of a method for producing holes in concrete depends on the tasks assigned:

  • If you need to get a hole of a small diameter, for example, for, then a perforator with a special brown with a carbide tip is used.
  • If you need to get a large diameter, for example, for pipes, setting outlets, etc., use diamond drilling of holes in concrete using special crowns.

Now consider both technologies.

Getting holes boots

The borants or as they are also called, the rod screw shape and, as already mentioned above, the carbide tip. The shank can be smooth and cylindrical intended for shock drillsor performed according to the SDS standard for perforators.

With their help, you can perform holes of a small and medium diameter.

The instruction for performing this procedure is as follows:

  • Before you break through the hole in the concrete, you need to outline the place you want to drill.
  • Then the tip is inserted into the perforator or drill cartridge. This establishes the depth limiter to the desired position.

In the photo - drilling perforator

  • Next, the boring should be left to the outlined point and turn on the tool. At the same time, you need to perform a certain focus on the nozzle. Periodically, the drill must be removed from the hole and wet the water, not allowing its overheating.
  • After will be achieved necessary depth, work is stopped.

I must say that you can perform a hole and ordinary drill without impact. However, for this you will need a breakdown with a hammer. In such a situation, the drill must be periodically withdrawn from the hole and break the concrete by a pass.

Drilling diamond crowns

Often it is necessary to perform a large diameter hole in the concrete, for example, to start the sewer or water pipe. To date, there are many firms that provide similar services. However, before inviting specialists, it should be found in the cost of punching holes in concrete.

It is possible that you decide to perform this operation with your own hands. To do this, you will need the same perforator. The only thing, you will have to purchase a diamond nazoo-crown.

Using such a tool, you can perform holes with a diameter of 100 mm and even more. Moreover, a properly chosen crown allows you to successfully bury even reinforced concrete structures and concrete of any hardness with any filler.

Toggle crowns when meeting with reinforcement can be encountered, while their teeth tend to break.

Due to this, you can get a hole in any concrete structure. For example, when arranged different wells, often people are interested - how to break the hole in the concrete ring? With this task, the diamond tool can also easily cope.

In addition, there are some other advantages of this method:

  • The ability to get a hole required absolutely round shape.
  • There are no shock exposure and strong vibrations, due to which this technology can be applied in homes that are under repair or reconstruction.
  • There is no strong noise.
  • The ability to use when installing air conditioning systems, where jewelry accuracy is sometimes required.
  • The ability to perform drilling at an angle, close to the walls, floor or ceiling.

The price of crowns is usually quite high.
However, if you follow the rules of operation, the exhaust nozzle can be restored.
There are specialized firms that are engaged in similar services.

The principle of drilling is the same as when drilling auger boots. Including, it is necessary to periodically make a crown with water.

If you need to get a hole with a diameter, for example, 20-50 cm or even more, then the perforator, of course, is not suitable for these purposes. In this case, you can drill a hole in the concrete using a professional tool.

Powerful equipment do not hold in hand as a perforator. It is usually fixed on the wall using anchors. Sometimes fixation occurs with a spacer method using a rod, i.e. The lower part rests on the floor, and the upper one is in the ceiling.

Professional equipment is usually equipped with additional features, such as water supply in working area, dust collector, which allows you to perform a procedure without dulling ambient etc.

Diamond nozzles may be needed not only when drilling concrete.
Also effective method It is a cutting of reinforced concrete diamond circles and grinding with diamond cups.

Of course, it is worth such equipment very expensive, respectively, it does not make any sense to acquire it in domestic purposes. Therefore, to fulfill such an operation, it is advisable to seek help from specialists.


As we found out, in some cases, perform a hole in the concrete is quite possible and independently. So that this operation occurs efficiently and without special effortsYou should use a suitable tool for this and comply with drilling technology.

From the video in this article you can get additional information on this topic.

If there are concrete walls in your home or apartment, then, most likely, you will ever need to hang something on them. It is clear that "to invent a bicycle" in this case there is no need, because you just enough to know exactly how to drill a concrete wall.

Concrete wall

A hundred percent cases of the wall will be disposed of metal rods, the thickness of which usually exceeds 12-14 mm. Such material is inherently simple concrete, passing to the category "reinforced concrete", which refers to more durable materials than its "parent".

In addition, you should not forget that the material is more than 90% composed of large aggregate. In this role, crushed stone rocks with high density and, accordingly, durability. But since the rubble pebbles cannot be fried to each other too tight, in the space between them there is sand and cement, which convert the concrete into a single monolith.


Simply put, deciding to drill concrete, you must understand that you will work with the rock, which we first disassembled "spare parts", and then glued back, amplifies with metal rods.

In such conditions, try to drill a regular drill fraught not only by a spoiled mood (not all attempts will be successful, but drills - durable), but also a broken tool.

It is much more efficient to use a perforator that is intended for such a job. Combining the shock and rotational impact, this tool will cope with the task easily and quickly, unless, of course, you will not forget to equip it with a special boom on concrete.

Suitable boring can be bought in any building storeAt the same time, there you will be offered to choose a brown of several manufacturers. Which of them will be better than their competitor, can be defined only by an experienced way, so in such a situation it is better to use the tip of the seller. But followed by his advice follows only if he really understands this issue (to make sure of this, ask him to tell what the car is different from his neighbor on the shelf).

On the differences in the work of the drill and perforator, you will learn from this article.

Drill the wall

  • If on the wall you need to drill, wallpaper is pasted so that they do not bother while working, use the vacuum cleaner (you will also need an assistant that this vacuum cleaner will hold). If the assistant is not, under the future hole with malarykchcha Shift newspapers or old wallpapers. Paper covering the wall from dust and dirt should be wide enough (at least 50 centimeters).
  • Pencil mark the location of the opening. Make sure that the electrical wires do not pass in this place, otherwise you will still have to repair wiring. The "collision" with the wire under voltage will not pass without a trace and for the perforator.
  • Feature the burden of the diameter you need, secure it in the perforator.

  • Switch the perforator to "Drilling with a blow" mode - so your work will go faster.
  • Tell your assistant to remove the brush from the vacuum cleaner, turn it on and maintain it metal pipe Just below the future hole.
  • Cut the perforator to the wall and start drilling it, pressing on the perforator with its weight. Constantly control the horizontal and depth of the opening.
  • Reaching the desired depth, carefully remove the boring so that concrete dust does not scatter.
  • Removing the perforator, with the help of a vacuum cleaner, get rid of dust residues in the hole.


From this video, you will learn how to work perforator.

Are you going to hang something on a concrete wall? First, look at this plot.