Punching holes in concrete: drilling with drills and diamond crowns. How to drill a concrete wall with a drill: as well as drilling with a hammer drill. diamond drilling

Concrete is an extremely durable and strong material that is difficult to work with. Drilling concrete is a labor-intensive process that requires special equipment, skills and abilities. In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main rules and requirements for drilling.


  1. Drill.
  2. Perforator.
  3. Chisel.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Drills (for metal and victorious).
  6. Serrated or diamond crowns.
  7. Drilling installation (for diamond drilling).

At the moment, most buildings are built on the basis of durable concrete slabs. And you will most likely have to face the need to drill concrete walls sooner or later. And given that often in the design there are also stones and steel reinforcement, the task becomes really difficult. Even if you have a victorious drill and a powerful drill. In order to make the work easier and clearer, you need to initially select the right tools and explore step by step instructions for drilling holes in concrete.

The increased strength and reliability of concrete structures implies the need to use specific tools and devices for work. The method of drilling must be determined even before the start of work, based on desired diameter holes and the presence of reinforcement in the concrete slab. Without preliminary analysis material, it is impossible to drill a hole in concrete accurately and accurately.

Modern cutting nozzles used in the drilling process allow you to make holes of almost any depth and diameter. They differ in their length and shape. Such nozzles allow you to break through a solid concrete slab without much physical effort. But for drilling holes with a small diameter, it is quite possible to use a drill or a drill. The cutting attachments are equipped with a carbide tip, and their shaft has a screw shape. Thanks to this, they are able to go deep into a solid concrete surface without any problems.

If you will use an impact drill, then you need to choose drills with a cylindrical shank. Their surface should be flat and smooth for better sliding.

Good to know: When drilling, cutting tools become noticeably blunt. From time to time they will have to be sharpened and then continue to work. And if you are using Pobedite drills, do not forget that they are susceptible to heat. Therefore, you need to take breaks and let the drill cool down. At the same time, we also recommend lubricating the drill with a special fluid that reduces the heating rate.

In order to get done big hole, you will need a drill bit for drilling concrete. She is a hollow cutting tool cylindrical shape. His key feature in that all the cut material passes inside the cylinder. Due to this, the core does not interfere with the normal entry of the tool into the slab. Some of the crowns are equipped with special cutting segments or high-strength diamond crowns.

If you are using a hammer drill, then it is best to use crowns with teeth made of hard metal alloys. Diamond spraying is necessary when non-impact drilling occurs with the use of a coolant. Big Advantage such a tool - wear resistance. However, during operation, it still becomes dull and you will have to restore it. If you are drilling a small hole, such as a socket hole in concrete, you can hold the tool in your hands. For more complex work during drilling, it is necessary to fix a special drilling rig to the wall with anchors.

Among the most commonly used tools are rotary hammers and electric drills. They are great for drilling holes up to 10 cm. However, rebar in concrete can easily break the bit or teeth. Therefore, we do not recommend using toothed bits for drilling reinforced concrete structures.

Always check the specifications and features first drilling tool and material, then select best option. If you do not have the opportunity to use a hammer drill, you can use an impact drill. But keep in mind that the effectiveness of such a tool is much worse. But with small amounts of work, it will be enough for you.

Large diameter drilling is a particularly challenging task. Here you will have to apply diamond drilling holes in concrete. It is quite difficult to make it yourself. In addition, you will have to use a non-impact electrical tool with the ability to supply water to the concrete surface at the drilling site.

How is the drilling process?

In order for all the work to be done with maximum accuracy, follow the instructions below.

Decide which tool you will be using for drilling. Hammer drill suitable for creating holes with shallow depth and diameter, and the hammer due to its higher power and speed work will do for more complex work. But the principle of working with both tools is not much different.

There is a strict sequence in which concrete slabs are drilled:

  1. Find out where the electrical wiring lies in your walls. You may need to contact an electrician for this. If it is not possible to designate the places where the wiring lies, in no case do not drill at random. This is fraught with serious consequences and dangerous to health or even life.
  2. Make a marking in the places where you will drill holes. Make sure you have goggles and at least a gauze bandage to protect against dust. It is best to use respirators.
  3. At the drilling points indicated earlier, make marks with a drill with a standard sharpening. This will help you point the drill correctly in the right direction from the start so that it doesn't slip to the side the first time you try to drill.
  4. Stones are best broken with a punch. It is much less expensive than a concrete cutting tool and can be found in most construction kits. And if not, then you can buy it separately at the nearest building materials and tools store.
  5. In the process of drilling, every 5-10 minutes you need to cool the drill with water. Overheating can cause deformation of the drill itself, and it is almost impossible to straighten it to a normal state. I'll have to throw it away and get a new one. A deformed drill can cause significant damage to the surface of a concrete structure.
  6. Most likely, sooner or later you will stumble upon rebar or dense stones. You will hear the whistle and the characteristic ringing of fittings immediately. The drill must be removed immediately, and instead of it, use a punch and replace the pobetite one with a regular one designed to work with metal.
  7. When drilling concrete, after every 1.5-2 cm, without turning off the drill, make reverse movements so that the resulting dust and debris spill out of the hole. Thus, almost all the crumb is removed, and you will smoothly get close to the armature without damaging the tool. Make sure that during the drilling process you do not deviate from the originally set angle. Hold the tool firmly and stand firmly on the floor without stepping.
  8. To make the amount of dust flying around the room smaller, you can make a funnel for a drill or a puncher from a regular one. polyethylene film. This is an optional step, but it will save you the trouble of having a lot of litter in the room.

Advice. If you need to make a hole, for example, for an outlet, you can make several small ones at once in diameter, and cut out unnecessary concrete with a hammer and chisel. But keep in mind that the edges are likely to be uneven. It will greatly simplify the work of selecting a crown of the desired diameter. A great option is to combine the work of a chisel and a crown. Do the rough work first, and then just correct the hole with a crown.

Drilling concrete with diamond core bits

This method has a number of advantages over the others. Diamond drilling provides fast speed performance, accuracy, low noise and vibration. It is not for nothing that the technology has become one of the most sought after in construction work Worldwide.

The drilling process can take place in different planes and at almost any angle. It doesn't matter if it's a vertical wall, a ceiling, or just concrete slab lying at an indefinite angle. With this method, the drilling depth sometimes reaches two meters and does not require much effort to work. The diameter that can be drilled reaches 50 centimeters. The speed at which drilling occurs in most cases is from one to six centimeters per minute, which is quite good.

For drilling, you will have to use special equipment - diamond ring bits. The drilling unit must be placed on a special bed and secured with anchors or a vacuum plate. The process of transporting equipment and its installation is quite laborious, but the work is greatly simplified and occurs with much greater accuracy. In addition, using the guide, you can fully adjust the angle at which the hole will be drilled.

When starting the installation, you must wait until it picks up full speed. During this, water is supplied by pumps to the place where the future hole will be located. Water will cool the surface, the equipment itself, and also remove dust and dirt.

The main disadvantage of this drilling method is the cost of equipment. Buying it is usually out of the question. Yes, rent can be very expensive. Especially if they are really new models with a wide range of features and fine-tuning options. But at correct use With such a diamond machine, all costs are quickly paid off thanks to the highest speed, accuracy and minimal noise that will not annoy you and your neighbors. Therefore, we advise you to overpay if you need a really high-quality result and a minimum of problems. In addition to all of the above, we will definitely emphasize that after working with such a tool there is no need to additionally process holes, and there is much less dust and debris from it than when working with a conventional drill or puncher.

And if you are serious about making holes in concrete yourself, the tool is the first and most important thing that you need to choose with all responsibility. And then follow the instructions and get a quality result.

When repairing, the question may arise: how to drill a hole in a concrete wall in order to insert a cork or dowel there and hang a shelf, triptych, sconces and other interior elements?

To fix photographs or paintings on a concrete wall, it is not always necessary to make a hole - sometimes a dowel-nail is hammered in for this. But it is still better to insert the fastener into the hole obtained from drilling. Power tools allow you to do this quickly. You just need to know how this work is done. If applied at work special device(conductor), you can even avoid a lot of dust.

How to drill a concrete wall with tools?

To drill a hole in a concrete wall, you will need a power tool. It is most convenient to use a puncher for this purpose, but not every owner has one. The reason is the price of the tool, which makes it unprofitable to purchase it to perform work 1-2 times in six months. More often bought for homework a simple drill impact action.

If you are just getting ready to buy a drill, you need to take into account some nuances when choosing it. By revising specifications pay attention to models with a power of at least 600 watts, revolutions - 2500 per minute. It is necessary to be able to regulate the speed from the smallest to the largest value. Choose a tool with a keyless chuck and reverse rotation.

Good for making holes in a concrete wall, do not use conventional drill, but with the impact function. Of course, the work will not be the same as using a puncher, but it will go much easier and faster. The reason is this: concrete and cement easily endure pressure, but from dynamic impact they can quickly collapse. When drilling is carried out without impact, the cutting edge of the drill can barely catch on the material. This leads to a slowdown in work, a strong heating of the drill. When working with an impact drill, the drill breaks off part of the material with an edge with each blow, this is similar to chiseling with a chisel.

To properly drill a hole in concrete, you need a carbide drill bit.

Its cutting edges can be made of pobedit or artificial diamond. Pobedit drills make a hole to a depth of 10-15 cm. If a greater depth is required, a drill is indispensable. Drills have a length of up to 100 cm, can only be used with a perforator. Its cutting edges are rounded, not sharp (this increases their wear resistance). You can also use a drill for a drill equipped with a hammer drill.

Making holes in thick concrete walls

Drilling a concrete wall can be done as follows: if its thickness is large, first a channel is made to a depth of 15 cm with a drill with a length of 20 cm, then a drill is taken longer, but with the same diameter, and drilled to a depth of 30-35 cm. To complete the channel, you will need a drill 50 cm long with the same diameter as the previous ones. To perform such work, you need a drill with suitable power. As a rule, it will not be enough - for normal work, it is better to use a hammer drill, for example, rent it. Only in exceptional cases is it allowed to use a drill, but working with it will be much more difficult.

How to drill through a wall without damaging the wires?

Before starting drilling, make sure that no wires are laid at the intended point, otherwise you can accidentally damage them or get an electric shock. Inspect the surface for an outlet or switch. From them, wires usually go diagonally or vertically to the junction box. As a rule, the wiring is not recessed to a depth of more than 10 mm. You can check it as follows: gently scratch the wall with a screwdriver to this depth.

If there are no wires along the way, you can start work. But do not forcefully lean on the tool until the channel is 20 mm deep. In the process, you must constantly check if there is a wire in the way. You can also use a special device to detect wires.

Conclusion: how and with what to drill large diameter holes?

If hoods are equipped, ventilation ducts, you will need to make holes with a diameter larger than usual, for example, 18 cm. The same may be required when arranging a niche for a counter in the wall.

In this case, you will need a carbide drill. On the wall, the contour of the future hole is drawn with a pencil. Holes are drilled along the outer side of the line in increments of 10 mm, with a diameter of 8-12 mm. For example, for a hole with a diameter of 18 cm, 30 pieces must be made. Then, using a hammer and chisel, material is sampled from the wall.

On the left - drilling with a perforator, on the right - diamond drilling

In order to visually control the depth of the hole when drilling it, a piece of tube of the required length is put on the drill, which must rest against the cartridge. Such a tube (cambric) can be replaced with electrical tape.

To drill a neat hole in the wall, you need to properly consider the selection of tools for work. It is better to perform it with a puncher or a drill with a drill made of carbide material. In order to avoid a large amount of debris during work, it is necessary to use special devices (like a conductor).

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During the repair and finishing works there is a need to drill walls, which are most often concrete. Let's say you need to hang a cabinet, nail a shelf, install a lamp or air conditioner, attach metallic profile or plumbing fixture. Since concrete is a very hard material, it is difficult to work. In addition, when drilling, drills can stumble on crushed stone present in the composition. Therefore, making a hole in concrete is not easy, you have to work hard.

Before drilling a concrete wall, it is worth checking the surface for what is not nearby. water pipes and steam heating communications. To do this, use a metal detector. With the help of this device, it will be possible to detect electrical cables passing near the place of work. To make holes in concrete, it is customary to use a drill with an impact function or a hammer drill, and diamond drilling is also practiced. If you only need to make a few holes, then you can do a simple tool. But conventional drill not suitable, it is recommended to prepare a drill on which a plate made of a Pobedite alloy is soldered. When the drill drill sinks into the wall, and the drill starts to stop, you should start breaking the material. To do this, take a punch - a metal pin, the diameter of which matches the size of the hole. Insert it into the hole, then you need to hit it with a hammer. This should be done until you crush the compacted areas. Having slightly turned the pin, you can again use the drill, constantly scrolling the drill around its axis. It should not heat up, so it is recommended to wet the drill with water. Repeat these steps until you reach required depth holes. As an alternative to Pobedite drills, you can use universal diamond-coated drills that are mounted on a conventional drill.

To do a lot of work and drill holes in load-bearing walls you will need a puncher. A tool with an impact function is suitable if you are dealing with lightweight concrete. In addition, you should consider the following: a drill can make holes with a diameter of no more than 12 millimeters, a puncher will make large holes. Most positive moment- no need to use additional tool, but you just need to switch modes. Use the hammer function to drill concrete. And the puncher works the fastest. Remember that you will need an SDS-plus cartridge to work with concrete.

By means of diamond drilling with the help of a special drilling rig, it will be possible to make a hole that has a diameter of up to 40 centimeters. At the same time, almost no dust is formed, and there will be no extra noise. Dust is washed off simultaneously with the cooling of the diamond bit - when automatic feeding water. The holes are neat, even, immediately with a polished surface from the inside. They can be done at any angle to the wall without the risk of cracks and chips. In addition, this method is considered ideal if you want to lay communications.

In most cases, concrete walls are reinforced with metal rods. In addition to rods, there is a large aggregate in concrete - crushed rock of increased density. In this case, you have to drill reinforced concrete, which is even more durable than its relative. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor where the reinforcement is located in the wall. It is better to always have a metal detector at hand. Having found the rods, try to make a hole away from them. But it may also happen that you get straight into them - while you hear a kind of rattle. The victorious drill will go no further. If reinforcement is caught in a concrete wall, drill it with a metal drill. If it gets into the wire, the power tool may become unusable, and worst of all, there is a risk of electric shock, so you should be extremely careful when working. Often there is a need to drill concrete wall under repair conditions. In this case, it is recommended to make a special device for collecting particles of material and dust - an envelope made of cardboard. In addition, to prevent clogging of the room, you need to use a vacuum cleaner. Its crevice nozzle should be held at the bottom of the hole during operation. It is necessary to maintain an angle of 45 degrees and turn on the vacuum cleaner at maximum power. It is even better to involve an assistant to hold the device.

Thus, if you choose the right tool to work with concrete wall, you will be able to make a hole without much difficulty, regardless of the fact that pieces of rubble or metal fittings may come across in your path. Be sure to use safety glasses while working to avoid getting concrete crumbs in your eyes!

Sooner or later, most people living in houses with concrete walls need to hang a cabinet, a lamp, a shelf or a picture. At this point, the burning question of how to drill through a concrete wall comes up. It's no secret that everyone home master at least once in my life I faced this problem, but not everyone knows how to solve it. Many courageously torture the drill and own forces, but, not achieving the desired result, they give up everything until the next attempt to make a hole in the wall. But the drill eventually breaks, and the shelves remain standing somewhere in the corner of the room or gathering dust in the pantry. But there are still options - you just need to know them and be able to use them.

Concrete structures are strong enough and difficult to drill. In addition, quite often, drills stumble upon crushed stone, which is part of the concrete mix, from which wall and ceiling slabs are molded.

Holes in concrete have to be made quite often, especially in the process:

  • finishing works;
  • furniture installations;
  • air conditioner hangers;
  • additional electrical wiring device;
  • plumbing installation.

There are two ways to solve the problem of holes in a concrete wall:

  • impact drill, and preferably a puncher, with a drill bit;
  • diamond drilling.

It is worth noting that conventional drills making a hole in a concrete wall will not work, therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to purchase drills with specially soldered plates made of high-strength pobedit alloy, which do an excellent job with concrete and brick. But for soft materials, it is not recommended to use them, since the Pobedite drills do not cut them, but crumble them.

What will help the home master?

V living conditions, when it is necessary to make 2-3 holes in concrete, you can get by with an ordinary drill, without an impact function. To do this, it is necessary, as the drill drill is immersed into the body of the wall, from time to time to break the concrete with a strong metal pin (punch) that is the same size as the diameter of the hole. It is used in the case when the drill begins to "stop" in the wall. At this moment, a steel punch is inserted into the hole and they begin to hit it with a hammer or sledgehammer, trying to crush too dense areas and punch the hole deeper. In this case, the pin is rotated a little. Then the hammerless drill can again come into operation.

All the above steps are repeated one after another until the hole is enlarged to the required depth. This method is quite laborious and tedious, but for a couple of holes it is quite acceptable.

Alternatively, when drilling a hole in concrete, you can use universal diamond-coated drill bits. They are highly effective when working with metal, crushed stone and concrete. They can only be installed on a conventional electric drill, or on a tool with the vibration function turned off.

It is necessary to work with a drill very carefully, otherwise it will fail too quickly. The advice that professionals give is to avoid overheating the drill, it should be wetted with cold water from time to time.

How to decide on a tool?

For more work, you need a hammer drill or drill with a percussion function, and drills with victorious tips. An impact drill combines rotational with reciprocating motion, which helps it cope well with light concrete, and there is a simple answer to the question of how to drill a concrete wall, which is a load-bearing one - a perforator will be the best helper, the main purpose of which is punching concrete fences. There is one more difference:

  • impact drill is designed for drilling holes no more than 12 mm in diameter;
  • The hammer drill is capable of drilling large holes.

Drilling the reinforcement caught in the body of a concrete wall should be drilled for metal.

What are big holes drilled with?

Professionals who are constantly faced with the problem of drilling holes in concrete use special equipment, which includes:

  • powerful electric motor;
  • drilling drive;
  • diamond drill bits of different diameters;
  • guide post fixed on the base.

Diamond drilling allows you to make holes of large diameter - up to 40 cm. The process is fast enough, efficient, without unnecessary dust and noise. Water is automatically supplied to the drilling site, which simultaneously cools the diamond bit and washes away dust.

small repair work periodically become a necessity in every home. Drilling is no exception. For its correct implementation, tools, experience and a little time are needed, otherwise - an undesirable cost of money. To avoid the latter, we have prepared an article for you on the topic: “How and with what to drill a concrete wall?”. Let's take a look at all the important points.

How to drill through a concrete wall

New or old tool

Remember, if the wife asks: “how to drill a hole in the wall to install an outlet there?”, Then it's time to resort to using a puncher!

Additional Information

To prepare the wall for drilling a large diameter hole, make a small notch in the center of the mark with a thin drill. This will allow you to find a convenient stop with the tool in the future so that it does not slip off. You need to press the drill moderately, without making significant efforts, otherwise there is a risk of breaking the drill.

Periodically blow dust out of the hole, this will increase the reliability of the installed fasteners. For this, a rubber bulb or a can of compressed air is suitable. Blowing with your mouth is not recommended, as dust will get on your face and eyes (in extreme cases, use safety glasses).

We hope our information resource has helped you, and the question of how to drill concrete does not bother you anymore. Good luck!

Diamond drilling from construction company "RUVITSTROY" at fair prices.