How to make a hole in a glass bottle with a coin. How to drill a hole in a glass bottle when making a lamp. MK. How to drill glass with a regular drill

Highly original lamps obtained from figured and colored glass bottles from drinks. Several attempts made at the time to drill the bottles ended in failure. The methods of drilling glass came across some exotic ones and usually ended with a long crack in the glass from the place of drilling. But if you use a special drill on glass, everything worked out. To drill a beautiful rectangular bottle from a good drink, a drill with a carbide insert was purchased (

Features of drilling a glass bottle

1. The drill fixed in the electric drill is directed strictly perpendicular to the point of drilling the bottle and with a little pressure we wait for the first glass crumbs to appear.

Glass drill

2. Drilling at maximum speed is not necessary, the drill is afraid of overheating.

3. Stop drilling every 20-25 seconds and remove glass chips. At the same time, the tip of the drill will cool.

4. When the tip of the drill passes through the thickness of the glass, the sound of drilling will change somewhat and the feed of the drill (pressure) should be reduced to a minimum.

5. After a through passage with a glass thickness drill, we rinse the bottle in running water.

6. When drilling, it is better to observe safety precautions - work with gloves, goggles and respiratory protection.

In this way, several glass bottles were successfully drilled with their own hands, from which original nightlights powered by 220 volts were made.

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How to drill a hole in glass bottle when making a lamp. MK

I am often asked HOW to make a hole in the bottle to create the base of the lamp.

Here is a short tutorial on how I do it.

* E14 bulb holder

* electric cord with switch

* Matte ENERGY SAVING light bulb with E14 base, power 7-8W

* Perk for metal

* Drill for glass and ceramics

* Jar of water

I am often asked how to make a hole for a cord in a bottle.

To do this, you need to purchase a special drill for glass and ceramics in a hardware store. For the Hole, I use a #6 or #8 pen drill.

You will also need a drill or screwdriver.

Here are some pictures with the materials you will need.

We take a bottle and wrap the place where the hole will be located masking tape 2-3 times.

Here's what should happen:

First you make a hole, then you decorate the bottle, then you put everything together.

Now a few words about bulb holders.

Cartridges are of two types "without a skirt" and with a "skirt". We need cartridges with a skirt and a mounting ring.

Now we take a bottle cap (I was not free, so a regular cap is taken as an example).

We bring the cord through the neck of the bottle.

We connect the cord and cartridge.

We pass the cartridge through the hole in the lid. The lower "skirt" of the cartridge will not allow the cover to fall off. For reliability, around the circle of the skirt, we drip from the glue of the gun and fasten the lid to the skirt.

We close the bottle with a cap. All of our cartridge is securely fixed.

With the upper clamping ring, you subsequently attach the lampshade to the cartridge.

Your fantasy of decoration, bottles and lampshades remains in your hands! Be creative and you will definitely succeed!

If you need to make a hole in a glass bottle, then you do not need to buy special equipment. This can be done at home with your own hands. Drilling can be done with both a conventional drill and a screwdriver.

It is preferable to use a screwdriver, as it has less speed (high speed is not needed to drill glass). It is recommended to use a drill with pobedite inserts, but if it is not available, then you can take a regular drill for metal work, for example, in this manual, a drill with a diameter of 8.2 mm from P6M5 steel is used. Do not believe those who say that you need to use only victorious drills and ordinary drills will not work. Now we will verify this.

How to make a hole in a glass bottle, you can find out by watching the video:

So, to drill a hole in the bottle you will need:
- The bottle itself, for example, from wine;
- Stand for the bottle, so that the bottle does not roll when drilling a hole;
- Paper tape;
- Regular drill or screwdriver;
- Ordinary drill;
- Water for cooling;
- Drill
- And a syringe.

It is necessary to fix the bottle from rotation. For this, a stand was made in advance from ordinary wooden bars: two long and two short, fastening them together with nails. If it is not possible to make such a stand, then you can make a small depression in the ground if you drill on the street, or put two bricks or something else on the sides. In general, it already depends on your imagination.

First thing to do- this is to wrap paper tape (several layers) around the bottle approximately where you plan to make a hole. After that, we put a mark on the adhesive tape with a felt-tip pen - the center of the future hole.

The most important thing when drilling a hole is not to press hard on the drill, as the glass may crack and the bottle will be damaged.

Getting Started
We drill in stages, during breaks adding a few drops of water from a syringe into the hole. This is necessary so that both the drill and the glass bottle do not overheat.

To avoid cracks inside bottles, it is necessary to monitor the pressure and not squeeze the drill, especially at the end of the work.
When the drill has passed through, you need to carefully drill the hole, making light rotational movements. This will make the cut hole smoother.

The hole is drilled, remove the tape and look at the result. This hole was made using standard drill diameter 8.2 mm and conventional drill. It took 10-15 minutes to complete the job.

How to drill a glass bottle with your own hands. Very original lamps are obtained from figured and colored glass bottles from drinks. Several attempts made at the time to drill the bottles ended in failure. The methods of drilling glass came across some exotic ones and usually ended with a long crack in the glass from the place of drilling. But if you use a special drill on glass, everything worked out. To drill a beautiful rectangular bottle from a good drink, a drill with a carbide insert was purchased (~ 60 rubles).

Features of drilling a glass bottle

1. The drill fixed in the electric drill is directed strictly perpendicular to the point of drilling the bottle and with a little pressure we wait for the first glass crumbs to appear.

2. Drilling at maximum speed is not necessary, the drill is afraid of overheating.

3. Stop drilling every 20-25 seconds and remove glass chips. At the same time, the tip of the drill will cool.

4. When the tip of the drill passes through the thickness of the glass, the sound of drilling will change somewhat and the feed of the drill (pressure) should be reduced to a minimum.

5. After a through passage with a glass thickness drill, we rinse the bottle in running water.

6. When drilling, it is better to observe safety precautions - work with gloves, goggles and respiratory protection.

In this way, several glass bottles were successfully drilled with their own hands, from which they were made powered by 220 volts.

I am often asked HOW to make a hole in the bottle to create the base of the lamp.
Here is a short tutorial on how I do it.

You will need :

* Wine bottle with wide mouth and screw cap
* E14 bulb holder
* electric cord with switch
* Matte ENERGY SAVING light bulb with E14 base, power 7-8W
* Perk for metal
* Screwdriver
* Drill for glass and ceramics
* Diamond file (recommendation forcon )
* Jar of water
* Scissors
* Glue gun
* Goggles (recommended ntl )
* Protective mask

I am often asked how to make a hole for a cord in a bottle.
To do this, you need to purchase a special drill for glass and ceramics in a hardware store. For the Hole, I use a #6 or #8 pen drill.
You will also need a drill or screwdriver.
Here are some pictures with the materials you will need.

Operating procedure :
We take a bottle and wrap the place where the hole will be located with masking tape 2-3 times.

I mark the place of drilling with a cross. Please note that there are seams on the bottles, it is better not to drill directly into the seam of the bottle. Move the drilling site 1-2 cm.

Let's start the drilling process. We dip the drill into the water and try to keep the drill very evenly at medium speeds, we start drilling. Most importantly, in no case do not put pressure on the bottle. Act confidently, but not harshly.

Drilling will take 10-15 minutes. A drill-pen, as it were, will scratch out the glass.

While drilling, regularly lower the drill into the water and drip onto the drilling site.

After the drill has passed through, gently drill the hole for some more time, making light rotational movements. This will make the hole cut smoother.

Finish the cut edge with a regular file or coarse sandpaper.
Here's what should happen:

Now we take a cord with a switch

And we pass it through the hole, pulling it up.

I want to make a reservation right away that if you plan to decorate a bottle, then the order of work should be as follows:
First you make a hole, then you decorate the bottle, then you put everything together.

Now a few words about bulb holders.
I use E14 bulb sockets. Power 40W ordinary light bulb or 7-8W energy-saving. I prefer energy-saving lamps, they do not heat up the lampshade.
Cartridges are of two types "without a skirt" and with a "skirt". We need cartridges with a skirt and a mounting ring.

Here are NOT the correct cartridges, WITHOUT a "skirt"

CORRECT cartridge with a "skirt" and a ring.

Now we take a bottle cap (I was not free, so a regular cap is taken as an example).

We make a mark on it with a middle. We measure the diameter of the cartridge, and select the appropriate perk for metal.

What to do if there are no metal perks? I propose this method: With an awl, punch holes in a circle, often and close to each other, and then saw through with household scissors or a needle file.

All the hole is ready and we begin to collect everything together.
We bring the cord through the neck of the bottle.
We connect the cord and cartridge.
We pass the cartridge through the hole in the lid. The lower "skirt" of the cartridge will not allow the cover to fall off. For reliability, around the circle of the skirt, we drip from the glue of the gun and fasten the lid to the skirt.

We close the bottle with a cap. All of our cartridge is securely fixed.
With the upper clamping ring, you subsequently attach the lampshade to the cartridge.

Attention, there are situations that the lampshade mount is larger in diameter than the fixing ring. What to do? It is necessary to make a gasket that balances the diameter of the lampshade and the diameter of the fixing ring.

Your fantasy of decoration, bottles and lampshades remains in your hands! Be creative and you will definitely succeed!

You will need


The first way to make a hole in a glass bottle is to use a drill. Take diamond drill the diameter it should be. Wear protective goggles and gloves - the smallest fragments can injure your eyes and hands. Secure the bottle in a vise. If they are not at home, ask an assistant to hold the vessel tightly. Don't forget to equip him with protective equipment. Lubricate the drill with clean machine oil. Attach the drill to the glass. Press lightly and press the power button. One or two seconds is enough for a hole to appear.

The second way to make a hole in came to us from those times, only rare lucky ones owned drills and punchers. Everyone else made holes in it with a copper tube filled with sand. Take a metal gut of the desired diameter. Fill it with sand about half way. Moisten the bottle and the end of the tube with water. Have someone help you and hold the vessel firmly while you work with it. Press the copper gut to the surface very tightly. Try not to leave the vessel during everything. Rotate the tube by holding it between your palms until a hole appears. This usually takes three to ten minutes.

The third way to make a hole is to carefully chip off the bottom. It is very important to be safe here and wear thick gloves made of non-combustible material, as you will have to deal with fire. The procedure cannot be carried out indoors, only on outdoors! Prepare a bucket of water. She must be cold. Wrap the vessel with a cloth soaked in gasoline or diesel fuel. Put it on and set it on fire. Wait for the material to burn through. With gloved hands, grab the bottle by the neck and dip into the liquid. The bottom will fall off on its own.

People often wonder how to drill a hole in a bottle. With the skills and the right tools, it's not that hard to do. You will not need as much time as it might seem at first glance. Evaluate your capabilities when choosing one of the methods and get to work.


Wrap the bottle you want to make a hole in with masking tape 2-3 times. Please note that there is no seam at the drilling site. Mark the drilling site with a cross. Take a special glass drill and (looks like a triangular arrowhead). Start drilling by dipping the drill in water. Drill at medium speed carefully, without pressure, keeping the drill straight. Moisten the tool with water and drip regularly on the drilling site. To supply water, you can use a tube with a clip or a medical dropper. Instead of water, you can use a mixture of 1 part turpentine with 1 part camphor. Ream the hole after the drill has passed through with gentle twisting movements to make the edges smoother. Finish the cut edge with coarse sandpaper or a file.

Mark the future hole with a felt-tip pen. Make a plasticine rim around the drilling site. Take a diamond core drill (looks like a straw). Start drilling by sharply pressing the drill trigger to make the drill easier to hook on the glass surface. Pour water into the plasticine rim. Drill at low speed. Cool the cut, keeping it constantly in water so that the glass does not burst. Rinse the groove obtained during operation from glass dust and splinters. The closer to the end of the work, the less pressure on the drill and the lower the speed of rotation of the drill.

Take the steel drill. Heat it up to white heat and harden it in mercury or sealing wax. Sharpen it. Soak the drill in a mixture of camphor and turpentine. Insert the drill into the brace and quickly drill through the bottle.

Take a triangular file and insert it into a drill. Dip it in turpentine and carefully start drilling.

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For decorative or practical purposes, it is sometimes necessary to make a hole in a glass bottle. This is not as difficult as it might seem, but first practice on unnecessary dishes so as not to ruin a rare collectible bottle.

You will need

  • - air gun;
  • - drill with a diamond or hardened steel drill;
  • - turpentine;
  • - sulphuric acid;
  • - water;
  • - sand or clay;
  • - a template made of wood, foam, glass, metal or other material;
  • - emery powder.


Most fast way: take with a well-charged cylinder. Stand at a distance of several meters, carefully aim and shoot at the bottle. The ejected ball will pierce the bottle through and through without breaking it. Please note that there will be two holes, and a rather small diameter.

To drill into bottle hole the desired diameter, first prepare a device for securely fixing the dishes, for example, a box in which they will fit tightly. Take a diamond drill for ceramics and very carefully, without pressing, drill. Be sure to consider the cooling system. It can be constantly flowing water (you will need an assistant here) or a specially prepared cooler. To make it, make a template out of wood, foam, or other material by drilling a hole the desired diameter, and attach it with wax to bottle. Fill the hole with emery powder (you can get it from sandpaper or an abrasive wheel) mixed with turpentine.

To drill hole in glass bottle steel drill, before use, heat it white and soak in sulfuric acid.

To drill hole large diameter, take a tube of non-ferrous metal (aluminum, brass, copper, bronze) 2.5-5 cm long and use it as a drill. Attach a circle of foam, glass, wood, metal or other material of the desired diameter to the glass; the tube will rest against it when drilling. Pour emery moistened with water into the open end of the tube and drill slowly, at low speeds. Make sure that the emery paste is always between the edges of the tube and the glass.

If you want to do without drilling, use clay or fine sand. Thoroughly wash the surface of grease and dirt with acetone, alcohol or gasoline. Pour wet sand or clay, mixed to a doughy state, in the form of a hill about 10 mm high. Make a funnel with a stick or other tool, while the diameter of the translucent glass inside the hole should match the diameter of the desired hole. Melt lead, tin or other solder in a metal jar, pour it into the resulting hole. The hole will turn out with smooth edges, but learn that this method is suitable for glass no thicker than 3 mm.