Floor vase. DIY glass bottle vase. Master class with step by step photos

Floor vases have been great decoration Houses. In the days of ancient civilizations, large vases already existed. They were used not only for flowers, but also for storing bulk materials. Now there is no problem in choosing beautiful floor vases. But it is better if this piece of furniture is made by the caring hands of the owners of the house. In addition, it will help save the family budget.

History of floor vases

IN Ancient Greece vases used for storage various liquids and loose substances. A mandatory item in the Middle Ages was a tall floor vase in the homes of aristocrats. She symbolized wealth and prosperity. Since then, little has changed. Now this item can be seen in hotels and in country houses and in beauty salons. They always look stylish and create a sophisticated atmosphere in the room.

Ideally, a tall floor vase should be between 40 cm and 1.5 meters in size. But there are also very high specimens - up to the ceiling.

What can you make a floor vase from?

There are many creative materials. Anything that looks like a tall vase can be used to end up as a work of art. These are various plastic bottles and bottles, large glass vessels, cardboard packaging in the form of tubes, pipes made of plastic and metal.

Auxiliary materials will serve as ropes, paper, salty dough, stones and even pasta. A tall floor vase can be obtained using the papier-mâché method. From newspaper tubes you can make a very pretty braid.

Plastic floor vases

From plastic bottles are obtained floor. Plastic tall structures are light in weight. Therefore, for stability they are weighted. To create, you need several plastic bottles with a volume of two liters.

First you need to cut off the upper and lower parts of the bottles and insert them into each other. The bottom of the future vase does not need to be cut. Then you need to stick on the structure in several layers toilet paper or paper kitchen towels. In this case, use The last layer should be with an ornament created using paper soaked in glue. All this is fixed with spray paint. A vase in bronze, gold and copper colors will look very impressive. In order for a high floor vase to stand on the floor and not fall, decorative stones can be poured inside.

glass vases

To create such a vase, you can buy a ready-made transparent vase or take a large glass bottle. You can decorate it with a thick rope. To fix it to the glass surface, it is convenient to use a glue gun.

To apply a decorative pattern, you can use a transparent sealant. To begin with, the glass surface must be thoroughly cleaned with acetone. Now you can apply the pattern. It can be anything, for example, repeating the texture of the bark of a tree. The workpiece must be left to dry for 24 hours. Then you can start painting the vase. You can use two or three colors. Depending on the pattern and ideas of the author. It is better to take acrylic for uniform spraying. Floor vases, tall, do-it-yourself decorated under a tree, look great with

In order to create a pattern on a cylindrical glass vase, you can use rubber bands. They need to be pulled onto a vase in a chaotic manner, and then sprayed with paint. Get a stylish striped pattern.

Floor, high, glass vases can simply be decorated with various objects (coins, buttons, ribbons, cereals). In needlework stores, you can buy stained glass paints and create your own work of art from a simple glass bottle.

Vase from glass jars

Original floor vases for flowers, tall and not very tall, can be obtained by taking two three-liter jars (preferably with a wide neck). They need to be glued together with bottoms. Glue for this purpose is suitable for any glass. To make the vase more stable, the bottom jar needs to be filled with resin. Close the neck at the bottom jar with a disk or any round object (for stability). After the glued cans dry, they need to be puttied and painted. Or you can use the papier-mâché method and then apply decorative pattern. To create a vase nautical style ropes, shells and small pebbles are used. The decoupage technique from napkins gives room for imagination in decorating a floor vase.

Vase from a cardboard packaging cylinder

Cylinder of thick cardboard on which linoleum is wound. It can be requested at construction stores. Then you can give any shape to the product using papier-mâché or gypsum mixture. For stability, glue a circle of plywood to the bottom. Decorate - in any known way: cloth, rope, eggshell, nutshell. Beautifully these vases look three in one composition. To do this, they can be glued to one wooden base. The height of the vases should be different.

Pipe vase

Craftswomen learned how to make floor vases, high with their own hands from a plumbing or plumbing pipe. You can buy it at a hardware or specialty store. After it can be pasted over with newspaper sheets or thin paper. After drying, a universal primer is applied. An interesting solution to decorate such a vase, it will be pasted over with natural tree bark. In order to disinfect the collected material and get rid of the bugs, you need to carry out a series of actions. The bark must be boiled and left in this water for about a day. After that, it must be dried well for 2 days. You can glue the bark with any glue that is suitable for wood and plastic. The bottom of the pipe is poured gypsum mortar or resin. From above, the surface of the bark is covered. Several layers are needed.

The result is tall decorative floor vases that will look perfect in any room design. Especially when it comes to fashionable ecological style.

Floor vase made of newspaper tubes

Perfect for country style. If it is difficult to get a vine or rattan, then newspaper tubes are perfect for weaving. First you need to familiarize yourself with the technique for creating these rods. So, you will need a stack of newspapers, PVA glue and a pot or pan lid. To make flagella, it is enough to twist a sheet of newspaper from one corner to another. If you are new to weaving, then the bottom is best made from cardboard. But you can also weave it. Next, bend the twigs up and begin to weave the leg of the vase. After you need to make sure that the vase expands. For this, a lid of a larger diameter than the vase leg itself comes into play. We insert it into the middle of weaving and continue to weave another 12-15 rows. To narrow the vase to the neck, you need to use an elastic band. The rim of the vase can expand again. At the end, we braid the remaining rods so that we get a pigtail along the edge of the vase. Trim off any excess tubes. Everything, the vase is almost ready. It remains only to cover it with paint or stain, and then apply varnish.

Such inexpensive and unbreakable vases are suitable for those who have small children and animals at home.

Square vase from the box

To create a square vase, a regular one is suitable cardboard box suitable shape. If there is none, then you can adjust the shape of the box at hand with a stapler or glue.

Many people can’t even believe that such high floor vases with their own hands are obtained from a simple cardboard. The master class below will help needlewomen create a miracle.

For work you will need:

  • decoupage napkins;
  • decoupage glue or PVA diluted with water;
  • cardboard box;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • and paints;
  • aerosol and water-based paints;
  • PVA glue.

In order for all layers to lie firmly on the box, you need to lubricate it with a primer. After drying, you can start gluing pieces of torn paper with PVA. A few layers are enough. After drying, apply a layer water-based paint. We dry it again, and only after that it is possible to apply a layer of the main paint, of the same color as the future vase will be. To give the surface a relief, crumple the napkin and glue it to the surface. Now we cover this relief with paint (already of a different shade). Using stencils, you can apply patterns to a vase.

DIY wooden floor vases

A floor, decorative, high do-it-yourself vase can be made from wooden blocks. It will be square in shape. Height and width depend on the preferences of the master.

You will need:

  • four planks of an elongated, rectangular shape;
  • one wooden square (this is the bottom of the vase);
  • PVA glue;
  • screws;
  • mastic for filling seams;
  • acrylic paint;
  • decorative elements.

Fold and fasten all parts of the future vase with glue and self-tapping screws. Seal seams and cracks with mastic. Leave to dry for a day. After that, you need to remove the remaining mastic with a loop machine and sand the surface. You can decorate a vase in any way. The best thing on such a vase is a drawing or ornament applied using stencils and paints.

How to choose the right floor vase for the room?

To choose the right floor vase, you need to consider the following factors:

For a small room, flat-shaped vases and not very large ones are suitable. For large rooms, tall and wide vases of the most various forms. If the interior contains carpets and curtains with ornaments, then it is better to choose vases with a smooth and shiny surface. Vases with large texture, notches and patterns will look good in a calm and discreet room setting.

You can place vases near a window, between chairs, in a niche, against a wall or in a corner. So that a bright vase is not lost, it does not need to be placed close to furniture.

Before decorating a room with ethnic items, you should study all the ornaments and patterns. Do the hieroglyphs mean something not quite decent.

If you need a floor vase only for flowers, then it is better to give preference to a white or transparent vase. Bright colours and decoration will distract attention from the beauty of the bouquet.

It is considered fashionable to place together vases of the same style, but different in color or texture.

The main condition is that the floor vase should please the eye and be liked by the owners of the house.

Today, only lazy people do not improve the design of their home. Fashion trends allow satisfying the most sophisticated tastes of demanding consumers. At the same time, the demand for decoration remained at all times. interior design high floor vases. However, their affordability does not always coincide with the desired appearance. Like any other thing, a floor vase can be made by hand. Such a beauty will be in the desired shape and in the right color scheme, and much cheaper than their store counterparts.
Materials for work:
Glass jar with a capacity of 3 liters - 2 pcs.;
Tea saucer - 1 pc.;
Plastic container from preserves - 1 pc.;
Silicone sealant - 1 bottle;
PVA glue liquid (construction) - 1 liter;
Building alabaster - 4 tablespoons;
Potato starch - 100 gr.;
Egg lattices - 4 pcs.;
Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
Vaseline - 1 tbsp;
Three-layer napkins - 2 pcs.;
Plasticine - 1 box;
Old tube of PVA glue with a narrow nose - 1 pc.;
Glue "liquid nails", white and "gold" paints, blush, eye shadow, face powder, brush, colorless acrylic varnish, water.

Stages of work:
The first stage: we form the basis.
We turn one jar upside down and glue " liquid nails» a tea saucer turned upside down towards him.

Glue the bottom of the second can to the bottom of the same can.

Cut off the bottom of the canning container. We glue the inverted container to the neck of the second jar.

Let the base dry for 1 day.

The second stage: we give the vase the outline of the vessel.
Finely chop the egg racks.

Fill with water so that the entire torn mass is immersed in it. We leave for the night.

We wring out the soaked grids.

Tear off large pieces. Fill the whole mass with PVA glue.

Thoroughly, until a homogeneous gruel is obtained, mix the soaked grates.

We fill the space between the neck of the jar and the container with the egg mass.

Apply a thin layer of egg mass over the entire surface of the jars.

We dry the base for 2 days.

We paint in White color.

The third stage: we apply a three-dimensional drawing.
Print your favorite stencil.

We make cuts along the contours, cut out the necessary points.

We place the drawing on the vessel in a checkerboard pattern in a straight and inverted form (2 times above, 2 times below; top and bottom facing each other).

Draw voids and cuts with a pencil.

Squeeze silicone sealant into an empty PVA tube.

We put a sharp nose on the tube and squeeze the sealant along the contour of the picture.

If necessary, make adjustments with a toothpick.

Dry the sealant for 1 day.

With superficial movements with a large brush, we apply blush toning on the drawing.

Fourth step: do silicone mold.
Mix potato starch and silicone sealant.

Thoroughly knead until a pasty mass is obtained.

We coat the surface of the figure blank (in this case, a magnet) with Vaseline.

Press the pastry into the flattened dough with the right side down.

Carefully prying with a knife, we take out the workpiece.

Fifth stage: casting the figures.
Lubricate the inside of the silicone mold vegetable oil(pour it in, then turn the mold over and pour out the oil).

Pour a tablespoon of alabaster (or gypsum) into the container.

Add a spoonful of water there, mix. If the solution becomes thick, add water.

We fill the silicone mold with alabaster solution.

We leave the solution to harden (you can check the readiness by pressing the nail on the figure - the trace should not remain on the surface). We pry the figure with a knife and take it out of the mold.

We repeat the preparation of the solution and pouring 3 more times.

Sixth stage: paint the angels.
We paint over the blanks with white gouache.

The bodies of the angels are matted with face powder.

We dye our hair.

We draw sponges.

Draw the eyelids and eyebrows with a pen.

With white gouache we close the extra layer of powder (next to the bodies of the angels).

Draw the wings in gold.

We apply “liquid nails” on the back surface of the figurines and glue them on the vase.

Step 7: Make roses.
We knead the plasticine, lay it on a hard surface with a thin plate, cut it into squares. In each square we make cuts in a circle from the center.

Gently prying the central center, twist the spiral, moving from the center to the edge. We bend the square corners like large leaves.

We paint the roses white.

We tint them with blush in the color of the volumetric pattern.

The edges are gilded.

"Liquid nails" fasten the roses to the vase.

What makes our home truly cozy? Of course, nice and stylish little things! An important element, complementing the design of your apartment or house, floor vases can become.

And here is the good news for you: it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on expensive designer novelties. Floor vases can be made with my own hands, and from quite ordinary raw materials!
Today you will learn how to make a beautiful floor vase from waste material with your own hands easily and efficiently.

Ready to create? Then let's go!

Do-it-yourself floor vase from a jar

Sometimes you can create the most unusual things from the most simple materials. Look at this vase, would you think that the usual three-liter jars served as the basis for it? That's it!

Admit it, you want one? Then take out the reserves of creative energy from your pockets and go!

To create a floor vase from a three-liter jar, you will need:

  • Two cans with a volume of 3 liters;
  • One tea saucer;
  • One plastic container from canned food;
  • PVA glue;
  • Cardboard trays for eggs;
  • Silicone glue "liquid nails";
  • acrylic paint;
  • Decor elements of your choice;

Stage No. 1

We create the basis of our vase. To do this, we take two jars, fasten the bottoms with silicone glue, and glue a saucer turned upside down to the neck of one of the jars. It will serve as a stable foot for the future masterpiece.

Then we cut Plastic container from canned food and attach it to the neck of the upper jar with glue.
We leave to dry during the day.

Stage No. 2

During this period, we can soak pre-shredded egg cartons in water until completely limp. After that, the cardboard should be squeezed out well and mixed with PVA glue until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
We apply the gruel on the base of our vase in an even layer.
We leave for two days.

Stage No. 3

After the workpiece is completely dry, we level the texture with alabaster.

Stage No. 4

In this form, the vase is completely ready for the final stage of decoration - decoration. Use your own imagination or the tips that we will give below.

Do-it-yourself floor vase from plastic bottles

Another great waste-free recycling option. Do not throw away plastic bottles, you can create real masterpieces for your home from them!

A floor vase from plastic bottles can be made in different styles. For example, an ordinary five-liter bottle with a cut neck, wrapped in thin birch bark, can be an excellent option.

Idea: "Dress" plastic bottle in a stylish "sweater", crocheted or knitted. Such know-how will pleasantly surprise guests and fill your home with comfort and warmth.

Floor vase made of cardboard and papier-mâché

Yes, yes, you read that right, you can also make a stylish floor vase out of cardboard. It is indistinguishable from an expensive designer one, just believe me. And if you don't believe it, see for yourself.

To create a do-it-yourself cardboard floor vase, you will need:

  • Cardboard tube (can be taken from under the linoleum roll);
  • Thin cardboard;
  • hot glue;
  • Newspapers and papier-mâché egg trays;
  • polymer putty;
  • Sandpaper with fine dusting;
  • PVA glue;
  • Acrylic lacquer;

Stage No. 1

We attach a pipe to the cardboard base and draw a shape for the future vase. We make 30 identical patterns, cut them out.

Stage No. 2

We glue the cardboard blanks to the pipe, evenly distributing them around the perimeter. Leave for several hours until completely dry.

Stage No. 3

Glue the base of the vase with pieces of newspaper sheets in several layers.

Attention: the layer of paper must be dense enough so that the voids are not visible during subsequent finishing.

Stage No. 4

We soak egg trays in water, wring out and mix with PVA glue. Apply an even layer on the base, let dry.

Stage No. 5

Coat the vase with putty in an even layer. When the mass dries, we level the texture with sandpaper.

Stage No. 6

We decorate the vase. It is convenient to do this with spray paint of any color. On top, you can finish in the style of decoupage, stucco or apply an ornament manually using acrylic paints.

Stage No. 7

We cover the surface acrylic varnish, leave to dry.
That's all the tricks. Do-it-yourself papier-mâché and cardboard floor vase is ready. Enjoy!

Floor vase from a pipe

Everything is quite simple here. If after the repair you still have unnecessary plastic or cardboard pipes in your house, do not rush to send them away, it is better to make a wonderful vase out of them.

A stylish do-it-yourself pipe floor vase is easy, practical and beautiful.

Just wrap the cardboard or plastic pipe newspapers, fixing them on PVA glue, paint acrylic paint in white and decorate.

Idea: use old nylon stockings to decorate a floor vase from a pipe. Soak them in PVA, squeeze them well, and then put them on the prepared pipe. Distribute over the entire area, creating curly folds. Let the workpiece dry, and then paint and decorate to your liking.

Do-it-yourself floor vase from newspaper tubes

The now fashionable paper vine weaving technique allows you to create lovely crafts from waste material.

In order to make a chic wicker floor vase with your own hands, you will need:

  • Newspaper tubes (about 400 pieces);
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;

Stages of work:

  1. We carry out cross weaving 4 × 4, then we fix it with one tube around. This will be the basis of our future vase. Then we perform seven rows of ordinary circular weaving around the base, gradually spreading one tube at a time.
  2. After that, we begin to remove the walls of the vase, bending and weaving the previously divorced tubes. Moving up, we gradually expand the space of the product up to 22 rows inclusive.
  3. Then we weave evenly without breeding for about ten rows, we cover the product with varnish.
  4. Then weaving continues, narrowing the rows and tilting the tubes inward to the product until about 72 rows.
  5. We expand the neck of the vase for 12 rows and complete the weaving by creating sides in 3 rows. Cut off the rest of the pipes.
  6. We cover the product with a thin layer of PVA, wait until it dries completely. Then comes the final stage of finishing - varnishing. This should be done several times in a row.

DIY floor vase decor

There can be a lot of options for decorating a floor vase, the most trendy of them: wrapping with twine, decorating with glitter, silicone glue, as well as good old decoupage.

Of course, the vase should be decorated in accordance with the style of the room, and the method of its external decoration will depend on this.

Well, since we already have a beautiful vase ready, we can think about how to fill it.

Please note that not all types of home-made masterpieces are suitable for live bouquets, which means that we will also make flowers for floor vases with our own hands.

When creating an artificial bouquet, use the most common tree branches. It looks very beautiful and natural. At the same time, an eco-style vase for greater harmony with the bouquet can not even be painted.
Attach balls from the remnants of knitting threads to the branches - an excellent and economical option for needlewomen.

Anyway, decorative branches for floor vases with their own hands already long time do not go out of fashion. So feel free to use them in decorating your own home.

No matter how fashion changes, needlework is always in trend. Remember that from the simplest and cheapest materials you can create masterpieces of design art. The most important thing is imagination and a creative approach to business.
Do-it-yourself floor vase is easy, beautiful and stylish. Create and be inspired.

Good luck!

DIY floor vase: secrets, techniques and unexpected solutions updated: April 23, 2018 by: dekomin

Nothing will decorate the table like a bouquet of flowers in a beautiful vase, and high floor vases will also fit perfectly into any interior. But connoisseurs of beauty and frequenters of decor and gift shops know that beautiful vases are quite expensive pleasure and not everyone can afford to buy one. However, such beauty can be made available thanks to your hands, improvised means and a few tips that we will give you in this article. We will tell you how to decorate a vase with your own hands.

Decorating a vase with your own hands is a very exciting and creative process that will be a real entertainment for you and your family. There are many ways to decorate a vase with your own hands, from glass painting to popular in Lately decoupage.

Painting a vase with your own hands is certainly beautiful, each vase will look expensive and unique, however, not all people can boast of artistic talent. Without one, you run the risk of simply spoiling the vase.

The same situation is with decoupage. Decoupage is a design and decoration technique that has its own nuances and features. That is why we advise you to start “training on cats”, or rather on bottles or cans, and only then, having some practical experience, move on to decoupage vases.

In this article we will tell you about the most simple and fast ways decorating vases with their own hands.

Decorate a vase with a glue gun

To do this, we need a special glue gun that “shoots” with hot glue.

Do-it-yourself vase design using quilling technique

Quilling is the art of decorating with paper. This technique is often used to create vintage shabby chic pieces. To do this, we need the actual vase, craft or parchment paper, PVA glue.

Making a vase with your own hands using music or old newspapers

We need an ordinary glass vase, PVA glue, old notes or newspapers, brushes and varnish.

Vase decorated with artificial flowers

As you can see, making decorative vases with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems. At the same time, there are a huge number of design methods - it all depends on your imagination. We have only told you about some of them. Also, vases can be decorated with lace, threads, buttons, beads and beads, just pasting them over a vase. One of the easiest ways to decorate vases is also decorating with gift or colored paper, self-adhesive wallpaper and rag or knitted covers.

Below in the gallery we have presented you some more beautiful and simple ideas decorating a vase with your own hands. Get inspired and create with us!

Decoration plays an important role in shaping the overall mood of the room. Correct design able to emphasize refined style and create an organic look to the room. Creation harmonious interior in the house is possible without impressive cash spending. One of the most popular home decorating methods is DIY vase decorating. There are many ideas for decorating, in this article we will look at the basic tips for decorating a flower vase.

The vase can be painted black with a golden hue

The newspaper can be used as a decorative element by making flowers out of it.

Artificial fruits with yellow leaves are perfect for vase decoration

With the help of simple improvised means from an ordinary vase, you can create unique element interior. In order for decoration to bring pleasure and the expected result, it is important to follow your imagination, combining the incongruous and introducing the most unexpected solutions.

Vases in a marine style

What do we associate marine style with? With shells, sand, sea knots, waves, ships.

To implement the easy way creating a vase in a marine style you will need:

  • Several vessels of various shapes
  • Twine or twine
  • PVA glue
  • Scissors
  • Fabric dye (or Easter egg dye)

The vase can be wrapped in beautiful paper, it will look very beautiful

An example of how to decorate a vase

round vase

Prepare the twine according to the height of the container. Apply glue. Glue the ends of the rope. Make sure the base of the twine is firmly fixed. Then start weaving a braid (see the figure below), not forgetting to coat the surface with glue as the rope is applied. Cover the remaining seam with a layer of rope with glue, securing them vertically to create a contrast with the weave.

Ribbons can be wrapped around a vase, this will give it softness

It doesn’t matter how to decorate a vase, the main thing is that the result is beautiful

You can put beads inside the vase

Vase "Ombre"

For this aesthetic option for decorating a vase with your own hands, you can use a vase of any shape. We recommend resorting to a cylindrical vase. Apply glue and start wrapping it with twine from the base to the very top. Wait until the glue firmly fixes the twine. Then place the bottom of the vase into the paint container. Saturation and consistency can be chosen independently. Leave the vase to dry. As soon as the vase dries, you can see the fruits of your efforts. A smooth transition of your favorite color on an exquisite vase.

It's time to run for flowers, isn't it?

Also for marine decor shells can be used.

Or do not take any actions with the appearance and place marine elements in it instead of flowers.

If you have the ability to draw, you can beautifully decorate a vase

You can make covers for a vase, it will look very nice

Dot painting of a vase with your own hands

This type of design is quite complicated in execution, but it gives vent to imagination and allows you to bring ideas to life.

What you need for painting:

  • Acrylic paints
  • Brushes, toothpicks, sticks (anything that can be used to apply paint)

Apply convex dots with paint, take as a basis already finished drawing or style. Be careful not to touch the already applied layer. The most popular dot painting patterns are ethnic, Indian, tribal patterns. However, the flight of your imagination can take you much further!

Beads are perfect for decorating a vase

An ordinary glass bottle can be wrapped with a bright cloth and get a beautiful vase.

From an ordinary bottle you can make a beautiful vase

Decorating a vase with clothes

Dressing a vase in your clothes sounds ridiculous, but with this method you can quickly and beautifully decorate a vase.

  1. Decor with a sweater. If you have an unnecessary knitted sweater, then it is quite possible to decorate a vase with it. With the help of a piece of sweater and glue - you will get original item decor. Just imagine what comfort you can create with it on a cold winter evening.
  2. Decoration with socks. Prepare a container small size. Trim the bottom of the sock or gaiter above the heel. To determine the size of the base, use a sheet of A4 paper, circle the size of the base. According to the size of the bottom - cut a patch from the scraps of the sock. Sew the patch for the base with the sock and voila - the vase cover is ready!

Leaves in a vase will perfectly complement the interior

There are a very large number of ways to decorate a vase, choose what is closer to you

Working with floor vases

In interior design, floor models are often used, which give a special charm and fit perfectly into any design - be it minimalism, hi-tech or exquisite classics.

In order for the floor vase to sparkle with new colors, you should create an organic decor.

Cover the container with plain paint, and decorate the neck with twine or twine.

Feelings of organicity and unity with nature can be achieved with the help of cut branches carefully glued to the outer surface. Under the cuts, you can place pieces of paper in warm colors.

Floor vases are perfect for interior decor stones, cereals, artificial floral elements and other types of fillers.

A vase decorated with beads looks very aesthetically pleasing. In general, a creation created by one's own hands will fill the house with special energy!

You can make simple lines and it will look beautiful

Golden scuffs will add elegance to the vase

You can use stickers to decorate the vase

Marble vase

Decor with acrylic paint will help achieve the effect of "marble". For this you need a transparent container. The secret of the decor lies in the fact that the coloring will not be carried out on the outer surface, but from the inside.

  1. Rinse the vessel, degrease it.
  2. Prepare several shades of acrylic paints
  3. Do not add water to acrylic! It is necessary to rotate the vessel in a horizontal position, adding paint drop by drop
  4. After spreading a layer of one shade, add a couple of drops of a darker color to create a marble effect with paint.
  5. Turn the container over and place it on a towel or other cloth to drain excess paint.

Knitted covers for a vase perfectly complement its appearance

Beads can be very beautiful to decorate a vase

Glasses and stones

Using glass pebbles, you can unusually decorate the surface of the vase. To do this, you need a glue gun and PVA. Items can be used different colors to make the decor even more original.

simple vase decor

We offer you to get acquainted with the ideas for decorating flower vases.

With the help of coarse threads you can create a bright and cozy design for any kind of container.

Romance! Fill the vase wine corks and artificial flowers.

For fall chic decor, use pine cones, twine, and fake flowers. Create a mood in the house!

Coloring the can with copper paint. The most unusual vase in the house. Decorating a room can be done with artificial flowers.

Don't throw away broken saucers! Apply a layer of painted gypsum and place the fragments of beautiful dishes in it. You can also use colored or glossy paper.

A vase with golden scuffs will look expensive

You can decorate a vase from improvised means

Option for decorating a vase with fabric and paints

How to decorate a vase

Below is the table additional materials used for decoration.


Usage Method

For decoration, you will need a craft type of paper. PVA glue is required for the design. First of all, it is necessary to paste over the outside with plain paper impregnated with glue. Twist the strips of craft paper into flagella. As soon as the container dries up, start gluing the bundles. The result is a stylish design.


For filling, you can use cereals, coins, stones, shells, earth, beads. Using the layering method will create a beautiful, unusual contrast.

Notes, newspapers

Smear the cut materials with glue and stick them around the vase. Using a brush, smooth out the formed folds. After drying, fix with varnish.

Sticks, branches

Dry branches prepared in advance can be glued to the surface, creating interesting design. It is also possible to use cut branches different sizes for a cylindrical vase

Having chosen the desired pattern and design, start gluing the rhinestones on the base. Use self-adhesive rhinestones, or purchase glue and ordinary rhinestones in advance.

Twine, twine

Fasten the end of the rope to the base of the container using glue. Then the thread is wound around the container. Do not forget to lubricate the vase with glue.

Apply a layer of colored plaster and place any decorative elements in the plaster. The dried version will exceed all your expectations.

Such a vase will harmoniously complement the decor of the room.

A black vase will look beautiful against a white wall.

Create beauty! Use whatever you see. Buttons, leaves, stones or coins. Let the handmade vase please you and create an unforgettable impression of your interior.

Video: DIY vase decor. Master Class