Pig made of plastic. DIY piglets for the garden: ideas and instructions. Salted dough suspension pigs

Unnecessary plastic bottles, people with imagination began to turn into very interesting decorative elements for decoration adjoining territory, garden or vegetable garden. And this topic spread very quickly. Today you can see different flower arrangements from plastic bottles, images of animals, figurines. The undoubted advantage in creating such a fake can be considered very low financial costs, as well as the minimum amount of time spent. In today's master class, a wonderful pig will be made from an already unnecessary used plastic bottle.

Let's create a piglet from a plastic bottle with our own hands in MK

If you collect plastic bottles and do not know what to do with them, then the idea of ​​creating decorative elements is just for you. Plastic piglets are a very common craft. They are usually created very bright and funny. You can also make flower pots from plastic bottles, again with the image of cute pigs, and place them on a balcony or loggia.

Before you start creating plastic piglets, you need to decide on their appearance and size in order to understand what bottle capacity is needed. Plastic containers from under water are excellent for such purposes, vegetable oil, beer, liquid soap, powder or detergent... The larger the capacity you take the bottle, respectively, the bigger size there will be a pig. Selected plastic bottles it is necessary to wash and remove all stickers before work, and if staining is expected, then degrease the surface of the bottle before this procedure - this way the paint will hold better. Acrylic paint is best suited for staining. If you use a different paint, then there is a very high probability that the paint will peel off quickly.

Before work, novice needlewomen also need to remember that for safety reasons, before assembling all parts of the craft into a single whole, they must be melted so that they do not cut themselves if careless. This can be done with a candle.

In order to make a cute pig from an already unnecessary plastic bottle, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Plastic bottle with a volume of at least 5 liters;
  • Plastic bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters (4 pcs.);
  • Plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters (1 pc.);
  • Scissors;
  • Pink paint;
  • Wire;
  • Brush;
  • Buttons or beads in black (2 pcs.);
  • Paper (1 sheet);
  • Simple pencil;
  • Glue;
  • Black marker.

Most of the declared materials, if necessary, can be easily replaced with any others. For example, if you don't have four 0.5-liter bottles on hand to make your legs, you can replace them, alternatively, with yogurt cups or any plastic pipe. If in the bins of the house there is pink paint in a spray bottle, it is not necessary to buy paint in a can, you can perfectly use the existing paint. If there is no wire at hand, then a thin plastic tape cut from the bottle can be an option to replace it. If there are no unnecessary buttons, you can simply draw the eyes of the piglet with a marker.

Your attention is invited step-by-step instruction to create a plastic pig with a photo accompanying the steps taken.

When all the tools and materials are prepared, you can start the creative process of creating a decorative product in the form of a plastic pig.

Let's get to work. Take four plastic bottles with a volume of 0.5 liters and cut off the top part along with the lid at an angle. These bottles will make legs.

Take a piece of paper and a simple pencil, draw a sketch of the pig's ear. Next, you need a 1.5 liter bottle, from which a pair of ears will be cut. For these purposes, and top part plastic bottle, and the middle part.

The next step is to prepare the pig's torso. Take the largest 5L bottle and use a knife to make slots: 2 holes for the ears (in front, near the bottle cap), 4 slots for the legs. If you decide to make legs out of yogurt cups, then you do not need to cut anything, as these legs just stick. Another hole is needed in order to attach the tail.

When all the elements are ready, you can collect the pig.

Here the piglet is assembled. Now you can start painting it. We take a brush, paint and cover the plastic pig with pink paint. Let the paint dry well. When the pig is completely dry, you need to take care of its eyes and a piglet. We will make the eyes with the help of buttons or simply draw them with a marker. On the patch, we will also draw holes with a marker.

If you really enjoyed making such a pig, and you would love to do something else like that, then you will love the idea of ​​creating a flower bed pig in which you can plant flowers.

At the end of the master class, we would like to advise you to watch several videos on creating cute and funny plastic pigs.

Related videos

Over the past few years, it has become very fashionable to make various crafts for a summer cottage and garden with your own hands. Oddly enough, ordinary plastic bottles and cans have become one of the most popular materials for needlework.

You will immediately have a question,? Anything you want. Believe it or not, you can even build a house out of them.

But in this article we will talk about such a craft as piglets from plastic bottles for the garden, the production of which will not take much of your time.

What do you need to work?

Most main material - this, of course, is a plastic container (preferably more, 5 or 10 liters). But you can't do without the following items either:

- 4 small plastic bottles (pig's legs);

- 2 large and 2 small buttons for the nose and eyes;

- scissors;

- acrylic paint (can be used in spray cans);

- glue for plastic.

Instead of small bottles, you can use wooden pegs for the legs.

How to make a pig from a plastic bottle?

Mark a place for the ears on the container and make small slots. If you wish to use the piglet as a flowerpot, outline and carefully cut a large square hole on the side of the bottle.

At the bottom, use a felt-tip pen to mark the feet of your piglet. Then take small plastic bottles and cut off the tops from them, which you then glue on the marked places instead of the legs.

All from the same leftovers, cut out a small tail for your pig and glue it to the back of the eggplant with plastic glue.

Take the pink acrylic paint and paint the pig. You need to paint carefully and carefully so that there are no stained places left.

Now let's get down to the ears. Cut out the ears from a piece of plastic (you can use the cut halves from the bottles that you used for the legs). They are leaf-shaped.

Paint them with the same paint. When the paint is dry, insert the ears into the pre-prepared slots, after lightly smearing the edges with plastic glue.

Select two large black buttons and glue them onto the pig's face. They will serve him with their eyes. Do the same with the "nostrils" using smaller buttons.

Pig is ready!

A pig from a plastic bottle will fit perfectly into landscape design your his suburban area... Especially your children will like this craft. Collectively with the whole family, you can make a whole family of such pigs. This will give your loved ones incomparable pleasure and fun.

Moreover, it is not necessary to make flower beds of piglets, you can simply arrange them in some nook and they long time will delight you with their brightness and originality. I would like to remind you that the pig has long been considered a symbol of prosperity and fertility!

After all, we all know well that the most The best way child's learning and development takes place in game form... Educational toys help us in shaping thinking, developing speech, fine motor skills, etc.
Toys are very good at developing hand motor skills, coordination of movements, etc. Today we will make a cute pig from a plastic bottle, the author of this work is Irina. Irina sheathed a plastic bottle with a pink cloth, made ears, legs and a tail. She also painted the heels in pink color and drew two points. Your kids will definitely like this piglet and they will be happy to play with it. Take the beans and have the child feed the pig.

Another pig from a plastic bottle:

To make a pig you will need:
* Plastic bottle, as round as possible 1 liter.
* 5 one-color plastic bottle caps.
* Pink foamiran.
* 2 buttons (for making eyes.
* a piece of electrical tape or scotch tape.
* Thermal gun.

Pig production method:
We take a plastic bottle and pink foamiran, the bottle must first be washed and dried. We wrap the bottle with foamiran and glue it with a thermal gun or "Moment" If you are gluing with a thermal gun, then make sure that the plastic does not deform from hot glue. It is best if the glue is not very hot. We cut out the ears from pink foamiran, you can use this template here.

We glue them in the right place. This is how it should turn out.

We make a ponytail, cut a strip out of pink foamiran and twist it in half. We glue it in the right place.

We take the same four caps from plastic bottles and glue them to the abdomen of the piglet. This is our legs.

It remains to make the eyes and nose. We take ready-made eyes or identical buttons and glue them on the pig's head. Wrap the nose with red tape or tape. Firstly, this is necessary in order to clearly see the target ("where to feed"), and secondly, to seal the thread - so that when the nose-mouth is closed with a lid-snout, it would be difficult to screw it on yourself and get to the contents without adult supervision.

That's it, the piglet is ready from plastic bottles, your child can already feed him.

Do not leave children under 3 years old to play without adult supervision, especially when playing with small objects! We thank the author for his work and interesting material.

In conclusion, I want to show you a video of master classes on making a piglet from a plastic bottle.

A plastic bottle is one of the popular materials that is suitable for creating a variety of crafts for decorating the garden. You can make interesting figures from it, for example, a pig. The peculiarity of making such a figurine is the absence of costs and the minimum amount of time, and you can also choose the shape and color yourself.

What do you need to create piglets from plastic bottles?

There are many options for the availability of materials for manufacturing piglet from a plastic bottle... In our case, you need to have:

  • a 5 liter plastic bottle for the trunk of the craft (for smaller piglets, bottles of 1.5 and 2 liters are suitable);
  • a 2 liter plastic bottle to make a pig's ears, or a glass of yogurt;
  • 4 cups or plastic bottle necks are suitable to make the legs of the animal;
  • 2 buttons big size for the eyes of the figurine;
  • ponytail rope.

You will also need tools:

  • pink paint, which is capable of repelling water;
  • scissors with a marker and a brush;
  • construction gun for gluing parts.

Now you can start the creative process.

First, you need to prepare the details of the figure, you should cut out the body, ears and legs. Then you need to glue all the components with a glue gun. The next step is to paint the craft with pink paint. After the piglet has been dyed, it should be allowed to dry in the sun for 24 hours. When the figurine is dry, you can glue the eyes in the form of buttons. Using a brush, the piglet needs to finish the contours of the ears, patch and eyelashes.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. You can make several piglets of different sizes, for example, a mother and her babies.

To do this, you need to cut a piece of a plastic bottle on top of the supposed back of the pig. A place appears in order to fill the soil for flowers, into which the seeds are sown.

Piglets from plastic bottles do it yourself photo

Watch a video on the topic, flower beds from plastic bottles:

Thus, beautiful ones will appear on yours. decorative flower beds in the form of animals.

Everyone in the house probably has a large number of different items that are not very convenient to store, and it seems like a pity to throw it away - the remains of disposable dishes, bags, old newspapers and plastic containers different forms... Of course, you will say that you can just immerse it all in one big garbage bag and throw it away, but with a little imagination, some of these seemingly completely useless things can turn into original crafts... For example, from this article you will learn how to make a piglet out of a plastic bottle with your own hands. This method of disposal will not only help save the environment, but will also entertain adults and children.

These funny pigs

The pig is a very prolific animal. That is why in our city apartments it is so often present in the form of pretty piggy banks for money, as well as in the form of various souvenirs to attract wealth to the home. Some even have pigs at home as pets and claim that this animal is not inferior in devotion even to a dog. Thanks to the master class below, you will learn how easy and simple it is to make a cute pig using unnecessary plastic bottles.

Here is such a charming pig that can become a wonderful pot for garden flowers or just a decoration of the landscape of your personal plot:

To craft such a miracle, you will need the following materials:

  • sharp office scissors or knife;
  • one large plastic bottle for the pig's body and four small bottles for the legs and ears. From size big bottle the degree of "fatness" of the piglet depends;
  • acrylic paint, enamel, aerosol or any other permanent paint of your choice;
  • large and medium-sized brushes;
  • pencil or felt-tip pen, paper;
  • glue gun;
  • black permanent marker;
  • a small piece of wire for the tail.

First you need to draw the patterns of our pig's ears on paper. They should be triangular- spicy at the top and more rounded at the bottom. Then, using the prepared templates, we cut out the ears from a smaller plastic bottle.

You can make ears different shapes, depending on which part of the bottle to attach the template to.

Next, you need to cut off the heads of four small bottles at some distance from the thread. These will be the legs. It is better to cut at a slight angle - this will make it easier to connect them to the body of the pig. All four hooves should be the same height.

The next stage is the preparation of the torso. A large bottle should be placed horizontally and made several slots in it: in the front part - two for the ears, in the back - one for the tail, and on the bottom - four for the legs.

Let's start assembling the pig. We insert all parts of the body into the prepared incisions - ears, hooves and tail, fix the joints of the parts with hot glue for reliability. Instead of a piece of wire twisted into a spiral, you can use a thin strip of plastic cut from one small bottle.

After that, we paint the pig, on the face we draw eyes with a marker or glue ready-made plastic ones, on the patch we draw two circles of nostrils.

Depending on the purpose, you can leave the pig intact or cut a hole in the upper part and fill it with an earthen substrate for planting.

For more information on how to make a piglet, see this video:

Plant sprinkler pig

Surely in the house everyone has a used container from under household chemicals with a handle. It can be used to create a handy piggy watering can for indoor flower care. Below is a step-by-step instruction on how to make it.

At first plastic container need to be cleaned of labels and stickers so that they do not interfere with the painting of the product in the future and do not spoil appearance... Remaining glue can be washed off with soapy water or dried and peeled off with a hair dryer.

For the legs, you can also use the necks from smaller plastic bottles, but in this case they are not inserted into the slots, but simply attached to the pig's body with glue. You can also use empty thread spools, old baby cubes, or small plastic medicine jars instead of bottle necks. If the body bottle has a stable rectangular shape, you can do without legs altogether.

There is no limit to fantasy

Using plastic bottles of various shapes and sizes, you can also make small souvenir money boxes or containers for storing bulk products.

And you can also create other characters, for example, frogs, an elephant, a hedgehog and much more, as in the photo: