Piglet from a large plastic bottle. How to make pigs out of plastic bottles

Plastic bottles - perfect material for making jewelry personal plot or adjoining territory. They are cheap, available, malleable in processing, easy to paint. With a little patience, various figures can be made from plastic containers, including cute piglets with funny faces that will impress your guests or just passers-by.

Materials and tools needed to make a pig figurine

It is not difficult to make a pig figure from plastic bottles, the craft does not require large material and time costs. To make a figurine, you need to have:

  • plastic 5-liter bottle;
  • 4 plastic half-liter bottles or the same number of small plastic cups;
  • 1 one and a half liter plastic bottle;
  • cutting tool (knife or scissors);
  • a jar or spray can of water-repellent paint;
  • wire or a piece of twine for the tail. In their absence, you can cut a thin ribbon from the remnants of plastic;
  • pencil;
  • brush;
  • glue gun;
  • paper;
  • eye material. It can be buttons, beads, self-adhesive film;
  • black marker.

Plastic bottles need to be cleaned of labels, remove handles and rims for twisting caps.

Step-by-step instructions for making a pig figurine

A lying plastic bottle in its shape resembles the body of a well-fed pig. For an exact resemblance, only lop-eared ears, plump legs, a decorated patch and a hook tail are missing.

Procurement of parts

First, prepare the missing parts:

  1. Legs. From half-liter bottles at an angle, cut off the top with a lid. When using small plastic cups, the top of the cups should also be cut at an angle so that they fit snugly against the piglet's body. Make sure that the blanks are the same length.
  2. Ears. On a sheet of paper, draw a piglet's ear of any shape. We cut it out of a one and a half liter bottle. To do this, the bottle is cut into two halves along the neck and the screw part. Then, according to the drawn pattern, the ear blank is cut out so that its base falls at the beginning of the neck (up to the first rib). The ear cut from the middle part of the bottle turns out to be larger, lop-eared.
  3. Tail. It can be bent from a small piece of wire, cut with a thin ribbon from the remains of plastic bottles.

The absence of any additional elements for decorative finishes the piglet is not an obstacle to the creation of a plastic figure

Before assembly in a five-liter container, several holes must be made:

  1. Not far from the cover we cut 2 holes for the ears.
  2. Just above the center of the top of the bottom of the bottle, we make a small round hole for the tail.

Plastic bottles are easy to cut with a regular utility knife or scissors.

Assembling the figure

The assembly of the figurine is carried out as follows:

If the lower ends of the ears and tail are made in the form of an arrow, it will be easier to insert them into the holes made.


The assembled finished craft must be painted. Most often, pink shades are used for this, because it is with this color that a cheerful pig is associated. Pigs of other colors (spotted, light beige) also look interesting. Or maybe you prefer a fabulous pig, the color of which will be fantastic: polka dots, flowers or frills.

If the craft will be used outdoors, then the paint must necessarily have water-repellent properties. After painting the piglet (with a brush or by spraying from a spray can), let the figure dry well. Drying time will depend on the properties of the paint you purchased.

For durability, after the paint has dried, a layer of acrylic varnish can be applied on top of it.

The last step is gluing the eyes and painting on the patch. To designate the eyes, different options are suitable:

  • voluminous buttons with an eyelet. In this case, a small slit is made at the location of the eyes, a buttonhole is pressed into it and glued;
  • beads;
  • self-adhesive film of a suitable color.

With a marker on the bottle cap, a patch is drawn (two small black circles). If desired, you can draw eyelashes, outline the contours of the ears, create a funny facial expression on the muzzle of the pig.

You can decorate a plastic pig in any way you like.

The presented step-by-step instruction is not a dogma. Its task is to awaken imagination, use non-standard improvised materials to make your figurine unique, inimitable, special.

Since plastic piglets are most often installed outdoors, care should be taken to ensure their stability. To do this, even before painting, a weighting agent, for example, small pebbles, is poured inside.

Features of making a pig-pot for flowers

Almost according to the same scenario, a piglet figurine is made, in which garden flowers can be planted. The following steps will be significant:

So that the piglet with flowers does not turn over, you can first make a hole at the bottom and fix the craft with a wooden peg.

Photo gallery: design and placement ideas for plastic pig figures

Piglets can be decorated in different colors to make it more fun. Pig figurines can be placed on a small hill or a little clear the area around them. If you are not too lazy and make a few pigs out of plastic bottles, you will get a picturesque and funny lawn Additional elements next to the figures of pigs will give the composition originality plastic pigs- an additional touch in the design of the flowerbed Pig-flower bed made of plastic bottles - not only original, but also practical independent choice shapes and colors of crafts Most often, plastic piglets are dyed in pink color Next to the pig from plastic bottles, you can "plant" flowers from the same material.

Video: making a pig out of plastic bottles

There are many options for decorating a site using plastic bottles. You can make a funny pig out of these containers. A little creativity - and the waste material will turn into original crafts decorative and practical.

We bring to your attention an article in which we will tell. Everyone in the house will find a few plastic bottles. Most of them are simply thrown away or used for domestic needs. But few people know that they can be applied in a more unusual way. Products made from plastic bottles will be a great addition to decorating the garden or will entertain the kids on the playground. The following is one of the options for making pigs from plastic bottle. Its production does not take a lot of time, and the result will look very unusual and beautiful. They can decorate the lawn, and then you get a unique flower bed for vegetation.

What you need to create piglets from plastic bottles

To perform it is necessary to prepare:

  1. 5-6 liter plastic bottle
  2. A plastic bottle with a volume of a liter, one and a half, if not, then two liters are possible.
  3. 4 plastic boxes or 500 ml plastic bottles
  4. Black marker
  5. Scissors
  6. paper knife
  7. Glue "Moment"

Step by step:

  1. We take a bottle of 6 liters and remove stickers and everything else from it. We take a marker and mark the hole for the flower bed. A CD marker is perfect for this. We cut it out with ordinary scissors, but it is important to first make an incision with a paper knife to make the job easier. Preliminary work done.
  2. Let's start cutting out the rest of the details. On the body of a two-liter bottle, draw an eyelet, then mark approximately a centimeter for fixation. Cut out carefully. Then we take and circle the ear so that the second one turns out to be the same size. Cut out. Next, we are engaged in cutting the tail, cut the strip with scissors. To make the ponytail more natural, you need to twist it, take a regular hair tie, roll it into a ring and secure it with an elastic band.
  3. For painting the little animals, it is best to take paint for street work. Paint small details separately, and the legs on the pig itself. When everything is painted, wait a while until the parts dry.
  4. It is not necessary to make the legs of a pig, you can use wooden supports for this. If paws are needed, then mark their location in advance. We glue the paws using Moment glue and wait for complete drying. To make the legs, you can use the necks of half-liter bottles.
  5. As soon as the legs of the pig are glued, it must be placed and the places where the ears will be located should be marked. To do this, you need to attach them vertically and draw a line for the cut. Carefully make a slit and insert the ear into it. The plastic should hold the ear perfectly, so no additional fixation is needed. Similarly, we fix the tail on the back of the back.
  6. Next comes the most crucial moment - this is the painting of parts. It is good if there is a spray can or a paint sprayer available. In its absence, use a simple brush. To begin with, it is better to paint the bottom of the legs, and only then move on to the top. At the same time, it is very convenient to hold the piglet by the nose, so you should not screw the piglet in advance. Now it remains to wait for the product to dry. Ideally, if it is not touched for about 8-10 hours.
  7. As soon as it passed set time, you can start decorating the pig. We fix the patch, and then with the help of a marker we draw the nostrils. Eyes can either be drawn or pre-purchased, they can be purchased at any needlework store. We draw cilia and a mouth and everything is ready. You can continue to decorate products at your discretion. Add a bow to the ponytail or glue on some artificial flowers.
  8. Next, we make a functional item out of a cool little animal for garden plot. A small number of holes are pierced in the bottom of the pig. It is easier to do this if you heat a screwdriver or other metal object on fire. Then we pour drainage, and we begin to plant vegetation on the upper part. The pig for the garden is ready.

For those who try and make a few more piglets from plastic bottles, the lawn will turn out to be very picturesque and funny. Products can be painted in different color shades so they become even more interesting. That's all it takes to making a pig out of a plastic bottle. Read our site

Everyone in the house will probably have a large number of different items that are not very convenient to store, and it seems to be a pity to throw them away - the remnants of disposable tableware, bags, old newspapers and plastic containers various forms. Of course, you will say that you can just put it all in one big garbage bag and throw it away, but with a little imagination, some of these seemingly completely useless things can turn into original crafts. For example, from this article you will learn how to make a pig out of a plastic bottle with your own hands. This method of recycling will not only help save the environment, but also entertain adults and children.

These funny pigs

The pig is a very prolific animal. That is why in our city apartments it is so often present in the form of cute piggy banks for money, as well as in the form of various souvenirs to attract prosperity to the home. Some even have pigs at home as pets and claim that this animal is not inferior in devotion even to a dog. The tutorial below will show you how easy it is to make a cute pig using discarded plastic bottles.

Here is such a charming piglet that can become a wonderful pot for garden flowers or just decorate the landscape of your backyard:

To make such a miracle, you will need the following materials:

  • sharp stationery scissors or a knife;
  • one large plastic bottle for the piglet's body and four small bottles for the legs and ears. The degree of "fatness" of the piglet depends on the size of the large bottle;
  • acrylic paint, enamel, in the form of an aerosol or any other resistant paint of your choice;
  • brushes of large and medium size;
  • pencil or felt-tip pen, paper;
  • glue gun;
  • black permanent marker;
  • a small piece of wire for the tail.

First you need to draw on paper the patterns of the ears of our pig. They should be triangular shape- sharp at the top and more rounded at the bottom. Then, according to the prepared templates, we cut out the ears from a smaller plastic bottle.

You can make ears different shapes, depending on which part of the bottle to attach the template to.

Next, you need to cut off the tops of four small bottles at some distance from the thread. These will be the legs. It is better to cut at a slight angle - it will be easier to connect them to the body of the pig. All four hooves should be the same height.

The next step is to prepare the body. A large bottle should be placed horizontally and several cuts should be made in it: in the front part - two for the ears, in the back - one for the tail, from the bottom - four for the legs.

Let's start assembling the piglet. We insert all parts of the body into the prepared cuts - ears, hooves and tail, fix the joints of the parts with hot glue for reliability. Instead of a piece of wire twisted into a spiral, you can use a thin strip of plastic cut from one small bottle.

After that, we color the pig, draw eyes on the muzzle with a marker or stick ready-made plastic ones, draw two circles of nostrils on the patch.

Depending on the purpose, you can leave the piglet whole or cut a hole in the upper part and fill it with an earthen substrate for planting.

For more information on how to make a piglet, see this video:

Plant watering pig

Surely in the house everyone has a used container from under household chemicals with a handle. It can be used to create a handy pig-shaped watering can for houseplant care. Below is a step by step guide to making it.

At first plastic container must be cleaned of labels and stickers so that they do not interfere with the painting of the product in the future and do not spoil the appearance. Adhesive residue can be washed off with soapy water or dried and peeled off with a hair dryer.

For legs, you can also use the necks from smaller plastic bottles, but in this case they are not inserted into the slots, but simply attached to the body of the pig with glue. You can also use empty spools of thread, old children's blocks, or small plastic medicine jars instead of bottlenecks. If the bottle-body has a stable rectangular shape, you can do without legs at all.

Fantasy has no limits

Using plastic bottles of various shapes and sizes, you can also make small souvenir piggy banks or containers for storing bulk products.

And you can also create other characters, for example, frogs, an elephant, a hedgehog and much more, as in the photo:

Unnecessary plastic bottles, people with imagination began to turn into very interesting decor elements to decorate the local area, garden or vegetable garden. And this topic has spread very quickly. Today you can see different flower arrangements from plastic bottles, images of animals, figurines. The undoubted advantage in creating such a fake can be considered very low financial costs, as well as the minimum amount of time spent. In today's master class, a wonderful piglet will be made from an already unnecessary used plastic bottle.

Let's create a pig from a plastic bottle with our own hands in MK

If you collect plastic bottles and do not know what to do with them, then the idea of ​​​​creating decorative elements is just for you. Plastic pigs are a very common craft. They are usually created very bright and funny. You can also make flower pots out of plastic bottles, again with the image of cute pigs, and place them on a balcony or loggia.

Before you start creating plastic piglets, you need to decide on their appearance and size to understand what capacity bottles are needed. Plastic containers from under the water are excellent for such purposes, vegetable oil, beer, liquid soap, powder or detergent. The larger capacity you take a bottle, respectively, the bigger size there will be a pig. The selected plastic bottles must be washed before work and all stickers removed, and if staining is supposed, then degrease the surface of the bottle before this procedure - this way the paint will hold better. Acrylic paint is best for painting. If you use a different paint, then there is a very high probability that the paint will peel off quickly.

Before work, novice needlewomen also need to remember that for safety reasons, before assembling all the parts of the craft into a single whole, they must be melted so as not to be cut if careless. This can be done with a candle.

In order to make a cute pig from an already unnecessary plastic bottle, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • A plastic bottle with a volume of at least 5 liters;
  • Plastic bottle with a volume of 0.5 l (4 pcs.);
  • 1.5 l plastic bottle (1 pc.);
  • Scissors;
  • Pink paint;
  • Wire;
  • Brush;
  • Buttons or beads in black (2 pcs.);
  • Paper (1 sheet);
  • Simple pencil;
  • Glue;
  • The marker is black.

Most of the declared materials, if necessary, can be easily replaced by any other. For example, if you don’t have four 0.5 liter bottles on hand to make legs, they can be replaced, alternatively, with yogurt cups or any plastic pipe. If there is pink paint in the bins at home in a spray can, it is not necessary to buy paint in a can, you can use the existing paint perfectly. If there is no wire at hand, then a thin plastic tape cut from a bottle can be an option to replace it. If there were no unnecessary buttons, you can simply draw the eyes of a piglet with a marker.

We offer you step-by-step instructions for creating plastic pig with photo accompaniment of the steps taken.

When all the tools and materials are prepared, you can begin the creative process of creating a decorative product in the form of a plastic pig.

Let's get to work. Take four plastic bottles with a volume of 0.5 liters and cut off the top part along with the cap at an angle. These bottles will make legs.

Take a sheet of paper and a simple pencil, draw a sketch of a pig's ear. Next, you need a 1.5 liter bottle, from which a pair of ears will be cut out. For these purposes, suitable top part plastic bottle, and the middle part.

The next step is to prepare the pig's torso. Take the largest bottle of 5 liters and make cuts with a knife: 2 holes for the ears (in front, not far from the bottle cap), 4 cuts for the legs. If you decide to make legs from yogurt cups, then you don’t need to cut anything, as such legs are simply glued. Another hole is needed in order to attach the tail.

When all the elements are ready, you can collect the pig.

Here the piglet is assembled. Now you can start coloring it. We take a brush, paint and thoroughly cover the plastic pig with pink paint. Let the paint dry well. When the pig is completely dry, you need to take care of its eyes and patch. We will make the eyes with the help of buttons or simply draw them with a marker. On the patch, we will also draw holes with a marker.

If you really enjoyed making such a pig, and would love to do something like this, then you will love the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a pig-bed in which you can plant flowers.

At the end of the master class, we would like to advise you to watch a few videos on creating cute and funny plastic pigs.

Video on the topic of the article

During the summer months, used plastic containers can be found in every home, which can be a great material for original home crafts. One of them is a piglet from a plastic bottle, the step-by-step instructions for making which will allow you to easily make a decoration for the garden or the basis for a small country flower bed.

Materials for making a pig from a plastic bottle

How to make a pig out of a bottle? If you look closely at the shape of the vessel familiar to everyone, its resemblance to the contour of the body of a cute little pig becomes obvious. For a complete resemblance, only large, bulging ears, legs and the famous comma tail are missing. Like the body of a piglet, the rest of the details can be made from improvised means without resorting to extra costs.

In addition to the plastic bottle itself, for the pig you need to prepare:

  • sharp stationery knife and scissors,
  • spray paint can or ordinary enamel paint in a can,
  • brush,
  • pencil and writing paper,
  • glue for plastic
  • black permanent ink marker
  • wire for making a ponytail.

The larger the plastic bottle, the fatter the pig will turn out.

At the same time, do not forget that a garden animal needs legs. For their manufacture, four more vessels of a smaller volume are stocked. For example, for a piglet from a five-liter bottle, 4 vessels of a half-liter capacity may be suitable. For the manufacture of ears, you need a bottle of one and a half liters.

But how to make a pig out of a plastic bottle if you don’t have some of the materials necessary for work at hand?

Fantasy in the service of a home master

It is impossible to keep everything that can be useful in the house home master engaged in crafts for a summer residence or a personal plot. If some structural element is missing, there is no need to get upset or run to the store for the missing parts of the pig. Do-it-yourself things are good because they are not guided by strict canons and rules when creating them. All auxiliary details can be made from what is currently in the house.

If you want to make a pig out of plastic bottles with your own hands, but there was no suitable piece of wire in the house, this material will successfully replace the piece of plastic from the bottle from which the legs of the pig will be made.

The eyes of a future garden decoration can be drawn with a permanent indelible marker, but there are other ways. Beautiful eyes are obtained from bulging buttons matched to the size with an air loop that is glued into the slot on the bottle.

Another way is to cut and paste eyes from pieces. self-adhesive film suitable color. In this case, using different shades, you can make an imitation of volume, create a funny facial expression on the muzzle of a piglet, give it some kind of character.

A step-by-step instruction for a piglet from a plastic bottle is not a dogma, but a way to awaken imagination and give things that have served their time a second interesting life.

When the house is not enough craft bottles for legs, they can be replaced with cups or bottles of yogurt and other fermented milk drinks. Even cuttings of plastic pipes, which gardeners and gardeners use for laying communications, constructing supports for trellises and frames for greenhouses, are suitable.

The coloring of a figurine made by hand from plastic bottles of a pig can be not only aerosol, but also enamel paint suitable shade.

Here, the masters can remember that pigs are not only pink, but also black, light beige and spotted.

Step by step instructions for making a pig from a plastic bottle

When all the materials and tools necessary for the work are collected, it's time to get to work:

  1. Previously, on a sheet of paper, draw symmetrical, pointed upwards ears of a piglet from a plastic bottle.
  2. From half-liter bottles, the neck part is cut off at an angle so that blanks for the legs of the piglet are obtained. They must be the same length.
  3. From the neck of a 1.5 liter plastic bottle, blanks are made for two ears. To do this, the neck, together with the screw part, is cut in half lengthwise, and the details of the ears are cut out of the resulting parts according to the pattern drawn on paper.
  4. Now it's time to move on to creating the calf of the future hero of the garden. To do this, in a five-liter container with a clerical knife, one incision is carefully made for attaching the tail, two for the ears, and four more for the legs of a plastic animal.
  5. When all the parts are ready, proceed to the assembly. For greater reliability, the legs, ears and tail can be glued.
  6. After drying, the craft is painted in the background color using an aerosol product or a brush.
  7. The paint is given time to dry well, after which you can draw nostrils, fix or draw eyes.

Assembled according to step by step instructions a pig from a plastic bottle original decoration in the garden or garden. But if desired, it can be turned into an item that brings much more benefits.

How to make a flowerbed pig and a watering can out of a bottle?

To do this, an oval or square hole is cut out in the back of a new resident of a personal plot so that the plastic animal turns into a small flower bed.

In order for excess moisture to drain freely, and the roots of the planted flowers not to rot, it is useful to provide several small punctures on the stomach.

Fine expanded clay is poured at the bottom of the resulting container, and after it, nutrient soil. A unique, miniature flower bed ready for planting flowers or other plants.

Such a garden decoration can be done with firmly glued legs, or without them at all. Next to a large pig, it is easy to find a place for a whole litter of do-it-yourself plastic bottles, as in the photo, piglets.

If the house has a container for concentrated juice or household chemicals with a handle, then such a plastic bottle will make a wonderful watering can. It will undoubtedly appeal to little gardeners and gardeners. In order for water to flow from the pig's nose, several holes are first made in the bottle cap. For such work, it is convenient to use an awl heated on fire.

Funny pigs - video