We make a fireplace of cardboard boxes step by step. DIY cardboard box fireplace

How many of us do not remember from childhood the poor room of Papa Carlo? A drop of comfort and beauty in it was created only by a hearth drawn on canvas. This, probably, can be considered the very first and famous example fake fireplace! Indeed, even if the flame in the fireplace does not warm, in a room where there is a fireplace and fire, it becomes warmer and more joyful. We, the townspeople, especially want to sit near the elegant, albeit artificial, fireplace on dark winter evenings.

Let's talk about how you can make a false fireplace with your own hands and how to decorate it for New Year and Christmas. Moreover, you don’t need to go far for examples: our Sibmams have already created many real masterpieces and continue to create! There is even a real REXXX from the sibmama.
Indeed, in the fabulous New Year's Eve, many want to become a little magician ...

What can be made a fake

Fake cardboard box

So, from what can you make a fake on your own?

Cardboard boxes are very popular because of their accessibility, easy-to-use material that lends itself even to female hands.
If there is a big box (for example, from under the TV) - fine! Cut with a knife "Firebox", Bend it inward, glue the walls, fixing them with tape - and the base is ready!

Mantelpiece(it should be slightly wider and longer than the fireplace itself) can be made of several layers of cardboard glued together, a sheet of drywall, and polystyrene.
It remains only to paste over the base with wallpaper or paper, and begin to decorate!

Photo from fireplace.su

An interesting solution will be corner raised fireplace from a cardboard box - for such a fireplace does not need a lot of space:

To view the photo in full size, click on the image.

Photo from megapoisk.com

If there was no such box, then you can do with a few small ones, for example, shoe:

To view the photo in full size, click on the image.

Photo from fireplace.su

Another example of a base for a fake small box box:

Photo from svoimi-rukami-net

For real masters, nothing is impossible! This complex fireplace is also made entirely of cardboard, and the flame in it is also cardboard:

Photo from greensector.ru

Foam foam

Another, very light (in literally), the material for the manufacture of the false fireplace is polystyrene. Using a knife and a glue gun, you can make this basis:

Photo from fireplace.su

For greater structural strength, parts can be additionally fastened with toothpicks lubricated with glue.

But what a wonderful fake foam polystyrene turned out at OLGA31:

“It is possible to order a false fireplace made of polystyrene. It is light, and you can always remove it, like a Christmas tree, after the holidays.
But creativity is still needed. Because it is made white. Need to paint it with the addition decorative plaster. To have the maximum feeling that it is stone. Then age convenient way. I just walked in dark colors in the recesses and along the edges. It turned out quite well.
He is very weightless and quite handsome. True, I did not dare to put candles on him, you never know. ”

Fake paper

The simplest and, at the same time, original solution will ... just use the experience of Papa Carlo. In this case, you can do without a portal at all by drawing a false fireplace under the shelf:

Photo from the site small-house.ru

Or draw a paper flame in a cardboard fireplace, highlighting it from behind:

Photo from fireplace.su

Falshkin from boards

An interesting version of a false fireplace for constant use in the interior can be made if the repair left suitable boards, for example, parquet. They adhere to the lattice frame rigidly fixed to the wall.

Well, and this fireplace will become New Year's due to festive decoration!

To view the photo in full size, click on the image.

Photo from batuta.do.am, greensector.ru

And a small manufacturing workshop fake plywood from sibmama Ledi irin:

“The fireplace is made of plywood, it’s hollow inside, and pasted over with brick-like wallpaper. He stood for several years and served as an element of decor. At the bottom of the "fireplace" for stability they put a number of real bricks. Before the “hearth” a piece of linoleum “under the pavement” was cut in a semicircle and the edge was studded with furniture cloves. The back (inner) wall of the "hearth" was also pasted over with brick-like wallpaper. The outer semicircle of the “hearth” itself was pasted over with carved “bricks”.
Inside, they put real little birch logs with a "tent", and inside them put a Christmas garland, folded into a circle. When the upper light was off, a complete illusion of the fireplace was created.

On the shelf where the New Year’s houses are located, there is a hidden niche, you open the flap and there you can make a small bar or use the compartment for surprises or gifts. Whoever doesn’t know the secret will never guess ... "

False fireplace from old furniture

Well, if there are no parquet or other suitable boards, then just in time for the New Year you decided to throw away old furniture? Well, a wonderful false fireplace turned out, for example, from an old sideboard. True, here certainly can not do without male hands!

To view the photo in full size, click on the image.

Photo from legkovmeste.ru

The husband made guides for drywall and sheathed them with furniture panels. Took in Leroy. By the way, the frame was made immediately for these sizes, so as not to cut it ourselves.
This fireplace stands constantly all year round. Below I place candles on the mirror. Immediately the romance in the house.

Photo OLGA31

As coastersa piece will do wall panel, board, several squares of tile. But you can put a fireplace and just on the floor.

Making false fireplaces, the experience of sibmas

The most popular solution last season among our members of the forum was a cardboard fake fireplace, painted or glued “brick-like”.
Bricks can simply be drawn on paper or wallpaper, you can use ready-made wallpapers / film. And you can, to give volume, cut them out of the foam and stick on your fireplace, then paint.

Here is a fireplace made by a member of the forum Marusel , still waiting for decoration:

And here are the fake ones that have already waited for the holiday dress:

Photo HelenKa09

Photo Goksel

Bricks, however, can be white:

To view the photo in full size, click on the image.

Photo Zarnitsa

To view the photo in full size, click on the image.

Photo Molena, Panterka

Or maybe the fireplace will be “made up” of stones:

Photo olganet

Photo Cheburek

Another more ceremonial style is a snow-white “marble” fake fireplace:

Photo Samli

Photo Nasenka

How to simulate a flame in a false fireplace?

So, the fireplace is ready! Now we need to light a flame in it. True, since the fireplace is not real, then the flame will be either artificial or very small - because we must not forget about fire safety!

The simplest solution that requires almost no effort is to place a false fireplace in the firebox electric garlandLED strip.

Photo from megapoisk.com

A good way to simulate a flame is an electronic photo frame with the desired image inserted into the fake fireplace insert. It is possible, as in the above examples, to make a flame out of cardboard or simply draw it, securing it (keeping safety!) A light source.

According to a long tradition, would you like to hang on the fireplace, but it is not provided in your apartment? No problem! We will tell and show how easy it is to make the incredible - decorative false fireplace from cardboard.

On the eve of the New Year, we are doing our best to create coziness and a festive mood in the house. For many, such New Year and Christmas comfort is associated with beautiful fireplaces, which we now and then see in the pictures on Instagram. But our city apartments are not equipped with such structures. But you really want to have such a fireplace for yourself to hang Christmas socks there and put gifts there. But do not be upset ahead of time, because decorative fireplaces are no worse than real ones, and you can make them in a matter of hours.

New Year’s decorative fake fireplace can also be made from cardboard sheets with wooden elementsthat will support the design. Use decorative baguettes and skirting boards to beautifully decorate a handmade fireplace.

"Flame" for a fireplace from cardboard boxes

What kind of fireplace without fire? And although in a decorative fireplace from the boxes you can’t find the real fire, you can use several interesting ideas to simulate a flame:

  • draw fire on a piece of cardboard, cut it out and put it at the back wall of the firebox;
  • roll a luminous garland into a ball and put it in the fireplace;
  • fold real or cardboard logs in the fireplace and wrap them with LED-garland.

Watch online a video on how to make a New Year’s fireplace from boxes and foam yourself

Now you know how to make a fireplace to create an interesting piece of furniture. It remains to decorate the fireplace at will, attach garlands, Christmas decorations to it and wait for the New Year and Christmas.

Many people do not even realize that in an ordinary standard high-rise apartment big city can make a fireplace. Of course, it will not be real, but it will add romanticism and a unique sophistication to the premises. The interior will immediately sparkle with other colors and all family members will want to gather in the evenings by this fireplace and arrange gatherings. An imitation of such an interior item can be made from ordinary cardboard or a cardboard box. The material should be tight, so it’s better to use a box from a TV or other household appliances.

First, it is better to make a “pattern” on a large sheet of paper so as not to spoil the box. It’s easier to make a fireplace in the form of a rectangle or square, because rounded lines may not work. It will be difficult to draw them perfectly correctly and evenly. Using a large ruler, measure. The width of the entire product will be a little more than 100 centimeters, and the height is 70-80 centimeters, depending on personal preferences, but you should not make it too low - it will be ugly.

First you need to draw a rectangle with a length equal to the length of the fireplace - this is the base, and not more than 10 centimeters wide. In the middle, a large square with a size of 41 × 55 cm is drawn. This is not quite a square, since this geometric shapes all sides are equal, it can be called "almost a square." This will be an imitation of a firebox.

Now you need to draw small rectangles with sides of 18 × 39 cm - these are the side parts that serve as decoration. Another decor is the top this subject the interior. It will consist of three elements:

  • a square of 20 × 20 cm - 2 pieces;
  • rectangle 20 × 55 cm - 1 piece.

The peak of the fireplace is made in the form of a trapezoid of arbitrary sizes, but it should be along the length equal to the base. The width of the fireplace-box itself can be any, the main thing is that it harmoniously fits into the interior, to existing furniture. After the drawing is completed, it is necessary to cut out all the parts and transfer the dimensions to the cardboard. If they were painted on white paper, then you can stick them on the future fireplace as a decor, but you can dream up and come up with another decoration.

Materials and tools

To create such an original interior item, you will need very few materials and tools. This is a very simple product, the creation of which does not require large investments. And so, for the fireplace we need:

  1. a box from the TV or other thick cardboard;
  2. a knife for trimming drywall (another one is also possible, it should cut the details inside the drawing well);
  3. scissors;
  4. medium size stapler;
  5. pencil, long ruler;
  6. wallpaper under a brick or white paper, glue;
  7. construction and double-sided tape;
  8. a set of garlands in the form of candles or real small candles in an aluminum frame.
  1. According to the previously prepared drawing, it is necessary to cut out the layout of the fireplace.
  2. To ensure that the structure is strong and stable, construction tape is glued at the joints of the cardboard. First you need to fasten everything with a stapler.
  3. Now the “furnace” is cut with a drywall knife.
  4. If you wish, you can make a pallet in the "furnace" to raise the bottom the inside, so it turns out a niche that will resemble a real fireplace. But you can not do this part if there is no desire.
  5. Double sided tape you need to glue it on the back of the fireplace so that it can be firmly installed near a wall or furniture.

Do not worry if joints are visible, as the next step can fix this.
Take a look at the photo of a handmade cardboard fireplace:

How to decorate a fireplace

At this stage, decoration begins. On the outside and inside, paste the cardboard with wallpaper under a brick or white paper. Add decorative elements - draw patterns or stick bricks, cutting them out previously. From above, the fireplace and its back can be glued not with wallpaper under a brick, but with an adhesive film under a tree. Thanks to this move, the product will look more believable.

Hang a garland or put it nicely inside a niche, and also put candles and light them. It is only necessary to ensure that the fireplace does not catch fire, especially if there are small children at home. If there are creative inclinations, then you can glue the resulting product with white paper and independently draw any patterns in the form of arches and columns.

To summarize:

  1. Making a fake fireplace out of cardboard is very simple, you just have to try a little and turn on your imagination.
  2. For such an interior item you will need only scissors, glue, adhesive tape, cardboard and elements for decoration.
  3. The decor is made of wallpaper, self-adhesive film or an independent drawing on white paper.
  4. You can install the resulting fireplace near the wall or near the cabinet, gluing the structure for strength using double-sided tape.

We also offer you to watch a video on how to make a fireplace out of cardboard with your own hands:

Winter festivities are approaching. So I want to create in the house the atmosphere of not just a holiday, but a real winter comfort. How to do this? We suggest you make a cardboard fireplace with your own hands. For this, you will not need any super expensive materials or transcendental knowledge, but the result will be amazing nonetheless. Recall the old good tale about Pinocchio? After all, there, too, a hearth was drawn in Papa Carlo’s cloak, while those around him did not even realize that he was not real. Well, let’s and we will try to master this unusual art!

As you probably know, cardboard is an environmentally friendly material from which various elements of decor, furniture and even houses have been made for more than a dozen years (although this is Western technology). However lovers non-standard types needlework also did not leave cardboard unattended. So, suppose the business is moving towards the New Year. Well, a great occasion to turn ordinary cardboard into a real work of architectural art.

We make a cardboard fireplace with painted fire

This step-by-step instruction will not cause difficulties even for beginners, so you can safely prepare the materials necessary for the work, namely:

  • dense, even cardboard;
  • ruler, pencil and centimeter;
  • styrofoam;
  • paints and brushes;
  • sponge;
  • stencil for masonry;
  • adhesive tape or glue.

We start our master class:

  1. To begin with, cut out two rectangles of 110x60 centimeters in size suitable for cardboard density. The color of the cardboard in this case does not matter, because in the future we will decorate it. But, of course, cardboard should have a smooth surface without visible damage and strong creases. It is very important!
  2. Next, on the narrow side of each rectangle, we perforate every 15 centimeters. Further on this perforation we add a square column with a width of both sides of 15 cm and a height of 110 cm, respectively.
  3. We proceed to the formation of the racks of the fireplace. We will do them in a brick manner. To do this, draw on each of the columns a pattern that imitates brickwork. For more convenience, we recommend using stencils. It will be both easier and faster. You can make such a stencil yourself, or you can buy ready-made.
  4. Now we take one more sheet of cardboard and cut out two more rectangles from it. These will be the base of our fireplace and its top. Dimensions in this case should be determined individually.
  5. Please note that the parts cut by us, placed on brick racks (those prepared in the previous step) must necessarily protrude on the sides. Ideally, they should be at least 2 times wider than the columns themselves.
  6. In order to give the bases a greater thickness and volume, we thicken them with polystyrene foam, and after that we paint the entire resulting structure (all parts) in specific color. We recommend choosing a white color to match the foam.
  7. Now we fasten the racks we have obtained to the bases. To do this, we use either glue or scotch tape (to whom we prefer). However, do not forget that the fastening material as a result should not be visible from the front of our fake cardboard fireplace.
  8. Now cut out another rectangle from cardboard. This will be the back of our fireplace. Using a sponge, primer the resulting wall with black and gray paint. Such a coloring will perfectly convey the feeling of several charred walls. It will be very impressive.
  9. After the paint has dried, we draw fire on the back wall of the fireplace, supplying it with cheerful tongues of flame. Here you can connect fantasy using different paints, felt-tip pens, etc.
  10. We wait for complete drying, after which we glue the wall to our bases and racks. It remains only to put a little dry firewood to the fireplace to give it even more naturalness. In the photo below you can see what happened:

Of course, the proposed scheme of actions may be supplemented by you with some other nuances and details. For example, you can paint the entire false fireplace under the brickwork. Or even choose a different color, suitable for the interior of your home.

In addition, the fireplace can be decorated with various decorative elements: on the upper shelf you can arrange vases, figurines and other New Year decorations. And the recess of the fireplace can be protected by a real forged fence, suitable in size. A handmade Christmas wreath will look great on the wall above the fireplace.

Professional craftsmen even make lights at the bottom of the fireplace, which will further imitate the burning of the flame, but this, as they say, is from the category of higher matters. In the video below, you can also find a lot useful information on this occasion. Happy Holidays!

Related video:

Several interesting master classes and useful tips waiting for you in this collection of video materials.

The most interesting articles:

When decorating a fake fireplace from cardboard, putty from acrylic adhesive tape will crumble, and styrofoam or polystyrene moldings imitating stucco molding will not adhere firmly.

Also, you can make an imitation of logs using the same corrugated cardboard. Knife designed to trim drywall. The cardboard should be corrugated and most importantly dense.

It’s better to glue the mantelpiece onto polymer glue or “liquid nails” - this way it will be securely seated on frame construction or a fireplace arranged in the form of a box.

Further, the box can be glued with wallpaper under a brick or glued with white paper inside and out. Masking tape is well suited, as it is thin, but holds parts well, and besides, paint lays well on it.

The last step before directly decorating the fireplace is to glue all the seams of the portal and the base with tape.

They can be made from pieces of cardboard glued together.

It is possible another, but it should cut cardboard well.

To make the “bricks” more textured, gold paint is applied to them using a sponge.

The fireplace is primed in several layers so that all the details become the same color. Next, the installation is painted brown paintand the borders are yellow.

Most often used water-based paint white color. If you plan to make a decorative antique false fireplace, then instead coloring compounds use ordinary putty for drywall.

DIY fake fireplace - create a New Year's atmosphere

No matter how incredible it may sound, the decorative fireplace portal from cardboard boxes really can be done.

As you can see, making a fireplace out of cardboard with your own hands is very simple. After setting the fireplace to your chosen place, you can start decorating it with various accessories. Now you need to decide on the method of attaching the portal to the base of the fireplace.

Having prepared the elements of the fireplace, we begin by creating the basis of the fireplace.

Your fireplace will consist of three main parts: the base, the portal and the upper shelf.

We note that the folds of the box can also be used rationally and they are quite suitable for the corners of the fireplace.

There are very few of them, so you do not need large investments to create a fireplace from cardboard.

And here it is shown how to quickly and easily make a New Year's fake fireplace from a cardboard box. On the mantelpiece you can place dear things to your heart. The final step in creating a fake cardboard fireplace will be painting it water-based paint.

The upper mantelpiece does not have to be installed. Next, cut out the layout of the fireplace. According to the previously prepared sketch, on the spread cardboard we draw the details of the fireplace.

But if you want to be creative, from half columns, platbands and moldings you can design a fake fireplace from polyurethane with your own hands.

It can be photographs, vases, some crafts, and much more. You can make it either snow-white, or add the selected color and highlight the tone of the stucco elements. Also, in the hearth of the fireplace you can create an imitation masonry using rectangular pieces of cardboard.

This can be painted patterns or decoration of the front of the fireplace by highlighting the niche of the hearth with the help of thinly cut molding, after which the stucco elements are also attached.

After that, you can add decorative elements.

How to make a fireplace out of a box with a solid back wall

It is not so difficult to make a fireplace out of cardboard boxes with your own hands - it is enough to find large cardboard packaging from furniture or household appliances.

This time-consuming process will take you a minimum of time, but it will decorate your home wonderfully. To create a false fireplace, you need a minimum of tools and an empty cardboard box.

In the niche of the hearth, you can put waxed candles or decorate it with diode bulbs. To create this shelf, cut 3-4 pieces of the same size from the box.

By fixed sizes according to the sketch, an ordinary box is assembled, with a solid back wall.

We also start by cutting out the portal panels drawn on the box.

The second option is to install the portal on the surface on a fully sealed box.

If one of the adjacent walls is the side of the cabinet, then it is necessary to calculate the dimensions so that finished construction was flush with the closet and did not bulge.

The thickness depends on your wishes, you can make it a small twig or a larger log. Their width can be made the same or slightly larger than the width of the portal. Otherwise, the whole structure will collapse. Setting top shelf, remember that its weight should not exceed the weight of the base of the fireplace.

But if you are going to put heavy objects on it, such as vases, for example, then simply the top of the box will not be enough to hold.

Then we install the prepared portal, fixing it securely to the base using construction tape.

The ribs can be assembled into a grate, and can be randomly glued to the bottom and lid of the box.

To do this, make a thinner tube, after the bonding adhesive has dried, the branch is cut into small knots, which we then attach to the logs. Next, create knots for these logs. Stripes of cardboard are cut, which are then folded into a tube.

It must be said right away that there is nothing particularly complicated in the manufacture of this element of decor, and it can be performed not only by a man who has construction skills, but also by the landlady.

Making them is very simple. Therefore, it is desirable to make it still more rigid.

How to make a decorative fireplace with imitation of fire

It should be noted that there are also several options for the execution of the portal. There may be two options.

Having decided on the sizes, create a sketch where we mark all the sizes.

Before proceeding with the direct creation of a fireplace, it is necessary to conduct a series of preparatory work. Having planned everything well, you will ensure yourself the quality of the result.

For example, you can make a fireplace out of the boxes with your own hands - even if it can’t warm the apartment, it will definitely add comfort and cheer up your household.

It all depends on your imagination. For a very long time we hatched the idea with a fireplace, went to all kinds of construction markets and shops, but since the real one did not suit us, we sorted out the options.

Great site. Thank you very much! Together we recall the happy childhood of the era of developed socialism.

Fireplace from boxes for the new year

Do-it-yourself fireplace from boxes for the New Year

A fireplace made of cardboard boxes with your own hands is not so difficult to do - just find large cardboard packaging.

For example, a cardboard box from a plasma or LCD TV is well suited. The manufacturing work will take a lot of time - you need to cut out the parts, paint, putty and decorate them. Nevertheless, the result will not leave you indifferent - a quality-made fireplace from the boxes with your own hands is difficult to distinguish from the real one.

What is needed for the specific example below:

  • Large cardboard box
  • Foam baseboards (borders)
  • Glue of the moment type
  • Decorative foam bas-reliefs
  • White water based paint
  • Stationery knife

Do-it-yourself fireplace preparation from the boxes for the New Year

  • To get started, make a drawing of the fireplace - examples can be found on the Internet, peek in the literature or come up with your own.

    DIY cardboard box fireplace

    Print a picture and calculate the dimensions of your product on the drawing, according to the size of your box and space in the room.

  • Put the layout on the box - use a ruler and a simple pencil so that the markup is clearly visible.

    Auxiliary lines can be drawn with a pen.

  • Cut the fire window as follows - with a clerical knife, push the deep grooves in the cardboard so that the edges can not be cut off, but bent into the fireplace.

  • Glue the resulting blades to the rear wall of the fireplace with glue of the “Moment” type.

The preparatory phase is over.

Now you can start decorating the fireplace from the boxes with your own hands. The master class continues!

Do-it-yourself box fireplace decoration for the New Year

  • Cut the foam baseboards (borders) of the right size for the edges of the hearth, decorative elements - you can buy them in any hardware store. Cut parts at an angle of 45 degrees so that rectangles can be folded from the curbs later.
  • Glue the elements in the marked places.

  • In the center of the side elements of the fireplace, glue decorative foam bas-reliefs in the form of angels.

    Decorate the upper edge with a beautiful baseboard, forming the future mantelpiece.

  • On top of your product should look something like this.

  • Styrofoam or similar light material cut a shelf of the right size and glue it on top of your fireplace.

Painting can be done in different ways, depending on what effect you want to achieve.

If you need an aged surface with cracks, putty the entire surface with a white putty for and blow dry with a hairdryer, after drying, the surface will be covered with small cracks.

To achieve an even, smooth layer, paint the product with a water-based paint in 2-3 layers.

Show your imagination - the fireplace can also be decorated using various Christmas decorations.

Fire can be made from candles or garlands laid in the hearth. You can simply print a large photo of the fire and stick on back wall the firebox of your fireplace.

Such a fireplace is perfect not only for decorating any home - many photo studios use such decorations to create a home or holiday interior.

Fireplace from boxes for the new year (video)

DIY Christmas fireplace from the boxes

Often a fireplace is associated with Christmas with us - it was with its help that Santa Claus, according to the beliefs of many Western peoples, sneaks into the house to put gifts under the Christmas tree.

Despite the fact that Santa Claus is closer to us, making a New Year’s fireplace with your own hands out of the box will not hurt. So you can gather all your relatives near the family hearth, literally, on a festive night.

To make a fireplace out of the boxes with your own hands, a step-by-step instruction assumes you have many christmas decorations for home, which is also easy to cook on their own.

  • Take 3 boxes: wide and flat from the TV and 2 small rectangular ones from the speakers.

    Glue them together, as in the image. If necessary, trim the workpieces in height to achieve one level.

  • Take another cardboard box and cut out the upper border for the fireplace, equal in length to the two sides of the workpiece and the front.
  • Glue the border. Decorate it with a patterned skirting top, as in the first master class. Attach the foam tabletop to the correct size.

  • Cut many rectangles with rounded ends and glue them in rows on the workpiece with PVA glue - they will create a kind of bricks.

  • Prime the fireplace from the boxes with your own hands in 1-2 layers, so that all its details become the same color.

    If this is not done, when painting the fireplace can get different colors.

  • After the primer has completely dried, paint the fireplace brown color, skirting board on it - yellow. In addition, dip the dishwashing sponge in yellow and lightly touch the bricks to give a texture to them.
  • Decorate the fireplace with all kinds of New Year's toys, and put a luminous garland rolled up in a ball - an imitation of fire.

It will be even better if you replace the yellow paint with gold or silver - thanks to it, your fireplace will simply shine!

Material taken from the page MEGAPOISK.COM

A false fireplace made of cardboard: how to decorate a room yourself for the New Year holidays

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford luxurious homes and mansions with fireplaces and stoves. However, everyone wants to create a warm and comfortable atmosphere in their small house or apartment. I especially want comfort and warmth when approaching the New Year and Christmas family holidays.

We suggest that you learn how to easily and quickly make a fake cardboard fireplace with your own hands in any room.

Key tips and tricks before building a fireplace in a room

Before embarking on any actions and manipulations to make a decorative fireplace in your room, you need to plan and prepare everything you need.

  1. Determine the future location of your cardboard fireplace.

    It will be best and practical to place it along a large and free wall in your house or apartment. With this arrangement, this decor element will look advantageous and impressive.

  2. Decide on the desired size of the fireplace made of cardboard. Do it all necessary calculations and measurements.

    For convenience in the future, draw a detailed drawing of your future cardboard structure.

  3. Prepare all the material necessary for the manufacture of the fireplace in advance.

    Collect large cardboard boxes from household appliances. It will be much easier and more convenient to work with such materials.

  4. To glue parts and corners of the structure you will also need a large amount of PVA glue, as well as masking tape.
  5. Think about the look of your cardboard fireplace. If necessary, stock up on moldings, corners, wallpaper, paints or other decorative elements.

A simple option for making a wall fireplace with your own hands

We offer affordable and detailed master class for the manufacture of a cardboard fireplace for decorating a room on new Year.

Take a big sheet thick cardboard and cut it according to the pattern outlined in advance.

The whole structure must be cut out. You should make a strong and reliable foundation for your future fireplace. Use stiffeners for this, which are located inside the cardboard frame of the raised fireplace.

The basis of the design should be larger than the false fireplace made of cardboard, about ten centimeters. More accurate calculations are needed.

There are two main ways of making the base for the design of the fireplace:

  1. Cut cardboard material with small sides, and glue stiffeners with PVA glue.
  2. Cut two panels of the required size.

    One will act as a surface, and the second in the form of a bottom, on which stiffeners are also glued.

New Year's fireplace from the boxes: simple hastily, beautiful for a long time, and even with real fire

Open the marked cardboard and cut it out.

First you need to form the front part to fix the frame on it.

On the cut box, it is necessary to mark the window for the hearth. It should be cut using a clerical knife.

Sashes should be bent inward.

It is also necessary to cut a rectangle from cardboard, which will act as a ceiling. It is attached with molar tape. Inside, the portal is attached using frame panels.

After that, it is necessary to glue the prepared cardboard onto the grates. The decorative portal is installed on a prepared base and is fastened with PVA glue or adhesive tape.

If necessary, the craftswoman can wallpaper the frame or paint.

The most important and final step is to decorate the completed fireplace design.

Try to reproduce the design of stones or bricklaying. Use a thin molding to divide the fireplace into several separate zones and sections.

Stucco elements glued to the structure with an interesting and original look liquid nails. The noble and finished look will be given to your cardboard fireplace by the columns placed on the sides.

At the finishing stage, all decorative elements must be coated with white water-based paint.

Featured video selection

We suggest you look at some interesting and useful videos on the topic of making a fireplace from a cardboard with your own hands.

The fireplace from the boxes can be stylish decoration any room. The design can be done with your own hands, while it is not necessary to have special knowledge and skills.

The fireplace makes the room cozy, warm. Owners of apartments do not have the opportunity to arrange a real home.

Do not be upset, because you can make an imitation that will cheer everyone up.

Why is it worth making a fireplace out of boxes?

In a multi-storey building, it is impossible to arrange a real fireplace. Often the reasons do not depend on the capabilities and desires of a person. And for the owners of a private home, such an element can be a luxury.

But in this case, you can decorate the interior with a fireplace, assembled from boxes. The product will require a little effort and money. As a result, the room will become comfortable and complement the atmosphere.

To figure out how to make a fireplace out of the boxes with your own hands, you can a person who does not have special skills and knowledge.

We cannot display this gallery The basic requirement is the desire to decorate the room. You can connect your family to the creation of the design.

Engaged in this activity, you can not only have fun, but also get a beautiful element of the decor of the room.

A master class on how to make a false fireplace will help:

  • improve the mood not only for yourself, but for the whole family;
  • update the interior before the holiday;
  • to teach children to set goals and bring the work they have begun to the end.

Before you build a false fireplace, it is important to determine where it will be located. Maybe, decorative fireplace decorate one of the walls of the room or any corner.

It is important that it blends harmoniously into the interior and does not clutter up the room. Using the design, you can mask defects on the wall, the battery.

If the location is determined, then measurements should be taken. They are performed using roulette. All values \u200b\u200bshould be transferred to the drawing.

It is important to carefully measure, otherwise the finished false fireplace will not fit in its place, and the work will have to be redone.

The design should be in harmony with general design premises. At the design stage, the appearance of the focus should be considered, only then proceed with the implementation of the product.

A simple way to make a fireplace out of cardboard

A fireplace made of cardboard boxes can be made in several ways. To implement one of them, you need to lay out a cardboard box.

All measurements should be carefully transferred to it from the drawing made earlier. It is important to draw all the details of the future false fireplace out of the boxes, and then cut it out.

In the place where the firebox will be, it is necessary to carefully cut through the opening. To do this, use a sharp clerical knife. The shape of the opening depends on the wishes of the master. You can make a square hole, rectangular or in the form of an arch.

When forming volumetric parts, cardboard can be bent. In places of bending, elements are recommended to be strengthened. For this, the corners must be glued masking tapeand add cardboard stiffeners from the inside.

To make a mantelpiece, you will need drywall. A piece should be cut from it according to previously taken measurements. This material is not always at hand.

In this case, you can take several sheets of cardboard and glue them together. The shelf can be attached to the frame using double-sided tape.

The last stage in the formation of an artificial fireplace is its design. You can use the most different types decorations that are suitable for decorating cardboard.

Props fireplace out of the boxes

Another option for an artificial fireplace can be made from rectangular boxes. You need to choose two small boxes and one flat one - they sell modern flat-screen TVs.

The whole structure is glued together, on this stage the product is given the desired shape. If the side boxes are not the same in height, then using a knife it is recommended to trim one of them.

From one box you need to cut the upper border, and then glue a decorative baseboard onto it.

As a tabletop, you can use polystyrene. From it, carefully cut the element and attach to the structure.

For decoration, you can cut out small rectangles from cardboard, resembling small bricks. They need to glue the structure, then apply two layers of primer.

This procedure is required, since several colors will not be created during painting. Paint should be applied only after the primer has completely dried.

The bricks should be brown and the skirting board may be gold or yellow. You can dip a sponge in a gold-colored paint and lightly touch all the bricks, which will give them an interesting texture.

Using a master class, you can easily turn ordinary artificial fireplace on New Year's. To do this, decorate the design christmas toystinsel. Fire in the fireplace from the boxes can be done by putting a garland in the furnace.

One of the decoration options is to use decoupage technique. You can choose any images for decoration depending on your mood.

If the fireplace is designed to create a romantic mood, then you can choose angels, flowers in delicate colors.

To create a New Year's mood, Christmas tree images are suitable, christmas toys, deer, pine branches.

Such fireplaces can be installed not only in the living room. They are often made in various photo studios, forming the interior for photo shoots.

The foci are decorated in different ways, in accordance with the theme of shooting or a holiday.

Making a corner fireplace

In a room with very little space, appropriate corner fireplace. This item will not only become a decoration of the room, but will also be an additional place where you can arrange various little things. The master class will tell you how to quickly make such an interior item.

Before installing the corner fireplace with your own hands, you need to determine in which corner it will be. The design should not clutter up the space, interfere with the passage.

To install the product in its place, you need to trim one side. The three remaining sides should form a triangle, and the fireplace will fit perfectly into the corner.

The seam that remains after the formation of the fireplace is recommended to be pasted with tape.

The front of the box must be carefully cut out the hole. In this case, the lower part of the structure should not be affected.

Only a semicircle is cut out and a bend inside the fireplace is performed. The resulting angle should be fixed between the two side walls.

To make the top plate, it is necessary to cut out several sheets of the fireplace according to a pre-made drawing and glue them together.

The edges of the workpiece should protrude slightly in the front. After the design is assembled, you can start decorating.

Fireplace out of the box can be issued special film with a pattern imitating brickwork.

You can cut out rectangles from cardboard and paint them in brown colorand then stick on the fireplace. In the furnace should be placed LED strip or other luminous objects.

Fireplace can be given good New Year spirit. To do this, you can attach small toys made of felt on it.

They are very easy to do with your own hands. To do this, you only need material, a desire to create an exclusive thing and fantasy.

Large box artificial fireplace

If there are several large boxes, then you can make a decorative fireplace from them. Step-by-step instruction will tell you how to make this design.

To make a stylish interior detail, it will take quite a bit of time. Details of the future fireplace will need to be cut out of the boxes, interconnected, puttied and painted.

If all the work is done correctly and accurately, the result will not leave indifferent households and guests, because he appearance will not be much different from the present.

First of all, you need to make a drawing of the future product. Measurements must be done carefully so that the finished fireplace fits into its intended place.

The appearance of the subject can be invented independently, or you can peek at the photo in the special literature.

In this case, transfer the image to paper and calculate the parameters in accordance with the available boxes.

The product layout should be delineated. ballpoint pen, using a long ruler - so the markup will be smooth and noticeable. If you need to draw auxiliary lines, then they can be drawn with a pencil.

The window in which artificial fire will be visible is recommended to be squeezed out gently with the help of a clerical knife.

The edges should not come off, they should be bent into the structure. They must be glued from the inside with glue.

After the design is ready, you can begin to finish it. A master class will help to make your fireplace unusual and stylish. To form the edges of the fireplace will need foam.

Stripes of the required length should be cut from it. It is important to carefully cut off the details - the cut angle should be 45 degrees.

If all parameters are met, then a rectangle can easily be formed from the cut out elements. Foam should be glued in a predetermined place.

In the center of the decorative elements, bas-reliefs can be glued. A decorative baseboard can be attached to the edge. He will form a mantelpiece.

The mantelpiece itself can be made of any light material, for example, foam. The part must be carefully cut and glued to the structure.

The resulting focus should be painted. This procedure can be done in several ways. It all depends on the result to be obtained.

If you want a fireplace from a cardboard box to look like a vintage interior element, then first of all you need to putty the fire and dry it with a hairdryer.

The surface will immediately become covered with small cracks and will look like aged.

To get a flat and smooth surface, the cardboard is covered with putty, but a layer of water-based paint should be applied on top.

There can be several layers of paint. It is allowed to dry with a hairdryer in order to speed up the design process.

In what style to perform a fireplace?

Before you make a fireplace from the boxes, you should decide on the style. Those who prefer antique products can decorate the fireplace with natural or artificial stone.

Such a hearth will harmoniously fit into a spacious living room. On its wide shelf, you can install frames with photographs, small figurines, candles and other products. In the firebox, you can put firewood and make the space illuminated.

After viewing the master class, you can make a fake fireplace from large boxes. It will look harmonious in a hi-tech, modern style room.

The hearth can play the role of the main element of the interior. You can fill it with any items, including books.

If you combine cardboard and plexiglass, the fireplace will appear as a stylish art object - the pride of the owners of the room.

In a homemade hearth, you can make an imitation of fire. To make the flame realistic, the fireplace manufacturer's guide advises to trim the inside of the furnace with a mirror or foil.

After that, inside should be installed light bulbs or lED lights. Their light will be reflected in the mirror surface, creating comfort in the room.

The bedroom is often performed in the style of classics or empire. A fireplace made in the same style will complement the interior. The framing of the structure can be done with white panels or wooden elements.

The hearth will bring sophistication to the interior. You can make an artificial fireplace not very high, and hang a large mirror above it.

In this case, the focus will acquire functions dressing table - it will be possible to install numerous jars of cream on it, cosmetics.

A fireplace made of boxes can be made mobile. In this case, you will not need to be attached to the interior. Such a hearth can be put in any room, depending on the desires of the owners of the room.