How to decorate an apartment for the New Year: beautiful design ideas. How to decorate the interior with an electric garland

Of course, the Christmas tree is the most important attribute of the new year. But at the same time, do not forget about the decor of the premises. In particular, you can decorate your room so that it becomes a mini fairy tale for you for all the New Year holidays. In this case, you do not need to spend a lot of money. You can decorate the room with tinsel, and that will be enough. This decoration will brighten up any room.

We decorate the windows in the room with tinsel

You can attach the tinsel around the perimeter of the window with tape. So your window will become beautiful. You can hang the glass itself with it, but then the room will become much darker. Garlands can also be used with tinsel. In such a situation, your window will become interactive.

You can decorate with this decor and curtains. The tinsel is simply pinned to the curtains with pins. And they become fabulous.

In this case, you can insert a wire into the tinsel. This will allow you to form different shapes. They can be hung on curtains. Such an option would be quite unusual.

It is important to note that you can decorate the door with such decor. Take fluffy strands and pin them vertically down over the doorway. So you get a New Year's curtain. Only it is necessary to strengthen firmly so that this composition does not fall apart.

How to decorate the walls of a room?

To decorate a room well with tinsel, you should not ignore the walls. Take a couple of strands of different textures and weave them together. This garland can be hung from the ceiling to make lush waves. To do this, you can use tape or pins.

This composition can be diluted with toys. They should be hung on the crest of every wave. This is how it will be most effective.

Do not forget about lighting fixture. If you have a chandelier, then its “horns” can be wrapped with tinsel so that you get a beautiful frame.

If the lamp weighs high, then you can hang toys on it. Garlands will also look good on a lamp or chandelier. This will be an auxiliary New Year's lighting.

Don't forget about the computer

Don't forget to decorate yours too. workplace. The computer can simply be framed with thin tinsel so that it becomes like a window covered with frost.

You can also create a table Christmas tree from tinsel. Roll thick paper into a cone and secure with a stapler. Using glue or tape, glue tinsel to the cone, which will wrap around it in zigzags. All. Your personal Christmas tree is ready.

You can also stick Christmas stickers on computer speakers or attach rain to them.

Don't forget about yourself too. Today it is fashionable to wear outfits with tinsel on a holiday. Such an ornament can be sewn on a collar or used instead of a belt for a dress. The main thing is to choose the right version of this fluffy New Year's attribute so as not to look ridiculous.

How to decorate a room for the New Year brings a lot of joy to adults and especially children. Create a festive atmosphere in the apartment and you will be helped by interesting coniferous compositions, decorated with the necessary attributes of a winter holiday: cones, toys, shiny bows, beads, candles,.

After all New Year and exists so that we feel pleasant changes.

Craft on the theme "Christmas composition with a candle"

This New Year's composition will undoubtedly decorate your interior.

You will need:

  • plate
  • double sided tape
  • plain thin tape
  • plastic bag
  • deep water container
  • stationery knife
  • scissors
  • secateurs
  • thin, flexible wire
  • toothpicks
  • sprigs of fir or spruce
  • pine cones, alder cones and catkins
  • Christmas decorations: beads, bows
  • fruits

Operating procedure:

  1. Prepare (oasis) for work, as described above.
  2. Attach (oasis) to the center of the plate with double-sided tape.
  3. With fir branches, outline the main outline of the composition. Then, focusing on the set branches, add the rest so that you get a half of the ball.
  4. Place the candle in the center of the composition. To do this, attach three toothpicks to its base with adhesive tape.
  5. Now let's start decorating. Set in (oasis) sprigs with catkins and alder cones. Attach pine cones and beads with wire to thin but strong twigs, and also stick into (oasis). Lay out the bows. Try not to spoil the form of the composition.
  6. Arrange pine cones, New Year's toys, sweets or fruits (tangerines, oranges, persimmons or others) along the edge of the plate.
  7. The composition will stand for at least two weeks, if it is watered every two or three days with a thin stream of water, in the center of the composition, so that the water gets on (oasis).

On the New Year's table additionally install figurines made according to your imagination. Just like in these photos: a snowman made of tangerines and young cockerel chicks.

How nice it is to gather the whole family at the festive table and smile at your crafts.

DIY Christmas tree - beautiful decor

Let's say right away that we will make a Christmas tree with a good mood and thoughts that we have not ruined a forest tree, but we use only twigs. The twigs will give the smell of the forest and that will be enough for us. Decorating a room with spruce branches is a creative process.

We will need:

  • basket
  • plate
  • floral sponge (oasis) for living plants
  • double sided tape
  • plain thin tape
  • plastic bag
  • deep water container
  • stationery knife
  • scissors
  • secateurs
  • thin, flexible wire
  • sprigs of fir or spruce
  • decorations to your taste

Operating procedure:

  1. We put the plate upside down in the basket so that it does not fall out.
  2. Prepare (oasis) for work. Let's get wet. put it in a container of water and let it rest. Cut edges and corners. Wrap the bottom (of the oasis) with polyethylene and secure with tape. Cut off excess polyethylene.
  3. Attach (oasis) to the center of the plate with double-sided tape.
  4. Now we need to assemble the Christmas tree. To do this, first stick the central branch. It should be twice as high as the basket. We gradually add the remaining branches to the main branch, so that we get a cone. Before sticking a branch, we try it on and see how best to install it. It may need to be shortened to the desired length by cutting at the base at an angle of 45 degrees. When working, we constantly turn the basket.
  5. Put cotton wool and apples inside the basket. So that the apples do not fall out, they need to be planted on toothpicks and stuck in (oasis).
  6. We decorate the Christmas tree. Toys should be light so that twigs can support them.
  7. The Christmas tree will stand for at least two weeks if it is watered once every two or three days with a thin stream of water, in the center of the composition, so that the water gets on (oasis).

A Christmas tree made of live twigs with a smell will delight you throughout the New Year holidays.

How to decorate a room with paper Christmas greetings

This is a very simple and fascinating congratulation; with laughter, humor and deep human congratulations. It is proposed to show imagination and create a large greeting card for the whole family on a piece of drawing paper. If you can draw, then draw.

Cut out New Year's pictures and stick them on whatman paper, creating interesting compositions.

You will need:

  • whatman
  • colored paper
  • glitter glue
  • scissors

When working, you are given freedom of action: cut out the necessary details and figures, stick them on whatman paper, decorate with glitter glue.

Leave free fields for writing congratulations to all family members.

List everyone by name and wish you a Happy New Year. Approximately like in the photo or even better.

Write a congratulatory letter from Santa Claus and read aloud. Decorating a room with paper turned out to be quite simple.

DIY cone decor idea

Cones are the most beautiful and available material for crafts. Now we will make a New Year's decor from a large cone, which we will plant in a pot.

Would need:

  • big boss
  • a plastic cup
  • construction twine

Master class decor from cones:

1. Remove the sticker from the surface of the cup. We smear the surface of the cup with polymer glue and glue the twine in a circle.

2. Additionally, we coat the twine on top with PVA glue. Spread the glue over the surface with your finger so that it sticks together.

3. Apply acrylic paint with a sponge on the bump and on the surface of the jar on the cord.

4. Draw a large and small star pattern. Cut out templates, put on red and white felt.

5. According to the templates, we cut out a small star from red felt, and a large star from white felt.

6. Glue the stars together.

7. We need to decorate the room with an original craft. To do this, we decorate the craft with braid and glue it in the middle of the jar.

8. Glue the stars onto the braid.

9. Coat the bottom of the jar with glue and apply a circle of white felt. The decor of the bottom of the jar is ready.

10. At the bottom of the jar we put a few pebbles (pebbles) for heaviness and stability. We coat the surface of the pebbles with glue and glue the crumpled paper. We again coat the surface of the paper with glue and glue the crumpled paper again. Ready - inner part jars are full.

11. Lubricate the lower part of the large cone with glue and put it on a jar of paper.

12. The bump is firmly glued to the jar. Glue artificial green branches along the edges of the jar.

13. Glue artificial red berries on the branches.

14. We make bows from a thin satin ribbon. Add glue bows to the Christmas composition in a circle.

15. Add acorn caps to the berries for glue.

16. Decorating a room with such a wonderful composition is quite affordable. The most affordable materials were used for crafts.

Winter decor of the New Year's room - video

Thus, how to decorate a room with your own hands together with children requires very little time and effort, while giving great joy of creativity and the happiness of joint festive work.

Two too hot, fiery and nervous years flew by like a few minutes. They brought joy to someone, someone was disappointed in their plans. It doesn’t matter, it’s time to think - how to decorate a room for the New Year 2018, the kind Earth Dog is already at the door and is ready to come into its own. So let's mark everything that has been with us in these two years and decorate the home in a completely different way, today we need to pick up everything earthly, warm and light.

Of course, a lot depends on what budget you have and what size, therefore, will be the apartment and how you decorate it. If you have a furnished apartment or not, then the question is more suitable for you. Do you want to influence how your space will look like, or is it all in your best interest?

The conditions under which the owners themselves are quite strict and in many cases tie their hands. The first thing that comes to mind is that such a problem is not a problem! Not hard, there are white walls, but there are a million ways to add color to an interior by painting a room. Even if hanging something on them and the fact that you can't nail it, you don't need it!

We are preparing for the arrival of the Dog carefully, this sign does not tolerate fuss and will not accept your hastily hung garland. We will carefully consider all decorations for the premises and will install them according to a predetermined plan. It is best to turn to Feng Shui, because the image of an animal, especially one so close to a person, is in all Eastern traditions.

How to rent a cheap apartment?

Such investments dragged on for years. Most great advantage investing in quality furniture and accessories is something they don't consume as quickly so even if you get bored for a few years it shouldn't be a problem when reselling them because they will always be valued. Other furniture is really worth buying or doing it yourself. This used furniture doesn't regret it, so if it doesn't fit, the color is nothing, you can always repaint. If you live with a bachelor and you are faced with the choice of what to buy - a sofa or a bed, you always need to put on a mattress, during the day you can cover it decorative bedspreads and pillows, so two in one, but at least sleep will be healthier.

First and most important - consider the nature of the Dog. The creature is very kind and unforgiving, but tries to find harmony in everything, rare dogs accept extraordinary antics and decorations. Everything should be clear, ideally fit into the circle of the “family hearth” that you have already created in your home. We will embellish it a little, but we will not change anything - it is not typical for dogs to rush after the latest fashion in order to leave behind a beautiful favorite thing.

And the same bed can be made from pallets and a headboard, for example with acoustic panels. Instead of a huge closet that can't be moved to another apartment later, you can use a large hanging rack instead of a curtain! Look at the photos below, maybe not all of these interiors are rented out, but each of them can be like this, and it should definitely inspire you.

Another one important thing, which you must not forget, is the decoration of these rented interiors. Well, what about the fact that you can't drill through the wall? There are many offerings for self-adhesive products on the market today and only your imagination or finances may be the limit. Although the only expensive case might be a self-adhesive cover on the entire wall, but if you don't want something that big, you can always choose these smaller stickers and lay them out in an interesting pattern.

We do not regret tinsel from the ceiling

When the house has a lot of bright tinsel hanging from the ceiling, a feeling of unreality of time is created. As if you are flying into space, and meteorites and planets flicker around you, comets fly by. There are so many big and small stars that are enough for every inhabitant of the Earth - let them fall, but they will definitely burn out so as not to cause cataclysms on the old planet Earth. May there be a lot of flickering, shining, iridescent lights this year. The more light, the brighter and more beautiful the illumination, the faster luck will find your home in 2018.

You can conjure up different decorations from this, from small things like gluing a box with an interesting pattern on the wall or furniture that is already boring or just of questionable beauty. Don't forget self-adhesive rolls in which we can pour the back of an open counter or chest of drawers or clear milk for use in the bathroom or kitchen window instead of curtains or blinds. Did you know that there are reusable self-adhesive tapestries on the market or you can paint with paint? Ideas for a youth room. 10 ideas for a teen room are exciting and creative solutions, your child expresses himself and you have a chance to get to know his interests, dreams and aspirations better.

Replace window textiles with something shiny. Curtains with metal thread are perfect, it is only important that they are fireproof.

Plant the kids next to you when you make your own tinsel from beads, semi-precious stones and metallized details - let there be a lot of short strings with decorations hanging from the ceiling. Use various tassels as decorations - they are also tied to the symbol of the year.

How to decorate a Scandinavian child's room - 8 ideas - seems and adds: surprisingly spacious. Scandinavian style, although it is governed by clear rules, is quite flexible. Especially in the case of a children's room. From a child to a teenager, or how to make a room for a child of all ages. The children's room is a magical place where young comfort grows and they know the world and the elderly form their worldview.

How to decorate the attic for a child? - Attik is a grateful place. Let's not see this as a limitation, but as an opportunity. The kids room is perfect. How to make a cheap room in a rented apartment? - The most magnificent interiors create the heart of objects. Make sure your rented room is filled with the ones you value the most.

You can create a feeling of unreality in the room for this New Year yourself, just turn all the interior of the building into a fairy tale - let angels, light birds fly over your heads, and the richer the ceiling in each room is decorated, the more luck and good mood it will bring you next year. No particularly expensive decorations are needed - all these little things and details are in every home. Show your imagination and use pieces of children's toys, even buttons or household items - creative, unusual, bright.

How to create a functional, cozy and safe room for a student? - they take up so much space - or a few puffs, the shape of which will allow them to overlap when not needed. small apartment should not include less convenient use of space. Thanks to proven solutions and equipment adapted to small spaces, we can easily organize a cozy and comfortable corner. Which elements to choose to create the appropriate small spaces, arrangements? What kind of furniture should be put inside to include everything we need for everyday life?

One of the most beautiful ways to decorate ceilings is with colorful Christmas balls. Attach them must be firmly, you can use the grid. Please note that if there are cats in the house, then they will not really like such decorations. You will definitely want to take it off and taste it. Fasten firmly and securely, then no disasters will happen during the celebration.

The young man is a student, a pioneer, passionate. There can be no problem in an interior designed for learning, relaxation and creative play. So how do you make a space functional, inviting, and visually pleasing to use? What to choose when choosing equipment? What furniture can not be missing in the children's room? Below we present you with some tips on how to properly arrange a child's bedroom and ensure that our comfort is the best condition for continuous development.

Dogs don't respect bad taste, don't overdo it with colors and don't mix styles, choose one shade in jewelry - then you really get something very beautiful. If garlands are hung, then you can attach tiny birds or angels with wishes to them - it will come in handy in holding contests.

It seems that the youth room is not difficult - all schoolchildren need bedroom furniture in their bedroom, which allows them to study daily, perform homework and enjoy the comfort of free time. The bed is also a priority because it allows you to restore your strength before the next tough day in the rather dynamic life of every young person.

The home where children live is a special place. Treasures of childhood are hidden behind its door. Massive shelves line up with soft stuffed animals watching our baby's tiny discovery, the floor is filled with colorful blocks arranged in the shape of a castle, and the puzzle is waiting to find a puzzle piece hidden under a pile of toys. This fantasy world will become an oasis for a rebellious teenager in a few years, and then a wonderful reminder of carefree moments. The children's room is an adventurous introduction to the background of their parents.

Decorate the windows, put garlands on them. Put slides with candles on the windowsills - let them burn all the while waiting for the change of years and a few more days after the holiday, lighting the way for the outgoing year.

Feng Shui allows you to use materials in decorations different type. Textiles, feathers, tinsel - all this will go to decorate the house. But do not forget about the sense of proportion, everything should be a little less than you want - you have collected a large basket with tinsel and decorations, put a couple of garlands aside, you definitely won’t need them. And try not to mix colors too much - it’s better to stick to one tone, such decoration looks richer, overflows of the same color will create a brighter decoration than tinsel, balls, toys of different colors gathered in a heap.

And how to become a child again? One could wonder where the pure, sincere and incredible joy of life comes from, and the desire to draw a handful every day. Instead of such meditations, let's take our children on a colorful trip by adding a generous bright, positive color to the interior. The new school year is approaching with great success. This is the last moment to prepare a comfortable study room. Before your vacation is over, invest in furniture for long years. Remember that the table and chair are the most important in organizing a student's space.

Since we are talking about hanging decorations to the ceiling, do not forget about chandeliers, this is already finished construction, to which you just need to attach the prepared garlands. You can use the chandelier as a basis for winter icy natural lace: hoarfrost and frozen cobwebs made of paper, light plastic and white tinsel. Add a couple of white snowflakes to them, a little imagination - and your house will be covered with cold snow frost from the inside.

What else to consider when decorating your child's room? Baroque forms in modern interpretation. Decorations add silver lamps. Ideas for original lighting of a balcony, terrace, garden - how to make lanterns by hand? You will need free time, a glass plate such as a bath, a rope, a handful of sand, and some rocks or shells.

Three-dimensional wallpaper for walls is one of smart ways update location. Check out how to apply it in the interior. Just a couple of decades ago, we looked forward to wallpaper with a delicate floral pattern or wallpaper that had a tropical beach climate or forest, a mysterious thicket. So how do you create a space to work at the same time, visually appealing and enjoyable to use? The teenager is a very demanding tenant. This almost grown man, but still a child, no longer wants to be in the company of cute fillers that make him sleepy.

With the ceiling finished, go to the walls

Recall that the dog has a romantic, loving nature. Decorating the walls of your apartment from the inside, do not skimp on wishes - hearts, angels, inscriptions can be made independently and hung around the house. Let cute faces look at you from every wall, and under them there will be inscriptions about love, fulfillment of desires, wishes of happiness. There is no need to make them huge - even in large rooms they look cumbersome. But small drawings and postcards - you can use as many of these cute unassuming decorations as you like.

Children's toys are covered with thick books and laptops, and fairy creatures, looking from the walls, turn into stylish additions, maps of various parts of the world and scientific manuals. The school is at the forefront and presents a major challenge for parents to arrange for the responsibilities that come with the sound of the September bell.

Initially, they were mainly used in public interiors: restaurants, hotel halls, conference rooms, because they provide sophisticated and complex structure. More and more, they began to appear in houses and apartments, where they allow not only to arrange the wall in an interesting way, but also to turn into a three-dimensional background equipment.

What color the snowflakes will be on the walls depends on the general mood that you create in the room. On too light wallpaper white snowflakes will be lost, but you can always hang a blue, green or orange curtain as a bright base, and attach light white snowflakes to it. Such drapery on the wall looks festive and bright.

They bring a large dose of dynamics and eye-catching optical effects to the interior. Because in it the child must have his own place to sleep, play, relax and learn. The children's room is a children's world, combining the characteristics of the rest of the house, but also, to some extent, a separate space where only the imagination can limit the child. Unfortunately, the children's room, so cozy, safe and comfortable, does not always come to parents with ease. Therefore, it is worth looking for interesting and practical inspiration for a child's room, even before you decide to buy furniture.

And don't forget the picture frames. It is necessary to use light frames to create a New Year's mood. There are endless options for creating original compositions. Engage children in this work - they will really like the process of creation, because real New Year's paintings, collected by their own hands, appear. By the way, here you don’t have to save money - a New Year’s fairy tale can be very rich, you can enclose anything you like in the frame of the picture. Not only the usual traditional balls, ribbons, tinsel and spruce paws. Create real "living pictures", the result can be unusual and very interesting.

If your child is older great idea involve him in furnishing his or her children's room. Here are some tips on how to create a nursery. First, it is worth considering the correct one. Usually the best choice is soft, pastel color. However, if you decide more intense colors, keep in mind that the furniture should be in muted colors. The decisive color should not cover more than two walls, so as not to overwhelm the intensity and optically reduce the room. In addition, when choosing a paint, do not only use their color, but also whether the paint is safe for children's health and does not contain harmful substances.

Energetic decorations for the Dog

Do not be surprised at such a wish to bring energy into the house - a new year is coming, everyone needs a lot of strength and good mood so that the year becomes a turning point for you to new beginnings, to achieve important goals.

Invest in organic and certified paints. An interesting suggestion is also to cover the walls with colorful wallpaper with motifs such as fairy tales. Such wallpapers decorating the children's room will take care of the climate in the room. Ideally, it should be washed. In addition, it is important to ensure that the walls in the room are not empty. You can buy ready-made photos to hang on the wall. But more would be a child's frame in a frame, which can also be hung. You also need to consider buying cork board, which the kid can pinch with his diplomas, draw jobs or favorite photos and postcards.

Among the interior decorations, there must be a symbol of the year. If the house has a live pet, just prepare a special outfit for him, which you will wear for the New Year. And yet, it’s not worth putting a decoration on the wall or in the corner of the room, saying that the Year of the Dog is expected.

In the country style, a small doghouse under the Christmas tree will look great. By the way, if you like baking, make such a big kennel from ginger dough - then you can eat cookies with pleasure.

Christmas wreaths are obligatory in New Year's decorations at home - there can be many of them, each room has its own, they can be hung on windows, doors, walls. This is in the year of the Earth Dog - one of the most beautiful and relevant interior decorations. Do not forget about the figures of dogs, they need to be placed wherever possible.

There can be a lot of themed decorations in which there is a symbol of the year. Or assemble a Christmas wreath with your own hands, in which the bones will be the main element - they are sold in pet stores, they are inexpensive, they will not deteriorate. And after the holiday it will be possible to give to our smaller brothers.

Make such a wreath according to the principle - why not? They collect creative wreaths from corks:

and yours will be one continuous beautiful interlacing of bones, then the symbol of the year will favor you all year round.

Throw away everything that gets in the way

And a week before decorating the rooms, try to free the room from all old things, so you need to say goodbye to everything that is no longer needed and interferes with life a little. This is a good psychological shoe for the New Year. You need to part without regret with everything that has been lying for a long time, not used and pulling back. And you have a new happy period ahead of you - let there be a lot of free space for development.

We get a little attached to old things and part with them with difficulty. We take it in our hands once a year, sometimes we wipe the dust and sigh all the time - where to hide away, so as not to take up space. You need to learn how to throw away old things. Stop saving and hope that someday ten years will come in handy. This is an old heavy load, throw it away without regret, so that new ideas and new perspectives grow around you.

The dog is a faithful guard and a strong friend

The year of yellow-green color, it will be very easy to pick up decorations. The main idea still belongs to spruce or pine - here you are green color, and replace yellow with gold in all its manifestations. Since orange shades are advised to be used by professionals in interior decoration, and the New Year is associated with the smell of tangerines, decorate the Christmas tree with these fruits or create a real one with your own hands. tangerine tree. If it is possible to buy such a miracle and put it in the center of the room, then it will perfectly replace your Christmas pine tree. Embellish a little, put tinsel on it - and a new creative look of the New Year tree is ready:

And now let's continue the idea orange color in the interior. Do not neglect inexpensive plastic, everything that you now buy to decorate your room will still come in handy later in the country. So why not turn your New Year's Eve room into a "dacha" room? Orange decorative fences, bright plastic dishes, a little imagination and your room will turn into a country house.

We are happy to use balloons to decorate rooms. It is possible this time to completely change the room by filling it inflated with helium balls. Do not forget to put a wish and a mini surprise in each - so that only the balls last at the ceiling for at least a day. And in order to preserve a single conceived style, again use only green and yellow materials, such a design will be most to the liking of children - it will certainly be possible to play for a long time, as soon as air balloons will start to sink to the floor.

Paint the windows yourself

We will not stick papers and snowflakes on glass this year, we will do glass painting, especially since such drawings are easily washed off, after which you will not need to do general cleaning premises. We use toothpaste for drawing - you can use stencils or draw by hand - as anyone can do it. The main thing is not to be afraid, because the toothpaste is perfectly washed off the glasses and makes them even more transparent after washing.

Apply a layer of toothpaste on the glass, let it dry, and now draw patterns with a thin stick. The result is beautiful pictures, so snowy and clean that you won't want to part with them.

To make the drawings a little brighter, you can paint with watercolors on a white background, buy gold tinsel and attach it to the background while the paste is not completely dry. So you will not spoil the glass, there will be no worries about cleaning windows after the holiday. And when the picture on the glass is ready, place porcelain or plush dogs on the windowsill - it looks very beautiful. Your symbol of the year will be happy with such decoration of the room.

It remains to add yellow and green to the decoration of the premises. This is best done with bright large candles. If there are candelabra - very good, but you can do without them. Use a large wide plate and arrange a few candles on it.

Decorate the table and chairs

All corners of the room are already decorated. There is tinsel on the ceiling, painted windows, paintings and drawings on the walls. It remains to decorate the table and chairs in order to finally invite guests to celebrate the New Year.

Since the dominant color this year is yellow, it is best to take two tablecloths in a contrasting color and cover the table with them so that the corners of the bottom cover can be seen. What color your tablecloth will be depends on the overall decoration of the room. But since our Dog is Yellow, and even earthy, then stick to natural shades, let everything resemble a village.

Chairs should be decorated in the same way: with bows, sprigs of spruce, beautiful napkins. It is not difficult to create a single style in a room, you need to make a minimum of effort and a maximum of imagination. Now we put a napkin for each device, you can also put candles, a little tinsel around each device, tie a bright ribbon to a knife, fork or tie a glass leg.

Needlewomen will be able to use their work in decorating the table - embroidered napkins, towels, towels. The dog favors those who know how to sew and embroider, so use your blanks to demonstrate them to the symbol of the year.

And the last wish for the design of the premises - use Christmas cones: you can make a variety of decorations from them, weave them into branches when creating a Christmas wreath, paint them with gold paint, hang them on a Christmas tree or use them instead of balls to decorate the ceiling.

Decorate the facade of the house

Everything inside is ready, it remains to decorate only the facade of the house. For him, you need to prepare spruce branches and cones, Christmas wreaths made of straw, various branches with ribbons and Christmas balls will look great. Do not weave anything breakable into the Christmas wreath - pets will hurt their paws while walking, and upsetting the Earth Dog is not recommended.

Now go out to the winter games in the yard and build some snowmen. You can put a dog made of snow next to them - such a composition will look great. And instead of a traditional bucket, you can put a bright orange basin on the snowman’s head, wrap a scarf around his neck, stick a branch with tangerines in his hands - even if your snowman has good New Year spirit.

If there are several small artificial Christmas trees, put them around the snowmen, and summer garden decorations with LEDs come in handy to decorate the Christmas trees themselves. The holiday should be bright and unique.

New Year's Eve is full pleasant chores, you need to buy groceries, choose a lot of gifts, take care of your outfit. But do not forget about the decor of the premises. How are you planning to decorate the room for the New Year? Most of us don't give much thought to this question. As a rule, we take out toys, tinsel and garlands and quickly hang them up, without even noticing that the decor of the room does not change from year to year.

And if you approach the matter creatively and involve other family members in it, then another very pleasant and interesting New Year's tradition may appear in the house. It is necessary to think over the style of the future decor in advance, buy or make new jewelry details on your own.

A variety of ideas for decorating a room for the New Year can be gleaned from magazines that cover interior design issues. The photos presented there fascinate with incredible beauty. One problem - in magazines, as a rule, options for decorating spacious rooms of private cottages with fireplaces and bay windows are presented. But what if you live in ordinary apartment small area?

It's not worth worrying! It is quite possible to beautifully decorate a room with your own hands, even if its area is not striking in its size.

Christmas tree

Of course, the main element of the New Year's decor is the Christmas tree. It can be a living tree up to the ceiling or a small artificial Christmas tree. The choice is determined by the size of the room. If the room is cramped, you can do without a Christmas tree at all by buying a few spruce branches, from which you can easily make a beautiful New Year's bouquet.

To do this, you need to put the branches in any suitable vase and decorate them with balls and rain. You can wrap the vase itself with tinsel, and decorate our composition.

It is easy to make a beautiful wreath from spruce branches, which is customary to hang on front door. It is not difficult to make this decorative item. This will require wire. From a fairly thick wire, you need to roll a ring - this will be the base of the wreath. Then, using a flexible thin wire, you need to start attaching spruce branches to the base. To decorate a wreath, we take Christmas toys, cones, ribbons and bows.

You can make a wreath for a door or window from cones. To do this, you will first need to cut the base in the form of a foam ring. Then you need to wrap the legs of the cones with wire and stick this wire into the foam base so that it goes right through. With reverse side The “tail” of the wire must be bent so that the cone holds on tight. To make a wreath, you will need a lot of cones, you need to make sure that the base is not visible. You can use red or gold ribbons to decorate the wreath.

From the cones, you can also build small decorative "Christmas trees". A simple version of such a decorative craft:

  • take a large cone, paint it green. You can use silver or gold instead of green paint;
  • place the cone stalk down on a stand or in a small flower pot;
  • to decorate our impromptu Christmas tree, we use colored beads.

To make a large Christmas tree from cones, you will first need to roll a cone from thick cardboard. The size of our craft will depend on the size of this cone. Then you need to file the back of the cones, giving them a flat shape. We glue our cones using a hot glue gun to the base.

You need to place the cones tightly, glue the largest ones at the bottom, on the wide part of the cone. You can decorate a Christmas tree from cones in different ways. Beads and bows from satin ribbons, rain or tinsel. And you can do it differently: even before assembling the Christmas tree, color the cones and sprinkle them with sparkles, then our product will sparkle and shimmer without decorations. With the help of such an impromptu Christmas tree, you can decorate a small room for the New Year.


A mandatory attribute of the New Year are a variety of garlands - electric and homemade. You can decorate a Christmas tree with a garland or hang it on the walls. Electric garlands must be bought ready-made, they are presented in a wide range and have quite affordable prices.

But homemade garlands today are rarely used to decorate rooms. In the meantime, they look pretty impressive. For example, it is very easy to make cute crepe paper garlands. Necessary:

  • cut long strips of the same width from corrugated paper of different colors (we choose the sizes arbitrarily, depending on the desired result);
  • frequent cuts should be made along the edge of each strip to make a fringe. Make sure that the cuts end at least 2 cm before the edge of the strip;
  • now you need to take two strips of a contrasting color and twist them together into a flagellum;
  • we got a fluffy garland that can be hung over a window or door, or can be hung from the ceiling.

Garlands of lanterns look pretty, which must first be cut out of colored paper and strung on a strong thread.


You can beautifully decorate a room without a Christmas tree, but New Year's decor without window decorations will be incomplete. There are many options for decorating a window:

  • various garlands;
  • paper figurines;
  • decorative "curtains", etc.

The most common option is to decorate the window with snowflakes. You can buy them ready-made, but it is much more interesting to cut them out of paper yourself. You can even arrange a competition between family members, whose snowflake will turn out to be the most beautiful and delicate.

Glue snowflakes to glass by simply moistening the paper with a little water. For greater effect, you can spray from above " artificial snow» from a spray can.

Other images can be used to decorate windows; they are cut out not only from white, but also from colored paper. Images can be copied from children's books or draw them yourself. It can be Christmas bells, silhouettes of snowmen or whole New Year stories. Everything will depend on your artistic abilities and patience.

Another option for window decoration is New Year's "curtains". Rain, fixed on the eaves instead of tulle, you can beautifully decorate the window. Instead of rain, you can hang thin satin ribbons of different lengths on the eaves. At the free ends of the ribbons, Christmas balls, gilded cones, and dried circles of oranges are fixed.

An interesting version of the New Year's curtain will turn out if you make a lot of small pompoms from multi-colored threads in advance (you can take yarn with the addition of lurex so that the pompoms shimmer in the light). Then the pompoms are attached in a chaotic manner to pieces of fishing line, which are fixed on the eaves. In order for the pieces of fishing line to hang evenly, some kind of “weighting agent”, for example, a metal bell, must be attached to the lower end of each of them. Such a pretty curtain can be hung in the doorway.


Candles are often used in New Year's decor. Today you can buy a variety of candles, but in order to decorate the room in an original way, you should make candlesticks yourself.

It is very easy to make a beautiful candlestick from a glass. In the house you can often find one or two glasses left from the set. They can be used to make beautiful candlestick. The leg and edge of the glass can be decorated with braid, rhinestones, beads, and a flat candle-tablet can be placed inside. For the New Year holidays, you should choose scented candles with the smell of citrus, cinnamon, vanilla and, of course, pine needles. These smells are associated with home comfort and the New Year.

Original "flashlights" can be made from ordinary glass jars. Especially well suited for these purposes are jars of small volume (200 grams) of the original form. The jar can be wrapped with lace on the outside, and a candle can be placed inside. If there is no lace, then you can use foil or paper to cut out beautiful silhouettes. Illuminated by a candle placed inside the jar, these silhouettes will cast whimsical shadows.

To decorate the table, you should choose floating candles. You need to take a small crystal vase, pour some water into it and place a few flat candles. You can sprinkle some glitter on top to make our composition look even more festive.

Features of decorating a nursery

When planning to decorate a children's room for the New Year, you need to think not only about beauty, but also about safety. However, one should not forget about safety when decorating other rooms, since children are unlikely to sit in their room without getting out.

Here are the basic rules:

  • if your baby is under five years old, then try to place decorations at such a height that the child cannot reach them from the floor;
  • small toys that a child can accidentally swallow or put in his nose should not be used to decorate rooms in which there are kids;
  • you should not use glass Christmas toys, now you can find beautiful and safe balls made of polymer materials on sale, they will not break, even if they fall on the floor from a height;
  • if there are kids in the house, it is better to do without the use of New Year's compositions with burning candles;