How to make artificial snow. How to make beautiful artificial snow with your own hands in a few minutes

Children love snow. From it you can sculpt snowballs, make snowmen and build fortresses. Snow is an invariable attribute of the Christmas tree and the New Year. Unfortunately, the magic of snow does not last long, and at home, in warmth, it quickly melts. Artificial snow comes to the rescue, made with my own hands from those materials that can be found in every home. He is not afraid of heat, and with this material you can decorate a Christmas tree, complete crafts, or even make a snowman right in the room.


The easiest way (and one of the most common) is to make snow from Styrofoam. Even a child can handle it! A piece of styrofoam (you can find it in the box from household appliances) just breaks into small grains.


Foam analogue - polyethylene film, which is also used in product packaging. Making snow from it is simple: you need to roll the film into a tight tube, and then grate it on a fine grater.

The resulting air mass is mixed with glitter and potato starch (3-5 bags) and water. When the composition becomes homogeneous, it must be dried on a battery.


For the manufacture of artificial snow white soap is taken. It is necessary to grate it on a fine or medium grater, then mix with baby powder. Snow is ready! It looks just like the real thing and smells good too.


Instead of a bar of soap, you can use a candle white color.

Shaving foam and soda

Great homemade snow is made from shaving foam and baking soda. They need to be mixed in a ratio of 1.5: 1 (one and a half packs of soda per foam can). The ingredients are gradually and simultaneously poured into a deep container, thoroughly mixed. You can add glitter. The mixture should cool in the refrigerator for 5-7 minutes, after which it is ready for use. You can make real snowballs out of foam and soda snow.


Do not rush to throw away the white eggshell after cooking. After removing the films, you need to place the shells in a tight bag, put on a hard surface and grind with a rolling pin. The resulting powder can be mixed with glitter for beauty.


Unbelievable but true: snow can be made from baby diapers. Each contains a unique material inside: sodium polyacrylate, the main property of which is to absorb liquid 200 and even 300 times its own weight. It is from sodium polyacrylate that artificial snow is produced, which can be bought at the store.

To create snow, you need to cut the diapers with scissors, remove the contents, pour into a container and slowly pour water into it, stirring the contents. The sodium polyacrylate should absorb the liquid.

Ready artificial snow should be similar to the real one both externally and to the touch. After mixing, the mass will be placed in the refrigerator for a while, and then create and enjoy the process.

snow from diapers

Toilet paper

Toilet paper, paper towels or tissues (all must be white) are torn into small pieces. The grated soap is placed in a glass or ceramic container, followed by a layer of paper.

The bowl is placed in the microwave for 30-40 seconds. Paper fibers after heat treatment become fluffy, rise, and the soap softens.

A little water is added to the mass, everything is thoroughly mixed and left in the refrigerator for 3 minutes. After that, the snow needs to be crushed again. From the resulting snow, you can sculpt whatever your heart desires.


Make artificial snow available materials everyone can. He will become great decoration, craft material and a fun toy for a child.

In winter, the streets are covered with a fluffy white carpet. What New Year is complete without snowflakes and snowdrifts? Such charm can be made at home to please the kids. We will find out what snow can be made from to decorate your apartment.

The main methods of making artificial snow

It is not necessary to buy to create artificial snowflakes special agent in

can. You can use the materials that are in your home. Yes, according to your imagination. Any hostess has a lot of materials that will fit for this simple job.

Very often they are made from the stuffing of diapers, polystyrene, paraffin wax, soap, packaging bags, paper, shaving foam, salt or sugar. Perhaps something else will come to your mind. Try to remember what is in your bins. Get everything you need.

Let's talk more about how to make artificial snow at home. Despite the fact that there are a lot of options, we will analyze the main ones.

Styrofoam snow

If you've got pieces of Styrofoam you don't need, they'll work just fine for fake snow.

By the way, this material is often used for packaging household appliances and equipment, so finding it will not be a problem.

Break the styrofoam into small pieces so that they are comfortable to hold in your hand. Take a grater and grind the material. Remember that the foam can scatter throughout the apartment. Better lay something on the floor. The resulting crumbs should be collected in some container. Actually, that's all. Here's how you can make fake snow without spending any money.

Styrofoam can decorate spruce branches. To do this, they should be coated with glue, for example, PVA and sprinkled with crumbs. It will look very nice. If you add more sparkle, then the snow-covered twig will sparkle.

Snow made from soap and shaving foam

Shaving foam is not cheap, so you should first consider whether you are ready for such expenses. If yes, then feel free to take the can in your hands. You will also need a pack baking soda and a big bowl. Pour the contents of the can into it and pour out the soda. Now you need to mix it all thoroughly. As a result, you should get a cool mass from which you can sculpt snowflakes.

To make snow from soap or paraffin, use a grater. Grind them up and mix them with baby powder. You get small flakes. To make the snow look like natural, take soap or a white candle.

Making snow from diapers

What else can make snow? From diapers. They just have to be new. They are

consist of sodium polyacrylate, which we need. We take scissors and cut the diapers, extracting the contents from them and folding it into the basin.

When you have gutted all the cooked diapers, pour some water into the basin. Stir the mass and wait until the liquid is absorbed into the polyacrylate. If you feel that there is not enough water, add and stir again.

After a short time, the mass will begin to resemble real snow. It can be put in the refrigerator for a short time. Then it will become even colder. This is how you can make snow with your own hands with the help of diapers.

What can you make snow for decoration from?

For decoration Christmas decorations or open, you can use a polymer

clay. It should be well crushed. You can do this with a hammer or coffee grinder. The resulting crumbs should be sprinkled with glue or other object. Such a snowball can be tinted by adding paint or ink. Here's how to make snow quickly and cheaply.

Small branches can be decorated with frost. It is made from edible salt and looks like a real one. We boil about 1.5 liters of water in a saucepan (a little more can be) and pour a kilogram of coarse salt into it. When it dissolves, dip a dry twig into the hot liquid and leave for a while. When the water has cooled, take it out and put it on a sheet of paper or oilcloth to let it cool. Frost is ready.

These snow making methods are great for decorating home interior and gifts. But besides this, the housewives want to decorate their holiday dishes. We will tell you how to make artificial snow at home that you can eat.

Making edible snow

snow for decoration festive dishes done very simply and quickly. The easiest

The way is to take sugar. They can decorate glasses. To do this, dip them in syrup, and then in sugar. Get the effect of snow spraying.

To decorate fruit and cake, beat until it turns into a uniform white foam. Apply the mixture with a brush and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top. Then put the fruit in the oven on a small fire. After 2 hours, they can be removed and put on. In this way, you can decorate any pastry.

For or a bird, you can make a similar glaze. Just use salt instead of sugar. Cover the dish with such a snowdrift and set to bake. The sauce will remain on the meat, giving the impression of a snow cover.

Now you know what you can make snow yourself. Use these tips and you will see how the household will be delighted with the splendor of the decoration of your apartment. In addition, you will have fun and give joy to children.

Snow. Soft, fluffy, delicate, fresh, sparkling, captivating & alluring. Cheerful Science offers to make snow with your own hands today. Make snow at home. Snow experiments and experiments will definitely appeal to children. Snow fairy tale is waiting for you. Welcome friends.

DIY sparkling snow

Ready to make fluffy, cold and very soft snow? The ingredients are simple and affordable. No hazardous ingredients. The recipe is easy. To make snow with your own hands, you need to carefully mix the following components together:

  • corn starch,
  • shaving gel,
  • mint extract (optional)
  • sequins.

DIY snow plasticine

Unexpected combination, agree. If you want to sculpt with a snow mass, then write down the recipe. The child will undoubtedly like this experience, it will be useful for training motor skills and developing tactile sensations. The magic of this modeling mass is the usual components and shimmering sheen. It doesn't take long to make snow. Take:

  • 2 cups baking soda
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 1 cup cold water,
  • a few drops of mint extract
  • sequins.

Mix all the ingredients of the recipe, except for the glitter, in a large saucepan. Simmer until the ingredients begin to bubble and the liquid begins to thicken. Whisking continuously, bring to a puree. Remove the saucepan from the stove. Transfer the mass to a deep cup, let cool, cover with a towel. Once cool, add rainbow glitter and knead into clay. How long to knead? Until you achieve the desired shine, smoothness, plasticity. In order for the snow clay to slightly cool children's hands, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Making your own snow colors

Can you paint with snow? Of course. But first you need to prepare snow paints. That is what we are going to do with you now. We have been preparing for this task in advance. In the evening they put shaving foam in the refrigerator, and in the morning they sent glue there (for 10 minutes). When everything was ready, they began to experiment.

In a deep bowl, shaving foam and glue were mixed in equal parts. Added glitter + a few drops of peppermint (to give a fresh smell) and mixed everything thoroughly. As you can see, the recipe is simple. And what wonderful drawings. Try it! Your child will love this fun! More more recipes see home and safe paints.

We make "silk" snow with a child, at home

When there is no way to go outside to play with snow in winter. Or there is no snow, but you miss it, ask your parents to arrange a snow fairy tale at home. And now I will tell you the recipe for silk snow:

  • frozen white bars of soap of any brand,
  • cheese grater,
  • sequins.

We send several bars of soap to the freezer for the night. Take out one piece and start rubbing the soap on a grater. The last step in this short process is adding rainbow glitter and peppermint extract. Your own homemade snow is ready. It's time to make a snowman.

Snow dough - a super recipe for home cooking

This recipe is based on just two simple ingredients:

  • 450 g cornstarch
  • 250 ml of any cosmetic body lotion.

Friends, to make snow dough, just mix these ingredients with each other and that's it. Adjust the density of the mass to your liking. Little advice: you can reward the dough with a pleasant coolness and special softness if you cool the ingredients before mixing. Want to keep the dough longer? Place it in a tightly sealed bag and refrigerate. If the dough becomes dry, mix it with your hands moistened with lotion.

Liquid snow - cooking at home with your child

I remind you that today we are making snow at home, together with the children. And therefore, most of the ingredients, before starting the experiment, need to be cooled or frozen. So, we take out starch from the freezer and little by little, add to it ice water until a not too liquid consistency is obtained.

Friends, if you have never made non-Newtonian fluids before, you are in for a magical surprise. Be vigilant, with active interaction, the mass becomes not only harder, but more viscous, and spreads at rest.

But that's not all. We have prepared for you the most complete selection of snow recipes that you can cook with your child at home.

Shaving foam artificial snow, a simple recipe for making at home

The process of squeezing shaving foam into a basin is an exciting experience in itself. Entrust this stage to the child, he will be wildly delighted. Empty the foam can? Great, it's time to gradually add soda (1 pack). The final step is to add glitter. Artificial snow is ready and you can sculpt figures from it. Cold homemade snow will turn out pleasant to the touch when it is pre-cooled in the refrigerator. Happy experimenting.

“Fragrant gentle snowball” for the entertainment of children

In previous recipes, we have added peppermint extract. The fresh smell is amazing. But if you want other flavors, then you will surely like the following recipe:

  • 2 cups of flour,
  • ¼ cup baby oil

The recipe is simple, and the snowball is tender (ideal for children with sensitive skin), with pleasant aroma. You will need a whisk for thorough mixing.

Important! The presence of oil in the recipe makes it difficult to clean up after the game.

Next in line is another recipe for unusual snow. Are you tired yet? Then we continue.

Making fake snow from a baby diaper

What progress has come to, science is striding across the planet with leaps and bounds, and now, today, we will tell you how to make snow from a diaper at home. Well, the components of this recipe are also simple:

  • baby diaper,
  • water,
  • fridge,
  • good mood(by the way, this is a required ingredient in all recipes).

Parents and teachers go to great lengths to bring joy, pleasure to the child and ignite a spark of interest in science. We all know that science is fun. The main thing is to find the right angle from which to show the child all the beauties of what awaits him tomorrow.

Today I suggest you gut a baby diaper and extract sodium polyacrylate from it. Important note! Transfer the whole mass into a deep cup and gradually, in small portions, pour water - continuously! Violation of technology and the snow will turn out to be too wet. Now it's time to add realism to our project, let's send the resulting snow to the refrigerator.

Dear scientists, are you tired of experiments yet? Merry Science has prepared for you some more entertaining instructions for making snow at home. It doesn't matter if it comes New Year tomorrow or six months later. Such entertainment is relevant in any season. The main thing is the desire and the availability of the necessary components at hand.

Do you have soap in your house? toilet paper? If yes, then I propose to make snow from these elements.

Making snow with foam polyethylene with children

Do you like the idea of ​​powdering the whole house before a magical holiday? Prepare some PVA glue and grease the surface you plan to decorate with a liquid solution. And now proceed to the process of making snow. Working with gloves will especially appeal to children and can be an amazing experience. It is necessary to grind polyethylene or polystyrene on a grater. As a basis, you can use packaging material for equipment, shoe inserts or foam. Add glitter to this airy mixture and enjoy the process of decorating.

We make decor, prepare frost from salt

Continuing the theme of decoration, I propose to make frost. To do this, you need to prepare the base - concentrated saline. We take a pan, pour a small amount of water into it and put it on low heat. Add salt to the pan until it no longer dissolves. We dip the branches of spruce, pine or any other plant in a hot solution and leave for a while. And now the science begins to work. The process of crystal formation starts, which goes much faster in warm water! We let the water drain and leave the plants to dry for 4-5 hours. That's all, you get frost-covered branches. Further decor is up to you. Send photos of your work in the comments to this article. What innovation can you make to the recipe?

Artificial snow for the "snowball"

Glass bowl- an exciting children's toy. In such a ball, you can add ordinary sparkles. But then the experiment will fail. Therefore, we take a white paraffin candle, rub it on a fine grater. Everything, the snow is ready. And to create a "snowball" we need a ball, water, glycerin and artificial snow flakes. You can add shimmery accents with the help of sparkles. We close the container hermetically and when shaking, the snow falls smoothly to the bottom.

PVA snow and starch

We take and carefully mix the initial components together:

  • 2 tablespoons starch,
  • 2 tablespoons PVA
  • 2 tablespoons silver paint

Congratulations! You just got great snow for voluminous decoration of any craft for kindergarten or interior decoration.

Cooking a mass that imitates snow

Starting Components:

  • fine quartz sand / semolina or styrofoam crumb,
  • white acrylic,
  • thick pva glue
  • sequins.

When everything you need is ready, we begin the cooking process. Follow the instructions, follow the steps:

  1. Pour 250 gr (full faceted glass) of your chosen material into a deep plate.
  2. In that bulk material start adding white acrylic paint. Our task is to ensure that loose particles stick together, but do not float in the slurry.
  3. Now it's time to add thick (this is important) PVA glue. We try to achieve elasticity and ductility. Add PVA little by little.
  4. And the last, very important touch - sparkles. Thoroughly mix our artificial snow and ... everything !!!

sugar snow

This recipe is suitable for decorating children's (and not only) holidays. Before pouring juice, compote or cocktail into a glass, do a simple manipulation. Dip the rim of the glass (glass) in water or syrup. Made? Now you need to dip the wet edges in sugar. The best way to do this is on a tray. Here's a quick and easy way to make festive, snow-covered glasses.

Salty "snow" for meat

Young chefs can provide invaluable help to adults and prepare decorations New Year's table- meat.

For this recipe we need:

  • a pinch of salt;
  • egg white;
  • mixer.

Put the egg white and a pinch of salt into a deep cup. Now turn on the mixer and beat our liquid mass into a steep foam. What's next, you ask?

We take meat, for example, chicken and put this impromptu snow on it. Made? Wonderful. It's time to send the meat to the oven. The result of our culinary experience is a delicious and festive dish: a chicken in a snowdrift!

These are the recipes for creating a magical snowy atmosphere at home, prepared for you by Merry Science. Write about the progress of your experiments in the comments. Submit your photos. Show your masterpieces to the scientific world. Tell us about all the stages of your preparation for the New Year. But remember that if you want winter in summer, open this page and feel free to make snow. Summer! In your own kitchen with your kids! It will be a lot of fun!

In this collection, we could miss something. Therefore, if you have your own recipe “how to make artificial snow at home” and you want to tell everyone about it, we are waiting for your letter. We will be happy to publish your New Year's experiments.

Artificial snow is useful for a variety of crafts and New Year's compositions. The process of making snow will help you have fun with your kids. How to make artificial snow at home, so that it is quite simple and budget? We have prepared 20 different artificial snow options for you - try it and share your impressions. Real snow is soft, creaky, fluffy, cold and smells of freshness, while artificial snow options do not completely repeat the real one. We offer various options snow - "snow" plasticine, from which you can make a snowman, "snow" slime, crumbly snow, shimmering, "snow" paint for drawing and other interesting versions. But they all look like snow and will definitely appeal to children.

How to make artificial snow at home

1. Shining snow

It turns out cold, fluffy and very soft.


  • Two boxes of corn starch / corn flour
  • Shaving gel
  • Mint extract (optional)
  • Glitter or mica

2. Snow clay


  • 2 cups baking soda
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 1 and 1/2 cups cold water
  • A few drops of mint extract
  • sequins

3. Snow slime


  • 2 cups of PVA glue
  • 1.5 cups hot water
  • sequins

Optional: a few drops of mint extract to give the slime a frosty flavor

Mix in a small bowl

In a second bowl, mix

3/4 teaspoon borax

1.3 cups hot water

Combine the contents of both bowls and mix with your hands for several minutes until the mass begins to stretch.

4. Snow paint


  • Shaving gel
  • PVA school glue
  • Peppermint extract
  • Glitter

5. "Silk" snow


  • Frozen white soap bars (any brand)
  • cheese grater
  • sequins
  • Peppermint extract

Method of preparation - send the soap overnight in the freezer. In the morning, you can get it one piece at a time and grate it. Fluffy snow will be obtained, in which sparkles and mint extract can be added. It is perfectly sculpted, and you can make a snowman or any other figurine.

6. Snow dough


  • Corn starch (freeze overnight to keep snow dough cold)
  • Lotion (refrigerate overnight to keep the snow dough cold)
  • sequins

7. "Liquid" snow


  • Frozen cornstarch
  • Ice water
  • Peppermint extract
  • sequins

In the starch that you got from the freezer, you need to add ice water until the desired consistency is obtained. It is recommended to add little by little so that the “snow” does not turn out to be too liquid.

Also, if you've never made non-Newtonian fluids before, you might be in for a surprise. Because with active interaction, the mass becomes harder and more viscous, and at rest it spreads.

8. Snow from shaving foam


  • 1 can of shaving foam
  • 1.5 packs of soda
  • glitter (optional)

Squeeze the contents of the can of foam into the bowl and gradually add soda. You will get a very pleasant mass of snow, from which you can sculpt figures.

9. Polyethylene foam snow


  • foamed polyethylene (used as packaging material for equipment, glass; shoe inserts) or foam;
  • small grater.
  • We work with gloves. We grind polyethylene or polystyrene on a grater and ... Voila! Fluffy flakes all over your house!!! If you add sparkles, then the snow will also sparkle. You can powder anything with this snow if you first lubricate the surface with liquid (diluted with water) PVA glue.

10. Polymer clay snow


Remains of dried polymer clay (plastic).

Needlewomen often keep the remains of polymer clay, which is a pity to throw away. It is very convenient to grind it with your hands, and then with a coffee grinder. It turns out a light and multi-colored (when using colored clay) snowball, which can be used to decorate postcards and other hand-made products.

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Don't know how to make artificial snow? We have prepared the top 15 fastest and simple recipes. Artificial snow is almost indistinguishable from the real one!

For crafts with children, interior decoration or for decorating festive dishes, it is often necessary to create a snowy effect. Artificial snow is sold in bottles and in bulk, but the prices for it are almost like oil. To financial side the question did not limit the creative, we offer to make snow on our own.

Recipe #1

- foamed polyethylene (used as a packaging material for equipment, glass; shoe inserts) or foam;
- small grater.

Work with gloves so that the snow does not stick to your hands. Grind polyethylene or polystyrene on a grater (with a stick, fork). Voila! Fluffy flakes are now all over the house. To make the snow even sparkle, add sparkles.

If you want to powder specific objects with such a snowball, grease the surface with PVA liquid glue. Toddlers like to crush the foam with their hands, watch how it sticks to their fingers. Do not deprive them of this joy, especially since such an activity remarkably develops fine motor skills. If the foam consists of large solid balls, it is not necessary to rub it on a grater, you can manually break it into small crumbs.

Recipe #2

- the remains of dried polymer clay (plastic).

Needlewomen often have the remains of polymer clay, which is a pity to throw away. If you grind it with your hands, and then with a coffee grinder, you get a light and multi-colored (when using colored clay) snowball. Such artificial snow can be used to decorate postcards and other hand-made products.

Recipe #3

- coarse salt;
- water.

Fill a saucepan with a little water and place over low heat. Add salt until it no longer dissolves. Dip the plants (beautifully curved tree branches, spruce or pine legs with cones) into the hot solution and leave for a day. Sparkling frost is guaranteed! If you add brilliant green, food coloring or ink to the salt solution, then the frost will turn out to be colored! Plants treated in this way look beautiful in winter bouquets and for a long time do not lose their attractiveness.

Recipe #4

– white baby soap or a candle.

Rub the soap (candle) on a fine grater. If you mix such snow with talc (baby powder), then it is quite possible to decorate a children's craft, drawing. Another option is to use such snow to make toys "a la snowball”, when glycerin and artificial snow are added to the water (you can also use sparkles or finely chopped rain). The container is hermetically sealed and when shaken, the snow falls smoothly to the bottom.

Recipe number 5

- semolina.

Semolina can perfectly imitate snow on postcards or children's drawings. Apply glue to the place that needs to be covered with snow and sprinkle with semolina. Shake off the rest after drying. Instead of semolina, you can glue crystals of sea salt.

Recipe #6

- PVA glue;
- shaving foam.

Mix equal proportions of PVA glue and shaving foam. You will get a wonderful airy snow paint. You can add glitter to the paint. With this paint you can draw snowflakes, snowmen, polar bears and winter landscapes. After some time, the paint will harden, and you will get a three-dimensional winter picture.

Recipe number 7

For crafts with kids, you can use torn white paper. This exercise is very useful for motor skills.

Recipe number 8

As snow, you can use cotton pads, synthetic winterizer, foam balls.

Recipe #9

- sugar.

Dip the rim of the glass (glass) in water or syrup, and then in sugar.

Recipe number 10

- gum arabic;
- egg white.

With the help of these components, non-poisonous and non-bitter plants can be candied. For example, flowers of pear, apple, cherry, rose, violet, primrose, lemon, begonia, chrysanthemum, gladiolus, pansies. Candied leaves of mint, lemon balm, geranium are obtained beautiful and very fragrant. Dissolve 12 g of gum arabic with constant stirring in ¼ cup of hot water (in a water bath). Cool the solution. Prepare sugar syrup: 100 g of sugar in ¼ cup of water. Also cool. On plants, apply with a brush first a solution of gum arabic, and then sugar syrup. Sprinkle with fine granulated sugar (but not powdered). Dry on parchment paper or tracing paper. Such "snowy" beauty will not deteriorate for several months. With these flowers you can decorate a birthday cake or your favorite pies.

Recipe #11

- egg white;
- sugar.

Beat egg white and sugar until foamy. Apply with a brush to the petals of the plant and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Put the plants prepared in this way on parchment and put in the oven on a small fire. Two hours later you can admire the beauty!

Recipe #12

- a pinch of salt;
- egg white.

Beat the egg white and a pinch of salt in a steep foam with a mixer. Lay this impromptu snow on the meat and send it to the oven! Surprise your guests with a chicken in a snowdrift! Never-fading Frost patterns on the windows

Recipe #13

- beer;
- magnesium or urea.

Real frosty patterns can be made on glasses if you apply a solution of beer and magnesia (sold in a pharmacy). Wash and dry the glass. Dissolve 50 g of magnesia or urea in 1/2 cup of light beer and apply to glass. You can use a brush, sponge or cotton swab. When applied, mimic frosty "feathers" and swirls. When the liquid begins to dry out, crystals will begin to appear on the glass, similar to real frost patterns. You can use a hair dryer to speed up the drying of the glass. This solution is easily washed off window panes. You can decorate glass very beautifully in interior doors or on the platform in the entrance.

Recipe #14

- PVA glue;
- powdered sugar.

In order to write congratulations or draw pictures on glass, you can use regular glue and powdered sugar. Apply the design with a brush or stencil and dust with powder. The only negative is that the pattern can “float” if condensation accumulates on the glass. Having decorated the glass with frosty stains, do not forget about the window sill.

Recipe #15

- water;
- sodium hyposulfite.

Don't let sodium hyposulfite scare you, you can find it in photography stores or chemical supply stores. It is also called sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate (this is a photographic fixer). Dissolve 30–40 g of sodium hyposulfite in half a glass of water and apply the mixture to the glass. Wait for it to dry. The crystals are dense, white, opaque.

Which of the recipes to use - decide for yourself. It all depends on what you need snow for, what effect you want to achieve. Sometimes it’s enough just to scatter (or stick) pieces of padding polyester, cotton pads, paper confetti. Sometimes you need a texture paste or fluffy small granules. Nobody canceled the old proven way of painting on glass with white gouache and toothpaste. In fact, there are a lot of options to create a truly winter mood! Do not wait for "manna from heaven", create a "snowy" mood for yourself right now!

Dear readers! What snow recipes do you know? Have you tried making snow with the kids yourself? Share your tips in the comments.