Weigela - varieties, planting, care, propagation. Weigela shrub is an excellent decoration for a country garden. Weigela types and varieties

A low shrub with slightly hanging shoots. It is decorative thanks to its variegated foliage - green, with a yellow border and abundant flowering of bright ruby ​​bell-shaped flowers.

Crown diameter of an adult plant (m): 2

Height of an adult plant (m): 2.5


Weigela Brigela is a low shrub with slightly hanging shoots. It is decorative thanks to its variegated, green foliage with a yellow border and abundant flowering of bright ruby ​​bell-shaped flowers.

The leaves are green with a yellow border, oblong, pointed in shape.

The flowers are numerous, bright ruby, bell-shaped.


Demanding on soils. You should choose places protected from the wind.

Plant in a mixture of humus or leaf soil, sand and turf soil in a ratio of 2:2:1. The distance between bushes when planting is 2-3 m. Planting depth is 50-60 cm; the root collar should be at ground level. Drainage is required.

It is better to plant in the spring.


In the fall, you can bury the seedlings in an inclined position, covering the crown with earth. Shelter is required for the winter. In spring, it is necessary to remove frozen shoots. After flowering, pruning is necessary. The plant must be loosened after watering: trunk circle, with a diameter of 2 meters, loosen to a depth of 5-8 cm. Mulch sawdust, layer 10 cm.

Do not over-moisten the soil, because... flowering intensity decreases.

Weigela is a deciduous shrub of the honeysuckle family. Wild varieties live in eastern and South-East Asia, on Far East and the island of Java. Decorative weigela is very popular in Europe, where it often decorates homestead areas, parks and gardens. In our climatic conditions, gardeners can rightfully be proud of the presence of weigela on their site, since not everyone is able to grow and preserve a flowering plant.

Features of growing weigela

To grow this shrub, it is not enough to choose the right variety; it is important to take into account the characteristics of the microclimate and provide the weigela with proper care. Decorative weigela is moisture-loving and loves well-lit spaces, although it takes root well in the shade of sparse tree crowns. True, flowering in the shade will be weak, and the seeds will ripen late. The flower does not tolerate wind, especially from the north, so you need to choose protected places for growing.

IN garden design weigels are planted in hedges, in clumps or singly; low-growing species look great on alpine roller coaster. Weigels can be combined into groups, mixed with other shrubs (barberry, spirea, buldenezh) or with junipers.

At proper care Weigela flowering can occur twice a year - in May-June and in August-September. The second flowering is not very lush, but at the end of May the branches are completely covered with white, yellow, pink or red bell flowers. The color of the petals of this flower changes: young inflorescences gradually acquire a rich color.


Weigela is planted in the ground in the spring. The earth should warm up, but the buds are not yet swelling at this time. After autumn planting, shrubs often die in the first winter. Find an elevated, well-lit area on the south side of the house. Please note that in a draft, the shrub is unlikely to bloom or will fall off at the bud stage.

Weigels love loose and rich soil with humus - loamy or sandy loam with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. Of all the types of shrubs, only Middendorf's weigela grows on peaty soil. Seedlings older than three years are suitable for planting.

Ways to plant weigela

Weigela needs loose and permeable soil. Excessive moisture for shrubs is contraindicated; do not plant bushes in areas where water stagnates for a long time after floods or groundwater fit too high. Make acidic soil before planting the bush (in autumn).

Advice. Many seedlings autumn planting do not take root, so postpone the procedure until early spring, burying the seedlings at an angle and covering most of the crown with soil.

When preparing a hole for planting, the quality of the soil is taken into account. In rich soil, a depression of 30-40 cm is sufficient; if the soil is poor, the depth should be increased. Create improved conditions for the plant by placing on the bottom:

  • drainage (15 cm of broken bricks, sand or gravel),
  • a layer of fertile soil fertilized with nitrophoska (100 g per 1.5 buckets of compost).

The bush will take root easier if you treat the roots with a root formation stimulator.

Large varieties of weigela require free space so that they can develop normally. When planting several bushes, place them at a distance of at least one and a half meters. For small varieties, a gap of 70-80 centimeters will be quite sufficient.

Carefully straighten the roots of the seedling and make sure that no voids form when you fill the soil.

Attention! Do not bury the root collar more than 2 centimeters, so that after the soil settles it will be flush with the surface.

When the seedlings are placed in the ground, water thoroughly and mulch the area. The seedlings should be watered abundantly for another 3-4 days. If the summer is dry, water the young bushes regularly; next year the watering may be more moderate.

Caring for weigela is easy: moderate watering, removing weeds, loosening the soil, fertilizing and pruning. This plant needs no more attention than many other flowering shrubs.

In a mulched area, frequent watering is not required. After a winter with little snow, especially when the shoots are frozen, in the spring the bushes are watered abundantly - 10 liters of water for each plant. The same watering regime is followed in dry, hot summers - a bucket of water every week. To provide air access to the root system and remove weeds, carefully loosen the soil around the bush without damaging the roots.

Important! If the bush is located in a dry area, aphids can settle on it, affecting the leaves and young branches. Keep an eye on the plant and regularly wash it with a strong stream of water.

Feeding and fertilizer

If, when planting bushes, you added nitrophoska and compost to the soil, you do not need to fertilize it in the next two years. In the third year, you should begin to stimulate the growth of leaves and shoots. To do this in the spring, when the snow has not yet completely melted, it is advisable to apply fertilizer under the bushes:

  • urea - 20 g/sq.m;
  • superphosphate - 10 g/sq.m;
  • potassium salt - 10 g/sq.m.

You can fertilize with ammophoska, diammophoska, Kemira-Lux or other fertilizer with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.

The second feeding will be useful when developing buds at the end of spring. Superphosphate (30 g per bush) is suitable. After this, the weigela will bloom luxuriantly, and the branches will strengthen for winter.

Before autumn digging, carry out the third fertilizing wood ash(200 g per square meter). “Kemira – Autumn” works well, the dosage is indicated in the instructions.

Attention! After each feeding, water the bush generously and spray with soapy water and alcohol.

Weigela pruning

Weigela, like all shrubs, needs regular pruning. Sanitary pruning is carried out on young bushes. In early spring, cut off frozen, broken and unnecessary branches.

Mature plants require pruning to form a bush. When the first flowering ends, carefully trim the plant. This must be done before new shoots appear, on which flowers will bloom at the end of summer. If you were unable to prune the bush in time, skip the summer trimming, otherwise there will be no second flowering.

The third pruning is carried out once every three or four years to rejuvenate the bush. Remove all old branches (3 years or more), and shorten by a third. Stimulating pruning promotes the appearance of young shoots and prevents diseases that could settle in the bark of old branches. You can give the weigele a radical shake-up by cutting off all the shoots - after which the bush will quickly recover.

Advice. Between spring and autumn flowering, lighten mature bushes by trimming old shoots at the base.

Weigela transplant

Do not take literally the recommendations to replant plants, especially garden ones, in the spring. We are talking about transplantation only when emergency: in case of an unsuccessfully chosen location, unsuitable soil, shade, etc. If replanting is necessary, it should be done in the spring, but do not replant the plants every year.

Dig out the weigela very carefully, try to preserve the roots as much as possible. Clean and Inspect root system, check for signs of disease, decay, plaque and other pathological changes. If you see that the roots are very damaged, there is no point in replanting the bush; it is better to grow a new plant from a cutting.

Advice. If you dig up a plant and find that its roots are intertwined in a tangle, try to untangle them without damaging them..

Do not replant the bush in the fall, since the probability of survival in this case is too low - the roots will not be able to take root and will die.

The shrub can be propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering.

Propagation by seeds

The seeds ripen in September, by November the capsules crack and collection can begin. seed material. Tie a few seed pods with gauze and cut them off when the seeds are completely ripe. Shake the contents onto paper and dry. Place the dried seeds in a paper bag and set aside in a dark, dry place until spring. The seeds remain viable for 1-2 years, but weigels grown from seeds almost never retain the varietal characteristics of their parent.

At home, you can sow seeds in a pot and create greenhouse conditions for them. In the spring the shoots will emerge; leave the strongest ones until next year. Then the seedlings can be transplanted into a schoolhouse or planted under an adult bush for two years. The process, as you can see, is complex and long, and the result is unpredictable. We recommend propagating weigela vegetatively.

Vegetative propagation

It is much easier to propagate weigela with young green shoots, semi-lignified cuttings, shoots from a stump and layering.

Green cuttings

Cut off young shoots current year, cut off the leaves completely or leave half the leaf blade. Treat one edge of the cutting with a root formation stimulator.

Planted out green cuttings at the end of June. Prepare the soil from peat and sand, upper layer– sand (3 cm). It is enough to deepen the cutting by 1 cm and cover it with the cut plastic bottle or film. Every day, let the cuttings breathe by raising the cover for several hours. The probability of rooting of a green cutting is very high, there are almost no failures.

Weigela grown in this way begins to bloom after two years. In order for the plant to develop more actively, it is recommended to cut off the buds.

Last year's cuttings

In early spring, cut off the semi-lignified cuttings. This must be done before the leaves begin to bloom. Treat the end with a rooting stimulator. You can plant the cuttings in a pot or open ground. In the second case, choose a slightly shaded place. Cover the cutting with a jar and ventilate it daily. Growing weigela from a semi-lignified cutting is somewhat more difficult than from a green shoot. If it appears in a month new escape This means that rooting has occurred and the cutting can be pinched.

Young shoots from a stump

With this method of propagation, rooting occurs in the same way as in the cases described above.


This shrub, like many others, often grows branches inclined to the ground. Bend such a shoot and scratch the bark where it touches the soil. Lubricate with root formation stimulator, pin and sprinkle with soil. Next year you will receive a full-fledged seedling. Disconnect the cuttings from the bush and place them in the designated place.

Dividing the bush

This method is usually used to propagate herbaceous plants, but shrubs can also be divided if they have grown too much, or when transplanting.

Dig up the bush during the dormant period and wash it off the ground. Divide the plant into parts; young roots along the edges of the bush are suitable for propagation. Before planting, trim all branches so that the root system can develop without unnecessary stress. Plants after division are immediately planted in the ground.

Weigela flowering

Many varieties of this shrub are good not only for their bright tubular bell flowers, but also for their leaves. Weigela foliage is velvety, green or purple, with a white border. But the main advantage of this species is still its abundant twice flowering. The first time weigels bloom on last year's shoots, and the second flowering occurs on young branches. Autumn flowering is not as active as spring, but the bush strewn with fluffy flowers still looks highest degree spectacular. Flowers in pockets of leaves are collected in inflorescences on the tops of the shoots. The size of each flower can reach five centimeters.

Problems, diseases, pests

Weigela rarely gets sick and is resistant to pests, but if there are signs of damage, it is necessary to take Urgent measures. The disease is indicated by the active falling of leaves, the appearance white plaque, spots of yellow or purple color.

Common pests of shrubs are aphids and scale insects. A timely detected problem can be easily eliminated after two treatments of the crown with any insecticide. Infusions of hot pepper, garlic or potato tops are also effective. Leaf spotting is treated with fungicides, a mixture of lime milk and copper sulfate or Topsin.

If the seedlings turn yellow and wither, their roots may be damaged by mole cricket larvae or chafer, brought in with compost. Water the soil with karbofos or actara.

It is much more difficult to overcome bacterial root canker, in which round swellings appear on the roots and harden over time. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to fight this disease and it is better to remove the bush before neighboring plants become infected.

Popular types

The bush reaches one and a half meters. This species has burgundy-colored leaves and red-pink flowers. This type feels good in the middle zone. Shoots quickly recover after freezing.

A dwarf shrub with variegated leaves and clusters of white-pink or crimson flowers. Slow growth, suitable for rocky gardens.

The leaves of this type of weigela are distinguished by a white border on the edges of the leaves. Reaches one and a half meters in height.

A purple variety with a dense crown. Red-brown leaves and flowers rich color with a yellow throat make this species especially popular.

Or Weigela Middendorf - the most winter-hardy species, suitable for growing on open spaces and under the trees.

A group of weigela obtained as a result of hybridization. They are most adapted to the climate of the southern territories. The color of leaves and inflorescences is varied. Weigela flowers in wildlife are odorless, but hybridization has made it possible to endow the inflorescences with a subtle aroma.

  • In winter, weigela bushes freeze above the level of snow cover, so choose a place on the site where the snowdrifts are high.
  • After snowfalls and in the spring, when the snow becomes heavy, shake off the weigela branches to prevent them from breaking off.

It is useful to treat the bush with infusions:

  • onion peel (200 g leave for 5 days in 10 liters of water);
  • garlic (300 g of crushed, unpeeled garlic, soak for 24 hours in 10 liters of water);
  • potato tops (1 kg pour 10 liters of hot water and leave for 2 hours).

Spraying of plants is carried out in the evening.

Answers on questions

How long does a shrub live?

If you managed to create favorable conditions and organize good care, the shrub can live up to 50 years.

Why doesn't weigela bloom?

The plant may not bloom in the shade; due to lack of light, the shoots become woody, and flowering becomes very scarce or completely absent. Another reason is insufficient watering and lack of fertilizing. If these obstacles are excluded, pay attention to the root system; it may be damaged by pests.

How should the bush be cared for in winter?

After leaf fall, in October-November, the tree trunk area must be sprinkled with soil to a height of 20 cm. Bend the branches to the ground and press, being careful not to damage them. Cover the bush with roofing felt (spunbond) and strengthen the “roof” so that the wind does not tear it off in winter. The branches can not be bent, but tied together with twine, and the bush can be fenced with a net. Place dry leaves and spruce branches inside this structure. Properly insulate the structure. If weigela is left unprotected, the shoots will die in frost and flowering will not occur.

Rhubarb can not be found on everyone garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! The large green or red rosette of leaves of the plant, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

3 delicious sandwiches - cucumber sandwich, chicken sandwich, cabbage and meat sandwich - great idea for a quick snack or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables juicy chicken And cream cheese and some seasonings. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening periods - 55-60 and late ones - at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious plants“background” sansevieria does not seem boring to those who value minimalism. They are better suited than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal care. Stable decorativeness and extreme hardiness in only one species of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - rosette sansevieria Hana. The squat rosettes of their tough leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months of the garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balanced distribution of favorable and unfavorable days for working with plants according to the lunar calendar. Vegetable gardening in June can be done throughout the entire month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do it useful work. There will be optimal days for sowing and planting, for pruning, for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for holiday menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this is the preferred meat for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, are the best choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - boletus mushrooms, boletus and other delicacies is best prepared for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious ones and with interesting, non-trivial foliage colors. I have various Japanese spirea, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry... And there is one special shrub, which I will talk about in this article - viburnum leaf. To fulfill my dream of a low-maintenance garden, it is perhaps ideal. At the same time, it is capable of greatly diversifying the picture in the garden, from spring to autumn.

It is no coincidence that June remains one of the favorite months of gardeners. The first harvest, new crops in the vacant spaces, rapid growth of plants - all this cannot but rejoice. But the main enemies of gardeners and garden bed dwellers – pests and weeds – also use every opportunity this month to spread. Work on crops this month is waning, and planting seedlings is reaching its peak. The lunar calendar in June is balanced for vegetables.

Many dacha owners, when developing their territory, think about creating a lawn. The imagination usually draws magic pictures– an even carpet of green grass, a hammock, a sun lounger, a barbecue and beautiful trees and shrubs around the perimeter... But when faced with laying out a lawn in practice, many are surprised to learn that creating a beautiful, even lawn is not so easy. And, it would seem, everything was done correctly, but here and there strange bumps appear or weeds sprout.

June chart gardening work capable of surprising anyone with its richness. In June, even lawns and ponds require attention. Alone ornamental plants have already finished flowering and need pruning, others are just getting ready for the upcoming show. And sacrifice decorative garden in order to take better care of the ripening harvest is not the best idea. IN lunar calendar There will be time in June to plant new perennials and potted arrangements.

Cold pork leg terrine - a meat appetizer from the category budget recipes, because pork legs are one of the cheapest parts of the carcass. Despite the modest ingredients, appearance dishes and their taste top level! Translated from French, this “game dish” is a cross between pate and casserole. Since in times of technical progress there have been fewer game hunters, terrine is often prepared from livestock meat, fish, vegetables, and cold terrines are also made.

In cute pots or fashionable florariums, on walls, tables and window sills - succulents can withstand weeks without watering. They do not change their character and do not accept conditions that are comfortable for most capricious indoor plants. And their diversity will allow everyone to find their favorite. Sometimes looking like stones, sometimes like fancy flowers, sometimes like extravagant sticks or lace, fashionable succulents have long been not limited only to cacti and fat plants.

Trifle with strawberries - light dessert, common in England, USA and Scotland. I think this dish is prepared everywhere, just called differently. Trifle consists of 3-4 layers: fresh fruit or fruit jelly, biscuit or sponge cake, whipped cream. Usually cooked custard for a layer, but for a light dessert they prefer to do without it, whipped cream is enough. This dessert is prepared in a deep transparent salad bowl so that the layers are visible.

Weeds are bad. They prevent you from growing cultivated plants. Some wild herbs and shrubs are poisonous or can cause allergies. At the same time, many weeds can bring great benefits. They are used and how medicinal herbs, and as an excellent mulch or component of green fertilizer, and as a means of repelling harmful insects and rodents. But in order to properly fight or use this or that plant for good, it needs to be identified.

Weigela. This spectacular shrub, part of the Honeysuckle family, unfortunately, can rarely be found in gardens and on summer cottages. In total, about 15 species of weigela are known, in natural conditions in all their diversity they can be found in East Asia. In Russia, in the south of the Far East, only 3 species grow (V. Middendorf, V. early, V. pleasant).

Weigela has been cultivated since the mid-nineteenth century, when different kinds This plant was introduced to Europe. Despite the fact that the birthplace of this crop is Japan and China, it grows well in the south and in middle lane Russia. The modern assortment of weigela includes one and a half hundred varieties and hybrids.


Weigela - decorative beautiful flowering shrub, some of its types with favorable conditions bloom twice per season. Flowering dates different types and varieties are slightly different, but in general, its beginning is the end of May - the beginning of June (this is why weigela is called the “messenger of heat”), and the duration is 3 – 4 weeks. The second flowering is possible in late summer - early autumn. This time it will be less lush and lasting.

In weigela beautiful flowers up to 5 cm long, their shape resembles a small funnel or bell. The color palette is incredibly varied and includes numerous shades of red, pink, cream and white flowers. The flowers are either collected in inflorescences or arranged singly.

Types and varieties of weigela

Of particular interest to plant lovers are several species and varieties of weigela, which can be successfully grown in the south and central zone of our country. Here they are.

Weigela middendorffiana

Under natural conditions it grows in Sakhalin and the Far East, as well as in the northeastern part of China. This is a shrub that sheds its leaves every year. It grows in height from one to one and a half meters. The oval-elongated leaves have a pointed end. Yellowish or grayish-yellow tubular flowers with bright orange dots, reaching a length of 3-4 cm. It blooms twice per season. Once in the spring (early May), and the second time in August-September. Quite small seeds with wings ripen in an elongated capsule.

Weigela suavis

Weigela pleasanta is extremely rarely found among amateur gardeners, although its spectacular and openwork bush is very decorative. This crop is a shrub reaching a height of 1.3 meters. The oval-lanceolate leaves of a bright green hue change color in mid-September. The shrub sheds its leaves in October. The pinkish-lilac flowers with a soft pink inner surface, reminiscent of a funnel in shape, especially attract attention. Typically flowering occurs from May 10 to the end of June. For the second time, this species can bloom in late August - early September.

Early weigela (Weigela praecox)

This is a tall (up to 2 m in height) shrub with a dense crown. Flowering occurs in May and lasts 2-3 weeks. The flowers are pink, pubescent, collected in several pieces on drooping peduncles.

Hybrid weigela is the union of several hybrids that were obtained by crossing profusely flowering weigela, Korean and flowering weigela. When designing landscape compositions, various varieties of these hybrids are most often used.

Eva Rathke

Among the old varieties that are still in demand, it is worth highlighting the Eva Rathke variety. This hybrid was obtained in Poland and can be purchased today on the website of the Union of Polish Nurseries. The bushes, about one meter high and 2 to 3 meters wide, have a compact crown shape.

A large number of green leaves with sharp end 6 to 10 cm long cover branches along the entire length. Brilliant flowers reddish-pink in color with a lighter inner surface and shaped like tubes. Flowering occurs from June to August.


Hybrid "Rosea" attracts attention with large pink flowers with white specks. The crown of the bush, one and a half meters high, is formed by smoothly curving branches. It has good winter hardiness; this hybrid requires only a small shelter for the winter.

Bristol Ruby

Also a fairly well-known hybrid is “Bristol Ruby”, which is characterized by rapid growth. I like it for its rather large bushes with a height of 2.5 to 3 meters and a width of up to 3.5 meters. Particularly attractive are flowers that have reddish-ruby edges and reddish-orange inner surface. Flowering lasts from June to July.


The Styriaka variety was obtained through the selection of profusely flowering weigela and Korean weigela. Beautiful pinkish flowers, reminiscent of strawberries in color, reach a length of 2.5-3 cm. During abundant flowering, which occurs in May–June, the bushes are covered with “pinkish” foam. Towards the end of flowering, the color of the flowers changes from pink to reddish brown.

Planting weigela, choosing a location and soil

Although weigela is a fairly unpretentious crop, some of its biological characteristics must be taken into account when choosing a site where it will constantly grow.

Landing dates

Weigela is planted in spring (March-April) and autumn (before frost), and in southern and subtropical regions throughout the year, excluding short frosty periods.

Landing location

It is best to select a location in well-lit areas, protected from powerful winds and air currents, especially northern ones. You can also plant weigela under the openwork crowns of trees, but it must be borne in mind that this culture shows all its beauty only in maximum light.

It is undesirable to place the plant in lowlands, where the weigela is likely to freeze out.

Soil and planting holes

The soil at the planting site must be nutritious, light, permeable and, at the same time, capable of retaining moisture. Natural views weigels prefer to grow on soils with a slightly acidic reaction (pH 5.5-6.5). And various varieties develop better on lands with a neutral reaction (pH 6.5-7.0).

Planting holes are dug 50x50x50 cm in size, the distance between bushes is maintained from 2 to 3 meters. For low-growing varieties– 1-1.5 m.

If the soil at the planting site is not suitable for any properties, it is replaced with a mixture consisting of turf soil and leaf humus. In this case, the width and length of the pit are increased to one meter, and the depth remains the same - half a meter. The bottom must be loosened by a few centimeters. It is imperative to improve the moisture capacity of the soil in places where there is severe disadvantage moisture in the soil, for example, by adding high peat.

Planting technology

Three-year-old seedlings are usually used to plant this shrub.

    During planting, the roots are carefully distributed throughout the entire volume of the hole and filled in, leaving no voids.

    When finished, the soil must be watered big amount water.

    More soil is added after the soil settles.

    Mulch the area around the bush with peat chips or wood chips.

    The shoots of the seedling are cut in half. If a flowering specimen is used for planting, there is no need to trim the shoots.

How to save a weigela seedling until spring

If you purchased a seedling in the fall too late and it is no longer possible to plant it, save it planting material until spring you can do it in one of two ways.

The first is to bury the seedling in the garden at an angle, and also cover the branches with earth. In the spring, dig up after the snow melts and plant in due time.

The second way is to keep it indoors by planting it in a pot. With moderate watering, you need to wait until the leaves on the weigel fall off. Next, you need to keep the plant in cool conditions, at a temperature of 1-6 degrees, even short-term small negative temperatures are allowed. You need to water very sparingly, not allowing the soil to dry out completely.

At the end of winter, when the buds swell and growth begins, the bush should be moved to a bright place. Increase watering, but moderately; in April you can begin to apply fertilizers and, if necessary, shape the crown.

In May, when the return frosts have passed, weigela can be planted in a prepared place in the garden. Protect from bright sun for the first two weeks after planting.

Reproduction methods

This culture reproduces well both with the help seeds, so cuttings. Moreover, various types of weigela can be propagated by seed method, and new plants from varietal bushes are obtained only with the help of cuttings.


Shoots for cuttings are harvested twice a season.

For the first time this is done in March, when the buds have not yet opened.

    Cuttings 8 to 10 cm long are cut from lignified vegetative shoots (not flowering).

    To speed up rooting, stimulants are used to form roots (the cuttings are kept in the drug solution for 4-5 hours).

    The harvested parts of the shoots are almost completely buried in a mixture consisting of coarse sand and crushed high-moor peat. Take one part of each component.

    The cuttings are planted at a distance of 25 cm from each other in partial shade.

    As soon as the shoots on the cuttings begin to grow, it means they have taken root. Now it’s time to plant them several at a time in containers filled with a mixture of peat, river sand, clay and garden soil.

    Caring for such young seedlings consists of regular watering, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers with the addition of microelements and pinching shoots when they reach a height of 5 cm.

    At good care By the beginning of autumn, the bushes grow up to 20-25 cm. The next spring, before the weigela begins to grow, the plants are pruned and transplanted into 3-liter pots. Then the same care is carried out as last season, only pinching is excluded.

    By autumn, young plants will already have from 3 to 6 mature shoots 70-80 cm high. Such seedlings are already ready for planting permanent place.

Second cutting period falls at the end of May - beginning of June.

    Select young shoots of the current year that are half lignified.

    Cuttings from 8 to 10 cm long are cut from the lower part of the growth.

    All leaves are removed except the top two, which are cut off in half.

    Further rooting technology is the same as for cuttings prepared in March.

    Cuttings planted at the beginning of summer reach 10-15 cm by autumn. To obtain bushes ready for planting, they need to be grown for two years.

Plants grown from cuttings bloom within 2-3 years.

Weigela from seeds

Seed propagation of weigela is simple, but it requires more waiting time flowering plants than cuttings. In addition, this method is not suitable for propagating hybrid weigela, since the new plants will not retain the characteristics of the mother plant. It is used if you need to obtain a large number of species plants.

Fresh weigela seeds have almost one hundred percent germination rate, which lasts throughout the year. They can be sown before winter or in spring.

  • The sowing area is allocated in the shade of trees.
  • The seeds are scattered on the surface of the ground.
  • Cover the top with a layer of peat or sand 0.5-1 cm.
  • Lightly compact.
  • Moisturize well from a spray bottle.
  • When sown in winter, they are covered with leaves, straw or covering material and await seedlings in the spring.
  • At spring sowing The bed is covered with film, periodically it is removed for watering (from a spray bottle) and ventilation. Shoots should appear in about 3 weeks.
  • Some time after the seeds have sprouted, the seedlings are thinned out, cared for, and a year later transplanted into a schoolhouse. For winter plantings require light shelter.
  • After 3-4 years, the plants can be moved to a permanent location. Weigela grown by seed will begin to bloom in 4-6 years.

Seeds can be sown and grown before planting in a permanent place and at home. At the same time, in the summer, pots with plants should be placed on outdoors, covering from the sun.

Weigela care

Caring for adult weigels consists of fertilizing, pruning, watering and loosening.

Top dressing

This shrub is fed 3 times per season.

    The very first fertilizing is carried out in the snow, before the beginning of the growing season. Mineral fertilizers are scattered around the bush within the radius of the tree trunk circle. Superphosphate and urea are best suited for this.

    The weigels are fed the second time during the formation of buds. Used for this potash fertilizers chlorine-free or complex mineral fertilizers with approximately equal amounts of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

    The last time the bushes are fertilized is at the end of summer. Potassium should predominate in the composition of fertilizers used during this period. This will help the shoots ripen and prepare the plants for winter.


In nature, weigela grows in the monsoon regions of East Asia, where the soil contains a lot of moisture. The soil should not be allowed to dry out too much; this leads to a sharp deterioration in flowering and prevents good development plants. The bush is watered regularly and be sure to cover the ground around the bush with a thick layer of mulching material (sawdust, husks, peat).


Loosening is carried out as the soil around the bush compacts during the season. It should be taken into account that the weigela roots in the tree trunk lie at a depth of 8-10 cm, and it is undesirable and even dangerous to disturb them. Therefore, loosening should not be carried out deeper than 8 cm.


This crop is pruned in early spring and in July. In April, dry, frozen, broken and deformed branches are cut out, and in July, faded and old branches are cut out. In addition, in June, excess root growth is removed.

If after winter it turns out that one of the main shoots has frozen, it is cut off, leaving 10 cm above the ground. A living bud at the root will give rise to a new shoot.

Preparing for winter

When growing weigels in our country, with the exception of the southern and subtropical regions, they need shelter for the winter.

The shrub is wrapped in spunbond, and the trunk circle is covered with leaf litter or spruce branches. In the middle zone, the shelter is removed in early April.

Weigela in landscape design

Various varieties, hybrids and species of this crop in ornamental horticulture and landscaping are usually used as single plants(tapeworms) in the foreground or middle ground of landscape compositions. Weigela is also perfect for mixed and pure groups of shrubs.

Typically, barberries, Japanese spirea, mock orange, rosebud, cotoneaster, Japanese quince, forsythia, felt cherry and columbine are planted next to it. The Weigel group looks especially beautiful different varieties and hybrids on the lawn.

Tall varieties and hybrids (“Gustav Mallet”, “Bristol Ruby”, “Marc Tellier”) look good in compositions with ornamental and evergreen trees. But weigels of small height (“Variegata Nana” and “Purpurea”) will decorate mixed flower beds, borders, flower beds and rocky gardens.

You can also create from tall weigela hedge free form, which does not need to be cut.

(variety description, photo)

Weigela flowering French Lace Brighella- a small spreading fast-growing shrub, up to 2 m tall, with straight, slightly flowing shoots, variegated oblong leaves - a yellow outline is located on the main green color in a wave-like manner. Blooms in June and then again with ruby ​​bells.
Decorative. Decorative due to variegated elongated green leaves with a yellow edging and rich flowering with ruby ​​bell-shaped flowers. Thanks to the characteristic repeated flowering, ruby ​​beauty can be observed throughout almost the entire summer.
Usage. Used for single and group plantings, in flower garden arrangements for contrast.
Characteristics of the plant. After flowering, it needs pruning, mulching with sawdust and drainage. Loves enriched, moist soils. On winter period shelter is needed.

How to buy weigela seedlings of flowering French Lace Brighella
in the nursery "Siberian Garden"

In our nursery, you can buy weigela seedlings of flowering French Lace Brighella on open trading floors and in nursery stores. For addresses, opening hours, and phone numbers of retail outlets, see the section "Contacts"(in the top menu).

The Siberian Garden nursery delivers seedlings throughout Russia. You can order plants in our online store at: zakaz.site or follow the link in the top menu. You will also find information about the conditions for placing orders, paying for them and delivering seedlings throughout Russia in the online store in the relevant sections.

The Siberian Garden nursery sells seedlings wholesale and invites organizations involved in the sale of seedlings to cooperate, landscape design, as well as organizers of joint purchases. The terms of cooperation can be found in the section "Wholesalers"(in the top menu).