Flowers in the landscape design of the garden. Landscaping of a vegetable garden and a garden in a country house Do-it-yourself decorative garden in landscape design

Who decided that the garden can not be the main decoration suburban area? An ornamental garden can please not only with a rich harvest, but also act original decoration site. To implement this idea, it is enough to think over the design of the garden and vegetable garden, in which vegetable beds will look no less picturesque than colorful flower beds. And how to do it right, we want to tell you today.

Modern landscape design concerns not only the garden on the site. Landscape architects have developed a number of recommendations, thanks to which any gardener can plan and equip with his own hands.

  • Site zoning. Thinking over the arrangement of a site on which buildings have not yet been made, at the design stage, it is necessary to provide for the placement of all necessary zones: front, recreation, utility.
  • Lighting and the surface of the garden area. The plot for vegetable beds should be lit from all sides. Vegetable crops are mostly sun-loving and demanding on soils. By placing the beds in a sunny area with fertile soil, you make it easier for yourself to comply with special conditions to planting and crop rotation.
  • Limited seating area. If you do not set yourself the goal of providing stocks of jams and pickles with own harvest all relatives and friends, it is better to limit the landing area. Three or four neatly worked beds will look more attractive and bring more benefits than a dozen unkempt ones.
  • Unusual shape and arrangement of beds. When breaking vegetable beds, it is important to consider both aesthetic appearance the plant compositions planted in them, and the needs of the plants themselves. Intricate ornaments and patterns created from slightly raised beds in the form of trapeziums, triangles and waves are not always suitable for growing moisture-loving crops. Water in such beds dries out faster, which leads to uneven plant growth.
  • The ratio of the width of the beds and the aisles between them. Traditionally, many of us break beds 1-1.2 m wide. Foreign gardeners are of the opinion that the width of the beds should not exceed 70 cm. And this makes sense: it is easier to care for such a bed, maintaining an attractive appearance of the planting and increasing thus the harvest.

It will also be useful material on how to plant greenery small plot edible crops:

Landscaping work can be directed to the arrangement of an ornamental garden, which is also an important component of garden aesthetics.

An example of a French garden. The width of the passage between low beds should be at least 40 cm, and between high beds - 70 centimeters

Techniques for arranging an ornamental garden

Each of us wants his garden to look attractive not only in summer, when it is decorated with a colorful hat of foliage, flowers and fruits, but also in spring and autumn, when the beds are bare.

Neatly designed surfaces, framed by protective decorative borders, look equally beautiful and well-groomed at any time of the year.

Using the sides, you can slightly raise the beds, constructing, which will become a spectacular addition to the landscape picture.

If the landscape design of the garden includes elements with smooth curves, circles and curved lines, the figured frame for vegetable beds can be made from ready-made modules.

For the same purpose, you can use wooden stumps of small diameters, clinker bricks placed on the end, or even plastic bottles.

Method #2 - vegetable garden in containers

Planting plants in containers allows you to realize not only an aesthetic function. A significant advantage of such containers is their mobility. Containers with planted plants can always be moved, decorating empty spaces on the site.

Boxes with herbs and juicy fresh herbs can be an addition to the design of the barbecue area, patio and terrace

Any containers can be used as containers: clay and plastic pots, baskets, barrels, old crockery. There are no restrictions on the choice of containers for plants, the only condition is that they must be in harmony with other decorative elements.

For planting in containers, compact ones are well suited. early maturing varieties cherry tomatoes, decorative pepper and eggplant.

In large volumes, several crops can be planted at once, creating original color combinations. For example: red-burgundy chard leaves go well with pale green lettuce leaves.

You can add colors to plant compositions by adding annual flowers to them: marigolds, calendula, marigolds.

Method # 3 - flower and vegetable beds

With this method of arrangement, plants are planted in small groups, which form colorful multi-level islands. For example: in the foreground, greens are planted along the border, the middle tier of the composition is filled with medium-sized pepper or tomato plants, as background corn or sunflower is planted, the stems of which are entwined with asparagus beans.

Traditional beds can be completely replaced with original flower beds, decorated with plant compositions of decorative vegetables and flowers.

Landscaping in English and French style

landscape design suburban areas more often performed on the basis of one of two styles: French or English. The first is based on a combination of geometric shapes. All green spaces on the site and decor elements form a single carefully thought-out pattern.

As one example french style design, we propose to consider the project of the site, which includes a diagonal layout of vegetable beds.

The central point of the composition is the yard, from which, like the rays of the sun, plantings with greenery, flowers and vegetables diverge.

It is better to survey and admire such a garden from a hill: from a window of a house or a balcony. For the design of the beds, compact plant varieties are more suitable, which do not grow, thereby violating the strict aesthetics of the French style.

Compact garden plantings with cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes frame paths lined with slabs and bricks

Garden decoration in landscape style suggests more naturalness. Therefore, the choice of plants for filling flower beds and beds is much wider. To compose compositions, you can use any decorative vegetable crops, combining them with planting greens and flowers.
Finally, we suggest you watch a video with an example of a decorative garden device:

At the height of the season, such a carefully planned and neatly decorated vegetable garden resembles a miniature park with flowers, whose role is played by elegant plantings, zucchini and lettuce.

Anyone who has at least small garden area, dreams of recreating his own piece of paradise on it. But funds for a landscape designer are not always enough, and you want to put your hand to work. Then you should try yourself as a landscape designer. Afraid you can't handle it? Believe me, no one is born a landscape designer right away, try it and you will see that everything is not as difficult as it seemed!

Basic secrets for "dummies"

What if the area is small?

Got a small plot, are you afraid that you will not be able to organize it with maximum utility? No problem. In landscape design, you will find a lot of interesting things that will help you visually enlarge the land, use it to the fullest.

These tips will help you zone the territory:

  • So that vegetation can enjoy as long as possible sunlight place it on the north side;
  • If the landscape of your site is not uniform, then put a gazebo, a bench in the lowland, and leave the elevations for the garden and garden;
  • When you decide to put a gazebo or attach a terrace, think about the side on which the view will open;
  • Garage, shed should be closer to the exit.

How to plant plants to visually enlarge the area:

  • Avoid strict geometric shapes in everything. Yes, they give the appearance of well-groomed, aristocratic, but do not forget that clear lines visually narrow the territory. Even the paths try to make them slightly rounded, winding;
  • Plant any plants not strictly vertically or horizontally, but in discord. Plants planted in an oval, circle will look good;
  • Try to plant trees not one after another, but alternately in different parts of the courtyard;
  • In order for all plantings to look elegant, stand out, you can make a fence of colored plastic bottles, tires, boards.

Don't make it too bulky, a small, neat plank fence will be the best solution.

How to organize a space of 15 acres of land with a garden and a garden?

It is worth remembering that 15 acres is a rectangular area, which means that the space must be organized accordingly. Before you deal with the site itself, you need to plan the location of the main buildings - a house, a garage, a pantry. If they already exist, you can build on their style or slightly modify the buildings for a harmonious combination.

There are three main styles:

  1. Geometric. All buildings, as well as planting, are carried out along strict, clear lines. For example, plants are planted horizontally or vertically one after the other. The outline of the lines applies to the gazebo, and pools, and reservoirs;
  2. Free style. Suitable for terrain areas that are not uniform. Everything, including tracks, is not served strictly geometric shapes, has sinuous, rounded outlines emphasizing the landscape;
  3. Combined style. It is used both in the case of a flat area, and not uniform. Curvy and oblong lines are combined. For example, a walkway may be winding, but a clear fence around it will make it neater and more organized.

Major mistakes to avoid:

  • Do not make the path absolutely straight and passing through the entire site. So you only visually reduce the area, besides, such a partition looks too untidy. In some places, divide it with shrubs, flowers, make it smoother;
  • Take care of the withdrawal system Wastewater. The steeper the slope and the more stepped, the more levels of wastewater disposal should be;
  • Organize an irrigation system. Parts of the land located on the slope are more prone to drying out, so there should be more irrigation devices - a pump, hoses.

How beautiful to arrange the beds and the entrance to the garden?

Before registration, you need to take care of the site, having prepared it in advance:

  • Eliminate all weeds, remove debris and foreign objects, if any;
  • It is desirable to choose a sunny, calm area for planting, where plants will grow best;
  • If the area you have chosen is heavily attacked by winds, protect it with a small wooden fence, bushes or other large plants, as long as they do not block the light.

They will make your garden neat and well-groomed fence rows from each other. You can use them as:

  • Brick;
  • Low wicker fence;
  • small boards;
  • Rope or rope;
  • Grid.

Rows do not have to be made rectangular or square, you can make a recess from the boards in triangular shape and fill it with your favorite plants.

If your site has a rise / slope, you decide to make steps, on one of their sides, sit in wooden boxes beautiful flowers or small tomato bushes - looks mobile and innovative.

The game will look original with geometric shapes. For example, in the middle in the form of a circle, you can plant peonies, lilies or any other flowers, and not far from them, in a circle in triangular fences, any other vegetation to your taste. Fill the free space between plantings with mineral, white stone or gravel - no one has ever had such an advanced bed.

An arrangement of flowers and vegetables can create an interesting transition. To do this, you do not need to invent intricate figures, even a row of carrots between which a bell grows is already a work of art. Of course, it would be better if you first read what flowers, what vegetables it goes with.

Combination of vegetables and flower garden:

  • Parsley and basil, garlic, tomatoes, leaf lettuce - calendula;
  • Broccoli - Nasturtium;
  • Bulgarian pepper, peas, beans, dill - Marigolds;
  • Peas, beans, onions and flax - Peonies;
  • Legumes, onions, garlic, carrots - Poppy;
  • Beet, leaf salad, peas, colored and White cabbage– Roses;
  • Cabbage, onion - Cloves;
  • Strawberries with thyme - Lavender, Poppies, Hybrid roses.

It is advisable to keep a distance between the beds of 40-55 cm. The width of the beds should not exceed more than 90 cm. Start building the bed from south to north, so you will create comfortable conditions for heat-loving vegetable crops, flower bed.

Beautiful garden-garden-cottage in the photo

Garden bed design option.

A cozy corner in the garden, which, despite its attractiveness, will not cost too much if the site already has an old weeping willow and a natural lawn.

Bed railings, thoughtful centric paths, and vegetable-and-flower arrangements instantly transform an ordinary vegetable garden into a designer landscape.

Brick fences for beds or flower beds look expensive and can set the tone for the entire landscape.

Even small plot can be used with maximum utility if you use the cunning of geometric shapes.

The stepped organization of space helps to save space in small areas. Also great for rough terrain.

Beautiful beds on video

A beautiful garden design will help you make your garden not only more attractive and convenient, but also more productive. Modern tendencies landscape designers claim that vegetables are as beautiful as flowers and deserve to be the star of our garden. As a result, vegetables grow right next to their decorative relatives - and even crowd them out to take over the functions of the main actor in landscape design.

Garden design - old idea which is now experiencing a new birth. The garden has always been part of decorative design plot in traditional cottage and French gardens. And now in the best gardens of the world you will always find gardens that harmoniously combine vegetables, berries and flowers.

Do you want to know how to make Beautiful design vegetable garden? Simple 8 tricks will help you make it luxurious, filled with warmth and beauty, decorating your beautiful garden.

1. We are planning a place for a garden.

Good garden design starts with thoughtful planning. You must decide what area your garden will be, what vegetables you will grow on it, where your beds will be located.

Your garden will not always be large, more and more summer residents are leaning towards a small garden, which occupies a worthy place in the overall landscape design of the garden.

2. Garden Design - Let the garden be beautiful.

Most people think of long, boring vegetable patches when they think of the word "vegetable garden." But this shouldn't be the only option for your garden design.

You can make your garden look as beautiful as your flower beds.

A little advice. It makes sense to test in the first year new form vegetable garden, invented on paper. Life can make its own adjustments and the shape of the beds and their number.

3. Fix the garden design on paper.

Even a small garden requires careful planning.

A pre-designed vegetable garden that you have on paper will help you analyze the performance of your design this season and plan new plant combinations and new beds for future seasons.

4. Make comfortable beds.

Be sure to clearly define each section of your garden. Not only will this give it a neater look, but it will also help you plan your plantings in the next step.

The clear geometric contours of the beds, even in a small space, create a visual accent in landscape design, while creating a sense of order and cleanliness.

If the soil in your area is not ideal, raised beds are the easiest way to solve this problem. Vegetables do surprisingly well in this modern setting.

High beds require an investment of time and effort, but all this will return a hundredfold when you realize that your back no longer hurts after the next weeding. Of course, it is not necessary to raise the entire garden above the ground.

Save the high beds for the kitchen garden with greenery and those crops that require the most maintenance. So your forces will be spent with maximum efficiency.

Avoid wide beds. You must have good access to process them.

But long - please. The main thing is that you can freely reach the middle while standing on the track.

5. Unusual garden design options.

If you're short on space or aren't planning a full-scale vegetable garden, you can make custom beds almost anywhere in your garden. Try on the site of a small flower bed to make a garden bed with various types greens and tomatoes.

And this miniature garden looks very impressive because of its location.

And this one helps grow more crops per square meter.

5. We choose plants for the garden.

There is no single answer to the question of the placement of various crops in the garden. Too many factors play an important role here and, first of all, your climate zone and soil composition. But there are simple general rules, which should be remembered when planning your landings.

Consider the position and orientation of your site. Plant tall plants so that they do not obscure their undersized neighbors.

Consider the lighting and watering conditions of a particular crop. Do not dictate your terms to the plants and grow your favorite plants where you have a place, without taking into account their preferences.

You can always adjust your landing plans to suit the specific conditions of your site. Believe me, there are many plants that will grow with pleasure in your conditions.

Be sure to consider the watering regime for each bed so that it does not turn out that plants that require more frequent watering are located in the most inconvenient place for this.

Do not plant the same crop two years in a row in the same place. This depletes the soil, increases the likelihood of plant disease, and reduces yields.

6. Modern garden design

The basic principle of modern garden design is a combination. Abandoning the idea of ​​the usual flat beds of one cabbage, next to which are placed boring beds of only cucumbers, you can turn your vegetable garden into a work of art.

How often do we pay attention to the beauty of the tops of carrots and beets, or how dotted inclusions of unpretentious marigolds add a beautiful bright accent to the overall green array of the garden?

Flowers, located among the greenery of the garden, create sparks of light. They are also a great way to attract beneficial insects. By learning to "draw" with the texture, color and shape of plants in the garden, you can create a real vegetable bed.

And, as in an ordinary flower bed, in the design of your garden you can fully express your imagination, gain new experience and enjoy successful finds.

Even a small space in the garden can be filled with a mixture of vegetables and flowers that both complement each other and serve as a winning backdrop for plants in the most vibrant colors.

7. How to combine plants in the garden.

But, of course, you can’t just take and plant everything mixed in the garden. Some cultures go well with each other, and some combinations should be avoided.

In addition, the right neighborhood helps prevent damage. various diseases and repel some pests. The compatibility table will help you understand this.

8. Design of an ornamental garden.

You can combine not only garden crops with each other. fashion design ornamental garden successfully combines vegetables with flowers.

The traditional rural garden always pleases with a riot of color and texture, in which both flowerbeds and beds are cozily combined. While many vegetables such as tomatoes and Bell pepper, decorative in themselves, adding one or two types of flowers to other types of vegetables can provide the necessary presence of bright colors.

If you like to cook on the grill in the garden, then why not plant the necessary seasonings nearby. This bright mix of vegetables and ornamental grasses will liven up your patio or gazebo.

And the neighborhood of vegetables with flowers will make your beds especially attractive and will not harm your crop at all. So you can create whole compositions of tasty, healthy and beautiful.

Garden design is a living process of interaction with the beauty of nature. Experiment! Something depends on your imagination and your desire, but the plants themselves will tell you something.

A splendid well-groomed vegetable garden, where only vegetables grow or in combination with flowers and ornamental herbs, makes any dacha worthy of our admiration. Have you tried experimenting with vegetable garden designs in your garden? Tell us about it in the comments section below!

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The arrangement of the garden and landscaping in the backyard directly depends not only on the number of acres at your disposal, but also on the shape of the plot. For example, ideas for arranging a garden on a strictly square plot will be unacceptable for the territory. irregular shape, and the design of the elongated suburban area does not fit into a spherical landscape at all.

The choice of style is dictated by many components: the initial size and configuration of the site, the terrain, the features of the natural environment and, of course, your own taste preferences. The amount of investment plays a role, as well as their own practical skills in the implementation of construction and landscaping work.

This material is devoted to the arrangement of the garden and do-it-yourself landscape design in areas of various shapes.

It is better to plan a rectangular or square summer cottage in a regular style. This style came from France, where it became very widespread in the 18th century. Imitation of the world-famous gardens of Versailles swept across Europe, and in Russia the regular style became popular during the time of Peter the Great. Suffice it to recall our world-famous Peterhof, the Catherine Palace in Pushkin or the Summer Garden. The courtiers of Peter, of course, also rebuilt their estates in a regular style, and some of them have survived, albeit in a deplorable state, to this day.

With the landscape design of a rectangular or square plot, straight paths are laid, plantings are made in rows, which, of course, greatly facilitates the care of plants. Trees are placed along the boundaries of the site, stepping back, as expected, from the neighboring one by three to four meters. And so that the land does not go to waste, they plant between the trees and the neighboring border berry bushes- raspberries or black currants, indented from the border of one to one and a half meters. Raspberries and apple trees with pears are friendly plants. When arranging such a garden in a country house in the landscape design of a rectangular plot, blackcurrants also coexist well with pome crops. In addition, the depth of the roots of these trees and shrubs is different, so their roots will not oppress each other.

Apples and pears prefer soil with a neutral reaction, which is very suitable for raspberries, and blackcurrants, although they prefer slightly acidic soils, feel quite good on neutral ones. Over time, the trees will grow strongly and can cover the bushes with their shade, but this is not scary, because both raspberries and blackcurrants endure partial shade without problems.

This arrangement of the garden will immediately dictate to you its artistic design.

As shown in the photo, in the design of a square or rectangular plot, a central, through, straight path should run along a row of trees, running no closer than 2.5–3 meters from the tree trunks:

In addition, it must have a width sufficient for the passage of a wheelbarrow. And then there is nothing left but to plant perennial flowers along it, when choosing an assortment of which, only two points should be taken into account. They should prefer slightly acidic or neutral soils and bloom well in partial shade. When arranging such a garden, planning the design of a square or rectangular area, plant a border of undersized or ground cover plants along the very edge along the path.

It will be great to grow and bear fruit remontant beardless strawberries, whose elegant bushes are strewn with bright white flowers and red berries all season long. This strawberry, which also feels good on soil with a neutral reaction, although it prefers slightly acidic, will have to be taken care of. Bushes must be divided and seated every three years, otherwise it will wither.

In the landscape design of a summer cottage of a square or rectangular shape the space under the trees should also not be empty, because the soil exposed to the sun and wind dries up and collapses, in addition, a holy place does not exist empty, it is immediately occupied by weeds, and we cannot afford such a luxury as empty land on six acres . So, contrary to generally accepted recommendations, do not keep tree trunks fallow, do not dig the soil under them, but plant them with earthworms (hybrid garden strawberries with strawberries) or sow bent grass, and even better - white clover.

The earthworm and bent grass love moisture, do not forget about it, and therefore water your plantings abundantly. All said plants for arranging a garden with their own hands, they make approximately the same requirements for soil conditions, in addition, they are all moisture-loving, and therefore caring for them is approximately the same, which greatly facilitates the work.

When planning the design of a rectangular or square plot, one should take into account the almost complete lack of decorativeness in plums. These plants tend to be unprepossessing and rarely bear fruit in the Northwest, so don't put them in the foreground. But cherries are very decorative, so they can not be hidden in the background. At the time of flowering, both plums and cherries are very elegant. It should be noted that cherries greatly inhibit raspberries, so it is better to place them in different parts of the garden. In addition, pome fruits (apples, pears) and stone fruits (cherries, plums, apricots, cherry plums) do not coexist well with each other. Therefore, in the landscape design of a square or rectangular area, it is also better to place them in different parts of the garden.

When arranging a garden for a garden, you should leave the western side, separating economic zone next to ornamental tall shrubs or pergolas entwined climbing roses, clematis and other vines, arches or apple and pear trees. And on the east side, create a recreation area in a landscape style.

Look at examples of beautiful landscape design of a square or rectangular area in these photos:

Ideas for arranging a flower bed on a square or rectangular plot

Flower beds on a square or rectangular plot are the easiest to place.

As you can see in the photo, when arranging a garden on the territory of such a form for flower beds, you can choose any configuration:

In the landscape design of a summer cottage of a rectangular or square shape, the following plants are usually used:

Look at the photo of flower beds in the design of a rectangular and square plot:

Landscaping of an elongated area: do-it-yourself gardening and gardening

In the landscape of an elongated area, with such initial data, it is more convenient to place a vegetable garden and a garden on one half of the territory, and plan them in a purely regular style (this way more plants are placed), and use the second to build a house, places for recreation, sow a lawn and give this part a natural (landscape) view. Visually, when arranging a garden with your own hands, the garden can be separated from the rest of the site by covering it with a neat row of fruit trees.

Fruit trees can be formed in the form of a palmette, then their crown will not give excessive shade. Trees take up much less space under the sun.

Across the plot, approximately in the middle, plant trees 3 meters apart, placing them in a line. A vegetable garden will be located on the south side of the landing line. Leave space in the landscape design of the elongated area for passage to the economic zone. Now your task is to grow trees with a flattened crown. To do this, leave (or reject, or transfer fruiting) only those branches that lie in the desired plane, that is, across the plot, and remove all those growing perpendicular to this plane, that is, along the plot, as soon as possible.

The crown will be pruned annually in the fall. This will cause new shoots to appear on the trunk near the top. They will also be formed in the plane of the crown. Along the trees from the south, you can plant a row of black currants across the site, then a row of gooseberries, then a row of red currants, or place greenhouses or greenhouses in the center.

When planning a design when arranging such a garden, on both sides of the bushes, you can make two garden beds (4 beds may well feed a small family), and in front of them from the south you need to leave a place either for potatoes or for garden strawberries.

In one of the corners, away from the apple trees, you can plant a group of cherries, and in the other - a couple of plums, but the shadow from them should not fall on greenhouses and garden beds. You can also plant red currants, raspberries or honeysuckle along the southern border.

In the design of an elongated area near the wattle fence, you can plant the following plants:

These photos show the arrangement of the garden with their own hands on an elongated plot:

Landscaping when arranging a garden near a house on an irregularly shaped plot

For landscape design of an irregularly shaped area, a landscape style is more suitable. This style came to Russia from England, and in the reign of Catherine II, instead of regular parks and gardens, the creation of landscape park ensembles began, in which the authors strive to arrange plants as naturally as possible, imitating nature.

Of course, such parks have nothing to do with the natural landscape, but still they are much more natural in appearance. An example of such a park is Pavlovsky Park near St. Petersburg. And here gardeners are in danger of cluttering up their site so that in a couple of decades it will become an impenetrable thicket, so many plantings will have to be cut down. There is one more feature of arranging such a garden near the house: unlike regular French gardens, they are not located on a flat area. Well, if you imitate nature, then in everything, you have to form bulk hills, reservoirs of natural forms, reminiscent of forest lakes, cascades, rocks and cliffs. An example of such a significant change in the terrain is the world-famous estate of the Potocki nobles Sofiyivka near Uman in Ukraine.

On six acres, of course, it is impossible to radically change the terrain, but what can be done is to change the visual perception of a flat surface by planting dominant plants with a vertical conical or columnar crown shape. Fruit trees are not suitable for the design of an irregularly shaped plot due to the sprawling domed shape of the crown.

And what is it, dominant (accent) plants? These are singly planted fairly tall or textured trees that immediately attract attention. Coniferous plants such as arborvitae, junipers, blue or gray spruces are often suitable for this purpose. All of them grow rather slowly, but in ten years they will grow significantly, and therefore, when planting, keep in mind that they will need a significant area of ​​\u200b\u200bnutrition and there will be a fairly dense shadow under them, in which not all plants can grow.

And vice versa, creeping forms coniferous plants, as well as weeping forms of trees and shrubs will emphasize all the features of the existing relief. If you do not like straight lines and prefer the landscape (landscape) design of your site, then a decorative tree group should be planted in one corner.

The planting area is usually at least three to four meters - usually more - so the plants will take up quite a lot of space. In this regard, you should not occupy the southern part of the garden, otherwise most of the territory will be in the shade. If you plant trees on the north side, then immediately there is a problem with protecting fruit trees from cold north and northeast winds. When arranging a garden in a country house with your own hands, on an irregularly shaped plot, you will have to plant rocker plants, stepping back from fruit plants 3-4 meters.

Of the rock plants, those that have a more or less deep-lying compact root system or, conversely, a superficial one, are preferable. It can be: mountain ash, shadberry, sea buckthorn or chokeberry (chokeberry). Aronia, of course, is a low plant, but even apple trees can reduce the crown to two and a half meters annually autumn pruning both the central conductor and the pruning of the ends of the remaining skeletal branches, which, by the way, benefits the trees, and makes it easier for you to harvest.

What are the benefits of such trees? compact root system and compact crown, larger fruits and early fruiting (3–4 years after planting).

What are the disadvantages? Just because of the small root system, they are easily twisted out of the soil by a strong wind, and therefore they must be tied not to stakes, but to three hammered to a great depth metal pipes. Yields, of course, are low on dwarfs. It is much better to plant trees with an insert from a dwarf. That is, first, a stalk from a dwarf tree is grafted onto the stock of a vigorous tree with a powerful root system. Then a year later, another stalk of the variety you need is grafted onto it. There are no problems with such a tree, a powerful root system will keep it in the soil in any wind and provide high yields, but the growth of the tree will be limited to 3–3.5 meters.

As a protective backdrop, you can plant spruces, but only outside the boundaries of your site behind a ditch, on the side of the road, so that the roots of the fir trees do not destroy the apple trees. There is one caveat when planting rock cultures. The wind flows around a dense barrier on top, but then the cold air descends to the ground at the so-called "cold point", which is at a distance equal to three barrier heights. So, if the height of the chokeberry bush is 2–2.5 m, then heat-loving crops cannot be planted at a distance of 6–7.5 m from its plantings in the direction of the cold wind, because they will constantly freeze.

So that there is no space between the trees planted by the group, it is recommended to surround each apple tree with a “corolla” of raspberries, placing the bushes 50 cm apart in a circle 1–1.5 meters from the trunk. Or plant blackcurrants or gooseberries between the trees.

It is possible, as mentioned above, to fill the entire place under the apple trees with earthworms. This strawberry-strawberry hybrid has adopted penumbra resistance from the parent forest strawberry variety, since in natural conditions grows under the forest canopy. Let it grow in a continuous carpet, like in a forest, without much care. With a decrease in yield, the plantation should be updated.

In the case of a landscape (or rather, landscape) garden design, the paths should be made winding and narrower than straight ones. They should flow around the trees, winding between them to seem like paths in a park or forest. This arrangement of plantings and paths, as noted earlier, visually increases the space of the garden.

With this design of the garden, traditional rectilinear garden beds are far from the best option.

As you can see in the photo, when arranging a garden in such a garden, small mini-beds measuring only one square meter, placed here and there throughout the site, where there is only a place for them under the sun, will look much more elegant:

Such compact beds are much easier to care for. In addition, they can be made decorative if you combine planting greens and vegetables on them with such useful and elegant flowers as nasturtium (of course, only bush form), calendula or marigolds.

You should not plant apple trees and pears one by one in different corners of the garden. This does not create a single composition, besides, apple trees and especially pears are cross-pollinated plants, so a group of at least two apple trees or two pears is needed. For their placement, a site of at least 16-20 square meters is required. m. You can, of course, plant apple and pear trees separately, but then it will be difficult to place stone fruit crops, which, I emphasize again, do not tolerate the proximity of pome fruits.

As mentioned above, a regular garden for a landscape-style plot is not suitable. The arrangement of flower beds should be well thought out, since planting perennials in rows, as is usually done on garden plots, is also unsuitable. ornamental plants best placed in groups or singly in different places garden, so as not to disturb its overall composition "under the landscape."

In addition to rabatok or mixborders, you can arrange rockeries, that is, rocky slides, as well as use solitary plantings on lawns. By the way, a lawn or at least a small lawn or lawn is an indispensable element of a landscape garden, so provide a place for them in advance. Lawns look best in front of the house.

Instead of ordinary flower beds with different perennials and annuals, monochrome flower beds look better. In such plantings, different types are used flower plants the same color, but different tones.

An elegant white flower bed can be created by planting perennial daisies different types, white peonies different term flowering, pyramidal white phlox, large-flowered perennial white bells, dwarf mock orange, black cohosh, low white delphinium "Galahad", shrubby small-flowered relict clematis, white-flowered Japanese anemone, daylily with white flowers, cornflower and aquilegia, a group of white tulips and small-bulbs with white flowers as a lining for a flower border, autumn aster, white polyanthus roses (blooming twice during the summer) and many other plants.

To favorites

Landscaping a garden is a necessary event for every novice farmer. Otherwise, after a few years, sorting out on your site will simply not be realistic. The design of the garden in the country allows you to correctly plan the use of the available space, allocating space for agricultural and ornamental crops. The landscape design of the vegetable garden and the garden allows not only to streamline plantings, but also creates excellent conditions for work and leisure.

Landscape design of the garden in the country and his photo

Now some garden owners are not inspired by the idea of ​​​​a vegetable garden, but there are gardening fanatics, most of the owners of plots combine the cultivation of ornamental and edible plants. How nice it is to build your own while it's not on the market or it's too expensive. If we compare the taste and appearance of cucumbers just picked from the garden with cucumbers bought at the market, then the difference is also obvious.

On the other hand, it has long been known that adult and fruit shrubs - apple trees and, and plums, shadberry - are unusually decorative. More and more gardeners are planting them not only in order to be able to pick a berry from a currant or gooseberry bush grown with their own hands and, perhaps, to make preparations for the winter, but also for beauty.

The landscape design of the garden in the photo may not look very practical, since for the most part summer residents are used to a different order in the beds.

Properly grown vegetables are attractive and elegant. Well-groomed beds are pleasing to the eye.

Look at the design of the garden in the country in the photo and appreciate the attractiveness of the planned beds:

Photo gallery

Country garden and vegetable garden design: videos and ideas

Healthy plants are always beautiful. You can not only enjoy them, but also admire them. The country garden design allows you to use not only flowering plants, but many for decorative purposes.

And even the most “non-gardeners” will not refuse a small one, only a few in size. square meters, a garden of herbs, it is worth starting in any garden, it requires almost no maintenance, decorative and useful, and how nice it is to serve your own grown greens to the table. It is better to place it near the kitchen or next to the seating area, you should not place it in a remote place in the garden.

look current design garden and vegetable garden in the video below and clearly illustrates some ideas:

Garden Design Ideas

And now consider practical ideas garden design with illustrations in the form of a photo. Several options for implementing ideas for a garden in the country are presented.

Garden elements:

1. gate.

2. front garden.

4. entrance road.

8. greenhouse.

9. body of water.

10. playground.

11. fruit garden.

12. potato field.

13. vegetable garden.

14. compost.

17. a screen of yellow-leaved hops and parthenocissus.

The garden here is traditional, not decorative, the ridges are stationary, fenced flat slate, neat and comfortable (length 10 m, width 80 cm), the passage between them is 50 cm. A sunny place is reserved for growing vegetables, protected from the northern winds. In the garden, according to all the rules, a three-section compost heap water for irrigation is readily available.

Favorite vegetables - and. They always succeed. family bow(its botanical name is shallots) has been grown for a long time, in one nest there are many large bulbs, which are well stored, they taste more tender than that of onions .. Rights English proverb: "The best of flowers are cabbage flowers." What kind of cabbage is not grown here: cabbage of three ripening periods - early, medium, late. And beloved -. In autumn, poured red-purple heads of cabbage sit on the gray leaves.

Timely watering and fertilizing, crop rotation, loose fertile soil. Every autumn, a manure machine is bought, which is laid both in the compost and on the ridges. Mineral fertilizer ("Kemira-universal") is also used, but sparingly, because it is expensive. Work with pleasure and mind gives great result: rolled up 30 annually three-liter jars pickles, compotes, frozen, abundance in the cellar sauerkraut and pickled apples.

If you enjoy growing vegetables and you can devote enough time to it, then a greenhouse will bring you a lot of joy. It is convenient to grow seedlings of vegetables and flowers in it, to keep heat-loving plants from frost. It can be not only a "closed garden", but also a cozy haven for fussing with your favorite plants and even thinking and dreaming. But, when starting a greenhouse, do not forget that you need to open it in the morning and close it in the evening, and water the plants daily. It should be purchased only if you have the desire and time to care for the plants.

The traditional garden is a separate area that must be closed from the view from the house, from the gate and the recreation area, because most of the season (spring, early summer and after harvest) it looks unattractive. Here it is decorated with a long mixborder, the background of which is occupied by shrubs (turf, sumac, weeping mountain ash on a two-meter trunk, silver, park roses) and tall perennials (black cohosh, geleniums, panicled phloxes). In the foreground - low perennial asters,. This lively multi-colored "screen" perfectly copes with its task.

Eat in the garden and clean decorative elements, for example, a barberry composition at the entrance to the site, a combination of purple and yellow leaves is solemn and elegant. Under the old fruit trees, shady mixborders are broken, looking spectacular against the backdrop of a small lawn adjacent to the path. They are inhabited by decorative leafy plants: hostas, ferns, brunners, buzulniks - they are comfortable here.

To the left of the entrance to the front garden, large shrubs are planted: chokeberry, lilac, mock orange, spirea, which do not let dust and noise from the road into the house and the plot. Between the house and the barn there is a living curtain of grapes and yellow-leaved hops, it always looks good, and in autumn it simply shocks with its beauty. After passing through it, we get to the lawn in front of the very mixborder that hides the garden, and we come to a rectangular pond. Another mixborder adjoins the house, the other - to the garage. Carefully selecting them according to the timing of flowering and planting according to all the rules, she makes up her favorite mixborders.

A decorative garden, the plan of which is a geometric pattern, is elegant and pleasing to the eye. It requires serious investment to create, but digging in the ridge-boxes is practically not needed, the yield in them is always higher, and the vegetables are earlier and more beautiful.

Ornamental garden area orchard occupies about ten acres, exactly half of the site, located on two levels, decorative garden - the lower level, this part of the site goes well with the house. A successful coloristic solution of elegant wooden arches, pergolas, flower beds and balustrades, made in the same style throughout the site. Everything here is done soundly, conscientiously, with fiction and love.

Not only traditional fruit crops, such as apple trees, pears, currants, gooseberries, but also varietal and viburnum, frost-resistant cherries. A lot of preparations are made for the winter, both from savings, and because it is customary to do this, and vegetables from our own are much tastier.

Growing vegetables is one of the most time-consuming activities in the garden. The garden needs to be cleaned every year, fertilized, sowed, planted seedlings, watered, weeded.

Why fence him? First, to get the freshest and healthiest vegetables.

Another reason is economy. You can save some of the vegetables for the winter and make preparations, although for most working townspeople this is more of a theory. To do this, you need to be able to grow vegetables, take under the garden large area spend a lot of free time and a lot of energy on it.

The third reason for leaving the garden is perhaps the most important. Growing vegetables and fruits is fascinating process requiring skill and talent. Skillful gardeners get the satisfaction of being able to grow the vegetables and varieties they want.