How to wash dishes from old fat: clean pans, pots and plastic containers. How to clean the pan from soot and fat inside and out at home

Sooner or later, even the best housewife has to face such a problem as cleaning the pan from burnt food. Often, cleaning pans is not as easy as washing other dishes.

So how to quickly and easily clean the frying pan from carbon deposits? The choice of how to clean the pan directly depends on what type of material it is made of.

As a rule, this is not very difficult to do, because even if food burns on it, then a special non-stick coating prevent it from sticking to the surface of the pan. In order to clean the pan, you just need to soak it in warm water, then rinse.

Remember that Teflon-coated pans should not be cleaned with aggressive abrasives, hard wire scourers, and so on. All this can lead to damage to the coating.

How to clean an aluminum frying pan?

This is a little more difficult to do, since aluminum is a very sensitive material to mechanical stress. In addition, he is afraid of alkalis and acids. That is why many detergents can easily damage the pan.

The same applies to wire metal washcloths and abrasive products. How to clean an aluminum frying pan? You can try using the most common baking soda.

How to clean a stainless steel pan?

You can use table salt. Take 1/2 cup of salt, pour into the pan, spread evenly over the bottom and leave for a couple of hours. Wash the pan afterwards. Burnt food after such a procedure should be easy to wash off.

In addition, you can use activated charcoal. You need to take a few tablets of coal, crush them into powder and sprinkle all the burnt places with the resulting powder. Pour some water on top. Leave the pan for ten to fifteen minutes, then wash it thoroughly.

How to clean the pan from fat?

If the pan has a thick old layer of fat, then you can try cleaning the pan with laundry soap. For this purpose, you need to take a third or half of a bar of soap (this directly depends on the size of the pan) and grate it on a coarse grater. The resulting soap shavings should be filled with a frying pan and pour boiling water over it.

To enhance the effect, you need to put the pan on the fire and boil its contents for fifteen minutes. In addition, you can try to clean the pan with vinegar or citric acid. Just pour some water into the pan and add citric acid or vinegar.

After that, put it on the fire, bring the water to a boil and boil for ten to twenty minutes. Then drain the water and rinse the pan well. For aluminum pans this method does not fit!

How to clean pans made of cast iron?

If it so happens that you have burnt food in a cast-iron skillet, then you need to clean it immediately, while it has not yet had time to cool. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to remove the pollution. How to clean the frying pan from soot?

You can use the following method. Pour one to two tablespoons of table salt into the pan and pour them with vinegar so that the bottom is completely covered. After that, bring the contents of the pan over high heat to a boil, pour in a quarter cup of baking soda and reduce the heat to medium. When most of the liquid has boiled away, remove the pan from the heat and rinse well with water.

It is necessary to clean cast iron pans without fanaticism, since the thinnest layer of fat that forms on such a pan acts as a non-stick natural coating. If you cleaned the pan to a shine, then after the first cooking, ignite the pan with vegetable oil.

So that you do not have to try to clean the pan every time, you need proper care. When the dishes are dry, remove any remaining oil from them. Wash it immediately after cooking in hot water with a nylon washcloth.

After washing, it must be wiped dry. In such a situation, there is no need to use special detergents. Remember that cast iron pans should not be soaked in the dishwasher.

How to clean an old frying pan from stubborn fat?

Very simple. In a cold pan, add two or three drops of any detergent for dishes. Next, you need to pour hot water into the pan and wash it with a nylon sponge. After that, rinse it with warm water, wipe it dry and spray an oven cleaner on the surface.

After this procedure, wrap the pan in plastic bag and leave it like this overnight. In the morning, rinse off the product and wash the pan with dishwashing detergent.

How to clean pans from a thick layer of soot?

If your pan has a thick soot, then you should know that during the heating process, it releases very harmful substances which can lead to cancer and other diseases.

To give the pan previous view, you need to place it in a container filled with 10 liters of water with silicate glue(eighty grams) and washing soda (one hundred grams). Boil for ten minutes. You can replace soda and glue with grated laundry soap.

After the solution has cooled, it is necessary to wipe the dishes with an iron washcloth.

How to clean a ceramic coated pan?

A characteristic feature of this type of dishes is that during heat treatment, food does not burn, retains almost all minerals and vitamins. These pans must be washed very carefully.

Before using the frying pan for the first time ceramic coating Wash thoroughly and dry with a soft towel. After that, put 4-5 tablespoons (tablespoons) of salt into it and warm it up well.

In order to prevent the formation of microcracks in the coating, you can not wash the pan in cold water, allow sudden changes in temperature. Wash such pans with a soft sponge in warm water with the addition of non-abrasive detergents.

The cast iron skillet is durable. It is important to properly care for the thing and remove carbon deposits from it in time, to prevent it from becoming rusty and covered with mold. It is easy to remove carbon deposits with a knife if you heat the pan.

A good recipe from the times of the USSR: soda + 72% soap + silicate glue.

Many housewives are interested in the question of how to clean cast iron. And soot, rust can ruin it. Using our tips, you can remove them.

Some people think that a cast iron skillet is needed every time.

This is not entirely true, but it is better to clean it immediately after contamination. Soot is a layer consisting of oil with fat, and it is already non-stick. This surface is perfect for frying steak, french fries and anything you want.

After use is best or other cast iron cookware under running hot water. You can use a sponge or cloth, but no cleaning products are needed. The item must be dried immediately.

If there are any solid food residues in the pan, then you can get rid of them. in one of several ways.

  1. Take a sponge or brush with nylon bristles. Pour into the pan hot water or coca-cola.
  2. If you want to quickly remove solid food from the bottom or sides of the pan, then you need to pull the dishes out of hot water, pour in kosher salt and rub using paper towels. The movements during rubbing should be circular. With the help of salt, the iron is also cleaned. Do not believe it, but coca will similarly remove food debris.

If you know from experience that the stain is difficult to remove using the above methods, fill a cauldron or other container with water, boil it, and the soot will fall behind. You can pour a thin layer of vegetable oil into the pan after washing.

How to remove rust?

Rust appears on the surface of the pan if the dishes are not dried in time or if they are placed in a place that is too wet for storage.

Go over the dry thing with coarse sandpaper. Polish the dishes gently with fine-grained sandpaper. So you remove rust from cast iron.

Cleaning with Coca-Cola

Not everyone believes, but coca will really remove soot from the pan. The liquid dissolves old fat.

Dip the container in the drink, or pour it into the kitchen utensils and soon the soda will eat away at the fat. Cleansing with Coca-Cola is an easy procedure.

Methods for firing a cast iron skillet

Soot in the pan appears due to the fact that fat and food residues are burnt. Over the years, if the kitchen utensils are not cleaned, a decent layer can accumulate.

It is removed by burning. Some of these methods can be implemented at home, while others are too dangerous because they threaten with fire.

Method number 1

Choose the burner that has the largest fire. Turn it on full power and heat up one side of the pan.

So you can clean the cauldron. After 2-3 minutes, you need to remove the dishes from the fire and try to remove the layers of soot with a strong knife.

Does not work? Continue heating the same side for 2-3 minutes. Removed from this region? Do the same for the other sides.

Wash the pan with a soapy sponge under warm running water. Pat dry with disposable paper towels.

Method number 2

Here, for removing carbon deposits, they use blowtorch. The fat that makes up the soot burns and turns into soot.

It is easily removed. So they clean the cauldron, removing soot, men. They wear flame retardant mittens for protection like welders and do it in garages.

Rust is removed with sandpaper.

In a house or apartment, refrain from such experiments. There may be a fire.

Method number 3

Are you going to update the cauldron, remove carbon from your favorite frying pan? Do it right on the fire.

For example, this procedure can be performed in nature, if you light a fire, throw a cauldron or a frying pan there. If it has a cast-iron handle, then the entire container is placed in the fire.

If the handle is wooden, plastic, remove it and only then can you leave the pan for 15 minutes in a fire.

Then remove with a stick and remove carbon deposits with a knife.

If the procedure did not bring the desired result, place it again in the fire and heat it again. Work diligently with a knife, removing old soot.

There are other ways to clean cast iron. For instance, chemicals. Let's consider them.

Effective chemicals

Let's figure out what household chemicals you can remove the soot. Use such funds.

  1. If the layer of fat in the pan is small and you bought it not so long ago, then wash it with a washcloth with detergent kitchen utensils, for example "Fairy" or other similar high-quality detergent.
  2. Have you been using a cauldron or frying pan for years? In the evening, rinse the container with grease remover, and then apply the product that is used to clean the oven. Wrap the greased pan tightly in a bag. Let it lie down until the morning. All stains will disappear in half a day. If they remain somewhere, rub lightly with a metal washcloth (rust is also removed with it).

When you treat the pan with strong chemicals, do it with rubber gloves.

If scratches remain on the pan after using a metal scraper, you can clean them up using fine-grained sandpaper. It is convenient to clean and iron.

Universal solution since the times of the USSR

At times Soviet Union housewives passed on to each other this recipe:

  • 0.5 kg of soda;
  • a bar of 72% soap;
  • silicate glue - 2 pcs.

To boil the pan, you will need a boil-out or other capacious container.

The handle made of wood or other material must be removed. But the iron should be wiped with a sponge moistened with a solution. Rust will be removed with sandpaper. For kitchen utensils, stick to the following instructions.

  1. Fill a container with water and put it on the stove to heat up.
  2. Grate the soap on a coarse grater and add it to the water. Now pour soda with silicate glue.
  3. Mix all the ingredients of the recipe and immerse the pan in water.
  4. Put a frying pan into boiling water for 15 minutes. Now turn off the water and close the container with a lid. By the way, coca can be used instead of water.
  5. Let the pan lie there for 2 to 3 hours. Then you need to take a sponge and wash off the tan with it. In difficult places, walk with a metal scraper.

The smell with this method will not be the most unpleasant. It is best to carry out such a procedure on the street, if this is not possible, open the window wide open or turn on the hood.

When you finish simmering or frying, immediately rinse and dry the pan. If kitchen utensils are not dried before storage, mold can form on them.

Keep equipment in a dry and cool place. The iron will not deteriorate with any humidity.

If you have fried or baked something, but you probably encountered the formation of soot, which is not so easy to wash off. Especially if it's gone long time after cooking.

Today we will talk about the most effective means, which will help restore the dishes to their original shine and cleanliness. There are many methods for cleaning dishes: ceramics, cast iron, Teflon have different “sensitivities”, so each material needs its own approach.

Mechanical cleaning of soot from a frying pan

From the outside, any frying pan looks the most neglected, it is there that the thickest layer of soot forms. To remove it, you can use by mechanical means, however, keep in mind that not every pan can be cleaned in this way. This option is exactly suitable, perhaps, only for a cast-iron product; for other pans, use these methods at your own peril and risk.

Take a regular metal brush or scraper and clean the outer walls of the pan with strong movements. If there is no scraper, you can use a knife. To simplify and speed up the process, heat the dishes on fire. Nagar itself will lag behind in pieces from the walls. When cleaning an aluminum pan in this way, be careful with the application of force, and you should not hold it over a flame for a long time.

If you don't have an open flame gas stove), you can use a blowtorch. The principle of use is similar. Heat up a frying pan and peel off the soot.

You can quickly remove carbon deposits from a cast-iron pan with grinder. But the one who is well controlled with this apparatus should work. This requires a protective suit, respirator, goggles. If scratches remain on the surface of the pan, remove them with fine sandpaper, walk along the walls with it after complete cleaning.

Of course, for ceramic and Teflon pans, you will have to use other methods.

Universal solution for cleaning carbon deposits from a pan

Take a large container where the pan can easily fit. If the handle of the pan is wooden, it is better to remove it. Fill the container with water so that the pan is completely covered with water, put on fire to heat.

Prepare an all-purpose cleaning solution from 0.5 kg of baking soda, 1 bar of laundry soap 72% and 2 packs of silicate glue. To do this, grate the soap and put it in water, add soda and silicate glue there. Stir the mass until all components are completely dissolved. V ready solution put a frying pan with soot, in parallel, you can clean other dishes with the same heavy pollution in the same place.

Bring the mass to a boil and boil for 15 minutes. After that, turn off the heat and cover the large container with a lid. Leave the pan to get wet for 2-3 hours, after this time you just have to get and wash the dishes with a regular sponge, all the soot will come off the pan by itself. If the contamination was strong, use a knife to help the largest pieces lag behind the walls.

Please note that this method, for all its effectiveness, has one drawback - during the “cooking” of the pan, a very unpleasant smell spreads in the kitchen and throughout the apartment. So it's better if you do it on outdoors or in a very well ventilated room (with a draft) and with powerful extractors.

Folk remedies for soot removal

Depending on the products at your disposal, you can choose the appropriate composition of the cleanser. Carbon deposits from kitchen utensils can be cleaned with vinegar. To do this, make a solution of vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Put the pan on a slow fire, pour the solution into it and heat it, sometimes adding a little water as it evaporates. You will see that the soot will lag behind the walls itself.

After the process is completed, the dishes will smell like vinegar. To eliminate the smell, boil a soda solution in a pan. minus this method cleansing is that vinegar most likely will not cope with strong soot, but will be able to remove only light and medium pollution.

You can use classic laundry soap (72%) to clean the pan. Take half a bar, grate it and add it to the pan along with a little water. Put everything on a small fire, stir the mass until the soap is completely dissolved. Bring to a boil and boil the mass in a pan for about half an hour. Then rinse well with water.

Use vinegar, salt and baking soda to clean the soot. To do this, pour vinegar into the pan so that the bottom is completely covered. Add 2 tablespoons of salt and bring this mass to a boil. When boiling, make a small fire and put another 70 grams of soda. Boil for about 10-15 minutes, then wash the pan as usual. You can increase or decrease the boiling time with any agent used, depending on the thickness of the soot.

The following method is suitable for cleaning a stainless steel pan. Pour half a glass of salt into the dishes, spread over the entire surface and let it brew. If the soot was small, it can come off completely and the pan will only need to be washed. At strong soot additionally, you will have to use the following method.

packaging activated carbon(10 tablets) crush and sprinkle over the surface of the pan, pour a little water to make a slurry. Leave for an hour and a half, then rinse thoroughly.

It helps to remove soot from the pan a mixture of washing powder and sunflower oil. You will need a hand wash powder to avoid excessive foaming. Add a little washing powder and 2-3 tablespoons of oil to the container to be cleaned. The quantity will depend on the volume of the container. Bring the solution to a boil and leave to soak until completely cooled.

Methods for cleaning carbon deposits from Teflon and ceramic pans

Take 3 liters of water, 200 grams of dish detergent and 50 grams of soda ash. Connect everything in large capacity where you want to load the pans. Boil for 30 minutes without soaking. Finally, rinse thoroughly with running water. Similarly, you can use a mixture of washing powder and silicate (stationery) glue, taken in equal proportions.

To clean Teflon and ceramic pans, mix in a bowl with soot 10 grams of borax, 1-2 drops ammonia and 1 glass of warm water. Spread over all dirt and leave for a while. After that, the soot will easily move away from the pan, all that remains is to wash it as usual.

Super-remedy for soot in a pan

Frying pan, - saucepan, - water, - washing powder, - soda ash, - metal washcloth, - salt, - foam sponge, - dishwashing detergent.


Pour water into the pan so that the water does not reach 10 cm to its edge. This is necessary so that the water does not splash out of the container. Boil the water. Add two handfuls of soda ash and one handful of washing powder to it. Dip the pan into the soda and powder solution and simmer for two hours. Of course, it may take more time. Remove the pan from the pan. Rub it with a steel wool, adding a little salt to this “sponge”. Apply a little dishwashing detergent to the foam rubber sponge and rub the pan well. Rinse the pan with hot running water.


Among household chemicals, there are many those whose action is aimed at combating soot and other formations on dishes. As a rule, these chemicals are very aggressive: they instantly corrode soot, fat deposits and other formations. But in no case should you use such household chemicals without gloves! Moreover, when using them, it is recommended to open the windows, since these chemicals are extremely toxic. Taking into account all the precautions indicated in the instructions, you can not only protect yourself, but also achieve the desired result - the perfect cleanliness of the pan.

It is much easier to prevent something than to deal with the consequences and the problem itself after. This is also true for the formation of soot.

To prevent the formation of soot Having bought a new Teflon pan, you should perform a series of manipulations with it: pour water into the new pan and boil it. Drain the water. Put a drop of oil on the bottom of the pan and spread it over the entire plane of the bottom. Such primary processing will keep an attractive appearance your pan for a long time, preventing the formation of carbon deposits.

On almost any dish, unless, of course, you take care of it very carefully, a plaque forms over time, also called soot. It appears especially quickly on pots when food is cooked on an open fire. Is it possible to get rid of it, because it does not just spoil the appearance, the thermal conductivity of the walls of dishes, pans or pots becomes worse.

But, everything is not so scary, there are several proven ways to remove soot, and at the same time not get tired to death. To begin with, let's talk about removing at home, not everyone goes on hikes, but almost everyone has soot on pans.

home method

There is no need to reinvent the wheel here, many use expensive chemicals, but this is not at all necessary. You can save not only finances, but also your health, because modern chemistry is a time bomb. Everything that we need to remove carbon deposits is usually in every apartment, even if not, it will not be difficult to buy.

What do you need:
- a container into which our dishes will fit;
- ordinary silicate glue, also called clerical;
- baking soda (calcined), or persolka, at your request.
We lower the dishes into a bucket, pour hot water, add 100-150 grams of glue, a pack of baking soda or persol, and put on gas. Bring to a boil and leave on low gas for 2 hours. After this treatment, the soot is removed without problems.
Pros: cheap and effective.
Cons: the stove is occupied for half a day, the air is humid throughout the apartment, windows sweat in winter, we sweat in summer.

field method
Ideally, when we are camping, it is best to scrub the pot after each cooking. If there is a river nearby and there is sand, then that's all we need.
What is necessary:
- a strong piece of cloth;
- river sand;
- two hands, preferably male.
We put the pot on the sand with the bottom to the top, put wet sand on top, take a rag and three, with all our might. Therefore, we need man's hands, women's delicate hands will not create the necessary pressure to remove carbon deposits. If there is only one layer of soot, then 7-8 minutes are enough, and the bowler hat shines like new.
Pros: Free and environmentally friendly.
Cons: can not do without a man.

Universal method (soaking, no boiling)

This method can be used if you have a container for water where part of the dishes can be soaked temporarily. And you also need an average physical. preparation, systematic, time 1-3 hours, and not 100% the same purity.
What is necessary:
- a container for water where the dishes will be soaked
- salt (river sand)
- soda
- a rag (durable and preferably rough)

We immerse the dishes or part of it in water where we first add soda (1 tablespoon of soda to 1 liter of water), every 20-40 minutes we raise the soaked part, pour salt and three can be used with a rag.

Pros: no need to boil, everything can be done in cold water. Step by step, you can watch how the dishes are washed for 1-3 hours.
Cons: does not launder 100%, but only 80-90% or even less if there is not enough patience, time and there are no systematic approaches. At very dirty water you need to update it, which increases the consumption of soda.

Cleaning enamelware

The main disadvantage of enamelware is that the enamel is very easily damaged both from temperature and from mechanical influences. After that, the enamel loses its properties.

How to get rid of enameled dishes from soot. First of all, two rules must be observed: wash enameled dishes immediately after use and do not pour into a hot pan cold water- this cracks the enamel.

To make enamelware last longer, you need to pour water into a new pan and put it on fire - let the water boil. After that, the pot of water must be removed from the heat and, without pouring out the water, let it cool. This will harden the enamel. And never place an empty pan on a hot surface, and a hot pan on a cold and wet stand.

In order to get rid of bad smell burnt food, you need to cover the pan with a wet towel and leave for 10-15 minutes. A damp cloth will absorb all the smell.
To remove scale from the kettle, you need to pour one hundred grams of salt, one hundred grams of sugar and pour one hundred grams of vinegar into it. Pour everything with water and boil for 5-7 minutes. The scale is erased with an ordinary sponge.

activated carbon method

Ceiling a pack of activated charcoal, pour it into a saucepan, close the lid and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then pour warm water so that it covers the burnt place, and leave for another 15-20 minutes. After that, the pan is easily washed with ordinary dishwashing detergent.

Method using vinegar or citric acid
Need to pour trouble spot vinegar and leave for 2 hours. After that, the pan will be easily washed. Instead of vinegar, you can use citric acid or lemon juice. In order for the lemon to give as much juice as possible, you must first scald it with boiling water.

consumer method
Buy new frying pans or "hammer" on soot!

Rustic method or recommendations for cast iron cookware
If the dishes are cast iron, then this (soot) will benefit them! But as one case in the village showed, such a frying pan was calcined at the stake. Everything was great, from year to year, but one day it melted, turning into a lump like a scream ...
If it starts to stick to cast iron: rub with coarse salt and leave overnight, do not rinse.
Take a large saucepan. Pour water, a handful of powder there, dissolve. Then put the frying pan into the pan and put it on the fire. It will boil for 20 minutes, rub it with a sponge and that's it.

hard home method

In the apartment you can clean on the stove yourself. It falls off remarkably))) Only for a long time (((In some cases, you can use a metal brush.
What do you need:
- mood;
- patience and a little effort;
- a brush or a brush for metal (for example, for cast iron).
Pros: cheap, trains patience
Cons: long, you need a mood and such work.

Dangerous home method.
Try burning the pan. Put it on the smallest fire and let it stand for 4 hours. True, get ready for the kitchen to be full of smoke. but carbon deposits after such an execution are easily removed.

culinary method

A slide of soda, salt, lemon juice - it was smartly washed to a shine. just leave it for a while, soda will absorb all the muck. lemon for shine I don’t know why salt)) also seems to absorb well.

Schumann method

Do not bring the pans to such a raid, after each time clean with a shumanit.
the fat dissolved literally before our eyes, in a minute I had only to wipe this place with a sponge - everything was removed by itself! I just burned my fingers. In those places where Shumanit got on the skin, the skin turned very red and literally burned.
There was no indication of ingredients on the bottle. And yet, the tool is really powerful. It really easily dissolves any, even the most old fat. Maybe you just need to use it with gloves? But after reading the reviews on the network, I still didn’t understand anything: half of the people are delighted with him, like me, and half scold him and say that it is dangerous. It is not suitable for pregnant women and families with small children, the smell from it is terrible, caustic. Because the composition is simple hydrochloric acid but not concentrated.

Ingredients: alkaline substance, special activated substances, fragrance. Made in Israel. (stinks five times less than Robla by the way)
Polina Lorina comments: Shumanite-Israeli chemical weapons. Sent to poison a housewife. I've never seen such vicious abomination. I breathed through a towel, then threw it away from sin. I recommend Unicum grease remover. It cleans the same way, but at least I’m calm about the respiratory organs.

Sanita-antifat method

"Sanita-anti-fat", cheap, but effective. I apply, leave, then just wash off with a sponge along with a layer of soot.

Go to good store household chemicals, right now everything is there, they will advise you what you need. Be sure to use gloves - some kind of reaction occurs on aluminum, it is not suitable for cleaning aluminum

Home method with Persol stain remover

About a piece of household soap /on a grater/, 500g of soda ash, 100g of silicate glue /stationery/, and a packet of “persalt” are spent on a bucket of water. Stain remover Persol (composition: sodium carbonate peroxysolivat) eats into the fabric tightly, is not removed by anything.

Rust on a cast iron pan can occur as a result of poor quality metal, improper storage and care, and infrequent use. To remove rust marks, you can use mechanical methods(cleaning with a stiff brush, soda, salt) or heat treatment of the surface (calcining in the oven or on the stove, boiling with vinegar, soda, Coca-Cola).

Stubborn rust will be removed professional tools: Astrohim, Ranway, Permatex, Eltrans. Fresh, superficial traces are removed by ketchup, lemon juice, soda, foil. To restore and strengthen the protective layer, the cast-iron pan needs periodic calcination with oil or coarse salt. Keeping the pan in a dry place, timely cleaning, and regular use will help to avoid metal corrosion.

A quality cast iron skillet is durable, heavy, and holds heat well. Helps prevent rust correct use and storage. If such a problem arose, it is worth starting to deal with it at the initial stage, using soft remedies. It is more difficult to remove stubborn rust from cast iron; radical measures will be needed here.

Causes of rust on a cast iron skillet

Before you clean a cast iron pan from rust, you need to find the causes of corrosion in order to eliminate them and prevent metal damage in the future.

Rust on cast iron is formed as a result of its oxidation. Causes of corrosion on kitchen utensils:

  1. Inadequate care of utensils. A hot cast iron skillet must not be immersed in cold water. And before cleaning for storage, it must be thoroughly washed and dried.
  2. Low-quality metal, violation of production technology. Modern manufacturers do not always follow the standards, reduce the cost of products due to cheaper metal components. Cast iron with a porous structure can be used, no special anti-corrosion treatment (calcination) has been carried out.
  3. Rare use. In combination with improper storage, it exacerbates destructive processes.

Important! After washing, wipe the pan dry from moisture to prevent corrosion of the metal.

Ways to clean a cast iron pan from rust

Rust penetrates deeply into the metal, destroying it. Corrosion is not dangerous to human health, but it greatly spoils the appearance of dishes and taste qualities dishes.

How to remove rust from a cast iron skillet:

  • mechanical impact with abrasive tools and means;
  • heat treatment of dishes;
  • using alkaline household chemicals.

Mechanical methods for cleaning cast iron from rust

Small foci of metal damage are easier to remove than deep rust. Hard metalized brushes, salt, soda, sandpaper will help clean the cast-iron pan.

Metal wire scourer, sandpaper

Rigid metal tools will help remove the layer of rust from cast iron. For this:

  1. Clean the damaged areas with coarse sandpaper or a metal brush (washcloth).
  2. Rinse with hot water.
  3. Re-sand with finer sandpaper.
  4. Apply a coat of rust converter as directed on the label.

Important! After hard abrasive processing, be sure to ignite the pan to restore the protective layer.

To speed up the process, you can use construction tool: drill or grinding with a special nozzle.

Salt, soda

Complex method

To clean an old cast iron skillet, use the comprehensive rust removal method:

  1. Soak rusted dishes in vinegar solution (1:1) for 2 hours.
  2. Without pulling out of the bucket, boil for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Treat with a metal washcloth.
  4. Rinse the dishes, wipe dry.
  5. Place the pan in the oven, preheated to 250 degrees, leave for 20 minutes.

Chemical cleaning of rust with professional and folk remedies

Professional tools will help to effectively wash a cast-iron pan from rust: solvents, stainless steel, converters.

Cast iron is a durable metal, car spray, liquid or paste is suitable for cleaning it. Use the tools: Astrohim, Sapfire, Autoprofi, Ranway, Permatex, Eltrans. Gently apply the solvent to the stain, leave for the time recommended on the label. Chemical reaction quickly dissolves corrosive stains. After that, rinse the pan thoroughly, boil it several times clean water, additionally bake in the oven.

Folk remedies

Try to clean fresh, shallow corrosion on cast iron with mild improvised means, without resorting to radical caustic chemicals.

What to do if light rust appears:

  • apply a paste of baking soda to the stain;
  • cover the damaged area with ketchup, wait 20 minutes, wipe off with the hard side of a dry dish sponge;
  • rub the corrosive stain with half a lemon;
  • use foil: crush a tight lump, gently rub rusty marks.