How to varnish interior doors. How to varnish a wooden door in order to restore its original appearance. Rules for applying paint or varnish

No residential or public space is complete without doors. for various purposes. Quite often, these doors are made of wood or modern wood substitutes (laminate, MDF, veneer).

Due to its natural specificity, a wooden door cannot remain flawless for a long period.

Any wooden door requires the right approach to the choice of material for coating.

There comes a time when you have to change old design for a new product. Only not everyone can afford to replace all the doors or the quality of the old door is so good that it can be given new life. Then a legitimate question arises - how to cover a wooden door. The answers may vary. It depends on what you want to see in the end result. Consider the methods and materials that are most accessible for independent use.

Giving new life to an old wooden door

Most often, the question of how to cover a wooden door arises from the owners of old interior structures, which went to the apartment from the moment of construction.

Do not rush to throw away the old wooden doors. They have a solid construction and will be able to serve for more than one year with right approach.

Long-term layers of paint begin to crack, crumble, the design of the facade does not fit into the new one modern interior. It's time for a major restoration wooden canvas and boxes. The main requirement is to prepare the structure for a new decorative coating. After a thorough cleaning, it is necessary to choose a base coat so that you know what work needs to be done before covering the wooden door. For coating, you can choose paint, varnish or stain. The sequence of work will be the same. The difference lies only in finishing layer and surface drying time.

Painting an old wooden door

If the decision is made not to buy, but to cover the old door with paint, then the choice must be made between two types of paint:

  • acrylic enamel.

The choice of paint dictates the sequence of further actions.

    • Alkyd paint dries out within two days, has a very pungent smell, which does not bring comfort to you or your family members. The only plus is the fact that alkyd enamel is resistant to abrasion, does not require varnishing, if a glossy composition is chosen, it is affordable.

If you or family members are prone to allergies, acrylic paint should be preferred for covering a wooden door.

When thinking about the question of how to cover a wooden door, do not forget to buy a wood primer and putty.

Putty and primer on wood will be needed to prepare the door for coating with paint or varnish.

These funds will be needed to prepare the canvas for subsequent painting.

Having considered the properties of two types of enamel, we will get acquainted in detail with all the stages of returning an old wooden door to a new life.

How to cover a wooden door: instructions for working with paint

If for interior space an old wooden door is chosen, then all work must begin with the purchase of materials and tools.

What needs to be prepared:

to remove old paint

    • putty knife;
    • sandpaper of different fractions;
    • rag;
  • building hair dryer if the paint is poorly removed.

for fabric preparation

    • putty on wood;
    • wood primer;
  • roller or brush.

for painting

    • enamel of suitable color and composition;
    • brush, roller, sponge;
    • wood varnish;
  • protective agent for the face, hands.

Stages of work on updating a wooden door:

    1. The door must be removed from the hinges, because it is difficult to perform a high-quality coating of the canvas in a hanging position. There is no way to get close to all sides of the facade without problems, the paint will go down with smudges, the fittings will be dirty finishing materials which will affect their external and functional qualities.
    1. On the floor, prepare a bedding to prevent contamination of the coating. If you are using strong-smelling compounds, then if possible, do all the work on the street or balcony to reduce the presence of smell in the room.
    1. Lay the canvas on the prepared surface and remove all fittings. The hardware may also need to be updated.
    1. Let's start removing the old coating. Remember that wood is soft and can be easily damaged. So proceed with caution. Some experts advise using special washes to remove old paint. You can use these tools, but having previously studied their composition and effect on wood flooring. In case of difficulty with peeling paint, you can use heating elements, which will soften the paint and allow you to remove it all without residue.
    1. Inspect the canvas and eliminate any defects with sandpaper, putty or wax-based mastic.
    1. After drying, the surface must be sanded again to remove any irregularities that may appear during the application of the final coat of paint.
    1. We proceed to the application of paint according to the instructions on the package. It depends on the chosen type of enamel.

Let's take a closer look at how to properly varnish a wooden door, because it can be used as a basis for restoration.

Choosing a varnish to cover a wooden door, the specifics of applying glue to the surface

If the method of painting does not suit you, or you need to cover not the old door, but a new one, but without finishing, then to maintain the natural texture and shade of the wood, varnish fit better Total. But you need to choose the right varnish, because each surface has its own composition.

Varnish and any other agent applied simultaneously to the canvas must have the same properties.

The assortment of varnish can confuse an ignorant person. Some compounds have a very pungent odor, others are felt slightly. There are several types of varnish:

    • Alkyd - the basis is a solvent that has a pungent odor. The varnish is resistant to water. At correct application give the tree a slight yellow tint. Dries within one day. To improve the properties, a hardener can be added.
    • Nitrolac - similar in composition to the first option. Dries quickly. For uniform application, it is better to use a paint sprayer.
    • Polyurethane varnish - the most resistant to external influence, lasts longer than other varnishes on the surface. But it must be remembered that this varnish can darken the wood if you do not apply a primer first.
  • Acrylic varnish is the most environmentally friendly of all listed, because it is water-based. It does not have a strong smell, which also causes respect. But acrylic lacquer, like acrylic enamel is less resistant to abrasion. You should not count on long-term preservation of gloss at a wooden door.

The choice is yours.

We varnish the door-blank

Many people, trying to save on, buy products without finishing. They are cheaper and can fit perfectly into the interior, if you know how to cover a wooden door and how to do it right.

Lacquered wood doors retain their natural color and texture.

If the blank is not intended for painting (a panel with a white matte finish), then select the varnish of the desired composition so as not to spoil the canvas.

    1. Basically, door blanks are sold in polished form, but do not be too lazy to check the entire surface again for chips, dents, roughness, which the varnish will show even more. Repair defects if necessary.
    1. Apply a coat of primer and let it dry. The primer will protect the surface of the wood from darkening.
  1. We proceed to the application of varnish, after stirring it and pouring it into a jar. It is necessary to apply the varnish quickly, with cross movements, without smudges. Procrastination is useless here. The varnish sets quickly to the surface. The more strokes, the less even the layer will be. This will lead to additional processing from divorces. The varnish must be applied in three to four layers, allowing each layer to dry.

Your efforts will be visible in the end result - a beautiful glossy canvas of a natural shade of wood will fit perfectly into the interior of any room.

You can varnish not only a new wooden door, but also an old varnished canvas. Restoration begins with a thorough cleaning of the old coating. The process is similar to working with painted old door, excluding the stage of staining with enamel. Masters advise using more toxic varnishes for long-term use of lacquered doors, because they are more resistant to abrasion.

Let's not forget the stain

Stain is also still appropriate to cover a wooden door. If you want to change the natural shade of wood, wood stain will do the job very well. Any wood can be stained. The shade depends on the intensity of application of the composition to the surface. The more stain, the more the natural shade changes. But everything must be done carefully to avoid dark spots or leaks on the door.

Stain allows you to change the basic shade of wood.

The stain can be applied to the door without removing it from the hinges. You just have to move from the bottom up. Use a sponge to apply.

We have reviewed different means for new or old.

If you want to save money, do it yourself. What about a wooden door? The answer depends on your choice.

A visual aid of how and how to cover a wooden door can be obtained in the presented video:

Wood is one of the most popular building materials. Of course, over time, wood began to be used somewhat less frequently, giving preference to more durable and durable materials. As an interior design, wood is unlikely to be replaced. Wooden doors can have special processing, as well as a variety of patterns. Despite all positive sides material, without varnishing, the doors will begin to deteriorate. The appearance and condition of the wood can deteriorate significantly, and it will be impossible to return everything to its original state.

It should be understood that the process of applying varnish is quite simple, but incredibly responsible. Many owners still rely on the help of specialists, but simple rules will help you to easily carry out all the procedures yourself. It is important to know that, first of all, applying varnish is not about improving the appearance of the door, but rather, actions aimed at extending the life of the material.

Of course, the door can also be painted, but it is the varnish that is able to preserve the natural appearance wood component. At the same time, a little dark tones varnishes for wooden doors look really chic. In this case, a lot also depends on the interior of the home itself. In some cases, paint may be suitable, and in some cases, varnish. Experience shows that lacquered windows are not best idea, from which, under the influence of precipitation, the wood still begins to deteriorate and darken. Doors that are indoors, after applying varnish to the surface, serve for a really long time without losing their appearance.

The basics of choosing a varnish for wood

As already mentioned, the varnish will help the doors not fade, tarnish or flake, as is the case with paint. It is important to know that the varnish is applied to the surface of the door in several layers. This ensures maximum surface durability. Varnishes are quite inexpensive, but there are varieties of such coatings. Among the most popular varnishes are:

  • acrylic;
  • alkyd;
  • water-dispersion.

The latter type of varnish is used most often. It has many advantages over other types. For alkyd varnishes, in turn, it is better not to look closely, they have many disadvantages. Water-dispersion varnishes last longer and are also much safer in terms of the environmental component. Maximum important aspect This varnish is fire resistant. This is a factor that is of phenomenal importance within a dwelling.

Preliminary actions

Before varnishing the door, there are some important steps to be taken. It is worth being careful and looking for cracks and chips on the surface. Such defects often appear during the transportation of doors. Nothing wrong with that. All these irregularities should be puttied. To purchase putty, we need to know the type of wood, and then already purchase the necessary material. Putty is applied with a special spatula not big size. It should be ensured that after all these actions, even a minimal void does not form inside the puttied crack. After that, it is necessary to sand the surface of the door. Our task is to make the surface of the door smooth. To do this, it is best to take zero sandpaper and diligently process every millimeter of the surface. Practically on all sorts of wood, after careful processing, a shiny surface is created.

Applying varnish to the surface of the door

Before varnishing doors, you should know exactly how many coats you need to apply. This is an important aspect on which the final quality, as well as the appearance of the doors, may depend. Often 2-3 coats are applied. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried. Often information about required quantity layers are provided by the varnish manufacturers themselves, so before using it is worth reading the instructions located on the jar of varnish. Lacquer is applied with a regular brush, preferably a large one. If there are elements on the door that should be avoided during the application of varnish, it is worth using masking tape. If we are talking about three layers of varnish, then you should not apply it in large quantities.

The polish dries fairly quickly. The very next day you can safely touch the door. Immediately after treatment, you will feel bad smell varnish, so it is better to ventilate the home.

Important Process Features

To strictly take into account the consumption of varnish material, you should again refer to the information on the bank. The varnish is incredibly easy to apply, so this material is not required in large quantities. For a detailed calculation of the amount of varnish, you need to know the surface area of ​​​​the door. The can indicates the amount of varnish that is suitable for surface treatment in one layer.

If there are a lot of patterns and other complex elements on the surface of the door, it is worth buying several brushes at once. Unfortunately, a large tool is not effective in processing small parts, this should be taken into account.

Other aspects of surface treatment with varnish

Before to how to varnish wooden doors, experts advise removing them from the hinges and placing them horizontally. Thanks to this action, the application of varnish becomes much more uniform than with classic way. This option will require a lot of time to varnish the entire door. First we apply varnish on one surface, and the next day we turn the door over and process the other side.

It is very important what kind of varnish the door is covered with. Many also prefer colored lacquer, which gives the door a special richness. Colorless door varnish is often applied after the surface of the door has been treated with paint. This step allows you to make the surface as smooth as possible and really bewitching.

The price issue when choosing varnishes does not really matter. It is important to pay attention to popular manufacturers that have been years produce only quality products. It's the quality here keyword, because the coating of the surface with varnish implies the maximum service life of the doors while maintaining the original properties.

Nowadays, the tree still has not lost its relevance in construction, interior decoration, and furniture production. Therefore, a wooden door is an essential attribute of most premises, both residential and industrial. On the one hand, it is a material that is environmentally friendly, durable, and aesthetically pleasing. On the other hand, wooden surfaces require special care. They are weather resistant and absorb moisture. environment may crack under the influence of sunlight. If we are talking about a wooden door, then to give it a decorative effect, increase wear resistance, you should open its surface with a special varnish.

  • Read how to choose

Varnish for a wooden door. How not to make a mistake in choosing

The range of varnishes for wood today is quite rich. In order not to make a mistake in their choice, you should know what properties each of them has. There are such types of varnishes for wood: acrylic, alkyd, nitro-cellulose, polyurethane.

  1. Won special popularity among the consumer today acrylic paints and varnishes. They are environmentally friendly, do not have strong odors, they can be diluted with water. But compared to other materials, they are less wear-resistant and durable. However, this disadvantage can be compensated if special hardeners are added to their composition. Prices from 300 to 1000 rubles per liter.
  2. Alkyd varnishes are considered more wear-resistant. Their main advantages are moisture resistance and giving decorative effect to painted surfaces. The disadvantages include a slight yellowness of the wood after coating, as well as a pungent smell of solvents with which it is diluted. In order to get a glossy sheen, you can use a urethane-alkyd varnish. The price is from 360 to 500 rubles per liter.
  3. If it is necessary for varnished wood to dry quickly, use nitro-cellulose varnishes, or nitro-varnishes as they are popularly called. They are transparent, which form a shiny transparent coating on the wood, while maintaining its natural color and texture. There are also matte, after which the surface becomes slightly silky with a muted color. There are acid-cured nitro-lacquers with the addition of carbamide resins. They increase frost resistance, moisture resistance, protect against sudden changes in temperature. The advantages of nitro-varnish include reliability, durability, as well as accelerated drying rates. Its main disadvantage is increased toxicity. Therefore, it is best to apply such substances with an airbrush. The price is 320?600 rubles per liter.
  4. Polyurethane varnishes are particularly resistant. They are resistant not only to atmospheric influences, but also to hydrochloric and sulfuric acid, ammonia, mechanical damage - shock, abrasion, cutting. However, such material can sometimes darken the wood, therefore it requires a mandatory primer.

Preparing the door for varnishing

First stage preparatory work is the removal of the old coating, if any. In cases where paint is involved, it is better to use building hair dryer or sandpaper. It is better not to use a remover for paints, since wood can absorb them and change their color under their influence. If we are talking about an old varnish coating, then you can use a special remover for such materials. The surface cleaning process should be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to spoil the appearance of the door.

The next step is grinding the surface in order to eliminate all irregularities and roughness. This should be done with sandpaper with a fraction from 60 to 180 (depending on how serious the flaws need to be eliminated). If such a procedure was not enough and the irregularities are still noticeable, you can use wood putty of the corresponding color.

In the photo, Drevotex (1 liter) is a preservative, hard-to-wash antiseptic for protecting wood, the price of a liter is 72 rubles.

Further, with the help of a brush or roller, special substances are applied that protect the wood from fungus and bark beetle (wood antiseptics). Then the door is primed. Carrying out all these procedures, it is necessary to ensure that the impregnation, varnish and primer are on the same basis (it is better if they are from the same manufacturer). After priming, you should once again walk with sandpaper and apply a layer of primer again.

To apply varnish on the door, it is necessary to prepare a narrow roller and a narrow brush, a special tray and sandpaper No. 400. It is necessary to cover the door in a horizontal position, very quickly, so that the transitions are invisible. As a rule, the procedure must be repeated three times, waiting for the complete drying of the previous layer. After each application and drying, the flaws on the surface must be removed with sandpaper (except for the last layer).

Before varnishing, all hinges and locks must be removed so that the entire surface is covered and, accordingly, protected from various external influences. To get an idea of ​​how the door will look after varnishing, you can make a few test strokes on its front side and wait for it to dry.

Watch a video with tips on how to properly restore a wooden door, how to apply varnish:

Despite the spread of new materials for the manufacture of doors, wooden structures are the most popular, especially in private housing. The lacquered surface looks much more spectacular than the painted one, emphasizes the beauty of the wood and gives the door a presentable appearance. How to varnish the door will be discussed in this article.

Lacquered doors look more luxurious than just painted ones.

Varnish selection

There are several types of coatings that are used when varnishing doors.

  1. Alkyd. They include solvents that give the wood a yellowish tone and are resistant to moisture. To improve the ability to dry, increase moisture resistance and strength, so-called hardeners are often added to the composition. The duration of drying of the surface covered with such coatings is approximately a day.
  2. Acrylic. Made on a water basis. Odorless and non-toxic. To increase the strength, hardeners can be added to the composition of the varnish, since without it the composition does not have good strength characteristics.
  3. Nitrolacs. The main advantage is very fast drying. The basis of this varnish is solvents. The disadvantage is increased toxicity, which often makes its use unjustified. The best way application - airbrush.
  4. Polyurethane coatings are durable. Polyurethane gives a dark shade, and therefore the surface of the door must be primed.

There are other varieties that can be used when varnishing a door. However, the ones listed above are considered the most common.

Note! There is a pattern: the more toxic the varnish, the higher its consumer properties.

Alkyd varnishes are more resistant to moisture, so it is recommended to use them in rooms with high humidity(e.g. bathroom)

Materials and tools

For preparatory work and further varnishing you will need:

  • brush or roller;
  • cotton rags;
  • putty knife;
  • wood putty;
  • Grinder;
  • sandpaper (both fine-grained and coarse-grained);
  • construction dryer.

Door preparation

Before varnishing the door, it must be sanded, removing all irregularities and roughness. One of the sanding options is a board (25 × 10 centimeters) wrapped in sandpaper.

Sanding is an important operation, so you need to take it carefully. Moreover, this stage is quite laborious. You can also use a grinder - this will speed up the process. All kinds of cracks, cracks and other defects are sealed with putty. Pay attention to the color of the putty, as this will affect the final look of the finished door.

It is very important to clean the door well before varnishing.

Next, the door is treated with a special impregnation that protects the material from mold and bark beetle. To improve the quality of varnishing and reduce varnish consumption, the surface is primed. The primer is applied with a brush or roller.

Dust must be removed from the work surface and degreased with white spirit. If you plan to paint the doors, they can be processed chemical composition. However, this should not be done before varnishing, as the wash will impregnate the wood and negatively affect its color.

Important! Primer, impregnation and varnish must have an identical base. If this is not the case, the incompatibility of the components will lead to delamination of the coating. In connection with the above, it is recommended to purchase all components from the same manufacturer.

After priming, we carry out another grinding, using either sandpaper No. 180 or a grinder. The sanded surface is re-primed.

Having opened the jar, you need to slowly stir the composition. it required condition, since only slow stirring avoids the occurrence of air bubbles. Next, a little varnish needs to be poured into the prepared container. The door is removed together with the frame and placed horizontally.

To ensure a smooth transition between layers, coatings must be applied quickly. Lacquer layers are applied in an overlap, and their number should be at least three. Each layer must be completely dry (after approximately 12 hours) before the next layer can be applied.

Note! Different varnishes differ in terms of drying. More detailed information on this issue can be found in the instructions.

Lacquer is applied to the panels with a small brush. The resulting sags and streaks are eliminated with sandpaper (except for the last layer). Until the paintwork material dries, the brush or roller can be kept in a jar of varnish or in a closed bag.

Note! During work, some masters leave doorknobs in place, wrapping them around to protect them from lacquer ingress. It is not right. The fittings must be removed to cover the hidden places with impregnation and primer.

If you need to lacquer a door with a coating previously applied to it, you will have to remove old layer varnish or paint. It is important to remove all old paint or varnish. The appearance of the door after its varnishing will depend on this. However, for optimal preservation of the lacquer coating, varnishing over the old lacquer is sometimes allowed.

The process of varnishing the door is not a complex operation. However, at the same time, it is necessary to observe not only accuracy, but also not to forget about safety precautions: use protective gloves and ventilate the room well.

Perhaps, the tree is still considered one of the most popular building materials today. Previously, it was used almost everywhere, today the demand has decreased significantly. Many people prefer to deal with stronger and more durable materials. But when making interior design few people can ignore the use of wood. Take at least an interior door with its processing features and a variety of patterned decorations. No matter how well prepared for use wooden material, it should definitely be varnished. Otherwise, the appearance of your products will deteriorate over time, and it will be impossible to restore its original beauty.

The right choice of varnish

Decided to use varnish? You have made the right choice. It remains only to correctly select the necessary material for processing your doors. Lacquer compositions are divided into several types:

  • Alkyd formulations are an excellent water-resistant, solvent-based option. After application creates a slight yellow tint. In order to speed up drying, the addition of a hardener is allowed. This combination will increase the hardness and moisture resistance of the coating. The time for complete drying after application is twenty-four hours.
  • Nitro-varnish compositions - are able to dry fairly quickly, are made on the basis of solvents. Very toxic material, easy to use with a spray gun.
  • Polyurethane varnish composition - has high strength, is able to give wood dark color. Before applying it, it is recommended to treat the surface with primer compositions.
  • Acrylic lacquer is environmentally friendly, as it contains water base. This type of varnish is odorless, but is not as durable as other compounds.

How to prepare the door

If you decide to update a door covered with varnish or other protective material, you should first prepare it.

  1. It is not recommended to apply a fresh coating over old varnish or paint, so the old layer must be removed in advance. The better you do this, the more beautiful your door will look when you finish varnishing. In work, it is best to use a hair dryer or sandpaper.
  2. Now let's move on to the second preparatory stage - grinding the surface of the door. This is necessary in order to remove all the defects that appeared during the initial processing. This procedure is performed using fine sandpaper. To perform grinding work, you need to be patient, this will help you achieve good results.
  3. In the case of using paint, the sandpaper leveling procedure could be replaced with the usual surface puttying. Varnishing involves the use of putty, but in small quantities to repair knotty places and deep damage. In this case, it is very important to choose the color of the putty to match the color of the wood from which your door is made.

Note! Never use washes designed for metal work. as they quickly soak into the wood, coloring it. For each type of coating, the appropriate type of wash is selected.

Next preparatory stage- treatment of the door surface with a special impregnating composition, which will serve as protection against mold and bark beetles. After the impregnation has dried, apply a primer mixture with a roller or brush. It will create conditions for better adhesion of the surface to the varnish and somewhat reduce its consumption. Performing all activities, it is necessary to make a selection of materials on the same main component so that the effect of delamination does not appear. We recommend choosing all necessary materials from one manufacturer. When the primer dries, you need to work again with sandpaper a little. Places of additional stripping should be covered with a primer mixture additionally. If you have chosen a varnish that will not change the color of the wood, you can use it as a primer, having previously diluted it.

Lacquering the door

Remember how to varnish the door. To get started, prepare everything necessary tools. You will need:

  • narrow roller;
  • the same narrow brush;
  • a container for varnish (a bath is best);
  • sandpaper.

First of all, you need to thoroughly stir the varnish so that all air bubbles disappear. The door before painting must be in a horizontal position. The frame will have to be covered at the installation site. If smudges appear, they will need to be removed between painting with sandpaper.

The varnish should be applied quickly enough so that there are no traces of transitions. There should be at least three layers of coatings, before each new layer the applied varnish should dry well. Check the drying time carefully in the instructions for use.


See the full report on the restoration of a wooden door using wood stain: