How to decorate an arch in an apartment with your own. DIY plasterboard arch: the best ideas and projects from world-famous designers (130 photos). Types and forms

When carrying out repairs in apartment, redevelopment of the living space is often carried out. In this case, some internal walls are often dismantled to create a common living space. And to zoning the resulting premises, they install lungs interior partitions with wide arched openings. Sometimes the creation of arches is not related to redevelopment; this is simply how doorways are decorated. But in any case, you will need to think about the design of the opening in the form of an arch. It is important that it is in harmony with the interior of the apartment.

Today, a variety of arches are widely used to create original and beautiful interiors in the apartment. Arches can be installed in interior doorways or light partitions, in wall niches or alcoves.

If renovations are being carried out in a private house, then even window openings can be made in the form of arches. Looking at the photo designer interiors, you can see how arches can be used. In addition, you can get interesting ideas design of this interior element.

Dependence of arch design on interior style

Decorative design should be selected not only to the taste of the owner, but taking into account the design direction of the main interior of the apartment. Of course, the easiest way is to turn to a professional designer to develop a general concept and create a design project for the arch.

But if you have to develop a design project yourself, you need to remember that the design should complement and repeat the design of the premises in which it is used.

Classic arches

This type of arch has a strictly symmetrical shape, and the radius of the arcuate part should be equal to half the width of the opening. Such arches are distinguished by the grace of shapes and lines. In this case, the finishing must be selected appropriately – elegant and noble. Most often used for finishing:

  • Wooden panels;
  • Polyurethane moldings;

  • Columns or half-columns made of polyurethane;
  • Stucco elements.

Advice! It is the classic arch that is easiest to make with your own hands.

Arches in a modern interior

In modern style, arches of complex, asymmetrical shapes are more often used. When decorating a room in the style of functional minimalism, you won’t need to pay much attention to decorative elements.

But the arch can be supplemented with functional shelves, which can be used for storing books, installing an aquarium, etc. To decorate an arch in a high-tech style, glass blocks, linings made of shiny metal or plastic can be used.

Arches in a romantic style

Romantic style includes many different interior styles. Depending on this, the type of design is selected. Carvings, stained glass windows, and forged metal products can be used to decorate arches.

Decorative stone finishing is also widely used. Firstly, finishing an arched opening with stone looks attractive, you can see this by looking at photos of decorated arches. And secondly, it is quite possible to finish the arch with decorative stone with your own hands.

Advice! Those craftsmen who know how to lay ceramic tiles with their own hands can easily complete the finishing with decorative stone, since careful adjustment and alignment of the seams is not required. Options for finishing arches with this material can be seen in the photos posted on thematic resources.

Execution of work

Let's look at how you can finish an arched opening in an apartment with your own hands.

Painting and plastering works

This method is one of the simplest, so it is often chosen by people who do the finishing themselves. Besides, this type finishing can be called universal, it is suitable for both classic and modern interiors. Besides, similar finish It will be appropriate both in the kitchen and in the nursery or living room.

The base for painting is prepared different ways, it could be:

  • Regular smooth finishing putty.
  • Creating a relief on a plastered surface using textured plaster.
  • Using pigmented plaster.

Advice! For living rooms and kitchens it is better to use standard finishes. Textured plaster compositions can be used in the corridor and on the balcony.

To make the finish look neat, you need to use special corners, since it will not be easy to create ideal corners using a solution. The prepared surface is thoroughly cleaned and primed. Only after this can you start applying paint. It is convenient to work with a roller or a wide brush.

Tiles and artificial stone

To decorate an arched opening in the kitchen - tiles are the best option, as it is durable and hygienic. IN living rooms You can also use tiles with a pattern that imitates masonry or artificial stone. You can combine different materials, for example, decorative plaster and artificial stone.

In order to perfectly finish an arched opening in a kitchen or room with tiles yourself, you will need to first perfectly level the surface. It is worth taking on this work only if you have experience in tile work.

Ready elements

Using decorative overlay panels or polyurethane stucco molding, you can quickly finish an arched opening in a room or kitchen. The most popular option for ready-made elements for finishing are MDF panels, the surface of which can be covered with veneer or laminated film.

The panels are fastened with glue or nails without heads; spacers and spacers may be required to level the level. polyurethane foam. The principle of finishing is similar to installation interior doors. The stucco elements are attached with glue.

These parts are made of polyurethane, so, despite their impressive appearance, they are light in weight. Polyurethane stucco looks impressive, it is ideal for rooms decorated in romantic, classic or antique style. Stucco is rarely used to decorate an opening in a kitchen, as it is not the most practical material.

So, the design of arched openings must be selected in accordance with the overall stylistic design of the interior. In this case, you can use a variety of Decoration Materials. It is recommended to use ceramic tiles in the kitchen, as they are one of the most hygienic and practical materials. In living rooms you can use artificial stone, stucco elements or MDF panels. A universal finishing option is painting.

Interior residential premises can be monotonous and boring, since most apartments are built according to standard projects and resemble one another. You can add variety and originality to your home by replacing the standard doorway with a more elegant and aesthetic arch.

Knowing how to make an arch in an apartment, many experts assure that all the work can be done independently using inexpensive building materials.

Advantages of the arch

The best solution is a plasterboard arch, since this building material is very popular, you can find it in any store and even choose the one that will be more suitable in your case based on its basic characteristics. In addition, it is easy to process, bends and does not require special tools for cutting.

To make an arch, you will need drywall of different thicknesses - the one that will be on top may be slightly thinner than the one that will be placed below. Except facing material, you will need two types of metal profile - guide and rack.

The profile frame will make your arch more durable and reliable, which is important when it comes to a frequently used room. You will also need self-tapping screws designed for working with wood and large dowels.

Where is the best place to make an arch?

An arched opening is relevant in the hallway or kitchen - places where you don’t need to close the doors often. However, these rooms are some of the most frequently used rooms, and therefore you need to ensure that your arch lasts as long as possible.

You should also take into account that the cladding will take up some space and the opening will decrease in size, so if the doorways in your apartment are not very high, big problems may arise with the work.

After the material has been purchased, you can begin the work process itself. To make it easier for you to make an arch with your own hands and to avoid mismatches, you need to carefully measure the opening.

The width, height and wall thickness of the original property are key factors. After this, you can start cutting drywall. The most difficult thing is to cut out a semicircle for the upper edge of the arch.

Step-by-step instruction

To do this, you can use the old proven tool - a lace and a pencil. Take the width of your doorway and add about 20 centimeters to it, then cut a strip of drywall to that size. Once the layout is ready, mark a point in the center of the base, moving just a few centimeters from the bottom edge.

The end of the lace is secured at this point. Most often, for reliability, it is secured with a bolt or nail. A pencil is tied to the other end. The distance between the first end of the rope and the pencil is half the width of your doorway.

Using this simple device, we draw the correct arc of the required dimensions and cut out an arched opening along the resulting line. There should be two such templates, since the arch needs to be designed in both directions. The second template is much easier to cut out, using the first one instead of a template.

Next, speaking about how to make an arch in an apartment, you need to take care of correct installation and profile fastening. The guide profile should be placed at the top, making sure that it exactly follows the contour of your arch.

The obtained result must be strengthened using a more rigid rack profile. Dowels should be used to secure the profile.

Working with drywall

It should also be taken into account that when fixing drywall, the surface of the product will rise slightly, and if you want your arch to merge with the wall, it is better to install the profile a little deeper, stepping back from the outer edge of the opening a few millimeters inward.

Next, the cut out templates are fixed to the profile. The work is done using self-tapping screws, and the heads of each screw should be slightly pressed into the surface so that when final finishing there were no problems. To fill the space between the templates, you need to use a strip of drywall that has been pre-treated with moisture.

This will give the material sufficient flexibility and in places where there is a semicircle it can be leaned against the profile without any problems. You can apply moisture with a good rag, or use a roller.

After this, you need to wait several hours until the drywall dries and is in the right condition for fastening. The width of the strip should be the same as the width of the original opening.

The finishing touch self-production arch is filling the seams and finishing the finished arched opening. For these purposes, there is a special putty for drywall, which is more delicate to handle. It lays down in a thin layer and hides all the external imperfections of the “raw” product.

An arch can give the room a more elegant look, enliven the atmosphere and distinguish your apartment from a number of other standard buildings. If you do all the work yourself, you will be able to take into account all the subtleties, and the result will be as accurate and functional as possible in your conditions.

Photo tips on how to make an arch in an apartment with your own hands

Finishing the arch is the final stage, which will highlight the beauty of the structure. It should be noted that this particular work is the most important when it comes to the decorative component. Don't worry - you can do everything completely yourself. The main thing is to show the necessary perseverance and desire. Of course, you cannot do without some experience and availability the right tools, which are selected depending on the chosen finishing option.

Decorating an arch in an apartment is a process that is carried out after the main work has been completed. The fact is that such structures are made from various materials, By various technologies. The resulting architectural element serves to decorate the entire interior, giving it some individuality. We must not forget that cladding can play not only a decorative role, but also perform a protective function.

A few tips to help achieve the desired effect:

  1. The most in a simple way decorate an arch in an apartment with your own with my own hands is considered to highlight an arched opening in the right color. Often shades are selected that will contrast with the walls. Thus, it is possible to obtain a completed design with a minimum of effort. This method can be used for other materials.
  2. Decorating material can be matched to existing colors. For example, if the cladding of interior arches is done with MDF panels, then it is advisable to combine them with closely spaced door leaves.
  3. You can decorate the design using various embossing, patterned ribbons that match general direction design.
  4. Nowadays stucco molding is becoming increasingly popular. Indeed, this is an excellent option that allows you to highlight an interior decorated in a classic style.
  5. The mosaic looks quite unique. Its use requires experience in installation. But if everything is done flawlessly, the effect will be amazing.

Decorating the arch with mosaics - unusual solution worthy of attention

Selection and use of materials

How can you decorate an arch? Currently, there are many materials that perfectly cope with the task. We can highlight the most popular ones that deserve special attention:

  • Natural and artificial stone. It should be borne in mind that the first type requires more professionalism.
  • Cork. A completely natural and environmentally friendly product. A significant disadvantage may be the price.
  • Decorative plaster. This option allows you to finish the surfaces in such a way that it gives the impression of natural stone.
  • Various types of tiles. They are similar in laying technology to stone, but give the interior a completely different look.
  • Textile. This material requires a special approach to avoid banality and simplicity.

Of course, there are many more products for decorating arches. With a certain desire, they can use completely unusual options. So, for example, the structure, which is lined with fitted log cuts, looks quite original. Technologically, this solution is very simple. The blanks are cut to the required size. On one side there is a cut, which will serve as a groove for the edge of the opening. Such blocks of wood are inserted into place, secured with self-tapping screws.

Wallpaper - simple and accessible

Indeed, this is one of the easiest ways that allows you to complete the entire process in short term. The main thing is that the costs will be minimal.

Wallpapering is the simplest and most inexpensive way finishing the arched doorway

The whole process is very simple:

  1. If necessary, before covering the arch with wallpaper, the surface is leveled.

    On a note! Before finishing the plasterboard arch, a layer of putty is applied to its surface. This is necessary so that if there is a desire to update the finish, the wallpaper does not have to be removed along with the cardboard.

  2. After waiting for the applied composition to dry, the glue is prepared. It is kneaded according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. Wallpaper is cut into strips of the required length. The sticker runs strictly vertically, covering part of the opening. You should get a bend equal to 3-4 cm.
  4. To bend the seam allowance but avoid wrinkles, cut the edge into corners.
  5. Now is the most painstaking part of the work - you need to cut out a strip that will be glued to the arched surface. This must be done so that the existing pattern matches. This area is smoothed from top to bottom. That is, gluing is done in the very high point, after which the fragment goes down to the bottom.

Although there are some negative factors to consider:

  • It is necessary to decorate taking into account the fact that such material is very short-lived. After some time, the surface may acquire yellowish tints. The feeling of novelty will disappear.
  • The use of wallpaper is limited to the location of the opening. They are not recommended for use on structures that are located in kitchen area. Even washable types will not save the situation.
  • Lack of protective functions. Such a coating is very easy to damage, and from minimal mechanical impact.

Of course, it cannot be said that this method allows you to decorate the arch. But, of course, it is suitable for many situations that require the job to be done in the most simple and inexpensive way.

Stucco molding - impressive and elegant

To get a spectacular arch that attracts the eye, use polyurethane stucco molding. This is a modern version of the product, which was previously made exclusively from gypsum. It is actively used to frame various structures.

Finishing an arch with polyurethane stucco is an affordable solution with a stunning effect

This option has its own characteristics. The fact is that the finishing material is more suitable for classic interiors. If you use a polyurethane arch in a modern style, then such details may seem completely out of place.

Installation is carried out using the following technology:

  1. The surfaces are leveled. All areas are well cleaned.
  2. All dust is erased. If you leave such flaws, the gluing will be unreliable.
  3. The treated surface should dry well. This period is used to perform marking. Trimming of parts may be necessary.

    On a note! To perform trimming at an angle of 45 degrees, use a miter box. It is important to place the elements correctly to avoid the appearance of joining gaps.

  4. Now you can start gluing. For this purpose, a special composition is used, which is marked: “suitable for gluing products made of polyurethane.” This substance is applied to the underside of the part, which is pressed against the surface and held. If joining is performed, the glue is spread on one side. It is important to remove excess immediately. The seams are treated with putty and sanded.

  5. When finishing an arch with polyurethane, you need to take into account that all work must be carried out with extreme care. Any defects will be very difficult to correct.

    Decorative plaster – time-tested

    Finishing of arched openings can also be done using decorative plaster. This method has its positive aspects. This is one of the few options that allows you to get an extremely individual surface that will be durable.

    Some shortcomings cannot be ruled out. Thus, the coating is very difficult to restore if damaged. If the result of the work is a relief surface, then it must be constantly looked after.

    On a note! It is very easy to decorate an arch in an apartment with your own hands if you use special decorative mixtures. They have a long setting time, which allows them to form the necessary texture in order to achieve the desired result.

    The operating procedure is as follows:

  • Finishing the arches begins with preparing the required amount of mixture. Next, it is transferred to a prepared, well-primed surface. It is important to consider that each layer must have a certain thickness. Their number depends on the chosen decorative type.
  • To form the relief much faster, special rollers are used.
  • The resulting relief is left to dry. Then coated with a primer.

Now the finished area can be painted. To get an interesting effect, two shades of paint are applied to the surface. One fills the depressions, the other fills the protrusions.

Stone – reliable and original

Stone is an excellent solution that will help create your own zest in the interior. It is important to consider that it is better to give preference to artificial options. They are much easier to process and also do not require professional knowledge. The best looking material is one that follows the curves of the structure. In this case - an arc.

Decorating an arched opening with decorative stone - stylish solution for modern interiors

The actions are performed in the following order:

  1. Finishing an arch with your own hands begins by preparing the covering. It is important to exclude any differences and defects.
  2. A laying diagram is drawn up. Markings are made on the surface. Material is laid out nearby on the floor. This technology will allow you to immediately adjust some elements, distribute them more correctly, and also avoid mistakes.
  3. The stone is laid on glue or special mixture. The technology allows you to create wide joints or do everything without seams.
  4. If trimming is performed, then the cut edges must be processed.

The same technology is used when the question arises of how to tile an arch in an apartment. But it should be borne in mind that this material requires adherence to a certain sequence. If the stone can be laid “at random”, then the tiles are distinguished by their clarity.

Plastic – modern and affordable

Plastic is quite easy to work with. It is important to understand that not all panels can be bent at the desired angle. Many, especially cheap options, break quickly. It is much easier to veneer an arched opening plastic panels when it has an angular arch.

The following manipulations are performed:

  • Careful surface preparation can be eliminated. It is important to understand that often, panels are used to form the entire opening. That is, they act as the main and decorative elements of the structure.
  • A wooden sheathing is created. It will serve as the foundation around which everything else is built. The slats are laid perpendicular to the panels.
  • An arcuate dome is formed by dividing it into sectors. Often, the division occurs into three parts: the top, two outer fragments.
  • The panels are fixed with staples, which are driven in with a stapler along the edges. All joints and transitions are hidden by decorative corners.

Covering the arch with plastic yourself will not cause any particular difficulties

How to additionally decorate such a surface? To do this, you can use various decorative elements that will harmonize with the plastic.

On a note! It’s easy to line an arch with plastic with your own hands. The main thing is not to choose the cheapest materials.

Cork - environmentally friendly and stylish

This is a fairly popular direction, which is limited only by the fact that this option can be very expensive. This state of affairs is explained by the fact that cork is a completely natural material.

Finishing with cork will create warmth and comfort and will not harm your health.

For work it is advisable to use roll options. They are great for self-execution all works. It is important to consider that before you design an arch located next to the kitchen, cork material, it needs to be waxed. This will avoid damage to the coating.

Of course, finishing arches in an apartment with cork is an excellent solution, but you need to remember that it must be maintained overall design interior

It must be taken into account that everything Finishing work must be carried out in strict compliance with existing rules. Then such an architectural element will become a real decoration.

Options for finishing arched openings (20 photos)

Every house or apartment has several doorways. One of the popular and common ways to design them is to create an arch. In addition to the fact that it must be done correctly, design is of great importance; this stage of work must be given Special attention. There are many options for finishing arches, they all have both advantages and disadvantages.

Popular materials for arch finishing

One of the most accessible and effective ways Revitalizing the design of a room, giving it an individual and unique look is the creation of an arch. It can have a wide variety of shapes and be made of different materials. Just creating a door arch will not be enough; it still needs to be properly and beautifully finished. There are several options you can use for this. It must be remembered that in addition to giving the structure a beautiful and attractive appearance, the finishing material can also protect it from damage, so its choice must be approached competently.

The finishing of the arch should not only give it an attractive appearance, but also protect it from possible damage.


Painting is the simplest and most affordable finishing method arched design, so it is very popular. The advantage of this material is its availability and ease of application. It is enough to purchase paint and apply it to the prepared surface using a brush, roller or spray gun. To get a beautiful result, you need to apply at least two layers. The disadvantage of this type of finishing is that the surface must be prepared very carefully, and this takes a lot of time and effort. If there are any irregularities on the arch, then after painting they will be even more noticeable.

The arch can be painted to match the walls or in a contrasting color

There are two main options for this finish:

  • painting in the same tone as the wall, then the structure dissolves in the interior;
  • painting in a contrasting color, in this case the focus is on the door arch.


Wallpaper is also a common option for finishing an arch. You can choose them to match the color of the walls or use a contrasting solution. Now liquid wallpaper has appeared, which is often used to decorate the arch.

To cover the arch, you can use regular, vinyl, textile or liquid wallpaper.

Advantages of wallpapering an arch:

  • big choice, so you can purchase material of the required shade and texture;
  • ease of installation; no special skills or tools are required to perform the work;
  • affordable price.


  • fragility. Even the most durable wallpaper is easily damaged, so you have to change it after 2–4 years;
  • discoloration. Under the influence sunny color Wallpaper quickly loses its original color.

Better to buy plain wallpaper without ornament. If the walls are covered with the same material, you won’t have to select a pattern, so the work can be completed easier and faster. To decorate the edges of the arch you can use plastic corners. They will act not only as decorative elements, but will also reliably protect the corners from possible mechanical damage.


Decorating the arches with natural wood gives the room style, solidity and beauty. This material goes well with almost any design solution, but most suitable for finishing an arch in a wooden house.

An arch made of natural wood looks especially stylish in combination with other wooden elements interior

Advantages of finishing an arch with wood:

  • the original presentable appearance is preserved for many years;
  • high strength when finishing with hard wood;
  • environmental friendliness.


  • at high humidity even if there is additional protection wood is prone to deformation;
  • wooden structures do not tolerate temperature changes well, so it is not worth finishing the arch near the entrance doors with such material;
  • heavy weight. Elements made of natural wood are difficult to install alone, so you need to invite an assistant and fix them securely;
  • high price.

If valuable types of wood are used to decorate the arch, then decorative products are usually ordered from specialized companies and installed by specialists. If you have the necessary skills, you can decorate an arch with wood yourself.

MDF panels

MDF panels are a good alternative to natural wood.

Can be purchased ready-made kits MDF panels for arch finishing

This material consists of wood chips and, depending on the type of coating, can be:

  • laminated. The surface is covered with PVC film, which imitates natural wood or other material. In addition, such a coating increases the strength of the material;
  • veneered. The boards are pressed with a thin layer of veneer and then varnished.

Compared to natural wood, MDF panels have the following advantages:

  • resistance to high humidity and temperature changes;
  • light weight of the panels, which simplifies the installation process;
  • affordable price.

Disadvantages of MDF panels:

  • when delivering targeted strikes they are easily damaged;
  • under the influence of ultraviolet radiation they can change their original color;
  • service life is shorter than that of natural wood.


Arches decorated with cork look beautiful. Panels with a thickness of 3 mm or more are made from it, covered on top with thin veneer and impregnated with wax. You can use cork in rolls, but in this case it is not always impregnated with wax. To give rolled products the required color, they can be painted on the front or back side. In addition, there are also cork wallpapers. They have a paper base with a thin layer of cork glued onto it. Often such wallpapers have a self-adhesive backing, which makes gluing them simple and quick.

The arch can be covered with cork wallpaper

Benefits of cork:

  • is not afraid of the impact of targeted impacts;
  • does not accumulate dust;
  • retains its original appearance for a long time;
  • has antibacterial characteristics, so fungus and mold do not form on it.


  • afraid of moisture. If the surface has not been treated with wax, then at high humidity the material may become deformed;
  • absorbs odors well;
  • has a high cost.


More recently, in order to implement such a solution, people had to make a mosaic from broken glass or ceramic tiles. Now there is a ready-made mosaic on sale and all that remains is to glue it to the surface of the arch. There are usually no difficulties with performing such work, but since the elements are very small, finishing will take a lot of time.

Finishing a mosaic arch in a large opening will take quite a lot of time.

Advantages of mosaic:

  • large selection of shapes and colors;
  • moisture resistance;
  • strength;
  • high wear resistance;
  • long service life.


  • difficulty of performing the work. It requires not only certain skills, but also a lot of time;
  • high price.

Depending on the design style of the room, choose ceramic, metal orglass mosaic.

Decorative rock

The arch can be finished with both natural and artificial stone. The cost of natural materials is higher, so their artificial analogues are usually used for finishing. Since the weight of the stone is large, lay it on plasterboard partitions It’s not worth it, it’s better to do it on main walls. Instead of decorative stone, you can decorate the arch with tiles to resemble facing bricks.

If the arch is made in a main wall, it can be finished with stone tiles

Advantages of finishing an arch with decorative stone:

  • a large selection of materials that differ not only in color, but also in texture;
  • high strength;
  • good moisture resistance;
  • long service life.


  • complexity of installation. You must have certain skills;
  • heavy weight of the material, significantly increasing the load on the structure;
  • high price.

It is better to use small stones to finish the arch vaults, as they are much easier to lay.

Decorative plaster

There is quite a large selection different types plasters, so you can choose the one that will harmoniously fit into the interior of the room. Using this material you can create unique solutions, here everything depends on the imagination and abilities of the person finishing the arch.

Methods of finishing with decorative plaster are limited only by the imagination of the master

The store sells ready-made dry mixtures that just need to be diluted with water and can be applied to the prepared surface.

Advantages of decorative plaster:

  • allows you to create unique solutions that will be impossible to repeat;
  • you can create both a smooth and expressive relief;
  • if it is necessary to update the surface, it can be repainted;
  • the surface does not need to be carefully leveled before applying the finish;
  • affordable price.
  • easily damaged by mechanical stress;
  • Do not carry out wet cleaning;
  • if you need to do it redecorating, this area will stand out against the general background.

To apply decorative plaster, it is enough to have minimal skills and a little time.

Now there is a large selection of polyurethane moldings on sale, with which you can quickly and originally design an arch. These elements are usually fixed with glue, and for greater strength, self-tapping screws can be used.

With the help of polyurethane moldings you can quickly and originally design an arch

Advantages of finishing with polyurethane moldings:

  • a large selection of different elements;
  • ease of installation;
  • affordable price.


  • not suitable for use in expensive interiors;
  • low resistance to mechanical damage.

What tool will you need for the job?

Depending on what material the arch will be finished with, you may need different tools:

How to prepare the arch surface for finishing

Finishing the arch is a responsible and rather labor-intensive process. It is usually made from plasterboard. Experts recommend that such surfaces be puttied. This is due to the fact that if over time you want to update or replace the finishing material, in places where there is no putty, a layer of cardboard will be removed simultaneously with the finishing, and this can lead to damage to the entire structure.

The procedure for carrying out preparatory work:

  1. Smoothing the transition between the wall and the side surface of the arch. The joint is smoothed using putty so that the transition from one surface to another is not visible.

    The transition between the wall and the side surface of the arch is leveled and smoothed using putty

  2. Sealing seams and screw heads. For this, sickle tape is used, and the heads of the screws are sealed only with putty.

    Self-tapping screws and seams are sealed with putty

  3. Aligning the transition between the arch and the wall. For this purpose putty is used. It must be applied with a wide spatula; it must be wider than the overlap in order to obtain a smooth and even transition.

    The transition of the arched arc into the wall should be smooth and even

  4. Strengthening corners. One of the most problem areas door arch are its angles. To strengthen them, you need to use metal or plastic corners, which are fixed with putty or self-tapping screws. Instead of corners, the edges of the arch can be glued with sickle tape.

    The corners are reinforced with sickle tape or a perforated corner

  5. Putty arch arch. The entire surface is evenly covered with putty and leveled.
  6. Processing of side surfaces. This work must be done from top to bottom. The junctions between the wall and the arch are taped with sickle tape. The width of the tape should be such as to completely cover the transition point between the arch and the wall. After that side surfaces putty to completely smooth out the transition.

    The putty is applied to the sickle tape glued at the junction of the walls and the arch

  7. Final leveling of the surface. You can begin work only after the putty has dried. Grouting of the surface is done using sandpaper.
  8. Primer. To ensure good adhesion of the surface to the finishing material used, it must be primed. The primer is applied using a brush or roller. After it has completely dried, which will take about four hours, you can proceed to finishing work.

The described work should be performed with starting putty, since it has better adhesion and its price is lower. Depending on the finishing material used, surface leveling may be necessary. finishing putty. This is required if the arch will be painted, in other cases it is possible finishing putty do not apply.

To eliminate large differences and significant unevenness, the putty can be applied in several layers, the thickness of each of them should not be more than 5 mm. Before applying the next layer, allow time for the previous one to dry thoroughly. Depending on the conditions in the room, the type of putty used and the thickness of the applied layer, the approximate drying time will vary:

  • plaster - 3–6 hours;
  • cement - from 12 to 24 hours;
  • polymer - from 4 hours.

Expert advice to help you complete your preparatory work more efficiently:

  • When filling holes, it is recommended to apply putty a little more than necessary, since the solution tends to dry out a little. It is better to then remove the excess bump with sandpaper, and if a hole remains, then you will need to putty this place again;
  • To properly level the surface, you may need to apply three or four layers of putty. Keep in mind that before applying a new layer, the previous one must dry completely;
  • When sealing joints, you need to press the solution well into the existing gap to completely fill it. In this case, it is also better to apply a little more solution and then remove it with sandpaper, rather than carry out additional sealing when depressions form.

Video: preparing the arch surface for finishing

The sequence of finishing an arch with different materials

The order of work will depend on the selected material.


To finish the arch, ordinary thin wallpaper or heavy vinyl, textile, and glass wallpaper.

The process of gluing an arch with thin wallpaper:

When using heavy vinyl wallpaper the edges of the strips are cut exactly along the border of the arch, and then this area is covered with a decorative corner.

Finishing with decorative plaster

The order of finishing work:

  1. Applying plaster. This is done using a spatula. After the plaster has dried a little, it is lightly sanded with a paint float.

    Plaster is applied using a spatula

  2. To obtain a beautiful result when painting decorative plaster, you need to use several colors selected in the same range. First, darker paint is applied using a sponge and brush.

    A layer of darker paint is applied first.

  3. Painting with a second layer. You need to give time for the first layer to dry completely. After this, using a foam sponge, lightly apply lighter paint.

    The second coat of paint should be lighter

  4. Wax coating. When the paint has dried, the surface of the arch is covered with a protective layer of wax mastic.

Video: process of applying decorative plaster

When using a mosaic, the work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Creating a matrix. Since the mosaic elements are very small, it is much easier to install if you first assemble them into small fragments. The elements are laid on a sheet of paper, and then a fine mesh is glued on top. There are ready-made matrices on a mesh basis, which can also be used to finish the arch.
  2. Mosaic installation. The finished matrices are fixed to the surface of the arch using glue. We must ensure that it does not fall on the front surface of the mosaic.

    The finished matrices are glued to the surface of the arch using glue

  3. Grouting joints. Select the required grout color and fill all the seams with it. An hour after grouting, remove the mortar using diagonal movements with a rubber spatula. After this, wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

    To remove grout, wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

Laying decorative stone

Work order:

  1. Preparing the stone. After purchasing a decorative stone, it must be washed and dried. To simplify the work, it is necessary to sort the elements by size, since they all have different lengths and thicknesses.
  2. Stone trimming. After the elements have been sorted, a special machine is used to cut off the edges of the stones that will be mounted on the corners to create a 45° cut. The tiles are sorted by color and then laid out along a straight line.

    The edges of the stones are cut using a special machine.

  3. Glue preparation. If decorative rock will be mounted on a putty and primed surface, it is recommended to use quick-setting glue. When performing work on cement plaster It is better to use cement tile adhesive.
  4. Stone finishing. Work starts from the bottom and gradually moves up. A gap of 2–3 mm is usually left between individual elements, but installation can be carried out without a gap. To ensure that the distance between the tiles is the same, special plastic dividers are used.

    The stones begin to be laid from below and gradually move upward

Video: artificial stone installation process

Wood finishing

If you decide to decorate the arch with natural wood yourself, the easiest way to do this is using wooden lining:

Finishing with polyurethane moldings

Installation of moldings is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Preparation of elements mounted along the radius of the arch. Measure the required length and cut off a piece of molding. Nails are driven into it in increments of 50–100 mm, after which inner surface apply glue.

    Nails are driven into the molding and coated with glue.

  2. Installation of radius molding. Place the prepared element in the center of the opening and hammer in a nail, after which they move from the center to different sides. If the molding does not press well at the bend, you can hammer in 1-2 additional nails.

    The molding is fixed with nails and pressed well against the surface of the arch

  3. Installation of vertical elements. The distance from the floor to the radius molding is measured in height and the required piece of the vertical element is cut off. It is also attached with nails and glue, and the junction of the vertical and radius molding is coated with sealant.

    Vertical elements are also attached using nails and glue

  4. After the glue has completely dried and the moldings are securely fixed, you can remove the nails. All that remains is to putty the moldings and paint them in the chosen color.

    Pull out the nails, putty, and then paint the moldings

Video: sequence of finishing an arch with polyurethane molding

If MDF panels are mounted with glue, then the sequence of work will be as follows:

If the panels are mounted on the sheathing, the surface of the arch need not be leveled:

  1. Creating a sheathing. For this they can be used metal profiles or wooden blocks.
  2. Installation of guide profiles. They are fixed at the top and bottom of the sheathing.
  3. Installation of panels. MDF panels are inserted into the guide profiles and fixed to the sheathing using self-tapping screws.

Finishing the wall around the arch

It is necessary not only to decorate the arch beautifully, but also to think about what materials the walls around it will be finished with.

The main design options for walls around the arch:

The sequence of finishing the walls around the arch will depend on the chosen material. This process is no different from how the finishing coating was installed on the arch.

Installation of a decorative corner

A decorative arched corner not only allows you to highlight the arch against the background of the wall, but also hides possible irregularities. Its use is especially relevant when the arch was made independently and for the first time, so the work was not done perfectly.

The procedure for installing a decorative corner:

With the help of an arch you can decorate beautifully and unusually doorway, arched partitions allow you to zone the room. The presence of an arch in the interior makes it unusual and non-standard, but it must be organically combined with the surrounding elements.

A person with basic skills can decorate an arch with his own hands. construction work. After the finishing material has been selected and all the necessary tools have been prepared, it is necessary to study in detail the technology for performing the work. By following the developed instructions, you will be able to finish the arch yourself and at the same time get a result no worse than that of the professionals.

Many people, after making arches, use painting and nothing else, but the design of an arch in an apartment is not limited to paint.

If the design of the house is not in the style of minimalism, then different artificial materials, wood, tiles and other finishing elements.

Why do you need an interior arch?

Not many people understand why square arches in an apartment, oval, semicircular and other shapes are needed. But it's not easy decorative element, arches have special purposes:

  1. Connecting rooms, due to which the space will be increased and there is no need to remodel when the apartment is small.
  2. If a studio kitchen is used, then the opening divides the rooms into zones and also expands the space. The kitchen uses an opening with a bar counter.
  3. The opening in the corridor allows you to stretch out the space. In addition, thanks to it more light enters the room.
  4. The design of the house requires not a door, but a doorway in the form of an arch.
  5. Functional doorway with niche.
  6. You can use an arched opening in a children's room, dividing its play and relaxation area.
  7. The partition allows you to hide communications and other shortcomings of the house, especially if the house is panel or it is a Khrushchev-era building.

Important! People use this design both to decorate a house, apartment, and for functional solution certain tasks.

Types of decorative arches

There are many types of arches; they are divided into simple and complex. A door frame made by hand is simple. Simple design easy to do and performs the necessary functions. But sometimes you need to install complex design, if the style requires it. The doorway partition is created from different materials, this is definitely a plus. You can make an opening using:

  1. Drywall.
  2. Plastic.
  3. Plywood.
  4. Fibreboard, chipboard.

Important! You can frame the opening with plaster stucco, use artificial brick or stone, frescoes, tiles, or cover it with wallpaper. Drywall is often used to create arches, it is easy to work with, you can make a modern, unusual look, this is the best option.

It turns out cheap, and any finish can be used. If you make an opening out of stone, you won’t be able to reduce costs, and even without experience, doing the work yourself is difficult and time-consuming. The login form is:

  1. Round.
  2. Square or rectangular.
  3. Parabolic.
  4. Oblique.
  5. Semicircular.
  6. Segmental.

Decoration is possible in the hall, bedroom, hallway and other room in the house.

Design and materials for finishing arches

Knowing what types of arches there are in an apartment, you also need to know what material can be used and how to frame the opening.

Wallpapering or closing the opening with other finishing materials is possible only after the frame has been reliably strengthened. A standard arched opening can be designed in different ways. It is inexpensive to use moldings and corners for arches. To add sophistication, you must use polyurethane molding. The registration methods are given in the table:

Of course, these are not all finishing materials that can be used MDF panel, the tiles look beautiful, the hallway and the opening can be decorated not with wallpaper, but with cork - this is a new and easy-to-use material. Lining, both PVC and wood, is also often used. A wooden arched doorway goes very well with the classic style.

Decorating an arch with artificial stone

You can highlight the perimeter of the arches with artificial stone - this is a popular decoration option that looks fashionable and practical. Facing stone for arches it can resemble any natural material; in addition, it can resemble brick or make the arched opening look aged. The stone is environmentally friendly, has no toxins and can be used in children's rooms. It is light in weight compared to natural raw materials, so installation on walls can be done quickly, even with your own hands. The advantages of decorative stone are as follows:

  1. Decorate even imperfect walls.
  2. Thanks to the stone, various additions and reliefs are made.
  3. The size of the stone is similar natural material, but the weight is lower.

To obtain the desired result of arch design, you need to place the stone correctly and follow the rules. Initially, the size of the walls, height and width are taken, after which the amount of stone required for masonry is calculated. It is better to use narrow stones, where there will be rounding, and the facing interior wall involves the use of wider material. The cladding can be suture or seamless. The decision on how to design an arch in an apartment should be based on the interior, as well as personal preferences. The suture method is often used.

Arrangement is carried out after preparatory work and priming the wall of the arched opening. Small notches are made on the wall for better adhesion of the stone. For fastening you can use liquid nail or cement mortar. The mixture is applied to the tile and the opening, after which the stone is pressed against the wall and held for several seconds to ensure that the material is securely fastened. The work is carried out from the bottom up. Finally, decorated seam material is used.

Finishing plasterboard arches in an apartment

To make it easier to make an arch in an apartment, it is recommended to use drywall. An opening of any shape can be made from such material, after which it is sheathed, pasted or painted. Restoring a drywall arch is easy.

Installation is normal, you need to clean the interior opening, remove debris and secure the frame, then make a mold from plasterboard and install it on the profiles. Seal the seams with putty and decorate the arch at the end. The easiest way is to make a square arched entrance opening.

A plasterboard opening is suitable for any style: classic, Provence, Gothic, minimalism, loft and others. Using a stencil, you can make a drawing of any color or use painting. You can also decorate the arch, for example, with mosaics, this original method design, but suitable for specific styles. Some people make the floor and the arch in one material, for example, laminate or tiles. Glue wallpaper, photo wallpaper, cork.

Ideas for decorating an arch with your own hands (video)

Decorating an arch with textiles

Not all methods for decorating arches in an apartment are presented above; fabric and textiles are also used. You can see an ordinary curtain in the design of an arch, especially if the arched opening is wide. In this case, you need to immediately come up with fasteners or cornices for textiles on the arch. Often fabric is used instead of a door for arches into the kitchen, the disadvantage is that odors will still pass through. You can use beads, ribbons and other attributes for decoration. This arch edging is suitable if the opening is made in small apartments, for example, it is one-room or two-room.

Decorating arches with decorative stone in an apartment

Decorative stone allows you to make home comfort warm and pleasant. The material is durable and combines beautifully with different styles, even if the design of the house is gray, this can be seen in the photo on the Internet. It is recommended to use a decorative stone for the arch made of acrylic. The doorway and window opening made from the same stone look good.

To update the arch, you need to go a little on the walls, and not just decorate the arch with stone to smooth out the transition of materials, the design will be living room. Light colors and a rough feel for the arch will be suitable in loft and hi-tech style. It is better if the entrance is U-shaped. For classic look For arches, decorative marble-like stone is used, and the shapes are best made rounded and smooth.

Lamps in an interior arch

Great idea for plasterboard arches - use lighting in the form spotlights. In addition to spotlights, you can use contour or side lamps. As a rule, their installation is carried out at the end of the arch, but if the opening is complex, then the place can be played with light using different methods.

If there are niches in the decor of the arch, then they can be highlighted in an unusual way with lighting. The hidden lighting, which is installed under the glass, looks good. The glass itself can be translucent or colored. Finally, you can watch a video that shows the design of the arches and how a certain design fits the interior of the room:

Photo gallery of finished works