When can apple trees be processed. How to spray young apple trees. Spraying technologies with various preparations: urea, vitriol and others

Undoubtedly, every gardener strives to grow beautiful garden, able not only to please the eye, but also to bear delicious fruits. Unfortunately, many pests and diseases destroy trees and thus negate the expended efforts. Therefore, a considerable share of efforts in caring for fruit crops should be devoted to protecting plants from adversity, timely prevention and the right fight with ailments. Here it is important to be able to recognize what problem you had to face, how and how it can be solved. The apple tree has more than enough pests and diseases. For example, a disease can begin to develop from an unfavorable climate, mistakes in agricultural technology, due to a lack of nutrients. The nature of the course of the disease and the consequences directly depend on the pathogen.

The main diseases and pests of the apple tree

Diseases that attack apple trees can be fungal, bacterial, or viral. Each type of disease is treated differently.

Among fungal diseases, cytosporosis, scab, powdery mildew, and fruit rot are most often affected by apple trees.

Cytosporosis is most evident during or after flowering, breaking up the tree bark. Because of it, the trunk becomes covered with tubercles, and spores of the fungus ripen in each. It is sometimes difficult for an inexperienced gardener to determine the painful nature of neoplasms. The diseased bark is characterized by a red-brown color. The reddish spots spread quickly until they cover the entire branch. Because of this phenomenon, the movement of juices is disrupted. Also, due to cytosporosis, flowers dry up on one or several branches at once. If the fungus is started, the lesion can penetrate into the wood.

Important! You can stop the drying process at the skeletal branch and trunk, but thin branches will certainly die.

Another common scab disease is caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis. It can be recognized by the characteristic olive spots on the leaves of the apple tree, and with further development, the lesion passes to the fruit. The apples are then dotted with dark spots, and at the site of the lesion, the skin coarsens and cracks. In addition, due to scab, not only appearance, but also the normal formation of the fetus, which makes it small and ugly.

Apple tree pests

Powdery mildew is noticeable almost immediately. It manifests itself simultaneously on apple shoots and on leaves with a powdery white bloom. In the future, coarsening of the leaf plates occurs, twisting and, as a result, their complete drying. Affected inflorescences change color to yellow-green, noticeably lag behind in development and are deformed. Only a small percentage is tied up. Occasionally, an external mycelium can be seen on young ovaries, but it disappears, leaving behind a special trace - a “rusty mesh”.

In turn, fruit rot (or moniliosis), already from early spring, shows its negative effect on the apple tree. As soon as the leaves begin to bloom, some branches are already beginning to dry out. In this case, gardeners are often mistaken, mistaking this phenomenon for the effects of frost. Drying of branches with moniliosis is very similar to a burn. Due to this disease, the fruits rot right on the tree. At first, only brown spots appear on the skin of apples, but gradually they increase until they cover the entire area, and after one week, yellowish spores of the fungus appear. It is noteworthy that the conidia are not arranged chaotically, but in the form of concentric circles, by which the disease is easiest to identify.

Apple tree moniliosis

Among the bacterial diseases affecting the apple tree and almost all stone and pome crops, the most famous is bacterial burn. It causes necrotic damage to leaves, dries up and bends young shoots. Over time, a white exudate appears on the surface of the bark, but soon it turns brown. Flowers, buds die off during a fire blight. Fruits also deteriorate. Exudate can also appear on them, they are mummified and more than a year hang on a branch.

Viral diseases of fruit crops are also very dangerous. For example, mosaics cannot be treated, and almost always the solution is to destroy the diseased plant. They recognize it by pale green and sometimes yellow spots on young leaves. Moreover, the veins remain the same, but as new leaves form, the spots increase in size. Severely damaged leaves die off, become excessively fragile and fall off early.

Important!Some apple varieties are more susceptible to mosaics than others. These are such as White filling, Livonian, Golden Renet, Autumn striped.

Do not respond to treatment and others viral diseases, among which proliferation. She is better known to all as paniculate. Its signs are the appearance of an excessively large number of shoots with short internodes, while the bark becomes reddish. Due to the virus, the apple tree stops growing. At the edges of its leaves, denticles appear, and the flowers themselves become ugly and greenish. A paniculate apple tree bears pale and tasteless fruits.

Apple proliferation

Pests are no less dangerous for the apple crop than diseases. Raids harmful insects in one season they are able to destroy the garden, since they are very active already during the flowering period of the tree and after it. They are conventionally divided into 2 groups: gnawing and sucking. Gnawers eat buds, ovaries, leaves, shoots, thereby causing significant harm to the tree. This type of pest includes butterflies, weevils, moths, flower beetles and leaf beetles. Many of them hibernate in fallen fruits, unharvested foliage, under the bark, and with the arrival of spring, the larvae hatch, and the caterpillars begin their pernicious activity. Sucking pests settle directly on the plant, as a rule, on the bark or leaves, and suck out all the juices from the apple tree, thus depriving it of full nutrition. We are talking about aphids, scale insects, copperheads, ticks, leaf beetles. Sucking insects are able to create large colonies and fill the entire garden during flowering.

When and how you can treat apple trees from diseases and pests

Treating trees is an extremely important activity that will help protect trees and protect the crop. You can process an apple tree in spring in 3 stages.

The first stage falls in mid-March, after the thermometer stably begins to show 5 ° C and above. The second stage is at the beginning of the growing season for an apple crop (when the buds are already blooming, but it is too early to bloom). And the most important third stage comes after flowering. Spraying during this period is the most effective, and the likelihood of killing the moth, aphids, ticks, and stopping diseases is the highest.

Important!It is not necessary to spray the apple trees at the time of flowering, as this can do more harm than good. By this time, many pests have already laid eggs, and insecticides will destroy beneficial insects and pollinating insects that are necessary for normal ovaries.

So, immediately after the end of flowering, you can start processing and not worry about the successful ovary of the future harvest. Many people wonder how to process apple trees after flowering from pests and diseases, so that it is as effective as possible. You can start the processing process by spraying with preparations that contain copper and sulfur, for example, zinc sulfate is suitable. They protect well against the development of rosette and rust.

Separately, it is worth mentioning Bordeaux liquid. It is mixed from a solution of copper sulfate and slaked lime. A 1% solution is best suited for spraying, which you can make yourself or buy in a specialized store. The mixture is used by gardeners everywhere, and it is versatile in the fight against bacterial and fungal diseases (especially from fruit rot, phyllosticosis, scab).

Apple phylosticosis

Treatment of apple trees after flowering from pests and diseases can be carried out with such insecticides as:

Note!The benzophosphate solution should not be used more than 2 times in one season.

When choosing how to process apple and pear after flowering, the market may offer other highly specialized preparations. For example, fitoverm will help against thrips, aphids and moths, and lepidocide from caterpillars of leaf rollers. From scale insects it is recognized as fast-acting and effective drug aktara. Each of these funds is accompanied by instructions, according to which it is easy to determine how to make a solution and spray trees.

Traditional methods in the fight against diseases and pests

When in spring after flowering it is time to treat apple trees from pests, some folk methods can be no less effective than known drugs.

So, in the fight against aphids, ordinary tar soap can become a real lifeline. It is enough to dilute 60 g of soap in 10 liters of water, and the solution is ready. As a rule, it is used once and immediately after flowering.

Wonderfully eliminates aphids, as well as a tincture of makhorka or tobacco. You will need 400 g of tobacco and 10 liters of water. After they have been mixed, the mixture is diluted with another 10 liters of water, not forgetting to add 40 g of grated laundry soap. All plants in the garden can be sprayed with a similar solution.

Bitter wormwood is useful for the gardener, eliminating apple flower beetles and moths. When the time comes to spray, then take 350 g of dry raw materials or 0.5 kg of fresh and pour in one bucket of water. Wormwood should be infused for a day, after which the mixture is boiled for an additional 30 minutes, then filtered and 40 g of grated soap is added. Apply the prepared solution after flowering and once more after 7 days.

Wormwood solution for apple trees

  • If drugs for processing are bought in a store, then do not forget to check the expiration date.
  • If in the fall it was not possible to whitewash the trees, then in the spring it is also possible and even necessary. Whitewashing will protect apple trees from sunburn, can scare off some insects and prevent the development of fungal diseases.
  • Along with spraying, many experienced gardeners recommend installing trapping belts on the tree trunk to maximize protection.
  • It is most effective to process not only those trees that have been attacked by insects or sick, but also healthy ones, so that further spread does not occur. In this case, pay attention to the pump nozzle: if the drops are smaller, the better for processing.
  • The ideal weather to spray the trees is a cloudy and calm day.

Protecting the garden from diseases and pests undoubtedly requires some effort. The fruits of damaged plants change their quality, and unpleasant acid may appear (for example, when moniliosis is started, an apple begins to ferment and a specific taste appears). And if you do nothing at all, then sooner or later the tree will die. Therefore, you should not skip the periods for spraying the orchard, even if the gardener thinks that there is no danger. Preventive treatments will help to strengthen the plants and guarantee a full and rich harvest.

Regular treatment of apple trees with various insecticides and fungicides, the use of which begins in early spring.

How and when to process apple trees

Maintaining apple trees in a healthy state is a whole range of measures, consisting of sanitary pruning of trees, their feeding, and soil care. This also includes pest control and shielding wood from various fungal and other types of infections. In the fight for the harvest, the main thing is not to waste time and to carry out a thorough protective spraying of apple trees even before intensive sap flow and insect reproduction begin. The easiest way is to destroy the enemy, until he woke up after hibernation and did not bear numerous offspring. It is also important and wise to choose a means of protecting vegetation. garden plot and apply it correctly, which, unfortunately, does not work for everyone.

So, all protective equipment is divided into three main groups.

Biological agents

These are "live" preparations based on bacteria and viruses, the action of which is detrimental to insects and the spread of fungi. The drugs included in this group act systematically and for a long time. Spraying with such means is advisable to carry out during the flowering of apple trees.


Combined funds

The drugs are composed of chemical and biological ingredients. Such multicomponent preparations are universal in nature and help to cope with various ailments and to etch out almost all types of insects from under the bark of a tree.

All drugs are divided into those that fight insects (insecticides) and diseases (fungicides). Also, today the market offers compound preparations of a universal nature that work in several directions at once.

What products do you use to process apple trees?

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    Biological agents 18%, 3 vote

    Combined funds 18%, 3 vote


Spraying technology

Spraying the garden must be approached carefully. It is not enough just to buy a pesticide or dilute it yourself. It is also important to select the appropriate equipment with which you can easily carry out the processing of trees.

If the apple trees are young or undersized, then it will do hand device with a small pump and liquid container. Tall trees easier to spray from an automatic device.

The sprayer should release a uniform amount of concentrate so that the surface is covered with fine droplets. The bulk of the solutions are prepared immediately before spraying, since due to complex connections they cannot be stored for too long, therefore they lose their effectiveness. During the processing procedure, the container must be shaken regularly so that no sediment forms in the container.

The protective agent must fall not only on the crown of trees and the trunk, but also on the soil near the trunk. Processing must be done in evening time in dry, calm weather. There should be about a meter between the sprayer and the surface to be sprayed in order to irrigate immediately big square.

Spend chemical treatment garden need using personal protective equipment. You can not interrupt for a smoke break or snack. After spraying, you must wash yourself thoroughly to wash off any accidental toxins from yourself.

Processing stages

The treatment of apple trees in early spring is not only about spraying trees with various poisons that prevent the spread of diseases and pests. First, the trees need to be cleaned and prepared for various treatments.

Before the kidneys swell

In March-early April, as soon as the snow melts, they treat wounds, hollows, frost injuries, black cancer, etc. Damage is cleaned with a sharp clean knife to healthy tissue and disinfected copper sulfate (300 grams per 10 liters of water) and cover with garden varnish (petrolatum and others).

To destroy overwintered pests, the stems and skeletal branches are cleaned from dead bark, and they are disinfected with whitewash. Whitewashing the bottom of the apple trees is recommended to protect the wood from sun-frost burns that can occur due to recurrent frosts. You can whiten acrylic paint or a mixture of water, lime (it is better to use chalk to whitewash young apple trees, since lime can corrode the bark) and two tablespoons of office glue. Whitewashing can be done 2-3 times per spring period.

Against pests and diseases, trees are sprayed with nitrafen (250-300 grams per 10 liters of water) once every 2-3 years.

Against a high number of pests (honeydew, aphids), they are sprayed with oleocubrite (400 grams per 10 liters of water).

Against causative agents of fungal diseases, mosses and lichens, it is advisable to use ferrous sulfate (500 grams per 10 liters of water) or copper sulfate (200 grams per 10 liters of water). It is recommended to use sulfates no more often than once every 4-5 years.

Budding start (green cone)

This stage affects the end of March and the first half of April, depending on the weather. The buds have already swollen at this moment, but have not yet fully blossomed.

The stage consists in the extermination of awakened pests (apple aphid, honeydew, ticks, scale insects, flower beetle), as well as the behavior of preventive measures against fruit rot and scab. Urea treatment contributes to the fight against a number of diseases, including fungi.

In the second stage of treatment, colloidal sulfur is also often used, which perfectly fights against fungi and mites, and lepidocid is a biological insecticidal agent that affects leaf insects.

Isolation and pinking of buds

As soon as leaves appeared and flowering began, the treatment with harsh chemicals was stopped. To combat pests and diseases, apple trees are sprayed with fungicides - copper oxychloride, polycarbacin or polychoma. All these funds are aimed at destroying the signs of moniliosis, scab and other types of spots.

Applicable chemicals: Skor, Horus, Abiga-Peak, Bordeaux fluid.

Biological products: Fitosporin-M or Alirin-B.

Treatment with drugs can be carried out several times during the growing season of plants. Also, chemical fungicides can be combined with well-known insecticides:

10% karbofos (80 grams per 10 liters of water);

10% triphos (70 grams per 10 liters of water);

10% benzophosphate.

Insecticides for intestinal exposure also include chlorophos solution, which counteracts adult flies, ticks and beetles. All of the listed funds can be used no more than twice a season and stop spraying with them a month after the appearance of fruits.

End of flowering (after petals fall, end of May)

Against scab, you can use Bordeaux liquid (1%), copper oxychloride or polyhom (40 grams per 10 liters of water).

Spraying 10% karbofos (80 grams per 10 liters of water) helps with pests during this period. In the roots of trees, you can hang traps for butterflies of the codling moth.

The most famous means in the fight against diseases and pests

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate is an inexpensive and easy-to-use product. Experienced summer residents will always have a supply of this substance, which is blue granules readily soluble in water, although in modern world there are also more advanced means of protecting trees from pests and diseases. Blue crystals are dissolved in water according to the instructions (0.1 kg of vitriol per 10 liters of water) and irrigate plants, including the areas of the root soil. Low concentration chemical agent absolutely harmless to humans and beneficial insects, and also does not adversely affect neighboring plantings. Vitriol treatment must be carried out strictly before the start of sap flow. Even a weak solution hitting young leaves is destructive for them.

note: treatment with copper sulfate can be compared to healing wounds - it is painful, but you need to be patient, soon everything will pass and the damaged area will quickly be tightened with new plant tissues. Copper sulfate pentahydrate heals deep cuts made when pruning wood.

The main ability of copper sulfate is the complete destruction of all pests and their larvae hidden in the bark of trees, and also disinfects the soil and nourishes it with copper salts. In addition, sanitary feeding with this fungicide in early spring, before the buds swell, leads to the destruction of mosses, lichens, and slows down the development of scab. After treatment with such a composition, the risk of developing black cancer and diseases of skeletal branches and even apple tree trunks is reduced.

Fact: early spring is the most effective period for spraying apple trees with copper sulfate.

First processed apple orchard antiseptic already in March, at a time when the weather sets in the street with temperature regime not lower than 5 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to choose a warm, calm and cloudy day. Before processing, the plantings are cleaned of old and broken branches, the old bark is removed, and the soil is cleared of grass residues. All cuts and cracks must be sealed with wax, paraffin or garden varnish.

Copper sulfate can be used as an independent fertilizer or as part of complex products, such as:

  • bordeaux liquid;
  • burgundy liquid;
  • mixture with urea.

In the spring, by processing with vitriol, it is possible to restrain the appearance of flowering, thereby protecting the flowers from recurrent spring frosts.

The necessary concentrate is prepared in any type of dish, completely dissolving the granules in water. It should be remembered that copper sulfate is toxic, and therefore it is necessary to work with it, using personal protective equipment. Ready solution cannot be stored for more than half a day.


Fungicide is a reaction between ferrous iron and sulfuric acid. Small crystals have a greenish-bluish tint. The fertilizer scatter dissolves well in water and is used for irrigation of fruit trees.

The principle of action of this fungicide is comparable to that of copper sulfate. However, ferrous sulfate has slightly more abilities: it also acts as a fertilizer - it saturates the plant with iron. This element is vital for the full growth and development of the apple tree. If there is iron, there will be abundant growth of shoots, excellent flowering and massive fruiting.

Reference: ferrous sulfate of any concentration is not dangerous for humans, since it does not tend to penetrate into the intercellular structure of plants.

An enrichment solution is prepared in a clean glass or plastic container. The solution must be a homogeneous substance. Before use, you must infuse the mixture for several hours.

For what purposes is iron sulfate used:

Bordeaux liquid

An irreplaceable thing in the gardening economy. This product is a mixture of copper sulfate and quicklime. Interacting with each other, these substances form copper hydroxide and calcium sulfate. In order to maintain the concentration of the mixture, during use it must be constantly stirred, preventing the appearance of sediment.

Reference: spraying with Bordeaux liquid is also called "blue". This procedure received this name because of the color of the resulting liquid.

Spraying with Bordeaux mixture is the main protective antifungal measure, which allows you to further avoid the appearance on the apple tree of diseases such as scab, moniliosis, anthracnose, fruit rot and others. For spraying, use a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid.

The garden is processed in two stages. For the first time, healing sprinkling is carried out immediately after the snow melts and access to trees appears. The plantings are sprayed again with a weakly concentrated solution (1%) before flowering.

You can buy a ready-made Bordeaux mixture in a store or make it yourself. To prepare a 3% solution, you need to take 300 grams of copper sulfate and 40 grams of quicklime. Vitriol is diluted in one liter of water, and lime - in 9 liters. When each component is completely dissolved in water, they are combined. Trees are treated with the resulting concentrate until the buds swell.

Attention: it would be correct to add copper sulfate to lime milk, and not vice versa.

A 1% solution is prepared as follows: take 100 grams of copper sulfate and 150 grams of lime per 10 liters of water. The ingredients are kneaded in separate containers, after which they are mixed by adding a mixture of vitriol to slaked lime. Trees are sprayed with this solution during flowering.

Working with such a drug requires certain rules:

  • spraying can only be carried out in calm and dry weather;
  • if apple trees are often affected by a fungus, then copper processing should be regular;
  • the procedure must be carried out only in a protective suit and a mask (respirator);
  • bordeaux liquid is much more effective than monocomponent copper or iron vitriol. Its main property is the ability to firmly attach to the surface of the wood. It does not evaporate and does not wash off, it acts much longer and is not as aggressive;
  • it is believed that such a drug in small quantities is not dangerous to humans. However, copper can accumulate in the soil, and therefore enters the human body through vegetables. And an increased dose of this heavy metal is no longer so harmless. Therefore, it is recommended to use Bordeaux liquid only in extreme cases (a strong incidence of scab) and no more than once every 3-4 years.


One of the most popular universal gardening products. Urea is a white, granular, odorless substrate that contains over 45% nitrogen. This drug can be used in different periods of the growing season of the apple plant for a variety of purposes. So, for example, urea can act as excellent fertilizationthat increases the yield and quality of the soil. Thanks to this fertilization, plants bloom better, have a healthy appearance and give a very high-quality crop. Also, granules dissolved in water can help in the spring treatment of the garden from pests and diseases.

reference: This mineral fertilizer for soil and plants was discovered in the 18th century.

With the onset of spring and the establishment of warm weather, harmful insects wake up, which strive to ruin the life of the gardener, striking fruit trees... The activity of aphids, ticks, sucker pests, weevils and a couple of dozen different garden pests in early spring is very high. They quickly multiply their population and attack the plantings. Spraying apple trees with a urea solution will help get rid of them. As soon as it is warm (+6 degrees), clear weather outside, you need to dilute 500-700 grams of dry urea granules in 10 liters of water (the drug dissolves very well in warm water).

Fact: Urea is used for root dressing, scattering granules on the ground.

You can also use this preparation for safe foliar treatment, as a weak concentrate practically does not cause leaf burns.

Urea helps not only fight insects, but also to get rid of diseases. So, for example, if apple trees are affected with scab, purple spot, then the damaged areas should also be abundantly sprayed with a 5% urea solution.

It is possible to get rid of diseases and pests with the help of urea in early spring, before the buds swell (March-April) and in late autumn after the foliage falls (late October - November). Sanitizing before wintering will help avoid the appearance of diseases next year.

note: high concentration of nitrogen in winter period reduces the winter hardiness of the apple tree.

Colloidal sulfur

A substance called "colloidal sulfur" is a substrate graywhich, when dissolved in water, turns into a very effective agent against diseases and insects. Cumulus (another name for sulfur) has been used in horticulture since ancient times. This remedy is also popular due to the fact that it does not pose a danger to humans and animals, however, under the influence of sunlight, it forms fumes that are destructive for harmful insects. It is easily washed off from leaves with clean water.

A solution of gray odorless powder acts as a universal agent that suppresses the viability of mites and stops the development of mosses and lichens on trees. Sulfur is also effective from powdery mildew, scab and other types of diseases.

The benefits of using cumulus include:

  • substance safety;
  • the possibility of combination with other drugs (but you cannot mix it with other drugs);
  • easy to prepare;
  • very economical fungicidal agent;
  • high efficiency;
  • the soil layer is not polluted.

Sulfur is also an active additive in plant nutrition. It stimulates the growth and development of trees.

The spray solution is prepared from 500 milliliters of hot water, 600 grams of slaked lime and 400 grams of colloidal sulfur. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, add another 0.5 liters of water to it, and then boil for 15-20 minutes.

The ready-made broth can be used to process trees up to five times during the season. The last time it is possible to spray the apple trees 7-10 days before harvest.

Powdery mildew treatment:

  • at the end of flowering (May);
  • after falling 75% of the petals;
  • 14 days after the second treatment.

Apple trees are irrigated through a special spraying device, evenly watering the leaves from all sides. The effect of the drug is very temperature dependent environment... The colder it is outside, the worse the drug works. And at an elevated temperature (+35 degrees), sulfur on the leaves can cause them to burn. Optimum temperature for processing a garden with colloidal sulfur - 21-28 degrees Celsius.

Attention! Colloidal sulfur should not be used during drought and hot weather.

Diesel fuel

Solar oil is used in early spring, even before the buds swell, since chemical action the substance negatively affects the leaves and buds. Diesel fuel treatment eliminates various fungi, infections and larvae. The essence of its work is that an oil film forms on the affected areas, which prevents the passage of oxygen, as a result of which the pathogenic microflora simply dies. Not only larvae are destroyed, but also adults. They can no longer feed on the bark and sap of a tree that has been smeared with toxic chemicals.

It is noted that diesel fuel is capable of etching even a bark beetle, which no means can "get". The diesel fuel penetrates into all narrow grooves and passages of wood and eliminates the insect.

To prepare the irrigation solution, mix half a liter of solar oil with 10 liters of water. Before the procedure, it is recommended to check the reaction of the apple tree to such a chemical. To do this, first spray one branch and observe it for two days. If there are no consequences, then you can move on to other areas. Trees must be processed very carefully, not missing a single area through which insects can "escape".

Folk remedies for protecting the apple tree

Most summer residents do not use pesticides, preferring old, proven improvised means, which our grandmothers still used. Folk remedies are also good in the fight against various diseases and pests, however, they may not cope with too large a scale of defeat. However, popular homemade solutions and decoctions made from various plants are absolutely harmless to humans, pets and bees.

Fact: many plants that grow in your area have insecticidal effects.

Knowing which plant will help in a given situation, it can be prepared in the fall in order to prepare a rescue decoction from it in early spring and spray the trees.

Simple recipes for "folk" medicines for the garden


800 grams of dry wormwood is soaked in 10 liters of water, infused for 24 hours and boiled for 30 minutes, filtered. The broth is used against caterpillars;

Chemeritsa Lobel

250 grams of dry grass is infused in 10 liters of water and boiled, then filtered and sprayed against leaf-eating caterpillars;

pharmaceutical camomile

1 kilogram of dry raw materials (leaves and baskets of inflorescences) are infused for 12 hours in 10 liters of water. Before spraying against aphids, ticks and caterpillars, filter the infusion, dilute with water. For the effect, add grated soap;

Tobacco and makhorka

400 grams of dry tobacco is aged in 10 liters cold water about a day. Then it is boiled for two hours. Then it is filtered, diluted with water, adding soap concentrate. Used against aphids, ticks, copperheads, thrips, caterpillars and bugs;


Bulb onion, sowing garlic

300 grams of unpeeled onion or garlic is passed through a meat grinder, insisted for two days in 10 liters of water, then a soap solution is added to the infusion. Spray trees from aphids, ticks;


10 grams of powder is diluted in 10 liters of water, insisted for two days. The solution fights aphids and mites;


Bitter varieties are used to combat caterpillars, aphids, honeydew, slugs. 1 kilogram of fresh chopped vegetables is boiled for one hour in 10 liters of water. The broth is insisted for 48 hours, filtered, poured into well-closed containers and stored in a dark cool room. For spraying trees before bud break, take 0.5 liters of concentrate and 40 grams of soap per 10 liters of water;


100g wood ash dissolve in 10 liters of water, add a tablespoon of urea. The product helps in the fight against aphids and caterpillars.

note: even a seemingly harmless herbal decoction, if the concentration is incorrect, can cause burns to the leaves or buds. And some herbal remedies are dangerous to humans. Therefore use folk remedies it is also necessary "according to the mind."

Specialized finished products

If there is no desire to independently prepare a solution for treating the garden, and there is an opportunity to buy a ready-made product, then experts offer a number of universal broad-spectrum preparations that will effectively and quickly cope with any diseases of trees and their attacking pests. Inexpensive funds are most often narrowly focused and cope with only one ailment. More expensive means are distinguished by a complex all-encompassing effect. The drugs can be used both independently and in combination with the drugs described earlier.

Most popular remedies


Liquid substance of deep green color. The composition includes petroleum oil (over 70%) and copper naphthenate (fungicide). A broad-spectrum drug against silkworms, leafworms and ticks. The chemical is toxic, it is necessary to work in a protective suit. During the season, it is permissible to process trees no more than once a year.


An insectofungicide aimed at combating various harmful fauna. Destroys ticks, scale insects, caterpillars, and also acts against mosses, lichens, scab. Treatment with the drug can only be done in early spring before the buds swell. They spray not only the crown of the tree, but also the soil under the trunk. Contact with leaves and flowers can cause severe burns.

Preparation number 30

The essence of his work is that he covers thin film areas of wood on which insects can no longer exist. A low-toxic drug, however, it can be used no more than three times per season.


Enemy of aphids, ticks, scale insects, copperheads and many others. Spraying the apple tree can take place during all growing seasons. It is important to moisten the leaves abundantly.


It is used to destroy pests overwintered in the bark. Also highly effective against rust, scab, moniliosis, coccomycosis and clusteroporosis. Can only be used once per season.


It helps well against scab and moniliosis. Before use, the product is diluted in water. For processing, it is better to choose a warm (no more than +30 degrees), calm and clear day.

Actellic, Insecticide

Acts on insects for several hours. Able to completely remove the pest population.


Works against fungus. Eliminates scab and fruit rot from the tree. The product is dissolved in water. Processing is carried out within strict temperature limits - from +3 to 10 degrees. The duration of action is short - 7-10 days.


The product is used after flowering to protect the apple tree from scale insects, whiteflies and aphids.


Helps get rid of fungal diseases. Double spraying in spring is possible. The effect of the substance lasts up to three weeks.


It is used as a protector against apple blossom beetle, ticks and others. Long-term action (up to one month). It can be sprayed even in hot weather, as its effectiveness does not change.


Against rodents and sucking pests. Exterminates both larvae and adults. After three weeks, the effect of the drug stops.


Biological product. Effective against various harmful insects. The prepared suspension should not be stored longer than three hours.

Abiga Peak

Fungicide used during different growing seasons garden plants... A safe drug used primarily for prophylactic purposes.


The drug is used to protect against scab, sooty fungus, powdery mildew. Cumulative action, therefore, it is necessary to spray the apple trees with this remedy at least three times per season.


Voliam Flexy

A new generation drug. Dangerous for almost all garden insects. Destroys the pest at any stage of its development. After treatment, the death of insects occurs within 3-5 days. It remains on the surface of the tree for a long time and is not washed off even by rain.

Attention! Copper preparations slow down plant growth. Consider this when spraying with similar fungicides.

To protect the garden of annoying insects and endless diseases, and those striving to spoil the plantings, for the gardener is a complex, multifaceted and laborious task that does not end all year round... Spring processing of trees is very important for maintaining the health of the apple crop. In the war for the harvest, all means are good, but not equally useful for orchard... Therefore, before equipping yourself with a sprayer, it is necessary to choose the right preparation suitable for a particular season and vegetation stage of the plant.

For a stable and plentiful harvest of most of the crops grown, it is necessary to provide them with timely protection from diseases and pests. Fruit trees grown in the garden are no exception in this regard. In particular, gardeners are often interested in how to spray apple trees before and after flowering. In fact, there are many effective tools, but you need to know how and when to use them correctly.

Features of processing apple trees in spring

Timely processing of apple trees in spring is an important measure that helps to get rid of many diseases and pests of trees. However, you also need to know that the war on insects must take place in three stages.

The first- usually starts from mid-March (as soon as the air temperature is stable at around +5 ° C). At this time, the main purpose of apple treatments is to prevent diseases and destroy the insects that survived the winter, but are still inactive. Before the buds swell, spraying is carried out using chemical preparations, that is, special fungicides and insecticides. Before direct processing, it is necessary to trim the crown, clean the trunk of old and dead bark, as well as clean out the damaged areas and remove the foliage left over from the last year.

Did you know? When using chemicals, it is very important to consider the features life cycle wood, know what is the growing season for an apple tree and when exactly does it pass (from the beginning of bud opening and to the mass fall of leaves). You shouldn't get carried away with processing after flowering, because soon the apples will begin to ripen.

Second phase - falls at the beginning of the growing season in apple trees, that is, when the buds are already beginning to bloom, but the apple trees have not yet bloomed (approximately from the end of March to mid-April). In this case, the purpose of the treatment performed will be the destruction of aphids, ticks, apple blossom beetle, scale insects, honeydew and other small pests that wake up after hibernation.

In addition, processing apple trees during this period will help you get rid of scab and fruit rot, the problem of which is also very relevant in spring.Suitable for spraying are copper sulfate solution, Bordeaux liquid, colloidal sulfur and Lepidocide (an intestinal biological product that helps to cope with gnawing insects). And finally, the third, last stage of processing apple trees in spring implies carrying out the specified event immediately after the flowering of the trees. Choosing the right chemicals, you can get rid of leafworm caterpillars, apple moth, aphids, moths, ticks and weevils in a timely manner. Also, the spraying carried out will effectively eliminate the emerging diseases. When the flowering period of apple trees comes to an end, it will be possible to repeat the spraying of the second stage.

Important! Given the fact that no treatments can be carried out during the flowering of apple trees, this is an ideal period to tackle the cleansing of weeds that appear around the trees.

How to process apple trees after flowering

Final stage spring spraying apple trees are also divided into two substages: the first - immediately after the flowering of the trees, and the second - 3 weeks after the previous treatment. For each of them, their own preparations are used, which we will discuss below.

The most popular remedies for the first period

Immediately after flowering, the crown of trees can be sprayed with zinc sulfate (it will help prevent the development of rosette), as well as other preparations, which include sulfur and copper - they will protect plants from rust. To get rid of scab (a disease that manifests itself on leaves, stalks, flowers and petioles) is well helped by spraying with Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate, polycarbacin (in a proportion of 4 g per 1 liter of water) or polychoma.

Caring for an apple tree in spring, and more specifically spraying it after flowering, can also be carried out using fungicidal preparations, sodium phosphate (10 g per 1 l of water) or with the preparation "Skor" (diluted according to the attached instructions). To combat aphids and honeydew during this period, a tincture of makhorka or tobacco is perfect at the rate of 400 g per 10 liters of water, after which the specified composition is diluted another 10 times and 40 g of soap is added to it. The resulting infusion must be sprayed on all plants.

As alternative option to treat apple trees from pests after flowering, you can use tinctures from a decoction of tomato leaves, wormwood, dandelion, potatoes and yarrow.

Did you know? Apple trees, pears, cherries, sweet cherries and other fruit trees need a winter temperature drop, because without this their flowers will not be able to develop normally. Even if some of them bloom, the resulting fruits will still not be as tasty as those of plants that overwintered naturally.

How to treat an apple tree from pests 2-3 weeks after flowering

Some gardeners process the garden with urea and copper sulfate not in early spring, but after the flowering of apple trees. But if in the case of copper sulfate such a time is quite suitable, then it is better to use urea immediately after the trees awaken. Each product has its own time, because the effectiveness of the result depends not only on the composition, but also on the time of spraying. For example, when you are going to spray the apple trees a second time after flowering (2-3 weeks after the previous treatment), then you will need the following preparations.
"Benzophosphate" - a fairly popular intestinal insecticide. It is great for controlling leaf-eating and sucking pests. At the same time, the drug practically does not harm bees and grinder larvae. The working fluid is prepared at the rate of 70 g of a 10% substance and 10 liters of water, after which the drug retains its effect for 15 days.

Important! "Benzophosphate" should not be used more than twice a season.

"Karbofos" is another well-known insecticide that perfectly exterminates ticks, weevils, aphids, scale insects, leafworms and moths. At the same time, the drug is dangerous for bees, which should be taken into account if there is an apiary on the site. The working composition is prepared at the rate of 60 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. When processing young apple trees, up to two liters of solution should fall on one tree, while spraying an adult fruiting plant will require up to 10 liters of composition.

Chlorophos solution - another systemic intestinal insecticide. It is not different high efficiency in the fight against aphids or weevils, but is extremely poisonous to larvae and adults of mosquitoes, flies, some species of beetles and ticks. The action of the drug lasts for 10 days. Dilution rate: 70 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. It should also be borne in mind that Bordeaux liquid cannot be added to Chlorofos.

There are many other similar drugs, but before moving on to their use, be sure to read the instructions and find out exactly when it is best to use them.

How to properly spray apple trees after flowering

Whether you are going to treat apple trees with Bordeaux liquid, urea, or have found another effective remedy to get rid of pests from trees in the spring, in any case, you need to know how to properly spray. First of all, prepare the selected liquid (already dissolved in water), the device for the procedure (pump) and the appropriate protective equipment (mask, gloves and goggles).

The easiest way is spraying columnar apple trees: all that is required of you in this case is to go around the plant several times and spray the fungicide over its entire surface. You don't need to look for a ladder and twist to reach an uncomfortable growing branch.

As for young apple trees, everything is somewhat more complicated. It is important to spray the solution completely over the entire surface of the plant, starting from the stem and ending with the very top (try not to miss a single branch).

In this article, we will consider when (in what time frame) and with what (with what drugs) apple trees should be sprayed in the spring against diseases and pests.

Processing apple trees in the spring from diseases and pests

To start (before bud break) you need to cut out damaged and diseased branches. If there are wounds on the apple tree, then it is necessary to clean them with a knife to healthy tissue, then disinfect them with a solution of copper sulfate (300 g per bucket of water) and cover them with garden pitch. Next, you need to clean the stem and skeletal branches from dead bark (under which pests can hibernate) and whitewash them, thereby disinfecting. The peeled bark must be burned.

The first spraying is often called "eradicating", because this processing allows you to get rid of most of the wintering stages of insect pests, as well as spores of fungal diseases.

Before the leaves appear treat apple trees with Actellik contact drug. Pests die when drops of the drug directly fall on their body or on any food for them. And when there are already leaves, then you can treat the apple trees with a systemic insecticide. This drug settles on the leaves and pests that eat the foliage die.

Against causative agents of fungal diseases, mosses and lichens, trees can be sprayed with copper sulfate at the rate of 200 grams per 10 liters of water.

During bud break apples and pears are treated with one of these drugs: rovikurt (10 g per 10 liters of water), karbofos (75 g per 10 liters) or benzophosphate (60 g per 10 liters). Such processing helps in the fight against leaf-eating pests and with.

When the buds turn pink it is good to process trees from caterpillars. To do this, use drugs such as bitoxibacillin (50 g per 10 liters of water) or dendrobacillin (40 g per 10 liters). If the larvae of fruit mites are found on the leaves, then it is necessary to carry out treatment with sulfur preparations or karbofos. At the end of flowering, traps for the apple moth and butterflies are hung.

The main stages and terms of processing apple trees from diseases and pests: when to spray

It is very important not to be late and to carry out the first early spring processing of the apple tree in time. Naturally, it is very difficult to name specific dates, it is much easier to navigate by the phases of development (vegetation) of trees in spring.

You can go the easy way and treat apple trees with only one drug - carbamide. Watch the video about this.

How to properly spray apple trees in spring

  • Observe safety precautions when preparing solutions and spraying trees. If the packaging of the product says that you need to wear special clothes (dressing gown, overalls, raincoat), goggles and a respirator, rubber gloves, then you need to wear it.
  • Processing should be carried out only in dry and calm weather.
  • Spraying should preferably be done early in the morning (after dew has dried) or late in the evening (after sunset).
  • Processing is always carried out exactly after spring pruning apple trees to further protect the cut sites (ideally if sprinkled with copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid, in other words, if the fungicide contains copper).
  • Do not spray during the flowering period (you can harm bees and other pollinators).
  • All prepared solutions should be passed through a filter mesh so as not to clog the sprayer.
  • Water at room temperature is suitable for dissolving almost all drugs (for vitriol it is advisable to use hot water, about + 40-50 degrees).
  • If it rains immediately after treatment with a contact agent, the spraying should be repeated the next day.

When and how to process an apple tree in spring, video

Do you spray apple trees against pests and diseases in the spring? Please share with us in the comments what kind of spring tree treatment you consider the most effective and safe for health.

How to spray young apple trees

Adult fruiting apple trees are processed in spring in 4 stages. Apple trees that have not yet entered the fruiting age (seedlings and a little older) will be enough to process 3 times:

  • on sleeping buds from diseases and hibernating pests;
  • on a green cone from insect pests;
  • after flowering, when pea-sized ovaries are formed, from diseases (especially against monilial burn).

Apples are loved by everyone without exception - both adults and children. In general, the tree is unpretentious and grows without special efforts... An indispensable point of care is the treatment of apple trees in the spring from diseases and pests and regular pruning.

To fruit trees developed correctly, bloomed profusely and bore fruit regularly, a certain schedule must be observed seasonal work... By doing them, you will ensure the fruiting of both young and old apple trees on the site.

  1. Spring pruning;
  2. Spring disinfection whitewashing;
  3. Spraying trees from pests;
  4. Fertilization.

Spring pruning

Pruning trees is necessary, as it prevents thickening, thereby giving more chances for the development of strong and strong branches. As a result of pruning, the tree forms a crown that is convenient for harvesting.

Pruning begins at the beginning of the growing season, when the buds are swollen. All weakened, severely damaged and dry branches are cut.

The crown is formed in such a way that several young and strong branches remain on each main carrier. They should not overlap and block the access of light to future fruits. The distance between the main skeletal branches is 60-80 cm. The crown is formed in such a way that it is convenient to harvest.

Whitewash disinfection

Whitewashing apple trees in spring is preventive measure from diseases and pests. As soon as it got warmer and the weather settled, the trees begin to whitewash.

Before processing, the plant is examined and the damage to the bark and main branches is covered with garden varnish or putty. They clean the trunk of moss and lichens, as well as old peeled bark. Whitewashing of trunks is done with a solution of slaked lime with the addition of garden glue. Lime is diluted in a proportion of 300 grams per 2 liters of water, adding 2-3 tablespoons of garden glue. For effectiveness, fungicides or copper sulfate can be added to the solution. This will protect the trunk from damage from various diseases.

How else to whitewash if lime is not at hand? In stores you can buy ready-made whitewash for apple trees, for acrylic base... This paint is not washed off the trunk during the rainy season.

Spraying trees

Caring for apple trees in spring consists in the mandatory regular destruction of pests, as well as preventive spraying against different types fungal and bacterial diseases.

By the appearance of the apple tree, you can identify a pest or disease, but by this time it is too late to save the crop. Therefore, it is better to prevent a disaster and spray the apple tree.

Disease prevention

Spring spraying is carried out at a time when sap flow is just beginning and the buds are already swollen, but not yet blooming.

  1. Spraying with copper sulfate is carried out in order to prevent various bacterial and fungal diseases, for example, scab, powdery mildew and others. For this procedure, take a 3-5% solution.
  2. 5% urea solution is an effective remedy against various insects in the larval stage, increases plant immunity and is prophylactic from bacterial and fungal diseases of the apple tree.
  3. Spraying 5% iron vitriol prevents chlorosis of the apple tree, improves immunity, protects against pests.

Leaf pests

Since the flowering tree is pollinated by bees to prevent their destruction, the apple tree is sprayed from diseases and pests before flowering. it general processing apple trees in the spring, a systemic insecticide to prevent the mass reproduction of pests.

Further processing is carried out as needed, observing the development of fruits and the condition of the leaves. By the way, in order to determine the type of pest that needs to be destroyed, you must have general information about them:

  1. Aphids - covers the lower surface of the leaf and young shoots with a dense layer. Under the influence of aphids, the leaves curl up into tight dense lumps. If you saw such a deformation, as well as considered brown, yellow or green small pests, the plant needs to be processed. For this, Karbofos is perfect. Primary treatment before flowering helps to cope with insects and eggs hibernating in the tree bark.
  2. Ticks are also leaf-sucking insects, only with their invasion can you see a change in the color of the leaves, which slowly turn brown and become covered with sticky cobwebs, and then fall off. If the attack of ticks is massive, then you can see small reddish insects clinging to young shoots. They look very much like little spiders. To destroy them, acaricidal preparations, such as Taurus, are used.
  3. Apple moth and leafworm - the attack of these butterflies for the apple tree is akin to disaster. The fact is that their small and gluttonous caterpillars are able to eat the apple tree completely, leaving only the veins from the leaves covered with small cobwebs. From them, the apple tree is sprayed with strong insecticides, for example Tanrek, without giving them a chance, otherwise you can be left without a crop. Digging up a good prevention trunk circle apple trees in late autumn and destroy the fallen leaves.

Pests of flower buds and set fruits

If leaf disease weakens the general condition of the plant, reducing their immunity, then pests that invade flower buds and ovaries destroy the crop directly.

  1. Apple blossom beetle - lays eggs directly into the flower bud, which the hatched larva eats from the inside. Accordingly, there will be no flowering and the ovary can not be expected. The flower beetle wakes up with the swelling of the first buds on the tree, so it is extremely important to spray the apple trees in the spring. Along with Aktara treatment, mechanical traps are used - the barrel is wrapped with adhesive tape with a special composition. Flower beetles hibernate in the soil and in the spring, before the onset of established positive temperatures, you need to have time to set traps.
  2. The moth damages the fruit. When unripe, but worm-eaten apples or fruits remaining on the tree suddenly begin to fall, beaten by moves, know that your tree is infected with a moth. From the stalk, the plant is certainly treated with Decis after flowering, and then twice more with an interval of two weeks to save the harvest.


Yablona has enough fertilizers applied in landing pit... Therefore, it is recommended to fertilize the tree three years after planting. About five buckets of humus or 500 grams of carbamide are dropped into the trunk circle. This is done before the apple tree begins to bloom.