How to process a peach in the spring from diseases and pests? Spring peach spraying: treatment scheme

To enjoy the delicious fruits of peach, it is necessary to properly organize the care of the culture. The fact is that this plant is quite tender and practically all year round exposed to pest attacks and various defects. Therefore, the struggle for the harvest must be carried out constantly.

At the same time, it is worth highlighting that if the peach is sprayed correctly in the fall, then in the next growing season, the gardener will have less work to do. So, how to properly process a peach crop, what tools you need and a few useful tips from experienced gardeners.

When is the best time to spray?

As described above, without proper care, the peach will not please good harvest. Therefore, if you decide to plant this southern culture in your front garden, please note that in addition to performing such manipulations as:

  • fertilizer application;
  • moisturizing;
  • pruning.

It is also very important to carry out timely spraying.

spring processing

With the onset of spring, gardeners have a lot of trouble in the garden. Spring is considered the hottest time, because it is necessary to have time to trim and process on time. By the way, spraying at this time of the year is performed several times, namely:

  • first treatment before bud break;
  • the second during the formation of buds;
  • and the third right after flowering.

But keep in mind that urea-based solutions are not used in the first treatment. Since this product contains nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of green mass. And if such preparations are used in the first spraying, then the culture will come out of dormancy ahead of schedule. which will negatively affect the yield.

The second spraying is done to combat dangerous diseases of fungal origin, such as:

  • powdery mildew;
  • monoliosis;
  • scab.

Summer processing

With the onset of summer, they are treated with insecticides or fungicides. It should be noted that the spraying of any agent should be carried out at least 20 days before harvest.

As a rule, in summer period one peach treatment is performed, and it is purely preventive in nature.

autumn processing

autumn processing, is the most important and very necessary. It is performed to prevent the development of fungal bacteria. The fact is that autumn period characterized by high levels of humidity. And as you know, it is the humidity that is the ideal environment for the rapid development of new spores dangerous for the peach tree.

At the same time, keep in mind that if you do not perform autumn processing, millions of new defects will appear on the peach crop in the spring, which can ruin the plant.

Which drugs to choose

First of all, it is worth starting with the fact that the peach culture is regularly attacked by the following defects:

  • leaf curl;
  • fruit rot;
  • powdery mildew and many others.

And also such insects as:

  • fruit moth;
  • eastern codling moth;
  • various ticks;
  • weevils.

Given the number of diseases and insect pests that can harm the peach crop, many different varieties have been created. different drugs.

It should be noted that the processing of fruits with chemicals is strictly prohibited.

How to properly process

To get the maximum result from the spraying, it should be carried out, adhering to some rules, namely:

  1. With the onset of autumn, before proceeding with the processing, you should carefully remove the front garden from dry foliage.
  2. Then do the trimming, provided that such manipulation is necessary. Do not forget that this procedure is performed in the fall in extreme cases.
  3. If pruning was performed, then all the places of the cuts will need to be thoroughly covered with garden pitch.
  4. Next, whitewash the trunk, and then proceed to spraying.

First of all, processing should be carried out on a quiet and calm day. Also, make sure the meteorologists are not predicting rainy weather for the next two days. Well, after everything is done preparations start spraying, which is desirable to carry out in the afternoon.

To carry out the processing, you will need a spray gun, from which the trunk is processed first, then the branches, and then the foliage on both sides.

In this case, there is only one advice, change chemicals regularly, since it is not difficult to find and buy the necessary product in a specific market.

Well, in conclusion, it is worth considering separately one important point, such as fertilizing a garden with iron sulphate. The fact is that this tool is most often used in gardening. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to work with it correctly, so as not to harm your own health.

If you are a beginner gardener and have decided to process peach trees iron vitriol, it should be borne in mind that, despite its comparative safety for human health, when working with this substance, precautions must be observed, such as:

  • put on special protective clothing, goggles and gloves;
  • if the solution comes into contact with the eyes or oral cavity, immediately wash that area of ​​the body with soap and big amount water;
  • this product is not stored near food;
  • after processing the garden, all inventory must be thoroughly washed with water and soapy water, and then doused with boiling water;
  • this also applies to things in which processing was carried out.

It is worth noting that all these precautions are strictly observed when working with other drugs. But since it is recommended to carry out autumn processing with the help of iron sulfate, then in this case, protective measures for working with it are relevant.

So, above, we looked at what processing is, why it is so important, and how to do it correctly. It remains only to add that this procedure will provide the gardener with tasty and juicy fruits peach. Therefore, it should not be ignored.

correct and quality care behind the peach orchard in autumn is the key to an excellent future peach harvest, and it depends on what measures have been taken, how easily the peach will endure the winter cold and temperature changes.

Let's start with soil

Preparing a peach for the onset of cold weather begins with soil preparation. The peach orchard is dug up as late as possible, lumps do not break, this is done so that pests that go deep into the soil die.

It is best to dig the area with a shovel. They dig on a full bayonet, very tightly. This depends on the degree of exposure to water and low temperatures. Frost, loosening the dug-up layer, allows moisture to seep into the ground without obstacles.

Are fertilizers needed?

The second step in preparing the garden for winter is fertilization. Top dressing peach begins with the application of mineral fertilizers. They are recommended to be introduced into near-stem holes, the depth of which is up to 25 cm, and the distance from the trunk is up to 30 cm. The bottom of the grooves is covered with phosphate fertilizers, then potash is added. Each layer of fertilizer is sprinkled with a layer of earth about 4 cm.

Nitrogen fertilizers are also applied in autumn. Their quantity, like mineral ones, depends on the age of the peach tree.

Under young trees, which are up to two years old, about 10 kg of compost or manure, 80 grams of superphosphate, 30 grams of potassium salt are added.

A tree that has reached the age of 3-4 years needs 15 kg of manure, 60 grams of ammonium nitrate, 120 grams of superphosphate and almost 50 grams of potassium salt. Peach, at the age of 5–6 years, requires manure up to 30 kg, superphosphate up to 180 grams, and potassium salt up to 70 grams. The width of the groove around the trunk should be up to three meters.

An adult tree, i.e., which has reached 7 years old, needs 30 kg of manure, 120 grams of ammonium nitrate, 250 grams of superphosphate, 90 grams of potassium salt. For a peach tree at the age of 9-10 years, the fertilizer rate is doubled.

In addition to the introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers in autumn, foliar subcortexes of peach are used. Trees are sprayed with a solution of urea, or a mixture of superphosphate, urea, potassium salt, boric acid, as well as potassium permanganate and zinc sulfate, which are diluted in 10 liters of water.

A little about loosening

A procedure such as loosening can provide air entry into the ground, and provide soil in enough oxygen. Loosening means the destruction of the surface crust of the earth. Also, loosening helps to remove all weeds, all large roots are selected from the ground.

Loosened soil absorbs life-giving moisture best with watering or after rain.

The soil is loosened with tools such as a hoe, flat cutter, you can use manual cultivators or a robbery. Some gardeners instead of loosening the soil, they use such a method as covering the soil with mulch, under it the earth crust is not formed.

Now about watering

One of the most important stages in preparing a peach for winter is water-charging watering of the soil. The earth after watering should be moistened to a depth of 70 cm. The earth under the crown of the tree is loosened for excellent absorption of precipitation and melt water.

Water the trees before the first frost.. Watering a peach at a later time can cause the tree to freeze.

In late and warm autumn, 600 cubic meters are considered the norm for irrigation. m/ha of water. Since most peach roots are shallow, up to 60 cm deep, a small amount of water is used for irrigation. It is necessary to water in moderation, because abundant watering can lead to waterlogging of the soil.

Podzimnye watering is not used in gardens with heavy clay soils, and in an area that is located in a lowland. It will be appropriate in areas with sandy or podzolic soil.

Podzimny watering is applied at the end of October or in the first days of November, it is at this time of the year that the tree is not likely to grow. The fruit tree after the end of winter begins to develop well.

The main rule to always remember is that the peach loves abundant watering, but does not like stagnant water.

Trimming a Peach Correctly

To achieve stable, high yields in peach, autumn pruning wood, as it is necessary and important element when growing it.

Trimming trees begins with the arrival of autumn, that is, from September to mid-October.

With the onset of autumn, it is carried out so that the tree has time to heal its wounds.

There are such types of pruning as:

  • Sanitary pruning is carried out in order to remove diseased branches and those that have dried up. They are removed and then burned.
  • Forming pruning in autumn is carried out only in the south, and in areas with a cold climate - in the spring. Remove overgrown, strong branches to avoid competition with skeletal branches.
  • Anti-aging pruning is done for old trees. Her task is to update the peach crown and give it a cupped shape.
  • In order for the peach tree to bear fruit for a long time, regulatory pruning is carried out, it is necessary to remove part of the rising branch.
  • Restorative pruning increases the fruiting of the tree (branches are removed).
  • Let's move on to defense

    First, sun protection

    Extreme temperature fluctuations and adverse winter conditions can affect peach sunburn. Damage is received by the bark, branches, trunk, and sometimes root system. Often, freezing of fruit buds also occurs.

    A damaged root system can die even with a slight freezing, their growth decreases, the leaves become light green color. Sunburn can be obtained in autumn and winter, and even in early spring.

    To protect the peach tree from sunburn in the fall, it is necessary to whiten the boles and the base of the skeletal branches of young trees, and those that bear fruit. Hydrated lime is used for whitewashing. It is recommended to spray the peach with milk of lime to achieve a more effective result, which helps to protect the fruit buds and the bark of the branches.

    IN young garden peaches, tree trunks are advised to wrap sunflower stems for the winter, corn, spruce branches or thick paper. Also, to protect the tree from sunburn influences and timely cultivation of the soil, moderate watering, fertilization, in the quantities that are necessary for the tree.

    We protect the peach from the cold

    Peach needs protection from the winter cold. They cover him. The degree of shelter of the area where it grows depends on the climatic weather conditions, from the level of protection of the garden from the winds. Shelter can be permanent or temporary.. To preserve heat in the root system, you need to make a mound up to 30 cm high, it should be higher than the scion, around the peach bole. The tree is covered with burlap for the winter, it is wrapped around the seedling.

    Sometimes they cover the peach tree pretty original way. They put on him cardboard box in which hay was previously poured. It's cheap and interesting. You need to cover trees with breathable materials, or make holes.

    Pest and disease control

    Peach is most affected by diseases such as leaf curl, powdery mildew, moniliosis, and clasterosporiasis.

    But, the main disease is leaf curl. To avoid its appearance, the tree needs to be sprayed with fungicides. Excellent solution blue vitriol Or use Bordeaux mixture. In autumn, the trees begin to spray after all the leaves have fallen.

12.03.2016 55 805

Peach leaf curl - control measures

Peach leaf curl is a common disease in which a tree can lose most of its fruits, drop leaves, grow poorly, and develop. peach trees require special attention And proper care, incorrect processing leads to a deterioration in the condition and inhibition in development, especially if the trees are young.

Prevention and protection of peach from curly

Measures taken in time will save peach trees from a malignant disease that is better to prevent than to cure. The danger of the disease is in the rapid development, the defeat of young leaves, shoots and branches, without prevention and treatment, leading to the complete destruction of the tree.

Protective measures begin to be taken in early spring, before bud break. In various regions of Russia, the time frame is adjusted to local climatic conditions; in the southern latitudes, events begin to be held in the early days of March; in the regions of the north, the date shifts closer to April. The last final treatment is carried out in the fall.

Processing peach from curl involves pruning diseased, dry branches in which the fungus-causative agent hibernates. "Taphrina deformans T", spraying. Pruning damaged peach branches must be done before the buds swell, if the removal was not done in the fall. Good drugs for spraying, fungicides are considered that contain copper-containing substances, Skor, Hom, Raek, Oxyhom, Folpan, the well-known Bordeaux liquid (3% solution) and.

in the photo - processing peach trees from curliness

Prepare a solution of copper sulfate (1%), dilute 50 grams of the substance in 10 liters of warm water, spray the trees. Depending on the age of the peach, consumption rates vary, from two to ten liters per tree. The prepared solution is not stored, it is prepared immediately before use. The treatment should be repeated after five days to consolidate the result, as a rule, a single sanitization is ineffective.

How to deal with peach curl

It is necessary to fight a difficult disease, especially in the phase of intensive development and exacerbation, to save the plant and future harvest. Many novice gardeners are wondering how to spray a peach from curliness when the disease is already booming? Basic and the best drugs copper-containing agents remain for the fight, effectively destroying the fungus and various harmful insects capable of spreading the disease.

in the photo - twisted leaves (curl) of a peach

Widely used preparations of biological origin Guapsin, Planriz, Trichodermin, which do not have harmful effects on green spaces and do not accumulate inside plants. With such means, it is possible to fight curly hair before and after peach blossom, even during fruiting, the drugs do not affect the taste and color of the fruit. The action of bacterial preparations begins to appear after two or three days. There is no time frame between treatments and harvest.

Peach tree curl can be treated folk remedies, giving a positive result with regular spraying. One of the remedies is a clay solution with lime, which has fungicidal properties, which increases the protective functions of the peach from curliness. To prepare the emulsion, 10 liters of water, 350 grams of softened clay, 90 grams of slaked lime are taken. Water is combined with clay, thoroughly stirred, then milk of lime is poured in a small stream. The solution is homogeneous, without the formation of sediment. It is necessary to prepare the emulsion on the day of spraying.

Rules for processing peach trees

achieve positive result possible with right approach, ignoring the processing technology, efforts will be useless, the solution will be used up, pests and fungi will remain. A few simple easy tips will help you avoid vain actions:

  • In autumn, before processing the peach orchard, cut off bad, infected branches, shoots. Slices of branches are processed with garden pitch. Garbage, mulch, the remains of affected leaves around the tree trunk are carefully raked, burned;
  • In the autumn, spring months, spraying is carried out in good calm weather, without rainfall. Rain in the first two days after processing the trees washes away the solutions, spraying becomes ineffective. In such cases, the procedure is repeated;

  • The best hours for work are considered to be morning, after the dew has disappeared and evening, when the sun is not so scorching;
  • The first spring spraying is carried out through a large sprayer, giving the solution the opportunity to get into the most secluded places of the bark, cracks, where pests and various pathogens of fungi and infections can be located;
  • The best possible result can be achieved by using different kinds fungicidal and insecticidal preparations in the complex, alternating treatments;
  • Getting Started with Spraying various means, check the reaction of the peach tree so as not to aggravate the growth and development of the plant. Spray a small twig with leaves with a prepared preparation, if after 24 hours the leaves do not turn yellow, fall off, turn pale, then you can process the tree completely.

Almost everyone loves peaches, because these fruits are very sweet and have an incomparable taste. But you need to know that the peach tree is a very demanding plant in terms of care. It is constantly exposed negative impact which needs to be warned in time during the year. Handling a peach in the fall is incredibly important, as it can protect the plant from parasites and possible diseases.

Features of autumn processing

Before planting a peach tree on your site or in your garden, you need to evaluate your strengths. Without proper care, it will not be able to please with a rich harvest.

Key manipulations include:

  • fertilizer;
  • pruning;
  • regular watering;
  • spraying.

With the onset of cold weather, humidity indicators increase significantly, respectively, such an environment is most suitable for the rapid growth of fungal bacteria that can kill a tree. And if the peach is not treated in time for diseases in the fall, then in the spring a large number of defects may appear on it. Due to the fact that fungal spores penetrate the bark, this can cause difficulties with the supply of moisture and nutrients, as a result, the leaves will fall off without apparent reason, underdeveloped buds may appear, and the branches will dry out.

But the time for spraying largely depends on the region of location and weather conditions. It is recommended to process the tree at least a month before the first frost, but after all the leaves have fallen.

Tools for work

Scheme for the correct implementation of pruning plums in the fall

Spraying protects against fungi and other negative factors. The question is how to process a peach in the fall in order to protect it as much as possible. Given the large number of diseases and pests, experts have developed many different preparations for wood processing.

As already mentioned, before winter, the tree must be sprayed from fungi. In this case, you need to take Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride or cuprostat. Autumn processing of peaches with their help should be as plentiful as possible so that the film can be distributed evenly over the branches, leaves and trunk.

Wood processing rules

Disease agents and sources of pests usually accumulate on the tree when peaches ripen or after harvest. Peach processing in the fall from diseases using chemistry should not be carried out when the fruits are still on the tree. If the attack is too noticeable, then you should first harvest, and then process the plant. In order to prevent the appearance of pests in the fall or diseases when peaches ripen, you need to spray the tree in the summer for prevention purposes.

It is better to start work in September, focusing on the period of leaf fall. It is advisable to do this in the afternoon, so that the solution dries up before night, the weather should be calm, the temperature should not be too high. Rain can spoil the whole effect. It is undesirable that it be in the coming days after the procedure, so before processing it is recommended to study the weather forecast for the coming days.

Other rules include:

How to graft an apple tree step by step in spring: grafting methods

Before the spraying procedure, if it is really necessary, trim the tree. After it, the places of cuts are carefully lubricated with garden pitch. Then the trunk should be whitewashed. And only after that you need to proceed to the processing itself.

Growing peach on your own plot is not the easiest task. Not only can not every region be suitable in terms of climatic conditions, but also a variety of misfortunes will periodically try to leave the gardener without a crop. And to provide the tree healthy life, you need to know all the possible troubles in person. Controlling diseases and pests is an important step towards a healthy, bountiful harvest.

Diseases and pests of the peach tree

Peach is characterized by all the main stone fruit diseases - leaf curl, fruit rot (moniliosis), powdery mildew, cytosporosis and clasterosporosis. In addition, sometimes it is attacked by pests - aphids, eastern codling moth, fruit mites, fruit moths, weevil. The gardener needs to react in time and get rid of problems.

A peach tree is a good target for diseases and pests, so you should not sit back, even if a variety resistant to many adversities grows on the site.

Table: disease-resistant peach varieties

Photo gallery of peach diseases and pests

Fruit mite sucks the juices from the tree Curly hair can leave a peach without leaves Aphids multiply quickly and cause great damage to the plant
Eastern codling moth is one of the worst pests Powdery mildew is easily rubbed off with a finger at first, while it looks like white felt Fruit rot spoils the crop and spreads quickly in the area

Peach diseases and their causes + photo

All diseases that can be encountered when caring for a peach are conventionally divided into three groups - diseases of the leaves, trunk and fruits. Of course, this does not mean that this or that ailment affects only the fruits or the trunk, but it manifests itself most clearly on a specific part of the tree.

leaf diseases


Clasterosporiasis is one of the most common and unpleasant diseases that affects almost the entire tree - leaves, buds, flowers, ovaries and shoots. The disease manifests itself most clearly and most noticeably on the leaves, on which brown spots with a dark red border appear - the foci of fungus damage. Damaged leaf tissue dies and falls out, leaving a hole. It is because of this that klesterosporiosis got its second name - perforated spotting.

Klyasterosporiosis is called perforated spotting, because. leaf spot disease

The fungus, which is the causative agent of the disease, penetrates into the tissues of the peach tree and forms a mycelium there, which gradually penetrates into the cells of the plant and causes their death. The problem is that hiding on the shoots, flower buds and affected branches, it easily survives the winter and begins to spread to healthy parts of the tree when positive temperatures occur. It is important here to detect the symptoms of the disease in time and rid the peach of those parts that have already suffered. That is why early spring pruning, which is carried out with the onset of heat, plays such an important role as both prevention and treatment. Sections after treatment are disinfected with a solution of lime with the addition of copper or iron sulphate.

In the process of treatment, such well-known drugs as Hom and Meteor are used. Spraying is carried out three times - during the swelling of the kidneys, as well as before and after flowering.


Leaf curl is also not a gift - in a wet, rainy and protracted spring, the disease gets every chance for successful development and reproduction, attacking the leaves first. As soon as the leaves bloom, it will already be possible to see on them, in addition to the usual green color, also purple. A little later, a border of the same color will appear. A week or more later reverse side sheets can already be seen gray coating. The disease affects the shoots, and after a while the leaves curl and fall off, leaving the branches bare. At the first frost, the shoots are doomed to death. A tree affected by curly almost ceases to bear fruit, and those rare specimens that did appear have a damaged pericarp.

Curly - fungal disease, which is one of the most common

To avoid yield problems, diseased shoots should be pruned before the start of the sporulation period. In autumn, before the rains begin, the so-called blue treatment is carried out with preparations containing copper. In the spring, the preparations "Skor" and "Horus", as well as "Hom" are used. Looks like this simple circuit so: first, during the growing season, the peach is sprayed with copper oxychloride, and after 8-12 days, Horus or Skor is used.

Video: peach leaf curl, control methods

powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is one of the most dangerous diseases affecting shoots, leaves and fruits. It is easy enough to calculate white coating, which in initial stage can be erased with a finger, but then it coarsens, turns brown and turns into dark spots. Shoots touched by powdery mildew lag behind in development, are damaged and die. Thanks to its sharp suckers, the mycelium successfully sucks out all the nutrients it needs from the tree. The wind facilitates the easy movement of spores and spread over large areas. The disease is especially severe during drought.

Powdery mildew quickly spreads over the site and captures shoots, leaves and fruits

In order to prevent the disease from developing, the affected shoots, leaves and fruits (still belonging to the tree or already fallen) are removed. As a therapeutic measure, "Topsin" or "Topaz" is used at the end of flowering.

If insecticides are added to these drugs, the effectiveness of the treatment will increase.

trunk ailments


Cytosporosis is a fungal disease that affects the bark of a tree. More precisely, the bast is a layer located between the bark and the wood, which acquires a dark brown color during illness. You can detect this disease by withering, drying tops of the shoots, as well as brown smudges and spots on the bark. From the tops of the shoots, cytosporosis descends, capturing the skeletal branches and trunk. After the defeat of the latter, the tree will be under serious threat.

Cytosporosis is a fungal disease, but unlike fruit rot or powdery mildew settles under the bark

Branches damaged by the disease are immediately removed. Shortening occurs to a length of 0.8 - 1.5 m, sometimes the entire skeletal branch is removed, but on condition that not a single millimeter of diseased bast remains below the cut point, otherwise cytosporosis will not stop. Cut parts of a tree, as well as dried trees, must be burned immediately or taken out as far as possible. The first option looks preferable, since the infection travels long distances without any problems, and there is no guarantee that after a while the disease will not return to your site.

Since cytosporosis primarily affects weakened trees, it is necessary to observe a full range of agrotechnical measures, such as timely (and, most importantly, correct) pruning, regular watering, timely treatment of wounds, etc.

A good means of preventing and treating cytosporosis is 3% Bordeaux liquid (lime per 10 liters of water), used for spraying in early spring (before leafing) and autumn (during or after leaf fall).

Fruit diseases


Fruit rot or moniliosis, monilial burn - all these are the names of one disease caused by the same fungus, which affects flowers, leaves and branches during flowering, and later fruits. The monilial burn got such a peculiar name, because the leaves and fruits affected by the scourge look like burnt ones. The disease manifests itself especially clearly on the fruits on which brown spots that deform them. These spots spread over the fruits, and light gray or gray pads of spores appear on them, forming concentric circles. The wind easily transfers spores to other trees, and if the weather is cool, damp, the disease spreads rapidly across the site, affecting almost all, without exception, fruit plants.

Moniliosis causes the fruits to rot on the branches up to their complete wrinkling and drying.

As a preventive measure, periodic pruning of the tree is carried out to prevent thickening of the crown. The parts of the plant found affected by moniliosis are removed. Prior to flowering, they are treated with the Chorus preparation. After flowering, "Topaz" is used, and after it - "Topsin". Thanks to this approach, not only the pathogen is destroyed, but also its carriers, which are oriental codling moths, geese, weevils and boucars.

Fallen fruits damaged by moniliosis are immediately collected and carried far beyond the site, and in the fall they are removed from the trees.

Table: peach diseases, treatment and prevention

Disease nameRemedy for treatmentDosageMultiplicity of treatments
ClusterosporiasisHom (copper oxychloride)40 gr per 10 liters (2 - 5 liters per tree)Triple treatment - during bud swelling, at the beginning and at the end of flowering
Meteor4 kg per hectare
3% Bordeaux liquid

300 gr of copper sulphate and 400 gr

lime per 10 liters of water

Treat in autumn after leaf fall
leaf curl3% Bordeaux liquid

300 gr of copper sulphate and 400 gr

lime per 10 liters of water

By sleeping kidneys
2% Bordeaux liquid

lime per 10 liters of water

By the opening buds
1% Bordeaux liquid

lime per 10 liters of water

On vegetative shoots

40 gr per 10 l

During the growing season in combination with preparations "Horus" and "Skor"
Horus3.5 gr per 10 l
Speed2 ml per 10 liters of water (2 - 5 liters per tree)8 - 12 days after the application of "Hom"
powdery mildewTopsin15 gr per 10 lAt the end of flowering
Topaz2 ml per 10 lAt the end of flowering
Fundazol10 gr per 10 lIn combination with drugs "Topsin" and "Topaz"

First spray before flowering

Cytosporosis3% Bordeaux liquid

300 gr of copper sulphate and 400 gr

lime per 10 liters of water

Early spring (before leafing) and autumn during or after leaf fall


40 gr per 10 l

During the growing season

fruit rotHorus

2 - 3.5 gr per 10 l

Before flowering

Topaz2 ml per 10 lAfter flowering
Topsin15 gr per 10 lTwo weeks after treatment with Topaz

Pests and their control


Aphids are perhaps the most frequent intruder on peach trees. It settles on young shoots, sticking around them and sucking out the juices vital to the plant. The seedlings begin to hurt, dry, the leaves crumble. While the number of aphids is small - it is easy to crush it with gloved hands right on the spot, but if you show slowness, this pest will significantly increase its population, and then you will have to resort to potent pesticides, since weaker solutions will no longer have the desired effect.

Peach aphids can be green, orange, and yellow - the color changes, the essence remains


Weevils damage buds, buds and flowers by gnawing out stamens, pistils and petals. Sometimes it spreads to young leaves. Small holes are created in the fruits for oviposition. They are carriers of the main fungal diseases of peach.

The surest action would be chemical treatment tree before the buds swell. Good trapping belts are applied above the stem, removing damaged buds (these usually show a brown top) and removing exfoliating and dead bark. Whitewashing the trunk with lime also makes a good contribution to the fight against weevils.

Weevils damage buds and spread fungal diseases


Ticks are known for their ability, like aphids, to suck out all the useful and nutritious substances from a tree. They successfully winter in the bark at the base of large branches and in the warm period are able to weaken the plant so much that its shoots stop developing, dry out, the yield decreases significantly, the tree stops bearing fruit, and the leaves lose color and fall off.

Regular peach pruning, keeping clean trunk circle, whitewashing the trunk and installing trapping belts help to cope with the tick. But an even greater effect is achieved when using drugs such as Fitoverm, Neoron, Apollo and Karate.

Fruit mite indiscriminately attacks any fruit trees, including peach

fruit moth

Fruit moth delivers the most trouble in the form of a caterpillar, which in the spring is taken for buds, and then for young shoots. Since the pest gnaws out their core, the shoots begin to wither and die off, the tree may shed its leaves. One caterpillar is capable of destroying 5-6 shoots, which is already significant damage. In adulthood, the caterpillars climb into dry leaves, bark or soil in the trunk circle.

Moth-damaged shoots are cut and burned. The same is done with carrion and root shoots. Good result is achieved with regular loosening of the soil and the imposition of trapping belts on the trunk and skeletal branches.

Fruit moth damages shoots, causing the tree to stop developing

Eastern codling moth

The eastern codling moth hibernates on damaged shoots, in cracks in the bark, and also under fallen leaves. Caterpillars feast on young shoots, small ovaries, and even peach pits that have not yet had time to harden. The codling moth, like aphids, is a carrier of various fungal diseases, including moniliosis, so you need to get rid of it immediately.

This is how peach fruits slightly damaged by the eastern codling moth look like

Table: pest control methods

PestRemedy for fightingDosagePeriodicity and frequency of treatments
Aphid2% Bordeaux liquid

200 gr of copper sulphate and 250 gr

lime per 10 liters of water

Spray before winter
1% Bordeaux liquid

100 gr of copper sulphate and 150 gr

lime per 10 liters of water

Treat before and after flowering
Confidor0.25 l per hectareDuring bud formation
Dandelion infusion

400 gr leaves and 200 gr stems

roots (collected during

flowering) pour 10 liters of warm

water. Infuse for two hours, strain

and spray

During the growing season
Weevillime milk for1.5 kg of freshly slaked lime per 10 lBeginning of kidney swelling


2 ml per 10 lDuring the growing season
5 ml per 5 l (2 - 5 l per tree)Spraying three times: green cone phase (beginning of bud break), end of flowering and ten days after

colloidal sulfur

80 gr per 10 l

During the growing season from 1 to 6 treatments with a difference of one day


1.5 ml per 1 literDuring the growing season twice with a difference of two days
15 ml per 10 l (from 2 to 10 l per tree

depending on age)

One treatment per season no later than 45 days before harvest
0.4 - 0.6 liters per hectareVegetation period, then at least 30 days before harvest
5 ml per 10 lDuring the growing season, two treatments with a difference of 20 days
fruit moth


30 gr per 10 l

During bud break


20 gr per 10 l

During bud break

Eastern codling moth


60 gr per 10 l

The treatment is carried out 3 times per season with a difference of 15 days between peach sprays, starting from the moment of spring emergence of butterflies and excluding flowering


20 gr per 10 l
Rovikurt (25%)10 gr per 10 l

A peach, as a fruit tree, is subject to the same diseases as an apple tree, pear, plum, and others, therefore, in some ways, measures to combat ailments in all cases turn out to be similar. The peach list of pests is somewhat different, but even in this case there are universal remedies that can be used for most fruit trees. By observing the indicated dosage and carrying out timely prevention, as well as acquiring varieties resistant to certain diseases and pests, you can avoid problems during cultivation and achieve a large harvest every year.