Why is it necessary to spray the garden with urea in early spring and how to do it? Autumn garden treatment with urea and iron sulphate

The use of urea in the spring processing of fruit and decorative deciduous trees - effective method protection against fungal diseases and prevention of attacks by harmful insects. When spraying with urea, nitrogen fertilization of plants occurs at the same time.

Characteristics of urea

This organic compound, produced by the chemical industry, also has another name - urea. The preparation contains 46 percent nitrogen, so it is a concentrated nitrogen fertilizer. Urea enters the trade network in the form of white or yellowish granules. The substance has a slight odor, it dissolves in water as completely and efficiently as possible.

If urea is used as a fertilizer, the granules are scattered around the tree trunk and immediately sprinkled with earth, because under the influence of air, the active substances evaporate quickly. Then the trunk circle is watered abundantly.

Using a tree protection agent, make a spray solution, usually 5 percent. As a result of chemical reactions, the components of urea are released in the form of ammonia, which has a depressing effect on fungal life forms and pests. The tool in the form of a solution allows you to process large areas trees and is well absorbed by plants. Urea is not hazardous to the environment.

Why is urea used?

Thanks to chemical properties urea acts in several directions.

  • The development of trees improves after foliar feeding with a solution of urea.
  • autumn processing, when more than 40% of the foliage has flown off the tree, it helps to strengthen the plant and its frost resistance. The solution is made the most concentrated: 8-10%.
  • Vegetation of fruit trees after spring spraying slowed down by about a week and a half. Delaying the flowering of varieties that ripen in early dates, makes it possible to avoid the threat spring frosts.
  • Urea prevents tree diseases such as scab, moniliosis, septoria, rot, cancer, purple spotting.
  • Spraying with urea does not affect all pests, but it cleans the tree from weevils, apple flower beetle, sucker, aphids and some others.
  • The bark is freed from moss.
  • Small drops flow down the branches onto the soil, enriching it.

Fallen leaves are also sprayed with urea in autumn, which cover the near-trunk circle.

When is the best time to use urea?

The substance is harmless to plants, it is used several times per season. Old trees, on which signs of the disease were noticed in the summer, are sprayed with urea in the fall.

spring processing carried out three times.

  1. The first time trees and shrubs are sprayed with the establishment of warm weather, when the thermometer reaches 5 o C. The buds are still at rest, the pests have not become active - they are easy to act on by the contact method. In some regions, this period falls on the beginning of March.
  2. The next treatment is carried out during the flowering period. Leaf buds are already beginning to awaken, so it is necessary to reduce the concentration of the active substance. The beginnings of leaves and flowers can be burned, which will affect the yield. At the same time, adult foliage tolerates processing without damage.
  3. The third time is processed according to the ovaries.

The first spraying of fruit trees and shrubs is carried out with a high concentration of urea.

Ways to use carbamide

Used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes different amount active substance in solution. When calculating the total volume, remember that for 10 m 2 of the garden we use 2.5 liters of working solution. Urea must not be mixed with any substances other than blue vitriol. This drug serves as a guarantee that pathogens and pests will be destroyed.

  • Applying to the kidneys, 0.6 kg of urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  • In early spring, we also spray the trees with urea and copper sulfate. To 10 liters of water add 0.7 kg of urea and 0.05-0.1 kg of copper sulfate.
  • For subsequent treatments, 0.5-0.05 kg of urea is taken per 10 liters of water.

Before spraying, trees and shrubs are sometimes additionally fed with urea, scattering granules over the projection of the crown. For apple trees, take 0.23 kg of the substance, plums and cherries - 0.15 kg each. If manure or humus has been laid since autumn, the rate is halved. In summer, urea is used for foliar feeding of plants.

Solution preparation

Urea is best diluted in hot water, up to 80 ° C, - so the granules will dissolve faster.

  1. Urea is poured into the container, filled with water up to a third or half of the volume, stirred until the granules are dissolved.
  2. Powdered copper sulphate is added, also stirring.
  3. Pour into the tank, filtering the solution.

Preparing the garden for work

The good effect of treatment against diseases and pests also depends on proper preparation garden. Since autumn, all fallen leaves and branches have been removed, taken out of the territory of the site or burned. This is always done. But the trunk circle is especially carefully cleaned if the plants have been damaged. With this approach, you can be sure that half of the insects wintering in cracks in the bark of the affected branches and leaves are destroyed.

  1. At the end of winter or the beginning of spring, during the period of frost from 0 to 10 degrees,.
  2. After frost, the lagging areas of the bark are cleaned with a metal brush, while simultaneously removing pests from their shelters. They also remove stains of lichens and moss.
  3. In the first warm days, the garden area is completely freed from the remnants of pruning and trunk circles are dug up.

Urea will only be effective at temperatures above 5°C.

Rules for working with carbamide

Preventive and therapeutic procedures are carried out based on general recommendations.

  • Working with urea and blue vitriol, put on protective suits, goggles, gloves.
  • For processing from the beginning of spring, a warm, calm day is chosen.
  • Treat the entire tree, branches, buds or leaves.
  • The most successful result is achieved by spraying the entire garden. It is also worth talking with neighbors to destroy pests at the same time.
  • Procedures are carried out in the morning or in the evening. This rule is strictly adhered to during flowering, so as not to harm beneficial insects.
  • It is advisable to check the weather forecast. Rain that has passed within a day after treatment washes away the substance.

Urea will not protect against all diseases and pests, but the effect of cleansing the garden will be significant. In addition, the safety of the tool should be taken into account. The use of carbamide will give a double result: protection of plants and their fertilizer.

To make your garden look well-groomed, bushes beautiful, fruit trees were healthy and gave in the summer good harvest, it must be properly prepared for the season. One of such important activities, in addition to whitewashing and pruning trees, is their spraying, and the most effective tool for this, carbamide (urea) is considered. Treating trees with urea solves several problems at once.

Urea is one of the highest concentrations of nitrogen fertilizers - almost 46%. Some beginner gardeners confuse it with saltpeter, which can be harmful to tree foliage. Carbamide is produced in the form of granular crystals of white and yellowish tints, which have absolutely no bad smell, easily dissolves in water (in hot water up to +80°C the process is faster) and is perfectly distributed on the treated areas. Due to its hygroscopicity, it must be stored in airtight containers. Gardeners value urea not only for great content it contains nitrogen, but also for the high rate of digestibility by plants. This is especially effective in the fight against harmful insects, when every minute is precious.

When working with urea, keep the following in mind:

  1. Carbamide belongs to organic compounds, but is considered a mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizer.
  2. The action of urea begins immediately and has a long period.
  3. Urea for the garden as a fertilizer is applied directly to the soil, since it has the properties of weathering.
  4. It is used in any soil, including in protected conditions (in greenhouses and greenhouses).
  5. Shows good efficiency on waterlogged soils.
  6. In soils with high biological activity, carbamide loses less nitrogen, which cannot be said about alkaline and neutral soils.
  7. Getting into the soil, urea is converted into ammonium carbonate (ammonium carbonate).
  8. It is the most effective and safe nitrogen fertilizer for garden plants in the world. summer period- does not burn the foliage even with the wrong dosage.
  9. Another one of the very useful properties urea is that it slows down the growing season - the flowering of trees begins later, and this helps to avoid the death of ovaries from spring frosts. This is especially effective for early ripe varieties peaches, plums, apricots.
  10. During the period when buds are forming on the trees, urea treatment solves the problem with many pests and various diseases.
  11. Spring treatment of the garden with urea helps protect trees from frost.
  12. Urea is useless in the fight against old stumps, it is not able to completely destroy them, but only contributes to decay.
  13. Never mix urea with other fertilizers and minerals - chalk, simple superphosphates, lime.

Preparing the garden for cultivation

Before you start spraying the garden in the spring with urea, you need to consider some recommendations:

Processing the garden in the spring from diseases and pests with urea is carried out as follows:

Processing of fruit trees

  1. You can start treating the garden with urea if you have properly prepared the trees for this - dug up the ground under them, removed frozen and damaged branches, whitened the tree trunks.
  2. For works fit sunny and, most importantly, windless day. If the weather is hot, then it is advisable to spray in the early morning or evening after sunset.
  3. It is necessary to prepare the solution and carry out the spraying itself in protective clothing, a mask, goggles and gloves.
  4. Urea will be especially effective in the fight against insects in combination with copper sulfate - 700 g of urea, 50 g of copper sulfate and 10 liters of water. Such a composition solves two problems at once - it destroys pests and fertilizes the soil.
  5. For spraying, it is best to use a special sprayer. With it, even very tall trees can be processed.
  6. When processing trees, do not spare the solution, it is impossible to harm them.
  7. The second processing of the garden can be carried out already during the flowering period of the trees, and the third immediately after the ovary of flowers.
  8. If precipitation falls after spraying, it will be necessary to repeat the procedure, otherwise everything will be in vain.
  9. Root feeding of fruit trees during the fruiting period is carried out in the following ratio: cherry and plum trees will need from 120 to 150 g per 10 liters of water; apple trees will require 230-250 g per 10 liters of water.
  10. You can not prepare a solution, but pour dry urea, but in this case it is necessary to carefully water the trees with water.
  11. In the case of feeding trees with organic matter, the application rate of urea must be reduced by 1/3 or half, it depends on the amount of organic feeding.

Treatment of other plants and shrubs

Surely, many gardeners grow in the garden not only fruit trees, but also other plants, shrubs, both fruit and ornamental. They are also treated and fed with urea, which is used both as a fertilizer and as a disease and pest control.

  1. Active feeding of plants is carried out in case of nitrogen starvation, which manifests itself as follows:
    • the plant begins to lag behind in growth;
    • leaves turn yellow and curl into a tube;
    • flowering is weak, without ovaries;
    • fruits and berries appear in small quantities and quickly crumble.
  2. For work, preferably morning or evening time days. No work is carried out during the rainy season.
  3. To prepare the solution, you need 30-40 g of urea per 10 liters of water.

Norms for root dressing:

  • for cabbage and onions of any variety, beets, tomatoes, sweet peppers and potatoes, take 20-25 g per square meter. m.;
  • for legumes and cucumbers - 5-8 g per square meter;
  • for feeding strawberries, blackberries, strawberries and vegetables such as cabbage, cucumber or tomato - 20-30 g per 10 liters of water. Under each bush or plant, 1 liter of solution is needed;
  • gooseberries are fed in a ratio of 10 g per 10 liters of water;
  • for currants take 20 g per 10 liters of water;
  • squash, eggplant and zucchini require 10-12 g per sq. m.

Today, urea is the most popular means for feeding trees, shrubs and other plants - approximately 35% of all nitrogen-containing fertilizers. It can be safely called one of the most effective and safe, which confirms the high and ever-growing demand. The cost of carbamide is slightly higher than that of other nitrogen-containing fertilizers due to the fact that it is not natural, but is obtained as a result of synthesis from ammonia and carbon dioxide. But in this case, we can safely say - the price justifies the quality.

Treatment of the garden with urea. Video

The winter hibernation is over. Nature wakes up and comes to life. The trees swell and bud. And if wild crops cope with their problems on their own, then garden crops need help. Every summer gardener wants to have an attractive plot in all respects. And that it was not just beautiful, but fruited well.

In order for everything to be as you want, the garden must be healthy, and it must be helped in this. Help for your offspring should begin to provide more in early spring when various pest larvae that may live on the tree (in the bark or under the roots) are still sleeping.

One of the methods proper care behind the trees is their spraying. It helps to get rid of pests and at the same time can be a top dressing for plants. For this process to be beneficial, it must be done throughout the season: from spring to autumn. This method can be divided into spring, summer and autumn seasons. Let's look at all three methods in turn.

  1. spring spraying. In the spring this is done in order to protect garden plants from any pests. Among other things, it will help get rid of insects and fungal diseases. Spring processing should be started before the buds appear and as soon as the snow has melted.
  2. Summer. In summer, the method is used to feed plants and trees. In this case, such mixtures are used that are easily absorbed through the leaves. Very rarely, treatment is carried out in the summer to kill insects.
  3. autumn. In the fall, the procedure is done as a disease prevention. If, for example, a culture has undergone a disease during fruiting, then, unfortunately, nothing can be corrected. And only in the fall you can try to influence by spraying in order to next year the result was positive.

Knowing how many times and why the procedure is performed, you need to know how to carry it out.

Applied means

Here fixed assets used by gardeners:

Copper sulphate is used for disease prevention, insect control and disinfection. Apply it in early spring when the buds have not yet blossomed.

The use of iron sulphate differs from the use of copper sulphate, since, among other things, this chemical fertilizer can also be fed vegetable world your garden with iron. He is very fond of apple, plum and pear trees. Iron vitriol is an important element for plant growth and fruit quality. This element is very important not only for trees, but also for people.

Bordeaux mixture protects fruit crops from pests. Use the mixture when the unopened flowers have already appeared. The mixture is a combination of copper sulfate and quicklime. It is important to know in what proportions to breed it.

One of the most common sprays is application of urea(urea). It is used both as a pest control and as a top dressing. An important point is the correct use of the substance, since it cannot be used in its pure form. Therefore, it is diluted with water in strict accordance with the attached instructions.

What is urea and how to use it

Urea belongs to the class of nitrogen fertilizers, as it contains up to 46% nitrogen in its composition. The fertilizer is quite highly concentrated. In the process of application, the fertilizer in the soil turns into ammonium carbonate. This is facilitated by the action of soil bacteria on urea. And in a couple of days, the resulting ammonium evaporates. To prevent this from happening, the soil must be sealed from the loss of the necessary substance.

Urea is suitable for all types of soil. If the soil is moist, then it is better to use saltpeter. In this case, nitrogen is not washed out. The soil should still be sealed to protect against leaching.

Therefore, it is possible to prevent losses by correct use fertilizers. It's worth doing only in dry weather, after digging a small hole, water the roots and cover with earth. Only with this use of a fertilizer solution can the desired effect be achieved. But this is if you use carbamide as a fertilizer - we need it for processing.

A scientific approach, responsibility and high-quality processing will help save trees and get the desired result in the form of a harvest of apples, pears, plums, apricots, etc.!

The use of urea in the garden as a fertilizer is in demand, if necessary, to improve the soil characteristics of any type of soil, as well as as a top dressing garden trees, berry plantations or garden plants. To get the maximum effect, the instructions must be followed, both in terms of the timing and the dose of urea application.

Carbamide: appearance and chemical composition

Carbamide or urea is chemical compound, final product protein metabolism and the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizer known to date. The release form is granular, which provides the fertilizer with excellent physical characteristics and also prevents caking and allows the urea to maintain good dispersibility.

This type of fertilizer is used to feed any agricultural and horticultural crops in the form of a solution, it is also in demand as a root and foliar top dressing. Carbamide is actively used as a component in the production of complex fertilizers, and is also included in many slow-acting nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Pure urea is colorless. crystalline substance, Odorless and having the following characteristics:

  • solubility in the aquatic environment depends on temperature regime liquids and can vary between 50-95 g;
  • the substance is soluble in media such as methanol, ethanol, isopropanol and others;
  • characterized by the ability to form compounds with the inclusion of inorganic and organic substances.

Colorless fertilizer granules, represented by urea, have sizes in the range of 1-4 mm, and the mass fraction of nitrogen is 46.2%.

Properties of urea (video)

Instructions for using urea in the garden as a fertilizer

Urea is highly soluble in water, when applied to soils, it has the effect of slightly acidifying the soil, therefore, if necessary, liming is performed.


Interval in weeks

Total top dressing

First application after planting or sowing

Norm per hundred

Norm per sq.m.


Four times

3-4 weeks

Not less than three times

bell pepper

3-4 weeks

Zucchini and squash

3-4 weeks




Three weeks

salad crops

Three weeks

Three weeks



Four times

Four times

Three weeks

Peas and beans

Four times


Three weeks

The introduction of urea into the soil must be carried out in advance, at an early spring period or for autumn plowing. It is allowed to use amide substances in the form of aqueous solutions during irrigation, or in the process of direct mixing with the soil during loosening.

Foliar feeding of garden plants is indicated for any vegetable crops with severe nitrogen starvation, and also if there is a massive shedding of ovaries. In this case spraying green mass with a properly prepared urea solution is especially effective and gives the fastest positive results. To prepare such a solution for foliar nutrition of plants, it is necessary to dissolve 5-10 g in a liter of water. room temperature. This quantity is enough for processing 20 sq.m of ridges. It is necessary to produce such an event only in the morning hours or in the evening, after sunset.

Features and options for using urea in the garden

When using urea, it should be remembered that the application as a granular fertilizer involves a shallow incorporation into the soil, which will prevent the urea from being washed out of the soil during rains or irrigation.

It is important to note that this method of protection is strictly prohibited for use on vegetable crops, and neglect of the rule causes the death of the aerial part of garden plants.

To treat the crown of fruit plantations, it is recommended to use a solution based on a bucket of warm water, in which 0.5 kg of fertilizer must be diluted. With this amount of funds, about ten can be processed. square meters garden plantings and berry bushes. Spraying of trees and bushes is carried out in autumn, immediately after leaf fall. As a rule, it is enough to perform only one treatment to get rid of insects and pathogenic microflora.

Urea for trees: spraying (video)

How and when to feed trees and shrubs with urea

If plants need not only effective protection, but also high-quality top dressing, then fertilizers are applied to the near-stem circle in compliance with the following standards:

  • young apple and pear trees - 0.15 kg;
  • fruit-bearing apple trees and pears - 0.25 kg;
  • young cherries and plums, as well as other stone fruits - 75 g;
  • fruit-bearing cherries and plums, as well as other stone fruits - 0.12-0.14 kg;
  • berry crops– 75

Surface top dressing trunk circles is carried out by spraying the solution, after which the soil is cultivated with a rake. It is most effective to carry out such an event in the spring, as well as at the stage of active fruiting of garden plantations and berry bushes.

Advantages and disadvantages of urea as a top dressing

Urea or urea, used as a top dressing, has a significant amount positive properties, among which the most important are the following:

  • a urea-based solution is quickly and effectively absorbed by any crops that are hypersensitive to high soil pH;
  • correctly performed foliar top dressing not capable of causing burns on leaf plates in plants;
  • timely carried out, in compliance with the norms of application, top dressing with urea can significantly increase the yield of not only fruit and berry, but also garden and vegetable plants.

Urea is not without some disadvantages that must be taken into account in the process of feeding fruit, berry, vegetable and green crops:

  • an increased concentration of carbamide in the soil very often becomes the main reason for the decrease in germination rates seed material;
  • when storing fertilizer, certain rules must be observed that allow you to maintain the activity of the active substance;
  • urea should not be mixed with other compounds used to feed horticultural crops.

The principle of operation of the active component is very simple. When it enters the soil, a reaction occurs with spherative components and earthen bacteria.

During the first couple of days, there is a rather stormy chemical reaction, which converts the introduced urea into ammonium carbonate. Contact with air causes the transformation into ammonia gaseous state. It is for this reason that it is necessary to thoroughly incorporate the introduced substance into the upper soil layers. It should be remembered that when using such compounds on soils that have a strong alkaline or simply neutral reaction, significant losses and a decrease in overall efficiency are very often noted.

Fertilizers for the garden: varieties (video)

Carbamide is currently considered one of the best form nitrogen fertilizers suitable for both foliar and root dressings of any garden plants and fruit and berry crops. Properly diluted and applied in accordance with the instructions, the compositions do not burn the foliage of garden crops and are able to be absorbed in the form of a whole, not decomposed molecule, which has a positive effect on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the crop. When used on light-composition soddy-podzolic soils with sufficient moisture and good irrigation, the use of urea is more effective than the introduction of ammonium nitrate.