Garden fruit trees. Layout of a vegetable garden and an orchard: from a drawing to planting crops in examples. Basic soil and condition requirements include

A rare owner of a private house prefers not to plant fruit trees on his site. Everyone usually wants to have a fruit garden - in spring, trees delight with wonderful flowering and aroma, and fruits and berries from their own garden always seem much tastier than those bought in a store or at the market, and you know that these are organic products. In the art of feng shui, the image of a blooming orchard is a symbol of abundance and well-being. The layout of the garden is a responsible matter, on how correctly you plant the trees, their growth and ability to bear fruit will depend, so this task needs to be treated with great attention.

If you want to grow vegetables in your garden as well, the layout of the garden and vegetable garden must be considered together. It is better to take a place for beds near the southern border, from north to south, it is better for crops growing in middle lane... Some gardeners recommend placing the beds from east to west. Behind the vegetable and strawberry (strawberry) beds are fruit bushes - currants, gooseberries. Trees are planted behind the bushes, the light shade from the trees will not hurt the berry bushes, and the vegetable beds should be in the sun.

An example of the design of vegetable beds - they do not have to be square or rectangular, the original beds resemble flower beds

Before you start planning your garden, you need to take into account the following important factors:

  • What is the size of the area can be allocated for an orchard. For trees with spreading crowns, a distance of 4 sq.m. will be required.
  • Terrain relief... For an orchard, a flat terrain or a gentle slope would be ideal, cold air and excess moisture are retained in the hollows, these areas are unfavorable for fruit trees.
  • Analysis of the soil of your site. Have fruit crops strong root system, soils must be fertile to provide it good food... Stony, clayey, sandy soil is not suitable for a garden. The proximity of groundwater negatively affects the growth of trees.
  • The presence of heat and light. For most fruit trees, it is important that there is plenty of light and heat; in the shade, they grow and bear fruit much worse. It should also be said about the area with a constant strong wind - the wind interferes with normal pollination, dries the soil, often damages the crop and breaks tree branches. A high fence or green spaces can partially protect from the winds.

Planning starts with a diagram on paper. If there is already a house on the site, you need to start planning from it. A scale diagram of the site, the outlines of the house and other buildings, as well as the places where trees are already growing, are applied to the paper.

The area is protected from the wind by trees planted around it, which have already grown enough to provide protection.

If the site has not yet been built up, a place for building a house is plotted on the diagram. The layout of the garden on the site assumes the presence of a front garden. The house should face the street, in front of it there is a strip of land for the front garden. Its size depends on the area of ​​the site - for some it is only a meter, for others - 6-8 meters. Flowers, raspberries and berry bushes are usually planted in a small front garden, in a large - decorative trees, flowers or several fruit trees at the discretion of the owners.

For large fruit trees - apple trees, pears, set aside a place in the northeastern side of the site, between them and fruit and berry bushes- a place for smaller trees - cherries, plums.

An example of the layout of a garden and a vegetable garden - the site is divided into two parts. In the first - a house surrounded by a front garden and vegetable beds, the second half - an orchard with trees planted in rows

In general, it will be convenient to draw a plan of the site, put on it all the existing buildings, the proposed location of the garden and vegetable garden. On the site you need to make a marking of holes for planting trees. Try to plant trees at a distance so that as they grow, they do not shade each other. Heap-growing bushes and trees in the garden do not grow well, in addition, conditions are created for diseases of horticultural crops. Fruit trees have a powerful root system, it must develop freely.

Advice. If your site is overgrown with wild shrubs, there are stumps on it that need to be uprooted, do necessary work and burn the wood debris. Collect the ashes in a dry place, it will come in handy when creating fertile beds.

Usually, the layout of an orchard involves planting trees in such a way that they do not shade the areas of neighbors, but there are often cases when a tree grows near the fence itself, providing fruits to both the owners and neighbors, while no one has any complaints.

Today it is fashionable to give the beds original form, for example, a pizza garden. The highlight is that from the round bed in the center, the others radiate out like slices of pizza, forming a circle

At the borders of the site, raspberries, blackberries or berry bushes are usually planted, which bear fruit well when shaded.

Landscaping and regular planning

Below are examples of garden planning for lovers of order and clarity of forms and for those who like it when plants in an orchard are also planted according to the scheme, but create the impression of natural zones.

Landscaping assumes the arrangement of trees and other crops in a free order, close to natural. In such a garden, in addition to fruit crops, decorative ones are also widely used.

An example of a free garden layout - vegetable beds on the left and above, fruit trees are planted in groups in the center and on the right

With regular planning, trees and shrubs, as well as vegetables in the garden, are planted in strict rows at the same distance. The landing pattern also has a strict geometric shape - a square for sections whose length and width are almost equal, and a rectangle for sections whose length is much greater than the width.

An example of a regular layout of a garden with a vegetable garden - clear geometry, the site is divided into regular squares, rectangles, plants are planted in rows

Where are the best crops to plant?

These are trees and shrubs that grow and bear fruit well in your latitudes. For the middle lane, these are pears, apple trees (it is advisable to plant several trees of different varieties), different varieties plums and cherry plums, cherries. In warm latitudes, cherries and apricots will ripen. Berry bushes - all varieties of currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries. At small area shrubs are conveniently located around the perimeter.

If you plant several apple trees, among which there are summer, autumn and winter apple trees, the fruits will delight you in different time of the year

An example of an interesting layout of a vegetable garden - paths diverge from a square of slabs in the center, between which there are beds, different crops are planted on each of the beds. It is convenient to approach any of them

On vegetable beds nearby, you need to plant crops that grow well in close proximity to each other:

  • cabbage, cucumbers, peas;
  • white cabbage, dill, potatoes, onions, lettuce, celery;
  • tomatoes, peas, carrots;
  • horseradish, potatoes, beans, onions, cabbage.

When you draw a diagram, decide which plants to plant and in what quantity, you can start marking the garden on the ground, buy seedlings and prepare the soil.

How to choose the best varieties of fruit trees? Fruit trees, especially in spring and summer, are a decoration of the garden. You plant them in a group and due to their flowering, and then fruiting, the appearance of the fruit garden always attracts attention with its beauty. You always face the decision which trees are the best, which to plant, so that they bring practical benefits, be fertile and unpretentious in maintenance. Resistance is also important. various diseases, resistance to adverse weather conditions, which sometimes occur during flowering. There are many varieties of different fruit trees, and we will try to determine which are the best, learn more about their growing season and find out how they are resistant to environmental influences.

Popular types of fruit trees

What varieties of apple trees to choose? Apple trees are a decoration of any garden. They delight the eye with flowering in the spring and spectacular fruits in the fall. If you want to have apples from mid-summer to late autumn and in winter period, then it is necessary to plant summer, autumn and winter varieties. It is enough to plant one tree at a time and you will be provided with apples almost all year round... Among many varieties of apple trees, there is a frequency of fruiting. That is, they give a good harvest in a year.

For summer in central Russia, varieties of apple fruit trees Avgustovskoe, Papirovka, Grushevka Moskovskaya, Kitaika gold are good. Varieties for autumn Bellefleur Kitayka, Scarlet Anise, Scarlet Sails. For a winter harvest, it is good to plant such varieties of Anise striped, Renet Simirenko, Cinnamon striped. In the south of Russia and in Ukraine, they bear fruit well summer varieties Saffron, Melba, Ukrainskoe, Calvil Fraasa, however, some apple varieties can be affected by scab. For growing autumn varieties of apples, it is good to have such common varieties as Macintosh in the garden,

Welsey, less common Pepin golden, Pepin saffron

Winter varieties of apple trees: Newly bred Ukrainian very productive variety red apples Violet. Bunches of apples cover the entire tree so densely that the tree looks bright red. Who does not know the taste of Calvil snowy? Excellent variety golden apples, famous for their taste and juiciness. Good varieties Jonathan, Golden Delicious, which persist for a long time and have beautiful view... We have listed only the most common varieties. But there are so many more attractive varieties that you might like the apple flavor, appearance wood, convenience of content.
The best varieties of cherries. Cherry trees do not have a long life (about 20 years), but they are beautiful during flowering. Cherries also come in early, medium ripening and late. Shpankarannyaya, English early. Cherry Podbelskiy griot dark-maroon color, large sour sweet, cherry variety Griot Ukrainian - this is already an average ripening period. There are also late varieties of self-pollinated cherries North Star.

Peach varieties. If your garden is located in the southern regions closer to the Black Sea, then the peach is a wonderful tree with its red twigs, beautiful pink flowers and delicious juicy fruits... Of course, the peach requires special attention. But it pays off with the wonderful taste of its fruits. Plant an early ripe and frost-hardy peach Alexander or Amsden, medium-ripening peaches are good for taste Ideal, early Minion, slightly sour fruit of the Big Minion. In October, you can harvest late varieties of peaches. Geokchay late - large High Quality fruits, winter hardy enough.

Plum If you are planning to plant plums in your garden, choose a place for it protected from cold winds, as plums are sensitive to spring frosts.

The excellent Stanley variety will provide you with prunes, Renclaude Altana, Green Renclaude with large red and yellow berries, which are suitable for desserts and compotes.

Best growing season for fruit trees

Planting trees is not a difficult process. Planting a fruit tree at the right time has a big impact on the tree's ability to create a strong root system in time and prepare for a bountiful harvest during the growing season. In warmer climates, you need to plant the tree in spring or autumn at moderate temperatures. But if your garden is in the north an area where it is cold in autumn, the tree will not have time to take root before the frost, so it is better to plant in the spring. climatic zone where your garden is located.

You should choose tree varieties that are appropriate for your area. Local trees take root better, grow and bear fruit better.

When planting, you need to follow the rules for pruning fruit trees and cut off the ends of the roots. A small tree will take root and grow faster, and when the time comes for harvest, it must also be preserved. After all, when fruits ripen, fruit lovers like birds, wasps, flies appear. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures in order to keep the harvest from uninvited guests.

The dream of any summer resident is a plot on which trees and fruit shrubs for the garden will be correctly and efficiently distributed, with an optimally selected, comfortable planting place for each of them.

What can be planted in the shade?

It is most easy to identify light-loving crops (of which the overwhelming number) on your land squares. The problem arises with shady areas, where not all fruit trees and shrubs for the garden are able to grow. In addition, the shadow of the shadow of strife!

The shade from the trees is different from the shade on the north side of the house. As you can imagine, in the second case, it is more dense. The shadow of one tree is not like a dull shadow, created by the group plantings. It can be temporary and light (and many plantings perceive it normally), or it can be permanent and dense, creating a huge problem in the selection of a suitable tree or shrub for a low-light area.

You can try to plant light-loving fruit shrubs for the garden in a shaded place, but the return from them will be completely opposite compared to the expected one, because the crops will only have to adapt to unfavorable conditions for themselves and try to simply survive in them, not to mention their high yield.

Shrubs in the shade as decorative elements of the garden

Shade-loving for the garden will enliven shaded places with their foliage, and often it is not their flowers that attract attention, but the leaves: original, diverse, giving decorativeness to the overall appearance. Factors such as diverse (kidney, lobed, heart-shaped, lanceolate), their unusual texture ( color shades, embossed veins, pubescence) and even the arrangement on the stem (alternating, not covering and not shading each other) are able to create an attractive composition in a low-sun corner of the garden, from which, moreover, it will subsequently be possible to get an excellent, high-quality harvest.

For planting in the shade, shade-tolerant fruit trees and shrubs for the garden are suitable, such as:

  • red, pink, white, black, alpine currants;
  • raspberries;
  • blackberry;
  • elderberry black;
  • hazel;
  • dogwood;
  • viburnum;
  • edible honeysuckle;
  • barberry;
  • gooseberry;
  • male dogwood;
  • Apple tree.

Currants grow in the sun and help out in the shade

Naturally, shade-loving fruit shrubs planted in sunny places for the garden will bear fruit much better, but in the absence of an alternative, these are optimal crops that can grow well in the shade.

Currants are one of the bushes most suitable for growing in the shade. Unpretentious to care for, it multiplies easily and quickly in all its varieties. Large berries will delight compact bushes of such high-yielding varieties like Pygmy, Mermaid, Vigorous.

It is a beautiful tall (about 2 meters) shrub, characterized by yellow flowers and graceful leaves. Flowering occurs in May, and in July the culture is already able to please with appetizing-looking red berries, in fact, completely tasteless. Currant is a winter-hardy plant, which can be attributed to the advantage of such a culture.

Shadow Protector: Black Elder

Like other shade-tolerant fruit shrubs for the garden, it is an excellent decoration for any site and, in addition, can effectively protect it from pests. In a strong shade, it will be very difficult for her to grow, the plant will tolerate partial shade calmly. Black shiny fruits persist on the bushes even after the leaves fall. Healing properties due to the unique chemical composition, possess berries, flowers, leaves and plant bark.

Shrub of Life - Honeysuckle

The very interpretation of the name of the culture ("life" and "youth") indicates the enormous benefits of such a plant. The shrub, which can reach a height of 2.5 meters, has a yellowish brown bark and pale green oblong leaves. Not all fruit shrubs for the garden are characterized by such vitality; the age of honeysuckle in natural conditions can exceed a hundred years. Such a plant is simply recommended for cultivation in the suburban area due to its powerful anti-inflammatory characteristics, choleretic and diuretic effects, as well as the performance of protective functions, especially in cases of intoxication of the body. Interestingly, the first pruning of the plant is carried out 5-7 years after planting due to its too slow growth. With such a shrub, a plot in the shade can turn into a real berry conveyor, the main thing is to have time to collect a bountiful harvest!

Shade Plants for Health

Kalina is a beautiful shrub, which is pleasant to admire at any time of the year. In summer, the plant pleases the eye with attractive spherical or umbrella-shaped inflorescences with pale pink or snow-white flowers. In autumn, admiration is caused by the carved foliage, playing with different shades of berries hanging on the branches: from juicy orange to rich crimson red. Viburnum fruits can hang until the snow falls, being especially popular with birds during this period. Beneficial features this culture is successfully used in folk medicine. Fruit shrubs for a garden, in particular, viburnum, will only decorate a summer cottage, giving it a touch of aristocratic nobility and ornamental beauty.

Rosehip (most varieties) - also B summer period will please with fragrant bright colors and a swarm of bumblebees useful for the garden; in autumn the plant will give wonderful harvest useful berries, which, in dried form, will become a medicinal basis for many medicinal compositions.

Raspberries are delicious and aromatic, a favorite berry of adults and children, the benefits of which are known to everyone. Being a shade-tolerant plant, it is very demanding on the soil in which it grows. The area allocated for its landing should be moderately humid and closed from piercing winds. The varieties most suitable for growing in the shade are Turner, Marlborough, Crimson Mammut. The compatibility of fruit trees and shrubs in the garden should be considered when planting raspberries and apple trees side by side. This neighborhood is unprofitable for both. The fast-growing root system of raspberries, located close to the surface, takes all the nutrients from the soil, thereby condemning the fruit neighbor to a hungry existence. The apple tree, in turn, during the period of active development, which coincides with the flowering and fruiting of raspberries, generously shares with the latter the pests present on it, the destruction of which by spraying will cause the poisons to hit ripe raspberries.

Dogwood and hazel: useful and beautiful

Cornel is an uncommon crop, but this does not detract from its medicinal and technical properties... Being a bush or tree, the height of which is about 2.5 meters, it has a well-leafy, compact crown, giving the area on which it grows, a neat and well-groomed appearance. The taste of juicy aromatic fruits is sweet, with a certain amount of pleasant sourness. The plant is not capricious to soils, but it bears fruit optimally on well-fertilized light soils. The yield increases incrementally: at the age of 5-10 years, the plant is capable of producing up to 25 kg of fruits, at 15-20 years - from 40 to 60 kg, at 25-40 years - up to 100 kg of beautiful high-quality berries.

Common hazel, which is becoming more and more popular among gardeners due to its delicious fruits, perfectly tolerates shade and grows up to 5 meters in height. Blooming early, before the foliage blooms, it forms graceful earrings at the ends of the shoots, at the sight of which the mood rises in anticipation of the onset of the long-awaited warm days.

Barberry for decorativeness

Barberry, a branchy thorny shrub, is characterized by tall growth, but its dwarf varieties are most in demand among gardeners, convenient for harvesting and effectively used as an ornamental hedge. The culture is characterized by increased winter hardiness.

Sour berries are most commonly used in industry. Barberry prefers neutral soils, is characterized by easy survival and rapid growth. Needs periodic pruning. If we take into account the compatibility of fruit trees and shrubs in the garden, then barberry is optimally combined with raspberries and can easily grow with it in the neighborhood.

for shady areas

Gooseberry, moderately demanding on the soil, grows well in the shade, is characterized by winter hardiness, high yields. Berries are rich in many beneficial substances.

The blackberry, as well as the red rose hips, until a certain time was considered an exceptionally light-loving plant. This statement was disproved empirically: such crops bear fruit perfectly in semi-shaded places, delighting the consumer with their tasty and healthy fruits.

Fruit trees and shrubs in the garden (you can see a photo of them in this article) are recommended to be selected, focusing not only on their agrotechnical characteristics, but also using your own imagination aimed at forming a beautiful autumn composition that will play with a variety of colors: green, orange, yellow, purple. Bright area will delight you with its contrast, giving the gardener great mood and inspiration to create future masterpieces.

In front of summer residents who decided to decorate their site beautiful shrubs, the question immediately arises - which shrub is better to plant?

Ideally, such a plant should meet the following requirements:

  1. Be beautiful throughout the summer season.
  2. Unpretentious care.
  3. Frost-resistant, able to withstand our difficult winters.

Winter-hardy, flowering shrubs

Below are the names and characteristics of just such ornamental shrubs: frost-resistant, unpretentious and flowering.

Many shrubs have shown themselves to be winter-hardy, undemanding and at the same time very decorative in our climate. I'll tell you about the most popular, which can be planted in almost all regions of our country.

Derain white

It is famous for its brightly colored red bark. There is a form with large green leaves, which become multi-colored by autumn, and a more compact tree with white-bordered leaves. To ensure that the bark of the deer is always bright, the bushes are cut off annually, leaving hemp from the shoots - a few centimeters above the soil level. With this formation, the bush forms expanding thickets.

  • Shrub with a height of one and a half to two meters.
  • Blooms in early summer.
  • Derain is extremely hardy, decorative and unpretentious in all respects.
  • It grows on any soil, tolerates heat and shade well.
  • Suitable for planting in the background of a plot or along a fence, as well as for hedges.

Such a tree is especially beautiful in autumn.

This is a variety of deren with green leaves that turn burgundy by autumn.

And this is variegated dogwood.

The leaves of this plant remain painted with a white pattern all summer.

This shrub is quite suitable for creating hedges.

Derain grows rapidly and in order to hedge was always neat, she would have to be carefully looked after.

This is how the derain blooms.

The plant can be formed by both a lush bush and a small tree.

Derain does not lose its decorative effect even in winter.

Well, where else can you find a shrub with such original, red shoots.

Deciduous barberries

They are distinguished by enviable winter hardiness, easy to care for. The color of the leaves is yellow, green, purple, red. Any fertile soil is suitable for barberries, open space or partial shade. They are easy to cut, but you can not cut, limiting yourself to the spring removal of damaged and excess branches.

  • Height different types and varieties range from 60 cm to 2 m.
  • Extremely unpretentious frost-resistant shrub... It grows in the shade, in the sun and on almost any soil. The color of the leaves is striking in its variety.
  • The application is universal, from planting low-growing varieties on hills to creating hedges. It can serve as both a background and an edge, looks beautiful on a green lawn.

Barberry Thunberg.

Such an elegant bush will decorate any hill.

Barberry goes well with conifers.

Here the barberry bush acts as the edge of the spruce.

Barberry on the lawn.

On a green lawn, the variegated shrub looks very colorful.

Barberry hedge

Picturesque and practical hedges are obtained from barberry, but we must remember that this shrub is terribly thorny and it is not particularly pleasant to work with it. Read more about the use of barberry in garden design


Almost all spireas are fast-growing, frost-resistant shrubs, unpretentious and abundantly flowering. There are two groups of spirits - spring-flowering and summer-flowering. In spring-flowering species, such as the ash spirea, drooping branches are adorned with tiny white flowers. These spireas bloom once. In spring-flowering spirits, old and weak branches are cut out after flowering.

Summer flowering spireas are distinguished by long flowering. Pink ( different shades) flowers, as a rule, are collected in flat spherical or spike-shaped inflorescences. Of the summer-flowering spiraea, Bumald's spirea (height 60 cm) is interesting, blooming with graceful, carmine-pink flat inflorescences. The Goldflame variety has yellow and orange young leaves, so the bush looks very elegant in spring.

Varieties of Japanese spirea (height 60 cm) are also very interesting. For example, the Crisp variety has very decorative, bright flowers.

  • The height of the bushes, depending on the variety, is from 0.5 m to 2 m.
  • If you pick up spring-flowering and summer-flowering varieties, then flowering can last almost all spring and summer.
  • Spireas do not require fertile soil. Grow quickly both in the sun and in partial shade. Most spirae are winter-mowing and do not need shelter even in frosty winters.
  • These shrubs are not only decorative, but also have a wide variety of sizes, shrub shapes, leaf colors and flowering times. Thanks to these qualities, you can decorate the garden with only one spirea.

Spirea Wangutta.

Such tall shrubs are suitable for single landings or for growing in hedges.

Such a picturesque corner can be created by planting spireas with hosts and junipers.

Japanese spirea

From the undersized Japanese spirea, elegant borders are obtained. It also looks appropriate in rockeries.


The tree hydrangea, a shrub of North American origin, proved to be the most winter-hardy. Other species (originally from China and Japan) are less hardy, more capricious in care.

Treelike hydrangea is common in our gardens, but for some reason everyone wants to see plants with blue, pink or even reddish inflorescences in their areas. Such hydrangeas, of course, are spectacular, but more capricious, although among them there are varieties that some growers successfully grow in the northern regions.

But if you haven't grown a hydrangea in your garden yet, start with a tree hydrangea - an easy-care, showy shrub with huge caps of white flowers.

It grows well in the harsh regions of Russia panicle hydrangea, a very beautiful wintering shrub up to three meters high (it does not reach this height in our country) with dense spherical crown... Inflorescence - wide-pyramidal panicle 15-30 cm long and 30 cm wide. Flowers are white, reddening by autumn.

  • The height of the bushes is up to two meters.
  • Blooms from mid-summer.
  • Hydrangeas are extremely moisture-loving, tolerate shading well, like well-drained fertile soil acidic reaction. Therefore, peat is added during planting. The soil can be acidified with iron vitriol.
  • Hydrangeas are planted in single bushes or in groups. The plant goes well with other coniferous and deciduous ornamental shrubs.

Such a picturesque shrub will surely attract attention.

Shrub cinquefoil

Deciduous shrub, spreading or compact. Bush-like forms of Potentilla have three names at once: Kuril tea, shrubby cinquefoil and five-leafed. The cinquefoil is made attractive by the abundance of medium-sized flowers. The most common is the form with yellow flowers.

Flowers are single or in few racemose or umbellate inflorescences, medium-sized. The plant also has bright green small carved foliage. The feet do not tolerate dry air very well.

  • Bushes one to one and a half meters high.
  • The shrub blooms for a very long time - almost from early summer to early autumn.
  • Cinquefoil are light-requiring, although they tolerate a small partial shade, they are quite drought-resistant, demanding on the richness of soils, which should be moderately moist.
  • Winter hardiness: species forms can withstand frosts of forty degrees, varieties are less tolerant of low temperatures.
  • Cinquefoil is suitable for creating curbs and low hedges, looks elegant in single and group plantings, harmoniously combined with conifers.

Here is such a neat bush of Potentilla shrub.

Cinquefoil perfectly tolerates haircuts and produces colorful hedges and curbs from it.

Bubble plant

Large, hardy shrub. Both of its forms - with golden and purple leaves - are always decorative: in spring, when the leaves are blooming, during flowering (blooms with white corymbose inflorescences) and after it, when clusters of red fruits are formed.

  • The height of the bushes, depending on the variety, is from one to three meters.
  • Flowering in early summer for 20 days.
  • The bubblegum is unpretentious, drought-resistant and shade-resistant, but it is better to plant in the open sun so that the leaves retain their brightness.
  • Suitable for tall hedges and single plantings.

Bubbles Diabolo.

These are the different bladders. There are shrubs with different leaf colors.

Bubbles Luteus.


Snowberries are white and pink. If you are interested in the most cold-resistant shrubs, then plant a white snowberry, it easily tolerates even the most frosty winters.

Over time, it grows strongly and can grow in any conditions, both in the open sun and in the dense shade of trees. The shrub is appreciated for its many large, decorative, as if from white marble, fruits that are formed in autumn.

It lends itself well to shearing, the bushes are thinned out in early spring cut in the summer.

  • It grows in width up to 2.5 meters, in height up to 1.5 meters.
  • The snowberry grows on any soil, prefers a sunny place. Minimal care: the plant is drought-resistant, does not require feeding, easily tolerates heat, is not susceptible to diseases and pests.
  • With its white fruits, it looks good on dark greenery: on the lawn, against the background of conifers.

Snowberry hedges look smart and require little maintenance.

Snowberry fruits.

Ornamental shrubs for summer cottages of average winter hardiness

The plants described below, although they are not particularly frost-resistant, do not require special shelter for the winter. In most cases, simply covering the bushes with snow is sufficient.


If the action is given room, she will get dressed in June small flowers... The color of flowers (and they are both double and non-double) varies from white to intense pink.

In our climate, rough action is considered the most unpretentious. It blooms with white and pink flowers. It is not very demanding on the soil, it grows well wherever water does not stagnate. It adapts to both the sun and partial shade. Faded branches are pruned after flowering. Old branches are cut to the base.

  • Most varieties of action do not exceed 120-170 cm in height.
  • Blooming in spring and summer (depending on the variety)
  • The shrub is easy to care for; drought-resistant, not susceptible to diseases and pests. For the winter, it is advisable to press the branches to the ground (at -25º the buds freeze slightly)
  • From action, picturesque, unformed hedges are obtained. You can plant in the background of a mixborder or cover the base of tall bushes.

Beautiful action.

Plant hedges from action to northern regions Not recommended. All the same, this shrub is not winter-hardy enough for such purposes.

In the southern regions, action is quite suitable for creating hedges.

Keria Japanese

An unpretentious shrub that blooms annually in April-May with yellow flowers. Can bloom again.

The non-double shape is very graceful: slender, slightly drooping branches, reaching a length of one and a half meters, yellow flowers, similar to large flowers buttercup. And after flowering, the bush looks lovely, thanks to very beautiful bright green leaves, similar to young birch leaves.

  • The height of the bushes is up to two meters.
  • Blooms in spring. Flowering is long, almost two months.
  • Prefers a place in the sun. Can grow in partial shade, but are noticeably lost decorative qualities... Regular watering and periodic feeding are required.
  • Used for single and group landings. It goes well with conifers, looks beautiful on a green lawn.

Keria is distinguished by early and bright flowering.

This plant can also be grown in pots. Of course, the size of the bush in this case will be much more modest.

Keria can also be grown on the balcony.


In bloom, it is more beautiful than all the above shrubs. But to show her drooping branches in all their glory, she needs a lot of space. Loves fertile soil and annual pruning, but generally unpretentious. Immediately after flowering, branches with wilted flowers are shortened.

Weigela Variegata is more compact and restrained in growth - a bush up to 120 cm high with pale pink flowers and yellow-bordered leaves.

Weigels don't like to grow in the wind. When planting, it is necessary to maintain a distance between seedlings of at least two meters.

  • On average, the height of the weigela is 1.5 - 2 meters.
  • Blooms in May-June with pink, white or ruby-red tubular flowers. Prone to re-flowering.
  • Weigela grows on any soil, in direct sun and partial shade.
  • The most frost-resistant varieties that winter well both in Siberia and in the Moscow region are: "Alba", "Striatum", "Styriaka", "Bristol Rubi".
  • Given the high decorativeness of this shrub, it is usually planted in the foreground: at the entrance to the house, along the paths or on the lawn.

Weigela pink hybrid.

Weigela will harmoniously fit into any corner of the garden.

Weigela Red Prince

Henomeles (Japanese quince)

A very common shrub, as it can grow in any soil, both in the sun and in the shade. It blooms brightly in spring and bears golden fragrant fruits in autumn. Bushes do not need pruning: they are thinned out occasionally.

The diameter of chaenomeles flowers is 3 - 5 cm.

It should be noted that in weigela, deytsii, kerrias in severe winters, branches can be severely frozen over. But nothing terrible will happen: the bushes are growing rapidly.

Of all the above assortment, I like summer spireas, weigels, bladders and barberries most of all for their beautiful and long flowering, high decorativeness throughout the season

Shrubs should be placed in accordance with their growth and ability to grow in breadth.

About the rules for pruning ornamental shrubs

All of the listed plants are not rare, they are quite easy to acquire.

They organize entire gardens of dwarf fruit crops on their site, which, although small in size, yield no less than their taller counterparts.


Dwarf fruit trees I - these are undersized fruit, grafted on a dwarf stock. The height of adult dwarf crops reaches only 2-3 meters. Such dwarfs live from 20 to 30 years, and they begin to bear fruit already from the third year from the moment of planting. They are also very demanding on moisture, because their roots are shallow.

Popular species and varieties

Among the popular dwarf and semi-dwarf fruit, dozens of popular varieties, which differ in terms of fruit ripening.

Apple trees

The most popular rootstock is the M9 rootstock. It is especially good for industrial horticulture. In our area, such are popular early maturing varieties undersized apple trees:

  • . Apples of this type have a yellow-green, striped color, firm and juicy flesh. Ripen in August, weighing on average about 120 grams;
  • "Wonderful". Fruiting begins in the fourth year after planting. It is characterized by frost resistance and high yield. large, yellowish, with red barrels, flattened, round. It tastes like honey;
  • . Super early variety. Fruiting begins in the second half of July, the yield is high. Fruits are medium in size, juicy with a caramel flavor. Of the shortcomings, frequent defeat can be noted;
  • . Less popular dwarf. It bears fruit after three years. The color is pink-yellow, striped. Fruit weight - from 100 grams.

TO mid-season, autumn includes the following types:

  • "Autumn striped". The fruits are large, weighing up to 200 grams. The color is bright yellow, the taste is sweet and sour. this variety lends itself well to storage at low temperatures in basements and cellars;
  • . The most stable before weather conditions and disease variety. Produces red-orange fruits in the second half of September. Possesses high commercial characteristics;
  • Sokolovskoe. The variety is high-yielding: one gives 80-90 kilograms of greenish, sweet and sour taste with grainy pulp. The plant is a natural dwarf.

Did you know? According to the observations of archaeologists, the apple tree is the first tree cultivated by people, the fruits of which were eaten as far back as 6500 BC.

Winter, or late maturing undersized apple trees include varieties:

  • . The variety is tolerant of abrupt weather changes, but requires increased attention: in order for the apple tree to bear fruit regularly, it is necessary to carry out frequent pruning of branches. Fruits are elongated, red-yellow, sour;
  • "Snowdrop". Fruits have a conical rounded appearance, yellowish color and red barrel, sweet and sour taste. Weight reaches 150 grams.
  • "Moscow necklace". The species is quite new, but already quite popular. The fruits are bright red with pinkish flesh and have a sweet and sour taste;
  • "Grushevka Podmoskovnaya". The tree begins to bear fruit in the sixth year after planting. Differs in rather small fruits white... Possesses good preservation and productivity.

Also, the varieties of apple trees that are no less popular include:
  • "Ottawa";
  • "Aroma de Vare";
  • Earley Mac;
  • Airlie Geneva.


The most common types of undersized gardeners are medium and late maturing:

  • "Grand Champion". with a high yield, the fruit is large, weighing up to 250 grams. The pulp of pears is oily, very juicy and sweet. Also resistant to frost;
  • . Dessert round shape. The color of the fruit is greenish. The weight of one pear is 180-200 grams;
  • "Parisian". Fruits of winter ripening, sweet and sour taste, rather large. In color - green-yellow, with a protruding redhead.


  • Blue Free. Highly winter-hardy species miniature. Differs in early maturity. The fruits are inky black and oval in shape.
  • "Chachakskaya". Late ripening plum tree. Creamy pulp, sweet and sour taste.
  • "The president". The most unpretentious plum tree. The harvest gives quickly, a lot and with high quality. Has high commercial characteristics. The fruit is oval in shape, sweet in taste.


The maximum height of the undersized is about two meters.

  • Sweet Cap considered the most common. The variety is winter-hardy, very fertile. Fruits with whitish flesh and sweet taste.
  • "UFO" is another kind of miniature fig peach. Very species resistant. The fruits are extremely sweet, large and juicy. A great option for industrial gardening.


  • Earley Red Orange. Super early variety of undersized. large, light orange, with a red barrel, sweet in taste. Market variety, has high transportability and storage rates.
  • "Hardy". Late grade apricots. It is very common in our area due to its endurance low temperatures and drought. The fruits are large, with an easily detachable stone. The skin is thin, the pulp is rich orange, juicy, sugar-sweet.
  • "Crimean Cupid". Medium late grade. large and compressed, weighing up to 100 grams. Light orange in color, with a sour taste. Very aromatic.

Did you know?Queen Elizabeth II of England begins her breakfast with two plums grown in her own garden at Holyrood Palace. The variety of these plums is called "Brompcon".

Benefits of a dwarf garden

All pluses dwarf trees for the garden are reduced to the concept of the convenience of growing such plantings.

Early fruiting

All varieties of dwarf trees have increased yields, which is very important, especially when industrial gardening. Also, stable fruiting in dwarf plants is established at the age of 8-10 years, which is much earlier than in ordinary fruit crops.

Ease of care

The height of the plants makes it easy to maintain the garden in proper condition:, tie, clean and fertilize. Also, the height of low-growing plants greatly simplifies harvesting.


The quantity and quality of fruits in dwarf trees are in no way inferior to an ordinary garden, moreover, they are even higher. This is due to both earlier ripening and the relatively small expenditure of energy on the growth of the tree itself.

Are there any downsides?

The organization of a dwarf garden is not without its drawbacks.

Initial investment

Purchase expense planting material many times more than when landing a couple ordinary trees... Also dwarf varieties themselves are more expensive than cuttings of simple fruit trees.

Difficulty leaving

The difficulty here is not in the events, they are the same as in an ordinary garden, but in the frequency of their holding. And it is often difficult to set aside enough time.

Life span

Low-growing varieties of trees live almost two times less than an ordinary garden, which means that their fruiting period is shorter.

The need for supports

The shallow roots of low-growing species forces the gardener to purchase supports for each tree. It is impossible to predict from what it will bend or a tree will fall: from the severity of the fruit or from the wind.

How to plant and care for basic rules

Dwarf trees can be used not only for planting in the garden, but also as a decoration for the home. Such babies are planted in a tub and at any time can be transferred to the open ground.


Most optimal time autumn is considered for planting fruit crops. Temperature regimes and a long period before the start