Sweet peppers: the best varieties for open ground, description, photo. High-yielding outdoor peppers The best bell peppers

To determine the choice of a variety or several varieties of pepper that will successfully grow in your garden and give a bountiful harvest, you need to answer several important questions.

  1. What should be appearance fetus. Do you prefer - elongated, cone-shaped, flattened, capsule-shaped, elliptical, rounded, ribbed?

  2. The size of the fetus. Do you like a small, neat pepper for stuffing and whole canning, or a giant one to make a salad for the whole family?

    Sweet pepper - photo

  3. Fruit color. All warm gamut and even some shades of cold are found today in the color of sweet pepper fruits. It can be carmine and burgundy, scarlet and cherry, orange, sunny and lemon yellow. And also lilac, purple, green, green-red, light green-white.

  4. Thin-capped and thick-capped (thick-walled and thin-walled). This parameter is important for many. It depends on him how “purposefully” the grown pepper can be used. For rolling peeled peppers, for example, thick peppers with a solid layer of pulp are suitable. For stuffing, on the contrary, thin-walled.

  5. Taste qualities and aroma. Despite the fact that the whole pepper is called "sweet", the taste is different varieties is very different. Some are really sweet because they have a high sugar content. There are varieties that are neutral in taste, and even with some sourness.

All of the above qualities are subjective and individual. Someone will be delighted with this variety, someone will write that it is disgusting and will never grow again. But there are also objective parameters, such as:

  • plant height;
  • the degree of bushiness;
  • the size of the root system;
  • resistance to viruses and pests;
  • unpretentious cultivation;
  • resistance to changes in weather conditions.

Finally, there are varietal plants, and there are hybrid ones. Thus, even among early maturing varieties that are not grown in greenhouses, but in open soil, there are many choices within these species.

Advice! If you decide to grow peppers outdoors, when choosing a suitable variety, first of all pay attention to the zoned varieties.

Of course, unprotected soil cultivation has its own characteristics. In order not to waste time and work, and see the return in the form of a generous harvest, you must follow some rules.

Growing in unprotected soil is excellent and unique possible variant for those summer residents who, for various reasons, cannot grow culture in a greenhouse. But be prepared to provide her with dignified and proper care.

Table. The main steps for caring for peppers in the open field


Since the pepper is not grown in a greenhouse, the place should be chosen as the warmest, sunniest, and calm. The culture is light and thermophilic, does not favor drafts, especially at the time of the beginning of fruiting.

Sandy loam and loam are suitable for pepper. Even better is black soil, which has a light composition. The medium is not acidic, optimally neutral. Waterlogged soils are not suitable.

For soil cultivation, it is best to prepare quality seedlings... Sowing seeds in the ground is not recommended. The start of growing seedlings is in March, approximately in the middle. Super early varieties can be sown at the beginning of the first spring month. In order not to dive the seedlings, it is better to immediately place the seeds in individual containers.

This action is for planting seedlings in open ground necessary. Starts three weeks before disembarkation. First, the window opens for a quarter of an hour. The time gradually increases.

Mid or second half of May, the first buds are visible on strong, low seedlings - everything is done correctly, the plants are ready for planting. Choose a cool morning. Prepare the holes on a 1-meter (wide) ridge in two rows. Between the holes, 35 cm is enough, between the rows - 50.

Best of all, more active and of better quality, pepper grows in a temperature range of + 20 ° C ... 25 ° C. Above - you can. Below for a long time- undesirable, growth will slow down. If the night temperatures are low during planting, it is better to cover the seedlings.

Watering is not cold water... Especially after a hot day - the water must be settled and heated by the sun. Rainwater is ideal.
Fine sprinkling method - The best way watering pepper.
As for the scheme, it changes with the age of the plants. Before flowering - weekly, once, in extreme heat - two.
When blooming - three per week
When fruiting - up to four times, in hot weather.
After each watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil in the hole by five centimeters.

They also depend on the growing season. When tying - herbal infusions, ash, mullein.
During fruit formation and ripening - mullein or bird droppings in solution.
During the growing season, you can make up to five dressings with an interval of at least 10 days.

Tall grades need it. For neatly tied undersized, it is also more convenient to care for and harvest. It is enough to tie the stem to a peg, and plant tall crops or varieties around the undersized ones to protect them from the wind.

Pepper is a popular culture not only among summer residents, but also among various pests and viruses. Of the diseases in the open field, the culture suffers from spotting, tobacco mosaic, late blight, powdery mildew, Alternaria, black leg, rot. Scoops, thrips, bears and even the Colorado potato beetle can harm the culture.

Hybrid and variety - what is the difference

If you are still at a loss as to what is better to choose, litter or hybrid, first of all determine whether you want to collect your seeds and continue breeding the once sown variety, or are ready to purchase new seeds every year. This is the main difference between cultivar and hybrid.

The variety is the result of selection. It is selected, zoned, adapted to your region, yields fruits with seeds of similar varietal characteristics. It is more reliable, but not always the expected yield and is often prone to disease.

A hybrid is a cross product. By definition, it cannot be adapted. It requires more careful agricultural technology, but it has a high yield, is resistant to viruses and pests, often has a compact bush, a presentation of the fruit. Propagate hybrids by seeds in original form will not succeed, you will have to buy new seed every year.

Varieties and their characteristics

Here are 15 of the best varieties, as well as hybrids of early sweet pepper, which are the most popular for outdoor cultivation.


Widespread variety. It has a bush of a standard shape and a small height, on which fruits of an average weight ripen - up to 115 g (the second wave is even considered small - about 100 g). The size of the fruit is also average. The shape is elongated, with a cone. Interesting color - white-golden-light green, pale lemon or pale light green. The fruit has not thick walls - about 5 mm. The fruit has a pleasant taste, not very sweet and not pronounced. The pulp is juicy, even watery with excessive watering. The variety is unpretentious in care. Shelf life without reducing marketability is up to three months after removal.


The variety is quite "fresh" selection, but has already gained popularity. Fruits can be from bright orange to bright red in color. Their mass - up to 130 g. Narrow, elongated cones with rather thick walls - up to 8 mm. Each fruit is divided inside by pronounced partitions into four "compartments", chock-full of seeds. The bushes are compact. The height is average, the plant needs to be tied up, but it is convenient to process it, and harvesting does not cause any problems either. Fruit storage - up to two months. The variety has an imperfection - intolerance to drought, in which the yield falls catastrophically.

"Marinkin tongue"

This variety is considered the most resistant to any weather conditions, temperature fluctuations and natural disasters. The harvest is always high. Leaving is minimal. The bushes are of medium height, about 70 cm, but spreading, they must be tied up. Produces large fruits, 180-190 g. A narrow cone - the usual shape of the fruit, but at 50% the fruits are slightly bent. Color - from deep red to bright cherry. Very juicy, crunchy, pulp. Wall thickness - up to 10 mm. The variety keeps well for one and a half months.


This variety is super early and super resistant to growing conditions. It can be grown even in Siberia (not outdoors, of course). He will calmly react to a drop in temperature or long period rains. Lack of sun will also not prevent you from getting a high yield. Medium sized bush. Medium-sized fruits up to 140 g have the shape of a regular rounded cone. They can be yellow, orange or deep red. The taste is very sweet, bright, pronounced aroma. The thickness of the pulp layer is 8 mm.

It is not subject to long-term storage, but one and a half to two months can be stored under appropriate conditions.


We have long been loved by summer residents for early maturity and guaranteed yield. The bush is compact and up to half a meter high. The fruits can grow up to 180 g, but the thickness of the pulp layer will remain small, about 5 mm. It is considered thin-walled and used in fresh... With him, it is possible to carry out compacted landings. Also from positive qualities- resistance to rot, tobacco mosaic and verticillium. Stored for three months.


Also one of the varieties deservedly beloved by many. The bush can stretch up to 70 cm in height, so it is better to tie up the stems in a timely manner. The classic redness of ripe fruits makes the variety a must for traditional cultivation. Fruits are large, about 180 g, with walls of medium thickness - up to 7 mm. Taper shape. Quite regular and rarely curved. It is characterized by an excellent taste - fresh, rich, moderately sweet. Storage can be carried out for two and a half months. The tobacco mosaic virus is not afraid of him either.


This variety is loved for the color of its fruits. At the beginning of ripening, they are bright lemon yellow. When fully ripe, they are intense orange. Positively colored cones can weigh up to 220 g with a wall thickness of only 6 mm. The bushes do not differ in excessive height, they grow up to 60 cm. The variety is notable for the fact that the fruits can be consumed at almost any stage of the growing season - from early technical to full consumer maturity. Stored for quite a long time, about two months.

"Cabin boy"

The variety has a low bush, about half a meter, quite compact, can be used for thickened plantings, since it has a small root system. Technically ripe dark green fruits are already fashionable to eat. Their weight is 130 g, they do not have a strong taste and are watery. But completely ripe traditionally red cone-shaped fruits add about 50 g in weight, have seven-millimeter walls and are very tasty and sweet. You can store the fruits for about two and a half months.


This variety has the tallest bush, up to a meter. Fruits also differ in weight and size in big side- they usually reach 190 g. The walls are eight millimeters. The variety is ideal for any kind of canning. But you can also use it fresh, and already at the stage of technical ripeness. At this time, the color of the fruits is dim green, then the cones turn sharply and intensely red. The variety is highly resistant to mosaic and late blight. Storage can take up to three months.

The bush is about 80 cm, rather spreading, needs a garter at an early stage of development. In full ripeness, two hundred grams of fiery yellow fruits ripen on it in the form of an almost regular, slightly elongated cone and a wall flesh thickness of 7 mm. The variety is resistant to most diseases of the crop. In fact, it is not damaged by insects, it adapts well to growing conditions. The presentation is kept for two months during storage.

"Pace F1"

Hybrid marked F1. A sprawling bush reaches a height of 70 cm. It is obligatory to tie up. The hybrid has a strong yield and ripeness. Fruits are small - up to 120 g. But the taste is one of the best among hybrids. Commodity quality is on top. Storage - up to three months. Resistance to almost all, including rare diseases. A small drawback can be considered the thickness of the pulp layer of only five centimeters. But it is compensated by the richness of taste and red color. Also, the hybrid is resistant to temporary drought.

"Lotta F1"

It is distinguished by a low bush (55 cm) of an average degree of foliage, but a high strength of the trunk and stability. The fruits grow in the shape of a pyramid, red, weighing up to 160 g. With a wall thickness of 7 mm, this hybrid is very popular both for a raw food diet, as well as for cooking and canning. Fruit formation is highly intense. The yield is consistently good. There is immunity to most diseases. It has an outstanding taste. Marketability remains up to two months.

"Early Miracle F1"

The hybrid has been around since 2012. He gained popularity almost immediately. A powerful and at the same time compact bush up to 60 cm high gives prismatic blood-red fruits. Very rich color, taste and aroma. The weight of the fruit is impressive, for an early variety it is just a record - about 240 g. The walls are ten millimeters, which is not surprising given such dimensions. These heroic fruits are grown with surprising ease. The plant is adapted to many "troubles". Fruits have excellent taste and a long shelf life of up to three months.

Bella Vista F1

Also one of the popular new products. Can be attributed, rather, to the mid-early. The semi-stem shape of the bush grows up to 65 cm. The classic shape of the fruit is a thickened cone. Weight - about 190 g. The pulp is 8 mm thick. The color is scarlet. The taste is memorable and bright. The fruits have a high content of dry matter, as well as sugars and vitamins. Tolerance to most infections is an absolute plus of the hybrid. In addition, it is also heat-resistant. The shelf life is no more than two months.

"Semko 2013 F1"

Bred in the year that is recorded in the name. Recommended not only by summer residents, but also by agricultural farms. Suitable for both soil cultivation and greenhouse cultivation. Average growth - about half a meter. Type of bush - bole. The fruit is a truncated pyramid. Consumer ripeness is yellow. Weight - up to 150 g. Pulp thickness - 7 mm. Disease resistance. High quality... Average keeping quality, within a two-month period.

Form - What varieties of bell peppers to plant in open ground

Choosing a pepper starts with learning general characteristics, which are indicated on the pack with seeds, as well as catalogs when buying planting material. The most important quality indicators vegetable crops is productivity, unpretentious care, disease resistance.

Which pepper is considered unpretentious

Pepper varieties are considered unpretentious, which:

To reduce the grooming of the pepper, choose determinant varieties, which do not need to be pinned and tied to a support. The advantage of indeterminate varieties is their high yield, but they must be pinned and tied up, this is the only way to get the most out of the plant.

Review of unpretentious pepper varieties

  • "Admiral" is a medium-early ripening hybrid that can be planted on open and closed soil. The culture is medium-sized, with a height of 0.9-1.2 meters. Leafy bushes, semi-spreading. Vegetables grow cone-shaped, weighing one hundred and fifty grams. The pepper is painted in a bright cherry color, the walls of the pericarp are 4-6 millimeters. The hybrid is drought-resistant. With a 40 × 60 planting scheme, the yield is 5-6 kilograms per square meter.

  • "Accord" will amaze with the sweetness of the fruit. Biological ripeness occurs on the 130th day from the hatching of the seed. Semi-determinant bushes, height does not exceed 1 m. Fruits are cone-shaped, uneven, weight 160-190 grams. The skin is shiny, dense, dark red in color. The pericarp reaches 5-6 mm. Up to 5 plants are planted on one square meter.

  • "Prince of Silver" is a low variety of sweet pepper, 45-70 cm. It shows good resistance to a complex of diseases, the yield per plant is 2.2-2.6 kg. Average fruit weight is 90 grams, wall thickness is 5-6 mm. Fruits are conical, drooping, colored in biological ripeness in scarlet color.
  • The "red cube" represents a cuboid Bell pepper, with high yields, 6-8 kg / m². The height of the bushes does not exceed 0.7 m. The skin is glossy, colored red. The wall thickness is 8-9 mm, the weight of the vegetable reaches 200 grams. Shows resistance to tobacco mosaic. You need to grow it only under a film cover.
  • "Pygmalion" attracts bright orange... Pepper variety of hybrid origin, the height of the bushes does not exceed 80 centimeters. At the same time, up to 10 peppers are tied on the plant. Vegetables grow slightly ribbed, weighing 120-130 grams, dense walls, 5-7 mm thick. Productivity with the scheme 40 by 60 cm is 7 kg. The hybrid is heat-resistant, as well as resistant to various weather conditions.
  • "Potap" is a hybrid of the first generation, yield 4-5 kg. per square meter. The fruit walls are thick, 7-8 mm. It can be grown on exhaust gas and under film shelters. Vegetables ripen quickly. In biological ripeness, the fruits turn red. Fruit weight, on average, is 150-170 grams. The bushes are semi-standard, no garter is required.
  • The "Purple Bell" enchants with its dark purple fruit color. Vegetables are tied and grow cuboid, weighing up to two hundred grams. The pulp is thick, 7-9 mm. The diameter of the pepper is 10-11 centimeters. The plant perfectly resists the attacks of bacterial diseases.
  • "Semko" is a hybrid that needs 90-100 days to reach the technical ripeness of the fruit. Ripe vegetables are colored red, weight 100-130 grams, wall thickness 5-6 mm. The shape of the pepper is conical-prismatic. The plant is not exposed to tobacco mosaic and vertilleciosis. The return from one square meter is on average 8-10 kg.
  • "Red Square" is a sweet pepper variety with high taste and disease resistance. The pulp is sweet and juicy, 5-8 mm thick. On average, one vegetable can reach up to 400 grams, if you follow all the rules of agricultural technology. Technical ripeness occurs 90 days from seed germination. Bushes are powerful, medium-sized, height 40-55 cm.
  • Ivanhoe is prized for its aromatic fruits with a wonderful sweet taste. Conical peppers gain a mass of 120-130 grams, pericarp 6-7 mm. The plant has compact bushes, height 60-70 cm. Pepper reaches technical ripeness as early as 110 days from the moment the planting material sprouts.
  • "Funtik" represents an early variety of pepper, with a fruit weight of 140-180 grams. The pepper is cone-shaped, the skin is smooth and shiny. The walls are formed with a thickness of 6-7 mm. It is grown in seedlings, both on exhaust gases and under film shelters. Half-stem bushes grow 50-60 cm in height. The purpose is universal.
  • "Chardash" is a pepper with biological ripeness of 115-125 days from the moment the seeds hatch. Bushes of a determinant type, growth stops at the level of 60-70 centimeters. Fruits are tied in bouquets, most often 2-3 vegetables in one bouquet. The pepper is formed cone-shaped, weighing 170-220 grams. Juicy and tasty pulp reaches a thickness of 5-6 mm.
  • "Cow's ear" - pepper with a mid-early growing season of vegetables ripening. Fragrant and juicy fruits reach a mass of 120-150 grams. Due to the conical shape, the length of the vegetable grows 10-12 cm.The plant stops growing at around 65-70 cm.
  • "Atlant" attracts with huge fruits, up to 22 centimeters long, weighing 200-400 grams, 0.9-1 cm thick pericarp. Fruits grow in the form of a truncated pyramid. It is considered one of the sweetest peppers.
  • Eroshka is an unpretentious sweet pepper variety that shows good resistance to top rot, vertilleciosis, and tobacco mosaic. Fruits are medium, weight 140-180 grams. Slightly ribbed vegetable, tetrahedral shape. The plant grows no higher than 30-50 centimeters. Ripe vegetables are colored red with a slight orange tint. On the bush, 10-16 peppers are formed at once.
  • "Lemon Miracle" is a pepper with bright yellow fruits and excellent taste. The average weight of a vegetable is 150 grams. The thickness of the pericarp is 6-8 mm. The yield according to various sources, on average, is 5-6 kilograms. The variety perfectly tolerates various unfavorable conditions, which in no way affect the setting of future fruits.
  • "Hercules" fully lives up to its name. Fruits are large, 200-300 grams, walls 5-8 mm thick. The length of the vegetable is 11-13 centimeters. Ripe fruits acquire a bright red color. Universal use, resistant to tobacco mosaic.
  • "Siberian Bonus" will give 3 kilograms of fruit from the bush, subject to all the rules of care. On one plant, 15 peppercorns are tied with a mass of 200-300 grams, the thickness of the pericarp reaches 1 cm. Ripe fruits are very juicy and sweet. The skin color is yellow-orange (orange), there may be small green spots all over the vegetable. The plant is medium-sized, 80 cm high.
  • "The Sun of Italy" is a pepper, the fruits of which grow in heroic sizes, 300-500 grams. The pulp is aromatic, tasty, 6-8 mm thick. The skin is yellow. Average yield from 1 m² is 5-6 kg.
  • "Shorokshary" fascinates with its red, glossy, large fruits, 300-400 grams. At the same time, up to 18-20 fruits can form on the bush. Vegetables ripen consistently, friendship is not observed. The variety is early maturing.
  • "Belozerka" belongs to the group of mid-early varieties with a technical ripeness period of 110-115 days. Fruits are small, weight 70-90 grams, conical shape. They stand out for their white fruit color at the stage of technical ripeness, which is why the variety got this name. Biologically ripe vegetables turn red. Shows resistance to Alternaria and various viral diseases.
  • "Anastasia" will delight you with a short biological maturation period, which is only 120-130 days. The bushes are neat, low, 0.6-0.8 m. Vegetables grow in a weight of 200-225 grams, the flesh is thick, 6-8 mm. The skin is dark cherry color.
  • "Bel Goy" is a kind of pepper that is not widespread enough in Russia, but its quality indicators are good. The vegetable was in demand because of its large fruits, which reach 400-600 grams. Plants grow tall, 120-150 cm, so you will need to tie the bushes to the trellis. The yield per bush is 2.5-4 kg.

Choosing varieties of bell peppers to grow on summer cottage, it is important to pay attention not only to their yield, but also to the conditions under which the cultivation of these crops is optimal. It is not recommended to grow some varieties of peppers in the open field, as they are too thermophilic and place high demands on air humidity. Other peppers are fruitful, but not suitable for canning. Third varieties of peppers are suitable for open ground but mature too late.

The best early sweet peppers for open field and greenhouses

Here are photos and descriptions of early ripening pepper varieties.

"Tenderness"... The ripening period of the variety is 110-120 days. The bush is medium-sized, semi-spreading, up to 80 cm high. Fruits are red, elongated pyramidal, juicy, with a thin skin. Fruits weighing up to 100 g. Productivity - up to 2 kg. This is one of the best varieties of pepper, but it is recommended for growing in foil and glass greenhouses.

"Corvette"... The ripening period for this early variety is 90-110 days. The plant is semi-spreading, medium-sized, 60-70 cm high. High-yielding with fruits weighing 60-80g. Fruits are conical, smooth, bright red. Recommended for outdoor cultivation. Suitable for canning, consumed fresh.

"Lemon Miracle"... From germination to fruiting of this early sweet pepper variety, approximately 110-115 days elapse. The plant is tall, the bush can reach 1 m in height. The fruits are large, rectangular, golden yellow color... Weight reaches 180 g. Well tolerates unfavorable weather, resistant to some diseases. Suitable for growing outdoors and under cover films. Used for salads, good for fresh consumption.

"Latino F1"... From emergence to maturation, it takes about 100-110 days. The bush is up to 1 m high. The fruits are red, cuboid, weighing 200 g. Depending on the growing conditions, the yield is up to 14 kg / m2. The variety is intended for cultivation in a greenhouse. Resistant to tobacco mosaic disease and potato virus. Mainly used in salads, suitable for fresh consumption.

"Prince Silver"... From germination to full maturation, 90-110 days pass. The plant is medium-sized, 45-68 cm high. Fruits are cone-shaped, red in color, with an average weight of 95 g. The yield per plant is up to 2.6 kg. This one of the best varieties of early peppers is recommended for cultivation in film greenhouses, and is also suitable for open ground. Resistant to a complex of diseases. Used fresh and in salads.

Medium early varieties of pepper

In this section of the article, you will see photos and descriptions of medium-early ripening sweet pepper varieties.

"Orange King"... Medium early grade. From emergence to maturation, it takes about 90-110 days. The plant is tall, the bushes can reach a height of 110 cm. Large-fruited, high-yielding variety. Fruit orange, reach a mass of about 150 g. Productivity - 7-14 kg per 1 m2. Recommended for growing under film shelters. Resistant to potato and tobacco mosaic virus. Suitable for salads.

"Golden calf"... Medium early grade. From germination to maturation, it takes about 110-115 days. The bush is 70-80 cm high. Fruits are yellow-orange, cuboid, very large, weighing up to 250-500 g, fleshy. The taste is high. The variety is very productive. Suitable for growing outdoors, in film greenhouses and film shelters. Resistant to some diseases. Used for preparing salads.

"Red Elephant"... From the appearance of the first shoots to ripening, 90-110 days pass. Tall plant with a powerful bush, reaching a height of 90 cm. A high-yielding variety with elongated conical fruits, weighing 130-210 g. Fruits are dark red, tasty. This early variety is recommended for outdoor use and is resistant to major diseases. Well suited for salads, canning, fresh.

The best medium peppers for the Moscow region

Below you will find a description of the medium-ripening sweet peppers.

"Hercules"... The ripening period is approximately 110-135 days. The bush is compact, spreading, 40-60 cm high. Fruits are cuboid, red. Weight -120-140 g. Productivity up to 3 kg. Suitable for growing in plastic greenhouses and open field. The variety is resistant to a complex of diseases. Suitable for salads and canning.

"Arsenal"... The ripening period is approximately 110-135 days. Spreading bush, medium-sized, 36-70 cm high. Fruits are cone-shaped, red, weighing 85-120 g. Productivity per plant is 2.3-2.7 kg. Designed for film greenhouses and open ground. Resistant to a number of diseases. Good for fresh consumption and canning.

"Sweet chocolate"... This is an unusual medium variety of Siberian peppers. From germination to fruiting, it takes about 110-135 days. The bush is about 70-80 cm high, with elongated pyramidal fruits, weighing up to 130 g. The color changes from dark green to chocolate, inside the fruit is red. It is one of the best sweet peppers, recommended for outdoor cultivation and in film shelters. Resistant to major diseases. Designed for salads.

"Golden Tamara"... It takes about 110-135 days from germination to ripening. Spreading bush, medium-sized, up to 60 cm high. Fruits are very large, weighing 200 g or more, flat-round shape, fleshy, juicy. This variety recommended for growing in open ground, as well as in film shelters. Resistant to a number of diseases. Suitable for fresh consumption and canning.

"Golden-Maned Lion"... From germination to fruit ripening, it takes about 110-135 days. The bush is sprawling, medium-sized, reaches a height of 45-50 cm. Fruits are very large, cuboid, intense yellow in color, weighing up to 270 g. This is a high-yielding pepper variety, the best for the Moscow region, intended for growing in open ground and film shelters. Resistant to a number of diseases. It is used most often for fresh consumption and preparation of salads.

"Iolo-miracle"... From the appearance of the first shoots to fruiting, 110-135 days pass. The plant is medium-sized, up to 60 cm high. The bushes are compact. Fruits are red, fleshy, juicy, cuboid, weighing up to 300 g. The variety is recommended for growing in open ground, film shelters and greenhouses. Resistant to a number of diseases. Well suited for salads, fresh and canned.

"Star of the East F1"... From the appearance of the first shoots to the ripening of the fruits, 110-135 days pass. Powerful medium-sized plant 60-70 cm high. Fruits are prismatic, dark red in color, weighing up to 300 g. The pulp is juicy, sweet. A very productive hybrid. Recommended for growing in film greenhouses and open field. Resistant to verticillium. Used in salads, suitable for fresh consumption and canning.

"Cow's ear"... From the appearance of the first shoots to the ripening of the fruits, 110-135 days pass. The bush is tall, up to 80 cm high.

Fruits are elongated-cone-shaped, smooth, red in color, weighing up to 140 g, sometimes up to 220 g. The yield per plant is up to 2, 8 kg.

The fruits can be stored for a long time. Designed for growing in open ground and film greenhouses. Like many other varieties, this pepper hybrid is suitable for fresh consumption, canning.

Varieties and hybrids of late pepper with photos, names and descriptions

Here are the names of pepper varieties with photos and descriptions, whose ripening period is more than 130 days.

"Paris"... The period from germination to the beginning of fruit ripening is approximately 130 days. The plant is medium-sized, compact. Fruits are cuboid, weighing 120-130 g. Wall thickness 6-8 mm, with tender juicy pulp. Suitable for growing in film greenhouses. Recommended for fresh use.

"Hottabych F1"... Ripening period 170 days. Fruits are long, slightly curved, weighing 75-100 g. Wall thickness - 4-6 mm. In technical maturity, the fruits are green, when ripe they are red. The pulp is tender, sweet. Has excellent taste. Suitable for growing in film greenhouses. Good for fresh use.

"Kubik-K"... The period from germination to fruiting is over 120 days. The plant is 50-60 cm high. The bush is semi-spreading, the fruits are cuboid, smooth. Unripe fruits are dark green, ripe dark red. The average fruit weight is 120-160 g. The wall thickness reaches 7 mm. Recommended for growing in unheated greenhouses. The yield under such conditions reaches 5 kg / m2. It is used both fresh and for canning.

"Ruby"... The technical ripeness of the fruit occurs in 130-138. The plant is semi-sprawling, medium-sized, reaches a height of 45-60 cm. Fruits are flat-round, 5-7 cm long. In the phase of technical maturity, the fruits are light green, in biological maturity they are dark red. Wall thickness 8-10 mm, fruit weight 116-150 g. Productivity is about 5 kg / m2. It is used both fresh and for canning.

"Night"... A late-ripening hybrid. The period from germination to maturation is 135-140 days. The plant is standard, 120-150 cm high. Fruits are prismatic, slightly wavy, slightly ribbed, slightly curved, weighing 100-140 g. In technical ripeness, the fruits are purple, when ripe they are red. The wall thickness of the fruit is 6-7 mm. Suitable for growing in film greenhouses. Recommended for fresh use.

"Black Cardinal". Late grade Italian selection. The period from germination to fruiting is over 118-120 days. The plant is medium-sized. The height of the bush is 40-60 cm. Fruits in technical ripeness are black, in biological ripeness they are bright red. The shape of the fruit is a truncated pyramid. The pulp is dense, tasty. The yield is about 10 kg / m2. Used fresh, for preparing salads and canning.

"Aristotle F1"... The period from germination to the beginning of fruit ripening is up to 130 days. The plant is vigorous, the bush is straight. The fruits are very large, cuboid, four-chambered, with thick walls. Fruit weight 180-200 g. Taste qualities are high. Suitable for growing outdoors in the southern regions of the country. Is different high yield and disease resistance. Suitable for salads and canning.

"Capro F1"... High-yielding variety. The period from germination to the beginning of fruit ripening is about 130 days. The plant is medium-sized, the bush reaches a height of 1 m. Fruits are proboscis, glossy, with thick walls. Fruits in technical maturity are green, in biological ones - red. Weight is 120-130 g. The variety is recommended for growing in open ground and in film greenhouses. Suitable for salads and canning.

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Bell pepper is considered a heat-loving and light-loving culture; it is rather difficult to grow it in an unstable climate. However, many summer residents are not afraid of difficulties, especially since there are many good varieties for greenhouse farming on the market today. All that remains is to choose the pepper to your liking.

The best varieties of sweet peppers for greenhouses in the Moscow region

In the conditions of the Moscow region and the Moscow region, the culture takes root well in the open field, however, return frosts can destroy the bushes. To protect the harvest, gardeners are trying to plant peppers in greenhouses. Among the popular varieties of vegetables, you should pay attention to the following varieties:


« Winnie the Pooh».

The "Ares" variety is considered to be early maturing. It can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses, hotbeds. If you plant pepper seedlings in greenhouses, then the season of fresh vegetables can be significantly extended. Bushes are tall, compact, grow no more than 50 cm in height. Fruits are bright red, thick-walled, weighing up to 300 g, juicy and sweet to taste. The yield is good, up to 15 kg of fruit can be harvested from m2. Pepper is suitable for conservation and all types of processing.

The most productive is the Barin variety. In greenhouses at proper care can be collected up to 19 kg per m2. The peppers are juicy, thick-walled, and cuboid-shaped. At the stage of technical ripeness, the fruits are yellow and gradually acquire a red tint. The variety is mid-season, begins to bear fruit in the third month of cultivation.

Winnie the Pooh pepper is suitable for any greenhouses and greenhouses. The bushes are compact, not tall, grow no more than 25 cm.The culture is hardy, resistant to various diseases, begins to bear fruit early. The fruits are small, with juicy walls, yellow-green or red in color, with a pronounced aroma. Most often, the variety is used for making salads, filling and processing.

The variety tolerates transportation well, does not lose its presentation for a long time. Average yield, no more than 5 kg per m2.

Which pepper is good to grow in Siberian greenhouses: the most hardy varieties

Today, there are many varieties of pepper on the market for cultivation in Siberia and the Altai Territory, but they also require special treatment. In greenhouses and greenhouses, the culture often suffers from rot, the fruits do not set well, there is not enough light for normal development even in summer. Experienced gardeners recommend regularly ventilating greenhouses and using ovary stimulants. It can be drugs "Bud", "Ovary" and others.

Among all varieties of pepper, summer residents prefer to grow the following:



"Yellow bull".

The high-yielding variety "Grenada" with beautiful orange fruits is famous for its excellent taste. The hybrid is considered early maturing, the fruits are tied after 95-100 days from germination.

Peppers are cuboid, large, with thick juicy walls. Suitable for fresh consumption, lecho preparation, salads and pickling. Vegetables retain their presentation for a long time, tolerate transportation well. The yield is good.

The Flamenco hybrid with red fruits is considered very hardy and productive. Bushes are medium-sized, compact, resistant to diseases and pests. Fruits are thick-walled, large, juicy. The weight of one pepper reaches 250-400 grams. At the stage of technical maturity, the fruits are creamy and turn red after full ripening. The hybrid has a characteristic aroma and pleasant taste. It is grown mainly for sale.

The "Yellow Bull" variety is distinguished by its particularly large fruits. One pepper in length reaches 20 cm. The walls of the fruit are thick, about 2 cm, juicy. The skin is thin, at the stage of full maturity it acquires a honey-yellow hue.

Fruits for universal purposes, are able to maintain their presentation and taste for a long time. Productivity in greenhouse conditions is up to 20 kg per m2.

The coldest peppers for greenhouses in the Urals: good varieties with descriptions and tips for growing

In the Urals, it is better to grow early varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers, which are most adapted to the local climate. Among summer residents, the following varieties are popular:




Variety "Montero" is considered tall, the bushes reach 1.2 m in height. The fruits are fleshy, large, tasty. At correct agricultural technology it is possible to grow peppers weighing up to 900 grams. The yield of the variety is high, at least 7 kg of fruits are harvested from m2. At the stage of full maturity, vegetables acquire a red tint.

The variety is hardy, resistant to major diseases, suitable for growing in any film shelters and greenhouses.

Pepper "Kolobok" is appreciated for its productivity. About 3 kg of pepper are harvested from one bush per season. Fruits are spherical, flattened, with pronounced ribs. At the stage of full maturity, they are red, with a bitter taste on the palate. The variety is suitable for freezing, all types of processing and conservation.

The bushes are medium-sized, reaching 25-40 cm in height, well-leafy, compact. Resistant to bacterial wilting and other diseases.

The Yantar variety is famous for its cone-shaped sweet orange fruits. The culture is of a mid-season ripening period. Sprawling bushes, tall, sparse leaves. The yield of the variety is good, using top dressing, you can collect up to 7-9 kg per m2. The fruits retain their presentation for a long time, are well transported.

The most productive tall varieties of bell peppers for polycarbonate greenhouses: good varieties for sale and lovers

Tall varieties and hybrids of bell peppers are distinguished by unlimited bush growth. Such plants need to be grown on a trellis or provided with a garter.

V northern regions a thermophilic culture is planted in greenhouses, which must be well lit and heated. To obtain excellent harvest, summer residents grow varieties:

"Orange Miracle";



Variety "Orange Miracle" refers to early maturing varieties that bear fruit well in the open field and greenhouses. Bushes are powerful, spreading, require the formation and rationing of ovaries. Resistance to viral and fungal diseases is good.

The fruits are large, average weight there are more than 200 grams of them. Peppers are cuboid, with dense skin, juicy, thick-walled. Ties well, even in cool climates.

Bell pepper "Hercules" is highly resistant to cold snaps and various diseases. The bushes of the culture are medium-sized, powerful, well-leafy. At good care one plant produces up to 10 peppers.

Fruits of regular conical shape, dark red color, large, thick-walled, juicy, with a pronounced peppery aroma and taste. The yield of the variety is good, from 5 to 7 kg of fruits are harvested from m2. The peppers are of excellent quality, transportable, and retain their presentation for a long time.

Nice results when grown in a greenhouse yields the Latino variety. A crop with compact bushes from which a large amount of marketable produce can be harvested. With good care, a meter of a garden bed yields up to 12 kg of vegetables. Experienced gardeners advise to form a plant in two stems in order to increase productivity, but in this case, the bushes require a garter to a support.

The variety is early ripe, peppers are even, cuboid, deep red. The walls of the fruit are thick and juicy. This variety is used for stuffing.