Low-growing tomatoes for open ground. Review of the best varieties of low-growing tomatoes. Features of determinate tomatoes

Nowadays you can find a lot of different varieties of tomatoes on sale. At the sight of so many colorful bags, not only a beginner, but also an experienced gardener can become confused. How to choose the most productive and unpretentious low-growing varieties tomatoes for open ground? To do this, you need to take into account the characteristics of the growing region, the requirements for yield and early ripening, and decide whether you will plant the bushes. Only after this can you go to the store to buy seeds.

Variety of varieties

Obviously, greenhouse and soil tomatoes differ in many respects. In a greenhouse, plants are artificially created with suitable conditions, while tomatoes growing in the open air are forced to adapt to the conditions themselves. environment. Based on this, tomatoes should have the following qualities:

  • short stature, because long lashes are difficult to tie, moreover, they can be easily damaged by gusts of wind;
  • disease resistance;
  • general unpretentiousness, that is, tomatoes should easily adapt to weather conditions and temperature changes;
  • optimal ripening times in order to have time to harvest even in short summer conditions.

Most low-growing tomato varieties for open ground meet these requirements. That is why they are so popular among vegetable growers. For compact bushes there is no need to build large-scale, expensive supports; ordinary pegs are quite sufficient.

Such tomatoes grow quickly, bear fruit abundantly and amicably. These plants are less susceptible to diseases compared to their tall greenhouse counterparts.

Low-growing tomatoes are very productive

How to choose the right variety

Almost all low-growing tomatoes belong to the determinate group. This means that their bushes grow to a certain height and stop there. The first brush is formed, as a rule, above the fifth leaf, and all subsequent brushes are formed after one or two leaves. Having bear fruit, the plant does not develop further, but dries out.

Fruiting of low-growing tomatoes is consistent - the fruits ripen almost simultaneously, so you should take care to select several varieties with for different periods maturation. However, you can get by with just one, planting seedlings in several stages with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

Determinate, low-growing tomatoes require pinching, because their stems are very branched. To prevent the plant from turning into a cluster of non-fruiting shoots, it is formed into one or two trunks, removing excess shoots. If pinching is impossible for some reason, it is better to plant super-determinate varieties. This is a type of low-growing tomato with a weakly branched trunk, where all the shoots are fruiting.

In regions with a short summer for open ground, it is better to buy seeds of low-growing tomatoes with the most short term ripening so that the fruits have time to ripen before the cold weather.

Most low-growing tomatoes require pinching

The best varieties of low-growing tomatoes

When wondering which tomato seeds are not only low-growing, but also productive, it is worth considering what is more important - the size of the fruits or their number. If harvested It is intended to be used for preservation; it is better to plant abundantly fruiting, but medium-sized tomatoes. For salads and snacks made from fresh tomatoes, varieties with weighty fruits that ripen gradually are suitable.

From most domestic low-growing tomatoes, you can collect seeds and next year grow seedlings from them.

However, if the package is marked F1, that is, a hybrid, the seeds of such tomatoes will have to be bought in the store every year. The fact is that hybrid varieties do not retain their qualities when grown again.

Tomatoes for early harvest

Early low-growing tomatoes are represented by many varieties. All of them are distinguished by rapid growth and ripening of the crop in record time.

"Agatha". Super-determinate variety with a very compact bush up to 45 cm tall. It differs in that it does not require pinching or tying. Smooth, round, red fruits ripen 110 days after the start of the growing season.

“Agatha” doesn’t have to be a stepson

"Volgogradsky 323". Early ripening tomato, resistant to fungal diseases and low temperatures. Harvest ripening period is 90-110 days. The fruits are slightly flattened and ribbed at the lobe, quite large - up to 120 grams. Suitable for middle zone.

"Volgogradsky 323" is unpretentious and productive

"Pink Bush F1". An early, low-growing variety of tomatoes, suitable for both greenhouses and open ground. Produces quite a lot of round raspberry-pink fruits weighing approximately 200 grams. In areas with warm climates it can bear fruit continuously for up to five months.

"Pink Bush F1" has pink fruits

"Lady fingers". Time-tested plum tomato. It is unpretentious, resistant to heat and cold, practically does not get sick and does not crack. The bushes are neat and low. Oblong tomatoes are collected in small brushes of 6-8 pieces. The weight of one fruit is about 60 grams. Mainly planted for canning, but in fresh he's good too.

“Lady Fingers” are indispensable in preservation

"King of the Early Ones" An ultra-early tomato that ripens within 85-90 days after planting. The fruits are smooth, round, uniform in color, quite large - up to 200 grams. The pulp is tender and sweet, which makes this tomato irreplaceable in salads. The bushes are small. In general, the plant is productive and resistant to temperature fluctuations.

The “King of the Early” is one of the first to catch up

Mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties

To get to the table until the coldest weather fresh tomatoes, it is worth allocating several beds for bushes of medium and late ripening. They are planted with early tomatoes, and the harvest ripens just when the first ones have already borne fruit.

"Danko" A mid-ripening tomato about 50 cm high. It is distinguished by its rich red heart-shaped fruits. The weight of individual tomatoes reaches 300 grams, and sometimes more. The plant is unpretentious and drought-resistant, which makes it a prime candidate for cultivation in the southern regions.

"Danko" has heart-shaped fruits

"Titanium". Late variety. The fruits weigh from 80 to 150 grams and ripen only 130 days after the start of the growing season. It has a weakly branching small bush about 40 cm high. It is very rarely affected by diseases.

"Titan" is rarely affected by disease

"Rio Grande". A mid-late plant with a fairly tall bush (70-80 cm). The fruits are deep red, oval-cubic, dense, fleshy. Gardeners love it for its unpretentiousness, disease resistance and rich sweet and sour taste.

"Rio Grande" is one of the best varieties

Pink pearl. Low-growing tomato with large pink fruits. The weight of one tomato is approximately 130 grams. Their pulp is very tasty and tender. The bushes are weakly branched, low, and resistant to late blight. The value of the variety lies in the fact that it can be used not only for salads, but also for canning.

The fruits of the “pink pearl” are tasty and tender

A little exotic for the vegetable table

To diversify the beds, you can plant low-growing tomatoes unusual shape or coloring. Here are the best varieties of unusual low-growing tomatoes:

"Aysan F1". Determinate variety with round fruits of sunny yellow-orange color weighing up to 250 grams. Under the thin skin hides a delicate sweetish pulp, sugary when broken. These tomatoes are good in fresh salads; they are not used for canning.

The hybrid "Aysan F1" has appetizing fruits

"Dark Galaxy" Mid-season variety with a rather powerful bush, as for low-growing tomatoes. The fruits are round, 70-100 grams. Their colors are very unusual. The main color is brown-red, and rusty-yellowish or whitish streaks and dots are scattered on it. In general, the coloring is somewhat reminiscent of the night sky.

"Dark Galaxy" looks extremely unusual

"Golden Nut". Early cherry tomato with a bush 60 cm tall. The tomatoes are golden yellow, collected in tassels of up to 14 pieces, small, the size of a small nut. This plant will become a real decoration of the beds, thanks to its decorative appearance.

Cherry "golden nut" is quite productive

The choice of low-growing tomatoes for open ground is very rich. Skillfully combining different varieties and planting dates, you can enjoy fresh tomatoes, depending on the region, from June-July until the arrival of cold weather.

Tomatoes are vegetable crop, which is actively grown in their gardens by both ordinary housewives and experienced gardeners. At correct selection low-growing variety of tomatoes for open ground and proper care, it is possible to obtain sweet, large and juicy fruit, which can be used for fresh consumption or for canning.

Early low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Early ripening varieties will allow you to produce delicious tomatoes ahead of schedule. This is where all their differences from classic tomato varieties end.


Low-growing, growing in open ground conditions. The taste is not lost even after ripening. The variety is used for harvesting for the winter and fresh. Has excellent resistance to various ailments.

When ripe, it has dense flesh and is red in color. The weight reaches 90-110 g. The price for a package of seeds is from 15 rubles.

El Dorado

The variety is characterized by its high productivity. Pods are shaped like an oval or heart. Their color is yellow-lemon, and their weight is 200-250 g. The bush can reach a height of 50-80 cm.

Red large-fruited tomato Skorospelka

The bush is 60 cm high and has a flat-round shape. Weighs 170-200 g. The considered crop is characterized by unpretentiousness in terms of care, early yield, and also the formation of ovaries in low temperatures.

All early varieties of tomatoes for open ground are presented in.

Golden stream

This culture is able to resist temperature changes. They have a bright orange color, and their weight reaches 100 g. The shape is presented in the form of an elongated ellipse. Excellent resistance to various ailments.

Biathlon (F1)

The culture is distinguished by its precocity. The hybrid grows well in open ground conditions. If the climate is cold, then a greenhouse should be provided for them. Harvesting can be done within 90 days from the moment sprouts form. The color of the tomato is bright red, and the weight of one reaches 80 g.

Which early ripening varieties Tomatoes for open ground are most often used, find out.

Volgograd early ripening 323

The bushes are short, their height reaches 35 cm. They also have an early ripening period. Doesn't need tying. Color orange and red. Weighs 70 g.

Children's sweetness

Harvesting can be done within 80 days from the moment of germination. The growing process can take place in an open area or in a greenhouse. When ripe, it has a red color and dense flesh. Weighs no more than 120 g. The product is used for winter preparations.


As the name suggests, they will bear fruit later than they should. As a rule, they are grown in combination with early varieties to extend the harvest until autumn.

Read what are the best varieties of Cherry for open ground.


This variety is in wide demand among gardeners. They are yellow and red in color. The shape is oblong, which is why it bears this name. They have a blunt end. The weight reaches 70 g. It is possible to collect up to 2 kg of harvest from one bush.


The crop received this name because its fruit ripens very late, but it can withstand even low temperatures. They have average and large sizes, red color. One tomato weighs up to 100 g. From one bush it is possible to harvest 2-3 kg. The fruits may crack, so they are not suitable for preservation.


This product is of Altai selection. Can be used for cultivation in open ground and in greenhouses. Ripe fruits have a beautiful appearance, slender, elongated. The height of this crop is small, the bush reaches a size of 70 cm. The length of the tomatoes is 12 cm and the weight is 100 g.

Tomato Gazpacho

This variety is classified as large, mid-season and low-growing. The height of the bush reaches 40 cm. The weight of the fruit is 80 g. Their shape is cylindrical. They adhere well to the brush and do not crack, making tomatoes excellent for canning.

Big Mama

This variety is also low-growing and early. Harvest will occur on day 85-95. Tomatoes are shaped like a heart.

The fruits are juicy, red, their weight reaches 340 g. Can be used for cooking fresh salads and tomato paste.

St. Andrew's surprise

The variety is large-fruited and mid-season. Harvesting can occur as early as 112 days from the moment of germination. The fruit is also large in size, weighing 900 g per one.

Tomatoes have a flat-round shape, juicy and sweet flesh. This variety is able to resist a wide variety of ailments that often affect tomatoes. Read about the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground.

Bison Sugar

The variety is early ripening and grows well in Siberian conditions. The fruits are quite large, and their weight can reach 100-120 g. Their shape is flat-round, with slight ribbing at the base.

The height of the plant is small, 70-80 cm. It is possible to collect up to 2 kg of ripe tomatoes from one bush.

The video shows low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground:

Growing low-growing tomatoes is a pleasure. Now you don’t need to tie them up or experience difficulty during watering and loosening. In addition, by selecting suitable seeds for your area, you can safely grow crops and receive rewards for your efforts in the form of a high yield.

Which ones are most often used are indicated in the article.

There is probably not a domestic summer resident who does not grow or has never tried to grow tomatoes. The culture produces tasty and nutritious fruits without requiring special care. But if you want to significantly simplify this process, it is very important to choose the varieties that are optimal for you, and these are the low-growing varieties of tomatoes. Why should you give preference to them? There are reasons for this.

Varieties for open ground

Why do gardeners very often prefer to grow low-growing tomatoes? You will spend much less effort on this process, and you will certainly be satisfied with the results, that is, the fruits. Among the key factors that incline farmers to grow low-growing varieties of tomatoes are:

Low-growing tomatoes today come in a variety of varieties and subspecies, which one will become optimal choice for you depends solely on your preferences, as well as the area in which you live and climatic conditions.

Before purchasing low-growing varieties of tomatoes, decide how you are going to grow them. It is noteworthy that all tomatoes are included in one category - determinants. Depending on this, three main groups of agricultural technology are distinguished:

“Coming of Age” (“F 1 Semko 18”)

This hybrid belongs to the early varieties of tomatoes. It is low growing, but still produces a good harvest. An important advantage can be considered its resistance to diseases and pest invasions. It will take approximately 85 days for the fruits to finally ripen. Not very favorable climate (drought or low temperature in summer), as a rule, is not dangerous for agricultural technology. In addition, these tomatoes are perfect for both canning and fresh consumption.


Such a bush reaches a height of no more than 70 cm, and it will take about 90 days to mature. As a rule, the harvest occurs in one period, at the end of July.
After this, no new ovaries appear, so you can safely free up space for growing later crops. The significant advantages of tomatoes include their high taste qualities, as well as the plant’s resistance to cold climates and various diseases.


This super-determinate variety produces relatively large fruits weighing up to 200 g. These tomatoes can be grown using seedlings that are planted in open ground. The main thing is to add it to the soil a week before. mineral fertilizers, which will contain large quantities potassium and phosphorus. Cold weather is not a problem for this variety, and it is not necessary to plant them.

"Sweet kiss"

This miniature cherry variety produces fruits weighing up to 20 g. Nevertheless, the agricultural crop is widely popular among domestic gardeners. Tomatoes have high taste, and the shape of the fruit deserves special attention.
It will take about 100 days to ripen tomatoes, which, by the way, have a peculiar sugary taste. The fruits of the variety are considered universal.


Low-growing tomatoes belonging to this variety reach a height of 50 cm. The fruits are very tasty and quite fleshy. It is noteworthy that after harvesting tomatoes can be safely stored fresh for eight weeks. The most notable advantages of the agricultural crop include its resistance to cold climatic conditions, as well as to various infections.

It is also important that the plant feels great in shaded places, as it is calm about the lack of sunlight. Such characteristics are rarely characteristic of tomatoes, therefore this variety can be called universal.

Video “Review of varieties”

The video will tell you about the best varieties of low-growing tomatoes.

Varieties for the greenhouse

As a rule, domestic gardeners give preference large varieties tomatoes, when it comes to growing them in greenhouses. However, such crops are quite difficult to care for, because they require pinching and distribution of clusters. It is recommended to form a bush in advance. Not every farmer will want to do this. Low-growing tomatoes will come to the rescue. Which varieties can grow and bear fruit successfully in greenhouse conditions?

"Magus H"

The best low-growing varieties that normally tolerate greenhouse conditions include this agricultural technology. It is characterized by resistance to diseases and at the same time bears fruit intensively.
A notable feature of this species is the fact that it is recommended to plant plants densely. Up to 3-4 plants can grow on one meter, and this will not reduce the volume of harvests, but, on the contrary, this kind of measures allows you to achieve high yields.

"Orange Princess"

The variety belongs to the mid-season category and is excellent for growing in greenhouses and greenhouses. Such agricultural technology gives a good harvest. If you provide everything the necessary conditions for the active growth of tomatoes, as a result, up to 40 kg of fragrant and juicy orange fruits can be collected from one bush.


How to manage in greenhouses without dwarf varieties? Firstly, you will significantly save space where you can plant other vegetables, and, secondly, these tomato bushes look very neat, and in terms of fruiting intensity they are not inferior to their large counterparts.
Baskets, small containers and flower pots, hanging planters– you can grow tomatoes of the “Talisman” variety without any special difficulties. In addition to good fruiting, these tomatoes also perform a decorative function. Pots with them can be hung in greenhouses; they look good suspended on tree branches.


Let’s say you don’t have a greenhouse or a summer house, but the desire to grow tomatoes at home overcomes any difficulties. In this case, you can open your own greenhouse on the balcony in your apartment. It is the variety called Aztec that will become the optimal indoor vegetable plant, which will not only supply you with fruits, but also perform a decorative function. You should definitely buy such tomatoes, because regular consumption of them reduces the risk of developing cancer.

The best varieties of tomatoes are a relative concept. The choice will depend on many different factors, so each farmer will select his own leaders.

The process of growing tomatoes on open ground or in greenhouse conditions is simple if you take into account the basic requirements for caring for this agricultural crop. Make the necessary efforts, and the result will definitely please you.

Video “Varieties for open ground”

From the video you will learn about the best varieties that can be planted in open ground.

Low-growing tomatoes are the leaders in summer cottages and vegetable gardens. What is the reason for this success? Why did tall vines with large fruits give way to first place to their inconspicuous relatives?

  • Low-growing tomato varieties do not require equipment for planting, require a lot of attention and are characterized by high yields.
  • Most low-growing varieties are not needed; they grow in a trunk.
  • They quickly begin to bear fruit and delight with a rich harvest.
  • They are distinguished by friendly fruiting, which is important for housewives.
  • Tomatoes of this type manage to give main part harvest before the onset of the active phase.

Each gardener chooses the best varieties of low-growing tomatoes for himself individually, depending on his region of residence and growing conditions.

In order to choose the right tomatoes for your plot, you need to know that all low-growing tomato varieties belong to the determinant group, which is divided into three subgroups:

  1. determinant;
  2. semi-determinant;
  3. superdeterminant.
  • Designed for planting in open ground and indoor spaces. Side shoots the bushes are located very densely, due to which a trunk is formed that does not require tying or pinching.
  • Semi-determinate tomato varieties are recommended for growing in open ground. If you do not pinch off the top at a height of 80-90 cm, then it can reach 120 cm. Tomatoes of this group are not recommended to be pinched in order to harvest a larger harvest, but experienced gardeners resort to this technique to speed up the fruiting of the bush.
  • Superdeterminate tomatoes are characterized by early and medium ripeness, uniform fruit production, and good yield. Tomatoes of these varieties are characterized by a short growing season. After the friendly release of fruits, they do not form a new ovary. All tomato varieties of the super-determinate group require pinching and the formation of a growing point.

It is better to buy hybrid seeds of low-growing tomato varieties for greenhouses and open ground of all three subgroups in specialized stores, since those collected with your own hands lose their maternal properties, and instead of a small bush, a long vine can grow in the garden bed.

Selecting the best varieties of low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses

Everyone is used to tall varieties of tomatoes growing in a greenhouse on a long trellis. But there is not always time and opportunity to engage in the formation of a bush, distribution of brushes, and pinching. Then low-growing tomato varieties come to the rescue, which are simple and easy to care for.

Among the wide variety of tomatoes, I would like to highlight several of the best varieties of low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses:

The best low-growing tomatoes for open ground

All varieties of low-growing tomatoes are suitable for open ground. The huge variety of tomatoes in this group allows you to choose tomatoes for any color, taste and size.

A large assortment of low-growing tomatoes is presented today not only in specialized stores, but also in the country's markets, where it is not always possible to be sure of the quality of the products and compliance with the variety. It’s better to play it safe and buy seeds in a store where experienced specialists will share their secrets successful cultivation low-growing tomatoes in greenhouses and in the garden.

Low-growing, high-yielding tomato varieties - video

Currently, among a large number planting material you can choose the best varieties of low-growing tomatoes for open ground. Such plants are especially popular among gardeners in central Russia. Vegetables of this type rarely require pinching; they are not attached to trellises or stakes. Low-growing tomatoes are compact and easy to care for; in addition, there are tomato specimens that delight good harvest even in unfavorable summers.

Currently, among a large amount of planting material, you can select the best varieties of low-growing tomatoes for open ground

For cultivating nightshade crops in open beds, it is best to choose varieties that belong to the standard species, with early maturation. These plants do not require shaping; their bushes are neat. When formed, they occupy a smaller area of ​​the site than other indeterminate varieties.

Low-growing tomatoes can have large, medium and small fruits. Their shape, weight and color depend on the type of vegetable. Low tomatoes can be divided into 3 types: determinate, semi-determinant and super-determinant subgroup.

Tomatoes of the first type develop well on open areas, the shoots of the plant are densely located on the bush, this ability of the crop allows it to form a standard; there is no need to tie it up or attach it to special supports.

Semi-determinate early varieties can stop growing at any time, but most often the development of the main trunk stops after the formation of 5-6 clusters. Experts do not recommend pinching bushes of this subgroup, but some gardeners with their own experience claim that to get more early harvest It is worth removing some of the side branches.

The superdeterminant subgroup of the described vegetable differs from other low-growing varieties of tomatoes in better yield and active fruit production. As a rule, such plants have a short growing season. After a batch of tomatoes ripens, new ovaries do not appear on the bushes.

When choosing tomato seeds for your own garden, it is important to consider that it is better to purchase tomato hybrids and varieties of any subgroup in specialized departments. Seeds collected independently may not produce good result, because many types of tomatoes lose the maternal indicators declared by their manufacturers.

Characterizing different types tomatoes, it is important to note that all low-growing specimens are suitable for growing in open ground. Big choice of the described products allows you to choose a type of low-growing tomatoes that can satisfy any gardener’s requirements.

Gallery: low-growing tomatoes for open ground (25 photos + video)

Yield varieties

Many farmers prefer low-growing tomato varieties bred in Siberia: they are resistant to various diseases Solanaceae are pleased with a good harvest. Simple bush care is another advantage of such tomatoes. Among the most popular vegetables of Siberian selection, which are characterized as productive, low-growing and unpretentious, it is worth noting the varieties Siberian Troika, Ballerina, Heavyweight of Siberia, Siberian Garden.

Tomatoes of the Alsou variety grow weighing up to 500 g, the height of the bushes reaches 80 cm. The fruits are fleshy, the taste of the vegetable lacks sourness. Description of the variety would not be complete without mentioning high yield crops: from 1 m² you can get up to 9-10 kg of pink-red fruits. Large-fruited tomatoes are convenient to use for preparing salads; they make delicious juices, pastes and ketchups.

For lovers of low-grade plants, you can offer the Supermodel or Golden Stream tomato. The bushes of the mentioned plants do not extend above 70 cm, the weight of the vegetables does not exceed 120-150 g. The color of the Golden Stream fruit is orange, the shape is elliptical, the yield is high. The mid-early Supermodel tomato has raspberry fruits; they are most often used for preservation.

Such plants are especially popular among gardeners in central Russia.

The best varieties for open ground are low-growing and early-ripening. They do not have time to become infected with late blight; the crop does not require frequent watering and regular feeding with complex fertilizers. The seedlings are prepared within 55-60 days; during this period, they must be fertilized twice with a nutrient composition in which the nitrogen component predominates.

The most productive specimens, according to reviews experienced gardeners, — Visibly and invisibly, Lady fingers, Demidov.

To early nightshade culture belongs to the variety Riddle. Low bushes look attractive; they produce fruits weighing 150 g each. Vegetables are dense, round in shape. Such tomato varieties as Gayas Bakseev and Bringer of Luck deserve special praise. These specimens are unpretentious, they easily tolerate hot summer periods. Hybrid vegetables can produce a decent harvest in areas unsuitable for farming.

Sweet and delicious tomatoes grow where the plantings are provided with a large amount of heat, nutritious soil and timely watering

There are varieties of tomatoes for open ground that do not grow higher than 45-50 cm in height; specialists and experienced vegetable growers define such bushes as dwarf. Vegetables are formed on such plants small sizes. These tomatoes can be red, yellow, pink and even brown-purple in color (as can be seen in the photo). Small bushes are easy to grow not only in garden beds, but also in large containers on the balcony.

When choosing the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground, it is important to take into account not only the qualitative properties of the vegetable, but also weather region where it is planned to plant and cultivate tomatoes. Sweet and delicious vegetables grow where the plantings are provided with a large amount of heat, nutritious soil and timely watering.