When it is better to transplant cyclamen. Care after transplantation. Cyclamen European: cultivation and care

Cyclamen - a capricious flowering room plant that does not like a transplant and is restored long after it. Experienced flowerflowers Do not recommend this procedure more often than once every 3 years. But there are several reasons when without transplanting just can not do.

Buying a new plant. In most cases, plants in flower shops are sold in containers with a special substrate in which the flower cannot be for a long time And at the same time to fully develop. After buying cyclamen, it is recommended to immediately transplant the culture into the appropriate soil.

Large dimensions of the root flower system. Growth of indoor cyclamen, especially in the first years of life, very intense. Clubs of indoor crops can grow up so that flower pot It will be cramped for them. Due to the uncomfortable state of the plant can be highlighted in growth or stop flowering. Fertilizers, watering and any other care such a situation will not be corrected. There is only a transplant to a large container with a new soil mixture.

The need to replace the soil. Such a need arises if the soil is used for a long time or there are harmful insects, fungus, infection. Poor exhausted soil cannot be made again nutritious and fertile only with the help of feeding. And from pests you can get rid of, only having fully replaced soil mixture and floral tank.

Preparation for transplant

Preparatory activities consist of choosing the correct floral tank corresponding to the soil and drainage material.

The size of the flower pot is of great importance for the future room flower and you need to approach the choice very responsibly. IN comfortable conditions Cyclamen develops perfectly and blooms. If you have a close pot, the root part will suffer. Blossoming can be ceased in a too wide or deep vessel, the soil in such a container will be thrown, the appearance of root rot.

Cyclamen at the age of one year to three years is enough potted with a diameter of 7-8 cm, and more senior copies - 10-15 cm. Do not use the used floral containers. But if it has to do, then only after careful treatment with disinfecting solutions or drugs. Through the pot infected with another flower, the cyclamen can get root rot or other disease.

Since the transplant process itself is for the cyclulator stress, it is necessary to take care of the composition of the new soil so that the plant in this respect felt normally. The composition of the new substrate should be better than the presence of nutrient elements in it. You can purchase a finished ground mixture intended for cyclamen. Creating a substrate at home, you need to take 4 mandatory components - leafy ground, peat, river sand and overworked by humus. These elements should be 3 times higher than anything else.

Requirements for new soil: It must be light, neutral in composition and breathable. Such a soil can consist of equal parts of the turf and coarse sand.

Start of transplant

Favorable time to start a transplant procedure - the last days Cyclamen rest period. As soon as young leaves begin to appear - you can start. Replanting the indoor plant during flowering period is not recommended, even if some significant circumstances appeared for this.

Transplant procedure

The transplantation due to the grown tuber is held together with an earthy room. Cyclamen needs to be carefully pulled out from the old pot and transfer to the new one. With the appearance of diseases and pests, the soil is completely replaced, and the root tubers before planting are carefully cleaned from the old substrate and remove damaged and fired root parts. Before placing the plant in a new vessel with fresh soil, it is necessary to handle the tubers with a disinfecting solution, and then plant.

When transplanting the cyclameman "European", the tuber is completely covered with the substrate, but do not compact it. The "Persian" cyclamen tuber is sprinkled only on 2/3, and the soil is tamped around it.

The timely transplantation of Cyclameman contributes to a full growth, long life and beautiful blossom for many years.

How to transplant cyclamen at home (video)

Highly beautiful flower! I tried to grow it, but my first experience was unsuccessful - the cyclamen disappeared. Home care is how difficult? Can it be achieved so that he bloom round year? One of my good friend is interested in cyclamen. I love to be at home very much. All windowsill are forced by these flowers. And they bloom almost all year round. Some stop blossoming, others start. By the way, this flower has another name - cycling.

Cyclamen (cycling) on \u200b\u200bthe windowsill

Among their neighbors on the windowsill, this plant is distinguished by bright beauty and abundant blossom. How to grow cyclamen, how to transplant it, what is behind it - let's consider in detail. This representative is notable for flowers in autumn and winter. If you are interested in the process self-cultivation Cyclamen, you can buy seeds. It is also quite realistic to get new plants by dividing the root. It should be borne in mind that the process of growing this flower From the seeds quite a long time, while he increases the tuber and blooms, it can pass a lot of time.

Cyclamen (cycling), photo:

The flowering process of the indoor plant begins in about November and ends to March. Five-point cycling flowers on an elegant fine leg very beautiful - unusual shape With bent petals. The leaves are also very decorative - something like a heart, openwork white (or silver) drawing decorates a dark green "cloth". Thanks to the efforts of breeders, hybrids of this flower periodically appear to the light, which are born with shades and drawings on the leaves.

Photo Colors Cyclamen:

Features of cyclamen, varieties

The most remarkable quality of hybrids is an opportunity. year-round blossom. Separate varieties can be planted in open soilUse as garden flowers. There are about 20 varieties of this plant, however homemade cultivation Most often, the Persian, European, Naples (plush) variety is used.

The most common, popular representative is the Persian cyclamen. Flowers of this species can be the most different shades: White, pink, dark-red, lilac. The plant usually reaches 30 cm height, has a large tuber with a diameter of 10-15 cm. Persian variety can be grown at home and on garden sites. If you want to put it in your country, then choose a place protected from wind and direct sunlight, for example, near trees or shrubs.

Persian cyclamen, photo:

Purple variety has feature, distinguishing it from the fellow, the bottom color of the sheet has a purple shade. Also, this type, the tuber does not protrude over the soil, with the closest consideration all covered with roots. Purple cyclamen retains the leaves all year round (there is no rest period). The color of the flowers varies from white and to all shades of red, leaflets are notched along the edges. The plant gives color predominantly in the summer (June / beginning of October), the other name is European cyclamen. Flowers of this variety have a very pleasant fragrance.

European cyclamen (magenta):

Napolitan cyclamen (plush):

Among the varieties of cyclameman, you can even meet those that grow on mossy trunks of trees. In this case, the tree does not suffer, since the root system of the plant does not plunge under the bark. In the summer, the wild cyclamen flows and smells (the aroma resembles the valley), and with the onset of autumn "falls asleep." The height of wild-growing representatives does not exceed 10 cm, they multiply seeds, and insects help them. Cyclamen Caucasian grows in a wild form, can be grown at home, multiplied with seeds, dividing tubers. It can also be planted in the country area.

Wild cyclamen, photo:

Decided to buy cyclamen - what to pay attention to the store

It is difficult to resist the charm of the cyclameman and not buy a blooming instance! Even if it does not bloom, the hat of the leaves with gray-blue spots looks very decorative.

The question arises: where and when is it better to acquire this plant? I would like to note that the most common type of cyclamen - Persian - begin to sell late autumn.

I advise when choosing to pay attention to those plants that have more unacceptable buds - the more such, the better. Naturally, yours new flower should not have damaged leaves. They must be located low relative to the flowers. On the tuber, too, not too much to pay attention. Properly located the tuber should look from the ground half. This is important, as it will depend on it, how your cyclamen will continue to develop.

When buying, pay attention to the soil. Typically, plants from a flower store are sold in a poor peat substrate, unsuitable for normal cultivation for a long period. Such plants should be immediately transplanted, but only after the end of the flowering period.

For this:

  • gently get the plant from the pot, holding it close to the root for the leaves;
  • shake the peat from the roots of the flower;
  • we check in which they are in condition - if we see you who have fallen - we boldly cut them up to a healthy tissue;
  • machine for 10-15 minutes of roots in a weak solution of manganese - this procedure disinfected root system cyclame;
  • after disinfection, we sprinkle the locations of the roots of the activated carbon powder;
  • before planting, might at the bottom of the pure pot, we pour a small layer of clay;
  • any universal soil for indoor or flowering plants is suitable as a substrate.

An experienced girlfriend always says to me that cyclamen (cycling) unpretentious flowerBut you need to know some secrets.

  • First, cyclamen do not like large capacities. They like it more that the tuberukovitsa is more closely than spacious. That is, the distance between the tubers and the walls of the pot must be no more than 2-3-cm.
  • Secondly, the cyclamen refers to plants that periodically "fall into the hibernation", that is, they need a period of rest, which lasts about three months. At this time, the pot with asleep cyclamen is placed in a cool place. This may be, for example, some kind of storage room, toilet roomEven the bottom shelf of the refrigerator is suitable if the temperature is not raised above 11 ° C. In the period of rest, the cyclamen do not watered, except that only when the soil in the pot will dry completely. One tablespoon of water a week will be more than enough.
  • Thirdly, this is perhaps one of the few plants that does not like bright sunlight. Be sure to provide a pot with cyclamen, and better keep it on the northern window.

How to grow cyclamen at home, care for it

To this bright flower Raded you lush blossom, It is necessary to adhere to certain rules. The plant should feel comfortable: an acceptable temperature of the air, the absence of drafts, proper lighting, timely irrigation - all these requirements must be observed.

How to care for cyclamen at home:

  1. The ambient temperature should not be higher + 12..15 ° C if the accumulation of the mercury pillar will rise above + 20 ° C or drops below + 10 ° C - this will not like it. There should be no drafts where the flower pot will be located. The presence of heating radiator (or battery) near the colors is also extremely undesirable.
  2. This flower requires multiple light, light shades, as the contact of direct sunlight on the leaves is fraught with the appearance of burns. The bright light is needed by the plant only when it blooms, the flower is reacting to the excessive lighting of the leaves and appearance brown spots on them.
  3. How to water cyclamen? Watering this plant is necessary only through the pallet! From above, it is impossible to pour water, it should not fall on the tuber, flowers, foliage and other parts. The pallet or the saucer on which the pot stands is recommended to fill the drainage clay (thin layer).
  4. This plant prefers wet air. Here, again, it will help you fastened in the pallet clay or small pebbles. It is impossible to irrigate the flower with water from the spray. With the onset of the rest period, it must be watered, but no longer as often as during active growth and flowering. If you notice that the leaves of the plant are yellow, it can also be an indicator of excessive dry air.
  5. The soil for flower should consist of equal parts of the foliage (deciduous humid), peat, turf, large sand, vermiculite and clay. You can also buy a ready-made substrate for cyclamen (option for cacti is suitable too).

Cyclamen - how to transplant

It is best to transplant in the summer. A late spring plant ceases to bloom, the period of rest comes, at this time it is stopped to water, and the pot itself is placed on his side. Approximately by July, slowly, with small doses again watering, when the first leaf appears, you can begin to transplant the flower.

It has already been said that the feature of the cyclameman is the minimum of land in the pot! But it will not be superfluous that the tuber must be slightly closely, it should only blow it in part - about a third of the tuber must rise above the soil in the pot. After the transplantation of cyclamen, it is not necessary to abundantly fill the flower with water, the earth should only be slightly moistened. Only when the plant will revive, actively let the foliage, adapts in a new place, can be moved to normal irrigation, making feeding.

How to grow cyclamen from seeds

If the purchase of a finished potted flower does not impark you, you wonder yourself go through the whole process, then try to get high-quality seeds. Of course you can select planting material with already existing colors, however, you will have to preliminarize the process of pollination (with the help of a brush or cotton wand). Pollination must be made repeatedly, from a flower flower, while the presence of different varieties Just welcome. When the plant is wondering, and the seed boxes mature, reach them without waiting for cracking. Wrap the boxes with a clean cloth or paper when they dry, they will turn out themselves - thus, the seeds will be saved.

Seed box, photo:

For sowing seeds should choose a suitable primer. Substrates that are sold in flower shops are also suitable. Such a soil most often contains peat, leafy land, vermiculite. If you want to make such a substrate yourself, then you will only have to mix equal proportional parts of these components. Do not forget about drainage (large foam balls or fine crushed stone), at the bottom of the tank, there must be holes.

The most commonly used two seed seeds:

  1. Sowing material is pre-soaked cold water (for two or three days), to which every day should add a couple of drops detergent For dishes. This water should be changed daily, its temperature should be quite low.
  2. The second option is more familiar for flower and gardeners - preliminary processing (soaking) with a weary solution of mangartan or an "epin" (2 drops of 200 ml of water). For seeds, it is enough for 15 hours of such a "bath", after such a processing, even the solar sowing material gets "shake", gives shoots.

You can try out these two methods at the same time, subsequently choose one that is more effective and convenient for you.

Next, to grow cyclamen from seeds, prepare a container with holes at the bottom, put a layer of drainage, pour the soil from above. Do on the soil of grooves, put the seeds there, or moisturize the soil, spread the sowing material on top, sprinkle with top 2-3 cm layer of land. Note that there should be about 3 cm of free space between seeds.

Further sowing care - cover the tank polyethylene film, Place them in a cool place. As mentioned above, the air temperature should not exceed + 20 ° C.

Compliance with the temperature regimen is extremely important for cyclamelane, since when the degree is raised, the transition is triggered for a period of rest, and when the sowing material decreases, it can simply be contrary.

Every day, the film should be raised for a while - to ventilate seedlings, while complying with these simple rules, you can see shooters about - it depends on the grade. After the appearance of pinkish sprouts, the temperature should be reduced to + 8..15 ° C. Since seedlings, the growth of young livestock is slowed down, this is due to the fact that the plants are actively increasing the roots. After about 4 months, they can be launched on separate containers, by this time each seedlings should grow in 2 or 3 leaves.

Subsequent Cyclamen Transfer on permanent place Residence is carried out by turning along with a lump of land. Pot with drainage holes, drainage material, suitable soil - everything should be according to the rules. Young tubers need to fully plunge, adult representatives, as already mentioned above, must rise above the soil of half or third.

You can start feeding in 6 months, comprehensive compounds For flowering indoor plants, it is optimal for this. Do not forget about the qualitative regular watering of the cyclameman.

Cyclamen reproduction

Most convenient I. uncomplicated way The reproduction is the division of tubers in transplantation. Well, if your flower, by this time, has already repeated a child tuber. With the onset of the rest period, you can independently cut such a tuber on the part, the main thing is that the roots + kidney be attended each fragment. Slicing surfaces need to be treated with a green or thickening chopped with chopped activated coal. The method of tube division really works, try and make sure. Another method of reproduction of the plant seeds is described above.

If you notice that it starts to fade your cyclamen, yellow leaves, what to do? Most likely, the reason is excessive lighting. Move the container with a flower in a shadow area or hang on the window dense curtains. Heat, dry air can also cause the yellowing of foliage.

The lack of iron can also affect the well-being of the plant: the leaves are just as yellowed, they begin to fall down. This phenomenon is called chlorosis, but the addition of the drug "Microwit K-1" (iron chelate) into water for watering helps to cope with the problem.

Sometimes the yellowing of foliage may be due to the appearance custom tick - The irrigation of the flower insecticide is recommended. Make sure that the soil is moderately moistened, too dry or too wet land also leads to the yellowing of the leaves of the plant.

Cyclamen blews - what to do next?

With the onset of the phase of peace of foliage in the plant fades and dry out. The remains of the leaves and colors should be trimmed or cut off manually, while watching the tuber to be damaged. By this time, as mentioned above, watering should be minimized, but the earthen com near the tuber should not be too rehensited. If you have the opportunity to make a flower on fresh air, do it. The plant should be all the time to be in a non-fitted place if you notice the crossing of new leaves, it will mean that the rest period ended.

Start of rest period, photo:

Sometimes the flower along with the pot is cheered in a shadow spot on the plot, the transplantation is produced when the plant "wakes up" from hibernation. At the same time, the ground and the earthen command are completely replaced, inspect the tuber, remove the pitched fragments, a month after transplanting begin to introduce feeding during watering. You can buy an already finished earthy mixture for cyclamen.

Another option to save tubers is described above - laying a pot on the side, transplantation in July or August.

Why not bloom cyclamen? On the relevant forums, you can sometimes see a similar question. The answer to it is the right departure, compliance with the rules when sowing seeds, transplantation, dividing tubers. It is very important to provide the plant required temperature mode and acceptable humidity. Competent watering cyclamen, timely application of fertilizers - these are the basic needs of the plant, the key to its future lush flowering.

Separately, it should be mentioned about diseases and pests that threaten the plant may affect its flowering. Timely treatment of insecticide and supporting drugs is very important. We regularly examine the flower from all sides, take measures at the slightest suspicion of the presence of uninvited guests or worsening the appearance.

Cyclamen drops

It is worth mentioning one interesting and healing features of this. decorative flower - he is therapeutic plantWhose anti-inflammatory effect was a sign of more hippocratic. Today, with it, they are successfully treated with sinusitis, drops, ointments, tincture. Like any other plant gifts of nature, the cyclamen should be treated carefully, not too digestively with doses and frequency of treatment.

Cyclamen's root is the same tuber, contains biologically active cyclamine (substance of a group of saponides), which provokes the strengthening of the secretion of mucous membranes and thereby helps the natural cleansing of the inflamed ("scored") sinuses of the nose. To prepare therapeutic home drops based on the root of the plant, you need to take part of the tuber, grate on fine grater (or squeeze manual press For garlic). The resulting flesh should be strain through a layer of pure tissue, and the juice obtained is made with a boiled (or distilled) water 1: 4. Thus, you will get a natural medicine from the sinusitis and a runny nose, instill it daily 2 drops in each nostril for 7-10 days.

You can also grind 2 g root, pour it with 100 ml of boiling water, to insist about 1 hour, after which it is to dissolve one teaspoon infusion of a liter of boiled water, dripped into the nose.

The oil extract based on the root helps very well with the nasal mucosa. The tuber's pressed juice is mixed with the same amount of olive or sunflower oil, They insist about a day, after which it is dripped in a nose of 3 drops for 7 days.

Taking note of all the information, now you will know how to care for a cyclaman, how to grow flowers from seeds, how to transplant the plant and multiply it by dividing roots.

His flowers resemble bright summer butterflies who sat down on a thin stalk, but the most amazing and valuable is that we can enjoy this magnificence during winter blizzards and cold weather.

To bloody in winter cyclamen, care at home behind it should include high-quality summer holidays. The root should not spend power and nutrients to grow foliage. Despite the fact that this flower requires the same approach as most indoor plants, it is considered a capricious, but the result fully justifies the investment of forces and time.

Cyclamen transplant is carried out at the end of the rest period until the start of the bootonization.

How to transplant cyclamen? Planning in room flower cyclamen is carried out annually. Cyclamen transplant is carried out at the end of the rest period until the start of the bootonization. It is usually happening in July when young leaflets begins.

Landing cyclamen

Cyclamen's transplant is necessary because with time the land in the pot is depleted, the soil structure deteriorates. Cyclamen transplant is carried out with a complete substrate replacement, shut off and removing roots home flower cyclamen. Small roots in transplantation room cyclamen, you can cut off with scissors.

Cyclamen transplant after purchase is carried out almost always. To determine whether a bought transplant is needed, you need to remove the flower of the pot. If it is found that the earthen com is fully braided with the roots of the cyclameman, and the substrate is almost not visible, it means that the transplant is necessary. This room cyclaman during watering and feeding can no longer be able to obtain the proper number of necessary substances and in a close pot will soon die.

Cyclamen's transplantation that is covered with flowers and unprecedented buds should not be done, you need to wait until the plant is flashing. Cyclamen flowers

Cyclamen transplantation When leaving at home begins with the selection and preparation of the pot. The size of the pot for planting cyclamen depends on the age of the plant. For a room cyclame flower, the age of which 1-1.5 years is chosen a pot with a diameter of 8 cm, for a plant for 3 years with a diameter of 15 cm. The pot must be small, the distance from its edge to the tuber must be no more than 3 cm. If the pot is very big Water in the soil will be stirred and scattered. The used pot is needed before planting a cyclameman to disinfect.

At the bottom of the pot, before cyclamen, the holes are made. Need to remember that when transplanting a cyclameman, you need to not forget to do good drainage from pebbles or clay. As room flower Cyclamen is very much suffering from the convergence.

The excavation mixture for transplanting cyclamena is made up of peat, humidiation, sand and leaf land in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 3, vermion and vermiculite is added for better rooting. You can buy a ready-made substrate for cyclamen in a specialized store.

The substrate before planting a cyclameman needs to be carried in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 90 degrees. If it is not possible to do this, it is possible to roast the land in a frying pan or treat a solution of manganese. It is done to prevent fungal diseases that are subject to indoor flower cyclamen.

Before planting a room cyclameman, a land mixture is embanked to the bottom of the prepared pot with drainage, about 1/2 height pot. The substrate is not needed.

It is desirable for a cyclaman flower to remove some of the stretched old leaves, they do not leave, but as if twisted.

Cyclamen transplant

The indoor cyclamen plant must be carefully removed from the old pot and transfer to the new one. Locate it in the center of the pot and holds on the weight so that the roots of the cyclame show do not break, straighten the roots and carefully fall asleep the earth.

Cyclamen How to transplant so as not to damage the roots? Cyclamen transplant is carried out carefully, usually roots and bulbs are taken with a lore of the earth. IMPORTANT, CYCLAME TUNDER DURING THE CONNECTION HAVE HAVE HAVE HAVE, His half must remain open and stitch from the soil.

After the transplantation of indoor cyclamen, the land in the pot is needed to pour. Give water to absorb in the soil and watering again, fall asleep the earth, but it is necessary to do it so that the part of the tuber remains not covered. Tuber Cyclames Transplant

Cyclamen Tuber

When the cyclamen transplantation is completed, the plant put into the bright, but the cool place is protected from direct sunlight of the sun, for example, the North Window. Watering the first month after planting cyclamen should be rare. A month after the Cyclamen transplantation, during this time it is fully attached, you can carry out the plant.

In a flower shop you can not pass by cyclamen. Tender colorful flowersSaturated green leaves involuntarily attract a look. But often, being at home, cyclamen behave capriciously. Flowers and leaves can lean slightly, down. Do not worry. This is the natural behavior of cyclamen. Just they need time to get used to new environment habitat. After all, each room has its climate.

Transplant after shopping

Within 2-3 months after the purchase Plants are not recommended to feed and transplant. Because buy cycle amenaAs a rule, blooming, you must first wait for the end of flowering and then to deal with the transplant. Golden Rule room flower growing: do not transplant flowering plants.

As soon as Persian cyclamen beat away, you can take care of a transplant. And it may be needed in the following cases:

  • If the tuber is too big, takes the entire diameter of the pot and the roots are not enough space for further growth. Sell \u200b\u200bflowers, as a rule, in small pots, so transplant after shopping Most likely it will be necessary. Sostly the whole reception transshipment - carefully remove the plant along with the land of the earth and, not anxious root, move it into a pot, larger in diameter, but only 2-3 centimeters. In a huge pot, the cyclamen will be bad: or the roots will rot, or the plant will let all their strength to master the new space instead of developing its overhead part.
  • In the shops, cyclamen are often sold to poor peat grounds, so after flowering it is better to transplant to a special soil mixture for indoor plants (the soil "Tulip") is suitable. If the soil at the purchase of a good flower, the transplant will not be needed within 1 year after the purchase.

Is it possible to transplanten the blooming cyclamen?

During flowering, they do not recommend transplanting flowers at all. I.e blooming cyclamen It is better not to replant if the situation allows. The transplant for the plant is always stress. Because of the transplant buds and flowers can turn. It is also not to disturb the plant in a state of stress (new climatic conditions) or illness (if this is not the root disease). Take a look at the flower: if it blooms well, it has dense leaves (even if the bulb has a pot), it means that the plant feels perfectly.

Persian cyclamen (this kind of this kind is most often sold in stores) bloom in autumn-winter, up to the end of March. At that time blooming cyclamen It is better not to touch. But when the silt (at the end of March) - can to transplant.

When can I transfer cyclamen?

Growth processes are activated in indoor plants With the onset of spring. March is considered to be the most favorable period for transplanting room colors.

European cyclamen It does not have a pronounced rest state and stands on the windowsill green even in winter. It blooms, as a rule, in the late spring. If the plant needs a transplant, you need to have time to do this in the spring, before the start of flowering (best in March in March). Transplanted spring room flowers are good, because at this time they begin with active ascension and growth.

Another thing Persian cyclamen. This view is experiencing the state of peace every year. After flowering (which lasts in the cyclamen of Persian autumn-winter), the leaves are yellow and die away. The bare tuber remains in the pot. The plant is immersed in a state of rest. Pot put in a shaded place, watering reduce, but continue to water from time to time. After some time on the club, as a rule, in the summer (in June-August), young leaflets begin to be sorted. That's when cyclamen can be resettled!

How to transplant Cyclamen Persian:

The first transplant in the spring after flowering. Requires a fresh soil mixture. Either buy ready (they recommend a mixture of "tulip"), or prepare independently. Take 3 parts of the leaf land and 1 part of humidiation, peat and sand. The soil mixture is written and shed a pink solution of manganese. Do not neglect the disinfection of the soil, as cyclamen easily affect pests. Plant provide drainage. Transplanted cyclamen can be placed on the window where he will hold all summer.

Persian cyclamen re-transplantation. In early September, before flowering The pot needs to be examined: if the soil is thickly fined with roots, you can re-connect. The plant along with roots and a lump of land roll up into a more spacious pot. If the re-transplantation plant is not required, top The tuber is simply cleaned from the ground and put a plant into a light cool place. Soon the cyclaman will bloom and revitalizes your windowsill with gloomy autumn.

Attention! When transplanting, in no case can no break the Persian cyclamen tuber. He has 1 \\ 3 for him to rise above the surface of the Earth (in contrast to the European cycloman), and 2/3 of the tuber must sit in the ground.

Potted Pot

  • Cyclamen are recommended to transplanted directly with the land, do not disturb the roots.
  • At the bottom of the drainage pot is useful to pour clairzite, then lay the layer of soil mixture. After that, the tuber is lowered into the pot together with a lurch and smash the soil so much so that the tuber remains to stick over the surface of the earth for 1 \\ 3. After planting the soil crimp the hands.
  • 30 days after the transplantation cyclamen requires feeding. For this, the finished liquid mixtures are best suited.
  • During the flowering cyclamen, it is useful to feed regularly: 1 time per month (until it is filled).

Size matters

Cyclamen feel uncomfortable in huge pots, so they need to be chosen taking into account the size of the tuberukovitsa:

  • A small tuber at the age of 1-1.5 years is enough potted with a diameter of 7-8 cm.
  • The older tuber (2-3 years) will be comfortable in a pot of 14-15 cm with a diameter.

The distance from the tuber to the edge of the pot must be 2-3 cm.

In the video tell about how to choose and how to transplant the Persian cyclamen after buying. Specialist's opinion: to transplant cyclamen only after flowering. It is clearly shown how to process the roots before the transplant. Recommended to clean them from a peat mixture, which was in a pot with a bought cyclamen. Damaged roots need to trim and hold some time in a weak solution of manganese.

Cyclamen - grassy flowering perennial From the family of Mirssinov. Refers to the tube representatives and is grown at home. Gardening is popular due to unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention and care. It has a long blossom period. Despite all the advantages of the cyclameman, for full growth and development required regular transplant plants. Only in this case the flower is able to delight the owner with its own type over the past 20 years.


Cyclamen (Cyclamen) is a grassy tuber perennial. The most common potted varieties are cyclamen Persian and European.The period of flowering in them begins in October and continues until the first spring month. On the tops of the shoots blooming solitary vertical flowers of various colors: pink, white, red, purple. Saturated green leaves, housing.

Characteristics of indoor cyclamen are described in the table:

Name Description Photo
PersianThe bush is 25-30 cm high. The root is represented by oval flattened tuber, with a diameter of about 16 cm. Leaves of the heart-shaped configuration, green color, with a steel pattern on the surface. Inflorescences are elongated, dense, with twisted petals. Floor paintings standing, 20-25 cm long after flowering foliage
EuropeanThe people are referred to alpine violetWhat is due to the place of growth in nature - the Alps. Differs from Persian more compact sizes. The tubers with a diameter of no more than 10 cm. Leaves in the shape of a heart, dark green with silver inclusion, from below - red. Upon completion of flowering, the leaves do not reset

The plant is characteristic of quickly fond, the cause of which sometimes is an elevated room temperature.

For long and full flowering cyclameman throughout the winter season, it is required to maintain a reduced air temperature and an acceptable humidity along with an abundance of natural light. The plant categorically does not tolerate the direct exposure of the rays, which leads to burns on the leaves and loss of decorative species.

Buying a flower in the store, you should pay attention to a number of external factors:

  • the tuber must slightly drink over the ground;
  • w. healthy Plant stems dense;
  • the structure of the leaves is leathery, with a bright green color and apparently awesome veins.

Flooded bushes hanging in the sides of the pot, testify to the unhealthy state of the plant. It is unacceptable for the presence of the slightest signs of mold and mucous membrane, which can serve as a source of infection of other indoor flowers with fungal or viral pathologies.

How to transplant cyclamen?

The need for a room cyclamen transplant occurs in the case of:

  • a strongly scared tuber when the roots become closely in the old pot;
  • the needs of the soil change due to its exhaustion;
  • flowering completion - at the end of summer.

It is absolutely impossible to transplant the plant if buds are present on the stems. It is necessary to wait for this time or have time to carry out the procedure before the bootonization. The permissible limit of transfers is 2-3 times a year.

It is necessary to conduct an annual transplantation after a bunching, which is due to the need for the replacement of old soil, which has lost the nutrient elements throughout the growing season, for fertile. In the process of transplant, also inspect the roots for damage and rot.

After buying a plant, it should be resettled in a new pot.

Prepare the soil composition by mixing:

  • peat;
  • river sand;
  • humus;
  • a compost sheet in the 1: 1: 1: 4 ratio.

It is pre-calcined in the oven or spill a manganese solution for disinfection. For better suitability, the landings are added to the soil vermiculite.

The pot is selected with a benchmark for the age of flower: for cyclamen to 1.5 years, a diameter is fits within 10 cm, for older instances - 15-17 cm.

The gap between the tuber and the walls of the container should not exceed three centimeters. Too much volume will not allow the roots to fully absorb accumulating in excess moisture, which will lead to their winding.

Step-by-step instruction in proper transplant Cyclamen:

  1. 1. At the bottom of the selected new, the pots make holes.
  2. 2. lay out the drainage layer of clay, brick crumb or pebbles with a thickness of 1-1.2 cm.
  3. 3. Fall asleep a new soil until half the height of the container, with a deepening center, to accommodate the bulb.
  4. 4. First remove the old leaves from the bush by unscrewing the cuttings. Introduce the bulb from the old pot to the transshipment method, keeping the adhered room.
  5. 5. Hold a plant on weight and neatly sprinkle, leaving the top of the head open. The rambling is not required, since the tuber needs free access oxygen.

After completion of the work, they put the flower into a bright and warm place with the lack of drafts. The first watering is possible only after 7 days. The water flowing into the pallet is immediately drained. Fingering cyclamen begin in a month using ready-made complex compositions.

Subsequent care

After transplanting a flower, you need to create acceptable conditions for successful adaptation in a new place. First of all, the location is chosen correctly for the next 1-2 months. It is recommended to keep a flower pot on the windowsill on the northern side.

Further care implies:

  • Systematic moderate watering.At the bay, dampness is created, which leads to the development of pathogenic microflora in the soil. Eliminate moisture drops on the leaves, buds and the protruding top of the tuber. It is recommended to moisturize cyclamen through the pallet, which allows the plant to absorb the required amount of moisture.
  • Maintain room temperature at 15-17 ° C.When carrying out the room, the flower is cleaned away from the flow of cold air.
  • Removing faded foliage. You need to do this manually: it is impossible to use scissors.

If the cyclamen is transplanted during the rest, the leaves are definitely starting to wither. It is not critical, because after exiting hibernation, green mass is rapidly restored. It is enough to provide a plant to cool and remove the deadlines.

No less important component of the care are feeding, which help the cyclamen to grow fully and develop. Suitable mineral compositions available in free sale. Fertilizer contributes 1 time in 2 weeks, up to the tying of the first buds. During the rest, feeding stops.