Is it worth keeping an orchid at home - signs and superstitions about a flower. Orchid in the house: signs, superstitions and rules for year-round flowering

Difficult to find among flora another flower as mysterious as the orchid. There are conflicting signs and superstitions about this whimsical indoor plant, forcing the housewives to think several times before settling it in the house.

For many people, signs and superstitions are very important. There is a lot of controversy among flower lovers about whether it is possible to grow an orchid at home. The orchid is the oldest and very beautiful flower. She is considered a symbol of chastity, sinlessness, impeccability, grace, charm and unity. There are a lot of prejudices about the orchid, but many of them are based on life experience and therefore they should be trusted.

Negative omens and superstitions

The orchid is classified as an "energy vampire". Many believe that the orchid takes all the energy, reduces the efficiency and activity of those who live with it in the same house.

It is also believed that the orchid devours male energy, driving the representatives of the stronger sex out of the house. But it is not so. The orchid is indeed a female flower. It gives girls more femininity and beauty. Such a flower really affects the male sex negatively: the orchid makes a man too soft and tender.

Negative signs about orchids are scary, but this does not mean that a flower cannot be grown at home. As a vampire, orchids are active only at night, so if possible, it is better not to put them in the room where you sleep. In addition, protect men from contact with this flower.

Good omens and superstitions

orchid perfectly safe flower- just too whimsical and capricious. If you love her and take care of her, comply with certain conditions, then this houseplant will give you well-being, happiness and harmonize the microclimate in the family.

An orchid for a woman can serve as a talisman. By contacting such a flower, you can discover hidden talents in yourself, great potential and start doing art. But for this, you should take good care of the flower and properly care for it. In no case should the disease of the orchid and its wilting be allowed.

Orchid, among other things, is able to prolong life path. A woman can get rid of wrinkles, improve her health and beauty. Also, the orchid uplifts the mood. With help given flower you can get rid of the negative energy in the house. At the same time, orchids different colors have a certain character.

This beautiful flower can serve as a protector in the house. If you have a guest who does not wish you well, the orchid will do everything so that the enemy leaves your home. It makes your enemies feel bad physically. These include headaches, bad state of mind and temperature rise.

Other signs and superstitions about the orchid

Scientists who study plants believe that the orchid affects each person in different ways. It depends on the care of the plant and on its color. For example, scarlet and purple orchids help to cope with laziness. Flowers of this color are perfect for females who are on a diet. They also help to quit smoking and start exercising.

Yellow orchids will help increase material wealth, achieve career success. This also applies to oranges. They promote an active lifestyle. Flowers of this color are perfect for creative people to inspire them.

Flowers of white and pink shade contribute to finding inner harmony. Plants in such colors are suitable for depressed people. Pink flowers will make you feel attractive and charming.

In general, the orchid is a wonderful flower that is suitable for growing at home. It will suit any girl, help to feel beautiful and awaken femininity in her. The orchid will protect against negative energy, ill-wishers and evil. Just try to properly care for her, and then you can see all the wonderful aspects of this truly mysterious flower. We wish you good mood, love and good luck. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.08.2017 03:20

Decembrist is beautiful plant, but bioenergy experts advise not to rush to buy it for yourself ...

We thought about whether it is possible to keep orchids at home - signs will tell you the right answer. Folk floristry will tell about the nuances of growing and the intricacies of handling an exotic flower. And this is not a superstition.

Living orchid in the house - signs about the rules of care

The basis of many signs about orchids was the legend about the origin of a living curiosity.

The ancient Greeks claimed that the dazzling Venus, in the heat of love passion with another lover, dropped a satin slipper, which turned into a wonderful flower - a symbol of sexuality and pleasure.

For centuries, the orchid was inaccessible to the inhabitants, and some of its varieties adorned the chambers of kings and nobles.

Witches prepared from orchid inflorescences, and healers used tea from magic petals to restore male power.

With the development of scientific technology, botanists had the opportunity to explore the features of growing a flower and recreate its varieties in artificial conditions.

Scientists were so carried away by the breeding of hybrid species that by 2000 more than 250 thousand orchid names were recorded on the planet. Especially popular are such greenhouse varieties as phalaenopsis, cattleya and dendrobium.

When you want to show with a gift how dear a person is, the thought of acquiring fragrant plant comes one of the first. A man who came to a flower boutique for special sign attention, the seller will advise you to opt for an orchid.

Remember, a capricious pet is given only in case of serious intentions to the chosen one! The sign promises that the receiving party will feel the insincere feelings of the donor. Not ready to continue the romance - present unpretentious passions and tell you how to pick them up.

For a married couple, an orchid will bring renewal of relationships and the return of passion. Therefore, men should not be afraid to make their wife happy with a living gift - choose a blooming "shoe" and bring it home.

It is undesirable to accept such an offering from subordinates. If the donor has a “tooth” on you and he thinks about revenge at the moment of giving, the orchid representative can provoke a surge of aggression, insomnia and problems in your intimate life in you.

Beware of taking a flower from someone else's house. tropical beauty selective and when the owner changes, it can begin to take revenge. Being an energy vampire, the orchid will begin to suck out of the inhabitants of the house positive emotions. Soon the harmonious atmosphere will collapse, and you will find yourself in the midst of quarrels and domestic squabbles.

Cattleya and other hybrids are active during the intermediate hours of the day (morning, evening), so try to deal with the plant during the day (ideally at noon). At night, the orchid is best spent outside the room where you sleep. There is a belief that it can negatively affect the sexuality of both sexes if it blooms in the immediate vicinity of the bed of lovers.

For a suitable placement of an outlandish loner, take care to determine the location of each of the rooms of the dwelling according to the cardinal points.

The Chinese studied, comparing facts and folk wisdom, and brought their knowledge to a separate science - feng shui. Eastern theory says about the orchid:

  1. Success, luck and prosperity will attract a plant located in the southeast. If the orchid is red, it will awaken activity and the desire to create. This flower is best placed in the office or living room.
  2. It is recommended to put a flowerpot with a pet in the southwest for families where there is a noticeable cooling of feelings, alienation of partners and a lack of mutual understanding between them - it is better to use a scarlet or dark red color of the inflorescence.
  3. The white phalaenopsis in the eastern part of the room is considered a home healer. It is able to restore vigor, relieve headaches, accelerate recovery from colds.
  4. An orchid, carefully arranged in the northwestern space, will contribute to the harmonization of household relations. Small grievances will be forgotten, there will be a desire to unite and start a common cause.

"Venus loss" is usually bought during the flowering period, which occurs in orchids at the age of 1.5 to 2.5 years. But if you decide to grow an exotic miracle from scratch in order to enjoy the full blooming beauty of the plant, you may encounter a surprise - the orchid will not give color for a long time.

  1. In its natural habitat, the orchid grows by attaching itself to other plants. She is an epiphyte. People explain this fact as the need of a passionate person to give love. Therefore, the beauty is not planted in the ground, but they acquire a special substrate. You can prepare the soil yourself - according to the recipe at the end of the article.
  2. Choose a plastic pot for the plant (preferably white or transparent) so that root system did not overheat in the sun. There should be holes in the bottom - for ventilation of the part of the flower hidden in the soil.
  3. Drainage: pieces of foam are placed under the substrate (the layer should occupy about a quarter of the volume of the flowerpot). Then the prepared soil is filled up on 3/4 and the beauty is installed. Gently, without pressing the roots, fill the orchid up to the top of the pot. Don't water right away - let the soil thicken.
  4. Irrigate the orchid with warm, settled water regularly: once every 2-3 days in summer, and 1-2 times a week in winter, feed with special fertilizers: monthly, and during periods of growth and flowering - weekly. It is recommended to periodically spray, moisten the leaves of the "Venus slipper". Rumor has it that touching the wet leaves of an orchid returns a girl's beauty to a woman.
  5. Try to periodically make something like a tropical rain - pour hot (40 0 C) water on an exotic guest from the shower. Keep the jet low, and be sure to blot the middle of the plant with a napkin after bathing - otherwise it will rot. According to the sign, a rotting orchid brings sorrow and illness to the owner.
  6. Keep your pet warm (20-25 0 C), she willingly absorbs light. However, the afternoon sun is detrimental to her, so try to place the flower in the east or west side of the home.

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Signs and superstitions about whether it is possible to keep orchids at home

Fresh flowers always attract positive emotions. You need to find out: is it possible to keep orchids at home, signs and superstitions about this. A large number of signs and superstitions are associated with indoor plants. The orchid is no exception: the relationship to this flower is twofold. On the one hand, the orchid is considered an energy vampire, on the other hand, a symbol family happiness. What will the orchid bring to the house, harm or good?

The orchid is a harbinger of spring because it blooms in New Year according to the Eastern calendar.

There is a legend: the goddess Venus, walking through the forest, came across a swamp. She did not notice how she lost her shoe in a swamp bog. A stunningly beautiful flower grew in place of the shoe. Since then, the orchid has been considered the patroness of women. The orchid is a symbol of love, tenderness and fidelity.

Even in ancient times, the orchid was attributed magical properties. One of the main ingredients of love potions was a decoction of orchid leaves. Beauty and delicate aroma can reveal charm and self-confidence in a woman. It is believed that if a guest comes to you with bad intentions, the orchid will "unleash its wrath on him."

Purple and red orchids are recognized as a good stimulant for educating willpower.

Of course, it will not come to a fatal outcome, but the flower will provide a headache and a feeling of anxiety. Only a man with serious intentions can give an orchid to a woman. The flower is able to "recognize" the true intentions of people. According to the wise Chinese, the orchid combines the opposites of masculinity and femininity. That is why she was given the title of talisman of family ties. In a house where there is this plant, mutual understanding and respect often reign. Another orchid is a harbinger of spring, as it blooms on the New Year according to the eastern calendar.

Skeptics say that the orchid at home is able to stretch vitality. Such an opinion is not without foundation. Indeed, this graceful flower is able to influence a sleeping person. Especially in the dark. And this influence is not always positive. That is why it is not recommended to keep an orchid in the bedroom. It is better to place the plant in the living room, winter garden or in the kitchen. Also, an orchid can act as a powerful allergen. Moreover, the allergy is provoked not by the flower itself, but by the means of fertilizer. If symptoms are noticed, it is best to isolate the plant.

Superstition or not, the choice is yours.

Feng Shui teachings explain that the influence of a plant can be varied depending on the color and location:

  1. Purple and red flowers are a good stimulant for building willpower. When located in the southwest, it will bring harmony and harmony in family relationships.
  2. Yellow and orange inspire creative people. When located in the northwest, flowers reveal the business qualities of the owners.
  3. Light flowers act as antidepressants. Especially for young girls. To improve health, it is better to install a pot with a plant on the east side of the room.
  4. To attract good luck in business, keep a flowerpot with a plant in the northern part of the office.

Light orchids act as antidepressants.

The orchid delights with its originality. Flowers are oddly shaped. Some flowers resemble a spider, there is a variety that looks like a woman's lips. The color of the petals is varied: from black-burgundy to light pink and even white.

There is a legend dedicated specifically to the white orchid. Once a nun doubted the Christian faith.

She decided to leave the convent. However, it rained on the way. Before the eyes of the nun, streams of water washed away the color from the petals of the orchid.

And the flower became white, almost transparent. The nun realized that only true faith can wash away all sins from the soul, and returned to the monastery with a pot of white orchids.

Omens and superstitions in recent times much attention is given. They did not pass by and avid florists. Among lovers of home flowers, an active debate has begun about whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home? It should be noted that the opinions of experts and amateurs are completely different in this regard, and the signs are extremely contradictory. Which of them to believe and which not is up to each individual to decide.

The history of the orchid

Orchid is the most beautiful representative of the most ancient flowers. The first mention of her dates back to the seventh century BC, but experts are ready to say that in fact this beauty appeared much earlier. For quite a long time, it was she who was considered one of the symbols of purity, perfection, beauty and harmony.

In the past, this flower was intended only for the elite (owners of some talent or outstanding appearance). The guys presented it to their beloved, thus expressing their admiration for her and thereby showing that their thoughts are absolutely pure.

Recently, people are increasingly interested in questions:

  • What kind of flower is an orchid?
  • Can you keep it at home?

The signs associated with it interest them no less. These superstitions, in particular, are more related to the difficulty of artificial breeding of this plant. Some clues come from personal experience accumulated by our ancestors.

Orchid - an energy vampire?

Those who were interested in the question of whether it is possible to keep orchids at home, omens and superstitions almost led to the idea that this flower is a real energy vampire. The plant feeds on the vital energy of those who live with it under the same roof. Even the famous Feng Shui teaching tends to support this theory, although it often takes the side of plants and favors a large number of them in a person's home. However, is it really so?

The culprit is the pollen of some varieties of orchids, which not only has a strong calming effect, but even lulls a person. As a result of this, the magical properties of an energy absorber began to be attributed to the plant.

Orchid - plant-husband

If you take an in-depth interest in whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home, folk omens they will definitely say that she is a kind of husband. However, this statement is not entirely correct. The fact is that the orchid is really female flower, bringing true benefit only to the beautiful half of humanity. It is able to enhance femininity, attractiveness and other qualities possessed by the fairer sex. But the negative impact on men lies primarily in the fact that they become very tender and even effeminate.

Is it possible to keep a phalaenopsis orchid at home?

Now the Phalaenopsis orchid is becoming quite popular. Is it possible to keep such a flower at home? This question is of interest to almost everyone who has looked after this beauty for their indoor flower garden.

The negative signs associated with these plants do not at all prohibit their cultivation, but only impose some restrictions on it. You should not keep orchids in the bedroom, since it is at night that most plants are active. You also need to minimize the contact of men in the house with orchids. And in no case do not decorate them men's rooms and cabinets.

What does feng shui say about orchids in the house?

In general, Feng Shui is quite favorable to any plants in the house, including orchids, but they need to be bred taking into account the above wishes. This will avoid negative impact and make this plant a real decoration that brings joy to its owner.

A very ambiguous orchid plant. Can you keep it at home? Signs and superstitions often say the opposite. But at the same time, purity and innocence make you put on the scales all the pros and cons. As practice shows, nothing bad happens to those who have acquired this flower. However, it must be properly looked after and in no case should diseases and wilting be allowed to occur.

Orchids can become real healers for the fair sex. They bring back youth good mood and even health. In addition, a flower can enhance feminine qualities and character traits. Positive energy in the house can also be attracted with the help of this green friend. In this case, the color of the buds is of no small importance, because each of them can influence others in different ways.

Orchids - protectors

If you still doubt whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home, then it should be noted that it sometimes becomes a real protector of its owners. If a person comes to visit who has negative thoughts against you or wants to do evil, then the flower will certainly drive him away, causing him to feel unwell. Explicit or secret enemies who visited your home, where the orchid stands, will eventually feel a headache, anxiety, or other negative conditions.

Is it possible to keep orchids at home: signs and facts

Presumably, the orchid does not have a negative effect on its owner, but it all depends on the color of the flowers of the plant. It is he who can be decisive in the event that you make a difficult decision: to start or not to start an orchid.

According to signs, red and purple flowers help in the fight against laziness. If a woman decided to get rid of negative habits or went on a diet - this choice is just for her. A plant of this color activates willpower and will contribute to the achievement of success in the plan. If, for some reason, you have been putting off a certain business, then the red color will help you to tackle it resolutely.

For those who still doubt the question of whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home, one more argument can be made in favor of this plant. not only contribute to an increase in material wealth, but also help in overcoming the steps in career ladder. The same can be attributed to flowers with an orange color. They encourage an active lifestyle.

And pink color can help to find inner harmony. it perfect solution for those to whom the world appears only in black colors, as well as for individuals who are prone to become depressed.

Orchid is a plant that is ideal for any woman. It will help protect against the negative energy of others, and emphasize the inner beauty of its owner. However, this flower, like any other plant, needs careful care and attention.

As to whether it is possible to keep flowers such as orchids at home, folk signs most often disagree. And, indeed, it is quite difficult to find another flower about which so many conflicting opinions would be known. In addition, when resolving this issue, such a banal manifestation as an allergy to flowers, which is increasingly manifested with the deterioration of the environmental situation in the world, should be taken into account. That is why the ability to control the symptoms of the manifestation of this disease is mandatory for anyone living in an apartment who has direct contact with orchids.

How to care for a capricious tropical flower?

Orchid history

Orchids are an ancient variety of plants, the first mention of which dates back to the 7th century BC. For a long time, this flower personified a symbol of purity and purity, as well as divine beauty and harmony. Young men gave bouquets of orchids to their beloved, thereby expressing respect for them and bowing to the object of their courtship. Simultaneously with this legend about the orchid, there were superstitions and signs, most of which were based on the difficulties of artificial cultivation of this flower, as well as on the rich experience of distant ancestors.

Orchid as a negative sign

Some folk signs endow this flower with properties energy vampire and exclude the possibility of its content in the apartment. At the same time, it is argued that orchids are able to take energy from a person living with them. for a long time in one room. This opinion is not disputed by adherents of the well-known esoteric teaching Feng Shui, which favors most plants and welcomes the cultivation of flowers in a private home. This is explained by the fact that, according to the same adherents, the pollen of some types of orchids is able to relieve excessive stress (that is, to act on a person in a relaxing way).

Off-topic question ... Question on cottages

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There is also an opinion that this flower belongs to the class of male plants, but most researchers consider this statement to be erroneous. In fact, an orchid is a purely female plant, favorable to the fair sex and enhancing its qualities such as femininity and attractiveness. At the same time, this flower affects men negatively, turning them into a kind of pampered loafers and couch potatoes (of course, provided that the reason for this is not an elementary allergy). That's why you need to make sure that contact with the orchid members of the male half of your family is minimal. And of course, it is undesirable to keep orchids in the bedroom, which contribute to creating a relaxed mood.

Another good reason for excluding the bedroom from the list of acceptable places to keep this flower is that orchid activity is especially high at night.

Thus, summing up the review of the negative manifestations of this flower, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Negative signs about keeping an orchid at home do not prohibit their cultivation, but they impose certain restrictions on the placement (excluding such prosaic symptoms as an allergy to this flower).
  2. This plant must be kept in that part of the apartment where women mainly spend their leisure time.

Signs with a favorable outcome

Subject to the above rules, orchids can be kept at home without a threat. negative impact. On the contrary, in this case they can serve as a talisman for a woman and contribute to the development of her talents and creative initiative. But in order for this plant to treat the lady well, it needs constant care, which excludes the possibility of its disease and wilting. It is believed that orchids contribute to the prolongation of a woman's life, and under certain conditions, they can be used to restore youth and health. In addition, they endow her with a unique attractiveness, enhancing purely feminine qualities and special character traits.

Color Differences

When breeding this flower at home, the hostess Special attention should pay attention to the color of the plant, since flowers of different colors have different effects on a person. Representatives of the Feng Shui teaching also believe that the orchid in the house has a differentiated effect on a person, which has a certain connection with its color. Yes, red and purple colors orchids help a person living with him in the same room to overcome laziness. They are ideal for girls on a diet who are trying to quit smoking, i.e. intending to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In addition, red flowers contribute to the mobilization of strong-willed efforts, allowing you to make all the necessary decisions in a timely manner, without postponing them for “later”. It is believed that orchids yellow color are able to provide material prosperity to a person and help him achieve certain success in his career. A similar effect can be achieved when choosing orchids. orange color, which contributes to the revitalization of activity and often leads to a change in lifestyle. Well, white and pink flowers contribute to the acquisition of inner harmony by those who have not yet found their only true line of life.

Allergic manifestations

When considering the influence of an orchid on a person, one should not lose sight of such an unprejudiced manifestation of this flower as an allergy to it. Regarding the reasons that can lead to it, the opinions of most physicians are diametrically opposed. Some of them claim that the allergy is caused directly by the flower itself, while others explain this effect by the impact on the body of chemicals and fertilizers used in the processing of the plant. At the same time, the symptoms and causes of the disease in adults and children, as a rule, are not precisely determined.

This uncertainty is explained by the fact that allergies are considered to be a very "insidious" disease associated with a weakened immune system in humans and with subtle symptoms. Moreover, any irritant can be the cause of the disease, ranging from an exotic product to plant pollen. It is known that orchid pollen is not airborne and for this reason is not capable of causing an allergic effect. That is why there is an assumption that the orchid cannot be the cause of the disease, and an allergy to it occurs due to fertilizer and chemicals.

In conclusion, consider the main possible symptoms reactions to the orchid. It:

  • runny nose;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • tearing;
  • suffocation;

Experts believe that these symptoms are manifested individually in each patient. Therefore, a lover of domestic plants himself must decide whether he needs such a flower in his house.

And a little about the secrets of the Author

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