A person's life path. A person's life path and fate

Numerology has been known in Western culture for a long time. This teaching can be traced back to the famous Greek mathematician and mystic Pythagoras: he used it 2500 years ago.
He even built a special numerological scheme, according to which everyone should live the life prepared for them by numbers. Like, if you don’t do this (due to ignorance or inability to hear your heart), your life path is simply doomed to failure!
It sounds kind of crazy, but try it. And tell us if Pythagoras was right about your natural talents!

So here's a 60-second test to help you find out if you're on the right path in life.

Step 1: Add all your birthday numbers together. Don't forget to write full year your birth (for example, 1969, not 69).

Step 2: If the number turns out to be two digits, add the numbers from it. For example, if you get 27, then 2+7=9. Continue this until you end up with one number from 0 to 9.

Let's take for example March 29, 1969. Suppose one of you was born on this very day. It turns out, full date looks like this: 03/29/1969.

2+9+0+3+1+9+6+9 = 39
3+9 = 12
1+2 = 3. So your life path is number three!

Step 3: find your number on this list and find out what you need to do in life!

Life path #1:

People-units- these are, first of all, original thinkers and creative minds. They often make excellent goal-oriented leaders who prefer to do everything themselves or be responsible for everyone at once.

Occupations that suit you: Freelancer/Independent Contractor; Business owner; manager; Sales Manager; marketer; advertising specialist; designer; quality engineer; trainer-consultant; politician; developer or broker; Financial Consultant; creative director; athlete.

Life path #2:

Two people Primarily detail oriented. They love to notice and see what others do not see and do not notice. They usually make great friends and caregivers because no one is as supportive as they are.

They usually manage life quite deftly because they are used to trusting their intuition. They also often fight to empower others.

Professions suitable for you: Teacher; psychotherapist; healer; cook; negotiator/diplomat; politician; musician; artist; designer; Social worker; administrator; therapist; alternative medicine specialist; accountant; masseur; actor.

Life path #3:

Three people They are used to speaking for themselves: they love to express themselves and have a creative nature. That's why they're usually so pleasant to talk to!

They can infect anyone with their passion for beauty. And the main thing for them is to reveal their “I”: be it in creativity or in sports. at least in oratory; at least in the scientific community.

Here are the professions suitable for you: entertainer; artist; journalist; designer; cook; musician; dancer; trainer; writer; photographer; salesman; architect; Graphic Designer; hairdresser; cosmetologist; visagiste; art specialist.

Life path #4:

Four people- these are those who most of all of us value details and a systematic, methodological approach. If you want to do something desperate and quick with them, such people will not agree: they like it when their plan is thought out to the smallest detail.

That is why they make such highly professional managers and organizers. Wherever a four-man appears, stability and order reign for a long time.

Professions suitable for you: director; manager; Business owner; editor; auditor; accountant. doctor; engineer; military or law enforcement officer; personal trainer; analyst; architect/urban planner; advocate; official, business consultant; banker or finance and investment specialist.

Life path #5:

Fives- these are people who value variety, novelty and the excitement of uncertainty above all else in life.

Of course, they are naturally gifted with communication skills and strong analytical thinking. Friends appreciate them for what they always give good advice, know how to advertise and promote unpopular ideas and can be even the devil’s advocate!

Here are the professions that are suitable for you: Project Manager; manager-consultant in a travel agency; organizer of festive events; investigator; advertising and marketing consultant, promoter, PR specialist, hairdresser; athlete or TV presenter.

Life path #6:

People born under the sign 6, most often choose to work in the service sector. They enjoy helping, advising and supporting others. They make excellent advisors, consultants and managers.

Here is a list of the most suitable professions for you: hairdresser; fashion consultant; interior designer; therapist; teacher; healer decorator; chiropractor; model. visagiste; medical worker; cosmetologist

Life path #7:

Seven people have a contemplative character. They are not very active, they like to think about everything thoroughly: this is the nature of their analytical mind.

They learn quickly and well, and are able to develop complex strategies to solve complex issues. They also love technology and are always on a spiritual quest. Their favorite science is psychology.

Here are the professions that suit your soul: researcher/scientist; analyst; IT consultant; philosopher, psychologist. journalist. quality engineer; programmer; accountant. spiritual teacher; doctor; naturopath; biographer.

Life path #8:

Eight people- these are talented innovative leaders born to solve big problems. They rarely like to work for someone, especially if that someone is a dictator. This is why these people are most successful when they start their own business.

Accordingly, here are the professions suitable for you: business owner; independent contractor; Project Manager; banker; business consultant; broker; advocate; surgeon; politician, high-ranking official.

Life path #9:

Nines- unique people. Because they combine creativity, and the ability to work for the benefit of others. Therefore, they most often choose to work in the service sector.

Such people often become talented teachers (those whom students remember for the rest of their lives), healers, and leaders. Your opinion is usually listened to, isn't it?

Here are the relevant industries and professions for you: healthcare or education specialist; artist; professional writer; human rights activist; advocate; actor; politician; civil activist; human resources specialist (HR); PR specialist, energy engineer, graphic designer; fashion designer; photographer.


Goals, actions, attitude towards others, leading a personal life, forming relationships, participation in the professional sphere. These areas concern the individual and in science are united under one term - the life path of a person. Since people touch on many areas during their existence, philosophers, psychologists, ethnographers, and sociologists study the life scenario. But, closer to the path of life, psychology. This science studies the formation of personality, setting goals, and achieving plans. What is the life path of an individual?

The concept of a person's life path

What is hidden under these three words? A person’s life scenario follows an individual pattern. There are no identical or similar stories. A person differs from other creatures on the planet in his way of life. A person not only exists and goes through stages of development in relation to a time period, but also lays the foundations for personal development.

The concept of a person’s life path includes many aspects and depends on the person’s habitat. So the law has established the norm to complete secondary education, society - or get married, continue the family line. Society sets deadlines for these concepts when one should finish their studies and start a family. Norms put pressure on a person and force them to adhere to attitudes. It is not customary to become a student at 40 or get married at 50. Whether a person wants it or not, he subconsciously builds a life path taking into account established norms. Small deviations and differences are an individual life scenario.

It turns out that the development of a person’s life path is influenced by psychological, age, community, social factors and personal desires.

The problem of a person's life path

IN scientific world Rubinshtein S.L. was first puzzled by this question. It is he and his work “Man and the World” that are referred to when studying the subject in higher institutions and interpretation of the problem of a person’s life path. In his works, the author refers to a person’s personal life, which influences the development of one’s life path. Each person has their own views on relationships, life and other areas. The combination of these concepts forms the human life world. This is where the motivation of the individual flows and an individual scenario is built. The development of the life path is influenced by the quality and depth of relationships. When they change, the person’s actions are adjusted and the scenario changes.

Personality develops depending on actions, decisions, and responsibility. Participation in the development of relationships forms the subject of life. It turns out that the individual changes and develops during the course of his life. The author called this phenomenon activity mediation.

A number of specialists have dealt with the problem of a person’s life path:

Leontyev A.N. His theory is based on the fact that people's lives consist of the actions they practice. Based on this, an individual scenario is formed. Consequently, the life path consists only of those activities that a particular person carries out.
Ananyev B.G. The main emphasis is on the incidents that a person encounters in life. From them the individual life of the individual is formed. The author divides the incidents into two groups, which are interconnected. The first concerns the environment and surroundings. This natural factors, social change. The second group is formed against the background life circumstances, in other words, comes from the behavioral factor.
Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. The theories are based on the fact that a person is dependent on many factors: social norms, living conditions, structures. Personality relies on conditions, conducts comparative analysis. The main task of an individual is to compare himself with established standards and find a place in life. At the same time, society is interested in the development of the individual. But a person independently creates conditions for acquiring professional skills, forms family relationships, turns on social connections. The main idea comes from this. It is necessary to recognize the path of life as a problem, not allowing spontaneous development, but using effort and intelligence.

life position - a person’s choice of how to lead his life, which is reflected in life manifestations;
life line - the opportunities and potential of people that arise in the present and move into the future;
the meaning of life - includes a specific person’s awareness of life as an integral machine.

The influence of an individual's age on a person's life path

Life scenarios are influenced by age expectations. A person adapts to established norms, sometimes deviates from them. Changes related to advancing the next age stage cause admiration among others. In this way, the individual gains authority. In turn, the lag behind age-related attitudes causes the public. A person reacts to such condemnations painfully. From this we can see a direct connection with how the age of an individual influences the individual’s life path.

It remains to find out what age is considered when attracting an individual to social norms. The following concepts exist:

Biological age. Does not always coincide with the number in the passport. To determine this, the state of a person’s health is taken and how metabolism proceeds is taken into account. The obtained data are compared with the average statistical indicators of a similar individual.
Psychological age. Human development, emotional and psychological components are considered. Then a comparative analysis is carried out, focusing on mental indicators recognized as the norm for a particular age. From such studies the following conclusions are drawn: a person is hyperactive, childish or too smart.
Social age. The skills that the individual currently possesses are studied. The individual’s activities are compared with generally accepted standards that the average person should have.

From the perspective of sociology, the life path is considered taking into account programs, attitudes, etc. Psychologists study the formation of a person’s outlook on life, the real idea of ​​oneself in the future. Sociology includes the level of optimism and a person's vision of the future, taking into account certain social groups and specific life circumstances.

Personal development and life path

When considering this issue, the study of Bühler S. is taken as a basis. To determine the concept, the human life scenario was considered taking into account the lines of development (97 species were found). Lines touch different areas: social, psychological, professional, family, labor. Based on research, 5 phases were derived that determine the development and life path of an individual:

The first phase is not included in a person’s life scenario. It is believed that from birth to the age of 16–20 years, a person has not yet started a family or begun a professional activity.

The second period is devoted to searching for a soul mate and trying to make contacts. From 16–20 years old and up to 30 people try various types of activities. During this period, the first dreams, goals, sketches appear future life. The second phase is characterized by a thirst for action and absent-mindedness.
The third phase includes adulthood. The maximum threshold is from 25 to 50 years. The beginning of the third period is determined by the creation of a family or a permanent profession. A person sets realistic goals and achieves them. Thanks to these actions, it is formed.

The fourth stage is from 45 to 70 years. There is a gradual decline in vital activity. Professional activity ends with retirement, children grow up and leave the family nest. This is a time of results and soul-searching. For many, this is a difficult period, as the aging process begins and biological withering occurs. An elderly person is prone to nostalgia and indulges in memories. Future plans are made taking into account the summed up results and current circumstances.
Fifth phase. At the age of 65, people say goodbye to work. Goals set in adolescence become irrelevant. A person’s thoughts remain in the past, social activity decreases. The personality focuses on hobbies, travel, and recreation. I don’t want to think about the future, since the imminent end of life is obvious. The final line of life's journey is drawn. A person who completes a goal feels satisfied. A person who has not achieved his or her goals feels disappointed.

A person’s choice of their life path

Man is designed in such a way that he attributes life’s mistakes and failures to the treachery of fate. And he appropriates luck to his own account, telling what titanic efforts were made to achieve the goal. Start analyzing mistakes and understanding why this happened. This is where a person’s choice of his life path begins. Analysis and understanding of what will follow after performing actions or deeds.

A person's life path includes income, success, professional activities and worldview. The attitude towards the surrounding world shapes the life path of an individual. Will you choose destruction or creation? To avoid disappointment, set achievable goals and do not live your life in vain, getting irritated, angry and offended by others. A person himself chooses and shapes his life path.

March 18, 2014

For the first time, the concept of a person’s life path was put forward by S. Bühler. She identified three life path lines. The first line is the objective logic of life, as a sequence of external events. The second line is a change in the experiences of these events. The third line is the results of human activity. S. Bühler believed that in life a person is driven by the desire for self-fulfillment and creativity. She took the concept of “event” as the basis for explaining life, distinguishing external and internal.

Almost simultaneously with S. Buhler, P. Janet sought to define the life path as the evolution of the personality itself, as a sequence of age stages of its development, stages of its biography.

The life path of an individual was deeply considered by S.L. Rubinstein. He believed that the concept of a person’s life path reflects the essence of the human personality, which finds its final expression in the fact that it not only develops like any organism, but also has its own history. A person is a person only insofar as he has his own history. In the course of this individual history, there are also “events” - key moments and turning points in an individual’s life path, when with the adoption of one or another decision, a person’s life path is determined for a more or less long period.


a very broad general scientific concept that describes progress individual development person from birth to death. It is often used as a synonym for the concepts “life time” and “life cycle”, but their content is different.

The term life time means the time interval between the birth and death of a person - the duration of life, regardless of its content.

The term life cycle implies repeating, relatively invariant aspects of development. These cycles are:

1) biological - successive stages of birth, growth, maturation, aging and death (-> ontogenesis);

2) social - the assimilation, fulfillment and, finally, loss of certain sets of labor, family and other social roles;

3) mixed, biosocial - a change in age generations, cohorts, where the biological laws of aging are complemented by social ones, due to which the younger ones first learn from the older ones, then act alongside them and then replace them.

In addition to individual life cycle, they also say:

1) about cycles family life: marriage - birth of children - family with children of different ages- a family from which adult children have already left, etc.;

2) professional career - from choosing a profession to retirement, etc.

The concept of a life cycle presupposes a certain closure, completeness of the process, the center of which is in oneself, and the sequence of stages is strictly defined. However, the most important steps human development are incomprehensible without taking into account the individual’s own efforts and his interaction with others, which cannot be described in cyclical terms.

Unlike the life cycle, the life path is characterized by multidimensionality and presupposes the presence of many autonomous trends, lines and development opportunities. Depending on the research tasks and style of thinking, natural and social sciences periodize the path of life in different ways. Biologists and psychophysiologists emphasize the importance of critical or sensitive periods, when the body is highly susceptible to certain external or internal factors, the impact of which at this and no other point of development produces important irreversible changes in it. Sociologists talk about social transitions, turning points in development, which are often accompanied by special rituals (rites of passage) that radically change the social position, status or structure of an individual’s activities: entering school, coming of age as a citizen, getting married, etc.

Since critical periods and social transitions are usually accompanied by significant, sometimes painful mental restructuring, psychology uses the special concept of age-related or normative life crises to describe these processes, which are recognized as statistically normal, typical for a given age or stage of the life path (-> age crisis). Knowledge of these critical periods and life crises is important practically.

The life path of an individual, like the history of mankind, is the result of the cohesion of many individually unique characters and circumstances that cannot be described only in terms of impersonal structures and processes. Life events that interest a psychotherapist-biographer have not only an objective meaning, but also a subjective personal meaning, the decoding of which requires special sources and methods of cognition (-> biographical method).

Not a single life event can be understood without correlating it:

1) with the chronological age of the individual at the time of the event;

2) with his cohort affiliation;

3) with the historical era and date of the event;

4) with the personal meaning of this event for the subject.

The chronology and sequence of many of the most important life events and social transitions (for example, the age of physical maturation, the time of graduation from school, the start of work, etc.) depend on macrosocial conditions.


the broadest scientific concept that describes the progress of individual human development from birth to death. It is often used as a synonym for the concepts “lifetime” and “life cycle”, but their content is different. The concept of “lifetime” means the time interval between the birth and death of a person, the duration of life, regardless of its content. The term "life cycle" implies recurring, more or less invariant aspects of development. These cycles can be biological, social, or mixed. In contrast to the “life cycle,” the life path is characterized by multidimensionality and presupposes the presence of many autonomous trends, lines and development opportunities. Natural and social sciences periodize the life course in different ways (sensitive periods, social transitions, normative life crises).

Life path

the process of individual development of a person from birth to death. In contrast to the “life span”, which simply means the time interval from birth to death, regardless of its content, and the “life cycle”, which implies repeating, more or less invariant (biological, social and biosocial) aspects of development, life is characterized by multidimensionality and presupposes the presence of many autonomous trends, lines and development opportunities, the implementation of which depends largely on the subject’s own choice. The study of housing has always occupied an important place in the sciences of man and society. However, its biological, social, historical and personal parameters remained disconnected. For a very long time, developmental psychology has been constructing personality life patterns according to the model of biological ontogenesis, reducing development to a set of naturally repeating cycles. This is associated with the rigidity and dogmatism of many age periodizations. On the contrary, the biographical method of German “understanding psychology” (E. Spranger, S. Bühler) concentrated mainly on the analysis of subjective experiences and the development of self-awareness. A fundamentally new integrative direction in the interdisciplinary study of housing that emerged after World War II is based on whole line prerequisites and achievements: 1) the emergence of long-term longitudinal psychological studies covering significant periods of life, and ideally the entire living space (life-span developmental psychology); 2) sociological structuring of housing. based on cohort and historical analysis (G.H. Elder), taking into account changes in family development cycles, socio-age criteria for maturation and the time of major social transitions; 3) the transformation of “developmental psychology” into developmental psychology, expanding its subject and conceptual boundaries using data from social gerontology and understanding the wide individual variability of all processes of change and development; 4) understanding of the need to study individual development in a changing world. Interdisciplinary research in Zh.p. have a strong influence on the psychology and sociology of personality, the theory of education and other sections of the human sciences. I. S. Kon

A person's life path... What is it? A simple set of biographical facts or a subjective picture of the world, something predestined or mobile, changing at the will of the individual himself?

Questions that cannot be answered so easily. However, you can reflect and see what opinions scientists express about this fundamental problem.

What Science Says

The problem of the life path is studied by many disciplines: psychology, history, philosophy, biology... And of course, experts in each field suggest looking at this problem from a certain angle. For example, biologists talk about the importance of the so-called sensitive periods in human life, that is, those in which the most favorable conditions for the formation of certain properties and qualities of the body (for example, the period of speech development).

Sociologists note the importance of social rituals: coming of age, marriage... Indeed, after such events, as a rule, a person acquires a new set of rights and responsibilities, his attitude towards himself and the attitude of others towards him changes.

Now psychology defines the life path of an individual very broadly: the process of individual development from birth to death. But is it really individual? Each of us is influenced by the rules and norms accepted in society, the same social rituals that exist in every culture.

It is believed that you need to finish school, then university, work, start a family... Or are the biological stages of development the same for all organisms of the same species, which we also already mentioned? And then how to find your own, truly your own path, if everything seems to have already been decided for you?

Here another term appears - “life cycle”. It precisely includes repeating, already defined stages of development that all people must go through - biological and social stages. The first, for example, includes birth, childhood, adolescence, growing up, aging... The second - the assimilation of any social role, its execution, and then its abandonment.

Where are we going?

It was from the definition of the life cycle that Charlotte Bühler, the researcher who proposed the concept of “personal life path,” started. Unlike the life cycle, the life course includes the ability to choose from a variety of options. Considering the relationship between life cycle phases and studying biographies real people belonging to different social groups, she identified three lines that set the direction of human life.

  • Objective events that replace each other.
  • The way a person experiences the change of these events is his spiritual world.
  • The results of human actions.

In general, as Buhler believed, the main force that forces a person to move along the path of life is the desire for “self-realization,” that is, the achievement of all goals, conscious or unconscious. Bühler identified stages of life's journey based on two factors - a person's age and his attitude towards goals in each period of development.

  • Up to 16-20 years: before self-determination. Questions about how to find one’s path in life do not yet bother a person.
  • Up to 25-30 years: activation of tendencies towards self-determination. A person searches for a suitable type of activity and chooses a life partner. Goals and plans for life are still preliminary.
  • Up to 45-50 years: the culmination of self-determination. This is the time of prosperity: it is believed that it was possible to determine a professional calling and create a stable family. There are already results that can be compared with the intended goals. However, on at this stage a crisis may come. The individual may realize that the goals were not achieved or were set incorrectly.
  • Up to 65-70 years: decreased tendencies towards self-determination. The psychology of personality is changing: from now on, a person is more turned back to the past, and not to the possibility of new achievements.
  • From 70 years: after self-determination. A person is overcome by the desire for regularity and peace. At this stage, the individual can evaluate life as a whole.

Bühler identified the event as an elementary structural unit of life, and, as she believed, events can be objective (occurring in the external world) and subjective (in inner world personality). It is interesting that a large number of the latter, according to the researcher, indicates more active attempts to find out their purpose, a stronger desire for self-determination.

The first Russian scientist to consider the problem of the life path, S. L. Rubinstein, also adhered to the event-based approach. In his opinion, only certain turning points that set the direction of personality development in the future period of life can be classified as events. Rubinstein insisted that the life course must be considered not only as a process of development of the organism, but also as the individual history of a particular person.

K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya also emphasizes the individual contribution of a person. The researcher does not deny that a person is limited by society and the norms prevailing in it, but at the same time, she is able, by comparing herself with others, to find her place in the world. A special look at your own life is important - it must be considered as manageable, subject to the mind and efforts of a person.

Finding myself

Modern psychology in general notes several factors influencing a person’s life path: a certain historical period, objective events occurring during it, social norms, the actions of an individual, her internal experiences, and so on.

One way or another, it is difficult not to admit that the choice of life path largely depends on the person himself. Any periodization of life development is conditional, each approach is subjective.

For example, one can argue with the stage of old age in Bühler's concept. Yes, of course, this is a less active period compared to adulthood, but life (especially in our age) does not stop at all after 70 years. It’s the same with the very early stage: there are certain individuals who, already in adolescence, decided on plans for the rest of their lives.

This should not be forgotten when trying to find your path in life: in the end, the choice is always yours. Of course, the problem of choosing a life path will not be solved after reading this text. She won’t make up her mind even after a dozen such texts or more serious psychological works.

Psychology can only partially help here, but competent psychological training or consultation with a specialist may suggest which direction to move in. In any case, you have started searching for an answer, which means you have stepped onto a complex, but incredibly interesting and useful way self-improvement. And this is already great! Author: Evgenia Bessonova