Discoveries and technologies of the future that will change our lives (17 photos)

“Everything that could be invented has already been invented,” US Patent Office official Charles Duell said in 1899, and he was wrong. The greatest minds of the 19th century could not even imagine how much the life of civilization would change in the 20th century. But we live in the era of information, and using...

Medicines for cancer and AIDS

In the Middle Ages, a plague pandemic killed a third of Europe's population. The medicine of that time turned out to be completely powerless against the terrible disease, but today residents of civilized countries of the world often have no idea about this disease. Perhaps in the future, diseases such as AIDS or cancer will also disappear into oblivion forever.

Interestingly, scientists from the University of Jerusalem Roni Nowarski and Moshe Kotler proposed treating cancer with... HIV. The fact is that even after radiation therapy, cancer cells can repair their damaged DNA. But the immunodeficiency virus contains the Vif protein, which does not allow them to do this trick.

HIV Molecule 3D Model

Of course, this technology is just one of many medical developments introduced recently, and there is no guarantee of its success. In addition, often the main obstacle to recovery is not the lack of medications, but their high price. Therefore, in the future, drugs should become not only more effective, but also cheaper.

Billions of dollars are being spent on finding a cure for AIDS, but progress in the fight against this disease is limited only to prolonging the lives of patients: to date, only two out of millions of patients have been therapeutically cured of HIV. In 2008, leading American virologist and laureate Nobel Prize David Baltimore generally questioned the possible victory over the “scourge of the 20th” century. One of the reasons for this is high level adaptability of the virus to new drugs.

Cancer cell

Human cloning

Despite Dolly the sheep and a number of other inspiring examples, human cloning is still a question of the future. There are a lot of obstacles to carrying out such a complex experiment - from technological to moral and ethical (we wrote about the problem of cloning in the June 2013 issue of the magazine, in the article “Attack on the Clones” - NS). Religion makes its contribution to this issue by opposing such experiments. However, we still have a chance to see real clones in the future. But don’t believe the movie cliches - exactly repeat the appearance and structure of thinking specific person will not succeed, because each of us gets our own unique path of formation, development and life experience.

Russian physician Viktor Yarovoy described in 2008 mental disorder, which allegedly became widespread in modern society- “bionalism”. According to the doctor, it lies in the fear of cloned people who may turn out to be more perfect than mere mortals.

Currently, the most promising method for cloning large mammals is the somatic cell nuclear transfer method. It involves removing nuclear genetic material from the egg and replacing it with other DNA. In the future, other, more advanced methods of human cloning may appear.

Memory implantation

According to some scientists, in the future there will be implants that will allow a person to restore damaged memory. They will prove indispensable when serious illnesses or brain injuries.

One of possible ways expansion of memory capabilities was discovered by Canadian researcher Andres Lozano: electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus allowed the patient to remember long-forgotten events that took place about 30 years ago. Interestingly, Andres Lozano was working on a completely different problem: by stimulating the hypothalamus, he wanted to influence an obese patient, suppressing his insatiable appetite. But in the end, I came across a method that in the future may provide invaluable help in treating Alzheimer's disease.

But such an approach can only become the first link in a long chain of scientific discoveries. Already, scientists from the United States are working on creating a mathematical model of memory programmed on a microchip. Researchers believe that in the future such a chip with pre-recorded memories could be implanted into the brain of a person suffering from memory disorders.

The idea of ​​using memory implants is played out in the famous melodrama “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.” The film is about a certain company that can erase unwanted memories of his past from a person’s memory. However, such ideas have appeared on the big screen before - just remember the cult epic Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger, based on the novel by Philip K. Dick.

Perhaps in the distant future, technologies will appear that will make it possible to implant any “memory” into the human brain. Science fiction writers love to write about this, and as we know, they are often right. The introduction of other people's memories can be considered one of the key technologies for manipulating people. Fortunately, this does not threaten us in the foreseeable future.


Always having a device at hand that can analyze any substance, object or living organism in a second is a tempting prospect. Portable tricorders have become an integral part of future novels and science fiction films. Viewers could see such a device in the famous science fiction series Star Trek. In the film, the tricorder could reveal the structure of a particular substance, determine the degree of physical damage, or even recognize a new organism - for this it was enough to bring the device to the object being studied.

Inspired by the romance of Star Trek, scientist Peter Jansen set out to create the first tricorder in 2007. The device he developed should determine the temperature environment, humidity, range, electromagnetic spectrum and composition of matter. The tricorder has a touch display and communicates with a computer via Bluetooth.

There are other attempts to create something similar; one such project is being implemented at NASA. However, all these systems exist in the form of concepts or prototypes; in their capabilities, they are infinitely far from the devices familiar to us from science fiction films and novels. But in the future, the tricorder may become as common a part of our lives as a computer or mobile phone.

In addition to the listed models, there is at least one more prototype of a fantastic tricorder, and it can even be purchased. The Scout medical scanner is the latest development from Scanadu. With the help of this small device Pulse, heart activity, temperature and blood oxygen levels can be measured. You just need to bring the device to your temple.

Peter Jansen's tricorder

Moving holograms

Not long ago, a project with the simple name Holho was presented. The display designed for smartphones and tablets is more correctly called pseudo-holographic, since the three-dimensional image is created due to optical illusion. The device itself is a small translucent pyramid.

What about more serious developments in this area? Very soon the world may change with a project from Provision 3D Media. HoloVision technology will be able to reproduce a hologram the size of a human being and will be based on fundamentally new technical solutions. The company has not yet announced what these solutions are. Now Provision 3D Media is busy looking for investments for its project.

Flying cars

For now, flying cars are cutting through the skies of only fictional worlds, but someday we will be able to see such a development in real life. What might such a development look like? The main difference between a flying car and conventional helicopters and airplanes should be its compactness and independence from complex infrastructure. This is exactly what developers are trying to achieve today.

One of the latest such projects is an airmobile presented by Slovak designer Stefan Klein. He called it Aeromobil 2.5. The machine has wings and, while in the air, moves due to a pushing propeller. On the ground, the device can accelerate to 160 km/h, in the sky - up to 200. Stefan Klein worked out the design of his invention in detail, guided by the principle: “only beautiful devices fly well.”

Stefan Klein's Aeromobil 2.5 project

In total, about two dozen operating models of flying cars have been created to date. Among Russian projects The experimental model “Lark-4”, developed through the efforts of the National Aero Club of Russia, became famous. This flying car can accommodate four passengers.

Another interesting development was the TF-X car. The company's project Terrafugia is a flying car with folding wings. In its aerodynamic design, the TF-X is somewhat reminiscent of a tiltrotor and in flight can accelerate to 160 km/h. Approximate price cars - 280 thousand dollars.

But cars like the TF-X probably won't revolutionize it. The very high price and many bureaucratic obstacles negate the mass appeal of such new products. Of course, by adding wings to a car, you can amuse the public, but this does not mean that everyone will immediately rush to buy it. To change the world, developers will have to make a real technological leap.

Flying car with folding wings TF-X


Like many inventions of the future, teleportation came into our lives from the pages of science fiction novels. Perhaps, of all the futuristic ideas, this is the one that evokes the most admiration. The ability to move anywhere in the world in a split second makes you feel awestruck. But is something like this possible in real life?

The word “teleportation” is also used in science, although here it does not quite mean “instant movement in space.” For example, quantum teleportation involves the transfer of a quantum state from one particle to another, “linked” to it. If we talk about teleportation in the usual (sci-fi) sense, this idea is only a deep theory. And although science fiction writers have outlined many issues related to teleportation, movement in space remains infinitely far from real life.

The main problem is that in order to instantly transfer an object in space, this same object must first be... destroyed, having previously “save” its initial state. In this case, after the trip, the structure of the object will have to be assembled together. And even this is just a bold fantasy, far from science. However, who knows, maybe teleportation will still get a start in life.

History knows many mysterious cases related to teleportation both in space and time. Allegedly, people were transported thousands of kilometers in a matter of seconds, while remaining safe and sound. According to eyewitness accounts, they did not even understand what had happened to them. However, the known laws of physics disprove the possibility of such travel.

"Force field"

Another guest from the distant future is the “power shield”. According to the artistic concept, this unknown field will be able to provide complete safety for everyone inside it, protection from any external influence, including nuclear weapons.

In real life, one of the main problems with this idea is the need for energy. It’s hard to even imagine how much power is needed to power such a screen. But even if a suitable energy source is found, scientists are not clear about the mechanism of operation of the “power shield”. It will be decades (and probably hundreds of years) before it is possible to imagine what phenomenon or physical principle could be used for this.


“It is important to understand what kind of future we are talking about,” says the famous Russian futurist Danila Medvedev. – But if you remove the time frame, then the main changes will be related to improvement artificial intelligence. Some scientists call the development of artificial intelligence “humanity’s last major invention.” It is likely that in the 21st century, most of the processes that are currently performed by people will be automated. We can even expect automation of intellectual activity. Of course, all this will radically change our usual way of life. In addition to the development of artificial intelligence, the main changes in the future may be associated with the extension human life. In the future, it will be possible to reconstruct and grow organs. Of course, all this will affect life expectancy.

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The future of science fiction films is much closer than it seems. New devices can greatly change our world - they return the ability to walk or see to people with disabilities, make us stronger or simply add joy and comfort to life.

website I chose 10 inventions that have already entered our lives or will become part of it very soon.

1. A device that will help paralyzed people get back on their feet

At the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, scientists are working to create a device that will help restore control of the body to paralyzed people. This small and very important device consists of two parts - one chip is located in the brain, the second in the spinal cord.

After spinal injuries, the conduction of nerve impulses is disrupted, but the brain continues to issue commands, although they do not reach the muscles. Spinal interface duplicates signals nervous system and makes it possible to regain the ability to move. In the future, this will greatly change the lives of many people, and now the device is being tested.

2. Sensors for portable diagnostics

There are already applications that monitor the number of steps or teach proper nutrition, and in the near future, with the help of biosensors, smartphones will be able to measure the number of calories in the food we eat, monitor the amount of oxygen in the blood, do ECG, EEG and much more. Thus, diagnostics will become easier and more accessible.

3. Robot companions

Personal robots are already a reality, but Jimbo is much more than a stationary speaker with an indicator light. This robot is more like Eve from the cartoon about Valli - he can move and express emotions. Jimbo can dance, laugh, come when you call, he can become a full-fledged companion for a person, which takes our relationship with robots to a new level. Of course, Jimbo still has a lot to learn, but today he is ready for mass production and can soon become a part of everyday life. You can see how it works.

4. Glasses that allow the blind to see

5. Dentistry without drilling

Children's dreams of the end of the era of drills are becoming a reality. Brix 3000 gel softens the area damaged by caries, preserving the healthy part of the tooth, after which the caries is easily removed and the doctor can immediately place a filling. The procedure is completely painless, and in the near future, drilling will remain only in memories.

6. Running shoes that help you move faster

Faster, higher, stronger - that's how the new Futurecraft 4D sneakers from Adidas help you move. The secret is simple - the midsole in such shoes is made using 3D printing and is customized individually - in size, shape, flexibility, impact mitigation strength and coating features. In the future, custom soles will be printed directly in the store, but for now the series is sold with soles made according to Adidas' calculations based on the company's experience.

7. Supercomputer with artificial intelligence for diagnosing diseases

Correct diagnosis is the main factor in successful treatment. But even the most experienced doctor cannot keep in his head all the information about all diseases, all clinical researches and possible symptoms - remember, even the brilliant Dr. House was wrong. IBM decided to compensate for the imperfections of human memory with the help of a new invention - “Doctor Watson”. During the examination of the patient by a real doctor, “Watson” selects all the global literature that may be relevant to the current case and gives his forecast, after which the doctor looks at the machine’s calculations and makes a final diagnosis. We hope that with the help of Watson, medicine will become even more effective.

8. Adaptive wheels

Cars will also get their own cool gadget - airless wheels with adaptive tread. The new Michelin wheel is made from a porous but durable material; it does not require inflation and is not afraid of punctures. The main feature of the company's development is a 3D-printed tread that can be changed to suit road and road conditions. weather. The wheel itself does not need to be changed.

9. Robot surgeons

Even at this very minute, somewhere in the world, a surgical robot is already performing an operation. The daVinchi company produces equipment that helps carry out high-precision operations, including over long distances.

Modern surgeons in medical schools are already taught the art of not only working with a scalpel, but also managing such machines. The robots, in turn, are being improved to accurately reproduce the movements of a doctor's hand. On the one hand, surgery will become more complex, on the other hand, it will become more reliable and more accessible, because one doctor will be able to perform operations anywhere, connecting to local equipment.

10. Exoskeletons That Help Paralyzed People Move Again

“I'm a quadriplegic and I recently used an exoskeleton. My physical therapist holds me so I don't fall because I usually have a walker in front of me. Just recently walked 826 steps!” - this is exactly how one of the patients with quadriplegia - partial or complete paralysis of all limbs - described his experience with the exoskeleton. Currently, about 3,000 patients are undergoing training at Ekso Bionics, mastering the control of the exoskeleton.

This device not only helps paralyzed people move again, but can also be used to perform strenuous physical work. In Korea, some workers are already using exoskeletons to be faster and stronger.

Bonus: low-calorie ice cream

Halo Top produces protein-enriched ice cream with... different tastes, which uses stevia instead of regular sugar. Ice cream also contains cane sugar and sugar alcohols. Of course, this ice cream cannot be called completely dietary, but even a person strictly watching their weight can afford to eat a portion without remorse, because half a liter of such a treat contains only 360 calories, or 72 calories per 100 grams. This helped propel Halo Top ice cream to the top-selling product in the United States.

Write in the comments what you think about the world of the future and new inventions.

“Everything that could be invented has already been invented,” US Patent Office official Charles Duell said in 1899, and he was wrong. The greatest minds of the 19th century could not even imagine how much the life of civilization would change in the 20th century. But we live in the era of informatization, and, using the available data, we can imagine what inventions will appear in the future.

Medicines for cancer and AIDS

In the Middle Ages, a plague pandemic killed a third of Europe's population. The medicine of that time turned out to be completely powerless against the terrible disease, but today residents of civilized countries of the world often have no idea about this disease. Perhaps in the future, diseases such as AIDS or cancer will also disappear into oblivion forever.

Interestingly, scientists from the University of Jerusalem Roni Nowarski and Moshe Kotler proposed treating cancer with... HIV. The fact is that even after radiation therapy, cancer cells can repair their damaged DNA. But the immunodeficiency virus contains the Vif protein, which does not allow them to do this trick.

HIV Molecule 3D Model / Depositphotos

Of course, this technology is just one of many medical developments introduced recently, and there is no guarantee of its success. In addition, often the main obstacle to recovery is not the lack of drugs, but their high cost. Therefore, in the future, drugs should become not only more effective, but also cheaper.

Billions of dollars are being spent on finding a cure for AIDS, but progress in the fight against this disease is limited only to prolonging the lives of patients: to date, only two out of millions of patients have been therapeutically cured of HIV. In 2008, leading American virologist and Nobel laureate David Baltimore generally questioned the possible victory over the “scourge of the 20th” century. One of the reasons for this is the high level of adaptability of the virus to new drugs.

Cancer cell / Depositphotos

Human cloning

Despite Dolly the sheep and a number of other inspiring examples, human cloning is still a question of the future. There are a lot of obstacles to carrying out such a complex experiment - from technological to moral and ethical (we wrote about the problem of cloning in the June 2013 issue of the magazine, in the article “Attack on the Clones” - NS). Religion makes its contribution to this issue by opposing such experiments. However, we still have a chance to see real clones in the future. But don’t believe the movie cliches - it will not be possible to exactly replicate the appearance and structure of thinking of a particular person, because each of us receives our own unique path of formation, development and life experience.

Russian physician Viktor Yarovoy in 2008 described a mental disorder that has allegedly become widespread in modern society - “bionalism.” According to the doctor, it lies in the fear of cloned people who may turn out to be more perfect than mere mortals.

Currently, the most promising method for cloning large mammals is the somatic cell nuclear transfer method. It involves removing nuclear genetic material from the egg and replacing it with other DNA. In the future, other, more advanced methods of human cloning may appear.

Memory implantation

According to some scientists, in the future there will be implants that will allow a person to restore damaged memory. They will be indispensable in case of severe illnesses or brain injuries.

One of the possible ways to expand memory capabilities was discovered by Canadian researcher Andres Lozano: electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus allowed the patient to remember long-forgotten events that took place about 30 years ago. Interestingly, Andres Lozano was working on a completely different problem: by stimulating the hypothalamus, he wanted to influence an obese patient, suppressing his insatiable appetite. But in the end, I came across a method that in the future may provide invaluable help in treating Alzheimer's disease.

But such an approach can only become the first link in a long chain of scientific discoveries. Already, scientists from the United States are working on creating a mathematical model of memory programmed on a microchip. Researchers believe that in the future such a chip with pre-recorded memories could be implanted into the brain of a person suffering from memory disorders.

The idea of ​​using memory implants is played out in the famous melodrama “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.” The film is about a certain company that can erase unwanted memories of his past from a person’s memory. However, such ideas have appeared on the big screen before - just remember the cult epic Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger, based on the novel by Philip K. Dick.

Perhaps in the distant future, technologies will appear that will make it possible to implant any “memory” into the human brain. Science fiction writers love to write about this, and as we know, they are often right. The introduction of other people's memories can be considered one of the key technologies for manipulating people. Fortunately, this does not threaten us in the foreseeable future.


Always having a device at hand that can analyze any substance, object or living organism in a second is a tempting prospect. Portable tricorders have become an integral part of future novels and science fiction films. Viewers could see such a device in the famous science fiction series Star Trek. In the film, the tricorder could reveal the structure of a particular substance, determine the degree of physical damage, or even recognize a new organism - for this it was enough to bring the device to the object being studied.

Inspired by the romance of Star Trek, scientist Peter Jansen set out to create the first tricorder in 2007. The device he developed must determine ambient temperature, humidity, range, electromagnetic spectrum and composition of matter. The tricorder has a touch display and communicates with a computer via Bluetooth.

There are other attempts to create something similar; one such project is being implemented at NASA. However, all these systems exist in the form of concepts or prototypes; in their capabilities, they are infinitely far from the devices familiar to us from science fiction films and novels. But in the future, the tricorder may become as common a part of our lives as a computer or mobile phone.

In addition to the listed models, there is at least one more prototype of a fantastic tricorder, and it can even be purchased. The Scout medical scanner is the latest development from Scanadu. This small device can measure your pulse, heart activity, temperature and blood oxygen levels. You just need to bring the device to your temple.

Pieter Jansen Tricorder

Moving holograms

Not long ago, a project with the simple name Holho was presented. The display designed for smartphones and tablets is more correctly called pseudo-holographic, since the three-dimensional image is created due to optical illusion. The device itself is a small translucent pyramid.

What about more serious developments in this area? Very soon the world may change with a project from Provision 3D Media. HoloVision technology will be able to reproduce a hologram the size of a human being and will be based on fundamentally new technical solutions. The company has not yet announced what these solutions are. Now Provision 3D Media is busy looking for investments for its project.

Flying cars

For now, flying cars are crisscrossing the skies of only fictional worlds, but someday we will be able to see such a development in real life. What might such a development look like? The main difference between a flying car and conventional helicopters and airplanes should be its compactness and independence from complex infrastructure. This is exactly what developers are trying to achieve today.

One of the latest such projects is an airmobile presented by Slovak designer Stefan Klein. He called it Aeromobil 2.5. The machine has wings and, while in the air, moves due to a pushing propeller. On the ground, the device can accelerate to 160 km/h, in the sky - up to 200. Stefan Klein worked out the design of his invention in detail, guided by the principle: “only beautiful devices fly well.”

Stefan Klein project Aeromobil 2.5 / Aeromobil

In total, about two dozen operating models of flying cars have been created to date. Among Russian projects, the Lark-4 experimental model, developed through the efforts of the National Aero Club of Russia, became famous. This flying car can accommodate four passengers.

Another interesting development was the TF-X car. The company's project Terrafugia is a flying car with folding wings. In its aerodynamic design, the TF-X is somewhat reminiscent of a tiltrotor and in flight can accelerate to 160 km/h. The estimated price of the car is 280 thousand dollars.

But cars like the TF-X probably won't revolutionize it. The very high price and many bureaucratic obstacles negate the mass appeal of such new products. Of course, by adding wings to a car, you can amuse the public, but this does not mean that everyone will immediately rush to buy it. To change the world, developers will have to make a real technological leap.

Flying car with folding wings TF-X / Terrafugia


Like many inventions of the future, teleportation came into our lives from the pages of science fiction novels. Perhaps, of all the futuristic ideas, this is the one that evokes the most admiration. The ability to move anywhere in the world in a split second makes you feel awestruck. But is something like this possible in real life?

The word “teleportation” is also used in science, although here it does not quite mean “instant movement in space.” For example, quantum teleportation involves the transfer of a quantum state from one particle to another, “linked” to it. If we talk about teleportation in the usual (sci-fi) sense, this idea is only a deep theory. And although science fiction writers have outlined many issues related to teleportation, movement in space remains infinitely far from real life.

The main problem is that in order to instantly transfer an object in space, this same object must first be... destroyed, having previously “save” its initial state. In this case, after the trip, the structure of the object will have to be assembled together. And even this is just a bold fantasy, far from science. However, who knows, maybe teleportation will still get a start in life.

History knows many mysterious cases related to teleportation both in space and time. Allegedly, people were transported thousands of kilometers in a matter of seconds, while remaining safe and sound. According to eyewitness accounts, they did not even understand what had happened to them. However, the known laws of physics disprove the possibility of such travel.

"Force field"

Another guest from the distant future is the “power shield”. According to the artistic concept, this unknown field will be able to provide complete safety for everyone inside it, protection from any external influence, including nuclear weapons.

In real life, one of the main problems with this idea is the need for energy. It’s hard to even imagine how much power is needed to power such a screen. But even if a suitable energy source is found, scientists are not clear about the mechanism of operation of the “power shield”. It will be decades (and probably hundreds of years) before it is possible to imagine what phenomenon or physical principle could be used for this.


“It is important to understand what kind of future we are talking about,” says the famous Russian futurist Danila Medvedev. “But if you remove the time frame, the main changes will be related to the improvement of artificial intelligence. Some scientists call the development of artificial intelligence “humanity’s last major invention.” It is likely that in the 21st century, most of the processes that are currently performed by people will be automated. We can even expect automation of intellectual activity. Of course, all this will radically change our usual way of life. In addition to the development of artificial intelligence, the main changes of the future may be associated with the extension of human life. In the future, it will be possible to reconstruct and grow organs. Of course, all this will affect life expectancy.


The world is improving every day, inventing and discovering something new, and without these advances we would not have come this far.

Scientists, researchers, developers and designers from all over the world are trying to implement things that will simplify our lives and make it more interesting.

Here are some technologies future , which raise our lives to a completely different level.

New technologies of the future

1. Biorefrigerators

A Russian designer has come up with a concept for a refrigerator called the "Bio Robot Refrigerator" that cools food using biopolymer gel. There are no shelves, compartments or doors - you simply insert the food into the gel.

The idea was proposed by Yuri Dmitriev for the competition Electrolux Design Lab. The refrigerator uses only 8 percent of the home's energy for the control panel and requires no energy for actual cooling.

Biopolymer refrigerator gel uses light generated at cold temperatures to preserve food. The gel itself is odorless and non-sticky, and the refrigerator can be mounted on the wall or ceiling.

2. Ultra-fast 5G Internet from drones with solar panels

Google is working on solar-powered drones that deliver super-fast internet in a project called Project Skybender. In theory drones will provide Internet services 40 times faster than 4G networks, allowing gigabytes of data to be transferred per second.

The project involves the use of millimeter waves to provide the service, since the existing spectrum for mobile communications is too full.

However, these waves have a shorter range than the 4G mobile signal. Google is working on this problem, and if all technical problems can be solved, the Internet of unprecedented speed may soon appear.

3. 5D disks for eternal storage of terabytes of data

Researchers have created a 5D disk that records data in 5 dimensions that lasts for billions of years. It can store 360 terabytes of data and withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees.

The files on the disk are made of three layers of nanodots. The five dimensions of the disk refer to the size and orientation of the points, as well as their position within the three dimensions. As light passes through the disk, the dots change the polarization of the light, which is read by the microscope and polarizer.

The Southampton team behind the disc was able to record the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Newton's Optics, Magna Carta and the Bible on disc. In a few years, such a disk will no longer be an experiment, but will become the norm for data storage.

4. Injection of oxygen particles

Scientists from Boston Children's Hospital have developed microparticles filled with oxygen that can be injected into the bloodstream, allowing you to live even if you can't breathe.

The microparticles consist of a single layer of lipid capsules that surround a small bubble of oxygen. Capsules measuring 2-4 micrometers are suspended in a liquid that controls their size as bubbles bigger size may be dangerous.

When administered, the capsules encounter red blood cells and transfer oxygen. Thanks to this method, it was possible to introduce 70 percent of oxygen into the blood.

5. Underwater transport tunnels

Norway plans to build the world's first underwater floating bridges at a depth of 30 meters underwater using large pipes wide enough for two lanes.

Considering the difficulties of moving across the terrain, Norway decided to work on creating underwater bridges. The project, which has already cost $25 billion, is expected to be completed in 2035.

Other factors still need to be taken into account, such as the influence of wind, waves and strong currents on the bridge.

6. Bioluminescent trees

The development team decided to create bioluminescent trees using an enzyme found in some jellyfish and fireflies.

Such trees will be able to illuminate the streets and help passersby see better at night. A small version of the project has already been developed in the form of a plant that glows in the dark. The next step will be trees to light the streets.

7. Roll-up TVs

LG has developed a prototype TV that can be rolled up like a roll of paper.

The TV uses organic polymer LED technology to reduce the thickness of the screen.

Besides LG, other major electronics manufacturers such as Samsung, Sony And Mitsubishi are working to make screens more flexible and portable.

Future technology development

8. Bionic lens for lightRxhuman vision

Canadian doctor intends to conduct clinical testing "bionic lenses" that improve 100% vision by 3 times with an 8-minute painless operation.

The new lens will be available by 2017, enhancing the natural lens of the eye. During the operation, a syringe inserts a lens containing saline into the eye, and after 10 seconds, the folded lens straightens and is positioned over the natural lens, completely correcting vision.

9. Spray clothing

Spanish designer Manel Torres invented the world's first spray-on clothing. You can apply the spray to any part of the body, then remove it, rinse and wear again.

The spray is made from special fibers mixed with polymers that give the fabric elasticity and durability. This technology will allow designers to create unique items of clothing with original designs.

10. Portraits obtained from DNA

Student Heather Duy-Hagborg creates 3D portraits from DNA found on cigarette butts and chewing gum on the street.

She enters DNA sequences into computer program, which creates the appearance of a person from a sample. This process typically produces a 25-year-old version of the person. The model is then printed into 3D portraits in life size.

11. Shopping in virtual reality

One of these stores was opened at the railway station in South Korea, where you can place an order by photographing the barcode, and your purchases will be delivered to your home.

Chain of stores Homeplus installed six screen doors with life-size images of shelves containing items you would buy in a supermarket. Under each item there is a barcode that can be scanned and sent using the app.

You can place an order at the station on your way to work, and the goods will be delivered to your home in the evening.

12. Self-driving cars

Expected that by 2020 there will be about 10 million driverless cars, which would reduce the number of deaths by 2,500 between 2014 and 2030.

Many car manufacturers have already started implementing some automated driving features in their vehicles.

There are also many companies trying to develop technology for self-driving cars, such as Google announcing a self-driving car prototype. A fully autonomous car is expected by 2019.

13. City under the dome

Construction underway in Dubai shopping center called "Mall of the World", covered with a retractable dome, which controls the climate inside and supplies air conditioning.

The complex will occupy an area of ​​4.46 km2 and will include a large beauty and health center, a cultural and entertainment district, hotels with 20 thousand rooms and much more. This will be the biggest shopping mall with an indoor theme park.

14. Artificial leaves transforming carbon dioxide And sunlight into fuel

Scientists have developed new solar cells that convert carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into fuel using the sun.

While there have been many attempts to convert carbon dioxide into something useful, this is the first time an actual method has been developed. Unlike other technologies that require noble metals such as silver, this method uses a tungsten-based material that is 20 times cheaper and 1,000 times faster.

These solar cells use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to produce syngas, a mixture of hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide, which can be directly burned or converted into hydrocarbon fuels.

Technologies of the near future

15. Plasma force field that protects cars from accidents and collisions

Boeing has patented a method to create a plasma field by quickly heating air to quickly absorb shock waves.

The force field can be generated using lasers or microwave radiation. The plasma created is air heated to a higher temperature than the surrounding air, with a different density and composition. The company believes it will be able to reflect and absorb the energy generated by the explosion, protecting those inside the field.

If the technology can be brought to life, it will be a revolutionary development in the military field.

16. Floating cities

Floating ecopolois, named Lilypad, was proposed by architect Vincent Callebaut for future climate refugees as a long-term solution to rising sea levels. The city can accommodate 50,000 people using renewable energy.

Almost gone, 2017 turned out to be a year of great discoveries - space agencies began to use reusable rockets, patients can now fight cancer cells using their own blood cells, and a group of scientists discovered a lost continent in the Southern Hemisphere called Zealand.

These and other mind-blowing discoveries and incredible scientific advances of 2017 are described in more detail below.


An international team of 32 scientists discovered in the southern part Pacific Ocean lost continent - Zealand. It is located under Pacific waters, on seabed, between New Zealand and New Caledonia. Zealand was not always under water, as scientists were able to discover fossilized remains of plants and land animals.

New form of life

Scientists managed to create in laboratory conditions something closest to new form life. The fact is that the DNA of all living beings consists of natural pairs of amino acids: adenine-thymine and guanine-cytosine. Most of DNA is built from these nitrogenous bases. However, scientists were able to create an unnatural base pair that coexisted quite comfortably with natural pairs in the DNA of E. coli.

This discovery has the potential to impact future medical developments and may contribute to longer retention medicines in organism.

All the gold in the universe

Scientists have discovered exactly how all the gold in the universe (as well as platinum and silver) is formed. In the process of colliding two very small, but very heavy stars, located at a distance of 130 million light years from Earth, one hundred octillion dollars worth of gold was formed.

For the first time in the history of observing stars, astronomers were able to witness the collision of two neutron stars. Two massive cosmic bodies were heading towards each other at a speed equal to a third of the speed of light, and their collision resulted in the creation of gravitational waves that could be felt on Earth.

Secrets of the Great Pyramid

Scientists take a new look at Great Pyramid Giza and discovered a secret hall there. Using new technology scanning based on high-speed particles, scientists discovered a secret room in the depths of the pyramid, which no one had even suspected before. For now, scientists can only guess why this room was built.

New method to fight cancer

Scientists can now use immune system human to fight some cancer cells. For example, to fight childhood leukemia, doctors remove the child's blood cells, modify them, and reintroduce them into the body. While this process is extremely expensive, the technology is developing and has enormous potential.

New indicators from the poles

Not all discoveries in 2017 were positive. For example, in July, a huge piece of ice broke off from the Antarctic ice sheet, becoming the third largest iceberg on record.

In addition, scientists say that the Arctic may never regain its title as the eternally icy pole.

New planets

NASA scientists have discovered seven more exoplanets that could theoretically support life in the form we know on Earth.

As many as seven planets have been spotted in the neighboring star system TRAPPIST-1, at least six of which are solid, like Earth. All these planets are located in a zone favorable for the formation of water and life. What's great about this discovery is the intimacy star system and the possibility of further detailed study of the planets.

Farewell to Cassini

In 2017, the automated Cassini space station, which had been studying Saturn and its many moons for 13 years, burned up in the planet’s atmosphere. This was the planned end of the mission, which scientists chose to do deliberately in an attempt to avoid Cassini colliding with possibly habitable moons of Saturn.

Just before its death, Cassini flew around Titan and flew through the icy rings of Saturn, sending unique images to Earth.

MRI for babies

The tiniest babies being treated or examined in hospital now have their own magnetic resonance imaging scanner, safe to use in the same room as the babies.

Reusable rocket booster

SpaceX has invented a new rocket booster that doesn't fall back to Earth after the rocket launches and can be used multiple times.

Boosters are one of the most expensive parts of launching a rocket into space, and they usually all end up on the ocean floor immediately after launch. A very expensive disposable device, without which it is impossible to reach orbit.

However, SpaceX's new heavy boosters can be retrofitted relatively easily and cheaply, saving $18 million per launch. In 2017, Elon Musk’s company has already carried out about 20 launches followed by the landing of a booster.

New advances in genetics

Scientists are one step closer to being able to edit a person's DNA, eliminating birth defects, diseases and genetic abnormalities before birth. Geneticists in Oregon have successfully edited the DNA of a living human embryo for the first time.

In addition, eGenesis announced that it will soon be possible to transplant large vital organs from pig donors into humans. The company managed to create a genetic virus blocker that does not transmit animal viruses to humans.

Breakthrough in quantum teleportation

The possibility of teleportation of quantum information has long been studied by scientists. Previously, it was possible to teleport data over a distance of several tens of kilometers.

For the first time in the history of quantum teleportation, a Chinese scientist managed to transmit information about photons (light particles) from Earth to space using mirrors and lasers.

This discovery could fundamentally change the way we transmit information around the world and transport energy. Quantum teleportation could lead to a completely new kind of quantum computers and information transfer. The Internet of the near future may become faster, safer and virtually impenetrable to hackers.