Safe flowers for the home. Indoor plants that cannot be kept at home, photos, names, and which ones can

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In late autumn, I want to add color to life and to the surrounding interior, and since it is easiest and most useful to do this with the help of indoor plants, the article today will be about them.

The history of growing plants at home goes back over 5,000 years, according to scientists.

Over the past time, the perception of indoor plants has changed, now we grow most of the flowers for decorative purposes, forgetting that green friends can be good for our health if we choose them correctly. In addition, well-chosen flowers will complement the most modest room, create comfort, enliven the atmosphere. They will be pleasing to the eye. winter evenings when it's cold and uncomfortable outside.

The positive effect of domestic plants on the human body is well studied and beyond doubt. Here are some "useful" examples:

  1. Closed, unventilated rooms contain a fairly large amount of carbon dioxide. Plants take in CO2 and release oxygen into the air.
  2. There are many objects around us made of toxic materials. All of them emit substances, to put it mildly, not useful for our body. For residents of megacities, simple ventilation will not help to get rid of odors and toxins, because outside the window is air saturated with exhaust gases and emissions from enterprises that contain fine dust, heavy metals, sulfur and other substances. Many plants are able to absorb substances harmful to humans, and many types of indoor plants release phytoncides into the air - substances that kill microbes.
  3. Modern apartments are full of devices that emit electromagnetic radiation - computers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, televisions, hair dryers. Its prolonged exposure affects the well-being causing headaches, insomnia and fatigue. Part electromagnetic radiation also absorbed by our green pets.
  4. AT winter period heating radiators dry out the air in the room, which is bad for the skin and health in general. Houseplants, on the contrary, moisturize it.
  5. Many medicinal plants can be kept at home and used to treat wounds, burns, colds and other diseases.

It should be noted that flowers do not require as much care as animals. Caring for them can be entrusted even to a child who will learn to appreciate and cherish the beautiful

What flowers should be in the house

When creating a corner of wildlife, it is worth taking a closer look at those plants that are especially useful for various reasons.

For example, chlorophytum absorbs up to 80% harmful substances thus purifying the air. It successfully fights moldy fungi and pathogens.

Aloe is a home doctor. Helps with colds, headaches, treats inflammation and stops bleeding. Aloe juice is effective for the treatment of bronchi, stomach ulcers and gastritis, as well as tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis and many other diseases.

You can talk about which indoor plants are useful for the home for a long time, general information you can read about what flowers must be in the house suitable for any room in the article “About useful indoor plants. And are there any that cannot be kept at home?. There you will also learn about pets, which for various reasons, imaginary and real, are not recommended to be kept at home.

It is equally important to choose the right place for each plant so that its effect is maximum.

Indoor flowers for the kitchen

Peppermint is grown not only on the street, but also in pots on the windowsill.

It stimulates digestion and improves appetite. Mint leaves will be a good seasoning for many dishes.

Saintpaulia, or Uzumbar violet, perfectly cleans the air from carbon monoxide. It also moisturizes it, which is important for the kitchen and helps smooth out temperature changes.

Ficus collects dust well. Its leathery leaves are easy to wipe and wash. Ficus saturates the air with oxygen, cleans from odors and harmful impurities.

Golden Scindapsus is a fast-growing vine that purifies the air well and is unpretentious enough to fit in the kitchen. Scindapsus will look beautiful as in hanging planter as well as kitchen cabinets.

Sansevieria, or mother-in-law's tongue, is so hardy that it can be kept directly near the stove. It tolerates a lack of light, partially compensated by artificial lighting.

The style of the kitchen is wonderfully complemented by lemon, pomegranate blossoms, miniature peppers.

At one time I grew quite a long time hot peppers in flower pots in the kitchen, I must say that it is very unpretentious, and without problems yields a crop of peppers.

Indoor flowers for a children's room

In the children's room, plants that have a calming effect on nervous system and relieving stress.

It can be citrus fruits: lemon, orange and others.

It does not matter whether the tree will bear fruit, so you can grow it from the seed with your own hands. Citrus leaves have at least useful properties than fruits. Essential oils secreted by these plants will soothe the child, relieve fatigue, provide a healthy and sound sleep

Fat woman, otherwise Money Tree”, will instill in the child diligence and purify the air in the nursery.


and cyclamen

effectively destroy harmful bacteria. In addition, their wonderful appearance able to wake Creative skills baby.

Do not put cactus, dieffenbachia, Benjamin's ficus, philodendron, ivy in the child's room. These flowers can cause allergies or be traumatic.

Indoor flowers for the bedroom

A good choice for this room would be myrtle

and eucalyptus.

The leaves of these plants secrete substances that relieve bronchospasm and facilitate breathing, which is useful for asthmatics.

Araucaria will fill the room with the freshness of a coniferous forest if you can properly care for it.

In general, according to Feng Shui, for mutual love and consent in the bedroom should be placed red plants. It could be feces


or spathiphyllum.

The red camellia will refresh the relationship even when there are no problems between the couple.

Do not put thorny plants in the bedroom, as it is believed that they contribute to quarrels and irritation. Ivy, tradescantia, hoya, scindapsus are considered to be "husbands". Why this happened, one can only guess))

Indoor flowers for female happiness

Talking about what plants are useful for the home, how can you forget about the flowers that bring harmony and love to the house. In the first place, of course, spathiphyllum, which is called so - " woman's happiness". He will help a single woman find her soul mate and keep the love of a married woman.

Aichrizon has leaves that look like hearts. The plant grows no higher than 30 cm and brings love and happiness to its owner.

Fruit dwarf pomegranate, according to legend, will strengthen relationships if eaten by both spouses.

Can geraniums be kept at home?

The answer to this question can only be positive.

Geranium has long been known for its healing properties. Pelargonium (geranium) destroys pathogenic bacteria, fights moths, can relieve irritation and insomnia. It is believed that this flower drives out evil spirits and evil spirits. Moreover, it promotes self-expression, luck and achievement of goals.

Unfortunately, in one article it is not possible to present all the useful indoor plants for the home with a photo. Experiment, grow them yourself and see that the atmosphere in your home will change for the better.

Flowers for good luck, money and family happiness

1. Spathiphyllum. If you have been single for a long time or are constantly quarreling with your husband, plant a spathiphyllum, because it is not for nothing that its second name is “Women's happiness”.

2. Violet. The violet is called the flower of peace. It has been noticed that in a house where violets grow and bloom, household members very rarely quarrel. And the violet symbolizes eternal devotion. If you are going through a difficult period in your life - get a white violet, it helps to endure mental suffering more easily.

3. Chinese rose, or hibiscus. Hibiscus is the symbol of Malaysia, the emblem of Hawaii. There, this plant is considered a symbol of peace, and also of passion.

4. wax ivy, hoya. In many countries, this plant serves as ... a declaration of love, a green valentine for Valentine's Day. The best place for hoya in the house - a bedroom.

5. Myrtle. Best gift for a young family. Myrtle will bring peace, happiness and understanding to the house.

6. Aichrizon. folk name aichrizona speak for themselves: the tree of happiness, the tree of love.

7. Calathea. Calathea will save family happiness. Calathea is a very good gift for those who are going to dissolve the marriage.

8. Chlorophytum. This unsightly plant, by its very appearance in the house, promises peace and mutual understanding. it a good choice and for office space where a lot of work different people who need to be able to get along. Home chlorophytum purifies the air: put it in a room with new furniture or to an apartment where repairs have just been completed, and the flower will absorb all the chemistry from the air!

9. Oksalis, or sour. Despite such a sour name, oxalis can brighten up the life of a lonely person. It is believed that sour helps the owner find true love.

10. Anthurium. This is a male talisman. Anthurium is also called "male happiness", because it has a beneficial effect on potency. Well, at least that's what they say. And therefore, such a flower has no place in the kitchen ...

Akalifa gives the strong half of humanity masculinity and fortitude, and the beautiful half - softness and femininity. Cyclamen drives away nightmares.

Flowers that bring trouble

But indoor flowers give us not only positive energy. They say, ivy an unreliable man “survives” from the house, and small children do not sleep well in the room where this energetically strong plant grows.

- a very strong flower, but this power is not useful to everyone. Monster should not be started by people suffering from throat diseases. To tame a green vampire, hang a blue cord on the flower, preferably with a piece of rock crystal.

And now the most important thing ... Remember that all plants are living beings, they return good for good. If you plant flowers just because it is fashionable, you will not enjoy being around them, and they will not be in best form next to a person who does not care about them. And you should not buy a plant for selfish purposes, such as a money tree for the sake of wealth or a spathiphyllum for the sake of a personal life, because the plants feel that they are simply being used. Love your flowers, take care of them, and they will become a faithful and reliable guardian of your home.

The Village turned to professional florists and found out key points, which you need to know so that home plants can last in your apartment for more than a month, cut flowers stand longer, and watercress rises on the windowsill.

What plants are best for keeping at home?

Ilya Shinin:"Most undemanding plants- these are not abundantly flowering, more often decorative and deciduous species. These include monstera, anthurium, scindapsus, syngonium, spathiphyllum, crassula, echeveria, various sedums, different kinds and varieties of ficuses, ferns. A plant bought in a store must be transplanted into suitable soil.

Venera Shakurova:“If you need plants that do not require special care, choose ivy, chlorophytum, tradescantia, aglaonema or cacti. There are more whimsical ficuses, palm trees, flowering azaleas or orchids, but they become a full-fledged component of the interior. Some plants can be kept at home in winter and put on the balcony in summer: roses, hydrangeas, chrysanthemums, cineraria. Recently, conifers have also received indoor status: they can be grown at home quite long time and then transplanted into the garden.

What trends are the most relevant in the field of phytodesign?

Andrey Dvoeglazov:“Trend number one is green walls. A vertical carpet of plants is created by planting them in panels of synthetic felt with prepared pockets of a certain size. They have built-in automated drip irrigation. shape and colors you can set any style and ornament.

Irina Volkova:“No one, of course, says:“ Kalanchoe is in fashion this season. Trends in phytodesign are more about the decor of vases and planters than plant varieties. For example, it is now customary to plant all kinds of trees in giant designer pots. Especially good in them look small tangerine, lemon, olive, myrtle trees. Another popular trend is the florariums in glass. Plants are planted in transparent vases, aquariums and jars so that soil, pebbles and roots can be seen. Supertrend - a variety of unpretentious succulents in a long wooden box. Cacti with multi-colored flowers on tops, planted in one wide pot-dish, look interesting. Returns style „ hall in a sanatorium": this is when one huge plant is placed next to a sofa or armchairs. The second life began suspended structures for plants a la macrame. But the most important thing is to forget about artificial flowers. All designers and florists agree on one thing: a plant that is located where it can be touched and examined must be alive! Better use dried flowers. Lavender, eucalyptus, cotton branches in beautiful bottles, dried lotus boxes will do.”

venera shakurova: “If we talk about topical plants, then today it is, perhaps, ficuses, dracaena and orchids. In terms of formats, mini-greenhouses are now popular, that is, a variety of miniature flowers planted in close proximity to each other. However, such gardens require careful and painstaking care.

How to choose plants depending on the interior?

Irina Volkova:“If you have chambers in the style of Napoleon III, you should think about acquiring plants of exotic forms (ferns, palms, monstera): this is how aristocrats decorated their houses. Plants will look good in modern high-tech interiors simple shapes, with clearly readable leaves, directed upwards, without carelessness and falling (for example, amaryllis and anthurium). Interiors in eco or loft style can be supplemented with assorted plants planted in a large wooden box with forged fittings, or those same florariums. And if suddenly you want to add vanilla to the apartment in the spirit of Miss Umbridge from „ Harry Potter, look out for begonias and camellias that resemble spray roses, as well as campanulas and azaleas that look like miniature lilies. Suitable planters can still be found at IKEA, Crate & Barrel, Zara Home, H&M Home, as well as Wonderwood workshop or florist shops like Azalea.

How to choose plants depending on the purpose of the room?

Andrey Dvoeglazov: " AT small bedrooms with sealed windows, it is not recommended to place a large number of plants, since in the dark they absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide, which can cause a headache. Plants with fragrant flowers (gardenias, lilies) should also be avoided. It will be enough to have a couple of small planters with ornamental plants on the window or on the bedside table. You can place a pot of lavender next to the bed, the aroma of which soothes and helps you fall asleep. True, lavender does not live very long in an average apartment.

In the kitchen, it is better to keep plants with dense leathery (rather than pubescent) leaves, since it is easier to wash off fatty deposits from them. If you have gas stove, plants that can quickly purify the air of harmful impurities will not interfere - various types of chlorophytum and aglaonem.

There are no significant restrictions in the choice of plants for the living room. Near a large window, ficuses will feel good, in the darker part of the room - monstera and philodendrons. They will fit nicely flowering plants as an alternative to bouquets and cut flower arrangements.

In a bathroom with a window, you can place plants that require high humidity air: various orchids, ferns, saintpaulias, small aroid, arrowroot. In a windowless bathroom, flowers will live only if they are illuminated with phytolamps. Approximately the same situation with the hallway. Shade-tolerant aspidistra, which is not afraid of drafts, will survive in the corridor, but only if it is supplemented with additional lighting.

What kind of pots should you buy?

Ilya Shinin: « The best pots for the maintenance of indoor plants were and remain clay. This material breathes and therefore root system is in optimal conditions.

Venera Shakurova:“It is most convenient to use a planter with a built-in automatic watering system. It can be purchased separately and installed in the type of planter that suits your interior. The shape of the pot can be any, but the size must be monitored. Be guided by the previous capacity: the new one should be three to four centimeters larger in diameter, which will ensure comfortable growth of the root system, and consequently, the growth of the ground part of the plant. Too large a planter will greatly slow down the development of flowers.

Andrey Dvoeglazov:"The most common poisonous home plant, which is able to grow to the ceiling - dieffenbachia. Professional landscapers avoid it.”

Ilya Shinin:“There are plants that contain poisonous potent substances in their juice or individual parts. As a rule, they belong to the families of aroid, kutra, amaryllis and euphorbia.

Venera Shakurova:“Ficuses, hydrangeas, spurge, azalea, monstera, croton and many other plants contain some poisonous substances. If there are small children in the house, they should be prevented from trying to taste the flower, but in general, all these plants are completely safe for both people and animals. Allergies can be caused by flowering plants like rhododendron, cyclamen, geraniums and others with pollen.

Why do potted plants that we buy blooming die quickly after purchase?

Ilya Shinin:“When buying a profusely flowering indoor plant (azalea, cyclamen, campanula, rose and others), it should be borne in mind that this is primarily a forcing crop. That is, in order to make the plant bloom profusely, the manufacturer uses special agricultural practices that cannot be recreated at home. Therefore, the purchase of such a plant should be regarded as an alternative to cut flowers or a bouquet. The only thing that can be done is to timely transplant the plant after flowering from the substrate into the appropriate soil and create the necessary ecological conditions for the species.”

What greens can be grown at home without difficulty?

Andrey Dvoeglazov:“Dill, parsley, mint and lemon balm grow easily and quickly. Seeds require minimal conditions: a bright window sill and timely watering. Thyme and laurel are also suitable, but it is better to buy them already prepared bush.

Ilya Shinin:“At home, watercress will feel good, green onion, lavender, laurel, rosemary, chili pepper. Do not forget about pelargoniums and citrus fruits, which saturate the air with phytoncides, thereby purifying it and having a bactericidal effect.”

What flowers are useful to keep in the workplace?

Ilya Shinin:“Cacti and succulents coexist best with appliances around which dry heated air is formed. Even in such conditions, they need to be watered once a week, not more often. Zamioculcas, a tropical plant with small fleshy leaves, will feel great on the desktop today. True, it does not bloom. I advise you to put a small flower on the table so that it does not dominate the rest of the objects and does not distract from work.

How to choose fresh cut flowers for your home?

Irina Volkova:"AT classic interiors flowerpots with hydrangea caps look great. These flowers are difficult to tolerate cold, heat and lack of water, but their beauty overrides any torment associated with processing. Before installing in the water, be sure to cut the stem by three to four centimeters (it is better to cut it right in the water and in no case with scissors).

In winter, pay attention to anemones and ranunculus: unfortunately, their season is short. All florists love these flowers! It is better to put them in simple transparent vases: the pattern that the stems create in the water is almost more beautiful than the flowers themselves.

Floral analogues of food products will look great in the kitchen: brassica bouquet, hypericum berries, floristic artichokes, blackberries and peppers. An incredible aroma will be settled in the house of freesia, lilies, chamelacium, fresh eucalyptus greens. Callas and amaryllis will add severity.

At home, I often put my favorite and beloved royal protea. If you want something scary, but bewitching, bring Proteus, Leukospermum and Leukodendron into the house.

What can I do to make the flowers last longer?

First of all, remove from the flowers the foliage that may be in the water. Otherwise, it will fall into the water, begin to rot, infect the stem with bacteria and, as a result, the entire flower. In addition, the leaves also like to drink water, so if they are not removed, the flower itself will get significantly less nutrition.

Cut the stem with a knife at least three centimeters and immediately lower the flower into the water (or better, cut the stem right in the water). So there will be less chance that the air will clog the vessels through which water enters the flower.

Plants with a woody stem (Protea, Hydrangea, Pittosporum) are briefly placed in hot water to open up blood vessels.

The more often you change the water and prune the stem a little, the longer your flowers will last.

Photo:, shutterstock

Creating comfort in own house, very hard to find correct wallpaper, carpets, furniture and other items. It is equally difficult to choose the right indoor plants that will not only please the eye, but also benefit for one reason or another. We bring to your attention a selection of 25 indoor flowers with photos and names that must grow in the house.


Colorful ornamental shrub heather family. The flower comes from India, China, the mountains of Siberia and the Caucasus. The leaves of the flower are small, symmetrical on long legs. The flowers are large, multicolored, curly. Azalea has a lot of interpretations about growing a house. Many sources say that a lush and blooming azalea in the house will bring good luck to the household in the business field.

Aloe (agave)

Shrub plant with dense and fleshy arrow-shaped leaves. The ends of the leaves are covered with spines. The plant may be light green in color or with small white speckles. Aloe can be called a "home doctor", it irreplaceable plant in the house. Helps with colds, headaches, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the throat and nose, diseases oral cavity, boils and abscesses. An excellent tool in home cosmetology. Effectively stops bleeding.

Anthurium (Male happiness)

Lush houseplant with glossy, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. The flowers are large in the form of an ear with a single petal around. The flowers are usually brilliant red. The flower comes from South America. It is generally accepted that Anthurium brings happiness to its male owner. The flower symbolizes courage, passion, strength, freedom, love.


evergreen coniferous plant in the form of a miniature tree with a pyramidal crown. Instead of leaves, the plant has soft green-yellow needles. Araucaria in the house will fill the home with freshness and coniferous aroma. Serves as an excellent air purifier.

wax ivy

evergreen climbing plant swine families. The plant has heart-shaped or oval leaves. dark green. An umbrella blooms inflorescences, on a long pedicel. The inflorescence can have up to 25 white, pink or red flowers. The plant is native to China. It is believed that the plant protects households from various misfortunes and removes negative energy. The plant cleans the air well and kills germs.


Lush houseplant with curly, light green, basal leaves. The flowers are small, lush, on high pedicels, in an umbrella inflorescence. Flowers can be white, pink, red. Geranium is famous for its antiseptic, bactericidal and antiviral effects. Very often, the plant is used in home medicine for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, otitis media, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, headache, toothache, pressure normalization, indigestion and wound healing. Geranium is also credited with the mystical properties of determining household diseases, the plant begins to wither and disappears when someone gets sick.


Perennial bulbous houseplant of the lily family. The plant is native to tropical America. The leaves are belt-shaped, dense, dark green in color, up to 60 centimeters in height. The stem is single juicy dense, up to 90 centimeters in height. The flowers are large, lily-shaped, collected in an umbrella inflorescence of 2-6 flowers. The color of flowers can be very diverse. The plant cleans the air well.

Cactus (Echinopsis)

The cactus has a spherical symmetrical body with small needles. The body color of the cactus is dark green, the body is ribbed. Blooming cactus, good care, in late spring and every year. The cactus throws out a shaggy soft arrow at the end of which a bud opens. One bud blooms for 1-3 days. Flowers exude lovely fragrance. You need to put a cactus in places where any radiation is possible (computer, TV and other equipment). Cacti attract money and protect the house from thieves.


Lush houseplant with heart-shaped leaves speckled with white or plain, dark green. Leaves on long stems. Flowers solitary on long stalks. The flower consists of one colorful folded petal and the center of the cob. The color of flowers can be white, pink, red, beige, yellow. The flower comes from South Africa. Calla possesses magical powers transform aggressive energy into the energy of joy and triumph. It is customary to consider calla a talisman at home, and also a generator of goodness and joy.


Bushy houseplant covered with large oval leaves with a corrugated pattern. The leaves are dark green with light green or burgundy patches. Leaves arranged symmetrically on high succulent legs. It blooms with small yellow or white flowers. The flowers are located low on separate legs. Calathea cleans the air well in the room. The flower is considered to be an absorber negative energy. According to many beliefs, Calathea brings peace to the family.


Lush houseplant with spatulate or oval leaves. The leaves are dark green, shiny, on separate legs, basal. Flowers in inflorescence umbrella, small, color may be different. In the house, Kalanchoe is considered to be a full-fledged "home doctor". The plant is able to heal wounds, regenerate the skin, treat a runny nose, treat stomach ulcers, treat varicose veins veins and more.


Lush bushy houseplant. The leaves are oval, shiny, dark green. The flowers are large, red, on separate pedicels. Outwardly, the flower is similar to a peony flower. Camellia in the house, to good luck in creative and career endeavors.


Tree houseplant. The tree trunk is thin, single. The crown of the tree is formed from small branches and small frequent leaves. Crown of myrtle in the form of a ball. Myrtle is considered to be a plant capable of giving eternal youth. The plant brings family happiness and eternal love to the house.


Bushy plant. plant leaves purple. Outwardly, the flower looks like a “flock of purple butterflies”. Oxalis blooms with small white flowers in umbellate inflorescences of 5-10 pieces. The flower has the ability to weave. Oxalis can be eaten in salads and as a substitute for sorrel. The flower is recommended to the house for those who want to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Oxalis has the ability to sharpen the senses and enhance intuition.


Indoor rose has many varieties. A spray rose is similar in appearance to street roses. A climbing rose does not grow in a room. tree rose or Chinese rose believed to bring bad luck. Shrub rose in the house - ancient symbol wealth, love and prosperity.

Sansevieria (Teschin language)

Bushy massive plant. The leaves are juicy, large, xiphoid. Leaves can reach 2 meters in height. The leaves of the plant can be solid dark green or interspersed with white and even with a light stripe in the middle of the leaf. Sansevieria promotes family well-being and harmony. ethnoscience did not lose sight of the medicinal antiseptic properties of the leaves of the plant. Leaf juice heals wounds and stops bleeding.

Saintpaulia (violet)

Low growing houseplant. The leaves of the violet are oval, dense with a rough surface. The color of the leaves is bluish-green. Each leaf is on a separate leg. The leaves are lying, located in the basal part of the plant. The flowers are regular, on separate pedicels. Flowers can be pink, red, purple, white, yellow or multi-colored. It all depends on the type. According to popular belief, violet brings family well-being. The plant is considered a symbol of eternal love.

Spathiphyllum (Women's happiness)

Lush houseplant with glossy, dark green, heart-shaped or oval leaves. Sheets are corrugated. The flowers are large in the form of an ear with a single petal around. The flowers are white, matte. The flower comes from South America. It is generally accepted that Spathiphyllum brings happiness to its female owner. I will return the flower, tenderness, hope, love.

Scindapsus golden

Weaving indoor liana plant. The leaves are oval or heart-shaped, dark green. The leaves may be bordered with a yellow stripe or with yellow patches. The plant in most cases is used as an excellent air purifier. The flower is able to transform the energy of laziness into mobility.

Fat Woman (Money Tree)

Indoor tree plant. The trunk of the tree is dense, it can be both squat and high (depending on the subspecies of the plant). The leaves are small, oval, juicy, dark green. The leaves are symmetrically arranged along the branches. According to Chinese beliefs, the leaves of the tree resemble coins. It is believed that the plant attracts money to the house.


Tall indoor plant. The stem is dense. single, can be up to 1.5 meters in height. The stem may be brown or burgundy. The leaves are large, oval, juicy, dark green. Ficus maintains an even energy balance in the house. Great air purifier.


Bushy houseplant. The leaves are light green, thin and bending, sword-shaped. There is a light strip in the middle of the leaf. There are a lot of leaves on the bush. A plant native to the subtropics. Chlorophytum is an excellent air purifier. The plant is able to fill the air with useful phytoncides. The people call the plant "family happiness." It is believed to bring happiness, comfort and peace to the family.


Lush bushy houseplant. The leaves are dark green. gray, matte. There are whitish patches in the leaves. Flowers solitary on their own stalks. The flowers look like butterflies. The color of flowers can be varied. Most often, flowers have the correct natural gradient. The plant has a powerful energy. Excellent antidepressant. Drives away bad dreams and dispels fears.

Citrus tree (lemon, mandarin)

citrus tree in the house it can be either a lemon or a tangerine. The trunk of the tree is strong and massive. The leaves are small, dark green, on thin branches. Crown on such indoor trees often spherical. Most often when proper care fruits form on the tree. The citrus tree in the house is an excellent air purifier. Also, the plant fills the house with citrus freshness, which improves the sleep of the household and improves the general mood.


Bushy houseplant. The leaves of the plant are small, dark green, symmetrically arranged on separate legs. Eucalyptus purifies and refreshes the air. Eucalyptus leaves have very beneficial properties for asthmatics. Also, the plant is very useful for people with bronchial diseases and a runny nose.

Stretching out their hands to the stars, people often forget about the flowers under their feet. » Jeremy Bentham

Living in a city apartment alienated a person from nature, and we are all trying to compensate for our lack of communication with it with home indoor flowers, which not only delight us with their growth, green leaves and flowering. Plants are able to respond to a person's condition, and get sick with frequent quarrels in the family. Like pets - animals, they love when they communicate with them, and can heal a person.

The properties of indoor plants are not limited to this. And if you want to know what are the best useful houseplants to get for your home to fill it positive energy, bring love and prosperity into it, and purify the air of harmful substances, then the following are the main “green helpers” that you should pay attention to.

Useful indoor plants that purify the air of harmful substances

The plants that we plant for beauty can help us not only relieve stress when we admire their beauty and greenery, saturate the room with oxygen, but also cleanse it of such harmful substances as sulfur and nitrogen compounds, carbon monoxide, benzene and formaldehyde fumes. . They can also reduce harmful effect per person - soot, dust and other types of allergens. Let's take a look at a few of these filter plants that you definitely need to put in your home.

- will decorate any room. But besides beauty, this plant is in the first place in purifying the air in apartments and offices. It is able to neutralize harmful formaldehyde vapors, cleanse the room of carbon monoxide and cigarette smoke, and destroy pathogens and allergens.

- stands in first place in its popularity, and this is not surprising. He is popularly called the "agave" for his large number medicinal properties. Aloe juice disinfects and heals wounds, improves appetite and has choleretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is included in the medicinal compositions that increase immunity, treats ulcers and gastritis, sinusitis and runny nose.

- has similar properties. It restores tissues, heals wounds and burns, tonsillitis and periodontal disease, helps with the common cold, and gynecological diseases.

is considered one of the most strong talismans bringing material well-being and prosperity. Especially if you bury a coin in her flowerpot. At correct pruning resembles a miniature bonsai tree.

- suitable for those who want to bring into the house not just money, but dollars. His magical "money" abilities were discovered in America.

- is also considered a plant with properties to attract money into the house.

- a plant with powerful energy, and it is one of the "money" plants. Therefore, if you want money not to be transferred in the house, choose one of these colors for yourself.

- will bring prosperity and prosperity to your home. In fact, this is Dracaena Sander, and it only looks like bamboo. This plant loves water so much that it can grow even in a glass of water, without soil.

- is one of the plants that give success and good luck in all matters and helps to establish good, friendly relations.

- very beautiful plant and it helps creative people gives inspiration.

- decorating houses for Christmas, also refers to plants that help creative people and give inspiration and success in business.

If you want to improve your health, then they can help you with this - young, calamus, pachyphytum, agave and fuchsia. For creativity and talent development, install balsam, arrowroot, cross or coleus in the house. To return love, strengthen the family and find your other half will help - Chinese rose, saintpaulia, flagolist or spathiphyllum, anthurium and aichrizon.

The list of plants that can become your home doctors is actually very large, and all of them can be grown not only on the street, but also at home. At the same time, they are very interesting in their shape of leaves, their colors and can also please with beautiful flowers.

The plants that we install in our home not only give us happiness in love or heal wounds. They humidify the air, saturate it with oxygen, and create a healthier microclimate in the room, cheer us up. A house decorated with flowers looks more comfortable, and becomes a real "home" in which it is so good to relax after a working day. The main thing is to choose for your home not just “useful plants”, but those that suit and like you.