Which saints should you pray for work and material well-being? Which saints to pray to - the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" in Khovrino

Each of us has moments in our lives when we simply need help from Above. In many everyday situations: in illnesses and illnesses; when applying for a job and at the beginning of any business; at a loss as to what to do and at a decision important issues; to preserve the family and when searching for our soul mate, we ask the Lord, the Mother of God and the saints to save, bless, preserve, protect and help us.

In a special need, it is best, in addition to lighting a candle and praying for what you ask, to order a prayer service and submit a note of health (repose) to the altar.

Which saints should we pray to for certain needs?

Turn to the Lord, especially if it concerns the correction of your life, repentance, recovery from addictions, passions. The closest Intercessor to us is the Most Pure Mother of God Who will always hear and bring your prayers to the Lord.

Of course, sometimes it is difficult for us to turn to the Lord Himself because we do not know how to do it correctly. But we have saints who always hear us, who will always bring your prayers to the Throne of God. They were once people too and understand all the sorrows of our earthly life. Therefore, it is often easy to contact them. In them we often find the most real faithful assistants and intercessors for our souls. You can ask any saint for any of your requests., especially if you have a special admiration for a certain saint. Many Orthodox Christians love St. Matronushka and ask her in every need and are heard. Some people prefer it Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky, to someone the Venerable Sebastian of Karaganda. It is important that you believe that the saint you are turning to hears you.

Some saints during their lifetime especially helped in certain situations. For example, Saint Luke Voino-Yasenetsky was a surgeon and he especially helps in prayer about operations and making the correct diagnosis. The Icon of the Kazan Mother of God once showed a miracle of healing a blind man, and now people often pray to her for sight and healing of blindness. During his lifetime, Saint Boniface, being a simple man, loved to drink, but then, as we know from his life, he suffered a martyr’s death for Christ. And who, no matter how he, should pray for deliverance from this passion. After all, he knew what it was, what kind of torment it was. That is why some saints have a kind of “specialization”.

It is very good to read his life about the saint you are addressing. Then, believe me, it will become much closer and clearer to you, and the prayer will be more sincere.

I would like to say very briefly here about one negative phenomenon that is associated with the veneration of saints. The fact is that some perceive saints approximately the same way the pagans perceived their gods - according to the principle “which saint helps with what.” Such people come into church and ask: “Which saint should I light a candle to get an apartment?”, “Which saint should I pray for a toothache?” etc.

We must remember that saints are not some gods from whom you can get something, and from each to their own. Saints are not experts in issuing apartments, stopping toothaches, or other similar things. There are, of course, saints who were doctors during their lifetime, and we turn to them with a request for healing, for example, the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon. And indeed, through the prayers of such saints, many healings occur. But in no case should you use prayer to a saint as if it were some kind of idol that is needed only because you can get specific help from him.

Saints are first of all our heavenly friends who can help us in our progress on the path to salvation, on the path to God. And only secondarily saints are those who help us with specific everyday things.

So pray, the main thing is that your prayer comes from the depths of a warm heart and does not go against God’s will.

THOSE ICONS THAT ARE IN OUR TEMPLE WILL BE IN BOLD, AND A SMALL OR LARGE CHAIR IS INDICATED IN BRACKETS, by clicking on which you will follow a link and see where this or that icon is located in this chapel.

When deciding on any important matter and before starting it, they ask for the Lord’s help, Holy Mother of God, Guardian Angel, all saints.

You can order a prayer service “for a good cause” or a prayer service “to the icon of the Mother of God of Abalatskaya”.

About healing from illnesses:

Icon of the Mother of God "Healer"

Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon,

to the unmercenaries and miracle workers Kosma and Damian,

Venerable Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth,

Saint Luke Voino-Yasenetsky (especially during operations);

Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan,

Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow (eye disease);

to the holy prophet Moses (speech defects);
Blessed Matrona of Moscow (leg disease);
Holy Forerunner and Baptist Lord John(head diseases);
Icon of the Mother of God "Three Hands",

Saint Saint John of Damascus (hand disease);
Holy Hieromartyr Antipas (dental diseases);
the icon of the Mother of God "Vsetsaritsa" (oncological diseases);
Saint Agapit of Pechersk (women's diseases);
icon of the Mother of God "Mammal" (when children are sick).

For infertility:

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Semipalatinsk-Abalatskaya"

Saint Luke Voino-Yasenetsky
holy righteous Joachim and Anna;
to the holy prophet Zechariah and righteous Elizabeth.

To ensure a good pregnancy and successful delivery of the pregnancy:
icons of the Mother of God "Feodorovskaya", "Helper in Childbirth".

When breastfeeding:
Icon of the Mother of God "Mammal".

About a successful marriage:
Holy Mother of God;
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

To find a good bride:
To your patron saint.

About children and their improvement in life so that they can find a good job:

Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh

On resolving problems in marriage and reconciling husband and wife:
holy martyrs and confessors Guria, Samon and Aviv;

Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia.

About help in raising children:
icons of the Mother of God "Nursing" and "Mammal";
patron saints of their children.

For assistance in studying, for successfully passing exams (coursework, diplomas, tests, etc.):
Icon of the Mother of God "Addition of Mind";
Saint Venerable Sergius of Radonezh.

On resolving housing problems:
Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg;
Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow.

About assistance in construction:
Holy Kiev-Pechersk architect.

About help in poverty and need and all sorts of everyday problems:

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Semipalatinsk-Abalatskaya",

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky;
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker;
Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg;
Holy righteous Philaret the Merciful.

About returning lost items:
Holy Martyr Tryphon.

About travelers:
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

About assistance in trading matters ( successful business, entrepreneurship):
Holy Great Martyr John the New of Sochava.

About getting rid of drunkenness, drug addiction, addiction to gambling and slot machines:
icons of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”, “Seeking the Lost”, “Support of Sinners”;
Holy Martyr Boniface;
to the saint righteous John Kronstadt.

On deliverance from fornication:
Holy Martyr Boniface;
Saint Saint John the Long-Suffering of Pechersk;
Holy Venerable Mary of Egypt.

For assistance in court cases and prisoners:
Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker.

For help getting a job:

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Semipalatinsk-Abalatskaya",

Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg;
Holy Martyr Tryphon.

About military personnel:
Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George, Holy Martyr John the Warrior (these saints are prayed for military personnel and soldiers in all branches of the military);
Saint Archangel Michael (patron of pilots and astronauts);
Saint Apostle Andrew the First-Called (patron of sailors);
Holy Prophet Elijah (patron of the Airborne Forces).

About successful medical practice:
Saint Luke Voino-Yasenetsky.

On eradicating anger between loved ones, friends, colleagues, neighbors:
Icon of the Mother of God "Softening Evil Hearts".

From demonic misfortunes, about protection from sorcerers and witchcraft:
holy martyr Cyprian and martyr Justinia;
Holy Great Martyr Nikita;
Holy Martyr Tryphon.

About relatives and close people, lost, who do not go to the Orthodox Church:
icons of the Mother of God “Support of Sinners”, “Seeking of the Lost”.

In despondency, sadness and depression:
icon of the Mother of God “Quiet My Sorrows”, “Deliverance from the Troubles of the Suffering”.

Anyone who wants to receive anything from the Lord or from the saints must not only pray to them, but also build his life according to the commandments. Through the Gospel, God appeals to everyone with a request to be kind, loving, humble, etc., but people often do not want to listen to this, but themselves ask Him to help them in business.

For prayers to be successful, you must pray with words coming from the heart, with faith and hope for God’s help. And it should be remembered that not everything that a person asks from the Lord is useful for him. The Lord is not a machine that fulfills all desires, you just have to press the right button, that everything He sends is aimed at the benefit and salvation of the soul, although sometimes people think this is unfair.

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We bring to your attention the section of our website “Icon to Help”. On this page you will learn which saints to pray to in order to gain heavenly protection in certain matters and life situations.

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Which saints should I pray to?

Kristina Kondratieva, CEO icon painting workshop “Icon of the 21st century. Kuznetsov Letter" and the art gallery "Christina", answers the journalist's questions about whether turning to holy images can help get rid of alcohol addiction, how long this tradition has existed, what is the history of the appearance of the image of the Virgin Mary "Inexhaustible Chalice", etc.

I have a lot of problems modern man... Information overload, the rapid pace of life, a patchwork of phenomena and events, connected and unrelated, a wide range of indirect problems, and all this together completely absorbs the attention of a modern person, plunging him into an endless cycle of vanity. The soul is driven by the race of life, it lacks rest. His mind is not for a moment freed from the habit of scrolling through eternal questions within itself: “where to get money”, “how to get rid of diseases”, “how to create happy marriage", "how to overcome addictions to... (the list is almost endless)", "how to protect your children" and many others. Even on vacation, having changed the scenery, he is also tormented by them, because no matter where we go, there is no escape from problems - they relentlessly follow us, because they are locked inside us.

The soul suffers from the word mixer itching in the brain. She gets tired and loses strength when we realize that neither the advice of friends nor the numerous recipes from brochures on the topic “How to become happy, loved and rich” do not give the desired result. Then there remains the only authority, by appealing to which one can find deliverance from spiritual loneliness and defenselessness in the face of an abundance of life barriers, which are becoming more and more difficult to overcome. This is God's mercy, because when all earthly possibilities are exhausted, a person looks into the sky and realizes that he is ready to pray...

How to pray in front of an icon

But our life has historically developed in such a way that the majority of people, even having understood the need to turn to God, do not know how to speak to Him, in what words, and most importantly, how to prepare the soul for this communication and find out which saint to contact with questions in certain cases, which saints to pray to, in front of which icons, who to call for help in troubles and sorrows.

However, this is not the most difficult thing - you can find out which saint to pray for, ask, and we, in turn, will help you find the answer to these questions. The hardest thing is to concentrate, to stop extraneous thoughts in your head that distract you during prayer, but, leaving heartfelt concentration, stretch a thread from your heart personally to the saint to whom you want to pray today. For those who do not have the skill in prayer, this action - stopping the whirlwind of thoughts in the head - can be very difficult. However, if you want your prayer to be heard, you need to try again and again. Of course have prayer rule, designed to concentrate the soul, concentrate attention, but you need to get used to it, and both circumstances and the soul ask for prayer right now, and then just start praying in front of the icon. Icon, like magnifying glass, collecting the scattered rays of the sun into one scorching ray, gathers the attention of the person praying, helps him to renounce the bustle of life, to remain alone with the saint to whom the prayer is addressed.

So, it is very important to remember that we do not pray to the icon - we venerate the icon as a shrine, but we must pray to the Prototype, the most holy one, invisibly present behind the image in front of which we stand.

Starting to pray to the saint in front of his icon, you need to come to a state of inner silence, inner silence, as far as possible, imagine yourself standing before someone invisible, but completely real, believe in what he hears, for it is given to us only by our faith .

The prayer is not fulfilled immediately, it is important not to lose faith. The word itself is something - used full appears, gains full-otu. Praying more and more fervently and more convincingly, we seem to full- We open the vessel of our prayer. And one more thing: sometimes a person does not seem to forget to pray to a saint, and prays fervently, but what he wants does not come and does not come. This is normal: what we want will not fall into our hands right away - circumstances must line up so that in the confusion of earthly life, where we ourselves have already made quite a mess, everything will work out harmoniously, and this takes time. There may be another thing - a person’s desire is not too pure, there is some kind of deceit in him before himself, or it is not useful for a person, for the salvation of his soul. After all, often in adults in their desires, people are like children who persistently ask for an extra portion of ice cream or candy, or something else that can harm them, but they themselves do not know this yet... Therefore, after all, the prayer should always end with the words: “... if it is possible it is the will of God.”

Of course, you can pray only in your own words, but in critical cases that require special, more serious prayerful zeal, you should prepare for prayer especially. Take the time to communicate with God, because He is always with us throughout the Infinity of Time and Space.

In front of the icons of the Lord, the Mother of God, and the saints, for those who are not accustomed to daily prayers, or perhaps are just beginning to get used to the prayer experience, it is important to know: to ask for yourself, for someone, for something you need, even Having cleansed my soul a little.

Before starting your prayers, or even the day before, try to forgive within yourself at least one of those with whom your relationship is not going well. in the best possible way. Then, of course, if you regularly abuse alcohol, you often swear, using words related to informal vocabulary, - this also greatly burdens the soul, you often get irritated, your prayer is deprived of the necessary strength. The whole point is that the bigger the flaws burdened the soul is a very accurate image, it really becomes severe, the more difficult it is for her to take off with prayer. Sometimes what we call heaviness in the soul is an understanding, often intuitive, unconscious, of our own internal problems, of conflict with ourselves. This is why the intercession of the Lady of Heaven and the saints is important for us - their pure prayers, not burdened by sin, holy intercession before the Lord help us get what we want.

To receive an answer to a prayer, it is very important to start it right and end it right. Therefore, when you come to the icon, try to focus on prayer, push aside everyday thoughts and worries, forget about them for a while, personally addressing the one to whom you are offering prayer.

Before you begin your prayers, give yourself the blessing sign of the cross and say: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” After reading a prayer to the Lord, or the Mother of God, or the saint to whom you are addressing, accepted according to general church rules - one, two, as the soul requires, proceed to the end of the petition in this way: read “It is worthy to eat...” 1, “Glory to the Father and the Son , and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever,” three times, making the sign of the cross: “Lord, have mercy,” then “Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, reverend and God-bearing fathers ours and all saints, have mercy on us. Amen".

Then, having made the sign of the cross again and saying “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” you can ask the saint in his own words to especially protect you from some event, to help you solve problems. Ask for everything that is boiling over, for yourself, for your loved ones, only by turning with all your heart to the one you are asking. And then, having expressed your request, say “Amen” again. And again sign yourself with the sign of the cross.

Of course, we ask the saints to pray for us, as if leaving the main zeal to them and pinning our hopes on their holy prayers for us. But it’s not a bad idea to work hard yourself in order to fulfill your own requests, and in those very special cases, pray regularly for 40 days. And if you add a post to this, it will be very good. If the time is not, in principle, fast, then you can not be very strict: do not eat meat and fish on Wednesdays and Fridays, remove excess from the daily diet - that which is not intended for normal, complete nutrition, but only for the sake of gastronomic pleasure, and do not overeat. However, if someone, because of an uneaten cutlet or piece of meat, has a desire to “eat” one of their neighbors, it is better to still eat the cutlet or this piece, since fasting is just a lazy person who didn’t say that! - not a diet, but spiritual growth and the purification of soul and body necessary for this purpose. And if a person, while fasting, no longer thinks about the salvation of the soul, but about how not to eat something extra, this is no longer fasting.

Which saint should you pray to on what occasions?

First of all, of course, we should pray in front of the image Savior Jesus Christ, He is the main healer of our souls and bodies. The Savior Himself gave humanity His image and thus laid the foundation for icon painting. According to church tradition, having washed His face, Jesus Christ placed His face on the plate given to him, that is, the four-pointed plate, and on this plate the image of the Divine Face was miraculously imprinted without human hands. Ubrus was handed over to the terminally ill Tsar Abgar, who fervently believed in Christ. Abgar prayed to the Savior before this miraculous image, and the disease receded, and a little later it completely disappeared. Saints - they mediately pray for us before Him at our requests, and He makes decisions based on their holy prayers. And everyone has something like a certain sphere of authority before God.

And, of course, intensely in all difficult cases need to pray Holy Mother of God, Queen of Heaven - She, “The most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim,” stands above all the saints and for us is the first Intercessor and Intercessor before Her Son and our Lord. At the hour of her Dormition, the Mother of God promised not to abandon the apostles and all Christians after Her death. The words of the Mother of God that she will be with humanity all the days and will always intercede for us before God are confirmed day after day. The Most Holy Theotokos never leaves those who turn to her with sincere prayer in trouble. All of us, Orthodox Christian believers, are under Her Mother's care. Her heart accommodates the grieving, the offended, the hungry, the overwhelmed, and the sick. various diseases. She accepts everyone who comes to Her with sincere faith and sends Her help.

Traditionally, they also ask for help from their Guardian Angel and your saint heavenly patron. According to church tradition, every person at Holy Baptism is given by the Lord an incorporeal guardian angel. At the same time, a person also has a holy heavenly patron, the one in whose honor the holy name (given in Baptism) is given, and, possibly, another, a connection with whom can be given by the Lord through prayer. All our lives our personal Guardian Angel is invisibly present next to us, praying to the Lord for us, and after our death he will justify us before God.

Be in prayerful connection with your Guardian Angel and saint heavenly patron very important, they are the first intercessors for us before God, they invisibly guide us along the right path, protect us from mistakes, we just need to be able to listen and hear them, such a spiritual connection is best born from prayer. With any question, trouble, or difficulty, we can turn to our patron saints. To have success in business, to avoid difficulties, to express our gratitude, we sincerely say the words of prayer, calling on the heavenly patron saint whose name we bear: “Pray to God for me, holy servant of God (name), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.”

There are also separate the Saints, to whom we pray on special occasions, each of them received from the Lord a certain gift for their earthly work, and now the Lord works any miracles through their prayer for us. The Savior honored them all with the honor of being intercessors for us before God in various needs. These saints either themselves suffered a similar need or illness, or others received healing and help through them. Each of these saints who are prayed for some help, has something to do with this area.

From the lives of saints, we know that the grounds for a special prayerful appeal to a saint develop in different ways: some of the saints personally asked the Lord for the gift of helping people in specific life circumstances. Others had a revelation sent by God (for example, in a dream), in which it was reported that they had been given a gift to get rid of such and such a need, and after that the saints began to provide help to everyone who came to them. Trust in some saints was formed on the basis of “human rumor”, which created historical legends about them, and on the help that came from the saints.

Here it is appropriate to quote the words of the Deputy Chairman of the Department of External Affairs church connections Moscow Patriarchate Archpriest Father Vsevolod Chaplin:

“The patron of professions is chosen according to the deeds of the saint. This tradition has existed since Christian times immemorial. The Church specifically blesses us to consider this or that saint as a patron in business. Now it is usually announced by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. More recently, Alexy II blessed miners and all workers in the mining industry to turn to the Holy Great Martyr Barbara. But there is no list or “schedule” of how often and for what professions (narrow specializations or entire industries) a patron saint should be appointed.

If a patron has not yet been identified for your profession, you yourself can read the lives of the saints and find one whose deeds are related to your profession. For example, the patron of the Internet has not been officially announced, but as a result of discussions, Internet users themselves chose for themselves - some John the Evangelist, some Chrysostom.

Even better if this saint is your local. For example, there was a great martyr in your region who healed people with herbs, and you are a doctor - you pray to him.”

There are also saints whom people pray to, asking for help in any difficulties. These are the greatest saints who have been confirming their ambulance by sincere prayer to them. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, Saint Righteous John of Kronstadt, Saint Venerable Sergius of Radonezh, Saint Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, Saint Ambrose of Optina, Saint Mitrophan of Voronezh, Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow and others.

And - let us remind you once again - without a doubt, we must remember that when we pray to a saint in front of an icon, we must direct our thoughts to the Lord, the Giver of all good things, since the prayer for us will be a saint, and its fulfillment will come from God.

There are also patron saints certain type activities. The Great Martyr Barbara is the patron of the mining industry, and the patron of workers in all industries in one way or another connected with finance (customs officers, accountants, stock brokers) is the holy Apostle Matthew. Since November 2000, Saint Apostle Matthew has been the patron of the Russian tax police. Patron of deputies State Duma and also the military leaders is Saint George the Victorious. It is customary to pray to the Great Martyr John the New, Sachavsky, who himself was a merchant, to Saint Nicholas of Myra, otherwise Nicholas the Wonderworker, and St. Nicholas the Saint for help in trade.

Skeptical people say that this “specialization” of saints has ancient pagan roots. But! After all, in the Kingdom of Heaven the uniqueness of the individual is preserved and increased. Is it the one who himself put his soul into this profession who has completely devoted his professional service to God, does not will understand better will he respond to a “fellow” by profession and not more “addressed”? Previously, each profession had its own heavenly patron. Since ancient times, the Apostle Andrew has been the patron saint of fishermen and sailors, later in the Russian tradition he becomes the patron saint Russian statehood and the Navy. Since ancient times, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker has been the patron of sailors, merchants and children. Now, when new professions are appearing more and more often, many of them do not have their own heavenly patron, but sooner or later the question still arises of which saint to pray for success in newly emerging areas. How is the patron saint of new professions determined?

In Orthodoxy, patron saints are chosen much less often than in Catholicism, but they are still chosen. The procedure is quite simple. People, united by the desire and need to determine the patron saint of any region, submit a petition to the Church to obtain a patron saint. Next, the Church decides whether this is possible or not. In most cases, it becomes a saint who, during his earthly life, was related to this profession or to what it was intended for. Sometimes the patron saint of an industry becomes one of the saints whose memorial day coincides with the professional holiday of this industry. For example, the Special Purpose Missile Forces were formed on December 17, 1959, and when the question arose about the patron saint of the rocket men, the Holy Great Martyr Barbara was chosen, whose feast day in Orthodoxy also falls on December 17. Now the icon of St. Barbara is at almost every command post of missile divisions. It is worth noting that the Holy Great Martyr Barbara is also the heavenly patroness of miners and artillerymen.

Over time, Archangel Michael, the military leader of God's army, could not help but become the patron saint of the military, intelligence officers and bodyguards, and not only Christian ones. He is highly regarded by both Jews and Muslims. Archangel Michael is perhaps one of the most popular saints; greengrocers, artists, drivers, ambulance crews and water carriers consider him their patron, and later radiologists and specialists in radiotherapeutic treatment methods also began to consider him as their patron.

Archangel Gabriel, the messenger of God, who conveyed the words of God to the prophet Daniel, who announced to Zechariah the birth of his son, John the Baptist, as well as the good news for all humanity about the imminent birth of the Virgin Mary of the Divine Child, the Savior Jesus Christ, patronizes diplomats and postal employees. Apostle John the Theologian, who cares for the spread of Orthodox culture, who heard a revelation about the fate of the world on Mount Patmos and wrote it down in the book “Revelation (Apocalypse) of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian,” is the patron of book publishing and everyone related to books.

Saint Christopher, who lived as a hermit near a river stream and led travelers across it, became the heavenly patron of motorists, traffic police and travelers. According to the Life of the Saint, he once asked to be taken across the river young boy. Saint Christopher (before baptism - Offero) carried the child across the stream in his arms, but the weight of the boy almost crushed Offero. It turned out that Offero transferred Christ himself. Offero was immediately baptized by the Savior and received the name Christopher, which means the bearer of Christ. This episode in the life of the saint also made him the patron saint of professions associated with carrying heavy loads.

Saint Agapit, the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, the holy unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, to whom we pray for healing, were doctors during their lifetime and never took payment for their help.

As a rule, the saints, helping us freely now, did not demand reward for their help during their earthly life, remembering that they perform miracles with the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit and keeping the Savior’s covenant: “Freely you have received, freely give.”

We pray to the Savior, the Most Holy Theotokos and the saints in front of their icons in order to find peace in our souls, to feel protection and support. And through our sincere prayer we receive help in one need or another.
1 It is worthy to eat as to truly bless Thee, Theotokos, Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and Mother of our God. The most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim. Without the corruption of God the Word, we magnify You, who gave birth to the real Mother of God.

Rev. Sergius Abbot of Radonezh the Wonderworker

The youth Sergius had difficulty learning, and after fervent prayer, God sent him an Angel in the form of an old man who blessed the youth. Among other prayers, Rev. They pray to Sergius for children who have difficulty studying. People resort to the saint’s prayers to acquire humility and get rid of pride.

Rev. Seraphim of Sarov

A great mentor, comforter and healer, St. Seraphim is a quick helper to everyone who seeks his help. They pray to him for the acquisition of love for others, for the gift of unceasing prayer, for healing from all sorts of diseases, especially from diseases of the legs.

St. Martyr John the Warrior

St. John the Warrior, sent to persecute and kill Christians, provided great help to the persecuted. He devoted his entire life to serving his neighbors. The martyr warrior exposed the thieves for theft. They pray to him to find stolen things, from theft, from offenders.

St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow

Even the Gentiles knew about Saint Alexis that “heaven does not refuse his prayer in anything.” They especially pray to Saint Alexis for the granting of insight.

Holy Great Martyr Barbara

Before the end, I asked the Lord that everyone would repent and take communion before their death. Through the prayers of St. great martyr The barbarians are given abundant healing. The saint also prays for children, for help in despondency and sadness, for consolation in sadness. They especially pray for deliverance from sudden death.

St. Martyr Tryphon

Even as a child, with his pure prayer he drove away insects from the field that threatened to destroy the entire harvest. His miracle of expelling a demon from the daughter of the Roman emperor is known. From a young age, he had the gift of healing the sick and helping everyone who called on him in prayer, especially in sorrows and difficult life circumstances. St. torment. They also pray to Tryphon for happiness in marriage.

St. martyrs Guriy, Samon and Aviv

They pray to the holy martyrs for the protection of the family hearth, or when a husband hates and persecutes his wife, for good relations in the family.

Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon

He dedicated his entire life to the suffering, sick and poor. He “treated everyone free of charge” who turned to him, healing wounds and curing all diseases.

St. Great Martyr Catherine

In Rus', girls especially prayed to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine to find a good groom. People also resorted to the saint’s help during difficult childbirths.

St. equal Prince Vladimir

Saint Vladimir, who baptized Rus', is a prayer book for Russian state, for the Orthodox people. Almost blind, he regained his sight after receiving holy Baptism. People also resort to his prayers to get rid of eye diseases.

Hieromartyr Hermogenes

Under Patriarch Ermogen there was an invasion by the impostor False Dmitry and the Poles, who took the patriarch into custody in the Chudov Monastery. He died a martyr's death from hunger. They pray to him during disasters and invasions of enemies, for protection from the invasion of foreigners and people of other faiths.

Holy Great Martyr Nikita

The Holy Great Martyr Nikita suffered for the faith. His body, thrown into the fire, did not burn, but after long storage from a friend, was transferred to the temple. They pray to the Holy Martyr Nikita for the health of children, and especially for damage, for healing “from a relative.” In Rus', the Great Martyr Nikita was considered the patron saint of geese. They prayed to him for waterfowl.

Saint Demetrius of Rostov

They pray to him for the intercession of widows and orphans, for compassion for the poor and defenseless, for help in poverty and need. The miracles that occurred from the incorruptible relics of St. Demetrius especially relate to the healing of the sick, including chest diseases. St. Demetrius himself became exhausted and died from this disease.

Holy Prophet and Baptist John

One look at the suffering beheaded head of the Baptist invites one to seek help from him against a headache. As a preacher of repentance, they also pray to him to bestow a feeling of repentance. In Rus', they prayed to the saint for the protection of crops and fertility, during the consecration of the beekeeper.

Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

Saint John the Theologian, the beloved disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, took the Most Pure Mother of God after the crucifixion of Christ into his home, where she remained until her Dormition. They pray to the Holy Apostle, like the Apostles Mark, Luke, and Matthew, for good relationships in the family and for advice and love between husband and wife.

Rev. Martinian Beloezersky

People pray to him when they are offended, when they want to find truth and justice.

Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica

At the age of 20, St. Demetrius was appointed proconsul of the Thessalinian region, but instead of persecuting and executing Christians, he began to teach the inhabitants the Christian faith. The memory of Saint Demetrius in Rus' has long been associated with military feats and the defense of the Fatherland. They pray to him for enlightenment of the eyes.

St. Archangel of God Michael

Archangel Michael was appointed by the Lord over all nine Angelic ranks. Since ancient times he has been glorified in Rus'. The Most Holy Theotokos and Archangel Michael are special representatives for Russian cities. The faith of Orthodox Christians in the help of Archangel Michael in all troubles, sorrows, and needs is strong. Archangel Michael is prayed at the entrance to a new house.

St. Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is God's healing, healer of human ailments. Archangel Raphael helped Tobias find a bride, and therefore they especially pray to him for happiness in marriage, as well as in finding a bride.

Guardian angel

God gives every baptized Christian a Guardian Angel, who invisibly protects a person throughout his earthly life from troubles and misfortunes, warns against sins, and protects him at the hour of death. Guardian angel is a quick helper in any need or illness.

Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious

“Yegory the Brave,” as this saint is popularly called, is the patron saint of the Russian land, statehood and military power, family, children, a helper in sorrow and adversity. They especially pray to him about the danger of attacks from wild animals. Saint George is the protector of herds and livestock.

Saint Nicholas of Myra the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, is one of the most revered saints in Rus', which is why the people called him the Pleasant. Glorified by God for the gift of miracles and healings. They pray to him for help in various troubles, in need, for the arrangement of the fate of children, for well-being on the journey by land and by sea, for help in poverty and need, from sadness and despondency.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Many of his miracles include miracles of healing the sick and helping the suffering. During his lifetime, the saint became famous for his meekness, kindness, hospitality and hard work. In Rus' St. Spyridon was revered on a par with St. Nicholas. They pray to him in every need, and especially turn to him for help in finding work and income.

Saint Basil the Great

Before his priestly service, the saint himself worked so hard, cutting stones, that calluses remained on his hands. In his liturgy, the saint prays for those who work “in the mountains, and in the ores... and in the abysses of the earth, and in bitter works.” They pray to him for help in their labors.

Holy Chief Apostles Peter and Paul

They pray to the great teachers of Orthodoxy for an increase in faith. They pray to the Holy Apostle Peter for healing - the Savior healed the apostle’s mother-in-law, “lying and burning with fire.” They also pray to the Apostle Peter for successful fishing and for success in fishing. They pray to the Apostle Paul when opening work in factories, workshops, etc. - the apostle himself did not remain idle either day or night.

Holy Prophet of God Elijah

It is said about this saint: “Pray, and heaven and rain, and heaven.” They also pray to him for help during icy conditions and in difficult life and financial situations.

Blessed Basil of Moscow

Preaching mercy blessed Basil helped people. His relics became famous for miracles, and many sick people received healing through the prayers of the blessed one. They also pray to him against fire.

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

Since Saint Tikhon himself struggled for a long time with the disease of despondency, people resort to his prayers in anguish, in despair, in sadness, in spiritual grief.

St. rights John the Russian Confessor

He traded in Constantinople next to Turkish shops, and was more successful in his trade than anyone else. For this and for his Christian faith he was tortured by infidels. They pray to Saint John the Russian for success in trade and the prosperity of your business.

Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina

They pray to drive away evil spirits from people and animals, against harm from psychics, sorcerers, wizards, and evil people.

Holy Martyr Paraskeva

The Holy Martyr Paraskeva has always been revered in Rus' as a helper in women's concerns, a patroness household, giver of good suitors, patroness of agricultural work. They especially pray to her during the sowing and harvest of grain. The saint also prays for the healing of children.

St. rights Godfathers Joachim and Anna

These saints bore bitter barrenness until old age, then, with the blessing of God, they gave birth to the Most Holy Theotokos. They are prayed to in marital infertility or childlessness. For a long time in Rus', these saints were prayed to before the start of sowing, for the protection of crops, fruits, and harvests.

St. rights John of Kronstadt

As a child, St. Righteous John had trouble reading, and after fervent prayer, it was as if a veil fell from the boy’s eyes, and he began to read. Among other prayers to the great miracle worker, prayers are offered to him to help children in their studies.

St. Blessed Matrona of Moscow

Holy Mother Matrona is the great saint of modern times. The blessed one predicted that after her death, “in many years people will learn about me and will come in crowds for help in their sorrows and asking the Lord God to pray for them, and I will help everyone and hear everyone.” They especially pray to the saint for the relief of bodily illnesses, leg diseases, as well as for all family and household needs.

Holy Martyrs Florus and Laurus

Holy martyrs pray for help in needs Agriculture- ridding livestock of disease and death, especially horses.

Venerable Ambrose of Optina

They pray for gaining spiritual prudence and for admonition when you don’t know what to do.

Venerable Moses Ugrin

They pray to our Reverend Father for deliverance from carnal passion.

Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia

They pray to the holy Murom wonderworkers to send heavenly blessings on those entering into marriage, and to protect them from family unrest and discord.

St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

They pray for help in various family and everyday situations, for intercession for those who have died without repentance.

St. Tsar Passion-Bearer Nicholas

They pray to our Holy Tsar Nicholas for the future of our Fatherland and in all everyday needs, as well as as a sign of repentance for the conciliar sin of betrayal of God’s Chosen One royal family Romanovs.

Venerable Paisius the Great

They especially pray to this saint for those who have died without repentance.

St. Martyr Uar

They pray to this saint for the unbaptized dead, those who died in unbelief, those who did not receive Holy Baptism, those who did not know the True God, and those who deviated from God’s truth. In addition, they pray to Saint Huar for the health of infants and young children, as well as for infants who died in the womb or during childbirth.

St. John the New, Sochava

Has special grace from God to help those involved in trade.

St. much Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

They pray to the holy martyrs in sorrows and adversities, steadfastness in faith.

St. Prince Daniel of Moscow

They pray in case of difficult housing problems, about family well-being, about advice and love between husband and wife, about finding your home, about preserving Moscow.

St. Sophrony of Irkutsk

An assistant in the affairs and needs of everyone who resorts to his help.

St. Joseph of Volotsk

Great saint of God. In Rus' he was revered on a par with St. Nicholas.

Blazh. John of Rostov

People especially pray to this saint for the healing of many diseases.

Rev. Afanasy Brestsky

The Venerable Martyr Athanasius is a defender of Orthodoxy, a fighter against the union. Imperishable relics The saints were glorified by numerous miracles and healings.

St. Theodosius of Chernigov

The Church brings this saint to the aid of needs related to strengthening the minds and knowledge of adults and children.

Holy blessings Prince Theodore and his children David and Constantine

They pray for the gift of peace, for the protection of Orthodoxy and the Russian land.

St. torment. Mikhail and Fedor Chernigovsky

These saints are prayed for to stand strong in the Orthodox faith.

Rev. Daniil Shuzhgorsky

They resort to the help of the monk in prayers for protection from everyday misfortunes.

St. Pitirim Tambovsky

People especially pray to this saint for spiritual enlightenment.

Rev. Grigory Vologodsky

They resort to his help when they want to reconcile with enemies.

St. rights Artemy Verkolsky

The righteous is given the grace to pray for all those who resort to his help. Especially addressed in case of fever or "shaking sickness"

Holy blessings Prince Andrei Smolensky

They especially pray to this saint for the acquisition of humility and meekness.

Rev. Varlaam Khutynsky

Rev. Varlaam had a great gift of clairvoyance and miracles.

St. Herman, Archbishop Kazansky

People resort to his help in cases of unjust insults, persecution, and oppression.

Rev. Varlaam Keretsky

They especially pray to this saint for safe travel across the waters.

St. Archangel Gabriel

St. Archangel Gabriel - evangelist of the mysteries of God and “servant of miracles”

Bl. Maxim the Holy Fool, Moscow Wonderworker

People especially pray to this saint for the healing of various diseases.

Holy blessings Prince Alexander Nevsky

They pray during disasters and invasions of enemies or for protection from attacks by foreigners and people of other faiths.

St. Mitrofan Voronezhsky

They especially pray to this saint for the life of children.

Holy Martyr Clement, Pope

They resort to his intercession in cases of grievances and persecution.

St. rights Alexey, man of God

The son of rich and noble parents, he fled from worldly comforts, lived on the porch of the temple, and endured poverty and deprivation all his life. They pray to this saint for deliverance from pride - St. Alexey had deep humility and spiritual poverty. They also pray to the saint against the danger of being bitten by a reptile.

Rev. Euphrosyne of Moscow

People pray to this saint for vision of the eyes and for paralysis.

Rev. Onuphrius the Great

They pray against sudden or sudden death.

Rev. Tikhon Kaluzhsky

They pray for deliverance from all sorts of evils and misfortunes.

St. Stefan Permsky

People resort to his intercession in sorrows and adversities.

St. rights Simeon the God-Receiver

They pray for the protection of children - he received the forty-day-old Divine Infant in the temple - and for the healing of children.

Holy princes Boris and Gleb

These saints are the first Russian martyrs and passion-bearers. Orthodox Church honors them, who constantly provide prayerful assistance to their native land and to those suffering from illnesses, including diseases of the legs. They also pray to the saints for the protection of crops and harvests.

St. John Chrysostom

Those who have reached despair and mental illness turn to the mediation of this saint before God.

Rev. Mary of Egypt

Venerable Mary is prayed to in a special demonic attack on the flesh.

St. Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates

They especially pray to this holy great martyr for protection from enemies.

Venerable Silouan of Athos

Russian saint who labored on Mount Athos. A particle of his holy relics is located in the Athos courtyard in Moscow.

Venerable Martyr Archimandrite Ambrose (Astakhov) Khovrinsky

One of the Russian new martyrs. His revered image is in our church, where he served for the last 7 years before his martyrdom.

Seven youths from Ephesus: Maximilian, Jamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodian (Constantine), Antoninus.

They pray to the Holy Seven Youths, also in Ephesus, for sleep disturbances and insomnia.

Venerable Aristoclius, Elder of Athos and Moscow Wonderworker

Saint Aristocles is one of the newly glorified saints. During his lifetime, there was a case when, through the prayers of Elder Aristoclius, a dead girl was resurrected. They pray to the monk for deliverance from death, as well as for healing from illnesses. Holy relics venerable elder Aristoklia are located in the Athos courtyard in Moscow.

Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker

The saint prays for help to those in prison.

St. Longinus the Centurion

Saint Longinus is the same centurion of the Roman army who was on guard at the Cross of the Savior. According to legend, he was there when the soldier pierced the ribs of Christ with a spear. A drop of blood fell on the centurion’s sore eyes, and he was healed. They especially pray to Saint Longinus the Centurion for eye diseases.

Venerable John of Damascus

The ruler of Damascus, following a false slander, ordered that Saint John's hand be cut off; but after the monk’s fervent prayer to the Mother of God, the severed hand grew back together. They pray to St. John of Damascus when there is injury or pain in the hands.

Hieromartyr Antipus, Bishop of Pergamon

They especially pray to the Hieromartyr Antipas for toothache.

Righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye

Righteous Simeon, despite the constant feeling of exhaustion in his legs, walked on foot from Russia to Siberia; wandered and played the fool for Christ's sake in the Urals and Western Siberia, presented himself to the Lord in 1642. They pray to him for leg diseases.

Venerable Alexander Svirsky

The miracles of St. Alexander are associated with the healing of the paralytic, so they also pray to him for insomnia, loss of appetite and paralysis.

Venerable Irinarch the Recluse

They especially pray to the Monk Irinarch for the healing of the possessed and protection from evil spirits.

Venerable Stylian

Saint Stylian is the true intercessor and patron of infants. They pray to him for the health, well-being and intercession of children, especially in infancy.

Life without love is empty and meaningless. In the unity of souls you can find a source of inspiration and happiness. Who should you pray to to find your soulmate? You should know that a prayer request for love and marriage is a request for pure feelings and the birth of children.

How to find your soulmate?

Finding your soul mate can take years, and sometimes even a lifetime. How to speed up a long-awaited meeting? Which saints should we pray for love?

Prayer is a powerful and effective tool that will help you concentrate on your desire. A request addressed to higher powers with faith and hope will certainly come true.

It is a mistake to believe that only memorized prayers will help convey a request to heaven. Words spoken from the heart also carry strong energy potential. The structure of the prayer consists of gratitude for existing blessings, repentance for sins and requests for love (marriage).

Mental focus on desire will help you choose Right words. No need to ask higher power about love as an instrument of pleasure or self-affirmation. Purity of thoughts and sincerity should be the basis of prayer.

Who should you pray to to find your soulmate? You can turn to the Savior, the Mother of God, and your guardian angel with a request for love.

Prohibited Methods

You should be careful about your desires and clearly formulate your request. Higher powers will not help if we are talking about the destruction of another family. You shouldn’t ask for your happiness at the expense of other people’s grief.

Under no circumstances should a believer turn to magicians, occultists, or psychics. Such help can only do harm and leave a sinful mark on a person’s soul and destiny.

You should not arrange your personal life using deceptive methods. Deception, blackmail, temptation will not bring happiness.

Prayer of Xenia of St. Petersburg

Ksenia of Petersburg's prayer for love has helped girls find happiness more than once. A request before the image will help the spouses make peace after a quarrel. The prayers of Ksenia of Petersburg will restore hope for love and happiness.

  • “Oh, all-blessed mother Ksenia! Having endured hunger and cold, thirst and heat. Living under the protection of the Lord, she is led and strengthened by the Mother of God. Forgive all my sins that I committed, voluntarily or unwittingly. Help, Saint Xenia, heal the sick, send down family happiness. I ask you, fill my heart with earthly love. Send a life partner who can illuminate our path with light. Bless, Mother Ksenia, our relationship, as predicted by heaven. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Ksenia of Petersburg's prayer for love is said in a calm state. You can put a candle in front of the image of the saint. Popular legend says that prayer in front of the icon will help in finding your soul mate.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

A prayer for love to Nicholas the Wonderworker will facilitate a meeting with kindred spirit. According to legend, he threw 3 bundles of gold to one father of the family so that he would not give his daughters away for fornication. This money helped return a well-fed life to the family. And the daughters got married safely.

  • “Oh, Saint Nicholas, saint of the Lord, our intercessor in troubles and sorrow. Before your face, I ask you to grant forgiveness of my sins. Help me, the accursed one, ask our Lord to save me from ordeal and despondency. I ask you to grant your spouse a long life, to be treated with love and joy, and to take care of the children. Pray for us, Saint Nicholas, our Lord, to grant us a peaceful life and the salvation of our souls. Amen".

There are many testimonies of men and women who were helped by a prayer for love to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The saint willingly responds to sincere requests people about the device family life.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

The miracles of Matrona of Moscow, her gracious help in finding a soul mate and creating a family are known throughout the country. about love will contribute to a long-awaited meeting.

  • “Mother Matronushka, look into my heart. Help me find my betrothed, who is looking for me and toiling without love. Help me find someone I love and who will love me. I ask you, who have suffered, to humbly fall at the feet of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Ask him to grant me a family life. May the grace of God not leave us in our long-suffering vale. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia

Saints Peter and Fevronia have long been considered the patrons of family and marriage. Their life is an example of love and fidelity. Prayers to their image will bestow a soul mate and will contribute family happiness, the birth of healthy children. Peter and Fevronia lived long life and died on the same day. Prayers in front of the icon will help you achieve a marriage as quickly as possible.

  • “Oh, faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! I pray with hope and resort to your help. Offer prayers to our Lord and ask for goodness for me. For your intercession, I ask that our heavenly King grant prosperity in good deeds, unshakable piety, good hope, unfeigned love, and right faith. Amen".

Icons of the Mother of God

There are a great many icons of the Mother of God. Some of them are miraculous, capable of healing the sick and helping the weak. The Mother of God is considered the great Intercessor of man before the Savior. According to long-standing legends, some of the images of the Mother of God contribute to the rapid acquisition of family happiness.

Therefore, to the question “Who should I pray to to find my soulmate?” one can answer that several icons of the Mother of God will help in finding a life partner:

  • Icon of the Mother of God “Kozelshchanskaya”, according to legend, has Italian roots. It appeared in Russia during the time of Elizabeth I. The icon was brought by one of the court ladies, who soon received a marriage proposal. Since then, rumor has spread that the image helps to find a happy marriage.
  • Icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color” appeared in XVI-XVII centuries. Presumably, its writing was associated with an annual miracle. Pilgrims brought lilies to the Holy Mountain as a gift to the Mother of God. On the eve of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, withered flowers suddenly filled with strength, new buds appeared. Athonite monks noticed this miracle, which served as inspiration for painting the image “Unfading Color”.
  • Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” is miraculous. There are many stories about her help in finding housing, healing from bad habits. Since ancient times, prayer for love and marriage in front of the image has helped young virgins and mature women in finding their betrothed.

Prayer to Paraskeva Friday

During her lifetime, Saint Paraskeva took a vow of virginity and spiritual purity. Her image will help find a long-awaited bride or groom, bring peace to the family, and grant the miracle of childbirth to desperate couples. A prayer for love and marriage in front of the icon of Paraskeva Friday will help chaste girls find their soulmate. It is not for nothing that in Rus' this great martyr was called “Saint Woman” - she patronizes women’s cares and household chores.

Closer to the Intercession, the girls prayed to Saint Paraskeva with the words: “Mother Paraskeva, cover me as soon as possible!”

  • “Holy bride of Christ, Great Martyr Paraskeva! You loved the Heavenly King with all your soul and heart, you were disheartened by our Savior, having distributed your property to the poor. Your chastity and piety shine like a ray of sunshine among the infidels; you fearlessly brought them the word of the Lord. I look at your icon with tenderness, I greet you, long-suffering Paraskeva. Pray to the Savior, the Lover of Humanity, that He may grant salvation and good mercy, patience and complacency in troubles. May you, through your intercession and intercession, grant prosperity and peaceful life, health and affirmation in the faith, and speed up your help in finding your betrothed and loved one. May He cleanse us sinners from filth. And, having secured salvation, through your prayers, intercession and representation, bride of Christ Paraskeva, let us glorify the most pure and wondrous name in the saints of the true God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer for help in love

A prayer to the Almighty to attract the miracle of love into your life will help desperate people. Such requests instill hope in a person’s heart. A conversation with higher powers may not consist of memorized prayer phrases. Ask the Almighty in your own words for the gift of love and family happiness.

The other half is a reward that must be earned by righteous deeds and sincere prayers. It happens that fate does not give you a soul mate because the time has not yet come. Therefore, humble expectation, faith and prayer will help prepare the soul for the long-awaited meeting. Humble waiting is a state of mind, not inaction. A person with a large social circle and a busy life has a greater chance of finding a soul mate.

Who should you pray to to find your soulmate? Prayers to the Savior for love can not only be said in church near an icon. At dawn before going to bed, pray to the Lord to grant the miracle of love and reciprocity. You can write a prayer in your own words and wear the note as a talisman on your chest.

Prayer for marriage

Appeal to higher powers must come from the heart. Each word of prayer is a concentration on communication, a request for help in one’s troubles, sorrows, and anxieties. First, write down your wish on a piece of paper. This will help you understand your feelings and thoughts. You can describe point by point the spiritual qualities of the person you would like to see as your soul mate.

Be sure to think about what married life looks like and why it is needed. It happens that a person wants to get married only for status in society. That's why higher powers don't send him a soul mate.

Prayer Appeal about marriage - this is not only the fact of official marriage. This is a request for the gift of patience and wisdom in family life. This is the ability to pacify your selfishness for the benefit of the family. This is a request for children and grandchildren. This is a promise that every effort will be made to save the marriage.

Prayer for mutual love

Prayer asking for reciprocity is not magic spell. Occult rituals suppress the human will, which helps to achieve the desired result. Prayer request for mutual love- please give feelings without coercion.

Prayers for a man’s love can be offered to Anna, Tatiana, Seraphim of Sarov, patron saints by name or date of birth. Deep faith will contribute to the acquisition of mutual feelings for many years.

  • “I bow to the ground to you, Lord, I resort to your help, I trust in you. Forgive me my sins and vices. Give pure, mutual love. I'm confused in a huge world, I can't find my betrothed among people. I hope in you, Lord, I ask for your help and assistance. Do not ignore my request. Amen".

There is probably not a single person who does not constantly think about his financial situation. Most of us spend every day working to adequately provide for ourselves and our loved ones. However, the unstable economic situation in the world leads to the fact that even the most hardworking and previously successful person may find themselves without a livelihood. At such moments, a cold, sticky fear for their future creeps into everyone’s soul and covers them with despair. What to do in such a situation? How to deal with the problem and get back on your feet? Believers say that prayer for financial well-being can help get out of a difficult situation. For some reason, people resort to it as the last resort, not suspecting that the Lord will not leave a Christian without help and support, and therefore it is to him that they need to take their troubles and aspirations.

Is it possible to pray to God for money?

Many consider prayers for financial well-being to be a sinful act, because somehow it is not customary to ask for material things in a place where everything is permeated with spirituality. However, no one can deny that without money in modern world it is impossible to live, and in ancient times, financial well-being was also an important component of the life of any person. Therefore, if you still doubt whether you can ask the Almighty for help in solving material problems, then leave your fears - our Creator is kind and always ready to give us what we ask him for.

However, we should not forget about some nuances that should be observed by everyone who turns to higher powers with the hope of improving their financial condition. We will tell you about them now.

The main rule of prayer for money

Before praying for financial well-being, clergy advise to think carefully about why you need money. You should not make a request to higher powers if finance is an end in itself for you. Money cannot be loved on its own, because such an attitude leads to the awakening of self-interest, and this is already considered a sin.

Therefore, when saying a prayer, think about the benefits you need that the financial support you receive will bring. Money should be a vital necessity and a means to achieve one or another good goal.

It's even better if you're asking for money not just for yourself. In Orthodoxy, one who prays for loved ones and simply acquaintances not only helps them, but also receives a blessing from God for his prayer work.

Features of prayer for financial well-being

Orthodox Christians know well that, first of all, turning to God about money is a grateful prayer. No matter how contradictory this statement may seem to you, it is undoubtedly true.

If you are in a cramped situation, work on yourself. Perhaps this is why you are given problems. After all, some people are able to conduct some kind of analysis only when they find themselves in a difficult situation. Therefore, eradicate greed, envy, and stinginess in yourself. Try to provide all possible help to someone who is in even more distress. Such actions will make your soul purer and prepare you for real, sincere prayer.

However, before pronouncing it, do not forget to thank God for what you already have. Gratitude for small things is a sure way to get what you ask for.

Who should you pray to for financial well-being?

Prayers for financial well-being can be said not only to Jesus Christ, but also to the saints. Every believer understands that a certain saint is responsible for a specific area of ​​life. Some pray for healing and health, others ask for well-being in the family, and still others ask for money. Don’t be surprised, in Orthodoxy there are even several saints whom you can ask for material well-being.

The prayers to St. Spyridon of Trimythous for financial well-being and to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are considered the most powerful. During their lifetime, these helped many people in need of money. Saint Spyridon not only provided help, but also completely distributed his fortune to the poor, never regretting it in the future.

It is believed that Matrona of Moscow also helps well in times of need. The blind old woman became famous for her miracles; she performed them during her lifetime and did not leave those in need after her death.

Therefore, if you are interested in strong prayers for financial well-being, then contact the saints listed above. They are the ones who can solve any problems related to money.

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky: the acts of the saint

The prayer to Spiridon for financial well-being is considered one of the most effective. Therefore, Orthodox Christians all over the world turn to him for help in the most critical and hopeless situations related to money.

Surprisingly, a lot is known about this saint, who lived for almost two thousand years. There are a lot of records left about the life of Spiridon, so believers can familiarize themselves in detail with the miracles that he performed.

The future saint was born into a noble family in Cyprus. From early childhood he was modest, quiet and distinguished by great fear of God. He was always very generous to all those in need, very often Spiridon narrowed the money without even stipulating the terms of its return. In his youth, he fell in love with a modest girl, whom he made his wife. He was very happy with her and soon became a father. But the Creator had completely different plans for Spiridon, so he led the young man along the roads of sorrow. His wife died after a serious illness, which forced the young man to leave his home and go on a journey. Before leaving, the saint gave all his money to the poor and walked around the world light.

During his life, Spiridon performed many miracles. He is credited with the ability to control natural elements, resurrect the dead, and heal serious illnesses, as well as heal wounded souls.

What problems should you address to a saint?

A prayer for financial well-being to Saint Spyridon can be said in different situations. However, remember that in any case your request must be justified, and the need for funds is very strong. Most often people turn to the saint with the following problems:

  • the need to increase income;
  • prosperity in business activities;
  • need for assistance with real estate transactions;
  • job search.

If you are tormented by at least one of the listed problems, then feel free to start praying. Spiridon will definitely help you solve the problem and get rid of the heavy burden on your heart.

How to pray to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky?

Keep in mind that it is best to say the prayer in church. In this case, your energy is accumulated and then sent to higher powers in a multiplied form. But if you cannot go to church every day, then buy an icon with the face of a saint.

You need to pray in front of her every day until you get what you want. It is quite difficult to determine the time interval, so do not expect a quick result, but simply contact the saint with all sincerity.

Quite often, clergy advise reading a prayer for at least forty days. Such prayerful work will show your humility and faith in God, because not every believer can perform this ritual every day.

The text of the prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is as follows:

What should you bring to see St. Nicholas the Wonderworker?

Nicholas the Pleasant is revered very much in our country; he is known for his miracles, including many deeds related to increasing material well-being. Prayers to Nicholas for financial well-being will definitely bring results if they are sincere and your intentions are pure.

You can contact this saint in the following situations:

  • the need for money and a new job;
  • in cases where luck is required in the implementation of plans;
  • the need to ask for well-being for your family.

You can also pray to St. Nicholas the Pleasant in almost any case. He is known as an intercessor and protector of people, so he helps them cope with life problems of any nature. The clergy say that this is the saint you should turn to when your family is on the verge of bankruptcy.

Features of the prayer to Nicholas the Ugodnik

If you are planning to say a prayer to the miracle worker for financial well-being, then do not forget to follow certain rules. Initially, tune in to prayer, mentally imagine what you are asking for. Focus on your appeal and the result that will allow you to get the amount of money you need. The prayer must be said before the face of the saint, in this way it will be more effective. Place a candle in front of the icon; it is believed that this helps to tune in to the right mood.

Even if your financial situation is extremely poor, try to make a donation to good causes. You can transfer money for the treatment of a sick child, give it to a beggar, or leave a couple of bills in the temple. Keep in mind that the amount doesn't really matter here, what matters is your good intentions and desire to help others.

The prayer for financial well-being to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is quite simple, and you can easily learn it by heart. We provide the text below.

Frequency of appeals to the saint

Many believe that after a couple of days of prayer, their streak of bad luck should end and a time of unlimited prosperity should begin. Unfortunately, this simply cannot happen. Keep in mind that higher powers only help those who work hard to achieve their goals. If you pray, but don’t even lift a finger to correct the situation, then you should not expect success.

Sometimes it takes months to achieve a goal, so get ready to pray to St. Nicholas the Pleasant for more than one day. Rest assured, the Lord hears you and will definitely help you at that very opportune moment.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

You can pray to Matrona at home or anywhere else.

The old woman often helps people decide financial questions, so don’t be lazy to come to bow to her one more time and miracles won’t keep you waiting long.