What happens to the soul for 41 days. days after death. The souls of the dead come to relatives in a dream

This is the first article of two. It is about what awaits us after death from the point of view of the Christian religion. The second article will be about the life of the soul according to Eastern religions and traditions.

What is death in Christianity?

There are two sides here.


We are mortal for perfect original sin. Death is his punishment. We already born in sin.

Second side.

Death is simply a continuation of the life of the soul, but already without a body. Dying, we gain immortality, because the soul is eternal. Death is the cure, the cure for sin.

What follows from this? There is no death. It is only a separation of body and soul. There, beyond the threshold of death, the soul is alive, there the Lord is waiting for us. There is no death due to the atonement of sin by Jesus Christ for the entire human race.

What awaits us after death, there, beyond the threshold?

There are no clear answers. I think it is impossible to understand this with our standard ordinary thinking and judgment. Therefore, the information that exists exists in the form of metaphors and allegories, images, symbols, for understanding common essence what awaits us there.

We want specifics. But faith is a matter of the soul. Concreteness and clarity are the needs of the rational mind, brain, body. Life after death is the life of the soul, not of the body. And to describe the categories of spiritual concepts with material and habitual ones, I think, is not entirely correct.

Everything that is written must be passed through the filter of the soul.

The life of the soul after death is the Last Judgment.

Christianity speaks of the Last Judgment, when the Son of Man will come with His angels in the glory of His Father. And each will be rewarded according to his deeds.

For everyone, the Last Judgment will end in its own way. After it, you can go to hell, or you can go to heaven by the grace of the Lord.

Everyone will be judged, both the dead and the living. In what form the Court will be, it is difficult to say. But everyone knows and understands what laws He will follow. By the laws of God, according to His commandments.

The commandments of God are the main law of the human soul. If all people lived according to the commandments, then we would not need state laws - on the whole Earth.

Everyone will be judged according to his deeds, in relation to these deeds, according to repentance and contrition in sins. There will be no hypocrisy, masks and lies. There will be only a naked, pure soul standing before God. And everything will be in full view. You can't hide or hide anything.

At one o'clock Doomsday the final decision will be made: either you stay with the Lord, or you leave Him forever. That's why he's terrible.

Hell is inside the human heart. And if there is hell in your heart, then you will go there after the Last Judgment. If all your life you have done evil that has become part of you. Then you will receive it in eternal life. This will be your choice.

Whoever passes the test of the Judgment will be resurrected into eternal life. This became possible thanks to the Great Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which He brought for the benefit of all mankind.

“... suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be changed” (1 Cor 15:52).

It is God's great mercy to resurrect a man after all his sins. The grace of the resurrection cannot be described by any words or concepts. This is what to realize and imagine ordinary person just impossible.

Life of the soul after death. Soul in Christianity

Immortality of the soul and resurrection are the main pillars of the Christian religion. A person lives by this and, thanks to the knowledge of this, overcomes the most difficult difficulties. life path.

There is an opinion that once upon a time the ancient Christian church even accepted the idea of ​​reincarnation. This, of course, was not the main idea, but they treated it calmly.

But since 553 it has been clearly and concretely established that there is no transmigration of souls, and anyone who does not agree with this is anathema.

After death, the soul retains all the feelings, thoughts that it had during life in the body. And these feelings are getting stronger and stronger. Therefore, if a person lives a righteous life, in accordance with God's commandments, then, leaving the body, the soul will be able to feel the presence of God and calm down.

If a person was very attached to the body, was embraced by passions and desires, then they will remain with him and will torment him further, and it will no longer be possible to get rid of them. After all, the body will no longer be. Next to such a soul there will be many demons and unclean spirits. They were with him during his life, they will remain with him after death.

It turns out that the soul in Christianity continues the life of the body. Therefore, it is very important to repent before death. This important point, one last chance to be cleansed. At this point, you determine the main direction and life of the soul after death. Where will she go: to God - light, or Satan - darkness.

Where did the soul go more during life? Who is closer to her? A serious test of temptation awaits us, a clash of good and evil.

Death in Christianity. First 2 days.

The first 2 days after leaving the body, the soul is somewhere near the body, near those places that were dear to her during her lifetime, to which she was attached.

But it is also worth saying that the holy people, who lived only by the soul without attachment to the body, immediately go to heaven, bypassing all the trials that await the souls of ordinary people.

Of course, no one can say exactly what awaits us after death and what exactly the soul does there immediately after leaving the body. But, it is believed that in the first 2 days it is relatively free and is located near the closest and closest places or near the body.

Next to the soul are Angels, with the permission of which she walks where she wants.

The third day. Ordeals.

Further, the soul must go through obstacles, which are called “ordeals”. She meets with many demons and spirits that hinder her, tempt her, convict of sin. It is believed that there are twenty such obstacles.

Idle talk and foul language, lies, condemnation and slander, gluttony and drunkenness, laziness, theft, love of money and avarice, covetousness (bribery, flattery), falsehood and vanity, envy, pride, anger, rancor, robbery, witchcraft (magic, occultism, spiritualism , divination), fornication, adultery, sodomy, idolatry and heresy, unmercy, hardness of heart.

Step by step, the soul must be tested by every sin. And to go further, the tests must be passed. It's like exams, in layman's terms.

Demons, on the other hand, may not necessarily be terrible and frightening. They may appear in different form, perhaps even beautiful, to seduce the soul. And as soon as the soul is deceived and gives in, the demons carry it to where it belongs.

Again, do not forget that everything must be perceived figuratively without being tied to concepts. Everything is metaphorical and allegorical. "Trouble", for example, recognizes Orthodox Church. Catholic speaks of "purgatory", which is different from "ordeal". The ordeals last one day, but purgatory purifies the soul until it is ready to go to paradise. Only those souls who lived righteously, with sins, but without mortal sins, come to purgatory.

The soul in Christianity is tested after death. And it is important to remember and realize that her fate is determined only by the Lord, Creator of all. But not evil forces. It is important to live life with the Lord, for the sake of the Lord and in His name, and to leave for another world without fear, knowing that fate is in the hands of God.

If the soul successfully passes the test of “ordeals”, then for another 37 days it wanders around heavenly kingdom- Paradise and the hellish abyss. But he will know his fate only on the fortieth day. Before that, she gets acquainted with the place where she will be.

Remaining days.

From the fourth to the ninth day - six days - the soul considers paradise. From the tenth day until the fortieth - forty days - she will know the horrors of hell.

And on the last day, the soul is again brought to the Lord, and a decision is made about its final place.

What awaits us after death? Heaven and Hell.

What is Heaven and Hell? It is probably impossible to answer this question. Whatever you expect from paradise, whatever great place you did not imagine it, both in the mind and in the heart, it does not compare with what will appear before you. It is impossible to describe it. It is also impossible to describe the beauty of God.

The same with hell. It is beyond our understanding what the soul will experience there. The sufferings of hell are infinitely terrible. And there is no clear answer to the question whether these sufferings are eternal.

There are opinions that "yes" are eternal. But there is also an opposite view, that hell is finite, and the soul, having paid its price, can leave it.

It's better not to know, of course.

But for this you need to live right life Christian.

Life of a Christian.

Life on Earth is a preparation for eternal life. And how we live this life depends on what we get in heaven.

The second coming of Christ can take place at any moment, and we must be ready for this. And with what the Lord will find us, with that He will judge. Therefore, there is no way to delay the moment of coming to church. There is no way to live without God in the soul. There is no way to mindlessly burn through life and not think about anything. . Nobody knows the moment of his death.

But this must be understood correctly. Because many understand it this way: if I can die tomorrow, then I must take everything from life. And you can smoke, and drink, and just come off to the fullest. But if you are a Christian, you should understand that you you will not die, but simply go to God. And most importantly, what kind of soul will come to him.

Therefore, one must live in such a way as to be ready right now to be before the eyes of the Creator. This is impossible, of course, especially for an ordinary "civilized" person, but the desire for this should be maximum.

Great joy awaits you in heaven. Prepare for this all your life. Be mindful of where you will end up after death. All in our hands.

You need to live according to your conscience, with thoughts about God, pray, go to church, take communion and follow the commandments of God, observe fasts, holidays, Sundays. Everything should be accompanied by sincerity in prayers, repentance for sins, humility. There should be no place for hypocrisy and vanity.

Live in love, become a conductor of the Lord's love!


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Death carries an imprint of mystery, horror and mysticism. And some have disgust. Indeed, what happens to a person after death, and in particular, to his body, is an unpleasant sight. It is difficult for a person to come to terms with the fact that he himself, as well as his loved ones, sooner or later will cease to exist forever. And all that remains of them is a decaying body.

Life after death

Fortunately, all world religions claim that death is not the end, but only the beginning. And the testimonies of people who survived the terminal state make us believe in the fact of the existence afterlife. About what happens to a person after leaving, each religion has its own explanation. But all religions are the same in one thing: the soul is immortal.

The inevitability, unpredictability, and sometimes insignificance of the causes of a lethal outcome brought the concept of physical death beyond the limits of human perception. Some religions presented sudden death as a punishment for sins. Others - like a divine gift, after which an eternal and happy life without suffering.

All major world religions have their own explanation of where the soul goes after death. Most teachings speak of the existence of an immaterial soul. After the death of the body, depending on the teaching, reincarnation awaits her, immortal life or the attainment of nirvana.

Physical termination of life

Death is the final stop of all physiological and biological processes of the organism. Most common causes fatalities are:

The termination of the life of the body is divided into three main stages:

What happens to the soul

What happens after the death of a person with his soul - those people who managed to be brought back to life during the terminal state can tell. All those who have experienced such an experience claim that they saw their body and everything that happened to it from the outside. They continued to feel, see and hear. Some even tried to contact their relatives or doctors, but they realized with horror that no one could hear them.

As a result, the soul was fully aware of what had happened. After that, she began to pull up. Angels appeared to some of the dead, to others - beloved dead relatives. In such company the soul rose to the light. Sometimes the spirit would pass through a dark tunnel and emerge into the light all alone.

Many people who experienced such experiences claimed that they were very good, not afraid, but did not want to return. Some were asked by an invisible voice if they wanted to return. Others were literally forcibly sent back, saying that the time had not yet come.

All the returnees say that they had no fear. In the first minutes, they simply did not understand what was happening. But then they came complete indifference to earthly life and calm. Some people talked about how they kept feeling strong love to loved ones. However, even this feeling could not weaken the desire to go to the light, from which came warmth, kindness, compassion and love.

Unfortunately, no one can tell in detail about what happens in the future. There are no living eyewitnesses. All further journey of the soul occurs only under the condition of complete physical death of the body. And those who returned to this world did not stay in the afterlife long enough to find out what would happen next.

What do the world religions say?

About whether there is life after death, the main world religions answer in the affirmative. For them, death is just the death of the human body, but not the personality itself, which continues its further existence in the form of a spirit.

Different religious teachings their versions of where the soul goes after it leaves the earth:

The teachings of the philosopher Plato

Great ancient Greek philosopher Plato also thought a lot about the fate of the soul. He believed that the immortal spirit comes into the human body from the sacred higher world. And birth on earth is a dream and oblivion. Immortal Essence, enclosed in the body, forgets the truth, as it passes from a deep, higher knowledge to a lower one, and death is an awakening.

Plato argued that separated from the body shell, the soul is able to reason more clearly. Her eyesight, hearing, senses are sharpened. A judge appears before the deceased, who shows him all the deeds of his lifetime - both good and bad.

Plato also warned that an accurate description of all the details of the other world is only a probability. Even a person who has experienced clinical death is unable to reliably describe everything that he managed to see. People are too limited by their physical experience. Our souls are unable to see reality clearly as long as they are connected with the physical senses.

And the human language is unable to formulate and correctly describe the true realities. There are no words that could qualitatively and reliably designate otherworldly reality.

Understanding death in Christianity

In Christianity, it is believed that for 40 days after death, the soul is where the person lived. That is why relatives may feel that someone invisible is present at home. It is very important, as far as possible, to pull yourself together, not to cry and not to be killed by the deceased. Say goodbye with humility. The spirit hears and feels everything, and such behavior of loved ones will cause him even more pain.

The best thing relatives can do is pray. And also to read the Holy Scriptures, helping them to understand what the soul should do next. It is important to remember that until the ninth day, all mirrors in the house must be closed. Otherwise, the ghost will experience pain and shock, looking in the mirror and not seeing himself.

TO God's judgment the soul must be prepared for 40 days. Therefore, in Christianity the most important days after the death of a person, the third, ninth and fortieth day is considered. Those close to you these days should do everything possible to help the soul prepare for a meeting with God.

Third day after leaving

Priests say to bury the deceased before the third day is not possible. The soul at this time still remains attached to the body and is located next to the coffin. At this time it is impossible to break the connection of the spirit with his dead body. This process established by God is necessary for the final understanding and acceptance by the soul of its physical death.

On the third day the soul sees God for the first time. She ascends to his throne along with her guardian angel, after which she goes to watch Paradise. But it's not forever. Hell is to be seen later. Judgment will take place only on the 40th day. It is believed that any soul can be prayed for, which means that at this time, loving relatives should pray intensely for the deceased.

What does the ninth day mean

On the ninth day, the soul again appears before the Lord. Relatives at this time can help the deceased with humble prayers. You only need to remember his good deeds.

After the second visit to the Almighty, the angels take the spirit of the deceased to hell. There he will have the opportunity to observe the torment of unrepentant sinners. It is believed that in special cases, if the deceased led a righteous life and did many good deeds, his fate can be decided on the ninth day. Such a soul becomes a happy inhabitant of Paradise before the 40th day.

Decisive fortieth day

Fortieth day - very important date. At this time it is decided further fate deceased. His soul for the third time comes to bow to the Creator, where the judgment is made, and now the final decision will follow as to where the spirit will be determined - to Paradise or Hell.

On the 40th day, the soul descends to earth for the last time. She can bypass all the most expensive places for her. Many people who have lost loved ones see the dead in their dreams. But it is after 40 days that they cease to physically feel their presence nearby.

There are people who are interested in what happens when an unbaptized person dies. The funeral is not performed. Such a person is outside the jurisdiction of the church. His future fate is only in the hands of God. Therefore, on the anniversary of the death of an unbaptized relative, relatives should pray for him as sincerely as possible and with the hope that this will ease his lot in court.

Facts about the existence of the afterlife

Scientists have been able to prove the existence of the soul. To do this, doctors weighed terminally ill people at the time of death and immediately after it. It turned out that all the deceased at the time of death lost the same weight - 21 grams.

Opponents of this scientific theory the existence of the soul, they tried to explain the change in the weight of the deceased by some oxidative processes. But modern research proved with a 100% guarantee that chemistry has nothing to do with it. And weight loss in all the deceased is strikingly the same. Only 21 grams.

Evidence of the materiality of the spirit

Many scientists are looking for an answer to the question of whether there is life after death. The testimonies of people who have experienced clinical death claim that there is. But pundits are not accustomed to take a word. They need physical evidence.

One of the first who tried to photograph human soul, was the French doctor Hippolyte Baradyuk. He photographed patients at the moment of death. In most of the photographs, a small translucent cloud was clearly visible above the bodies.

Russian doctors used infrared vision devices for such purposes. They were capturing what appeared to be a nebulous object that was gradually dissolving into thin air.

Professor Pavel Guskov from Barnaul proved that the soul of each person is individual, like fingerprints. For this, he used ordinary water. Purified from any impurities pure water placed next to a person for 10 minutes. After that, its structure was carefully studied. The water changed significantly and was different in all cases. If the experiment was repeated with the same person, the structure of the water remained the same.

Whether there is life after death or not, one thing follows from all assurances, descriptions and discoveries: whatever is there, beyond, there is no need to be afraid of it.

What happens after death

Even inveterate materialists want to know what happens after death to a close relative, how the soul of the deceased says goodbye to relatives and whether the living should help her. All religions have beliefs tied to burial, funerals can be held according to different traditions, but the essence remains the same - respect, reverence and concern for the otherworldly path of a person. Many people wonder if dead relatives see us. There is no answer in science, but popular beliefs and traditions abound with advice.

Where is the soul after death

For centuries, humanity has been trying to understand what happens after death, whether it is possible to contact the afterlife. Different traditions give different answers to the question of whether the soul of a deceased person sees his loved ones. Some religions talk about heaven, purgatory and hell, but medieval beliefs, according to modern psychics and religious scholars, do not correspond to reality. There is no fire, cauldrons and devils - only ordeal if loved ones refuse to remember the deceased kind word, and if loved ones remember the dead, they are in peace.

How many days after death the soul is at home

Relatives of deceased loved ones are wondering if the soul of the deceased can come home, where it is after the funeral. It is believed that during the first seven to nine days the deceased comes to say goodbye to the house, family, earthly existence. The souls of the deceased relatives come to the place that they consider to be truly theirs - even if an accident occurred, the death was far from their home.

What happens after 9 days

If you take Christian tradition souls remain in this world until the ninth day. Prayers help to leave the earth easily, painlessly, not to get lost along the way. The feeling of the presence of the soul is especially felt during these nine days, after which the deceased is commemorated, blessing him on the final forty-day journey to Heaven. Grief pushes loved ones to figure out how to communicate with a deceased relative, but during this period it is better not to interfere so that the spirit does not experience confusion.

After 40 days

After this period, the spirit finally leaves the body, so as not to return again - the flesh remains in the cemetery, and the spiritual component is cleansed. It is believed that on the 40th day the soul says goodbye to loved ones, but does not forget about them - the heavenly stay does not prevent the dead from following what is happening in the lives of relatives and friends on earth. The fortieth day marks the second commemoration, which can already take place with a visit to the grave of the deceased. You should not come to the cemetery too often - this disturbs the buried.

What does the soul see after death?

The near-death experience of many people provides a comprehensive, detailed description what awaits each of us at the end of the road. Although scientists question the evidence of near-death survivors, drawing conclusions about brain hypoxia, hallucinations, hormone release - the impressions are too similar for completely different people, dissimilar neither in religion nor in cultural background (beliefs, customs, traditions). There are frequent references to the following phenomena:

  1. Bright light, tunnel.
  2. The feeling of warmth, comfort, security.
  3. Reluctance to return.
  4. Visiting relatives who are far away - for example, from the hospital they "peeped" into the house, apartment.
  5. Own body, manipulations of doctors are seen from the outside.

When wondering how the soul of the deceased says goodbye to relatives, one must keep in mind the degree of closeness. If the love between the deceased and the mortals who remained in the world was great, then even after the end of the life path, the connection will continue, the deceased can become a guardian angel for the living. Hostility softens after the end of the worldly path, but only if you pray, ask for forgiveness from the one who left forever.

How the dead say goodbye to us

After death, loved ones do not stop loving us. During the first days they are present very close, they can appear in a dream, talk, give advice - parents especially often come to their children. The answer to the question of whether dead relatives hear us is always in the affirmative - a special connection can be maintained on long years. The dead say goodbye to the earth, but do not say goodbye to their loved ones, because from another world they continue to watch them. The living should not forget about relatives, commemorate them every year, pray for them to be comfortable in the next world.

The question, of course, is very interesting to many, and there are two most popular views on it: scientific and religious.

In terms of religion

From the point of view of science

The human soul is immortal There is nothing but a physical shell
After death, a person expects heaven or hell, depending on his actions during life. Death is the end, it is impossible to avoid or significantly extend life
Immortality is guaranteed to everyone, the only question is whether it will be eternal pleasures or endless torment The only kind of immortality you can have is in your children. genetic continuation
Earthly life is but a brief prelude to infinite existence. Life is all you have and should be valued the most
  • - the best amulet against the evil eye and damage!

What happens to the soul after death?

This question is of interest to many people, and now in Russia there is even an institute that tries to measure the soul, weigh it and film it on camera. But in the Vedas it is described that the soul is immeasurable, it is eternal and always existing, and is equal to one ten thousandth of the tip of a hair, that is, very small. It is practically impossible to measure it with any material instruments. Think for yourself, how can you measure the intangible with tangible instruments? This is a mystery to people, a mystery.

The Vedas say that the tunnel described by people who have experienced clinical death is nothing but a channel in our body. There are 9 main openings in our body - ears, eyes, nostrils, navel, anus, genitals. There is a channel in the head called sushumna, you can feel it - if you close your ears, you will hear a noise. Temechko is also a channel through which the soul can exit. She can exit through any of these channels. After death, experienced people can determine to which sphere of being the soul went. If it came out through the mouth, then the soul returns to the earth again, if through the left nostril - towards the moon, through the right - towards the sun, if through the navel - it goes to the planetary systems that are below the Earth, and if through the genitals, then it enters to the lower realms. It so happened that I saw a lot of dying people in my life, in particular the death of my grandfather. At the moment of death, he opened his mouth, then there was a big exhalation. His soul came out through his mouth. In this way life force leaves with the soul through these channels.

Where do the souls of the dead go?

After the soul has left the body, for 40 days it will stay in the place where it lived. It happens that people, after the funeral, feel that someone is present in the house. If you want to feel like a ghost, imagine yourself eating ice cream in plastic bag: There are possibilities, but you can't do anything, you can't taste anything, you can't touch anything, you can't move physically. When a ghost looks in the mirror, he does not see himself, and feels shock. Hence the custom of covering mirrors.

The first day after the death of the physical body, the soul is in shock because it cannot understand how it will live without the body. Therefore it is customary in India to immediately destroy the body. If the body is dead for a long time, the soul will constantly circle around it. If the body is buried, she will see the decomposition process. Until the body rots, the soul will stay with it, because during its lifetime it was very attached to its outer shell, practically identified itself with it, the body was the most valuable and expensive.

On the 3-4th day, the soul comes to its senses a little, gets rid of the body, walks around the neighborhood, and returns to the house. Relatives do not need to arrange tantrums and loud sobs, the soul hears everything, and experiences these torments. This is the time to read scriptures and literally explain what the soul should do next. Spirits hear everything, they are next to us. Death is a transition new life death as such does not exist. Just as in life we ​​change clothes, so the soul changes one body for another. The soul during this period does not experience physical pain, but psychological pain, it is very worried and does not know what to do next. Therefore, it is necessary to help the soul and calm it down.

Then you need to feed her. When stress passes, the soul wants to eat. This state appears in the same way as during life. subtle body wants a taste. And in response to this we put a glass of vodka and bread. Think for yourself, when you are hungry and thirsty, you are offered a dry crust of bread and vodka! How will you feel?

You can facilitate the further life of the soul after death. For this, the first 40 days do not need to touch anything in the room of the deceased and do not start sharing his things. After 40 days, on behalf of the deceased, you can do some good deed and transfer the power of this deed to him - for example, keep a fast on his birthday and declare that the power of fasting passes to the deceased. In order to help the deceased, you need to earn this right. Just lighting a candle is not enough. In particular, you can feed the priests or distribute alms, plant a tree, and all this must be done on behalf of the deceased.

The scriptures say that after 40 days the soul comes to the bank of the river called Virajya. This river is teeming various fish and monsters. There is a boat near the river, and if the soul has enough piety to pay for the boat, it swims across, and if not, then it swims - this is the way to the courtroom. After the soul has crossed this river, the god of death Yamaraj awaits it, or in Egypt it is called Anibus. A conversation is being held with him, the whole life is shown as if on a film. There the further destiny is determined: in what body the soul will be born again and in what world.

By performing certain rituals, the ancestors can greatly help the dead, facilitate their further path, and even literally pull them out of hell.

Video - Where does the soul go after death?

Does a person feel the approach of his death

If in terms of premonitions, then there are examples in history when people predicted their death over the next few days. But this does not mean that everyone is capable of this. Yes and oh great power coincidences should not be forgotten.

It may be interesting to know if a person is able to understand that he is dying:

  • We all feel the deterioration of our own condition.
  • Although not all internal organs have pain receptors, there are more than enough of them in our body.
  • We even feel the arrival of a banal SARS. What can we say about death.
  • Regardless of our desires, the body does not want to die in a panic and activates all resources to fight a serious condition.
  • This process may be accompanied by convulsions, pain, severe shortness of breath.
  • But not every sharp deterioration in well-being indicates the approach of death. Most often, the alarm will be false, so you should not panic in advance.
  • Do not try to cope with conditions close to critical on your own. Call for help from everyone you can.

Signs of approaching death

As death approaches, a person may experience some physical and emotional changes, such as:

  • Excessive drowsiness and weakness, at the same time periods of wakefulness decrease, energy fades.
  • Breathing changes, periods of rapid breathing are replaced by respiratory arrests.
  • Hearing and vision change, for example, a person hears and sees things that others do not notice.
  • The appetite worsens, the person drinks and eats less than usual.
  • Changes in the urinary and gastrointestinal systems. Your urine may turn dark brown or dark red, and you may also have bad (hard) stools.
  • Body temperature fluctuates from very high to very low.
  • Emotional changes, a person is not interested in the outside world and individual details Everyday life such as time and date.

The Bible says that "the dust will return to the earth from where it came from, and the spirit will return to the Creator, Who gave it" ... Pardon the pun, but today only the dead do not try to find out or find out what happens to the soul when the person dies. This is what I was wondering about.

Human death - what is it?

with biological and physical points of view, the death of a person is a complete stop of all processes of his life. This is an irreversible phenomenon that none of us can avoid. At the moment of death of a person, processes occur that are inversely proportional to his creation. The brain is irreversibly destroyed, losing its functionality. The emotional world is erased.

Where is she - the edge of being?

The Bible says that "the dust will return to the earth from whence it came, and the spirit will return to the Creator, Who gave it." In accordance with this, today some scientists have derived a formula. In writing, it will have the following two options:

  • earth dust + breath of life = alive soul person;
  • lifeless body + breath of the Creator = living person.

The formula shows that each of us is endowed with a body and a thinking mind. And as long as we breathe (we have the breath of God in us), we are living beings. Our soul is alive. Death is any cessation of life, it is non-existence. The human body becomes dust, the breath (the spirit of life) returns back to the Creator - to God. When we leave, our soul slowly dies, subsequently being reborn. A decaying corpse remains in the ground. More on this later.

What happens to the soul when a person dies?

Our soul is released from the body for several days, having gone through several stages of purification:

So what happens to the soul when a person dies? From all of the above, we can conclude that she returns back to the Creator, and does not go to heaven or hell. However, let me! But what about the Bible, which says that ours goes either to heaven or to hell? More on this later.

Where do the souls of dead people go?

Today, scientists are trying to prove the existence of heaven and hell, collecting testimonies of people who have returned "from the other world." Who did not understand - I'm talking about the survivors. Their testimonies coincide to the smallest detail! Unbelieving people say that they saw hell with their own eyes: they were surrounded by snakes, demons and a terrible stench. Those who "visited" paradise speak of light, fragrance and lightness.

Where are the souls of dead people?

Priests and doctors who communicated with such people noticed interesting feature: those who "visited" paradise returned to their physical body enlightened and calm, and those who "saw" hell tried for a very long time to recover from the nightmare. Experts summarized all the testimonies and memories of "dead" people, after which they concluded that heaven and hell really exist, with the first being at the top and the second at the bottom. Everything is exactly the same as in the description of the afterlife according to the Bible and the Koran. As we can see, there is no consensus. And this is absolutely fair. In addition, the Bible says that "the day of judgment will come, and the dead will rise from their graves." Friends, it remains to be hoped that the zombie apocalypse will not fall in our age!

It is important!

So, friends, we have considered some aspects of a person. I have tried to most accurately state some of the opinions of modern scientists regarding this problem. Now seriously. Do you know what happens to the soul when a person dies? So I don't know! To be honest, no one knows the answer to this question: neither I, nor you, friends, nor scientists ... We can only speculate based on certain unproven facts of clinical death of people. There is no direct evidence of life after death or death after death, so we can only operate on the unproven arguments that science provides us with. As they say, all the dead take the secret with them to the grave...