When can lilies be transplanted to another place. Lovely lilies in the garden. Planting and care guide for autumn

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Can lilies be transplanted in spring?

The situation is even more interesting with Asian hybrids, since the timing of transplanting lilies is not limited. You can safely repot the lilies of the Asiatic group even during their flowering during the summer.

Medium flowering lilies can be replanted in September by waiting about a month after all flowers have faded.

IV - tubular (Orleans hybrids);

How to transplant a lily correctly?

3. The distance between large lilies should be 30-50 cm.


Lily transplant.

The main thing is not to damage the roots of the lily when digging up and after planting in a new place, water the plant abundantly. It is better to cut off the buds and flowers, then the bulb will take root well and on next year lily will delight you with large flowers.

During this time, lily bulbs will have time to prepare for winter and get stronger.

V - oriental (oriental) hybrids;

4. Planted to a depth 3-4 times the diameter of the bulb (in middle lane Russian eastern hybrids are planted to a depth of 20-25 cm), and in such a way that there is no empty space under the bulb. At the same time, we correctly position the bulb in the hole: buds up, and roots or bottom - down. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Tubular and Oriental hybrids,

Do not transplant to a place where lilies, tulips or daffodils grew

Video about transplanting lilies in different time of the year:

Today, lilies are also grown by professionals, for whom they are the basis of business activity and material well-being, breeders from all over the world are working on it, it is in demand both in amateur floriculture and in small family business. You can successfully grow flowers if you know the features of their structure, the development cycle, how and when to transplant lilies.

Different types of lilies grow daughter bulbs in different ways. Some of them (Canadian, luxurious, golden) by the time of the flowering of the mother plant form only one daughter bulb, therefore, division of the nest is categorically contraindicated for them. In lilies with concentric bulbs (Henry, Candidium, Regale), daughter bulbs develop inside the mother and, growing, are easily detached after it dies off. Lilies of stolon and rhizomatous types form daughter bulbs at the ends of stolons and they are annually displaced by 4 - 5 cm relative to maternal ones.Moreover, in some Asian species (lilies Maksimovich, Wilmott, Wallich, Daurian, Becker, etc.), the flower stem can wriggle horizontally underground for several (up to 60 cm!) centimeters before reaching the surface. On this underground part, root bunches and small onions are formed, which by the next growing season become completely independent plants. Such features of the development of lilies must be taken into account when planting - in order to correctly place rapidly (widely) growing species on the site, and during transplantation - so that during the digging not to damage the bulbs formed in the nest and preserve the maximum of roots on them.

Many growers will most likely begin to discourage a spring transplant due to its complexity. But this does not mean that it is impossible to start work in the spring at all. It is possible to transplant lilies in the spring only after the soil has completely warmed up, which means that you can not start work until the end of March, in some regions you will have to wait until mid-April.


When to replant lilies if they fade late enough?

VI - interspecific hybrids;


When to replant lilies: summer, autumn, or spring?

Lyudmila tell me, do you need to cover lilies for the winter? Our winters are cold and not always snowy. I began to plant lilies not long ago. Before that, they did not bloom in one place. But it was worth replanting the sunniest place as they immediately bloomed. I covered it with spruce branches and I don't know whether I did it right or not.

Remove all dead and dried scales from the bulb;

Botanical features of lilies

If they fade late enough? A month and a half after the end of flowering, cold weather sets in, and the transplanted lilies may simply not take root. When soil temperatures are below zero, replanting lilies can lead to hypothermia of the bulbs and stunted root growth. If in your area the autumn frosts start early enough, it is better to transfer the transplant of these varieties of lilies in the spring.

The soil is dug up at least 40 cm

It is important to know that after three to four years, and in some species after five to six years, the bulbs form daughter bulbs with their own root system. Since without transplanting most lilies grow in one place for up to six years, a whole nest of several large bulbs can form in place of one bulb. Have asiatic lilies this happens after three years, in other species - after five to six years. Thus, you can use for planting and transplanting lilies:

Lilies are a genus of plants from the numerous Liliaceae family. Lilies are monocotyledonous bulbous plants. Lilies reproduce both vegetatively and by seeds. When propagated by seeds, the plant does not bloom until the fifth or sixth year, therefore, in amateur gardening, lilies are propagated most often using bulbs.

  • It should be clarified here that the development of daughter bulbs, their size and ability to bloom directly depend on the care of the lily during the growing season - timely watering and fertilizing, the fight against diseases and pests. A mother bulb that receives poor nutrition or is planted in an unsuitable soil forms defective offspring that will not be able to develop normally, bloom and lay daughter bulbs. Transplantation in new land (to a new place) and timely fertilization. The place for transplantation is chosen taking into account the peculiarities of the species: lilies with a small arrangement of supra-bum roots (tiger, martagon, beautiful, Ledebour, Kesselring) are placed in partial shade or between low-growing dwarf shrubs; and the species in which the adventitious roots are located deep (Daurian, monochrome, marchon, regal, bulbous) - in open, well-heated places.
  • The blanks should be done in the fall, around October. Immediately after digging up the bulbs, they are placed in polyethylene and sprinkled with wet sawdust. Don't forget about ventilation holes... The fact is that lily bulbs do not tolerate drying, which is needed by other types of bulbs. It is best to store such blanks on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • So, you have chosen the most appropriate time when it is better to transplant lilies, now you can proceed directly to the transplant process itself:
  • A month and a half after the end of flowering, cold weather sets in, and the transplanted lilies may simply not take root. When soil temperatures are below zero, replanting lilies can lead to hypothermia of the bulbs and stunted root growth.
  • LO - longiflorum-oriental hybrids;

Elena, in your region, lilies need to be sheltered for the winter. You did very well that you covered them with spruce branches, which is an excellent "breathing" material for shelter. Moreover, more thermophilic sissies are oriental hybrids of lilies and a relatively new group of lilies OT (oriental tubular). It is possible that soon there will be among them winter hardy varietiesthat do not require shelter even in Orenburg. In the meantime, shelter, and even more Spartan hybrids of Asiatic lilies and lilies of the LA group.

What you need to know about lily bulbs

In central Russia, autumn transplantation of lilies is carried out in August or September, when the inflorescences have already bloomed, underground shoots have accumulated nutrient reserves, and several bulbs have formed at once in place of one bulb. You can replant lilies in the fall at a later date, but remember that the colder the autumn weather, the more thoroughly you will have to take care of the lilies' shelter for the winter. In addition, a belated transplant will lead to the fact that the appearance of peduncles the next year will be delayed.

Planting depth is approximately three bulb sizes, on average 12 - 25 cm

Daughter bulbs

  • Currently, there are about a hundred wild species. They can be found in the countries of East Asia, Europe, north America, India. More than 3 thousand cultivars have been bred. The life form is a perennial herb. The height of the aerial parts ranges from 0.2 m to 2.0 m. The leaves are narrow, usually lanceolate or ovoid.
  • The preparation of the soil for transplantation should be approached responsibly: its composition, depending on the type of lily, may be different. Heavy clay soils necessarily "cultivate" the introduction of peat, humus and sand (each bucket) and organize drainage. Most lilies (oriental, American and Asian hybrids, long-flowered lily, gilded, Canadian, tiger, etc.) normally tolerate a neutral or slightly acidic soil reaction. For such species, post-planting mulching with peat, needles or rotted sawdust is recommended. However, Candidium lilies, Martagon, Henry, leopard, curly, royal and tubular hybrids prefer only slightly alkaline soils and for them pre-planting preparation should include the introduction of wood ash, lime or dolomite flour (300 - 500 g for each square meter). Digging the soil (to a depth of 30 - 40 cm) can be simultaneously combined with the introduction of complex fertilizers, but in no case should fresh manure be applied under the lilies. An excess of organic matter stimulates excessive leaf growth, as a result of which the bulbs weaken, their winter hardiness, disease resistance and the quality of flowering decrease. Improper care can also provoke lily diseases: loosening the soil on lily plantings leads to root injury, so it is recommended to use only mulching; and watering should be carried out only at the root, since moisture on the leaves becomes a frequent cause of the formation of rot.
  • One more important question concerns how to transplant lilies in the spring during flowering and whether it can be done at all. If you decide to start a transplant at the moment when the plant is in the budding phase or begins to bloom, it is better not to touch it at all. However, in the case of Asian hybrids, everything can work out. It is worth mentioning that many gardeners, as arguments about the benefits of spring transplantation, talk about more high stability to all kinds of climatic conditions.

Cut the stems of lilies close to the surface of the earth;

Lily transplant after flowering

If in your area the autumn frosts start early enough, it is better to transfer the transplant of these varieties of lilies in the spring.

OA - Oriental Asian;

Thank you Lyudmila for the tips, for your experience and your knowledge. I calmed down that I did everything right. This year my lilies bloomed very magnificently and made us happy. I planted different varieties And the most important thing is that I managed to save them. It means that this winter I will cover my lily bulbs with spruce branches like last season.

If you decide to choose spring time transplanting lilies, you will need to take care of preserving the bulbs dug out in the fall throughout the winter. To planting material lay well in the winter and in the spring was suitable for planting in open ground, dig up lilies in October so that they properly store nutrients. Shake the roots of the bulbs from the ground, put in plastic bag with holes for ventilation, laying layers with wet sawdust. You can store a bag of lilies in the refrigerator. In the spring, plant the bulbs in the soil well-warmed by the sun, mixing it with sand and rotten leaves.

Features of spring lily transplant

The bulb is stacked upside down

Scales from the main bulb

  • May form a root rosette. On the stem they are whorled or alternately. The stem is green, brown and purple colors are also found. The perianths are formed by six free petals, straight or bent back. The flowers of lilies are located on the tops of the shoots, either singly or collected in inflorescences from two to several dozen.
  • Lilies selected for transplanting are spud up to a height of 10 - 15 cm before flowering and flowers and buds are removed to stimulate the accumulation of mass by daughter bulbs. If the flowers are cut into a bouquet, then at least 2/3 of the entire mass of leaves is left on the plant so as not to disrupt the process of bulbs ripening. Lily transplantation should be started in a month or a month and a half after the end of flowering, and since these flowers are divided into early, medium and late flowering, the timing for this procedure is determined depending on the species.
  • So, if for yourself to the question of whether it is possible to transplant lilies in the spring, you answered in the affirmative, it is time to start active actions. There are several rules for spring transplanting.
  • Carefully dig up the bulb, being careful not to damage the roots;
  • In central Russia, autumn transplantation of lilies is carried out in August or September, when the inflorescences have already bloomed, underground shoots have accumulated nutrient reserves, and several bulbs have formed at once in place of one bulb.
  • VII - wild and species lilies.



When to transplant lilies?

Unlike most types of lilies, transplant

When to replant lilies in autumn

Roots are shortened by half Divided socketsLily flowers can take the form:

In early flowering (part of Asian hybrids, Daurian lily, spotted, Kesselringa, Shovitsa) and mid-flowering (most of Asian hybrids, Candidium hybrids, LA hybrids, etc.), daughter bulbs finally ripen by mid-August - September, therefore, in the middle lane and in the northern regions at this time they begin to transplant (reproduce). In the southern regions, these terms can be shifted to mid-September-October, but not for the Chalcedonian, Zalivsky and Candidium lilies, since these species must have time to take root and grow rosettes of leaves before winter, and a delay in transplanting is fraught with freezing for them. you are doing this for the first time, it is better to start work in late April - early May. You can plant both bulbs harvested in autumn and freshly dug bulbs. Both options involve a thorough examination of the planting material for withered roots and rotten processes. All this is removed and then the bulbs are placed in a dark, cool place, sprinkled with wet sawdust or earth.Remove all dead and dried scales from the bulb;

You can replant lilies in the fall at a later date, but remember that the colder the autumn weather, the more thoroughly you will have to take care of the lilies' shelter for the winter.

Spring and summer lily transplant

For normal lily cultivation, a transplant is required about every three or four years. Some varieties can be replanted less often, once every ten years (American hybrids and Marchagon), but it is advisable to replant Tubular and Asian hybrids annually, since their bulbs grow strongly.

The regal and graceful beauty lily - although perennial flower, but it will not be possible to grow it in the same place for decades, otherwise the flower bed will be too thickened, the flowers will appear smaller every year, and then flowering may stop altogether. Pour a little sand into the hole and plant a lily onion, sprinkling its roots with sand;Snow-white lily (candidum)

The distance between adjacent bulbs is at least 15 cm For the process to be successful, you must adhere to a few simple rules and choose the right time for transplanting.

Instructions on how to properly transplant lilies

Late flowering lilies (oriental hybrids, beautiful, golden, Henry, tiger) in August - September are just beginning to bloom and spring transplantation or autumn (at the end of October) digging, winter storage and planting of bulbs in spring are recommended. Spring planting (transplanting) is strongly discouraged for Caucasian lilies, L. Shovitsa, L. Canadian, L. Garson, L. one-brother, L. candidum and L. curly. After that, they develop poorly and do not bloom in the first year (and sometimes in the second) Even if you decide to transplant lilies in the spring, you will have to prepare the soil in the fall. The plant loves loose soil: be sure to add sand, pine needles and peat. This composition is preferred by almost all varieties and hybrids of lilies.

  • Carefully divide the onion with a knife into smaller onions if it has not disintegrated itself;
  • In addition, a belated transplant will lead to the fact that the appearance of peduncles the next year will be delayed.
  • Three years is the maximum period during which lilies
  • You always want to have as many beautiful flowers in your country flower bed as possible, since lilies in garden design allow you to create a wide variety of compositions. Alpine slides, Mediterranean rockeries, Japanese dry streams - everywhere there is a use for this delicate and refined flower.
  • Falls in the summer. This type of lily has a special vegetative cycle - its dormant period occurs in July-August, in such a short period you need to have time to transplant the plant. By September, a new rosette will begin to form in the snow-white lily. Candidum does not need frequent transplantation: once every five years is the most optimal interval when you can transplant lilies of this type.
  • In addition to the above rules and conditions for transplanting, choosing the time for this event, you need to take into account the peculiarities of not only the climate in general, but also the weather conditions of the season.
  • Lily transplantation depends primarily on the variety and flowering period. Early flowering lilies will be ready for transplanting in the summer, immediately after flowering. If the plant has finished blooming by the end of June, then the bulbs can be replanted by mid-August. More late varieties ready for transplant about five to six weeks after flowering ends.



How to transplant lilies correctly in spring?

One of the conditions for a successful transplant (planting) of a lily is considered to be the freshness of the bulb and the integrity of its roots, therefore, after digging, the planting material is only slightly dried. The nest of the overgrown plant is dug up with a pitchfork, the stems are cut off (dry ones are twisted), the daughter bulbs are separated and washed in water. Clean planting material is carefully examined, damaged and dead scales are removed, old roots are cut out and young roots are cut to a length of 5 - 10 cm. After that, the bulbs are etched for 20 - 30 minutes. in a solution of potassium permanganate (0.1%) or foundazol (0.2%), slightly dried in the shade and immediately planted. If planting is postponed for some reason, the treated bulbs are placed in boxes or bags, shifted with fresh coniferous sawdust, moss or wet peat, and stored in the shade until planting. The same way winter storage of planting material dug out in the fall or purchased in winter (early spring) is also organized: it is placed in plastic bags filled with sphagnum with holes and stored for 1 - 2 months in the lower section of the refrigerator.

Lyudmila Uleyskaya, Yalta

We will plant it to a depth that directly depends on the size of the planting material. Large bulbs are usually planted twenty centimeters, ten is enough for small ones.

Hold the bulbs in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or karbofos for about half an hour;


Can grow normally in one place.

Lily classification

Elena, Orenburg

Lyudmila Uleyskaya, Yalta

The situation is even more interesting with

Elena, Orenburg

Although lilies are perennial flowers, it will not work to grow them in the same place for decades, otherwise the flower bed will be too thickened, the flowers will appear smaller every year, and then flowering may stop altogether. For normal lily cultivation, a transplant is required about every three or four years. Some varieties can be replanted less frequently, once every ten years (American hybrids and martagon), but it is advisable to replant Tubular and Asian hybrids annually, as their bulbs grow strongly. Three years is the maximum period during which Asian hybrids can grow normally in one place.


When to replant lilies: in the fall, spring or summer.

Formally, you can start transplanting as soon as the last flower withers. However, very often at this time the bulbs have not yet recovered and it takes some time to allow it to grow stronger. Therefore, you should not rush and replant lilies immediately after flowering, but give them time to lie in the ground. Thus, best time lily transplant is August for early varieties, late September - mid October - for flowers with an average flowering period.


As a peculiar way winter storage you can recommend planting lily bulbs in "containers" of plastic bottles (tall packages from kefir). In such containers, at the usual depth for lilies, the bulbs are planted in a mixture of turf, leafy soil and sand (1: 1: 1), pouring clean coarse sand under the bottom. The containers are placed in a cool (10 ° C) place and the soil is kept moist until planting in May (after frost), or they are transferred to window sills, where lilies bloom in early spring. After flowering, wilted flowers are removed on the plants, completely leaving the stem to feed the bulb, take them out into the air (loggia, balcony) and regularly watered before planting in the garden at the usual time in August. Transplanting from such containers is easy and painless for lilies: the bottom of the bag or bottle is cut off, the container is completely placed in a prepared hole and nutritious soil is poured from the sides. Then a clod of earth together with a bulb is pushed into the depths, the cut bag (bottle) is removed from the soil and the planting site is mulched.

Before disembarking, you should make sure that the frosts have receded. The fact is that late frosts are the very risk of a spring transplant. For prevention, it is better to plant the plant deeper, or use a horizontal planting method. Always follow the forecasts and in case of possible frost, dilute one ampoule of Epin in a bucket of water and pour the flowers abundantly with the solution.

Dig a hole for the bulbs in a suitable place of the desired depth (taking into account the roots, increase the depth by another 10 cm);
If you decide to choose the spring time for transplanting lilies, you will need to take care of preserving the bulbs dug out in the fall throughout the winter. In order for the planting material to lie well in the winter and to be suitable for planting in open ground in the spring, dig up the lilies in October so that they properly accumulate nutrients.

We figured out the need to transplant a lily, now we need to decide what time of year it is best to carry out this work.
The international classification identifies several main groups of these colors:
Transplanting lilies in spring
Asian hybrids
We figured out the need to transplant a lily, now we need to decide what time of year it is best to carry out this work. Can lilies be transplanted in the fall, or will the plants tolerate a spring transplant better? Much depends on what types of lilies are planted in your flower garden, as well as on the climatic conditions in your area.
Given that there is enough time for rooting, and in the ground, the bulbs of most varieties tolerate even severe frosts, there is no danger that they will die. But there are late lilies that fade in September.
As a rule, flower growers also use the time of transplantation and winter storage for the propagation of lilies with bulb scales. In spring, after separation from the mother bulb and pickling, they are planted immediately in open ground, and in the fall, they are stored, like the bulbs, for some time (1 - 2 months) in the refrigerator, after which they are also planted in containers. By the time of planting in May, bulbs with their own roots are already formed at the base of the scales. This method of reproduction is most beneficial to use for reproduction of rare expensive varieties.
Thus, the entire blow will fall on wet soil, and the drug will help the plant adapt faster.

Pour a little sand into the hole and plant a lily onion, sprinkling its roots with sand;
Shake the roots of the bulbs from the ground, put them in a plastic bag with holes for ventilation, laying the layers with wet sawdust. You can store a bag of lilies in the refrigerator.
Can lilies be transplanted in the fall, or will the plants tolerate a spring transplant better?

Hybrid varieties
In one place in a flower garden without transplanting, lilies can successfully grow, bloom for 3-4 years, but then it is extremely necessary to transplant, and the optimal time for transplanting is now in September. So, how to transplant and what do you need to know?
Since the timing of transplanting lilies is not limited. You can safely repot the lilies of the Asiatic group even during their flowering during the summer. The main thing is not to damage the roots of the lily when digging up and after planting in a new place, water the plant abundantly. It is better to cut the buds and flowers, then the bulb will take root well and the next year the lily will delight you with large flowers.

For most gardeners, the most preferable is the transplantation of lilies in the fall, while the flower bulbs

When autumn transplant, which is carried out before the soil freezes, they do not have time to take root and, most likely, such bulbs will die in cold winters without additional shelter.Before transplanting, the bulbs should be kept in a solution of karbophos, potassium permanganate and dried in the shade. If transplants are delayed, store them in boxes covered with a damp cloth.
When planting lilies, flower growers habitually calculate the planting depth as for other bulbous, but in some cases this rule can be harmful. Terracotta lily, Catsby and Candidium should be buried only 2 - 3 cm so that the tops of their scales are slightly covered with soil. Deeper planting of these species becomes a frequent reason for their non-flowering and depressed development. The average planting depth for most lilies is considered to be 15 - 20 cm (to the bottom of the bulb) on light soils and 10 - 15 cm on heavy soils, but for small bulbs these values \u200b\u200bdecrease by 3 - 5 cm. In addition, for lilies with large flowering shoots (Henry lily, curly, Wilmott, Hanson, long-flowered, Filipino, etc.) it is recommended to use a deeper planting - about 20 cm only to the top of the bulb. This technique promotes the formation of a buried stem more bulbs and partially protects lilies from spring frosts, since with such a deep planting, their shoots appear from the ground later than usual.

This is not the end of the lily transplantation and care. After planting, the bulb will tend to build up a massive aerial part, therefore feeding is very important. But you should start applying fertilizers only after the onset of heat. The plant responds well to wood ash, the flowers will be large.
Cover with earth on top, mulch with sawdust or peat.
In the spring, plant the bulbs in a soil well warmed by the sun, mixing it with sand and decayed leaves.

Much depends on what types of lilies are planted in your flower garden, as well as on the climatic conditions in your area.
I - Asian hybrids;
1.Before planting the bulbs in the ground, it is better to powder it with foundation, or soak it in vitaros (according to the instructions), or soak it for 30 minutes in a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

So, you have chosen the most appropriate time when it is better to transplant lilies, now you can proceed directly to yourself

Are at rest
In addition, transplanting in late autumn can affect the timing of flowering in the next season. They can move to a later time. Therefore, under certain weather conditions and other circumstances, it is worth postponing the transplant of lilies until spring.
Lilies differ from many bulbous relatives in that, in addition to the usual bulb, which is underground, it has buds, with the help of which the flower propagates independently, or they serve as planting material for planting lilies on the site. They are located in the leaf axils.

A layer of sand (1.5 cm) is usually poured onto the bottom of the hole prepared for transplanting a lily, the roots of the bulb are carefully laid out on it, they are also sprinkled with sand, and then covered with fertilized soil. If during storage the bulbs grow large (10-15 cm) sprouts, they are planted slightly obliquely. With this planting, lilies do not grow large, but they bloom normally and form more large children on the underground stem. The bulbs transplanted in the fall are watered, mulched and, if necessary, covered, but only after slightly freezing the soil. Frozen, and then covered with foliage (spruce branches with a layer of up to 15 cm), the ground thaws slowly in spring, lilies germinate in it later and are not damaged by recurrent frosts. Be sure to shelter lilies for the winter: candidum, specialozum, regale, tubular hybrids, monadelphum, Sargent, golden. Eastern and LA hybrids also organize dry wintering - they cover plastic wrap before the onset of prolonged autumn rains (leaves are placed under the film later). For the first year after transplantation, the lilies are not allowed to bloom for better rooting (the buds are removed), but otherwise they are looked after and fed as usual, and by the time of flowering (usually the 3rd year) they grow large, fully developed bulbs.
When transplanting lilies in the spring, one should not forget about the prevention of diseases and pests. Be sure to check plants for insects and treat them immediately if necessary.

! Lilies prefer sandy or loamy soil, in addition, the soil must be "airy" and freely permeable to moisture, for which it must be loosened regularly. Never use fresh manure for lilies! With its presence in the soil, the bulbs are almost always affected by gray lily rot. Planting depth is also very important for plant health - it must be large enough. The norm is considered - 4-5 sizes of the height of the bulb itself.

Unlike most types of lilies, the transplant of a snow-white lily (candidum) occurs in the summer. This type of lily has a special vegetative cycle - its dormant period occurs in July-August, in such a short period you need to have time to transplant the plant.


II - curly hybrids (martagon), candidum (snow-white) and American lilies;

2.Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil well: dig it up on a shovel bayonet, make complex mineral fertilizers; do not apply fresh manure under the planting. For lilies the best fertilizers are: leaf compost, ash, bone meal. It is good to add coarse-grained washed river sand. For oriental hybrids, a little peat is added to the planting holes. In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”
Transplant process:
... Medium flowering lilies can be replanted in September by waiting about a month after all flowers have faded. During this time, lily bulbs will have time to prepare for winter and get stronger.
To transplant lilies into spring, they must be removed from the ground around the second decade of October. Considering that for a spring transplant, the bulbs must be kept intact, not to allow them to dry out or rot, then you need to select healthy and strong ones, without damage or rot. Before sending them for storage, it is better to take measures for disinfection and hold the bulbs for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate.
Despite the fact that the lily can be planted with buds (bulbs), such a plant will begin to bloom after two to three years or with seeds, flowering will come in five years, most often underground bulbs serve as planting material.
If you have been trying unsuccessfully on your site for several years to "get the location" from the stubborn lily, then you still did not take into account something and you can hardly save the depleted plant with annual transplants. It is better to acquire new species (varieties) of lilies suitable for your climate and study their characteristics and preferences. Plant a few scales from each bulb for propagation and the bulbs for flowering, and care appropriately. And then the "cold beauty" of lilies in your garden will very soon be replaced by annually pleasing "romantic innocence".
Calling lilies - romantically innocent and at the same time graceful and graceful flowers - just do not turn their lips to bulbous plants. Vladimir Nabokov in his poem “I don’t need lilies ...” very successfully compared them with women. Agree, like the fairer sex, lilies in their youth gain strength and beauty in order to fully reveal their potential in adulthood. They "broke hearts" for many flower growers by non-flowering or freezing, but this did not reduce the number of lily fans. From year to year, beginner-amateurs tirelessly engage in planting-transplants, so that, as a result of trial and error, they still achieve the long-awaited flowering from the cold beauties. The mistake of most of them is the initially incorrect desire to “row one size fits all” all types of lilies. After all different kinds (like different women) need an individual approach: the study of preferences in agricultural technology, the peculiarities of planting (transplantation) and reproduction. These moments in one way or another affect the correct development of plants, their flowering and the formation of offspring.
Keep in mind that lily bulbs, planted in spring, noticeably outperform bulbs planted in autumn and stored in the frozen ground throughout the winter. Therefore, it is worthwhile to think carefully about when to plant lilies: in the fall before frost or in the spring, when the earth warms up. Of course, taking into account the characteristics of the varieties of lilies growing in your flower garden.
By September, a new rosette will begin to form in the snow-white lily. Candidum does not need frequent transplantation: once every five years is the most optimal interval when you can transplant lilies of this type.

For most flower growers, transplanting lilies in the fall is most preferable, while the flower bulbs are dormant.

The regal and graceful beauty lily is a favorite flower in our gardens. And not only in white clothes, like the first known varieties, but also in all kinds of colors and patterns. The name of this wonderful flower comes from the ancient French word "li-li", which means white-white. On the ancient Egyptian and Assyrian frescoes, on the walls of Cretan and Roman castles, you can find their images. Now there are several thousand official varieties and as many amateur ones, bred by enthusiastic lily growers. After purchasing the variety we like, we admire its flowering, and by the end of the season the question arises - when to replant the lilies, in spring or autumn. You don't want to lose this beauty so much.

The success of a lily culture depends on knowledge of its biological characteristics, adherence to appropriate agricultural techniques and the prevention of diseases and pests, which are also very fond of this plant.

Lily classification

The international classification identifies several main groups of these colors:

  • I - Asian hybrids;
  • II - curly hybrids (martagon), candidum (snow-white) and American lilies;
  • III - longiflorum hybrids (longiflorum);
  • IV - tubular (Orleans hybrids);
  • V - oriental (oriental) hybrids;
  • VI - interspecific hybrids;
  • LO - longiflorum-oriental hybrids;
  • OA - Oriental Asian;
  • VII - wild and species lilies.

Biological features of lilies

The difference between these flowers from other bulbous ones is the presence of scales on the bulb, which can be colored brown, red, yellow or white color... There are no upper covering dense scales, but there is simply a shortened stem formation, which is called the bottom, tightly fitting the unclosed fleshy scales. Bulbous roots are formed from the bottom, and a growth bud appears annually in the upper part, from which a stem grows. At the base of the flowering shoot, annual roots are formed underground, which die off along with the stem.

Damage to the growing point means that the bulb will not germinate this year. But you don't need to throw it away - a new kidney will form next year. Very rarely, the bulb dies.

Reasons for the possible death of lily bulbs

One of the most common reasons is improper watering or poorly chosen planting site. In a place where groundwater is very high, water stagnates.

The natural habitat for these flowers is rocky and loose soils with good drainage. Therefore, lilies feel better with a lack of moisture than an excess of it. They will grow very poorly, or they may even die in heavy clay, dense black soil. Soils should be chosen sandy, rich in humus, neutral or slightly acidic. It is good to add leaf humus, compost or peat into the holes before planting to a great depth of up to half a meter. In places where water is collected in spring or autumn during prolonged rains or from melting snow, the bulbs will die.

The area for lilies should be sunny, although they grow well in partial shade. They bloom there later, but the flowers get more delicate in tone. The main thing is that the site is well ventilated, and the soil is warmed up by the sun. The plant should be exposed to sunlight for at least 4 hours a day. You can't wait for flowers in full shade.

Planting depth is also very important for plant health - it must be large enough. The norm is considered - 4-5 sizes of the height of the bulb itself.

On very dense soils - 3-4. This depth ensures good root development, enough moisture and protection against freezing in winter. Another biological feature of the lily is that its bulbous roots literally pull the bulb inward. This can be seen when the time has come to transplant lilies - perennial nests can even be at a depth of 35-45 cm.And this is just 3-5 years, with the initial planting at 12-15 cm. Lilies bloom magnificently and for a long time precisely at a planting depth of about 15 cm, so this depth must be maintained with an annual (or every other year) transplant. The main thing is to choose the right time for the lily transplant.

Lily bulb transplant time

Many people think that replanting is better in spring or autumn, but in fact, the optimal time is August, while the stem is still intact. Carefully dig up the bulb (or nest) and carefully examine it from all sides. If it is clean, healthy, intact, and the roots are also healthy, then it can immediately be planted in a new place prepared in advance. At the same time, it is recommended to wrap the bulb with ordinary forest moss - it will be a protection for it. And the roots will sprout freely.

In case there are incomprehensible, but not weeping spots on the bulb, and the roots are rotten, brown, and not light color, then the onion must be disinfected - peeled, washed under running water and hold in a pink solution of potassium permanganate or foundation for at least 20 minutes. A very effective special preparation for lily root rot is Benlat (or Benomil). Another situation when you can transplant lilies without even waiting for August - if brown spots appear on the stem, even if there are still flowers. In this case, immediate digging, cutting of the stem and treatment of the bulb can save the plant - and the next year it will delight with flowers again. If the bottom is rotten, it is no longer possible to save the bulb, just throw it away.

Is it possible to propagate a new bulb without planting

If you just bought the bulbs of the variety you like, it is recommended to germinate and harden them in spring - pour wood shavings into a plastic bag, add a little foundation, shake and store for about 3 weeks at room temperature in dark place... During this time, small tubercles form at the base, from which children are quickly formed. In the spring, the germination process goes quickly - after 4 weeks the first roots appear on them. Before planting scales with children in the ground, they need to be held for another 2-3 weeks. top shelf refrigerator (about 0 degrees). Scales with children, germinated in spring, are planted on permanent place At the beginning of June. In August, after flowering, they are dug up, and grown children can be transplanted separately.

With a bulb purchased or dug up in the fall, you need to do this: put it in a bag with shavings or sawdust moistened with foundation, and immediately put it in a refrigerator (or basement) for storage. They can be planted in the fall, but only if the winters in the region are mild. The bulbs can be stored for up to 2 months. It is better to inspect them periodically - if the daughter bulbs began to grow, then it is better to plant them in planting boxes with holes at the bottom. Planting depth should be 30 cm. Fill the box 1/3 with pine dust and needles from the forest, then a layer of forest soil (0.5 liters of wood ash per bucket).

Make grooves in the boxes and plant scales with children close to each other. Cover with river sand from above. Water from a sprayer. When shoots appear, fill up the sagging soil. Avoid overdrying the soil. It is better not to plant babies in the open ground for the first year. And for the winter, mulch with needles right in the box, store in a cool place. Divide and plant next spring.

How to transplant lilies

Dug up lily bulbs can be planted in groups or rows. When nesting, take 5-6 bulbs of the same variety and plant them at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. Never use fresh manure for lilies! With its presence in the soil, the bulbs are almost always affected by gray lily rot. There should be a distance of 30-40 cm between groups.

Now you know when and how to replant lilies. It is advisable to do this annually or at least every year.

With this approach, you can preserve the desired varieties for a long time, the bushes are not crowded, the bulbs do not go deep into the soil, the health of the planting material is controlled. Species lilies - tiger, martagon, daurian and others can be transplanted every 3-4 years. Royal and other tubular lilies feel fine without a transplant. It's just that after a few years, the flowering decreases, despite the fact that the nest grows. A decrease in the number of peduncles and the size of flowers is a sign that before autumn it is necessary to dig up a bush, divide it and transplant it to a new place.

For aesthetics and beauty, lily summer cottage occupies one of the leading places. The variety of species and varieties of this noble beauty has a large army of fans among amateur flower growers. All such novice fans should know that the most favorable time for planting and further transplanting lilies to a new place is autumn. But not everything is so simple ...

Lilies can grow in one place for 3-5 years. It depends on the intensity of the formation of small onions. For example, Asian and LA hybrids grow babies very quickly, so such species should be transplanted every 3 years. And in Tubular hybrids and Martagon lilies (Curly), the reproduction process is slowed down, respectively, and less often.

This should be done not only in order to propagate a favorite variety. A large number of "babies" take away a lot of strength and nutrients from the mother plant. As a result, fewer buds are formed and the flowers become smaller. Then they must be seated.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to transplant young lilies in the fall to another place. This is due to the redevelopment of the site or flower garden, as well as if your flowers are sick.

We have considered in what cases a transplant is needed, and now we will figure out when to plant lilies most effectively.

Lilies can be planted in autumn and spring. An autumn planting is considered more successful, since before the cold weather the plants will already take root, and in the spring all forces will go to growth and flowering. However, varietal characteristics should also be taken into account. So, Snow White lilies have a special development cycle, so their bulbs should be transplanted in August, so that a rosette of leaves forms by September. After overwintering, in the spring a stem will grow from this outlet, which will give flower buds.

It is believed that Oriental hybrids can be planted in spring, but North American ones are better in autumn.

The timing for planting lilies in the fall directly depends on your climatic zone... You should focus on the temperature regime. When the air temperature is already steadily below 10 degrees Celsius, you can start planting. In the northern regions, this is most likely in September (the first half of it), in the central zone - September and early October, but in the south, the planting process can occur even in November.

A place

To successfully plant or transplant lilies, you must first find a suitable place for them on the site. Almost all varieties love the sun, but tolerate light partial shade. However, Caucasian, Canadian, Curly, Callous, as well as Sargent and Ganson lilies should grow exclusively in partial shade, since direct sunlight can harm them.

You cannot plant lilies under the trees, for them it will be dark and very dry there. It should also be taken into account that lilies, on the one hand, are afraid of drafts and strong winds, but, on the other hand, air circulation is important for them, since stagnation leads to the defeat of the plant with gray rot.

Like most ornamental plants, lilies do not tolerate excess moisture and stagnant water. You should pay attention to this when choosing a seat and equip it when landing. good drainage.

If you follow the saying that sleds need to be prepared in the summer, then the flower bed should then be laid in the fall. Although falling ...

The soil

All lilies are demanding on the nutritional value of the soil. On worked, "tired" soil, they will develop very poorly and bloom poorly. The depth of the fertile layer should be at least 20-30 cm. Most lilies prefer light, moderately moist loamy soil with an acidity close to neutral.

For planting lilies, soil is dug onto a shovel bayonet (about 35 cm). Then, if the soil is heavy, sand and peat are added to it, and only peat is added to the light one. To enrich the soil, add 100 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. M.

When preparing the soil for planting lilies, pay attention to which species you are going to plant. So, Tubular, Caucasian, Snow-White need a slightly alkaline soil, but Asian and American hybrids already need a slightly acidic soil.

Therefore, to create a slightly alkaline environment, wood ash or chalk is added to the planting soil mixture. And peat is added to acidify the soil.

Planting depth

There are many guidelines for how deep to plant lily bulbs. In all cases, the planting depth will depend on the size of the onion and on the mechanical composition of the soil (on heavy loams they plant shallower, and on light sandy loams deeper).

The planting depth of almost all bulbous, as a rule, is equal to three of its diameters. Exception from general rule lilies are Snow-White, the soil layer above this type of onion should not exceed 3 cm.

On average, there should be about 7 cm of soil above the small baby bulbs, about 10 cm above the small bulbs, and about 15 cm above the large ones.Do not plant the lily bulbs too deep, they gradually deepen themselves.

Planting density depends on:

  • From the tasks set, how soon do you plan to change the design of the flower garden and transplant flower bulbs. If you plan to change the location of flowers in 1-2 years, then you can plant lilies thicker, after 10-15 cm. If in one place they will grow long time, then the planting interval should be increased to 20-30 cm.
  • From the height of a particular variety. The larger and higher the lily variety, the correspondingly greater the interval between them is needed. So, large specimens are planted from each other at a distance of about 25 cm, and smaller ones - 15 cm.

Planting bulbs

Having prepared the planting holes or furrows, ensuring good drainage from expanded clay or broken brick, we proceed directly to planting lilies.

We pour river sand at the bottom of our planting recess, set the onion, straightening the roots, sprinkle it first with sand, and then with a prepared soil mixture. The presence of sand will protect the onions from excess moisture, as well as various infections in the soil.

Planted lilies are thoroughly watered and mulched with peat or leaf humus.

Preparing plants for planting or transplanting

Transplanting lilies in the fall is very convenient because the plant is already dormant and you can shift the dates by choosing the right time. When to dig up lilies? After all, the condition of the bulbs also depends on what the summer was. Onions form later in the dry season. therefore experienced florists it is recommended to dig up a test bulb. If it is dense and elastic, then you can already plant lilies. Otherwise, if the bulb is loose, it is better to delay the transplant a little.

Before digging up the lilies, the healthy green stems must be cut to the root. If the stem is dry or sluggish, then you need to remove the bulb from the ground, then unscrew the stem from it, and then carefully examine it for diseases and rot.

When removing the bulbous nest from the ground, most often it disintegrates itself. If small bulbs or parts of the nest do not separate themselves from the mother plant, then they are gently broken off by hand.

All dug out bulbs are carefully examined, dry, damaged, darkened scales are removed. The roots are cut to 15 cm, and the dead ones are removed completely.

Healthy bulbs can be left untreated before planting, and planting material with brown spots should be soaked in Maxim or Previkur.

Planting is carried out in dry sunny weather, each bulb is determined in a well prepared in advance and watered. Depending on the requirements of each specific species, the planted lilies are mulched with peat or leaf humus with a layer of about 5 cm.

In autumn, they also collect bulbs that form in the leaf axils of some types of lilies. And like ordinary bulbs, they are planted in grooves with a depth of 3 cm, maintaining a distance between the bulbs of about 5 cm. Rows with baby bulbs require careful shelter for the winter.

What to do with lilies if the planting material needs to be stored until spring? This happens if the bulbs for planting were purchased in late autumn or winter. At home, planting material can be stored much better than in a store. To do this, you can place them in a perforated plastic bag, placing them between layers of high-moor peat or sphagnum. Place such bags in the refrigerator in storage boxes for vegetables and save until planting in the spring.

Or you can plant them in any containers with holes in the bottom, filled with a mixture of garden soil, sand and peat. In the soil mixture, we make a depression of 15 cm, into which we pour a layer of river sand, and then we plant an onion. Storage of containers with planted lilies should be carried out at a temperature of about 10 degrees, maintaining required humidity periodic watering.

When purchasing planting material in autumn, do not take lilies with sprouts. , they can still be grown, and during the autumn planting, such bulbs will freeze.

Lily care in autumn

Autumn plant care includes pruning. You can't cut lilies right away after flowering! You just need to break off dry inflorescences, be sure to keep the stems and leaves. The process of photosynthesis in the leaves contributes to the correct formation of bulbs and the accumulation of all the necessary substances for future wintering. When to prune lilies for the winter? Lilies that do not require replanting are pruned by the end of autumn, when aerial part dries up. It is important not to damage the annual roots located at ground level, as they provide additional nutrition to the bulb.

The bulbs are damaged by excess moisture, so caring for lilies in the fall includes protection from lingering autumn rains. At this time, they should be covered with a film, this is especially important for Oriental hybrids... Film should only be removed in dry, sunny weather. It is convenient to make wire frames and, if necessary, throw a film on such a frame.

Novice flower growers often do not know how to feed lilies in the fall. Like most other perennial ornamental plants, the last feeding of lilies is carried out at the end of summer with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, which will help the bulbs to ripen and better prepare for winter. You don't need to fertilize them more in the fall.

To make your lilies better endure the winter cold, mulch them. Lovers of acidified soil - peat, and those who prefer slightly alkaline soil - leaf humus, to which wood ash is added. Mulching will not only serve as protection against frost, but will also provide additional feeding for the bulbs.

Remember! Lilies categorically do not tolerate manure, chlorine-containing fertilizers are also contraindicated for them! It is not recommended to use as nitrogen fertilizers ammonium nitratesince it negatively affects their bulbs.

Preparing lilies for winter also means protecting them from frost. Most species of this plant are cold-hardy enough to overwinter without shelter, even in the middle lane. However, after planting in the first year, it is imperative to cover them all, without exception. Oriental, Tubular and OT hybrids of lilies require frost protection every year.

Lilies should be sheltered after the first frost, when dry, sunny weather sets in. On top of the mulching layer (it was already mentioned above), you need to sketch out dry leaves, straw, and put spruce branches or just branches on top after trimming the bushes. In order to additionally protect the lilies in winter from freezing, wetting, temperature changes, you can additionally cover them with any agrofibre.

If there are any unclear points, then a special video will help fill in these gaps. Caring for these flowers, like most bulbous plants, is simple and easy. For a little care with amazing intricate flowers, and the air will be filled with an intoxicating oriental scent.

Lily transplanting depends on the plant species, and the choice of location and planting largely depends on the right approach... As a rule, autumn for many flowers is sometimes a transplant, and the lily is no exception. This article will describe the most important rules transplanting lilies in the autumn.

Seat selection and landing

Novice gardeners ask the same question: when to replant lilies in the fall? Many people know that these flowers grow in one place for about 5 years. Transplanting depends on the varieties and the growth rate of the bulbs. Some varieties have slow growth, so they do not need frequent replanting.

To transplant lilies in the fall to another place, you need to know that "kids" take a lot of useful energy from mother flower... If you don't, the buds will get smaller over time.

Autumn is considered a favorable time for transplanting, especially if the plant is sick or some kind of redevelopment of the suburban area has occurred.

An autumn transplant differs from a spring transplant in that in autumn the bulbs will have time to take root in the ground, and with the onset of spring, their forces will be directed to flowering.

Lily transplant time depends on temperature regime... Usually they are guided by the weather around 10 degrees Celsius. As a rule, the planting period begins in September, and in the central region closer to October.

A suitable landing site would be one where the sun constantly penetrates.

It is forbidden to plant plants near trees, as it will be dry and dark there.

Lilies need air circulation, so you will have to choose a place where not only the sun's rays penetrate, but also a weak draft. Stagnant water is also contraindicated for flowers, so the lowland is not suitable for them. You will need to choose a soil with light moisture. If the bulbs are waterlogged, they will quickly rot.

Preparing the soil for replanting is an important process. The soil must have access to moisture, and its depth for planting must be at least 20 centimeters.

When digging up the soil, many people notice that it is heavy. In this case, sand or peat should be added to the ground. Superphosphate can be added to fortify nutrients.


For a certain variety of plants, either a slightly alkaline soil or a slightly acidic soil is needed. To achieve this, you can add ash, peat or chalk to the soil.

Gardeners have many opinions on how deep to plant their bulbs. Here you need to remember that the planting depth will depend on the size of the bulb. Usually the depth is equal to three diameters of the bulb. On average, small bulbs deepen 7 cm, medium ones by 10 cm, and large ones by 15 cm.

Before planting material, you need to dig up the bulbs and free them from roots and scales. Then the bulbs are washed with water and the material is sorted. Only healthy bulbs are suitable for planting - it is better to get rid of sick ones.

Landing depends on several factors:

  • the increase in landing depends on the frequency of transplant;
  • from the height of the variety (large bulbs are planted at intervals of 25 cm).

It is recommended to add broken brick or expanded clay to the holes. Then add sand, straighten the root and add superphosphate. In this case, the sand will protect against excess water and viruses that are in the ground. The main thing is to water the plantings on time and cover them with mulch in the form of humus.

Preparing lilies for transplant

Since the plants are dormant in the fall, a transplant is simply necessary during this period. Florists are often interested in when to dig up lily bulbs for transplanting. If the summer was dry season, the bulbs will form later. You can dig up one onion and check if it is strong or not. For example, if it is in good condition, the transplant can be carried out, and if it is loose, it is better to wait a little with this.

Since there are no unambiguous conditions before planting lilies, you need to adhere to known factors:

  • flower variety;
  • temperature regime;
  • climatic zone.

It is important that the plant can take root before the onset of frost.

Before digging, you should:

  • cut off all the stems of the plant;
  • inspect the bulbs for damage;
  • remove scales;
  • trim the roots (to destroy the dead).


Transplanting early is bad for bulb growth. Even before frost, the arrows of plants can go up, and with the onset of cold weather, the lilies will die. Planting late also has a negative effect on the plant, so it is better to postpone it.

Before planting healthy bulbs are not processed, but it is best to soak the planting material in the Maxim product.
You need to plant the bulbs in sunny weather, and transfer them one by one into a hole sprinkled with water. Some growers are accustomed to digging lilies for transplanting and then planting them in special plastic containers with holes filled with garden mixture and peat.

When buying planting material, you do not need to take it with sprouts. If lily sprouts can sprout in the spring, they will definitely die in the fall.

If the bulbs were purchased in winter, planting stock can be stored at home without any problems. You will have to put it in plastic with a layer of peat and put it in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. This way you can save precious material until spring comes.

Lily care in autumn

First of all, grooming consists of pruning the plants. After flowering, you should not cut them off. Experienced summer residents they simply break off the inflorescences, keeping the stems and leaves. The process of photosynthesis allows the bulbs to form and accumulate nutrients for the winter.

When pruning lilies, the main thing is not to damage the annual roots, which are located at ground level. Excess moisture can harm lilies, and the plantings should be covered with plastic wrap. Film can be removed in clear warm weather. Some put wire frames, which makes it easy to throw polyethylene over it.

Florists feed plants in summer season fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. They will help prepare the flowers for winter. In order for them to calmly endure the cold, it is recommended to mulch them. In addition, this will provide additional feeding for the bulbs.

We must not forget that lilies do not tolerate manure and fertilizers containing chlorine.

After the initial frost, the planting should be covered, and dry leaves and straw should be put on top. You can also add spruce branches.

When to plant lilies in other regions

In mountainous conditions in the Urals, lilies are planted throughout September. Time is chosen by weather conditions... The main thing is that there is no cold snap. For example, if frost does occur, it is required to cover the area with planting plants for the winter.

In central Russia, it is better to plant the bulbs in the ground before the beginning of October, while the soil is not frozen yet. In the Moscow region, a certain period is set - this is mid-September.

In a harsh climate like Siberia, planting should be done either at the end of August or at the beginning of September. Autumn in Siberia can be cold, so it is better to prepare in advance for a flower transplant.

Lilies are a real decoration of the garden, their bright gramophones delight the eye in summer for a long time. That is why many growers grow lilies in flower beds and flower beds. For an everlasting and lush bloom lilies necessary transplant occasionally. When and how often to do it - we will find out today.

You can transplant lilies in spring or autumn., and in the fall it is even preferable to do it. In most sources, the terms for transfer to another place August-September are indicated. At the end of flowering, wilted peduncles are cut off, leaving only the stem. All nutrients begin to concentrate in the bulb. She becomes strong, ready for transplant and a period of winter rest. It is recommended to start transplanting a lily only 3 weeks after its flowering. This time, the stem is cut completely, leaving only a short stump.

It is better to dig up the bulbs with a pitchfork so as not to damage the overgrown roots. If necessary, the bulbs are washed in water and then divided and cleaned of old scales. Damaged, rotten roots are cut out completely, and too long are simply shortened. A piece of the stem is easily removed, it is thrown away. Before planting, it is useful to place the bulbs in a fungicide solution (Maxim, Fundazol) or a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes.

To plant a lily, dig a hole or groove 12-15 cm deep (if the bulb is large) or 8-10 cm (if the bulb is small). River sand is poured into the bottom of the hole and a bulb is placed on it, spreading the roots. The sand helps the lilies take root better. The distance between plants should be 10-25 cm (depending on the height of the variety).

Watering the lilies transplanted to a new place is necessary only after 2-3 days. And then, when the earth subsides, the plantings are mulched with peat or humus (layer up to 5 cm).

We must not forget about the pre-planting soil preparation. The magazine "My Blooming Garden" says that the soil for autumn planting cooked in summer, and for spring - in autumn. The earth is dug up to 25-30 cm and fertilized with peat, humus, superphosphate, potassium sulfate. Add to acidic soil dolomite flour... Fresh manure can cause fungal diseases of the bulb, so it is not put.

Not recommended replanting lilies to a new location every year. Lilies feel great in the same place for 3-4 years. But after this period, it is better to transplant them, otherwise the flowers will become small, and the plantings will become excessively thickened.

So, when can you transplant lilies from one place to another:

  • 1 time in 3-4 years (some sources say that 1 time in 4-5 years),
  • late August - early September, at least 3 weeks after the end of flowering,
  • in the spring, but until the moment when the lilies begin to actively grow and stretch upward.

Lily transplant video: